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抗旱和不抗旱的小麦幼苗叶片与根系,在1MPaPEG渗透胁迫下释出乙烯和生成内源腐胺、亚精胺和精胺的数量增加。当增加2mmol钴离子处理6h和12h后,乙烯生成显著受到抑制,而亚精肢和精胺呈现进一步增加。表明钴离子阻遏了氨基环烷羧酸向乙烯转变的途径,并为多胺合成提供了更多的底物,从而有利于提高小麦抗衰老和抗旱的能力,抗旱品种表现更为明显。  相似文献   

月季切花瓶插过程中,内源腐胺在前2天略有增加,内源亚精胺、精胺、多胺总量则呈下降趋势,乙烯释放速率在第3天达到最高峰;多胺抑制剂甲基乙醛-双咪腙处理抑制了亚精胺、精胺的合成,增加了乙烯的释放速率;乙烯抑制剂氨氧乙酸处理推迟腐胺高峰的到来,降低了乙烯的释放速率,而且在瓶插期的前2天内源亚精胺、精胺含量较高。结果表明,具乙烯跃变型特征的月季切花衰老过程中,多胺与乙烯在其生物合成过程中相互竞争S-腺苷甲硫氨酸作为其合成的前体。  相似文献   

菊水梨皮层和髓的乙烯合成酶(EFE)活性和氨基环丙烷羧酸(ACC)含量及其果实乙烯释放量均分别高于二十世纪梨。在同一品种果实的皮层和髓中,ACC含量无明显差异,但髓的EFE活性明显高于皮层。梨果实内含有丁二胺、亚精胶和精胺3种内源多胺,而以丁二胺和亚精胺含量为最高,精胺含量虽低但较稳定。果实在乙烯释放高峰出现前,其皮层和髓中的丁二胺和亚精胺含量变化有明显差异。采后梨果实的乙烯生成与果实内EFE活性,ACC含量、多胺含量的变化有密切关系,而乙烯生成的差异不仅表现在品种间,而且在果实的皮层和髓之间也存在差异,梨果实的髓似乎对整个果实的乙烯生成有更重要的影响。  相似文献   

多胺对渗透胁迫下甘蔗愈伤组织诱导和分化的作用   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
0.4mmol/L的多胺(精胺、亚精胺和腐胺)处理渗透胁迫下的甘蔗心叶或愈伤组织后,愈伤组织的诱导和绿苗的分化受到促进,苗重增加;SOD和过氧化氢酶活性增强,谷胱苷肽含量增多,MDA含量下降。精胺、亚精胺的效果优于腐胺。  相似文献   

月季切花衰老过程中多胺与乙烯的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
月季切花瓶插过程中,内源腐胺在前2天略有增加,内源亚精胺,精胺、多胺总量则呈下降趋势,乙烯释放速率在第3天达到最高峰;多胺抑制剂甲基乙醛-双咪腙处理抑制了亚精胺,精胺的合成,增加了乙烯的释放速率;乙烯抑制剂氨氧乙酸处理推迟腐胺高峰的到来,降低了乙烯的释放速率,而且在瓶插期的前2天内业精胺、精胺含量较高,结果表明,具乙烯跃变型特征的月季切花衰老过程中,多与乙烯在其生物合成过程中相互竞争S-腺苷甲硫氨  相似文献   

同正常供水相比,水分胁迫引起玉米幼苗叶和根中乙烯在短时间内出现峰值,随后下降且保持较低水平。叶中腐胺、亚精胺和精胺均先降后升,喷施外源亚精胺使叶中乙烯释放减少,亚精胺和精胺含量降低。根中腐胺、亚精胺含量在回升后又略有下降,精胺则呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

钙对渗透胁迫下玉米幼苗内源激素和多胺含量的影响   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
渗透胁迫下,玉米轩叶片中内源ABA含量增加,乙烯在较短时间内出现峰值,叶中腐胺、亚精胺和精胺先降后升。施CaCl2水溶液后叶中ABA增加的起始时间延迟,乙烯释放量减少,Put、Spd、Spm含量均增高。  相似文献   

NaCl胁迫对茄子嫁接苗叶片多胺代谢和ABA含量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以日本引进的茄子设施栽培专用耐盐品种'Torvum Vigor'为砧木,栽培品种'苏崎茄'为接穗,研究了80 mmol·L-1 NaCl胁迫下茄子嫁接苗和自根苗生长、多胺代谢和ABA含量的变化.结果表明,在NaCl胁迫下,茄子嫁接苗的生长量、3种不同形态多胺(游离态、结合态和束缚态)和ABA含量均显著高于自根苗.NaCl胁迫显著增加了叶片精胺和ABA含量;腐胺和亚精胺含量在胁迫前期上升,后期下降.嫁接苗的腐胺和亚精胺含量降低幅度低于自根苗,而精胺和ABA含量上升幅度则高于自根苗.嫁接苗生长和多胺代谢受NaCl胁迫的影响小于自根苗,NaCl胁迫下ABA的快速积累和保持相对高的多胺含量与嫁接苗耐盐性有关.  相似文献   

渗透胁迫下,玉米幼苗叶片中内源ABA含量增加,乙烯在较短时间内出现峰值,叶中腐胺(Put)、亚精胺(Spd)和精胺(Spm)先降后升。喷施CaCl2水溶液后叶中ABA增加的起始时间延迟,乙烯释放量减少,Put、Spd、Spm含量均增高。  相似文献   

NaCl胁迫下玉米内源腐胺和钠含量明显增加,亚精胺,精胺和钾含量显著降低,生长受到抑制,高浓度NaCl胁迫下,滨藜内源多胺,钠和钾含量变化情况与NaCl胁迫下的玉米有相同的趋势。  相似文献   

The flux of radioactivity from 3,4-[(14)C]methionine into S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM), 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), spermine, and spermidine while inhibiting conversion of ACC to ethylene by 100 millimolar phosphate and 2 millimolar Co(2+) was studied in aged peel discs of orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) fruit. Inhibition up to 80% of ethylene production by phosphate and cobalt was accompanied by a 3.3 times increase of label in ACC while the radioactivity in SAM was only slightly reduced. Aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) increased the label in SAM by 61% and reduced it in ACC by 47%. Different combinations of standard solution, in which putrescine or spermidine were administered alone or with AVG, demonstrated clearly that inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis-at the conversion of SAM to ACC-by AVG, exogenous putrescine or exogenous spermidine, stimulated the incorporation of 3,4-[(14)C]methionine into spermidine.  相似文献   

In rape leaf discs the response to osmotic stress has been found to be associated with increases in putrescine and 1,3-diaminopropane (an oxidation product of spermidine and/or spermine) and decreases in spermidine titers. In contrast, agmatine and spermine titers showed small changes while cadaverine accumulated massively. Similar results were observed in whole rape seedlings subjected to drought conditions. -DL-difluoromethylarginine (DFMA), a specific irreversible inhibitor of arginine decarboxylase, strongly inhibited polyamine accumulation in unstressed rape leaf discs, which suggested that the arginine decarboxylase pathway is constitutively involved in putrescine biosynthesis. In leaf discs treated under high osmotic stress conditions, both DFMA and DFMO (-DL-difluoromethylornithine, a specific and irreversible inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase) inhibited the accumulation of polyamines. Although the stressed discs treated with DFMA had a lower concentration of putrescine than those treated with DFMO, we propose that under osmotic stress the synthesis of putrescine might involve both enzymes. DFMA, but not DFMO, was also found to inhibit cadaverine formation strongly in stressed explants. The effects on polyamine biosynthesis and catabolism of cyclohexylamine, the spermidine synthase inhibitor, aminoguanidine, the diamine-oxidase inhibitor and -aminobutyric acid, a product of putrescine oxidation via diamine oxidase or spermidine oxidation via polyamine oxidase were found to depend on environmental osmotic challenges. Thus, it appears that high osmotic stress did not block spermidine biosynthesis, but induced a stimulation of spermidine oxidation. We have also demonstrated that in stressed leaf discs, exogenous ethylene, applied in the form of (2-chloroethyl) phosphonic acid or ethephon, behaves as an inhibitor of polyamine synthesis with the exception of agmatine and diaminopropane. In addition, in stressed tissues, when ethylene synthesis was inhibited by aminooxyacetic acid or aminoethoxyvinylglycine, S-adenosylmethionine utilization in polyamine synthesis was not promoted. The relationships between polyamine and ethylene biosynthesis in unstressed and stressed tissues are discussed.  相似文献   

A new assay for the evaluation of spermidine (Spd) synthase activity was developed. It involves a coupled reaction and avoids the use of decarboxylated S-adenosylmethionine, which is unstable and not easily available. This assay was applied to assess changes in enzyme activity in oat leaves subjected to osmotic stress in the dark. The results indicate that osmotically-induced putrescine (Put) accumulation in cereals results not only from the activation of the arginine decarboxylase pathway, but also from the inhibition of the activity of Spd synthase, the enzyme which catalyzes the transformation of Put to Spd. Other possibilities which could contribute to the decline of Spd and spermine levels under osmotic stress are also discussed.Abbreviations ADC arginine decarboxylase - Dap diaminopropane - DFMA -difluoromethylarginine - MGBG methylglyoxal-bis-guanylhydrazone - MTA 5-deoxy-5-methylthioadenosine - ODC ornithine decarboxylase - PA polyamines - PAO polyamine oxidase - PCA perchloric acid - PLP pyridoxal phosphate - Put putrescine - SAM S-adenosylmethionine - dSAM decarboxylated S-adenosylmethionine - SAMDC S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase - Spd spermidine - Spm spermine  相似文献   

Polyamines and environmental challenges: recent development   总被引:73,自引:0,他引:73  
In this review, we will try to summarize some recent data concerning the changes in polyamine metabolism (biosynthesis, catabolism and regulation) in higher plants subjected to a wide array of environmental stress conditions and to describe and discuss some of the new advances concerning the different proposed mechanisms of polyamine action implicated in plant response to environmental challenges. All the data support the view that putrescine and derived polyamines (spermidine, spermine, long-chained polyamides) may have several functions during environmental challenges. In several systems (except during hypoxia, and chilling tolerance of wheat and rice) an induction of polyamines (spermidine, spermine) not putrescine accumulation, may confer a stress tolerance. In several cases stress tolerance is associated with the production of conjugated and bound polyamines and stimulation of polyamine oxidation. In several environmental challenges (osmotic-stress, salinity, hypoxia, environmental pollutants) recent results indicate that both arginine decarboxylase and ornithine decarboxylase are required for the synthesis of putrescine and polyamines (spermidine and spermine). Under osmotic and salt-stresses a production of cadaverine is observed in plants. A new study demonstrates that under salt-stress putrescine catabolism (via diamine oxidase) can contribute to proline (a compatible osmolyte) accumulation.  相似文献   

The flower opening of damson plum (Prunus insititia L.) was accompanied by an increase in the content of free-polyamines (PA) in the sepals, petals and sex organs, the ovary being most active in accumulating spermine (Spm). The fertilization process and senescence brought on a decline in ovarian Spm, but stimulated putrescine (Put) and spermidine (Spd) content in the sepals. The endocarp of this climacteric fruit produced only ethylene at the end of the S1 phase and throughout S2, in which there was a great richness in ACC and MACC. The greatest amounts of ACC and MACC were observed in the ripening mesocarp and epicarp. The contribution of the endocarp and epicarp to the total ACC in the developing fruit was very similar. During flowering and S1 and S2 phases, Spd was the most abundant PA; in contrast, during S3 and S4 Put was most abundant. The mesocarp contributed the most to the total content in PA throughout the fruit development. The control of SAM distribution towards ethylene and/or PA appears to differ during the development of the endocarp, as the only peak of free-Put (detected in S2) coincided with the highest ACC accumulation and ethylene production. On the contrary, in S3 it is probable that SAM was transformed preferentially into PA, given that free-Spd and Spm, hardly detectable in S1 and S2, peaked in this phase in which there was no gas production.  相似文献   

水分胁迫对小麦幼苗叶片多胺含量的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
水分胁迫下小麦幼苗叶片多胺含量变化的研究表明,聚乙二醇(PEG)的渗透胁迫明显提高了抗旱性强的周麦系列幼苗叶片游离态Put、Spd和Spm的含量和抗旱性弱的温麦6号的Put含量。外源Spd显著提高了水分胁迫下温麦6号的Spd的含量,对其抗性也有所改善。外源MGBG(Spd和Spm生物合成抑制剂)可提高水分胁迫下周麦12号Put的含量,但降低了Spd和Spm的含量和幼苗的抗性。  相似文献   

The role of polyamine metabolism in the regulation of senescenceand ethylene evolution was examined in cut carnations. Endogenousconcentrations of spermine and spermidine did not change asflowers aged, but putrescine, their immediate biosynthetic precursor,increased dramatically and paralleled a sharp rise in ethylene.When D-arginine, difluoromethylarginine and methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone)were used to inhibit specific steps in polyamine synthesis,ethylene production and the onset of senescence were promoted.In contrast, inhibition of ethylene by aminooxyacetic acid increasedthe level of spermine, presumably by increasing the availabilityof aminopropyl groups derived from S-adenosylmethionine (SAM)and required for the synthesis of polyamines from putrescine.These results suggest that the ethylene and polyamine biosyntheticpathways compete for SAM during senescence of carnation flowers. (Received September 1, 1983; Accepted January 7, 1984)  相似文献   

Summary The promotive effect of ethylene inhibitors (Els), i.e. AgNO3 and aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) on de novo shoot regeneration from cultured cotyledonary explants of Brassica campestris ssp. pekinensis cv. Shantung in relation to polyamines (PAs) was investigated. The endogenous levels of free putrescine and spermidine in the explant decreased sharply after 1–3 days of culture, whereas endogenous spermine increased, irrespective of the absence or presence of Els. AgNO3 at 30 M did not affect endogenous PAs during two weeks of culture. In contrast, explants grown on medium containing 5 M AVG produced higher levels of free putrescine and spermine which increased rapidly after three days and reached a peak at 10 days. An exogenous application of 5 mM putrescine also resulted in a similar surge of endogenous free spermine of the explant. More strikingly, shoot regeneration from explants grown in the presence of 1–20 mM putrescine, 0.1–2.5 mM spermidine, or 0.1–1 mM spermine was enhanced after three weeks of culture. However, exogenous PAs generally did not affect ethylene production, and endogenous levels of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) synthase activity and ACC of the explant. This study shows the PA requirement for shoot regeneration from cotyledons of B. campestris ssp. pekinensis in vitro, and also indicates that the promotive effect of PAs on regeneration may not be due to an inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis.Abbreviations PAs polyamines - AVG aminoethoxyvinylglycine - SAM S-adenosylmethionine - ACC 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate - Els ethylene inhibitors  相似文献   

Ethylene biosynthesis and polyamine content were determined in [(2RS,3RS)-1-(4-chlorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2-(1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)pentan-3-ol] (paclobutrazol) pre-treated and non-treated water-stressed apple seedling leaves. Paclobutrazol reduced water loss, and decreased endogenous putrescine spermidine content. Gibberellic acid (GA) counteracted the inhibitory effect of paclobutrazol on polyamine content. Paclobutrazol also prevented accumulation of water stress-induced 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), 1-(malonylamino)cyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (MACC), ethylene production and polyamines in apple leaves. α-Difluoromethylarginine (DFMA), but not α-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), inhibited the rise of putrescine and spermidine in stressed leaves. S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM) was maintained at a steady state level even when ethylene and the polyamines were actively synthesized in stressed apple seedling leaves. The conversion of ACC to ethylene did not appear to be affected by paclobutrazol treatment.  相似文献   

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