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基于生态调控的小麦害虫综合治理研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国是小麦种植面积最大的国家。近年来,受全球气候变化、农业产业结构调整等因素的影响,小麦虫害问题趋于严重。而目前化学农药是小麦害虫防治的主要手段,过度依赖化学农药带来了环境污染、害虫抗性等一系列问题。针对这些问题,我国科学家在阐明小麦害虫区域性灾变规律和机理的基础上,发展了小麦害虫生态调控技术,并构建了基于农田景观设计的生态调控工程。本文综述了我国小麦害虫治理的新进展,并基于国际上小麦害虫治理的发展趋势,展望了我国小麦害虫治理的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

论害虫生态调控策略与技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
害虫生态调控作为害虫管理的一种"高级"策略,主要基于"预防为主,生态优先,整合治理,精准施策"的原则,通过调节与控制两个相辅相成的过程,整合包括生态调控技术、现代生物技术、农业防治、生物防治、理化诱控技术以及合理的化学防治等手段,构建"经济、简便、有效"的生态工程技术体系,将害虫控制在生态经济阈值水平之下。同时,它也是害虫管理的一种技术,包括景观生态设计、功能植物种植、推拉技术、生态自杀技术、作物合理布局、健康作物环境调控技术等措施。本文重点阐明了作为害虫管理策略与害虫管理技术"二重性"的害虫生态调控概念,明确了害虫生态调控的4项基本原理、6大独特技术和4个指导思想,比较了害虫生态调控策略与害虫综合治理策略的特征,解析了害虫生态调控技术与农业防治、生物防治的区别和联系,指出了未来害虫生态调控发展的趋势。  相似文献   

21世纪害虫管理的一些特征展望   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
戈峰  苏建伟 《昆虫知识》2002,39(4):241-246
分析了近年来国内外IPM研究的进展 ,认为未来的害虫管理是以作物的控害作用为中心 ,以农田生态系统或区域性生态系统为对象 ,以大量信息管理为基础 ,以发展新技术 (转基因作物和昆虫性信息素 )和农民参与为重点 ,以生态调控为手段 ,以持续发展为方向。从而使害虫管理提高到一个新的境界  相似文献   

基于服务功能的昆虫生态调控理论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鉴于昆虫在植物传粉授精、害虫生物控制、土壤有机物分解中提供多种生态系统服务功能,本文在害虫生态调控、区域性害虫生态调控与生境管理的基础上,进一步提出基于多种生态服务功能的农田景观昆虫生态调控理论、方法与实践。认为:昆虫管理不仅仅是害虫的管理,还应包括有益昆虫(如传粉昆虫、天敌昆虫、分解昆虫)的管理,这种管理应从单一农田生态系统扩展到农田景观生态系统,充分考虑农田景观中昆虫的传粉功能、生物控害功能和分解功能,通过对功能植物、作物与非作物生境的空间布局以及时间序列上的生态设计,从空间上明确昆虫(包括害虫、天敌、传粉昆虫、分解昆虫)在不同生境中的转移扩散动态,从时间上掌握昆虫在不同寄主植物与非作物生境上的演替过程,从技术上着重发挥有利于昆虫的传粉功能、生物控害功能和分解功能的综合措施,在研究方法上突出使用稳定同位素、生态能量学、化学生态学等定量分析手段,研究景观区域内中"植物-昆虫"互作过程及其生态调控措施的作用,寻求不同时空条件下控害保益的关键措施,设计和组装出维持多功能的农田景观昆虫生态调控技术体系,创造有利于天敌控害、蜜蜂传粉、土壤分解的环境条件,以发挥昆虫类群在农田景观中最大的生态服务功能。  相似文献   

害虫生态调控的生态阈值及关键理论问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
害虫种群可持续控制一直是农业生态学基础研究的关键问题之一,也是保障粮食安全的重要研究领域。如何以采用环境代价小、可持续性强及提质增效的生态技术进行害虫种群管理是近十年来国内外关注的热点问题,但一直缺乏完整具体可操作性的理论框架。本文以害虫生态调控为切入点,对生态阈值和生态效率进行了细致的论述,并尝试建立了生态阈值的技术指标。同时,本文对害虫生态调控中的关键理论问题进行了归纳,包括种群生态学模型、食物网结构、尺度效应以及生态能学等方面。最终本文对当前的研究进展做了展望,旨在促进害虫生态调控的进一步发展。  相似文献   

中国农业害虫防治科技70年的成就与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新中国成立70年以来,随着农业生产方式的不断变革和科技进步,农业害虫的防治策略从20世纪50年代的农业防治发展到80年代的综合防治和现阶段的绿色防控,害虫防治越来越高效、科学和环保。中国农业昆虫学家先后研究明确了水稻、小麦、玉米、棉花、蔬菜和果树等作物主要害虫发生规律,创新了一系列监测预警、生物防治、物理防治、化学生态调控、抗药性治理和抗虫育种技术,构建了以重要作物生产过程和重大致灾害虫为对象的综合防治技术体系。研发的以农业防治为主的蝗虫防控技术体系、以异地测报治理为主的粘虫Mythimnaseparata防控技术体系、以化学农药应急防治为主的稻飞虱防控技术体系、以生物防治为主的玉米螟Ostriniafurnacalis防控技术体系和以转基因技术为主的棉铃虫Helicoverpaarmigera防控技术体系等害虫治理模式,已成为国际农业害虫防治的经典案例。展望未来,信息技术和人工智能技术、基因组技术、农业生物技术等高新技术发展正推动害虫智能化精准识别与监测预警、智能化精准对靶施药、基因诊断与快速检测、害虫种群遗传调控、区域性生态调控和转基因防治技术的不断创新与广泛应用。  相似文献   

水稻害虫化学生态调控研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自然界中,在昆虫和植物种内与种间都存在着复杂的化学联系。开发利用生态系统中这些调控生物种内种间关系的生态功能分子,可望有效降低害虫的种群密度,从而减少化学农药的使用。本文根据目前国内外在利用生态功能分子调控水稻害虫方面的最新研究成果,分别就利用昆虫性信息素、水稻挥发物、非寄主植物提取物、化学激发子以及遗传改良水稻品种等在调控水稻害虫及其天敌中作用的研究进展进行了综述,并提出了今后的研究重点与方向。希望通过本文能促进化学生态调控技术在水稻害虫治理中的应用,以减轻水稻害虫治理对化学农药的依赖。  相似文献   

害虫的遗传与行为调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了昆虫的行为遗传机制、昆虫的发育与变态、昆虫对主要环境因子变化的响应、害虫与寄主植物的化学通讯和多营养级信息网及其对昆虫行为调控等国内外研究进展,提出了害虫治理要从杀灭防治转变为行为调控的新思路和新理念,认为未来的研究将围绕害虫暴发成灾的遗传与行为机理等科学问题,通过深入研究害虫发育变态、行为遗传,及其对关键生态因子和食物网内信号物质适应机制,揭示影响害虫发生的内外关键因素,寻找基于基因和生态调控行为治理害虫的新技术和新方法,为有效开展害虫治理、减少化学农药做出贡献。  相似文献   

茶园害虫生态控制若干问题的探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
茶园害虫生态控制是一种较新的控制有害生物的策略。本文讨论了茶园害虫生态控制的特点、原理和方法,认为茶园害虫生态控制是在深入了解茶园生态系统内有关因素的特性、动态、以及相关联系的情况下,运用有效的技术和手段,创造不利于害虫而有利于茶叶生产的条件,充分发挥生态系统中各种害虫调控因子的作用,使茶园害虫种群密度在生态系统内长期处在不足以引起经济损失的水平,使整个茶园生态系统高效、低耗和持续发展。同时详细分析了茶园各种生态因子在生态控制中的作用,并提出了今后茶园害虫生态控制的研究方向和工作重点。  相似文献   

我国农业害虫综合防治研究现状与展望   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
害虫综合防治作为农业生产的一项重要策略,在农业可持续发展中具有举足轻重的作用。近年来,针对我国害虫防治所存在的技术需求,科技部等部门先后通过973计划、863计划、科技支撑计划和农业行业专项等对重要害虫防治研究立项支持。通过这些项目的实施,我国建成了一支由国家和省级科研单位和大学组成的专业科研队伍和研究平台,对害虫监测预警技术、基于生物多样性保护利用的生态调控技术、害虫生物防治技术、化学防治技术、抗虫转基因作物利用技术等方面的研究取得了一系列的重要进展,研究建立了棉花、水稻、玉米、小麦和蔬菜等作物重要害虫的综合防治技术体系,并在农业生产中发挥了重要作用。以基因工程和信息技术为代表的第二次农业技术革命的到来,推动了害虫综合防治的理论发展,为害虫综合防治技术的广泛应用提供了新的机遇。地理信息系统、全球定位系统等信息技术和计算机网络技术的应用,提高了对害虫种群监测和预警的能力和水平,转基因抗虫作物的商业化种植等技术的应用显著增强了对害虫种群的区域性调控效率。针对产业结构调整和全球气候变化所带来的害虫新问题,进一步发展IPM新理论与新技术将成为我国农业昆虫学研究的重要方向之一。  相似文献   

害虫生态调控的原理与方法   总被引:44,自引:2,他引:42  
戈峰 《生态学杂志》1998,17(2):38-42
害虫生态调控的原理与方法戈峰(中国科学院动物研究所农业虫鼠害综合治理国家重点实验室,北京100080)ThePrinciplesandMethodsofEcologicalRegulationandManagementofPests.GeFeng(I...  相似文献   

中国棉花害虫综合防治的新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹赤阳 《昆虫知识》1992,29(3):170-172
<正> 一、历史回顾 建国以来防治棉花害虫早已采用多种手段互为补充的综合防治。随着防治技术的发展,防治手段的重点亦随之而异。50年代后期到60年代农药的迅速发展,高效广谱农药相继出现,几乎所有主要害虫均可以用农药防治,农药遂成为防治棉虫的主要手段。由于过多地依赖农药致使一些害虫产生了抗药性。首先是棉蚜与叶螨对内吸磷和乐果的抗性,继之棉叶蝉、棉铃虫、红铃虫对滴滴涕也产生了抗性,使这些原来是高效的农药相继退出了应用市场。同时农药造成的严重环  相似文献   

Agricultural policies in the European Union (EU) are increasingly promoting organic management and integrated pest management (IPM) as environmentally friendly alternatives to high-input conventional management. While there is consensus that organic management is largely beneficial for biodiversity, including the natural enemies of crop pests, IPM has been much less scrutinized. We conducted a meta-analysis based on 294 observations extracted from 18 studies to compare the effects of conventional, IPM and organic management on biocontrol potential and herbivore pressure in olive, an important cash crop in the EU. Information about the management practices used was also compiled to assess differences in intensity between the three management strategies. Results suggest that IPM is predominantly based on intensive practices, employing chemical control rather than preventive measures as a first resort. Biocontrol potential and herbivore pressure were similar in conventional management and IPM. Moreover, biocontrol potential was higher in organic crops than in crops under IPM, especially when considering canopy-dwelling natural enemies. Although organic management enhanced biocontrol potential, it also benefitted some olive pests, and in both cases effects were more pronounced at warmer temperatures. Our results suggest that, in its current form, IPM might not significantly affect biocontrol potential or herbivore pressure when compared with conventional olive crop management. A shift to a more comprehensive implementation of IPM practices is thus needed, involving the use of proactive measures to promote natural enemies and regulate olive pests before resorting to chemical control. Moreover, greater use of non-chemical inputs might be required for effective regulation of olive pests in organic olive crops.  相似文献   

麦套夏播转Bt基因棉R93-6对昆虫群落的影响   总被引:42,自引:6,他引:36  
以转Bt(Bacillusthuringiensis)基因棉品系R93-6为试验材料,以中棉所16号为对照,研究了在麦套夏播条件下转基因棉对昆虫群落的影响。结果表明,转基因棉田昆虫群落、害虫和天敌亚群落的多样性指数和均匀度指数均低于常规棉田,而优势集中性则高于常规棉田,所以转基因棉田昆虫群落、害虫和天敌亚群落的稳定性不如常规棉田,某种害虫大发生的可能性较大。对季节性变化格局的研究表明,转基因棉田昆虫群落可以划分为前期(6月初至7月下旬)、中期(7月底至8月底)和后期(9月份以后)三个发展阶段,根据不同阶段害虫和天敌发生的特点, 提出了害虫综合治理的策略。即前期害虫的防治应以生物生态调控为主;中期以化学防治为主,以生物生态调控为辅,协调好生物防治和化学防治的矛盾;后期应以生物生态调控为主,并加强农业防治。  相似文献   

Areawide management has a long history of achieving solutions that target pests, however, there has been little focus on the areawide management of arthropod natural enemies. Landscape ecology studies that show a positive relationship between natural enemy abundance and habitat diversity demonstrate landscape‐dependent pest suppression, but have not yet clearly linked their findings to pest management or to the suite of pests associated with crops that require control. Instead the focus has often been on model systems of single pest species and their natural enemies. We suggest that management actions to capture pest control from natural enemies may be forth coming if: (i) the suite of response and predictor variables focus on pest complexes and specific management actions; (ii) the contribution of “the landscape” is identified by assessing the timing and numbers of natural enemies immigrating and emigrating to and from the target crop, as well as pests; and (iii) pest control thresholds aligned with crop development stages are the benchmark to measure impact of natural enemies on pests, in turn allowing for comparison between study regions, and generalizations. To achieve pest control we will need to incorporate what has been learned from an ecological understanding of model pest and natural enemy systems and integrate areawide landscape management with in‐field pest management.  相似文献   

Abstract  In Australia, canola is subject to attack by at least 30 species of invertebrate pests, although the composition of this pest complex can vary between regions. Mites (e.g. the redlegged earth mite Halotydeus destructor and the blue oat mites Penthaleus spp.), lucerne flea ( Sminthurus viridis ) and false wireworms (e.g. the grey false wireworm Isopteron punctatissimus and the bronzed field beetle Adelium brevicorne ) are the major pests threatening the seedling establishment, whereas aphids (the cabbage aphid Brevicoryne brassicae , the turnip aphid Lipaphis erysimi and the green peach aphid Myzus persicae ), the native budworm ( Helicoverpa punctigera ), the diamondback moth ( Plutella xylostella ) and the Rutherglen bug ( Nysius vinitor ) can cause irregular and unpredictable damage to the flowering and podding plants. Current tactics of pest management for canola rely largely on the use of synthetic pesticides, but this single-technology approach is likely to incur negative effects on natural enemies and the risk of pest resistance. Thus, the sustainable production of canola requires integrated pest management (IPM) strategies, in which cultural control, crop resistance and biological control are used as important components, with chemical inputs applied only when absolutely needed to restrict pests from reaching economically damaging densities. Such IPM strategies should be built around a fundamental understanding of pest ecology at both regional and local farm levels and the integration of renewable technologies. Therefore, future research efforts need to be focused on the canola-cropping system, with a particular emphasis on the impact of pest species, natural enemies of the pests, varietal resistance to pests and the spatial ecology of pest species.  相似文献   

转抗虫基因植物生态安全性研究进展   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
转抗虫基因植物如Bt棉花等已在美国、中国和澳大利亚等国家大规模商业化种植 ,有关转抗虫基因植物潜在的生态风险已引起广泛的关注。该文综述了转抗虫基因植物研究应用现状与安全性研究进展。主要内容包括 :转抗虫基因植物的种类及其对靶标害虫的抗性 ,对非靶标害虫和天敌发生的影响 ,对农田生态系统生物多样性的影响 ,靶标昆虫的抗性治理及转抗虫基因植物的基因漂移等  相似文献   

Cotton is one of the most economically important crops in China, while insect pest damage is the major restriction factor for cotton production. The strategy of integrated pest management (IPM), in which biological control plays an important role, has been widely applied. Nearly 500 species of natural enemies have been reported in cotton systems in China, but few species have been examined closely. Seventy-six species, belonging to 53 genera, of major arthropod predators and parasitoids of lepidoptera pests, and 46 species, belonging to 29 genera, of natural enemies of sucking pests have been described. In addition, microsporidia, fungi, bacteria and viruses are also important natural enemies of cotton pests. Trichogramma spp., Microplitis mediator, Amblyseius cucumeris, Bacillus thuringiensis and Helicoverpa armigera nuclear polyhedrosis virus (HaNPV) have been mass reared or commercially produced and used in China. IPM strategies for cotton pests comprising of cultural, biological, physical and chemical controls have been developed and implemented in the Yellow River Region (YRR), Changjiang River Region (CRR) and Northwestern Region (NR) of China over the past several decades. In recent years, Bt cotton has been widely planted for selectively combating cotton bollworm, H. armigera, pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella, and other lepidopteran pest species. As a result of reduced insecticide sprays, increased abundance of natural enemies in Bt cotton fields efficiently prevents outbreaks of other pests such as cotton aphids. In contrast, populations of mirid plant bugs have increased dramatically due to a reduction in the number of foliar insecticide applications for control of the bollworms in Bt cotton, and now pose a key problem in cotton production. In response to this new pest issue in cotton production, control strategies including biological control measures are being developed in China.  相似文献   

转Bt基因抗虫棉的生态风险及治理对策   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
评述了转Bt基因抗虫棉的生态风险及治理对策。其生态风险主要表现在目标害虫的抗性和对非目标生物群落的变化。目标害虫与转基因抗虫棉的互相作用和抗虫棉杀虫毒素的时空表达方式是目标害虫抗性发展的主要途径。在转基因抗虫棉田中,虽然对目标害虫的防治次数大为减少,但害虫和天敌群落的稳定性仍不如常规棉田,某种次要害虫大发生的可能性较大。认为将转基因抗虫棉纳入综合防治体系并培育更加高效的抗虫棉是治理目标害虫抗性和防止次要害虫上升的重要措施。  相似文献   

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