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中西医观解读时间生物学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
时间生物学是一门研究生命活动节律的科学.在西方医学中,研究时间生物学是利用分子生物学实验来阐释其机制,以西医的思维方法解释时间生物学的生理及病理过程;中医对时间生物学的记载有两千多年的历史,阴阳理论、子午流注学说以及五运六气学说一直以来都在指导中医的诊断和治疗.中西医观的不同对时间生物学的研究提供了新的研究思路,同时时间生物学也为研究中西医结合提供了广阔的前景.  相似文献   

中医天人相应观是中医学的指导思想,贯穿中医学体系始终,体现了中医学的生态学理念。微生态学作为一门新兴的学科,属于生态医学的范畴,尤其是近年对微生态学的深入研究,发现其研究结果与中医学观点存在共同之处,并已有学者论证二者在理论和实践上都具有一定的统一性,为中医药现代化提供了一定的理论依据。本文回顾性分析了中医天人相应学说和微生态学内容,发现二者在理论起源、发病机制、防治和应用方面具有一定的统一性,并且创新性地从微生态学角度解读中医天人相应学说,从而论证中医学说的正确性和现实性,也为中西医的进一步融合提供新的思路。  相似文献   

经络学说是祖国医学宝库的重要组成部分。它在中医基础理论和临床的各个方面都得到广泛的应用,在创造我国新医学新药学的过程中,也占有一定的位置。几年来,在毛主席哲学思想的光辉指引下,革命医务人员应用祖国医学的经络学说,大搞中西医结合工作,创造了针刺麻醉,这是医学史上的一件大事。因此,探  相似文献   

现代生物医学科技前沿与中西医结合交叉   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文讨论了中医现代化和中西医结合的有关问题,指出中医现代化工作可分为三个方面:第一方面,应当培养大批临床上过硬的中医人才,在临床上有所突破,以此为基础进行理论研究;第二方面,将中医理论转换成现代语言;第三方面,中医与包括现代生物医学在内的多学科结合。阐述了现代生物医学科技前沿与中西医结合交叉而产生的新学科一光子中医学。指出光子中医学将为中西医结合提供理论和技术平台,成为多学科研究中医的代表性学科,并将成为中医现代化的一个重要方向,为人类卫生事业作出重大贡献。  相似文献   

在19世纪的下半期,在西欧形成了魏斯曼的种质学说。这个学说在达尔文学说的基础上对遗传和进化提出了一些新的看法,于是出现了新达尔文主义。魏斯曼的种质学说对生物学,特别是对遗传学、胚胎学和进化论有很大的影响。所以这些学科都要谈到这个学说。但是,不同的学派和不同的学者,对这个学说有截然不同的评价。例如,摩尔根学派一般以积极的态度对待这个学说,认为这个学说促进了生物学的发展。有些学者甚至相当全面地接受这个学说。米丘林学派一般采取相反的态度,认为这个学说对生物学的发展没有积极的作用。有些学者甚至认为这个学说是反达尔文主义的,是形而上学的,唯心的,反动的。有些实验胚胎学家对这个学说又另有不同的看法。  相似文献   

通过对生物学中普遍存在的构像现象的总结,提出了构橡子学说,对构像子的定义、生物学特性、作用方式、生物学意义进行了初步的探讨,并用构像子学说对生命现象进行解释,提出构像研究可能的发展模式和意义。  相似文献   

作为一名中西医临床专业的学生,对于中医与西医知识的学习要像邓小平所讲"两手都要抓,两手都要硬"。在学习过程中,要注重学习方法,在理论上与实践上有效做到中西医结合,同时了解中西医临床专业就业前景,有针对性专修与选修中医与西医的相关课程。本文就中西医临床专业学生学习方法与就业前景做一论述,以期为广大中西医临床专业学生提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

中医“脾”与消化道正常菌群   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
脾胃学说是中医理论的重要组成部分,中医“脾”与消化、吸收、代谢、免疫、神经内分泌关系密切,人们对其进行了大量的研究。在众多的研究中,系统而深入地分析肠道菌群状态是研究脾胃疾病的生理病理变化的一个重要途径。魏曦认为:微生态学研究有可能成为打开中医奥秘大门的一把金钥匙。近年研究结果表明,中医“脾”与消化道正常菌群间有着密切关系。  相似文献   

达尔文学说与拉马克学说的联系及区别陈月强(贵州省镇宁民族师范学校561200)拉马克学说与达尔文学说都是关于生物进化的学说,两者既有联系,又有区别,它们对现代生物学的各个领域都产生了重大影响,在今天仍具有重大的现实意义。拉马克认为生物具有变异的特性,...  相似文献   

在中医经络现代研究的基础上,探讨光子学在经脉循行路线的客观检测,循经感传现象的发生及其实质意义,经络腧穴诊断的客观化以及腧穴双向良性调节作用等研究领域的具体应用.指出中医经络的光子学研究有望借助光子学的学科优势,从科学的角度对我国经络学说进行诠释和量化,为经脉腧穴的光学特性提供重要的实验依据,并有望找到一种非侵人性、无...  相似文献   

中药不良反应是当今人们关注的热点问题之一,我国目前对如何正确应对中药不良反应没有制定一种切实可行的措施。中药不良反应的发生直接关系着中药安全性的评价,对中医药的生存和发展事关重大。概括论述了不良反应的原因及对策。  相似文献   

中药现代化的理论和方法研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
中药现代化的任务是对当代药物学家的挑战.中药现代化的目标、方法尚无统一的认识.吴凤锷在1989年就提出了中药现代化的方法.随着时间的推移,这一设想已被一些药物学家所认可,并开始了这方面的研究工作.通过多年的思索,对中药现代化的理论依据进行了研究,认为:(1)中药疗效是针对生药而言,即针对多种成分的结合疗效.(2)中药的多种成分特别适合于老年性多种慢性并发症的治疗.(3)中药的安全性是由于多成分、所含各成分相对剂量低的原因.(4)中药的个体针对性强,同病异治,或异病同治.(5)中药服用后进入人体的代谢过程不同于西药,对消化道中菌群产生影响,从而影响人体的生理功能.(6)中药既含有蛋白质、微量元素等功能性营养成分,又含有生物碱、黄酮等药物成分,本质上处于西药与食品之间.由于传统中药有以上特点,故中药的现代化必须保持这些特点.最好的方法就是作者所提出的用单方成药代替生药的方法.从现状看,这一方法既有理论依据,在技术上又是可行的.符合中医的传统理论及中草药的特点.  相似文献   

Chronobiology: a frontier in biology and medicine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
On the occasion of Franz Halberg's 70th birthday, some of his many achievements are reviewed. We provide a historical background to the development of chronobiology; offer insight into the current state of this new science; and sketch the promise of this discipline for health care and cure. As a tribute to Franz Halberg, in an era of fast-growing technology, an attempt is made to describe his perspective of tomorrow's medicine and biology. The many students he trained throughout his productive career face the challenge of deserving the trust he placed in them and of further implementing his vision. A leader in social pediatrics put it aptly: it will take several generations of researchers to study and master his life's work.  相似文献   

系统生物学是研究一个生物系统中所有组成成分(基因、mRNA、蛋白质等)的构成与组分之间相互关系的学科,近年来,系统生物学作为后基因组学时代研究的一个重要内容,已广泛深入到生命科学和医药学的各个领域。而作为中国传统医学而言,似乎与之相去甚远,然而当我们对这两个新老学科基础理论进行比较时,我们发现:传统中国医药与现代系统生物学研究理论的殊途同归。有鉴于此,本文论述了系统生物学和中医学的思想起源、相互联系,基于系统生物学的发展、研究思路和方法,阐述了生物学由还原论的研究方法过渡到系统论的研究方法,强调对生命现象从系统和整体的层次进行研究和把握,对传统中医学研究方法的变革起到了推动作用,最后对系统生物学在中医药学未来发展进行了评价。  相似文献   

中草药抗白念珠菌作用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白念珠菌,是人类最常见的真菌病原体,可引起各种浅表及深部真菌病,对常用抗真菌药物易产生耐药.文章就近年来有关中草药抗白念珠菌的相关临床及实验研究进行综述,主要从中草药抗白念珠菌的作用机制及其活性成分、单味及复方中草药制剂抗白念珠菌作用、中西药协同抗白念珠菌作用几个方面进行阐述.  相似文献   

The concept of homeostasis (i.e., constancy of the milieu interne) has long dominated the teaching and practice of medicine. Concepts and findings from chronobiology, the scientific study of biological rhythms, challenge this construct. Biological processes and functions are not at all constant; rather, they are organized in time as rhythms with period lengths that range in duration from as short as a second or less to as long as a year. It is the body's circadian (24h) rhythms that have been researched most intensely. The peak and trough of these rhythms are ordered rather precisely in time to support the biological requirements of activity during the day and sleep at night. The timing of the peak and trough plus the magnitude of variation (amplitude) of physiological and biochemical functions during the 24h give rise to predictable-in-time, day-night patterns in the manifestation and exacerbation of many common medical conditions. Circadian rhythms also can influence the response of patients to diagnostic tests and therapeutic interventions according to their timing with reference to body rhythms. Rhythms in the pathophysiology of medical conditions and patient tolerance to medications constitute the basis for chronotherapeutics, the timing of treatment in relation to biological rhythm determinants as a means of optimizing beneficial effects and safety. The article discusses recent advances in medical chronobiology and chronotherapeutics and their relevance to clinical medicine in general and the management of asthma in particular. Indeed, since asthma is a disease that exhibits rather profound circadian rhythmicity, investigation of its pathophysiology and therapy necessitates a chronobiologic approach.  相似文献   

The concept of homeostasis (i.e., constancy of the milieu interne) has long dominated the teaching and practice of medicine. Concepts and findings from chronobiology, the scientific study of biological rhythms, challenge this construct. Biological processes and functions are not at all constant; rather, they are organized in time as rhythms with period lengths that range in duration from as short as a second or less to as long as a year. It is the body's circadian (24h) rhythms that have been researched most intensely. The peak and trough of these rhythms are ordered rather precisely in time to support the biological requirements of activity during the day and sleep at night. The timing of the peak and trough plus the magnitude of variation (amplitude) of physiological and biochemical functions during the 24h give rise to predictable-in-time, day-night patterns in the manifestation and exacerbation of many common medical conditions. Circadian rhythms also can influence the response of patients to diagnostic tests and therapeutic interventions according to their timing with reference to body rhythms. Rhythms in the pathophysiology of medical conditions and patient tolerance to medications constitute the basis for chronotherapeutics, the timing of treatment in relation to biological rhythm determinants as a means of optimizing beneficial effects and safety. The article discusses recent advances in medical chronobiology and chronotherapeutics and their relevance to clinical medicine in general and the management of asthma in particular. Indeed, since asthma is a disease that exhibits rather profound circadian rhythmicity, investigation of its pathophysiology and therapy necessitates a chronobiologic approach.  相似文献   

This paper tries to shed a fresh light on the use of several key terms in traditional Chinese medicine (and philosophy) related to the theory of so-called systematic correspondence. Drawing on some influential works in Chinese science and civilization (e.g., Marcel Granet, Joseph Needham, Nathan Sivin), the paper argues that the idea of rhythm, properly defined, should become an organizing idea in studying the traditions of Chinese thinking and practice in medicine as well as in general. Rhythmicity is not periodicity (though they are inseparable from one another) and the idea of rhythm is more useful (than for example the notion of correspondence) for medical anthropology. The paper is divided into three parts: 1) the idea of rhythm in some key terms of traditional Chinese medicine, 2) the Chinese theory of resonance versus the idea of rhythm, and 3) the relation of resonance, rhythm and ecstatic experiences with respect to medical anthropology. An acquaintance with the arguments of my previous article in these pages will be helpful but not necessary for the present paper.The article is a sequel to my Defining Rhythm: Aspects of an Anthropology of Rhythm inCulture, Medicine and Psychiatry (vol. 18 no. 3., 1994). I want to take the occasion to thank Professor Arthur Kleinman for his critical and careful reading of the present paper for which I am solely responsible. I also want to express appreciation for the criticisms and suggestions from two anonymous readers.  相似文献   

As part of the Journal's strategy to foster communication among authors and readers, the editors have encouraged a special type of report on matters pertaining to biological rhythm research seldom published, but which nonetheless contributes to critical developments in chronobiology.  相似文献   

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