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菌种是国家的重要生物资源,也是生产、教学和科学研究的基本材料。为确保菌种的质量和活力,需要正确的菌种保藏方法。阐述了菌种保藏的重要性、菌种保藏常见方法及其存在的问题,探讨了常用菌种的保藏技术及关键点,好的保藏方法可延长菌种的保存时间,又可防止菌种退化。  相似文献   

菌种是国家的重要生物资源,也是生产、教学和科学研究的基本材料。为确保菌种的质量和活力,需要正确的菌种保藏方法。阐述了菌种保藏的重要性、菌种保藏常见方法及其存在的问题,探讨了常用菌种的保藏技术及关键点,好的保藏方法可延长菌种的保存时间,又可防止菌种退化。  相似文献   

菌种质量的高低直接影响着后期代谢功能的强弱,但在培养中,由于操作方法不当,常导致其退化,代谢能力减弱等,极大的影响了经济效益。本文就菌种退化的原因、处理措施及菌种保藏进行探析,以供参考。  相似文献   

概述了新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情期间辽宁省食用菌产业生产和管理现状,分析了疫情对辽宁省食用菌产业产前、产中、产后的影响,指出了原辅料准备、菌种(棒)生产、养菌管理、产品销售以及人员用工、交通物流等存在的诸多问题,明确了疫情对食用菌产业结构、销售市场结构、投资市场结构主要的影响因素,提出了应对交通不畅、劳动力匮乏、资金短缺、技术缺乏的具体措施,并对辽宁省食用菌产业健康持续高质量发展提出建议。  相似文献   

在食用菌生产中,利用固体培养料培育的菌种,称为固体菌种。现在通用的斜面菌种、玻璃瓶菌种、塑料袋菌种,都是固体菌种。固体菌种的生产,不需大型复杂设备,而且方法简便,因此是食用菌菌种生产的主要方式。与固体菌种相对应的是液体菌种。将母种接种到  相似文献   

微生物病害问题会造成覆土栽培食用菌的产量和质量严重下降。防控微生物病害一直是食用菌研究和产业发展关注的热点,但常规的防控措施均存在局限性,尚难以在生产实践中有效地防控病害。本文列举了近年来常规的生物和非生物方法在覆土栽培食用菌微生物病害防控中的应用,对其特点进行了总结,并综述了近年来覆土栽培食用菌土壤微生物群落多样性研究的进展。基于此,提出了应用合成土壤微生物组来防控食用菌微生物病害的新策略,对构建和应用合成土壤微生物组面临的挑战和前景进行展望。这将有助于有效地防控覆土栽培食用菌的微生物病害和维系土壤健康。  相似文献   

为解决贫困山区食用菌产业发展中存在的生产管理粗放、优质优品意识不强、包装标识不科学、农产品品牌建设滞后等问题,实现食用菌产业高质量发展,从历史渊源、种植习惯、政策支持等角度,分析商洛市食用菌产业发展历程。在此基础上,结合贫困山区食用菌产业发展特点,对高质量发展存在的生产管理质量不高、标准化生产程度低、产业链条延伸拓展不足等问题进行探讨。从发挥政府职能、落实政策保障、培育职业农民、扶持龙头企业、加强投入品监管、强化全程质量控制、培育农产品品牌等方面提出高质量发展对策。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,食用菌作为具有较高营养价值的农产品备受关注。我国作为食用菌生产和消费大国,年产量和总产值迅速提高,但仍存在食用菌产业链发展不均衡问题。在产业链下游推移的过程中,菌种选育技术落后、生产技术标准化程度低、加工技术落后等一些关键节点技术短板,影响着产品品质和附加值,阻碍产业链高效运转。本文通过现场调研、问卷调查及文献查询等方式,通过数据统计分析,明确阻碍食用菌产业链下游推移关键节点,解析关键节点技术问题,提出解决技术短板的方法措施和产业发展建议,为推动食用菌产业高质量发展提供有效支撑。  相似文献   

对以香菇为主的食用菌菌种鉴定与登记系统的研制过程、软件流程、系统功能以及特色进行了概述 ,并就食用菌菌种鉴定与登记系统的未来发展提出设想 ,对该系统的应用前景提出了展望。  相似文献   

【背景】金针菇(Flammulina velutipes)是我国一种重要的栽培食用菌,年产量超过250万t,规模已跃居世界首位。菌种保藏技术是金针菇栽培和新品种研发的基础,但相关研究十分薄弱,已成为制约我国金针菇产业进一步发展的瓶颈问题。【目的】探索不同保藏因素对金针菇优良菌种中短期保藏的影响,为建立高效、低成本、易操作的保藏方法奠定基础。【方法】以温度、甘油、海藻糖、甘露醇以及保护剂体积5个因素进行正交试验。经12个月保藏,考察金针菇菌种在木屑培养基中的菌丝生长速度,通过极差分析和回归分析解析保藏因素的效应。【结果】温度、海藻糖、甘油和甘露醇对金针菇菌种的中短期保藏有极显著的影响,保护剂体积的影响不显著。温度是最重要的影响因子,与其它4个因素的互作效应均达到极显著水平。20°C是较好的短期保藏温度,-80°C为理想的中期保藏温度。渗透型与非渗透型保护剂间的互作效应对金针菇菌种的中短期保藏有极显著影响,海藻糖和甘露醇间的互作效应不显著。高浓度的海藻糖、甘油及甘露醇均不利于金针菇菌种的中短期保藏。保藏效果较佳的保护剂为10%甘油和0.3 mol/L甘露醇混合液。【结论】建立的菌种中短期保藏方法填补了金针菇产业发展的空白,研究结果可为其它大型真菌的中短期保藏提供重要参考。  相似文献   

谭冲  王笑  李琨 《微生物学杂志》2018,38(3):98-102
在近30年来,我国在生物医药产业领域的发展取得了较为显著的成绩,但与发达国家相比,我国在技术研发、人才资源、科研投入及产业化水平等方面还存在明显差距。针对辽宁省生物医药产业的现状和问题进行分析,就辽宁省生物医药产业今后的发展提出对策建议。  相似文献   

通过对黑龙江省6个市36家综合医院病案室人员现状调查,了解、明确病案室人员现状及存在的问题,提出相应的改进策略,为病案室人员结构的合理发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Although fungi cause a recognized problem during storage of recalcitrant seeds of many tropical species, there are no data to date on defence strategies of these seeds against fungal attack. To ascertain whether recalcitrant seeds of Avicennia marina elaborate compounds that might suppress fungal proliferation during hydrated storage, the production and efficacy of beta-1,3-glucanase (EC and chitinase (EC were studied in relation to histopathological changes. Freshly harvested seeds had low beta-1,3-glucanase and chitinase activities and fluorescence microscopy revealed progressive deterioration of the internal tissues of these seeds associated with fungal infection during hydrated storage. In seeds treated to minimize associated fungi (clean seeds), beta-1,3-glucanase and chitinase activities increased significantly during 10 d of hydrated storage. Similar high levels of activity were observed when these seeds were experimentally infected with Fusarium moniliforme and subjected to further storage. The histopathological observations indicated delayed disease development in the 10-d clean-storage period, although the hypersensitive response was not observed. The results suggest that, although the recalcitrant seeds of A. marina elaborate some antifungal enzymes, there is a lack of effective defence strategies that might lead to successful responses against fungal infections.  相似文献   

Molecular tools for breeding basidiomycetes.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The industrial production of edible basidiomycetes is increasing every year as a response to the increasing public demand of them because of their nutritional properties. About a dozen of fungal species can be currently produced for food with sound industrial and economic bases. Notwithstanding, this production is threatened by biotic and abiotic factors that make it necessary to improve the fungal strains currently used in industry. Breeding of edible basidiomycetes, however, has been mainly empirical and slow since the genetic tools useful in the selection of the new genetic material to be introduced in the commercial strains have not been developed for these fungi as it was for other organisms. In this review we will discuss the main genetic factors that should be considered to develop breeding approaches and tools for higher basidiomycetes. These factors are (i) the genetic system controlling fungal mating; (ii) the genomic structure and organisation of these fungi; and (iii) the identification of genes involved in the control of quantitative traits. We will discuss the weight of these factors using the oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus as a model organism for most of the edible fungi cultivated industrially.  相似文献   

近年来,随着真菌感染的患者急剧增加,真菌病已经成为一个重要的公共卫生问题。对医学真菌流行病学、致病机理、耐药机理以及防治策略的研究尤为重要,而所有研究的基础都建立在对医学真菌的进行有效的保藏。医学真菌的保藏方法很多,包括传代法、蒸馏水法、冷冻干燥保藏法等,保藏方法的选择因实验室条件、菌种和研究要求不同而不同。本文对目前常用的几种医学真菌菌种保藏方法的优缺点及其应用等做了综述。  相似文献   

我国是栽培食用菌最早的国家,食用菌产量居世界首位,食用菌产业化发展已具有一定规模。针对食用菌产业中存在的发展不均衡、生产规模偏小等问题,提出了开拓国内外市场、增加产品特色等发展对策,为加快食用菌产业化发展提供思路。  相似文献   

Mycoheterotrophic plants obtain organic carbon from associated mycorrhizal fungi, fully or partially. Angiosperms with this form of nutrition possess exceptionally small ‘dust seeds’ which after germination develop ‘seedlings’ that remain subterranean for several years, fully dependent on fungi for supply of carbon. Mycoheterotrophs which as adults have photosynthesis thus develop from full to partial mycoheterotrophy, or autotrophy, during ontogeny. Mycoheterotrophic plants may represent a gradient of variation in a parasitism–mutualism continuum, both among and within species. Previous studies on plant–fungal associations in mycoheterotrophs have focused on either germination or the adult life stages of the plant. Much less is known about the fungal associations during development of the subterranean seedlings. We investigated germination and seedling development and the diversity of fungi associated with germinating seeds and subterranean seedlings (juveniles) in five Monotropoideae (Ericaceae) species, the full mycoheterotroph Monotropa hypopitys and the putatively partial mycoheterotrophs Pyrola chlorantha, P. rotundifolia, Moneses uniflora and Chimaphila umbellata. Seedlings retrieved from seed sowing experiments in the field were used to examine diversity of fungal associates, using pyrosequencing analysis of ITS2 region for fungal identification. The investigated species varied with regard to germination, seedling development and diversity of associated fungi during juvenile ontogeny. Results suggest that fungal host specificity increases during juvenile ontogeny, most pronounced in the fully mycoheterotrophic species, but a narrowing of fungal associates was found also in two partially mycoheterotrophic species. We suggest that variation in specificity of associated fungi during seedling ontogeny in mycoheterotrophs represents ongoing evolution along a parasitism–mutualism continuum.  相似文献   

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