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季节、环境温度与黄鼠冬眠的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
金宗濂  蔡益鹏 《生态学报》1987,7(2):185-192
观察了达乌尔黄鼠在实验室内冬眠的一般情况。常温黄鼠的体温有着规律性的年周期,与环境温度的年周期变动不完全呈依从关系。出眠初期(4月下旬),动物体温高而稳定。4月至6月常温黄鼠的平均体温(皮温)为35.6℃,波动菹围32—37.5℃。随着体重达到顶峰,体温逐渐降低。8月份部分黄鼠出现低于32℃的低常体温,表明部分黄鼠自8月盛夏开始冬眠。但就整个种群而言,北京地区实验室内黄鼠冬眠季自9月下半月开始。3月底止,共6.5个月。秋季室温下降,动物入眠趋势增长。浅低体温(31.9—15℃)的比数逐渐升高。9月至12月,低体温(低于31.9℃)的百分比从47%增至84.8%,反映了动物从浅冬眠向深冬眠过渡。1月至2月份,低体温占85%以上,深低体温(低于15℃)占绝对优势。标志着动物种群的深眠月份。秋季动物从常温期向冬眠期转化的界线是不清的,而春季从冬眠期向常温相转化的界限却比较明显。  相似文献   

2004~2005年观察研究了肇庆北岭山地区南草蜥(Takydromus sexlineatus meridionalis Gunther)的生态习性。成体全长(TL)245.104mm,尾长为体长的3.9倍,尾再生能力强。12月到翌年2月冬眠,14℃以下完全入眠,20℃以上陆续出蛰,3~5月为活动盛期。性成熟雌体年产多窝柔性壳卵,每窝2-4枚,卵重0.1773g,长径为8.855mm,短径为6.157mm,孵化期为40天左右,5月出现当年幼体。  相似文献   

花背蟾蜍冬眠期肥满度及部分内脏器官的变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为探讨花背蟾蜍(BuforaddeiStrauch)冬眠期中消耗的营养物质主要来自内脏?还是躯体?本文采用整体肥满度(简称肥满度)、躯体肥满度、肝系数、脂肪体系数和生殖腺系数等形态生理指标,来了解花背蟾蜍自然冬眠时体躯和某些内脏器官的变化。方法根据当地花背蟾蜍的冬眠期一般始自10月底至翌年4月初,作者于1985年10月7日至11月1日在徐州近郊九里山飞机场附近捕回112只花背蟾蜍(代表开始入眠时的状况);1986年3月24日至4月2日又在上述地区捕回91只花背蟾蜍(代表即将出眠时的状况),对所捕个体的体长、体重和某些内脏器官重量进行了测定。为便于比较,…  相似文献   

达乌尔黄鼠冬眠期间体温的变化和冬眠模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用植入式半导体温度记录元件iButton 记录了达乌尔黄鼠冬眠季节及其前后的体温,分析了其冬眠模式和体温调节特点。结果显示:1)实验室条件下,达乌尔黄鼠冬眠季节长短的个体差异较大,可以分成深冬眠型、
少冬眠型和不冬眠型三种类型;2)达乌尔黄鼠在冬季表现出深冬眠阵(最低体温Tbm in <20℃ ,冬眠阵的持续时间BD >24 h)、短冬眠阵(Tbmin < 20℃ , BD≤24h)和日眠阵(Tbmin ≥20℃ , BD≤24 h)3 种类型,最低体温分别
为2.54℃ ± 0.35℃ 、10.05℃ ± 1.97℃ 和23.09℃ ± 0.40℃ ,彼此之间差异显著。日眠阵阵间产热阶段的最高体温为38.09℃ ±0.17℃ ,高于深冬眠阵(37.31℃ ±0.15℃ )和短冬眠阵(37.22℃ ±0.31℃ ); 3)深冬眠阵和日
眠阵中最低体温均与环境温度显著相关,冬眠过程中的最低体温为-2.43℃ ;4)深冬眠过程中,多数个体可以短时(≤3 h)耐受- 2℃ ~ 0℃ 的低温,激醒或继续维持深冬眠,无致死效应,但长时间(15 h)或过度低温
(- 5℃ 以下)的条件下,深冬眠的达乌尔黄鼠被激醒(70% )或死亡(30% ),不能持续冬眠; 5)入眠前10 d体温日波动幅度显著增加,高于出眠后的日体温波动,且多数个体入眠前出现体温的“试降”。表明,冬眠前
入眠的准备阶段,动物的体温调节已开始发生变化;冬季日眠的调节机制可能与冬眠不同;短时- 2℃ ~ 0℃ 的体温对深冬眠的达乌尔黄鼠无致死效应。  相似文献   

攻毒后的阿拉善黄鼠冬眠生态繁殖与抗体动态观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阿拉善黄鼠在人工饲养下,每日平均食量为80-120g,春季食量为100-150g,进入冬眠期(呈半睡状态)每日还可食30-50g。玫毒后存活黄鼠在室温高的环境中,能越冬和冬眠,但冬眠时间较晚,12月中旬呈全睡状态的只占30%,睡眠和醒眠呈交替。体温自32-35℃了8-6℃时,呈完全冬眠状态。冬眠期呼吸6-8次/分钟。发情时间比自然条件下提前1-2个月,发情高峰出现在2-4月份(2月份发情率达55.  相似文献   

李胜全  李成  王跃招 《四川动物》2000,19(3):156-157
米仓山攀蜥(Japaluramicangshanensis)是宋鸣涛(1987)依据1982年在陕西省宁强县青木川所采标本描述的种。目前仅知分布于陕西南部地区。作者1999年6~7月在甘肃省陇南地区进行野外考察,先后于6月10日~6月14日、7月9日~17日在文县刘家坪、康县阳坝和文县碧口采到鬣蜥科龙蜥属标本22号,经鉴定为米仓山攀蜥,为甘肃省新纪录。米仓山攀蜥与草绿攀蜥(JaplaluraflavicepsBarbourandDunn)相近似。区别是前者没有喉褶;上唇鳞7~8枚,下唇鳞8~9枚;尾长为头体长的两倍(个别超出两倍)。草绿攀…  相似文献   

鳖广泛栖息于江、河、湖泊、池塘和水库中。水温27—33℃时,活动于水域中,水温低于15℃时,潜伏冬眠。在本市从11月至翌年3月为越冬期,4月份开始摄食。食性以动物性饵料为主,多为鱼虾和动物尸体等。鳖肉鲜美,鳖血、鳖甲可作药用,还可供出口。因  相似文献   

2003~2005年,在蟒河保护区对山地麻蜥的生态进行了观察研究.观察表明,山地麻蜥在本区的繁殖期为5~7月,5月为交尾盛期,经过25~28天挖洞产卵,孵化时间为50天.在该区的遇见率为2.6只/km.9月下旬入蛰,翌年的3月底出蛰.  相似文献   

刘凤想  常瑾  彭宇  赵敬钊 《蛛形学报》2004,13(2):103-106
纵条蝇狮Marpissa magister(Karsch,1879)在湖北省武汉市以幼蛛、亚成蛛和成蛛混合群体于11月下旬在杂草根下部越冬,翌年3月下旬至4月中旬出蜇活动.5月下旬至6月上旬越冬蜘蛛开始产卵,在该地区全年可发生1.5代.雌蛛1生可产2~4个卵袋,单雌平均产卵量为250粒左右,孵化率97%以上.该蛛生长发育的最适温区是25℃~35℃.  相似文献   

为研究冬眠季节的光照条件对贮脂类冬眠动物入眠的影响,在达乌尔黄鼠腹腔埋植体温记录元件iButton,在体重高峰后的下降阶段置于5℃和12L:12D的光照条件下,观察测定其冬眠模式和能量消耗。达乌尔黄鼠冬眠模式出现深冬眠型、少冬眠型和不冬眠型,蛰眠阵包括深冬眠阵、短冬眠阵和日眠阵。不同冬眠阵中最低体温、冬眠阵的持续时间、阵间产热的持续时间、冷却速率和复温速率差异显著;阵间产热的最高体温基本相同。平均每日能量消耗在日眠阵中最高、短冬眠阵中居中、深冬眠阵中最低。入眠时间多集中于黑暗时相,觉醒时间多集中于光照时相。本实验结果提示,在冬眠季节施加光照黑暗循环条件可减少达乌尔黄鼠冬眠的时间,升高阵间最低体温,缩短冬眠阵与阵间产热的持续时间,降低复温速率;增加冬眠期间能量消耗。入眠与觉醒受光照条件影响,具有明显的光暗节律。  相似文献   

扬子鳄(Alligator sinensis),属于我国Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物,华北地区养殖条件下未见降温冬眠报道.本次于2020年11月至2021年5月对北京动物园饲养的5尾扬子鳄开展人工降温冬眠实验,观察冬眠各期个体的环境选择和行为变化,建立冬眠期间的行为谱,分析冬眠前后行为指标和形态指标(全长、体重和围度)变化,监...  相似文献   

Summary In euthermic and hibernating marmots (Marmota flaviventris), the pancreatic A and B cells respond in the appropriate secretory manner to glucose or arginine injection. Although reduced, this response, is clearly present in hibernating marmots. When glucose is administered to euthermic or hibernating marmots, plasma insulin concentrations rise and glucagon levels fall. While similar results are obtained in hibernation, the time period of the response is much longer due to the slowing of temperature dependent metabolic processes. Injection ofl-arginine stimulates an increase in plasma glucose, insulin, and glucagon as expected. Measurements of plasma glucose, insulin, and glucagon under basal conditions, suggest that there are no significant differences between any phase of hibernation (eg. entrance, deep hibernation, arousal) and euthermia. These results provide indirect evidence that the pancreatic A and B cells of hibernating marmots continue to function in order to help regulate plasma glucose concentration.  相似文献   

The hibernation of the Eversman hamster is proven for the first time. The body temperature measured with a thermoaccumulator implanted into the abdominal cavity dropped down to +5°C several times during the winter. This species differs from other hibernating mammals in the peculiarities of its seasonal fluctuation of steroid hormones (cortisol, progesterone, estradiol, and testosterone) and in the absence of fat deposits before hibernation.  相似文献   

安徽省徽州地区翼手类及其越冬生态的初步观察   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
关于安徽省的翼手类,G. M. Allen(1938)、王岐山等(1966),黄文儿等(1978)、徐亚君等(1982)均有过报道,共记录了21种,分属菊头蝠科、蹄蝠科、蝙蝠科和犬吻蝠科,计4科11属。梁仁济等(1982)曾对皖南冬眠前蝙蝠的几项生理指标作过测定分析,但尚未见到有关蝙蝠自然越冬生态的专题报道。我们于1981年10月-1982年5月,1982年10月-1983年4月,对徽州地区的31个蝙蝠越冬岩洞作了采集和观测。并选定了休宁县临溪、歙县王村和屯溪市三处共7个岩洞和一个市郊居民点作为系统采集观测点,先后进行了84个洞次的采集观测,现将有关材料初报如下。  相似文献   

Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is thought to play a significant physiological role during arousal when body temperature rises from the extremely low body temperature that occurs during hibernation. The dominant pathway of BAT thermogenesis occurs through the β(3)-adrenergic receptor. In this study, we investigated the role of the β(3)-adrenergic system in BAT thermogenesis during arousal from hibernation both in vitro and in vivo. Syrian hamsters in the hibernation group contained BAT that was significantly greater in overall mass, total protein, and thermogenic uncoupling protein-1 than BAT from the warm-acclimated group. Although the ability of the β(3)-agonist CL316,243 to induce BAT thermogenesis at 36°C was no different between the hibernation and warm-acclimated groups, its maximum ratio over the basal value at 12°C in the hibernation group was significantly larger than that in the warm-acclimated group. Forskolin stimulation at 12°C produced equivalent BAT responses in these two groups. In vivo thermogenesis was assessed with the arousal time determined by the time course of BAT temperature or heart rate. Stimulation of BAT by CL316,243 significantly shortened the time of arousal from hibernation compared with that induced by vehicle alone, and it also induced arousal in deep hibernating animals. The β(3)-antagonist SR59230A inhibited arousal from hibernation either in part or completely. These results suggest that BAT in hibernating animals has potent thermogenic activity with a highly effective β(3)-receptor mechanism at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

A comparative study concerning the extent of phosphorylation of myosin regulatory light chains and C-protein from the left ventricle of hibernating ground squirrel Citellus undulatus during the periods of hibernation and activity was carried out. During hibernation, regulatory light chains of ground squirrel were found to be completely dephosphorylated. In active animals, the share of phosphorylated light chains averages 40-45% of their total amount. The extent of phosphorylation of the cardiac C-protein during hibernation is about two times higher than that in the active state. Seasonal differences in phosphorylation of the two proteins of ground squirrel myocardium are discussed in the context of adaptation to hibernation.  相似文献   

A “trigger” substance was again indicated to be present in sera of hibernating animals. Sera from the hibernating 13-lined ground squirrel, hibernating woodchuck, hibernating Arctic ground squirrel, and hibernating Arctic marmot were all capable of inducing the 13-lined ground squirrel to hibernate in the summer, a season when that species would normally be active. The hibernation trigger is thus not species specific. It is effective whether drawn from these two Arctic species of hibernators or drawn from these two species of hibernators from the midwestern states. The normothermic Arctic marmot appears to have an “anti-trigger” substance in its serum in the summer, which impedes fall hibernation in the transfused 13-lined ground squirrel. This is similar to the anti-trigger observed in the summer serum of active 13-lined ground squirrels and active woodchucks. With respect to hypothermia, it was induced in Artic marmots and in Arctic foxes at Point Barrow, Alaska, in summer. Though in such cases body temperatures fell significantly (as in hibernation), no trigger was recovered from their hypothermic sera that could be shown to be capable of inducing summer hibernation in the ground squirrel. Neither was anti-trigger found in the serum of hypothermic experimentals. These latter experiments thus suggest that the release of trigger into the blood during hibernation is dependent on a mechanism more complex than simply lowering body temperature.  相似文献   

Woolly dormice, Dryomys laniger Felten and Storch (Senckenbergiana Biol 49(6):429–435, 1968), are a small (20–30 g), omnivorous (mainly insectivorous), nocturnal glirid species endemic to Turkey. Although woolly dormice have been assumed to hibernate during winter, no information exists on body temperature patterns and use of torpor in the species. In the present study, we aimed to determine body temperature patterns and use of torpor in woolly dormice under controlled laboratory conditions. Accordingly, body temperature (Tb) of woolly dormice was recorded using surgically implanted Thermochron iButtons, small and inexpensive temperature-sensitive data loggers. Woolly dormice exhibited robust, unimodal daily Tb rhythmicity during the euthermic stage before the beginning of hibernation. They displayed short torpor before they began hibernation, although the tendency to enter short torpor was different among individuals. Woolly dormice began hibernation within 1–3 days after exposure to cold and darkness, i.e., on October 22–24, and ended hibernation in the first half of April. Hibernation consisted of a sequence of multiday torpor bouts, interrupted by euthermic intervals. Thus, the patterns of hibernation in woolly dormice were similar to those observed in classical hibernating mammals.  相似文献   

Even though the existence of the blood-borne "hibernation induction trigger" has been reported in the 13-lined ground squirrel, transfusion of plasma from hibernating rodents with other hibernating species as the recipients failed to induce the occurrence of summer hibernation. In order to verify whether the response to the "trigger" substance is species specific, the present study was carried out to compare the effect of plasma from hibernating Richardson's ground squirrels on the incidence of summer hibernation in both juvenile Richardson's and adult 13-lined ground squirrels. In two series of experiments, 13-lined ground squirrels entered hibernation quite readily independent of the treatment. The rate of occurrence of hibernation ranged from 78% after sham injection to 86% after warm saline, fresh summer active plasma, and fresh hibernating plasma, respectively. There were no differences in the number of hibernation bouts and the number of days in hibernation after each treatment. In contrast, none of the juvenile Richardson's ground squirrels entered hibernation after any of the treatments up to the end of the 8-week observation period. These results not only argue against the existence of blood-borne "trigger" substance, at least in the Richardson's ground squirrel, but also caution against the use of the 13-lined ground squirrel as a standard test animal for the bioassay of the "trigger" substance.  相似文献   

我国草地螟的迁飞规律及途径   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
草地螟Loxostege sticticalisL.是一种重要的迁飞害虫,曾给我国三北地区的农牧业生产造成巨大的经济损失。文章在列举大量草地螟迁飞证据的同时,总结分析了成虫的迁飞过程及行为生理特征、迁飞途径以及在我国主要发生危害区的虫源关系。有资料显示,成虫通常在黄昏前后自主起飞,起飞的适宜温度为20℃左右。当成虫进入边界层后,便在距地面400 m左右的高空成层,并随气流运载至远处。黎明前后,成虫降落。脂类是成虫飞行的主要能源物质。在我国,越冬代和1代之间可能可以“互为虫源地”。越冬代成虫随西南气流迁飞至我国东北地区,在当地繁殖1代后,成虫可能回迁至华北地区,尽管目前还缺乏直接的证据。最后,还讨论了草地螟迁飞规律研究中尚待解决的主要科学问题。  相似文献   

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