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借助活体观察和蛋白银染色方法对采集于中国山东、广东沿海的潮间带、红树林及淡水生境的10种旋唇纲纤毛虫(拉氏伪小双虫Pseudoamphisiella lacazei、四核伪小双虫Pseudoamphisiella quadrinucleata、中华偏全列虫Apoholosticha sinica、维尔伯特泡毛虫Tunicothrix wilberti、海洋后尾柱虫Metaurostylopsis marina、偏澳大利亚速体虫Notohymena apoaustralis、偏寡毛双眉虫Diophrys apoligothrix、寡毛双眉虫Diophrys oligothrix、盾圆双眉虫Diophrys scutum、张氏拟双眉虫Paradiophrys zhangi)进行了活体形态与纤毛图式水平的分类学研究。其中偏澳大利亚速体虫、偏寡毛双眉虫、张氏拟双眉虫为广东地区新记录种。基于新种群, 对张氏拟双眉虫给出了新定义。研究表明, 中华偏全列虫地理分布较广, 可适应从淡水到不同盐度的咸水生境。首次发现, 寡毛双眉虫可在盐度较低的咸水中生存, 显示出其较强的环境适应能力。  相似文献   

从12种限制性内切酶中筛选出6种可获得种间多样性的内切酶:Alu Ⅰ,Taq Ⅰ,Hae Ⅲ,Hinf Ⅰ,Msp Ⅰ,Xba Ⅰ,对广义双眉虫Diophrys-complex5个种(伪寡毛双眉虫Diophrys apoligothrix、悬游双眉虫D.appendiculata、盾圆双眉虫D.scutum、秀丽拟双眉虫Paradiophrys irmgard、针毛类双眉虫Diophryopsis hystrix)共7个种群的核糖体基因(18S小亚基、部分23S大亚基及其内转录间隔区域)进行多位点酶切。结果显示,种间差异明显大于种内差异。利用RAPDistance1.04软件构建的邻接树表明,盾圆双眉虫的3个种群表现出高度的同源性;3个近缘属(双眉虫属、拟双眉虫属、类双眉虫属)可以被明确区分,并支持类双眉虫属与拟双眉虫属的独立性。从GenBank/EMBL数据库中获得广义双眉虫及相近种的小亚基单位核糖体RNA(SSrRNA)基因序列,利用邻接法(NJ),贝叶斯法(Bayesian)和最大简约法(MP)构建的系统发生树具有基本一致的拓扑结构,结果显示:狭义双眉虫属Diophrys为单源发生系,并与类双眉虫属Diophryopsis组成姐妹群;尽管拟双眉虫属Paradiophrys具有广义双眉虫典型的形态学特征,但与尾刺虫属Uronychia有着较近的亲缘关系。本工作同时表明,核糖体DNA限制性酶切(ARDRA)技术可靠地区分纤毛虫的形态相似种,并在双眉虫属间水平的系统关系推定中存在一定的适用性。  相似文献   

利用蛋白银法对采自山东胶州育虾池的一种海洋盾纤类纤毛虫,水滴伪康纤虫(Pseudocohnilembus persalinus Evans&Thompson,1964)的口器发生过程进行了详细的观察和研究,并对其形态学做了补足性描述。文章通过对该青岛种群发生过程的研究,认为前人所报道的种群(Evans&Thompson,1964;Pomp&Wilbert,1988)缺乏对某个发生关键时期的观察而存在着错误,即:后仔虫的小膜2明确来自老的口侧膜,而不是前人报道的盾片。此外,文章还发现该种的发生与本属另一哈氏伪康纤虫的发生过程几乎完全相同。主要细胞发生过程为:盾片最先增殖,形成初级原基区,然后分裂成前后两部分,前部分最终消失,而后部分最终形成后仔虫的小膜3。继盾片增殖之后口侧膜的锯齿状结构沿细胞纵轴方向分裂成两列,右侧的一列增殖形成次级原基区,之后分裂成前后两部分,前部分迁移形成后仔虫的口侧膜和盾片,后部分形成后仔虫的小膜1和小膜2;老口侧膜的残余部分形成前仔虫的口侧膜及盾片。老的小膜1、小膜2和小膜3则完全为前仔虫所继承。  相似文献   

利用活体观察和蛋白银染色技术, 对采自长江口泥滩潮间带及河道的五种腹毛类纤毛虫进行了形态学研究。包括对两个国内新记录种仁川巴库虫Bakuella (Bakuella) incheonensis和希斯多利织毛虫Histriculus histrio提供了详细的活体特征和纤毛图式信息, 对红色伪角毛虫Pseudokeronopsis rubra、黄色伪角毛虫Pseudokeronopsis flava和冠突伪尾柱虫Pseudourostyla cristata进行了形态学重描述。五种腹毛类纤毛虫的长江口种群与国内外种群均存在不同程度的形态学差异: 仁川巴库虫较韩国原始种群体型大, 口围带小膜和额前棘毛数较多; 希斯多利织毛虫与部分国外种群存在体长差异; 红色伪角毛虫与青岛种群相比形态特征基本吻合但个体大小的波动范围较大; 黄色伪角毛虫与湛江种群相比额棘毛数目较多; 冠突伪尾柱虫较奥地利种群体型较小, 与日本种群相比大核较多。该工作丰富了中国腹毛类纤毛虫多样性的认识。  相似文献   

作为中国海洋鱼类寄生粘孢子虫的系列研究内容之一, 本文报道和采集了自青岛沿海多种鱼类体内寄生的薄壳虫属1新种并重描述了3个已知种:似短薄壳虫, 新种Leptotheca brevoides sp.n.;云雾薄壳虫L. nebulifera Zhao & Song, 2003;豆粒薄壳虫L. faba (Meglitsch, 1960) Zhao & Song, 2003和大孢薄壳虫L. macrospora Auerbach, 1909。  相似文献   

对采自山东、广东和香港沿海的八种盾纤类纤毛虫: 冠帆口虫、维亚可夫帆口虫、蠕形康纤虫、贪食迈阿密虫、异海洋尾丝虫、中华后阿脑虫和两种蟹栖异阿脑虫相似种进行了形态学研究。其中, 中国南海新记录种维亚可夫帆口虫种群与Wang, et al.所描述种群以及中华后阿脑虫新种群与Song Wilbert记述的青岛种群和南极种群相比, 在个体大小和体动基列数目上均有所差异; 贪食迈阿密虫潍坊种群的体动基列恒为12列, 与Song Wilbert的报道有较大差异。两种异阿脑虫与蟹栖异阿脑虫在口纤毛器结构和体形上完全相似, 但在体动基列数目上有明显差异, 因数据不足, 暂定为蟹栖异阿脑虫相似种。    相似文献   

采用国际上使用的"统一特定描述"和"齿体定位描述"方法对寄生在瓦氏黄颡鱼(Peleteobagrusvachelli)鳃上的适度车轮虫(Trichodina modesta)和马氏车轮虫(T.mastu)2种车轮虫的虫体外形、附着盘、齿体、辐线、中央颗粒、核器、口围绕体等形态特征进行了较为详细的描述,并分别与已报道的其他适度车轮虫、马氏车轮虫种群及相似种的形态特征进行了比较。实验证实了瓦氏黄颡鱼为适度车轮虫的寄主新纪录。  相似文献   

利用活体观察, 氨银染色和蛋白银染色的方法, 对采自松花江的4种广布种纤毛虫: 贻贝棘尾虫Stylonychia mytilus (Müller, 1773) Ehrenberg, 1830、鬃异源棘尾虫Tetmemena pustulata (Müller, 1786) Eigner, 1999、尾草履虫Paramecium caudatum (Ehret, 1963)和刚毛榴弹虫Coleps hirtus的形态学进行研究。依据新采集种群, 对4个种活体形态和纤毛图式特征, 以及鬃异源棘尾虫的发生学特征进行补足性描述。研究对贻贝棘尾虫做了重要重描述, 可清晰观察到该种蛋白银染后6列背触毛的排列特征、左右缘棘毛数的具体统计, 结果发现, 贻贝棘尾虫哈尔滨种群与前人报道的种群相比, 形态特征基本吻合, 区别在于前者小膜数目多于后者。鬃异源棘尾虫哈尔滨种群与漠河种群相比, 形态和纤毛图式方面十分相似, 发生模式基本一致, 细微区别在于前者左右缘棘毛数目普遍多于后者, 前者虫体大小波动范围较小, 小核数目多于后者。尾草履虫哈尔滨种群与其青岛种群相比, 二者显著差异在于收集管数目前者比后者少。本文榴弹虫与前人报道的刚毛榴弹虫种群相比, 盔板带的数目、排列方式、窗口类型等形态学基本一致, 细微区别在于本文报道种群体型普遍较前人报道种群略大。  相似文献   

哈氏伪康纤虫的培养与摄食条件研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
对海洋盾纤类纤毛虫———哈氏伪康纤虫的培养、饵料及摄食条件进行了探讨。结果表明 :哈氏伪康纤虫的适宜生长温度为 2 8℃ ;在浓度为 3 g/L的牛肉浸膏培养液中种群增长最快 ,但稳定期较短 ;以米粒浸出液培养时纤毛虫可长时间维持较高的种群密度。  相似文献   

小头虫Capilla capitata(Fabricius)是一种在受有机质污染的海洋环境中常见的多毛类动物,现已在世界范围内被用作海洋有机污染指示种(吴宝铃,1964;Grassle,1974;Warrea,1980)。已有生殖生物学、生化、遗传学(Grassie,1976)和毒理学(Reish,1980)研究结果说明:小头虫的耐污能力表现为在长期污染环境下仍可保持正常生殖。本文以青岛近海小头虫为材料,着重描述了其卵子发生中主要胞器的亚徽变化,以及这些变化与卵黄发生之间的关系。现报告如下:  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Diophrys scutum , collected from four locations on the New Hampshire coast, ranged from 89–195 7mu; in length, 50–105 μ in width, and 68–88 μ in buccal cavity length. The end of the adoral zone of membranelles (AZM) extends 37–59 μ (average = 45.6 μ) posteriorly in a groove on the right side of the body. Dorsally are five rows of stiff cilia. The silverline system (Chatton-Llvoff technique) appears as a fine meshwork, entirely different from that found in Euplotes or Uronychia . There are two elongate macronuclei (Feulgen reaction) and several micronuclei. Diophrys peloetes n. sp., collected from one location in Alligator Harbor. Florida, ranged from 95–134 μ in length, 62–84 μ in width. and 60–80 μ in buccal cavity length. The terminal portion of the AZM extends posteriorly in a groove 30–44 7mu; (average = 36.8 μ) on the right side of the body. Dorsally are eight rows of stiff cilia. The details of the silverline system are similar to those of D. scutum .
There is insufficient difference in ranges of body length, width. and buccal cavity length to use these characters in separating the two species. However, a statistical analysis shows that the length of the portion of the AZM on the right side of the body in D. scutum is significantly different (longer) from that of D. peloetes. Furthermore, these two species differ not only in number of dorsal ciliary rows, but also in the number of cilia per row. The degree of difference in these two species is similar to that between closely related species in other hypotrich genera, and also to that between some varieties of Paramecium aurelia.  相似文献   

The morphology and morphogenesis of Diophrys japonica spec. nov., isolated from the Mie Port, Nagasaki, Japan, were investigated from life and following impregnation with protargol. The new species is recognized by the following characters: Body elliptical in outline and slightly greyish to yellowish in color; size in vivo about 80-120 x 50-70 microm; pellicle flexible, with underlying granules densely arranged in lines; ciliature comprising about 30-46 adoral membranelles, 4-7 frontal, 1-4 ventral and 4-7 transverse cirri, always 1 left marginal and 3 caudal cirri, and 4 dorsal kineties; usually two macronuclear nodules; fragment kinety with 2-5 dikinetids; marine habitat. The main morphogenetic events are: (1) the opisthe's oral primordium develops de novo in a subsurface pouch near the left transverse cirri; (2) the proter retains the parental AZM except for reorganization of some proximal membranelles; (3) cirral anlagen for the frontal, ventral and transverse cirri in both dividers develop separately from the oral primordium or parental cirri, and are derived from the separation of primary primordia that originate de novo; (4) the anlagen for the left marginal cirrus and fragment kinety also form de novo and separately; (5) dorsal kinety anlagen occur within the parental structures at mid-body and posterior end of the cell, of which the right-most one contributes three caudal cirri from its posterior portion. Based on available ontogenetic data, the author proposes that the numbers of left marginal and caudal cirri can be regarded as reliable characters for species identification, while the numbers of frontal, ventral and transverse cirri are not consistent enough for species distinction. A key to the eleven adequately known species of Diophrys is presented.  相似文献   

应用蛋白银染色技术研究了悬游双眉虫青岛种群无性生殖期间皮层结构和核器的演化过程,其主要特征为:后仔虫口原基独立地出现于紧靠虫体左侧第一根横棘毛的皮层下小龛,其中毛基粒不参与其它棘毛原基的形成;老的口围带发生后半部的局部重建而非整个的由前仔虫简单继承;在前仔虫中,波动膜原基来自老结构的反分化,而在后仔虫中则来自口原基;所有棘毛原基均为独立发生并与老结构没有任何关系;在前仔虫中,口棘毛(即左侧第一根额棘毛)来自于波动膜的反分化,而在后仔虫中则为独立发生;背触毛列于老的结构当中产生,并由最右一列原基演化出3根尾棘毛;两大核片段的改组带从一端向另一端移动 ,并随着两者的融合而消失.文中同时对前人有关该属发生模式的若干存疑问题做了探讨 [动物学报 54(3):517-524,2008].  相似文献   

Synopsis. Structure, infraciliature, and ecology of 4 fresh-water Tintinnina were investigated. The lorica of Tintinnidium fluviatile is gelatinous, fragile, and contains some agglutinated material mainly of biologic origin. Its infraciliature consists of ? 10 kineties. with kinetosomes arranged in pairs. Only one basal body of a pair is ciliated, except for the uppermost 1–4 pairs which have 2 slightly elongated cilia. In Tintinnidium fluviatile. Tintinnidium pusillum, and Tintinnopsis cylindrata there are 2 prominent ventral organelles. The lorica of T. pusillum is gelatinous and coated with much agglutinated material of biologic and nonbiologic origin. Its infraciliature is similar to that of T. fluviatile, but the uppermost pair of kinetosomes has elongated cilia. The firm loricae of T. cylindrata and Codonella cratera are, built mainly of sharp-cornered structures. The infraciliature of T. cylindrata is composed of ? 10 kineties with kinetosomes not arranged in pairs. The infraciliature of C. cratera consists of ? 32 kineties, in some of which the kinetosomes are paired, e.g. ventral kinety, and in others not paired, e.g. cilia of the very prominent lateral field and of the other somatic kineties. The uppermost kinetosomes of each somatic kinety are paired and have elongated cilia. In addition, there is an unusual ventro-lateral kinety. The oral apparatus consists of adoral membranelles and a paroral membrane. The membranelles that enter the praecral cavity are very elongate, a feature perhaps unique to Polyhymenophora. The fibrillar system consists of a prominent praeoral ring formed by fibrils extending from the adoral membranelles. A finely meshed silverline system extends over the entire cell. A review of the ecology of the fresh-water Tintinnina indicated that water temperature seems to be the most essential ecologic factor. The systematic position of the Tintinnina is discussed in light of their infraciliature. It is concluded that these organisms are most closely related to Oligotrichina, and probably to Heterotrichina.  相似文献   

通过活体观察和蛋白银染色法对采自青岛沙滩半咸水的变藓棘毛虫Sterkiella histriomuscorum(纤毛门, 腹毛目)进行了形态学及细胞发生学研究。该种群形态学与前人报道的土壤及淡水种群基本一致: 虫体近长椭圆形, 活体大小约(100-160) m (40-75) m; 无皮层颗粒; 2938片口小膜; 额棘毛3根; 额腹棘毛4根; 口后腹棘毛3根; 横前腹棘毛2根; 横棘毛3-5根; 左右缘棘毛列分别由17-23、20-24根棘毛组成; 6列背触毛; 2枚大核。其主要发生学特征如下: (1)老口围带完全保留, 老波动膜解体重建; 后仔虫口原基独立发生; (2)额腹横棘毛为5原基次级发生式, 部分原基来自老棘毛解体, 以2:3:3:4:4方式分化为新棘毛; (3)缘棘毛原基产生于老结构中, 并向两极延伸逐渐形成前后仔虫的新结构; (4)背触毛发生为典型Oxytricha模式; (5)大核在发生过程中完全融合。研究对首次在半咸水生境中发现的变藓棘毛虫种群进行了活体形态学和纤毛图式描述, 补充了显微照片、性状统计数据及发生过程的细节信息。    相似文献   

A soil hypotrich ciliate, Afrokahliella paramacrostoma n. sp., was discovered in China. Its morphology, morphogenesis and molecular phylogeny were investigated using standard methods. The new species is characterized as follows: body about 140–180 × 60–70 μm in vivo, cortical granules absent, contractile vacuole positioned about 40% down length of body, 5–9 macronuclear nodules, 34–49 adoral membranelles, 3–5 buccal and 3–6 parabuccal cirri, usually two frontoventral rows, three or four left and two or three right marginal rows, three dorsal kineties and one dorsomarginal kinety; 1–3 and one or two caudal cirri located at the ends of dorsal kineties 1 and 2, respectively. The ontogenetic process is characterized by: (1) the marginal anlagen on each side develop in the outer right and the inner left marginal rows, respectively; (2) five frontoventral-transverse cirral anlagen, anlagen II–IV develop in secondary mode; (3) dorsal morphogenesis follows a typical Urosomoida-pattern, no parental dorsal kineties are retained; (4) caudal cirri are generated at the ends of dorsal kineties 1 and 2. Phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rDNA sequence data reveals that Afrokahliella paramacrostoma n. sp. is closely related to Parakahliella macrostoma and Hemiurosomoida longa.  相似文献   

Hu  Xiaozhong  Song  Weibo 《Hydrobiologia》2001,464(1-3):71-77
The morphology and infraciliature of an ectocommensal ciliate, Stichotricha marinaStein, 1867, isolated from the mantle cavity of marine scallops near Qingdao, China were redescribed using the protargol impregnation method. Based on the present studies, a new diagnosis is suggested: body twisted and flexible, in vivo about 160–200 μm with elongated body shape; peristomial field narrowed and neck-like, about half of body length; ca. 70 adoral membranelles, two clearly differentiated frontal cirri; 27–41 buccal cirri, arranged in one long row along with buccal field; transverse cirri absent; three complete dorsal kineties and three caudal cirri. Consistently two macronuclear nodules, and gelatinous lorica tube-like; marine habitat.  相似文献   

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