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钙调素(CaM)在中体上的分布及参与胞质分裂的调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钙调素(CaM)是细胞内Ca~(2+)的主要受体,在细胞增殖、分化、凋亡、迁移等过程中都发挥着重要的调控作用。采用GFP标记技术,我们观察了GFP-CaM在胞质分裂期HeLa细胞中的动态分布,发现在胞质分裂后期,GFP-CaM与中体紧密相连。抑制CaM的活性会阻止中体的解聚。进一步观察发现,CaM与γ-微管蛋白共分布在中体两侧,抑制CaM活性也会引起中体γ-微管蛋白解离的延迟。本实验结果说明分布在中体上的CaM很可能通过影响中体微管的稳定,参与调控胞质分裂的完成。  相似文献   

Cdc42和球形肌动蛋白在卵母细胞胞质分裂中的定位分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究活性Cdc42与球形肌动蛋白(G-actin)在爪蟾卵母细胞胞质分裂中的定位关系。分别用GFP-wGBDmRNA与罗丹明-594-微管蛋白、Alexa-488-球形肌动蛋白与罗丹明-594-微管蛋白、GFP-wGBDmRNA与Alexa-594-球形肌动蛋白共同显微注射爪蟾卵母细胞。利用共聚焦显微镜,时间延迟摄影方法,分别观察活体卵母细胞中活性Cdc42、球形肌动蛋白在胞质分裂过程中的定位,以及活性Cdc42与球形肌动蛋白在胞质分裂中的定位关系。在卵母细胞胞质分裂中,活性Cdc42与球形肌动蛋白存在空间上共定位现象,并且在时相上具有一致性。结果提示活性Cdc42和球形肌动蛋白在卵母细胞胞质分裂过程中密切相关。  相似文献   

采用融合绿色荧光蛋白 (GFP)和钙调蛋白 (CaM)的方法来研究钙调蛋白在细胞周期不同阶段的分布 .首先 ,发现CaM在细胞内的分布随细胞周期的不同而改变 .CaM在G1期主要分布于细胞质中 ,在S期开始向细胞核内转移 ,并于G2期高度集中于细胞核内 .其次 ,G2期细胞核内的CaM似乎与有丝分裂的启动有关 ,因为此时抑制CaM的活性可同时抑制核膜破裂及染色质凝缩 .最后 ,发现在进入有丝分裂后 ,CaM主要集中于纺锤体靠近两极的地方 .此时 ,抑制CaM的活性会引起纺锤体结构的破坏 .同时讨论了CaM的这些特异性分布与细胞周期调控之间的关系 .  相似文献   

我们曾经证明钙调蛋白(Calmodulin,CaM)拮抗剂三氟拉嗪(Trifluoperazine,TFP)有抑制人胃癌细胞增殖和诱导细胞形态向正常分化的效应。本文用CaM活性测定箱方法测定了TFP处理的人胃癌MGC-803细胞胞质内的CaM活性。同时也测定了磷酸二酯酶(Phosphodiesterase.PDE)活性的变化。结果表明TFP选择性抑制胞质内依赖Ca~(2+)/CaM的PDE活性。氨茶碱有抑制CaM活化PDE的作用。本文对TFP作用机理及在调控癌细胞增殖及分化中的意义进行讨论。  相似文献   

我们曾经证明钙调蛋白(Calmodulin,CaM)拮抗剂三氟拉嗪(Trifluoperazine,TFP)有抑制人胃癌细胞增殖和诱导细胞形态向正常分化的效应。本文用CaM活性测定箱方法测定了TFP处理的人胃癌MGC-803细胞胞质内的CaM活性。同时也测定了磷酸二酯酶(Phosphodiesterase.PDE)活性的变化。结果表明TFP选择性抑制胞质内依赖Ca2+/CaM的PDE活性。氨茶碱有抑制CaM活化PDE的作用。本文对TFP作用机理及在调控癌细胞增殖及分化中的意义进行讨论。  相似文献   

本文用钙调素抑制剂——三氟拉嗪处理人胃癌MGC-803细胞,用免疫荧光细胞化学方法,放射免疫法和速流荧光分析等方法研究了钙调素对细胞增殖,环核苷酸代谢及微管组装,有丝分裂等细胞功能的调节作用。实验结果表明,TFP明显地抑制了人胃癌细胞的增殖,这种抑制增殖的作用,具有剂量和时间依赖关系,细胞群体中G_1期细胞增多,S期细胞下降,DNA合成明显地受到抑制。TFP处理的胃癌细胞仅在短时间内(5'-30')cAMP含量升高,cGMP浓度降低,cAMP/ ??cGMP比值比对照组高4.4倍,但此后环核苷酸含量又很快恢复到对照组水平。本实验还观察到TFP处理后的MGC-803细胞胞质铺展,细胞形态的改变与胞质微管的分布有密切联系,实验结果表明TFP加强了人胃癌细胞MTOC对微管的组装能力,使微管分布得到恢复,微管纤维呈放射状延伸到细胞边缘,充满胞浆,使细胞呈现出展平的多边形,趋向于正常上皮细胞形态的变化,本实验结果表明TFP抑制癌细胞增殖及使微管组装加强可能是通过对CaM活性的抑制作用。此结果有助于说明转化细胞内钙调素的变化,可能是与转化细胞增殖失控和胞质微管消退有关。  相似文献   

小鼠孤雌胚早期发育过程中γ-微管蛋白的动态变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微管蛋白是构成微管的主要蛋白,其中α、β亚单位形成异二聚体,而γ-微管蛋白在微管组装中起作用。为了研究小鼠早期孤雌胚中廿微管蛋白的动态变化,本实验采用了免疫荧光化学染色与激光共聚焦显微镜观察相结合的方法,在SrCl2激活的卵母细胞减数分裂以及早期孤雌胚有丝分裂过程中对γ-微管蛋白进行了定位观察。结果显示,SrCl2和细胞松弛素B(cytochalasin B,CB)诱导的第二次减数分裂中期(metaphase Ⅱ ofmeiosis,MII)小鼠卵母细胞恢复减数分裂,并且纺锤体始终与质膜平行,表明纺锤体旋转被抑制,但核分裂不受影响。减数分裂过程中γ-微管蛋白主要定位于中期纺锤体两极和后期分开的染色单体之间;孤雌活化两雌原核形成以后,γ-微管蛋白聚集在两雌原核周围。在早期孤雌胚有丝分裂间期无定形的γ-微管蛋白均匀分布于核;前中期γ-微管蛋白向两极移动,遍布于整个纺锤体区。有丝分裂中期、后期和末期廿微管蛋白的分布变化与减数分裂相似。结果表明,SrCl2和CB激活的MII卯母细胞产生杂合二倍体;γ-微管蛋白具有促微管负极帽形成和稳定微管的功能,从而促进纺锤体的形成;分裂后期和末期廿微管蛋白的重新分布可能是由纺锤体牵引同源染色体分离所诱导的:γ-微管蛋白负责两雌原核的迁移靠近。  相似文献   

董昕  钟警  周灵芝  吴洁  姜浩 《生物磁学》2009,(10):1824-1827,1808
目的:构建以绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)为报告基因的重组表达质粒pEGFP—C1—PPARγ,观察小鼠PPARγ基因在MDA-MB-231细胞中的表达及定位。方法:采用克隆和亚克隆技术构建小鼠PPARγ基因真核表达载体,脂质体Lip2000介导转染MDA—MB-231细胞,real—time PCR和western—blot验证其mRNA和蛋白的表达,荧光显微镜观察该基因亚细胞定位。结果:酶切和测序结果证实重组质粒含有PPAIh编码区序列且插入方向正确,转染后观察该基因亚细胞定位于胞核,胞质有弥散分布。结论:成功构建了小鼠PPARγ基因真核表达载体,该基因在MDA—MB-231细胞中成功表达,PPARγ基因主要集中表达于胞核。  相似文献   

本实验用微管的PAP免疫酶细胞化学方法,研究了培养的小儿包皮成纤维细胞及其分离的中心体在taxol的作用下对微管组装的影响。实验结果表明taxol对低温(4℃)和微管解聚药物的处理具有拮抗作用,它阻止微管解聚,对微管具有稳定作用,并观察到taxol可降低中心体对微管组装所需的管蛋白临界浓度,增强中心体对微管的组装能力。Taxol对细胞内微管的影响,主要表现在促使微管呈束状浓集化,并随处理时间的延长,这种浓集化表现愈益明显,导致破坏胞质CMTC的正常分布。由于taxol能使微管浓集化,抑制其解聚,使得细胞从G_2期进入M期后,微管不解聚,从而不能形成正常的纺锤体,胞质不分裂,最后导致细胞微核化。用秋水仙酰胺处理后再加taxol时,我们观察到细胞CMTC与正常未经处理的细胞CMTC比较,呈相反的分布现象,这可能与秋水仙酰胺促使中心体与细胞核分离和taxol增强中心体对微管的组装有关。  相似文献   

FtsZ是与真核微管蛋白类似的原核骨架蛋白,能在细胞分裂位点聚合组装成环状结构而调控细胞分裂过程。为了研究钝顶螺旋藻(Spirulina platensis)FtsZ蛋白的功能,构建了钝顶螺旋藻FtsZ与绿色荧光蛋白GFP融合表达的质粒,并在大肠杆菌中进行了表达和定位研究,结果发现,表达融合蛋白GFP-FtsZ的大肠杆菌细胞由短杆状变为长丝状,且菌丝体长度与融合蛋白的表达量呈正比。在荧光显微镜下观察到融合蛋白GFP-FtsZ在长丝状体细菌中呈有规律的点状分布,这说明FtsZ蛋白功能高度保守,钝顶螺旋藻FtsZ蛋白能识别大肠杆菌分裂位点并装配成环状结构调控大肠杆菌细胞分裂,FtsZ蛋白的过量表达能抑制大肠杆菌正常的细胞分裂而导致长丝状体细胞的形成。  相似文献   

Tetrahymena contains a micronucleus and a macronucleus. The micronucleus divides with typical mitosis, while the macronucleus divides amitotically. Although the mechanism responsible for macronuclear division was previously unknown, we clarified the organization of microtubules during macronuclear division. The macronuclear microtubules dynamically changed their distribution in an organized way throughout the macronuclear division. The macronuclear microtubules and the cytoplasmic microtubules cooperatively carried out the macronuclear division. When the micronuclear division was finished, p85 appeared at the presumptive division plane prior to the cytokinesis. The p85 directly interacted with calmodulin in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner, and p85 and CaM colocalized to the division furrow during cytokinesis. Moreover, the Ca(2+)/CaM inhibitor, W7, inhibited the direct interaction between p85 and CaM, the localization of both proteins to the division plane, and the formation of the division furrow. Thus, Ca(2+)/CaM and p85 have important roles in initiation and progression of cytokinesis in Tetrahymena.  相似文献   

In the molecular mechanism of division plane determination and contractile ring formation, Tetrahymena 85kDa protein (p85) is localized to the presumptive division plane before the formation of the contractile ring. p85 directly interacts with Tetrahymena calmodulin (CaM) in a Ca2+-dependent manner, and p85 and CaM colocalize in the division furrow. A Ca2+/CaM inhibitor N-(6-Aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalenesulfonamide HCI (W7) inhibits the direct interaction between p85 and Ca2+/CaM. W7 also inhibits the localization of p85 and CaM to the division plane, and the formation of the contractile ring and division furrow. In addition, p85 binds to G-actin in a Ca2+/CaM dependent manner, but does not bind F-actin. Tetrahymena profilin is localized to division furrow and binds Tetrahymena elongation factor-1alpha (EF-1alpha). EF-1alpha, which induces bundling of Tetrahymena F-actin, is also localized to the division furrow during cytokinesis. The evidence also indicates that Ca2+/CaM inhibits the F-actin-bundling activity of EF-1alpha, and that EF-1alpha and CaM colocalize in the division furrow. In this review, we propose that the Ca2+/CaM signal and its target protein p85 cooperatively regulate the determination of the division plane and the initiation of the contractile ring formation, and that profilin and a Ca2+/CaM-sensitive actin-bundling protein, EF-1alpha, play pivotal roles in regulating the organization of the contractile ring microfilaments.  相似文献   

The terminal step of cytokinesis in animal cells is the abscission of the midbody, a cytoplasmic bridge that connects the two prospective daughter cells. Here we show that two members of the SNARE membrane fusion machinery, syntaxin 2 and endobrevin/VAMP-8, specifically localize to the midbody during cytokinesis in mammalian cells. Inhibition of their function by overexpression of nonmembrane-anchored mutants causes failure of cytokinesis leading to the formation of binucleated cells. Time-lapse microscopy shows that only midbody abscission but not further upstream events, such as furrowing, are affected. These results indicate that successful completion of cytokinesis requires a SNARE-mediated membrane fusion event and that this requirement is distinct from exocytic events that may be involved in prior ingression of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis is the final stage of cell division in which the daughter cells separate. Although a growing body of evidence suggests that cell migration-induced traction forces may be required to provide physical assistance for daughter cells to dissociate during abscission, the role of cell migration in cytokinesis has not been directly elucidated. Recently, we have demonstrated that Crk and paxillin, which are pivotal components of the cell migration machinery, localize to the midbody and are essential for the abscission. These findings provided an important link between the cell migration and cytokinesis machineries and prompted us to dissect the role of cell migration in cytokinesis. We show that cell migration controls the kinetics of cleavage furrowing, midbody extension and abscission and coordinates proper subcellular redistribution of Crk and syntaxin-2 to the midbody after ingression.Key words: cell migration, cytokinesis, midbody, abscission, cleavage furrow, Crk, paxillin, syntaxin-2, ExoT  相似文献   

Numerous proteins involved in endocytosis at the plasma membrane have been shown to be present at novel intracellular locations and to have previously unrecognized functions. ARH (autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemia) is an endocytic clathrin-associated adaptor protein that sorts members of the LDL receptor superfamily (LDLR, megalin, LRP). We report here that ARH also associates with centrosomes in several cell types. ARH interacts with centrosomal (gamma-tubulin and GPC2 and GPC3) and motor (dynein heavy and intermediate chains) proteins. ARH cofractionates with gamma-tubulin on isolated centrosomes, and gamma-tubulin and ARH interact on isolated membrane vesicles. During mitosis, ARH sequentially localizes to the nuclear membrane, kinetochores, spindle poles and the midbody. Arh(-/-) embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) show smaller or absent centrosomes suggesting ARH plays a role in centrosome assembly. Rat-1 fibroblasts depleted of ARH by siRNA and Arh(-/-) MEFs exhibit a slower rate of growth and prolonged cytokinesis. Taken together the data suggest that the defects in centrosome assembly in ARH depleted cells may give rise to cell cycle and mitotic/cytokinesis defects. We propose that ARH participates in centrosomal and mitotic dynamics by interacting with centrosomal proteins. Whether the centrosomal and mitotic functions of ARH are related to its endocytic role remains to be established.  相似文献   

Annexins are Ca(2+)-binding, membrane-fusogenic proteins with diverse but poorly understood functions. Here, we show that during cell cycle progression annexin 11 translocates from the nucleus to the spindle poles in metaphase and to the spindle midzone in anaphase. Annexin 11 is recruited to the midbody in late telophase, where it forms part of the detergent-resistant matrix that also contains CHO1. To investigate the significance of these observations, we used RNA interference to deplete cells of annexin 11. A combination of confocal and video time-lapse microscopy revealed that cells lacking annexin 11 fail to establish a functional midbody. Instead, daughter cells remain connected by intercellular bridges that contain bundled microtubules and cytoplasmic organelles but exclude normal midbody components such as MKLP1 and Aurora B. Annexin 11-depleted cells failed to complete cytokinesis and died by apoptosis. These findings demonstrate an essential role for annexin 11 in the terminal phase of cytokinesis.  相似文献   

NEK7 is a centrosomal kinase critical for microtubule nucleation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
NIMA in Aspergillus nidulans is a mitotic kinase for chromosome condensation and segregation. We characterized NEK7, a human homologue of Aspergillus NIMA. NEK7 was located at the centrosome throughout the cell cycle. Temporal localization of NEK7 at midbody of the cytokinetic cell was also observed. NEK7 knockdown by RNAi caused a prometaphase arrest of the cell cycle with monopolar or disorganized spindle. We propose that such defects in spindle assembly are resulted from reduction in microtubule nucleation activity at the centrosome. In consistent to the proposal, we observed a decrease in the centrosomal gamma-tubulin levels and reduction of the microtubule re-growth activity in the NEK7-suppressed cells. In addition, it was evident that NEK7 was directly involved in cytokinesis.  相似文献   

We have recently cloned a cDNA for a full-length form of MgcRacGAP. Here we show using anti-MgcRacGAP antibodies that, unlike other known GAPs for Rho family, MgcRacGAP localized to the nucleus in interphase, accumulated to the mitotic spindle in metaphase, and was condensed in the midbody during cytokinesis. Overexpression of an N-terminal deletion mutant resulted in the production of multinucleated cells in HeLa cells. This mutant lost the ability to localize in the mitotic spindle and midbody. MgcRacGAP was also found to bind alpha-, beta-, and gamma-tubulins through its N-terminal myosin-like domain. These results indicate that MgcRacGAP dynamically moves during cell cycle progression probably through binding to tubulins and plays critical roles in cytokinesis. Furthermore, using a GAP-inactive mutant, we have shown that the GAP activity of MgcRacGAP is required for cytokinesis, suggesting that inactivation of the Rho family of GTPases may be required for normal progression of cytokinesis.  相似文献   

The sperm acrosome reaction (AR) is a regulated exocytotic process required for gamete fusion. It depends on an increase in [Ca(2+)](i) mediated by Ca(2+) channels. Although calmodulin (CaM) has been reported to regulate several events during the AR, it is not known whether it modulates sperm Ca(2+) channels. In the present study we analyzed the effects of CaM antagonists W7 and trifluoroperazine on voltage-dependent T-type Ca(2+) currents in mouse spermatogenic cells and on the zona pellucida-induced AR in sperm. We found that these CaM antagonists decreased T-currents in a concentration-dependent manner with IC(50) values of approximately 10 and approximately 12 microM, respectively. W7 altered the channels' voltage dependence of activation and slowed both activation and inactivation kinetics. It also induced inactivation at voltages at which T-channels are not activated, suggesting a promotion of inactivation from the closed state. Consistent with this, W7 inhibited the ZP-induced [Ca(2+)](i) transients in capacitated sperm. Likewise, W7 and TFP inhibited the AR with an IC(50) of approximately 10 microM. In contrast, inhibitors of CaM-dependent kinase II and protein kinase A, as well as a CaM-activated phosphatase, had no effect either on T-currents in spermatogenic cells or on the sperm AR. Together these results suggest a functional interaction between CaM and the sperm T-type Ca(2+) channel. They are also consistent with the involvement of T-channels in the AR.  相似文献   

The fusion protein of calmodulin (CaM) with the enhanced green fluorescent protein EGFP has been expressed in a stably transfected HeLa cell line in order to visualise the localisation of calmodulin during the cell cycle on a continuous basis in live cells, and for immunofluorescence colocalisation with cytoskeletal structures. High-resolution images of CaM–EGFP in the mitotic apparatus show the characteristic strongly convoluted structure of the centrosome. CaM–EGFP also apparently associates with both polar and mitotic microtubules, and with a specific intracentrosomal structure. During cytokinesis, CaM–EGFP is also found decorating selected oriented filaments in close proximity to microtubules in the midbody region. In interphase cells, it is seen with filamentous and punctuate localisation at the nuclear envelope. The intensity and continuity of the CaM–EGFP images suggest that a significant fraction of the cellular calmodulin remains attached to cytoplasmic structures during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

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