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洞庭湖浮游生物群落DNA指纹与理化因子的关系   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对东洞庭湖7个采样站点的浮游生物群落DNA多态性进行了RAPD指纹分析,并探讨了其DNA指纹与理化因子的关系。结果如下:(1)从80条随机引物中筛选出的11条引物共获得148条谱带,多态率为98.6%;所用引物在各站点可获得45—70条扩增谱带,平均为57.6条,其中Ⅳ站最少;(2)Ⅳ站的泥沙含量最高(75.5mg/L),其他各站在1.2—40.3mg/L;各站点间的pH值比较接近,都呈弱碱性;Ⅰ站的TN、TDN及TP含量最高,Ⅲ站的TDP最高,但各站点相差不大。相似性聚类分析表明,浮游生物群落DNA指纹将7个站点划分为两大类———Ⅳ站作为单独的一类而明显有别于其他6个站点,这与洞庭湖浮游生物分布的主要制约因子———泥沙含量的聚类结果是一致的。因此,研究表明浮游生物群落DNA指纹与环境主要限制因子是密切相关的,这类资料的积累将为建立简易、有效的水资源质量评价体系提供科学依据。  相似文献   

洞庭湖浮游生物群落DNA指纹拓扑结构与物种组成对应关系   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
颜庆云  余育和  冯伟松 《生态学报》2005,25(9):2221-2226
对东洞庭湖7个采样站点的浮游生物群落进行了DNA多态性的RAPD指纹分析和物种组成的分类鉴定,并通过聚类分析探讨了DNA指纹拓扑结构与物种组成对应关系。结果如下:(1)筛选出的11条随机引物共获得148条长度在180~2000bp的谱带,多态率为98.6%,各引物扩增谱带数在11~16不等;各站点平均有57.6条谱带,其中站最多(70条),站最少(45条),而站的特有带最多(7条),站最少(2条);(2)共观察到54种/类浮游生物,其中站出现的最多(27),其它各站点在7~13不等,分布概率在85%以上的只有直链硅藻(Melosirasp.)。相似性聚类分析表明:7个站点的浮游生物群落可以划分为两大类——站作为单独的一类而明显有别于其它6站;并且,RAPD分析在此基础上将、、站和、、站进一步分作两小类。因此,研究说明浮游生物群落DNA指纹拓扑结构与物种组成是密切相关的,这类资料的积累将会为生态系统功能、机理的解释或阐明提供一些启示。  相似文献   

DNA指纹分析技术在群落级生命系统应用的可能性   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
DNA指纹分析是一种关于整体遗传结构分析的强有力的分子生物学技术 ,广泛应用于种群及个体水平层次生命系统。本文以东湖浮游生物为对象 ,用随机引物和特异引物进行扩增探讨了DNA指纹分析技术在群落级生命系统应用的可能性。实验表明 :取自分别处于超富营养水平、富营养水平和中营养水平的Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ站样本的模板DNA ,无论是以随机引物M 0 1、M 0 2、M 0 3、M 18及M 19还是特异引物CW15 94 6 / 4 7、EGMS6、EGMS4、ITS1及HSP扩增均获得清晰且稳定的图谱 ;各站间浮游生物群落DNA指纹拓扑结构存在明显的表观差异 :居中营养水平的Ⅲ站谱带较多 ,而分别居富营养水平、超富营养水平的Ⅱ站和Ⅰ站较少 ;各站既有特异性谱带也有共有的谱带 ,Ⅲ站包含了Ⅱ站和Ⅰ站 33%— 10 0 %的谱带。本文还结合现有有关物种生物多样性及理化方面的资料 ,对所获得群落DNA指纹图谱的生物学意义进行尝试性的、定性的讨论。  相似文献   

应用SRAP标记构建山药种质资源DNA指纹图谱   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用30对多态性良好的SRAP引物对90份山药种质资源进行PCR扩增,构建扩增图谱,共扩增到722个位点,多态性位点581个,多态性比例为80.47%,每对引物组合检测多态性位点3~30个,每对引物能鉴别6~51份山药种质资源;采用DNA数据分析软件对扩增出的多态性位点进行分析,构建山药种质资源方框指纹图谱,该图谱清晰地反映出每对引物能扩增的多态位点数、鉴别资源份数及资源具体编号,资源在该引物组合下所能检测得到的多态位点数及所处的具体位置等信息;从10对SRAP引物组合中挑选出的21个多态性位点,根据谱带的有无转化成的1/0字符串编码,形成山药种质资源DNA数字指纹图谱,该图谱可鉴别区分90份山药种质资源中的82份资源。同时这些指纹图谱可为下一步的山药品种鉴定,种质资源评价、利用,分子标记辅助育种及品种权保护提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

对武汉东湖5个不同湖区的浮游生物群落DNA进行了RAPD指纹分析,并探讨了DNA指纹结构与环境理化因子的关系.结果表明:所筛选的9条随机引物共扩增210条大小为150~2000bp的谱带,多态率为93.3%.各站点平均有42条谱带,其中Ⅳ站最多(53条),Ⅴ站最少(35条).Ⅰ站的PO4^3--P、TP含量最高,Ⅴ站的NH4^+-N、TN、NO2^--N含量最高,Ⅳ站各理化因子含量均低于其他站点,站点间COD、碱度、硬度、钙含量差异不大.相似性聚类分析表明,基于RAPD标记的浮游生物群落指纹将5个站点划分为两类:Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ站聚为一枝,Ⅳ、Ⅴ站聚为另一枝.这与湖区主要理化因子的聚类结果一致.说明东湖不同湖区浮游生物群落DNA指纹与其环境理化因子密切相关.  相似文献   

动物种群遗传多态性研究中的PCR技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基因组DNA的变异是种群遗传多态性研究的基础。PCR技术可以在反应管内经济快速地扩增特定DNA序列,在动物种群遗传多态性研究中的应用主要包括三个方面:(1)种群遗传多态位点的检测;(2)基因定位或利用已经定位的单拷贝基因设计染色体位点特异的分子标记;(3)与DNA测序技术相结合,高效经济地获取特定基因座位的全部遗传变异。  相似文献   

利用SRAP标记对13份浙南柚类地方资源和琯溪蜜柚及芽变进行遗传多样性分析和鉴定。结果表明:平均每个引物组合可扩增出15.7条谱带,14对SRAP引物共产生220条谱带,其中多态性谱带为122条,多态率为55.4%,表明15份材料间检测到的SRAP位点多态性不高,不同引物组合可将11个基因型完全分开。聚类分析结果显示,15份柚类种质在遗传相似系数0.97处可以分为8大类,第1类群为四季柚7个优异株系,第2类群包括琯溪蜜柚及其芽变,而平阳文旦、早香柚、处红柚、红心1号土柚、红心2号土柚、酸柚分别单独为第3、4、5、6、7、8类群。四季柚选系中务城1号、务城3号、马站红心四季柚的指纹图谱有可区分的差异,说明DNA水平发生轻微变异。  相似文献   

苦瓜种质遗传多样性的SRAP标记分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从144对SRAP引物中筛选出61对多态性强、重复性好的SRAP引物,对43份苦瓜种质DNA进行了扩增,共得到2078条谱带,其中多态性谱带863条,平均每对引物扩增得到14.15条多态性谱带,多态性位点百分率为42.11%。用UPM-GA方法进行聚类分析,供试苦瓜种质的遗传相似系数为0.50~0.95,在阈值0.65处(L1)可将苦瓜分为2个类群,第Ⅰ类群为野生种,第Ⅱ类群为半栽培种和栽培种;在阈值0.80处(L2)将第Ⅱ类群分为5个亚类群,L2的划分反映了苦瓜种质间的遗传多样性与果实性状、来源或地理分布有较高相关性;在阈值0.83处,第Ⅱ类群1亚类群又分为4类,大致分为滑身苦瓜(粗棱无瘤)、大顶苦瓜(棱细大圆瘤、倒锥形)、棱细圆瘤苦瓜以及尖刺瘤或凸瘤苦瓜,分类结果与苦瓜的刺瘤有无、棱条粗细、瘤的形状和瓜色等密切相关,初步认为刺瘤苦瓜为较原始类型。  相似文献   

苦瓜种质遗传多样性的SRAP标记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从144对SRAP引物中筛选出61对多态性强、重复性好的SRAP引物,对43份苦瓜种质DNA进行了扩增,共得到2078条谱带,其中多态性谱带863条,平均每对引物扩增得到14.15条多态性谱带、多态性位点百分率为 42.11%。用UPMGA方法进行聚类分析,供试苦瓜种质的遗传相似系数为0.50~0.95,在阈值0.65 处( L1)可将苦瓜分为2个类群,第Ⅰ类群为野生种,第Ⅱ类群为半栽培种和栽培品种;在阈值0.80 处( L2)将第Ⅱ类群分为5个亚类群,L2 的划分反映了苦瓜种质间的遗传多样性与果实性状、来源或地理分布有较高相关性。在阈值0.83处,第Ⅱ1亚类群又分为4组,大致分为滑身苦瓜(粗棱无瘤)、大顶苦瓜(棱细大圆瘤、倒锥形)、棱细圆瘤苦瓜以及尖刺瘤或凸瘤苦瓜,分类结果与苦瓜的刺瘤有无、棱条粗细、瘤的大小和瓜色等密切相关,初步认为刺瘤苦瓜为较原始类型。  相似文献   

目的:应用随机引物扩增多态性DNA技术( random amplified polymorphic DNA , RAPD)对大耳白黑眼兔( white hair black eyes rabbit , WHBE rabbit )、日本大耳白兔( Japanese white rabbit , JW rabbit )和新西兰兔(New Zealand white rabbit, NZW rabbit)3个实验兔品系进行遗传分析。方法选用90只实验兔的皮肤组织样品提取基因组DNA,用60个随机引物对实验兔基因组DNA进行PCR扩增,根据电泳结果筛选出多态性较高的引物进行RAPD-PCR分析,再利用Popgene 3.2统计软件对3个品系的扩增条带进行遗传分析,获得实验数据。结果分析结果表明:(1)60个随机引物中筛选出25个多态性较高的引物,3个品系实验兔共检测到493个扩增片段,长度在100~1800 bp之间,筛选的25个引物中,其中16个引物既可扩增出3个品系共同的DNA条带,也可扩增出WHBE兔特有的特征条带;(2) WHBE兔位点数为234个,其中多态位点数166个,多态位点比为70.94%,JW兔位点数为228个,其中多态位点数122个,多态位点比为53.51%,NZW兔位点数为231个,其中多态位点数94个,多态位点比为40.69%;(3)三个群体的Shannon多样性指数分别为0.3385,0.2222和0.1905;(4) JW兔和NZW兔的遗传相似系数最高,为0.8443,其次为WHBE兔和JW兔的遗传相似系数,为0.8204,WHBE兔和NZW兔的遗传相似系数最低,为0.7862。结论结果表明WHBE兔与JW兔和NZW兔之间有遗传的相似性,也存在着遗传差异,应用RAPD技术可以很好地检测实验兔不同品系之间以及同一品系不同个体之间的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

环境DNA(EnvironmentalDNA,eDNA)可用于监测湖泊生物多样性,该技术对湖泊生态环境破坏性小,对于开展湖泊生态保护具有重要意义.湖泊流速较为缓慢,相对于河流更容易富集DNA,更适合于应用eDNA方法开展生物多样性研究.文章对eDNA在湖泊生物多样性上的应用进行了回顾,综述了其实验设计,分析了该技术存在...  相似文献   

环境DNA metabarcoding及其在生态学研究中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
陈炼  吴琳  刘燕  徐海根 《生态学报》2016,36(15):4573-4582
环境DNA metabarcoding(eDNA metabarcoding)是指利用环境样本(如土壤、水、粪便等)中分离的DNA进行高通量的多个物种(或高级分类单元)鉴定的方法。近年来,该方法引起了学者的广泛关注,逐渐应用于生物多样性研究、水生生物监测、珍稀濒危物种和外来入侵物种检测等生态学领域。介绍环境DNA metabarcoding的含义和研究方法;重点介绍环境DNA metabarcoding在物种监测、生物多样性研究和食性分析等生态学领域中的应用;总结环境DNA metabarcoding应用于生态学研究领域面临的挑战并对该方法的发展进行展望。  相似文献   

冯芸芝  孙栋  邵倩文  王春生 《生态学报》2022,42(21):8544-8554
浮游动物是海洋生态系统的关键类群,其覆盖门类广泛,多样性高。传统形态鉴定技术需要检测人员具备专业的形态鉴定知识,且费时费力。宏条形码技术无需分离生物个体,而是提取拖网采集到的浮游动物混合样本的总DNA,或者水体中的环境DNA (eDNA),依托高通量测序平台测序,能够实现对大规模样本快速、准确、经济的分析,在海洋浮游动物生态学研究中得到越来越广泛的应用。分析了DNA宏条形码技术常用的核糖体和线粒体分子标记,在浮游动物多样性和数量研究中的可靠性和不足,并给出在海洋浮游动物群落监测,食物关系分析及生物入侵早期预警等研究中的应用。未来,开发多基因片段组合条形码,发展完备的参考数据库及实现准确的量化研究是DNA宏条形码技术发展的重要方向。  相似文献   

The biodiversity of Mediterranean freshwater bodies is among the most threatened worldwide; therefore, its accurate estimation is an urgent issue. However, traditional methods are likely to underestimate freshwater zooplankton biodiversity due to its high species seasonality and cryptic diversity. We test the value of applying DNA barcoding to diapausing egg banks, in combination with the creation of a reference collection of DNA barcodes using adult individual samples, to characterize rotifer communities. We use monogonont rotifers from two lakes in Doñana National Park and one from Ruidera Natural Park in Spain as models to create a reference collection of DNA barcodes for taxonomically diagnosed adult individuals sampled from the water column, to compare with the sequences obtained from individual eggs from the diapausing egg banks. We apply two different approaches to carry out DNA taxonomy analyses, the generalized mixed Yule coalescent method (GMYC) and the Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery (ABGD), to the obtained sequences and to publicly available rotifer sequences. We obtained a total of 210 new rotifer COI sequences from all three locations (151 diapausing eggs and 59 adults). Both GMYC and ABGD generated the same 35 operational taxonomic units (OTUs), revealing four potential cryptic species. Most sequences obtained from diapausing eggs (85%) clustered with sequences obtained from morphologically diagnosed adults. Our approach, based on a single sediment sample, retrieved estimates of rotifer biodiversity higher than or similar to those of previous studies based on a number of seasonal samples. This study shows that DNA barcoding of diapausing egg banks is an effective aid to characterize rotifer diversity in Mediterranean freshwater bodies.  相似文献   

Species detection using environmental DNA from water samples   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The assessment of species distribution is a first critical phase of biodiversity studies and is necessary to many disciplines such as biogeography, conservation biology and ecology. However, several species are difficult to detect, especially during particular time periods or developmental stages, potentially biasing study outcomes. Here we present a novel approach, based on the limited persistence of DNA in the environment, to detect the presence of a species in fresh water. We used specific primers that amplify short mitochondrial DNA sequences to track the presence of a frog (Rana catesbeiana) in controlled environments and natural wetlands. A multi-sampling approach allowed for species detection in all environments where it was present, even at low densities. The reliability of the results was demonstrated by the identification of amplified DNA fragments, using traditional sequencing and parallel pyrosequencing techniques. As the environment can retain the molecular imprint of inhabiting species, our approach allows the reliable detection of secretive organisms in wetlands without direct observation. Combined with massive sequencing and the development of DNA barcodes that enable species identification, this approach opens new perspectives for the assessment of current biodiversity from environmental samples.  相似文献   

The manipulation of DNA is routine practice in botanical research and has made a huge impact on plant breeding, biotechnology and biodiversity evaluation. DNA is easy to extract from most plant tissues and can be stored for long periods in DNA banks. Curation methods are well developed for other botanical resources such as herbaria, seed banks and botanic gardens, but procedures for the establishment and maintenance of DNA banks have not been well documented. This paper reviews the curation of DNA banks for the characterisation and utilisation of biodiversity and provides guidelines for DNA bank management. It surveys existing DNA banks and outlines their operation. It includes a review of plant DNA collection, preservation, isolation, storage, database management and exchange procedures. We stress that DNA banks require full integration with existing collections such as botanic gardens, herbaria and seed banks, and information retrieval systems that link such facilities, bioinformatic resources and other DNA banks. They also require efficient and well-regulated sample exchange procedures. Only with appropriate curation will maximum utilisation of DNA collections be achieved.  相似文献   

Global biodiversity in freshwater and the oceans is declining at high rates. Reliable tools for assessing and monitoring aquatic biodiversity, especially for rare and secretive species, are important for efficient and timely management. Recent advances in DNA sequencing have provided a new tool for species detection from DNA present in the environment. In this study, we tested whether an environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding approach, using water samples, can be used for addressing significant questions in ecology and conservation. Two key aquatic vertebrate groups were targeted: amphibians and bony fish. The reliability of this method was cautiously validated in silico, in vitro and in situ. When compared with traditional surveys or historical data, eDNA metabarcoding showed a much better detection probability overall. For amphibians, the detection probability with eDNA metabarcoding was 0.97 (CI = 0.90–0.99) vs. 0.58 (CI = 0.50–0.63) for traditional surveys. For fish, in 89% of the studied sites, the number of taxa detected using the eDNA metabarcoding approach was higher or identical to the number detected using traditional methods. We argue that the proposed DNA‐based approach has the potential to become the next‐generation tool for ecological studies and standardized biodiversity monitoring in a wide range of aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

刘山林  邱娜  张纾意  赵竹楠  周欣 《生物多样性》2022,30(10):22441-4522
在分子生物学、细胞生物学、微生物学、遗传学等学科的推动下, 生物多样性研究从仅关注宏观表型的博物学, 迅速演化为涵盖生态系统、物种和遗传多样性等多个维度的综合性生命科学。组学技术, 尤其是DNA测序技术的更新和发展, 使获取DNA序列所需的成本大幅下降, 促进了近年来其在生物多样性研究中取得的一系列令人瞩目成就。本文将从物种水平的遗传多样性和群落水平的物种多样性两个层面总结和介绍与DNA相关的组学技术在生物多样性研究中的一些创新和应用。其中, 物种水平主要是总结单一个体的基因组和单物种多个体在时空多个维度上的群体遗传研究; 而群落水平的物种多样性层面主要总结现有的分子鉴定技术(metabarcoding, eDNA, iDNA等), 以及上述新技术在群落多样性评估、旗舰保护物种监测以及物种间相互作用关系等研究中的应用。  相似文献   

Molecular (mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase subunit 1– COI) analysis was performed to characterize the poorly known Malapterurus minjiriya from Nigerian inland water bodies. Integrative taxonomy, involving morphological and molecular data, confirms the identity of M. minjiriya. Matrilineal genealogy reveals a sister relationship of M. minjiriya with Malapterurus electricus and Malapterurus microstoma. The genetic analysis further shows evidence of population divergence within M. electricus and Malapterurus beninensis. The findings of the study highlight the importance of the integration of DNA barcoding in biodiversity documentation of freshwater fish species in Nigeria.  相似文献   

DNA metabarcoding is a promising approach for rapidly surveying biodiversity and is likely to become an important tool for measuring ecosystem responses to environmental change. Metabarcoding markers need sufficient taxonomic coverage to detect groups of interest, sufficient sequence divergence to resolve species, and will ideally indicate relative abundance of taxa present. We characterized zooplankton assemblages with three different metabarcoding markers (nuclear 18S rDNA, mitochondrial COI, and mitochondrial 16S rDNA) to compare their performance in terms of taxonomic coverage, taxonomic resolution, and correspondence between morphology‐ and DNA‐based identification. COI amplicons sequenced on separate runs showed that operational taxonomic units representing >0.1% of reads per sample were highly reproducible, although slightly more taxa were detected using a lower annealing temperature. Mitochondrial COI and nuclear 18S showed similar taxonomic coverage across zooplankton phyla. However, mitochondrial COI resolved up to threefold more taxa to species compared to 18S. All markers revealed similar patterns of beta‐diversity, although different taxa were identified as the greatest contributors to these patterns for 18S. For calanoid copepod families, all markers displayed a positive relationship between biomass and sequence reads, although the relationship was typically strongest for 18S. The use of COI for metabarcoding has been questioned due to lack of conserved primer‐binding sites. However, our results show the taxonomic coverage and resolution provided by degenerate COI primers, combined with a comparatively well‐developed reference sequence database, make them valuable metabarcoding markers for biodiversity assessment.  相似文献   

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