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害虫及害螨对阿维菌素抗药性研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
阿维菌素(avermectins)是一类新型高效广谱的生物源农药,对多种害虫及害螨具有极好的防效。随着阿维菌素在害虫及害螨防治中的广泛应用,害虫和害螨对其的抗性问题日益受到关注。文章综述国内外的最新研究结果表明:小菜蛾Pluttella xylostella(L.)、二斑叶螨Tetranychus urticate Koch等已对阿维菌素产生抗性,对阿维菌素产生抗性的害虫和螨并不总是表现适合度劣势,且抗性一旦产生敏感性较难以恢复;抗性遗传多数由多基因、不完全隐性控制;抗性机理涉及多种因素。综合分析发现害虫和螨对阿维菌素存在较大的、潜在抗性风险。  相似文献   

灯光诱杀在害虫无公害治理中的作用   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
1我国农业害虫防治现状60年代末至今,我国农业害虫的治理主要以化学防治为主。化学农药在较长的一个时期内曾有效地控制住农业害虫的危害,为农业高产、稳产作出了巨大贡献。然而,长期使用农药已产生严重副作用:(1)使具有抗性基因的生理种群成为害虫优势种群,抗药性急剧上升,化学农药防治效果明显下降甚至无效。刘润玺等报道[1],至1995年,棉铃虫对溴氰菊酯、对硫磷、久效磷、灭多威的抗性倍数分别为59610.8、2535.2、103.3、239.9倍;(2)害虫抗性水平的剧增,加大了农药使用剂量及使用频率,…  相似文献   

目前,世界半数以上的害虫对现有主要农药产生了抗性,能抗杀虫剂的昆虫大约有400多种,约60种杀虫剂相继失效。我国棉铃虫的抗性自1986年开始发生,到1989年大发生,抗性倍数激增,最  相似文献   

中国混配杀虫剂的研究与开发   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
庞道毛  向红 《昆虫知识》1992,29(4):244-247
<正> 混配杀虫剂、尤其是混配增效杀虫剂扩大了杀虫谱,减少了施药量,是防治抗性害虫的重要手段之一,因此有很大经济价值。我国自70年代始,特别是1980年推广农药混用以来,这方面的研究开发取得很大成绩,现分3方面总结如下。  相似文献   

增效磷对杀虫剂的增效作用及其防治棉蚜效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正> 棉蚜是我国北方棉区棉苗期的主要害虫,长期以来,由于连年大量使用农药,棉蚜抗性发展很快,为防治棉蚜每年需喷4—10次农药,用量和费用逐年增加,农药对环境的污染也日趋严重,寻找新的增效剂与现有农药混配,提高杀虫效果,减少农药用量,降低用药费用是当前击破抗性,防治害虫的一条有效途径。 根据Oppenoorth(1972)报道,增效磷对家蝇多功能氧化酶和羧酸酯酶有抑制作用,经  相似文献   

昆虫抗药性是化学防治中的一个重要问题。远在60年代初期,我国很多科研部门,对农、林、卫生等重要害虫,进行了大量抗性研究,个别单位对益虫的抗性亦进行了一些探索,取得了不少成效。但在十年动乱中,绝大多数科研部门停止了这方面的研究,以致几种重要害虫抗性的发展情况不很清楚,加以近几年来,不少农药的质量下降,有些地区的使用情况亦比较混乱,目前不少农药对害虫的防治效果减退,是质量问题,还是抗性问题?应该弄清楚。 近20年来,国外在抗性调查与抗性机理研究有很大的进展,世界卫生组织与粮农组织,对不少重要害虫提出了统一规定的调查方法;不少专业研究单位对重要害虫的生理、 生化、遗传等抗性机理方面亦发表了不少论著。 为了赶上形势发展,本刊从本期起开辟专题讲座专栏,并约请从事这方面研究的专业人员,结合国内外情况,较有系统的陆续刊登不同类型昆虫抗性的培育与测定方法、抗性生化机理、抗性遗传机理、防治抗性害虫策略等文章,以供读者参考。  相似文献   

利用自然控制因素防治棉花害虫   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
崔金杰  马艳 《昆虫知识》1994,31(5):279-281
长期以来,我国对棉花害虫的防治主要依靠化学农药。进入80年代,由于对取代有机氯农药的菊醋类杀虫剂长期不节制高频次单一使用,甚至滥用,棉蚜AphisgossypiiGlover、棉铃虫Heliothisarmigera(Hubner)对其抗性迅速产生,不仅防治费用增加,还严重污染了生态环境。因此研究和探索利用自然控制因素防治棉花害虫有重要意义[1]。我国利用自然控制因素防治棉花害虫有如下几方面情况:1耕作制度的改变大面积种植单一作物,缺乏桥梁食物,昆虫群落结构简单,常发性害虫的大发生频率就高;作物相复杂,混种程度高,昆虫群落组成较复杂,天敌昆…  相似文献   

害虫防治的重要性和艰巨性害虫给农作物和人类健康所造成的危害是巨大的。在长期生产实践中,人们已经发展了各种方法来控制害虫,其中包括农业防治、化学药剂防治、生物防治(应用微生物杀虫剂和天敌昆虫)、物理防治和遗传防治等防治和技术。但是这些方法的使用都有一定的局限性和副作用,有的甚至造成了严重后果。例如作为目前生产中占主导地位的化学药剂防治,已给人类带来了很大麻烦,害虫对化学农药产生抗性,导致农药的  相似文献   

转Bt基因抗虫棉的生态风险及治理对策   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
评述了转Bt基因抗虫棉的生态风险及治理对策。其生态风险主要表现在目标害虫的抗性和对非目标生物群落的变化。目标害虫与转基因抗虫棉的互相作用和抗虫棉杀虫毒素的时空表达方式是目标害虫抗性发展的主要途径。在转基因抗虫棉田中,虽然对目标害虫的防治次数大为减少,但害虫和天敌群落的稳定性仍不如常规棉田,某种次要害虫大发生的可能性较大。认为将转基因抗虫棉纳入综合防治体系并培育更加高效的抗虫棉是治理目标害虫抗性和防止次要害虫上升的重要措施。  相似文献   

长期以来,磷化氢熏蒸已逐渐成为全球储粮害虫防治的主要手段.面对储粮害虫广泛产生的磷化氢抗性和替代药剂的缺乏,需要重新审视储粮防护剂的应用意义.由于储粮害虫对现用的储粮防护剂产生了广泛抗性,单一使用防护剂难以达到害虫防治的目的.只有综合考虑和利用各种影响药效的因素,改进防护剂的使用技术,并优化多种防治技术的组合方案,加强防护剂应用基础研究,才能解决防护剂使用所遇到的瓶颈问题,实现储粮害虫磷化氢抗性的治理.  相似文献   

我国农业害虫综合防治研究现状与展望   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
害虫综合防治作为农业生产的一项重要策略,在农业可持续发展中具有举足轻重的作用。近年来,针对我国害虫防治所存在的技术需求,科技部等部门先后通过973计划、863计划、科技支撑计划和农业行业专项等对重要害虫防治研究立项支持。通过这些项目的实施,我国建成了一支由国家和省级科研单位和大学组成的专业科研队伍和研究平台,对害虫监测预警技术、基于生物多样性保护利用的生态调控技术、害虫生物防治技术、化学防治技术、抗虫转基因作物利用技术等方面的研究取得了一系列的重要进展,研究建立了棉花、水稻、玉米、小麦和蔬菜等作物重要害虫的综合防治技术体系,并在农业生产中发挥了重要作用。以基因工程和信息技术为代表的第二次农业技术革命的到来,推动了害虫综合防治的理论发展,为害虫综合防治技术的广泛应用提供了新的机遇。地理信息系统、全球定位系统等信息技术和计算机网络技术的应用,提高了对害虫种群监测和预警的能力和水平,转基因抗虫作物的商业化种植等技术的应用显著增强了对害虫种群的区域性调控效率。针对产业结构调整和全球气候变化所带来的害虫新问题,进一步发展IPM新理论与新技术将成为我国农业昆虫学研究的重要方向之一。  相似文献   

棉花耐害补偿临界指标及其应用的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
棉花耐害补偿反应可归纳为三种动态类型:1)不足补偿动态反应型;2)完全——不足补偿动态反应型;3)超越——完全——不足补偿动态反应型。其临界指标的建立及其应用可优化棉花病虫害综防决策.以研究害虫防治决策为例,剖析了利用害虫自然种群,人为改变害虫自然种群、人为地接放一定虫量与人工损害模拟等不同测定棉花耐害补偿能力方法的利弊。并探讨改进措施.分析论述了不同量化棉花耐害补偿能力的方法,并就棉花耐害补偿临界指标的建立及其意义作了探讨.棉花耐害补偿临界描标在棉田生态系统有害生物综合治理中可用于指导防治决策或直接用于防治决策,有着十分广阔的应用前景.最后就棉花耐害补偿临界指标及其应用的研究方向及有关问题作了讨论。  相似文献   

害虫区域性生态调控的理论、方法及实践   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
戈峰 《昆虫知识》2001,38(5):337-341
本文在分析害虫生态调控的生态学基础上 ,论述了害虫区域性生态调控的原理与方法 ,并以华北棉田害虫管理实践为例 ,介绍了害虫区域性生态调控的实施过程  相似文献   

Predatory insects and spiders are key elements of integrated pest management (IPM) programmes in agricultural crops such as cotton. Management decisions in IPM programmes should to be based on a reliable and efficient method for counting both predators and pests. Knowledge of the temporal constraints that influence sampling is required because arthropod abundance estimates are likely to vary over a growing season and within a day. Few studies have adequately quantified this effect using the beat sheet, a potentially important sampling method. We compared the commonly used methods of suction and visual sampling to the beat sheet, with reference to an absolute cage clamp method for determining the abundance of various arthropod taxa over 5 weeks. There were significantly more entomophagous arthropods recorded using the beat sheet and cage clamp methods than by using suction or visual sampling, and these differences were more pronounced as the plants grew. In a second trial, relative estimates of entomophagous and phytophagous arthropod abundance were made using beat sheet samples collected over a day. Beat sheet estimates of the abundance of only eight of the 43 taxa examined were found to vary significantly over a day. Beat sheet sampling is recommended in further studies of arthropod abundance in cotton, but researchers and pest management advisors should bear in mind the time of season and time of day effects.  相似文献   

Households are mini‐ecosystems that provide a variety of conditions in which a variety of insect species can develop. Whether these insects are considered pests, largely depends on the perception, attitudes, and knowledge of the human inhabitants of the house. If considered unacceptable, residents can attempt to manage the insects themselves, or hire a professional. A pest management professional can provide a quick‐fix solution, often relying on the sole use of insecticides, or a sustainable solution through integrated pest management (IPM). In this review, it is discussed how the public's perception, attitudes, and knowledge affect the implementation of IPM in the household through the following steps: inspection, identification, establishment of a threshold level, pest control, and evaluation of effectiveness. Furthermore, recent and novel developments within the fields of inspection, identification, and pest control that allow to address pest infestations more effectively are described and their implementation in the household environment is discussed. In general, pest management in the household environment is reactive instead of pro‐active. The general public lacks the knowledge of the pest insects’ biology to identify the species, perform a proper inspection and identify causes of pest presence, as well as the knowledge of the available tools for monitoring and pest control. The percentage of individuals that seek professional aid in identification and pest control is relatively low. Moreover, the perception of and attitudes towards household insects generally result in low threshold levels. Current developments of methods for monitoring, identification, and control of insect pests in the household environment are promising, such as DNA barcoding, matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization time‐of‐flight and RNA interference. Efforts should be strengthened to alter the perception and attitude, and increase the knowledge of the non‐professional stakeholders, so that correct pest management decisions can be taken.  相似文献   

转抗虫基因植物生态安全性研究进展   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
转抗虫基因植物如Bt棉花等已在美国、中国和澳大利亚等国家大规模商业化种植 ,有关转抗虫基因植物潜在的生态风险已引起广泛的关注。该文综述了转抗虫基因植物研究应用现状与安全性研究进展。主要内容包括 :转抗虫基因植物的种类及其对靶标害虫的抗性 ,对非靶标害虫和天敌发生的影响 ,对农田生态系统生物多样性的影响 ,靶标昆虫的抗性治理及转抗虫基因植物的基因漂移等  相似文献   

天敌昆虫抗药性研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
天敌昆虫抗药性研究在协调害虫化学防治和生物防治中有着重要的理论和现实意义,其研究的最终目的在于更好地推进抗性天敌在害虫综合治理(IPM)中的应用。抗药性天敌昆虫具有潜在的巨大价值。鉴于此,本文系统地综述了天敌昆虫抗药性最新研究进展,包括杀虫剂对天敌昆虫的影响、天敌昆虫抗药性现状、抗药性机理和限制天敌昆虫抗药性发展因素等。文章最后还对抗药性天敌昆虫的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) has become an integral part of integrated pest management (IPM) in many Australian agricultural and horticultural crops. This is the culmination of years of work conducted by researchers at the Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries (QDPI&F) and Ag Biotech Australia Pty Ltd. In the early 1970's researchers at QDPI&F identified and isolated a virus in Helicoverpa armigera populations in the field. This NPV was extensively studied and shown to be highly specific to Helicoverpa and Heliothis species. Further work showed that when used appropriately the virus could be used effectively to manage these insects in crops such as sorghum, cotton, chickpea and sweet corn. A similar virus was first commercially produced in the USA in the 1970's. This product, Elcar(R), was introduced into Australia in the late 1970's by Shell Chemicals with limited success. A major factor contributing to the poor adoption of Elcar was the concurrent enormous success of the synthetic pyrethroids. The importance of integrated pest management was probably also not widely accepted at that time. Gradual development of insect resistance to synthetic pyrethroids and other synthetic insecticides in Australia and the increased awareness of the importance of IPM meant that researchers once again turned their attentions to environmentally friendly pest management tools such NPV and beneficial insects. In the 1990's a company called Rhone-Poulenc registered an NPV for use in Australian sorghum, chickpea and cotton. This product, Gemstar(R), was imported from the USA. In 2000 Ag Biotech Australia established an in-vivo production facility in Australia to produce commercial volumes of a product similar to the imported product. This product was branded, ViVUS(R), and was first registered and sold commercially in Australia in 2003. The initial production of ViVUS used a virus identical to the American product but replicating it in an Australian Helicoverpa species, H. armigera. Subsequent research collaboration between QDPI&F and Ag Biotech reinvigorated interest in the local virus strain. This was purified and the production system adapted to produce it on a commercial scale. This new version of ViVUS, which was branded ViVUS Gold(R), was first registered and sold commercially in 2004. Widespread insect resistance to insecticides and a greater understanding of integrated pest management is leading to increased adoption of technologies such NPV in Australian agriculture.  相似文献   

本文以中季稻区稻田主要害虫稻飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟和捕食天敌蜘蛛的田间系统调查资料为基础,以害虫—天敌—农药系统为研究对象,应用害虫管理系统工程的原理,处理害虫、捕食天敌与农药三者之间的关系。建立了稻纵叶螟—蜘蛛—甲胺磷和稻飞虱—蜘蛛—甲胺磷两系统优化管理模型,绘制了它们的优化反馈控制策略图,利用微机对系统进行最优监控。使用时输入当前田间害虫与天敌数量,就可对系统作出即时的预测和最优决策。该策略确立的控制害虫的最优性能指标,是使害虫对农作物的为害所造成的损失与防治费用之和最小,并且使害虫和天敌的数量处于系统平衡状态。文中比较分析了该策略与基于经济阈值的常规害虫管理策略,指出了新策略在害虫综合治理中对天敌数量进行控制和管理的作用及其意义。  相似文献   

Abstract Investigations on the pest-natural enemy-insecticide system, including rice leaf roller-spider-tamaron and planthopper-spider-tamaron system, were carried out in the paddy fields in middle season rice cropping region. The relationship among insect pest, natural enemy and insecticide were studied based on the principle of the pest management system engineering. The optimal management models of the two systems were developed. Their diagrams of optimal feedback control strategy were contoured for computer monitoring of the pest-natural enemy-insecticide system. The population densities of pest and natural enemy in the future could be forecasted and the optimal strategy could be made when the current field densities of pest and natural enemy were input into the computer. The optimal performance index, which is a combination of the total cost of using the chemical and the total cost of pest damage to crops, for pest control is minimized. The objective of the system management is to drive the state of the system towards a beneficial equilibrium of the system generally. A comparison of the new IPM strategy with the ordinary strategy based on a single economic threshold is conducted in this paper. The optimal control strategies suggest that both pest and natural enemy populations should be controlled in the integrated pest management.  相似文献   

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