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氮磷添加对内蒙古温带典型草原净氮矿化的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
氮素矿化是决定土壤供氮能力的重要生态过程, 也是目前国内外土壤氮循环研究的重点。养分添加在调节土壤的氮转化方面起着重要的作用。该文以内蒙古锡林河流域温带典型草原为研究对象, 通过不同水平的氮(N)和磷(P)养分添加实验, 利用树脂芯原位培养法分析研究不同水平施氮、施磷对生长季草地土壤氮矿化的影响。结果表明: 高氮处理对草地土壤硝态氮(NO3- -N)、铵态氮(NH4+ -N)及无机氮都有明显的影响, 其中25 g N·m?2·a?1和10 g N·m?2·a?1高氮处理显著提高了无机氮含量, 25 g N·m?2·a?1高氮处理显著增加土壤的NO3- -N及NH4+ -N含量。与施氮相比, 施磷处理对土壤NO3--N、NH4+ -N及无机氮的影响较为有限, 只有12.5 g P2O5·m-2·a-1的磷处理显著促进了NO3- -N及无机氮含量。高氮处理对草地土壤氮素转化有明显影响, 其中25 g N·m?2·a?1高氮处理对净硝化速率、氨化速率及矿化速率都有显著的促进作用, 说明高梯度的施氮处理有利于提高土壤的供氮能力。氮是内蒙古锡林河流域草原生态系统有机氮矿化的限制因子。与施氮相比, 施磷处理对草地土壤氮转化的作用较为有限, 仅有12.5 g P2O5·m-2·a-1 + 2 g N·m?2·a?1处理显著促进生长季中期的净氨化速率。说明施磷对土壤氮转化的影响弱于施氮的影响。养分添加显著提高了草地的地上生物量。 养分添加情景下, 土壤湿度与净矿化速率极显著相关, 表明湿度是影响该区域温带草原土壤氮矿化的主效因素。环境因子(如有机碳含量、土壤全氮及土壤C/N)与不同氮处理下的净矿化速率之间显著相关, 而土壤微生物碳、氮含量与土壤氮矿化均没有显著相关性。  相似文献   

为了解全球气候变化背景下氮沉降对土壤氮矿化的影响及硅添加对土壤氮矿化的促进作用, 该试验设置不同浓度的氮肥单独添加(0、20、40、60 g·m -2, 分别为对照CK、N20、N40、N60)以及与硅肥配施(硅酸4 g·m -2, Si4), 测定不同处理下0-20、20-40、40-60 cm土层土壤硝态氮含量、铵态氮含量、净硝化速率、净氨化速率以及净矿化速率。结果显示: (1)单独添加氮肥, 各土层土壤硝态氮和铵态氮含量均随处理浓度的增加而增加, 0-20 cm土层N20、N40、N60处理下土壤硝态氮和铵态氮分别较CK增加63.48%、126.04%、247.03%和80.66%、152.52%、244.56%; 随着土层深度增加, 土壤硝态氮、铵态氮含量均有下降, 20-40、40-60 cm土层较0-20 cm土层硝态氮含量分别平均减少53.90%、76.05%, 铵态氮含量分别平均减少48.62%、68.23%。(2)土壤净硝化速率、净氨化速率及净矿化速率随着氮肥浓度增加均呈上升趋势。相同氮肥添加浓度下, 土壤净硝化速率、净氨化速率和净矿化速率随着土层深度增加逐渐下降(除CK外)。(3)与单独添加氮肥比较, 氮硅肥配施, 土壤氮含量有显著提高, 在0-20 cm土层硝态氮和铵态氮较CK分别增加98.78%、192.62%、330.16%和99.96%、195.82%、306.32%, 20-40、40-60 cm土层也有类似趋势。同时, 氮硅配施促进了土壤氮矿化行为, 在0-20 cm土层, N60Si4处理下的土壤净硝化速率、净氨化速率较单独施氮时分别增加35.88%、27.41%。以上结果表明, 与单独氮肥添加相比, 氮硅配施不但能提高土壤氮含量, 而且能促进土壤氮的矿化作用, 对大气氮沉降有一定的缓解作用。  相似文献   

为探明高原草甸土壤微生物对短期氮沉降的响应,以纳帕海典型高寒草甸云雾薹草群落为对象,野外原位布设低氮(5 g N·m-2·a-1)、中氮(10 g N·m-2·a-1)和高氮(15 g N·m-2·a-1)3种施氮处理,研究氮沉降引起高寒草甸植物多样性及土壤性质变化对微生物生物量碳氮的影响。结果表明:氮添加显著增加土壤微生物生物量碳氮及其熵值,中氮处理下微生物生物量碳增量最高,达139.3%;微生物生物量碳氮的垂直变化表现为沿土层显著降低,降幅为24.1%~75.1%。氮添加显著提高群落地上生物量,降低Shannon和Simpson多样性,变幅达6.6%~65.4%;氮添加显著降低土壤pH,增加土壤有机质、全氮、铵态氮和硝态氮含量,且在中氮处理下变幅(7.0%~511.1%)最大;土壤pH随土层加深而增大,而其他理化指标则沿土层加深而显著减少,变幅达19.5%~91.2%。结构方程模型表明,土壤铵态氮、硝态氮和有机质对微生物生物量起促进作用,而土壤pH和植...  相似文献   

作为调节土壤碳矿化过程的重要参数,微生物碳利用效率(CUE)对理解陆地生态系统中的碳循环至关重要。本研究在戴云山罗浮栲林设置对照(0 kg N·hm-2·a-1)、低氮(40 kg N·hm-2·a-1)和高氮(80 kg N·hm-2·a-1) 3个氮添加水平以模拟氮沉降,测定了表层(0~10 cm)土壤基本理化性质、有机碳组分、微生物生物量和酶活性;并利用18O标记水方法测定土壤微生物CUE,以更好地理解氮沉降加剧对微生物CUE的影响及其影响因素。结果表明: 短期氮添加显著降低了土壤微生物的呼吸速率、碳和氮获取酶活性,但显著增加了土壤微生物CUE。β-N-乙酰氨基酸葡糖苷酶(NAG)/微生物生物量碳(MBC)、微生物呼吸速率、β-葡萄糖苷酶(BG)/MBC、纤维素水解酶(CBH)/MBC和土壤有机碳含量是影响CUE的主要因素,且CUE与NAG/MBC、微生物呼吸速率、BG/MBC和CBH/MBC呈显著负相关,与土壤有机碳呈显著正相关。综上,短期氮添加导致土壤微生物获取碳和氮的成本降低,减少微生物呼吸,从而提高了土壤微生物CUE,这将有助于提高罗浮栲林土壤碳固存潜力。  相似文献   

对于养分贫瘠的盐渍化草地生态系统, 大气氮沉降如何影响土壤氮循环过程是一个目前尚未解决的问题。该研究在位于华北地区山西省右玉县境内的盐渍化草地建立了一个模拟氮沉降的试验平台, 设置8个氮添加水平, 分别为0、1、2、4、8、16、24、32 g·m-2·a-1 (N0、N1、N2、N4、N8、N16、N24、N32), 生长季5-9月, 每月月初以喷施的方式等量添加NH4NO3。从2017年5月到2019年10月, 运用顶盖PVC管法每月一次进行净氮矿化速率的测定同时计算了净氮矿化速率对不同水平氮添加的敏感性。主要结果表明: (1)高水平氮添加(N16、N24、N32)显著增加土壤无机氮库; (2)该盐渍化草地土壤氮矿化以硝化作用为主, 经过3年氮添加以后, 高氮添加(N24、N32)显著促进了土壤净硝化速率, 并且不同氮添加水平在不同的月份和年份中表现出差异性响应; (3)不同氮添加水平对土壤净氮矿化敏感性的影响在不同降水年份差异显著, 短期低水平氮添加提高了土壤净氮矿化的敏感性, 而高水平氮添加降低土壤净氮矿化敏感性; (4)盐渍化草地土壤净氮矿化速率与土壤温度和水分呈正相关关系, 与土壤pH呈负相关关系。因此, 在当前氮沉降增加的背景下, 北方盐渍化草地土壤氮矿化速率对低氮添加的敏感性较高, 结合氮沉降的特点, 未来模型预测应该同时考虑氮沉降对盐渍化草地的可能影响。  相似文献   

研究了川西理县毕棚沟不同海拔梯度(3600 m、3300 m和3000 m)森林群落土壤活性氮库及土壤净氮矿化速率的季节动态.结果表明: 研究区森林土壤活性氮库(铵态氮、硝态氮、微生物生物量氮和可溶性有机氮)及净氮矿化速率存在明显的季节变化,但不同形态土壤活性氮库的季节动态有一定差异.4个采样时期(非生长季与生长季初期、中期及末期)各海拔土壤硝态氮浓度(8.38~89.60 mg·kg-1)均显著高于铵态氮浓度(0.44~8.43 mg·kg-1).生长季初期各海拔梯度的土壤净氮矿化速率均表现为负值(-0.77~-0.56 mg·kg-1·d-1),而非生长季、生长季中期和末期均为正值.除硝态氮外,不同海拔的土壤铵态氮、微生物生物量氮和可溶性有机氮浓度的差异极显著,海拔对它们的影响与季节变化有关.该区土壤净氮矿化以硝化为主,且氮矿化过程不受海拔梯度的影响.冬季土壤净氮矿化明显(0.42~099 mg·kg-1·d-1),早春高的土壤无机氮可能为植物生长提供基础养分,也可能通过淋溶方式从系统中丢失.  相似文献   

以三峡库区马尾松人工林为对象,将土壤筛分为大团聚体(2000~8000μm)、粗砂粒(1000~2000μm)、小团聚体(250~1000μm)和微团聚体(<250μm)4个粒径,研究低、中、高氮添加处理(氮添加量分别为30、60、90 kg N·hm-2·a-1)下土壤酸解性有机氮组分和净氮矿化的变化。结果表明:不同处理下,团聚体净硝化速率为0.30~3.42 mg N·kg-1,占净氮矿化的80%以上。与对照相比,不同处理4个粒径的总氮含量分别提高24.1%~45.5%、6.4%~34.3%、7.9%~42.4%,净氮矿化速率分别提高1.3~7.2、1.4~6.6、1.8~12.9倍,而速效磷含量分别降低9.3%~36.9%、12.2%~56.7%、19.2%~61.9%。可酸解性有机氮组分、有机质含量以及净氨化、净硝化和净氮矿化速率均随着团聚体粒径的减小而增加,但速效磷含量变化呈相反的趋势。酸解性有机氮组分含量大小为:酸解氨基酸态氮>酸解铵态氮>酸解未知态氮>酸解氨基糖态氮。总氮是提高酸解性...  相似文献   

通过野外氮、磷添加,分析N0(0 kg N·hm-2·a-1)、N1(50 kg N·hm-2·a-1)、N2(100 kg N·hm-2·a-1)、P(50 kg P·hm-2·a-1)、N1P和N2P等6种处理3年后对亚热带杉木人工林土壤有机碳(SOC)、颗粒有机碳(POC)和水溶性有机碳(WSOC)的影响.结果表明:氮、磷添加对0~20 cm土层SOC含量无显著影响.磷添加显著降低0~5 cm土层POC含量,与无磷处理相比,加磷处理POC含量降低26.1%.WSOC含量对氮、磷添加的响应主要表现在0~5 cm土层,低水平氮添加和磷添加显著提高WSOC含量.在0~5 cm土层,氮添加对POC/SOC值无显著影响,而与无磷添加相比,POC/SOC值在磷添加处理下显著降低15.9%.在5~10和10~20 cm土层,氮、磷添加处理对POC/SOC值无显著影响.在亚热带地区,森林土壤碳稳定性主要受磷含量的调控,短期磷添加易导致表层土壤活性有机碳分解,增加土壤碳稳定性.  相似文献   

土壤微生物在陆地生态系统的生物地球化学循环中起着重要作用。然而目前尚不清楚氮(N)添加量及其持续时间如何影响土壤微生物群落结构,以及微生物群落结构变化与微生物相对养分限制状况是否存在关联。本研究在亚热带黄山松林开展了N添加试验以模拟N沉降,并设置3个处理:对照(CK, 0 kg N·hm-2·a-1)、低N(LN, 40 kg N·hm-2·a-1)和高N(HN, 80 kg N·hm-2·a-1)。在N添加满1年和3年时测定土壤基本理化性质、磷脂脂肪酸含量和碳(C)、N、磷(P)获取酶活性,并通过生态酶化学计量分析土壤微生物的相对养分限制状况。结果表明: 1年N添加对土壤微生物群落结构无显著影响,3年LN处理显著提高了革兰氏阳性菌(G+)、革兰氏阴性菌(G-)、放线菌(ACT)和总磷脂脂肪酸(TPLFA)含量,而3年HN处理对微生物的影响不显著,表明细菌和ACT对N添加可能更为敏感。N添加加剧了微生物C和P限制,而P限制是土壤微生物群落结构变化的最佳解释因子。这表明,N添加诱导的P限制可能更有利于部分贫营养菌(如G+)和参与P循环的微生物(如ACT)的生长,从而改变亚热带黄山松林土壤微生物群落结构。  相似文献   

于2018年在晋北典型农牧交错带盐碱化草地设置增减降水和氮添加处理试验, 2019年生长季(5—9月)采用原位顶盖PVC埋管法测定不同水、氮处理下土壤净氮矿化速率,研究盐碱化草地土壤净氮矿化速率对降水格局变化和氮沉降的响应。结果表明: 土壤净氮矿化速率表现出明显的季节动态。单独增减降水(±50%)和氮添加(10 g·m-2·a-1)以及氮添加+增加50%降水处理对土壤净氮矿化速率影响不显著,氮添加+减少50%降水处理显著提高土壤净硝化速率和净氮矿化速率,分别提高10.8和8.6倍。土壤净氮矿化速率与土壤含水量呈显著正相关,与土壤pH值呈显著负相关。氮添加在不同降水条件下对晋北盐碱化草地土壤氮矿化速率的影响存在差异,土壤含水量与pH值是晋北盐碱化草地土壤净氮矿化速率的主要影响因素。因此,全面评估草地土壤氮矿化过程对全球变化的响应模式,需要考虑降水格局变化与氮沉降增加的交互作用,以及盐碱化草地土壤理化性质的特殊性。  相似文献   

全球气候变化背景下生物地球化学循环的响应规律和陆地植物适应对策已受到广泛关注.本文在分析气候变暖和降水变化对不同生态系统植物C∶N∶P的影响、CO2浓度升高对不同光合途径物种元素的影响,以及氮沉降对土壤 植物元素影响的短期和长期效应等基础上,从植物生理特性和土壤有效营养元素变化等方面揭示了其可能存在的内在机理,以期为研究C、N、P化学元素在土壤 植物之间传递与调节机制、陆地生态系统结构和功能,以及生物地球化学元素循环对气候变化的响应提供理论依据.最后提出了该领域研究中存在的问题及对今后研究的展望.  相似文献   

大气氮沉降与森林生态系统的氮动态   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:20  
肖辉林 《生态学报》1996,16(1):90-99
由于人类活动的影响,若干年代以来大气氮沉降明显增加。在森林地区,大气氮沉降的空间变异性由林分的位置、结构和组成树种所决定。除降雨之外,干沉降和隐藏降水也是大气氮沉降的重要形式。  相似文献   

Alteration of the global nitrogen (N) cycle because of human‐enhanced N fixation is a major concern particularly for those ecosystems that are nutrient poor by nature. Because Sphagnum‐dominated mires are exclusively fed by wet and dry atmospheric deposition, they are assumed to be very sensitive to increased atmospheric N input. We assessed the consequences of increased atmospheric N deposition on total N concentration, N retention ability, and δ15N isotopic signature of Sphagnum plants collected in 16 ombrotrophic mires across 11 European countries. The mires spanned a gradient of atmospheric N deposition from about 0.1 up to about 2 g m?2 yr?1. Mean N concentration in Sphagnum capitula was about 6 mg g?1 in less polluted mires and about 13 mg g?1 in highly N‐polluted mires. The relative difference in N concentration between capitulum and stem decreased with increasing atmospheric N deposition, suggesting a possible metabolic mechanism that reduces excessive N accumulation in the capitulum. Sphagnum plants showed lower rates of N absorption under increasing atmospheric N deposition, indicating N saturation in Sphagnum tissues. The latter probably is related to a shift from N‐limited conditions to limitation by other nutrients. The capacity of the Sphagnum layer to filter atmospheric N deposition decreased exponentially along the depositional gradient resulting in enrichment of the mire pore water with inorganic N forms (i.e., NO3?+NH4+). Sphagnum plants had δ15N signatures ranging from about ?8‰ to about ?3‰. The isotopic signatures were rather related to the ratio of reduced to oxidized N forms in atmospheric deposition than to total amount of atmospheric N deposition, indicating that δ15N signature of Sphagnum plants can be used as an integrated measure of δ15N signature of atmospheric precipitation. Indeed, mires located in areas characterized by greater emissions of NH3 (i.e., mainly affected by agricultural activities) had Sphagnum plants with a lower δ15N signature compared with mires located in areas dominated by NOx emissions (i.e., mainly affected by industrial activities).  相似文献   

大气氮沉降影响草地植物物种多样性机制研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张世虎  张悦  马晓玉  王聪  马群  杨雪纯  徐婷  马越  郑智 《生态学报》2022,42(4):1252-1261
大气氮沉降对草地生态系统结构和功能的影响已成为全球变化生物学研究重点。大气氮沉降导致草地群落物种多样性降低已成为全球普遍现象,但其生物学机制还不清楚,因此有必要系统梳理大气氮沉降对全球不同草地生态系统的研究结果,以便在氮沉降背景下为我国草地生态系统的研究和管理制定科学决策。系统综述了氮沉降降低草地群落物种多样性的可能机制,主要包括资源竞争排斥、群落更新限制、土壤酸化及其离子毒害、养分失衡、氮素本身的毒害、次生胁迫。氮沉降导致草地物种多样性降低是多种机制综合作用的结果,每种机制在不同时空具有不同的相对贡献。同时,与欧洲酸性土壤草地和美国高草草原相比,我国草地土壤类型和植被属性具有明显差异。因此,应根据我国草地生态系统的特征、不同植物功能利用养分策略,从土壤养分变化、根系养分吸收转运、叶片生理过程等方面的整合研究思路,探讨氮沉降影响我国草地群落物种多样性的生物学机制,为我国草地生态系统的科学管理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

土壤微生物对气候变暖和大气N沉降的响应   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
气候变暖和大气N沉降是近一、二十年来人们非常关注的全球变化现象,它们所带来的一系列生态问题已成为全球变化研究的重要议题。它们不仅影响地上植被生长和群落组成,还直接或间接地影响土壤微生物过程,而土壤微生物对此做出的响应正是生态系统反馈过程中非常重要的环节。该文分别从气候变化对土壤微生物的影响(土壤微生物量、微生物活动和微生物群落结构)和土壤微生物对气候变化的响应(凋落物分解、养分利用与循环以及养分的固持与流失)两个角度,综述近期土壤微生物对气候变暖和大气N沉降响应与适应的研究进展。气候变暖和大气N沉降对土壤微生物的影响更多地反映在微生物群落的结构和功能上,而土壤微生物量、微生物活动和群落结构的变化又会通过改变凋落物分解、养分利用和C、N循环等重要的土壤生态系统功能和过程做出响应,形成正向或负向反馈,加强或削弱气候变化给整个陆地生态系统带来的影响。然而,到目前为止土壤微生物的响应对陆地生态系统产生的最终结果仍是未决的关键性问题。  相似文献   

Part of the missing sink in the global CO2 budget has been attributed to the positive effects of CO2 fertilization and N deposition on carbon sequestration in Northern Hemisphere terrestrial ecosystems. The genus Sphagnum is one of the most important groups of plant species sequestrating carbon in temperate and northern bog ecosystems, because of the low decomposability of the dead material it produces. The effects of raised CO2 and increased atmospheric N deposition on growth of Sphagnum and other plants were studied in bogs at four sites across Western Europe. Contrary to expectations, elevated CO2 did not significantly affect Sphagnum biomass growth. Increased N deposition reduced Sphagnum mass growth, because it increased the cover of vascular plants and the tall moss Polytrichum strictum. Such changes in plant species composition may decrease carbon sequestration in Sphagnum‐dominated bog ecosystems.  相似文献   

Aims The increase in atmospheric N deposition has accelerated N cycling of ecosystems, thus altering the structure and function of ecosystems, especially in those limited by N availability. Studies on the response of plant growth to artificial N addition could provide basic data for a better understanding of how the structure of grasslands in northern China responds to increasing N deposition. Methods We investigated the seasonal dynamics of plant growth of four species after 2-year multi-level N addition in a field experiment conducted in a desert steppe of Ningxia in 2011. Plant biomass and the relative growth rate (RGR) of the studied species were measured and their relationships with C:N:P ratios of plants (community and leaf levels) and soils were analyzed. Important findings Results in 2012 showed that 2-year N addition promoted the growth of the four species and the effects were different among growth forms and were species-specific. In general, the plant biomass of the studied species was significantly correlated with leaf N concentration, leaf N:P ratio, community N pool, soil total N content and soil N:P ratio, while only weak relationships were observed between plant biomass and C:N and C:P ratios of plants and soils. In contrast, there was a significant linear relationship between RGR and N:P ratios both of plants and soils.Our results suggest that short-term N addition promoted the accumulation of plant biomass, and the species-specific responses to stimulated N addition can directly affect the structure of the desert steppe ecosystem. Plant N:P ratio and soil N:P ratio could indicate nutrient limitation of plant growth to a certain extent: N addition increased soil N content and N:P ratio, and thus relieved N limitation gradually. Once more N is available to plants, the growth of plants and the accumulation of community N was stimulated in turn.  相似文献   

四种荒漠草原植物的生长对不同氮添加水平的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
大气氮(N)沉降增加加速了生态系统N循环, 从而会对生态系统的结构和功能产生巨大的影响, 尤其是一些受N限制的生态系统.研究N添加对荒漠草原植物生长的影响, 可为深入理解N沉降增加对我国北方草原群落结构的影响提供基础数据.该文基于2011年在宁夏荒漠草原设置的N沉降增加的野外模拟试验, 研究了两年N添加下4个常见物种(牛枝子(Lespedeza potaninii),老瓜头(Cynanchum komarovii),针茅(Stipa capillata)和冰草(Agropyron cristatum))不同时期种群生物量和6-8月份相对生长速率的变化特征.并通过分析物种生长与植物(群落和叶片水平)和土壤碳(C),N,磷(P)生态化学计量学特征的关系, 探讨C:N:P化学计量比对植物生长养分限制的指示作用.结果显示N添加促进了4个物种的生长, 但具有明显的种间差异性, 且这种差异也存在于相同生活型的不同物种间.总体而言, 4个物种种群生物量与叶片N浓度,叶片N:P,群落N库,土壤全N含量和土壤N:P存在明显的线性关系, 与植物和土壤C:N和C:P的相关关系相对较弱.几个物种相对生长速率与植物和土壤N:P也呈现一定程度的正相关关系, 但与其他指标相关性较弱.以上结果表明, 短期N沉降增加提高了植物的相对生长速率, 促进了植物生长, 且更有利于针茅和老瓜头的生物量积累, 从而可能会逐渐改变荒漠草原群落结构.植物N:P和土壤N:P对荒漠草原物种生长具有较强的指示作用: 随着土壤N受限性逐渐缓解, 土壤N含量和N:P相继升高, 可供植物摄取的N增多, 因而有利于植物生长和群落N库积累.  相似文献   

The relative importance of nitrogen inputs from atmospheric deposition and biological fixation is reviewed in a number of diverse, non-agricultural terrestrial ecosystems. Bulk precipitation inputs of N (l–l2 kg N ha–1 yr–1) are the same order of magnitude as, or frequently larger than, the usual range of inputs from nonsymbiotic fixation (< 1=" –=" 5=" kg=" n=">–1 yr–1), especially in areas influenced by industrial activity. Bulk precipitation measurements may underestimate total atmospheric deposition by 30–40% because they generally do not include all forms of wet and dry deposition. Symbiotic fixation generally ranges from 10–160 kg N ha–1 yr–1) in ecosystems where N-fixing species are present during early successional stages, and may exceed the range under unusual conditions.Rates of both symbiotic and nonsymbiotic fixation appear to be greater during early successional stages of forest development, where they have major impacts on nitrogen dynamics and ecosystem productivity. Fates and impacts of these nitrogen inputs are important considerations that are inadequately understood. These input processes are highly variable in space and time, and few sites have adequate comparative information on both nitrogen deposition and fixation.
–  - more intensive studies of total atmospheric deposition, especially of dry deposition, are needed over a wide range of ecosystems;
–  - additional studies of symbiotic fixation are needed that carefully quantify variation over space and time, examine more factors regulating fixation, and focus upon the availability of N and its effects upon productivity and other nutrient cycling processes;
–  - process-level studies of associative N-fixation should be conducted over a range of ecosystems to determine the universal importance of rhizosphere fixation;
–  - further examination of the role of free-living fixation in wood decomposition and soil organic matter genesis is needed, with attention upon spatial and temporal variation; and
–  - investigations of long-term biogeochemical impacts of these inputs must be integrated with process-level studies using modern modelling techniques.

Measurements of the deposition rates of atmospheric trace constituents to forest ecosystems in Austria have shown that the deposition of plant utilizable nitrogen compounds is in the range from 12 kg N to more than 30 kg N ha-1 a-1. Locally, even higher deposition rates are encountered as a consequence of point sources or special deposition mechanisms such as fog interception, hoar frost formation, and accumulation in snow drifts. In order to place these values into perspective, they are compared with the nitrogen demand of past and present forest land use and with natural processes of nitrogen depletion and accumulation in forest ecosystems. During wind erosion of forest litter, woody material with a wide C/N-ratio remains on the windward side of ridges, while nutrient-rich material with a narrow C/N-ratio is deposited on the leeward side. As a result, total nitrogen storage in the forest soil as well as overall C/N-ratios change dramatically along a transect over a ridge, thus indicating a strong influence of litter C/N ratio on nitrogen retention in the forest soil. A study of nitrogen stores in the soil of beech ecosystems of the same yield class in the Vienna Woods showed a significant correlation of total N-content with base saturation. These results suggest that nitrogen storage capacity of forest soils may be managed by liming and tree species selection. As knowledge is still meagre, a special study on factors which determine nitrogen storage in forest soils is proposed within the FERN-programme.  相似文献   

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