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水稻抗褐飞虱基因bph2的SSR定位和标记辅助选择   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
利用综合性状较好对褐飞虱敏感的粳稻恢复系C418为父本,以含有bph2基因的抗褐飞虱品种ASD7为母本构建了包含134个F23家系的群体,利用苗期鉴定法对F2:3家系进行抗性鉴定:用SSR标记技术,将bph2基因定位在第12染色体长臂上,标记RM7102和RM463之间,其遗传距离分别为7.6cM和7.2cM。在进行表型选择的同时,利用与bph2基因连锁的SSR标记RM7102和RM463对BC1F1和BC2F1进行了标记辅助选择,选择效率分别为89.9%和91.2%,为培育高抗褐飞虱水稻品种奠定了基础。  相似文献   

刘方慧  牛永春  邓晖  檀根甲 《遗传学报》2007,34(12):1123-1130
小麦农家品种赤壳(苏1900)对当前我国小麦条锈菌(Puccinia striiformis Westend.f.sp.tritici)多个流行小种均有较好抗性。遗传分析表明,该品种对条中32号小种的抗性是由一对显性基因控制。本文采用分离群体分析法(bulked segregant analysis,BSA)和微卫星多态性分析方法,对该基因进行了分子标记和定位研究。用Taichung29×赤壳的F2代分离群体建立抗、感DNA池,共筛选了400多对SSR引物,发现5个标记Xwmc44、Xgwm259、Xwmc367、Xcfa2292、Xbarc80在抗、感DNA池间与在抗、感亲本间同样具有多态性,它们均位于1BL染色体臂上。经用具有140株抗病株、60株感病株共200株植株的F2代分离群体进行的遗传连锁性检测,上述5个标记均与目的基因相连锁,遗传距离分别为8.3cM、9.1cM、17.2cM、20.6cM和31.6cM。用全套21个中国春缺-四体材料进行的检测进一步证实了这5个SSR标记均位于小麦1B染色体上。综合上述结果,将赤壳中的主效抗条锈病基因YrChk定位在1BL染色体臂上。与以前已定位于1B染色体上的抗条锈病基因的比较研究表明,YrChk基因可能是一个新的抗条锈病基因。小麦农家品种中抗病基因资源的发掘和利用将有助于提高我国小麦生产品种中的抗病基因丰富度,有助于改善长期以来小麦生产品种中抗病基因单一化的局面。  相似文献   

小麦品种梭条花叶病抗性基因遗传分析及分子标记筛选   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选用3个抗梭条花叶病的小麦品种“仪宁小麦”、“徐87633”和“西风”为抗病亲本、以感病品种“镇9523”为感病亲本配制了3个杂交组合,对4个亲本及其杂种后代(F1及F2代)单株的田间抗病鉴定表明,3个抗病亲本的抗性均由核基因控制,为显性遗传方式。“仪宁小麦”和“西风”的抗性受两对表现互补效应的显性基因控制;“徐87633”的抗性受一对显性基因控制。选取涉及小麦21条染色体上的266对SSR引物在“仪宁小麦”和“镇9523”间进行筛选,其中108对引物在两亲本间表现多态。根据“仪宁小麦”ד镇9523”F2代单株的田间抗病鉴定结果,采用BSA的方法,将已初筛的108对引物在抗、感池间进行扩增,发现引物Xgwm261在抗、感池间表现多态,表明该引物与“仪宁小麦”的抗病基因连锁,并将该抗病位点初步定位于2DS上。用该标记对F2代224个单株进行PCR扩增,根据扩增结果,采用Mapmaker3.0软件计算遗传距离,结果显示,该标记与抗病位点间的遗传距离为22.9cM。  相似文献   

3个烤烟品系对TMV抗性的遗传规律分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为更好地利用抗TMV烤烟种质资源,提高烤烟抗TMV育种效率,对烤烟品系CV87、FC8、抗88的TMV抗性遗传规律及抗性来源进行了研究。利用抗病烤烟品系CV87、FC8、抗88分别与感病品种云烟87、中烟100配置杂交组合,构建F1、F2群体,并利用TMV-C菌株进行抗性鉴定;同时,设计N基因引物对参试烤烟品种(系)的基因组DNA进行PCR扩增。经抗性鉴定,CV87、FC8、抗88及F1群体对TMV免疫,云烟87、中烟100感TMV,卡方(χ2)检验证明F2群体抗感分离比为3:1,符合显性单基因遗传;PCR结果表明,抗病品系CV87、FC8、抗88基因组内存在N基因序列,感病品种云烟87、中烟100基因组内未发现。本研究表明,CV87、FC8、抗88烤烟品系的TMV抗性来源于N基因。  相似文献   

海岛棉品种抗黄萎病基因SSR标记的验证及克隆   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以陆地棉与海岛棉杂交组合中棉所8号×Pima90-53 F2群体的100个单株和邯208×Pima90-53 F2的131个单株为材料,在条件可控的培养室鉴定抗病性,进行海岛棉黄萎病抗性基因连锁SSR标记(BNL3255-208)分析,进一步检验该标记的应用价值,并对该标记进行克隆、测序。结果表明,2个组合的F2群体中抗病、感病植株比例经x2c适合性测验均符合3∶1分离比例;中棉所8号×Pima90-53 F2的79个抗病单株中有70株检测出BNL3255-208标记,抗病单株中有该标记的百分率为88.6%,邯208×Pima90-53 F2的100个抗病单株中有85株检测出BNL3255-208标记,抗病单株中有该标记的百分率为85.0%。通过回收BNL3255-208片段,并进行克隆和测序,表明该标记是一条长211bp、含10次TG重复的片段,该标记为辅助选育抗病品种奠定了基础。  相似文献   

广谱抗病基因的利用是控制稻瘟病最有效和最经济的方法。来源于华南的地方稻种暹罗占对稻瘟病菌表现出广谱抗性,以普感品种丽江新团黑谷为轮回亲本选育的暹罗占近等基因系NIL-XLZ对测试的44个不同来源稻瘟病菌的抗性频率为84.4%,其抗谱优于广谱抗瘟基因Pi2、Piz,与抗瘟基因Pi9和Pi50相近。为进一步了解暹罗占抗稻瘟病的遗传基础,以感病品种广恢290为母本、暹罗占为父本,构建了广恢290/暹罗占的F2遗传分离群体。选取致病谱较广的稻瘟病菌代表菌株GD08-T19对来源于广恢290/暹罗占的F1与F2个体进行了抗病遗传分析,结果显示F1个体全表现抗病,1760个F2个体的抗感分离比率为4.06∶1,表明暹罗占至少含有一个显性的抗稻瘟病基因。利用分布于Pi2、Pi1、Pita座位附近的44对SSR引物,对构建的抗/感基因池及遗传分离个体进行了分析,将暹罗占含有的一个抗瘟基因定位于水稻第6染色体Pi2/Pi9/Pi50基因家族区域247 kb的范围内。抗菌谱分析、基因特异性分子标记检测及测序分析结果表明:暹罗占含有广谱抗瘟基因Pi50。本研究结果为暹罗占在水稻抗病育种上的应用提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

5R618是高抗叶锈病小麦品系。为了确定该品系所携带的抗叶锈基因,以5R618与感病小麦品种郑州5389杂交获得F1,自交获得F2分离群体以及F2∶3家系,用叶锈菌生理小种THJP对亲本、F2分离群体以及F2∶3家系进行叶锈抗性鉴定,然后进行分子标记分析。结果显示,5R618对生理小种THJP的抗病性由1对显性基因控制,该基因暂命名为Lr5R。经过亲本和抗感池间分子标记筛选以及F2∶3家系的标记检测,Lr5R定位于染色体3DL上,barc71和STS24-16是Lr5R最近的2个标记,遗传距离分别为0.9 c M和2.1 c M。  相似文献   

稻瘟病是水稻最主要的病害之一.持久抗性品种可以通过聚合不同类型的抗病基因而获得.利用中国10个地区的稻瘟病群体对日本鉴别品种(爱知旭)所持的抗病基因Pia进行了抗谱分析.该基因除了在江苏群体中表现为强效抗性之外,在其他群体中均表现为弱效抗性.利用爱知旭/Kasalath的F2作图群体,通过重组体筛选、精细定位以及共分离...  相似文献   

家蚕抗核型多角体病分子标记筛选   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对家蚕抗核型多角病毒病以不同的杂交方式,构建3种近等基因系,用RAPD技术筛选出抗病主基因连锁分子标记OPA-18700和感病连锁分子标记OPY-11400。同时在F2群体中验证了抗性分子标记的有效性。  相似文献   

分析赤星病抗性主效QTL的人工选择响应,可为烟草赤星病抗性分子标记辅助选择提供一定的理论基础。本研究利用与主效QTL紧密连锁的分子标记J9和J4,分析随机群体、人工选择群体和自然群体中响应分子标记的等位基因频率,研究相关标记位点在不同群体中的等位基因变化规律。结果发现:(1)赤星病抗性主效QTL等位基因在不同选择强度(5%、10%和20%)的正向选择条件下均发生了显著性偏分离,其中在10%的正向选择强度下偏分离显著性最高。(2)在不同世代(F3、F4、F5和F6)的赤星病抗性育种选择群体中,J9位点抗病亲本等位基因型频率显著高于感病亲本基因型频率,表明来源于抗源净叶黄的主效抗性QTL与赤星病抗性显著关联。(3)在198份自然群体中,包括烟草赤星病抗性品种中烟86、单育二号在内的50份烟草种质携带与抗源净叶黄相同的基因型,表明该主效QTL被广泛应用于烟草赤星病抗性改良中。本研究验证了之前定位到的主效抗病QTL的准确性;分析了该主效QTL的人工选择响应,相关结果为烟草赤星病抗性改良提供了一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

冈46B(G46B)是水稻生产应用中的一个农艺性状十分优良的保持系,其主要的缺陷是稻瘟病抗性较弱,通过对地谷,BL-1,Pi-4号等三个分别含抗病基因Pi-d(t)^1、Pi-b、Pi-tα^2的稻瘟病抗性材料与G46B聚合杂交,并利用抗病基因连锁的分子标记对杂交后代进行辅助选择,在聚合杂交的F2代及B1C1代群体中共获得了15株含Pi-d(t)^1、Pi-b、Pi-tα^2等三个抗稻瘟病基因的材料,其可能的基因型分别为:三基因杂合体Pi-d(t)^1pi-d(t)^1,Pi-bpi-b/Pi-tα^2 pi-tα^2 4株,双基因杂合体10株,其中Pi-d(t)^1Pi-d(t)^1/Pi-bpi-b/Pi-tα^2pi-tα^2 6株,Pi-d(t)^1pi-d(t)^1/Pi-bpi-b/Pi-tα^2Pi-tα^2 3株,Pi-d(t)^1pi-d(t)^1,Pi-bPi-6,Pi-tα^2 pi-tα^2 1株,双基因纯合体Pi-d(t)^1Pi-d(t)^1/Pi-bpi-b/Pi-tα^2Pi-tα^2仅1株,这一研究结果为进一步改良G46B的稻瘟病抗性奠定了基础,同时这一研究结果表明利用分子标记可快速、有效地实现多个抗病基因的聚合,大大提高水稻抗病育种的效率。  相似文献   

The identification and utilization of broad-spectrum resistance genes have been proven the most effective and economical approach to control rice blast disease. To understand the molecular mechanism of broad-spectrum resistance to rice blast, we conducted genetic and fine mapping analysis of the blast resistance gene in a Chinese rice variety: Gumei 4 (GM4) identified with broad-spectrum resistance and used in rice breeding for blast resistance for more than 20 years. Genetic and mapping analysis indicated that blast resistance to nine isolates of different Chinese races in GM4 was controlled by the same dominant locus designated as Pigm(t) that was finely mapped to an approximately 70-kb interval between markers C5483 and C0428 on chromosome 6, which contains five candidate NBS--LRR disease resistance genes. The allelism test showed that Pigm(t) was either tightly linked or allelic to Pi2 and Pi9, two known blast resistance genes. Mapping information also indicated that another blast resistance gene Pi26(t) might also be located at the same region. Candidate genes were identified by sequence analysis of the Nipponbare and Pi9 locus and the corresponding region in GM4. Sequence divergence of candidate genes was observed between GM4 and model varieties Nipponbare and 9311, and Pi9. Our current study provides essential information and new genetic resource for the cloning of functional resistance gene(s) and for marker-assisted selection in rice breeding for broad-spectrum blast resistance.Yiwen Deng and Xudong Zhu contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Identification of Two Blast Resistance Genes in a Rice Variety, Digu   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Blast, caused by Magnaporthe grisea is one of most serious diseases of rice worldwide. A Chinese local rice variety, Digu, with durable blast resistance, is one of the important resources for rice breeding for resistance to blast (M. grisea) in China. The objectives of the current study were to assess the identity of the resistance genes in Digu and to determine the chromosomal location by molecular marker tagging. Two susceptible varieties to blast, Lijiangxintuanheigu (LTH) and Jiangnanxiangnuo (JNXN), a number of different varieties, each containing one blast resistance gene, Piks, Pia, Pik, Pib, Pikp, Pita2, Pita, Piz, Pii, Pikm, Pizt, Pit and Pi‐11, and the progeny populations from the crosses between Digu and each of these varieties were analysed with Chinese blast isolates. We found that the resistance of Digu to each of the two Chinese blast isolates, ZB13 and ZB15, were controlled by two single dominant genes, separately. The two genes are different from the known blast resistance genes and, therefore, designated as Pi‐d(t)1 and Pi‐d(t)2. By using bulked segregation method and molecular marker analysis in corresponding F2 populations, Pi‐d(t)1 was located on chromosome 2 with a distance of 1.2 and 10.6 cM to restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers G1314A and G45, respectively. And Pi‐d(t)2 was located on chromosome 6 with a distance of 3.2 and 3.4 cM to simple sequence repeat markers RM527 and RM3, respectively. We also developed a novel strategy of resistance gene analogue (RGA) assay with uneven polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to further tag the two genes and successfully identified two RGA markers, SPO01 and SPO03, which were co‐segregated toPi‐d(t)1 and Pi‐d(t)2, respectively, in their corresponding F2 populations. These results provide essential information for further utilization of the Digu's blast resistance genes in rice disease resistance breeding and positional cloning of these genes.  相似文献   

Pi-z is a disease resistance gene that has been effectively used to combat a broad-spectrum of races of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea. Although DNA markers have been reported for selection of the Pi2(t) and Pi-z resistance genes at the Pi-z locus, markers that are more tightly linked to the Pi-z locus would benefit rapid and effective cultivar development. Analysis of the publicly available genome sequence of Nipponbare near the Pi-z locus revealed numerous SSRs that could be converted into markers. Three SSRs on rice PAC AP005659 were found to be very tightly linked to the Pi-z locus, with one marker, AP5659-3, co-segregating with the Pi-z resistance reaction. The Pi-z factor conferring resistance to two races of blast was mapped to a 57 kb region on the physical map of Nipponbare in a location where the Pi2(t) gene was physically mapped. Two SSR marker haplotypes were unique for cultivars carrying the Pi-z gene, which indicates these markers are useful for selection of resistance genes at the Pi-z locus in rice germplasm.  相似文献   

Blast caused by Magnaporthe oryzae is the most devastating disease causing significant loss in rice production. The destructive nature of the disease is mainly due to the genetic plasticity of M. oryzae which complicates the breeding strategies. Blast can be effectively managed by the deployment of R genes. In this study, broad‐spectrum blast resistance genes Pi2 and Pi5 were introgressed independently into popular but blast susceptible rice variety, Samba Mahsuri (BPT5204) by applying marker‐assisted backcross breeding approach. Tightly linked markers AP5930 for Pi2 and 40N23r for Pi5 gene were used in foreground selection. Background selection helped to identify the lines with maximum recovery of recurrent parent genome (RPG). The RPG recovery in Pi2 introgression lines was up to 90.17 and 91.46% in Pi5 lines. Homozygous introgression lines in BC3F4 generation carrying Pi2 and Pi5 gene were field evaluated for blast resistance, yield per se and yield‐related traits. The lines showed resistance to leaf and neck blast in multilocation field evaluation. Improved BPT5204 lines with improvement for blast resistance were on par with original BPT5204 in terms of grain yield and grain features.  相似文献   

利用抗稻瘟病水稻资源品种杂交,聚合多个抗性基因是培育持久抗稻瘟病水稻新品种的主要育种途径.利用分子标记技术对水稻抗性资源进行基因型鉴定是分子辅助聚合育种的基础.通过以亚华种业科学院稻瘟病病圃抗病水稻资源为材料,利用特异性分子标记对Pi9、Pita、Pib以及Pikm基因在水稻抗稻瘟病资源的分布进行了鉴定,初步建立了抗性基因数据库.同时对抗性基因及与抗性反应的相关性进行了探讨,结果表明以Pi9为主效基因,同时聚合Pita和Pib抗性基因能提高持久抗稻瘟病能力.  相似文献   

To gain an understanding of the molecular basis for resistance to rice blast (Magnaporthe grisea), we have initiated a project to clone Pi5(t), a locus associated with broad-spectrum resistance to diverse blast isolates. AFLP-derived markers linked to Pi5(t)-mediated resistance were isolated using bulked segregant analysis of F(2) populations generated by crossing three recombinant inbred lines (RILs), RIL125, RIL249, and RIL260 with the susceptible line CO39. The most tightly linked AFLP marker, S04G03, was positioned on chromosome 9 of the fingerprint-based physical map of Nipponbare, a well-characterized rice genotype. Flanking BAC-based Nipponbare markers were generated for saturation mapping using four populations, the three initial RILs and an additional one derived from a cross between M202 and RIL260. A BIBAC (binary BAC) library was constructed from RIL260. Using these resources Pi5(t) was mapped to a 170-kb interval, and a contiguous set of BIBAC clones spanning this region was constructed. It had previously been suggested that Pi3(t) and Pi5(t) might be allelic, due to their identical resistance spectrum and tight linkage. We therefore compared genomic regions for lines containing Pi3(t) using the Pi5(t)-linked markers. DNA gel-blot analyses indicated that the region around Pi3(t) is identical to that of Pi5(t), suggesting that Pi3(t) and Pi5(t) are the same resistance gene.  相似文献   

Rice blast is one of the most devastating diseases affecting the rice crop throughout the world. In molecular breeding for host plant resistance, functional markers are very useful for enhancing the precision and accuracy in marker-assisted selection (MAS) of target gene(s) with minimum effort, time and cost. Pi54 (which was earlier known as Pik h ) is one of the major blast resistance genes and has been observed to show resistance against many isolates of the blast pathogen in India. The gene has been cloned through map-based strategy and encodes a nucleotide-binding site?Cleucine-rich repeat (NBS?CLRR) domain-containing protein. In the present study, we carried out allele mining for this gene and identified a 144-bp insertion/deletion (InDel) polymorphism in the exonic region of the gene. A PCR-based co-dominant molecular marker targeting this InDel, named Pi54 MAS, was developed. Pi54 MAS was observed to perfectly co-segregate with blast resistance in a mapping population with no recombinants. Validation of this marker in 105 genotypes which are either susceptible or resistant to rice blast disease showed that the marker is polymorphic in most of the resistant?Csusceptible genotype combinations and is more accurate than the earlier reported markers for Pi54. Hence this functional, co-dominant marker is suggested for routine deployment in MAS of Pi54 in breeding programs.  相似文献   

Rice blast disease caused by Magnaporthe grisea is a continuous threat to stable rice production worldwide. In a modernized agricultural system, the development of varieties with broad-spectrum and durable resistance to blast disease is essential for increased rice production and sustainability. In this study, a new gene is identified in the introgression line IR65482-4-136-2-2 that has inherited the resistance gene from an EE genome wild Oryza species, O. australiensis (Acc. 100882). Genetic and molecular analysis localized a major resistance gene, Pi40(t), on the short arm of chromosome 6, where four blast resistance genes (Piz, Piz-5, Piz-t, and Pi9) were also identified, flanked by the markers S2539 and RM3330. Through e-Landing, 14 BAC/PAC clones within the 1.81-Mb equivalent virtual contig were identified on Rice Pseudomolecule3. Highly stringent primer sets designed for 6 NBS-LRR motifs located within PAC clone P0649C11 facilitated high-resolution mapping of the new resistance gene, Pi40(t). Following association analysis and detailed haplotyping approaches, a DNA marker, 9871.T7E2b, was identified to be linked to the Pi40(t) gene at the 70 Kb chromosomal region, and differentiated the Pi40(t) gene from the LTH monogenic differential lines possessing genes Piz, Piz-5, Piz-t, and Pi-9. Pi40(t) was validated using the most virulent isolates of Korea as well as the Philippines, suggesting a broad spectrum for the resistance gene. Marker-assisted selection (MAS) and pathotyping of BC progenies having two japonica cultivar genetic backgrounds further supported the potential of the resistance gene in rice breeding. Our study based on new gene identification strategies provides insight into novel genetic resources for blast resistance as well as future studies on cloning and functional analysis of a blast resistance gene useful for rice improvement.  相似文献   

国外引进水稻种质资源的稻瘟病抗性基因检测与评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了筛选出福建省水稻稻瘟病重发区育种中可利用的新抗性资源,在福建省上杭县对156份外引水稻种质资源进行了2年田间自然诱发鉴定,并对Pi2、Pi9、Pi5、Pi54、Pikm、Pita、Pia和Pib等8个稻瘟病抗性基因做了分子检测。结果表明:156份资源对苗瘟、叶瘟、穗颈瘟和综合抗性表现抗病的分别有10份、14份、29份和26份,且苗瘟抗性级别与叶瘟抗性级别(r=0.816,P<0.01)、苗瘟抗性级别与穗颈瘟抗性级别(r=0.347,P<0.01)、以及叶瘟抗性级别与穗颈瘟抗性级别(r=0.344,P<0.01),均呈极显著正相关。分子标记检测到携带稻瘟病抗性基因Pi9、Pi2、Pi54、Pikm、Pi5、Pib、Pia和Pita的水稻资源分别有1、6、20、22、37、88、101和106份,其中携带稻瘟病抗性基因Pi9和Pi2的水稻资源的抗性表现较好,表现抗病的超过60%,携带其他稻瘟病抗性基因的水稻资源表现抗病的均在50%以下;水稻资源携带0~6个稻瘟病抗性基因,随着携带抗性基因数目增加,抗病率呈上升趋势,综合抗性等级呈下降趋势。进一步研究发现,携带Pi9+Pi5+Pikm+Pia、Pi5+Pib+Pita+Pikm+Pia和Pi2+Pi54+Pib+Pita+Pikm+Pia等3个基因型的水稻资源,稻瘟病抗性较好。最后,筛选了8份稻瘟病抗性较好的材料,提供育种者参考、利用。  相似文献   

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