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将含有G138P单点突变和G138P-G247D双点突变的GI结构基因,分别克隆入E.coli链霉菌穿梭载体pHZ1272,成功构建了穿梭表达载体pHZGI1和pHZGI2。通过原生质体的转化,将穿梭表达载体导入变铅青链霉菌TK54菌株。30℃振荡培养24h,加入2 μg/mL 硫链丝菌素诱导表达12h。SDSPAGE电泳表明,两个穿梭载体在TK54菌株内表达出425 kD特异性条带。薄层扫描显示,突变体酶GIG138P和GIG138PG247D分别约占可溶性蛋白的19%和22%。Western杂交进一步证实GIG138P和GIG138PG247D在变铅青链霉菌TK54中获得了表达。  相似文献   

对来源于Streptomycesolivaceoviridis的高比活木聚糖酶XYNB进行同源建模,并结合嗜热木聚糖酶氮末端芳香族氨基酸疏水作用的结构分析,设计了XYNB的T11Y定点突变,观察XYNB分子中折叠股B1和B2的疏水作用对酶的热稳定性的影响。将突变酶XYNB′在毕赤酵母中表达,表达的XYNB′经纯化后与原酶XYNB(同样经毕赤酵母表达后纯化)进行酶学性质比较,结果表明,XYNB′的耐热性比XYNB有明显的提高,但最适温度与原酶一样为60℃。另外,XYNB′的最适pH、Km值及比活性均有一定的改变。实验证实了木聚糖酶XYNB的氮端芳香族氨基酸之间的疏水相互作用与其热稳定性相关,为进一步的结构与功能研究提供了优良的基因材料。  相似文献   

将含有G138P单点突变和G138P-G247D双点突变的GI结构基因,分别克隆入E.coli-链霉菌穿梭载体pHZ-1272,成功构建了穿梭表达载体pHZGI1和pHZGI2。通过原生质体的转化,将穿梭表达载体异入变铅青链霉菌TK54菌株。30℃振荡培养24h,加入2μg/mL硫链丝菌素诱导表达12h。SDS-PAGE电泳表明,两个穿梭载体在TK54菌株内表达出42.5kD特异性条带。薄层扫描显示,突变体酶GIG138P和GIG138P-G247D分别约占可溶性蛋白的19%和22%。Western杂交进一步证实GIG138P和GIG138P-G247D在变铅青链霉菌TK54中获得了表达。  相似文献   

木聚糖酶XYNB的N46D突变、表达及酶学性质变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对来源于Streptomyces olivaceoviridis的高比活木聚糖酶XYNB进行同源建模和同源序列比较,发现第11族木聚糖酶的催化结构域在β折叠股A3和B3之间存的一个保守的氨基酸位点,该位点与木聚糖酶的pH特性有关.据此设计了XYNB的N46D定点突变.将突变酶XYNBN46D在毕赤酵母中表达,表达的XYNBN46D经纯化后与原酶XYNB(同样经毕赤酵母表达后纯化)进行酶学性质比较,结果表明, XYNBN46D的最适pH值由5.2下降到4.2,pH稳定性也向酸性pH偏移,同时,热稳定性和最适温度也有一定的提高, 但酶的比活性显著下降.结果证实,木聚糖酶XYNB的第46位Asn与其最适pH值相关.对导致酶学性质改变的可能因素进行了分析,结果为进一步的结构与功能研究提供了资料.  相似文献   

陈磊  陈晟  吴敬  吴丹 《生物工程学报》2018,34(2):255-263
运用体外分子进化技术易错PCR方法,高通量筛选热稳定性提高的弯曲芽孢杆菌Bacillus flexus CCTCC2015368β-淀粉酶突变体。利用LB琼脂淀粉板显色、96-孔板DNS法测酶活和酶标仪检测等,最终筛选到了一株热稳定性显著提高的突变体D476N。野生型和突变体D476N分别纯化后,酶学性质测定表明:突变体D476N的最适pH为6.5,与野生型相比降低了0.5。突变体D476N和野生型的最适温度均为55℃,突变体D476N在55℃下的半衰期为35 min,比野生型提高了95%。突变体D476N的T_(50)值比野生型提高4℃。突变体D476N的K_m值为97.98μmol/L,是野生型(85.86μmol/L)1.14倍;突变体稳定性提高的同时,催化活力相对于野生型有略微下降。通过SWISS-MODEL同源模拟野生型和突变体D476N的三维结构,并通过PyMol软件分析,发现突变后的氨基酸残基Asn476位于蛋白质表面的loop环上,通过MOE软件计算,D476N的分子自由能(ΔG)为106.01kcal/mol,比野生酶降低10.3%,这一结果与蛋白质分子自由能和热稳定性呈负相关的理论相符。  相似文献   

木聚糖酶Xyn Ⅱ的D37N突变、表达及酶学性质变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对来源于宇佐美曲霉(Aspergillus usamii)E001的木聚糖酶Xyn Ⅱ进行同源建模和序列比较,发现第11族木聚糖酶的催化结构域在β折叠股A3和B3之间存在一个保守的氨基酸位点,该位点与木聚糖酶的pH特性有关,据此设计了Xyn Ⅱ的D37N定点突变.酵母表达的Xyn ⅡD37N 经纯化后与原酶Xyn Ⅱ(同样经毕赤酵母表达后纯化)进行酶学性质比较,结果表明,Xyn ⅡD37N 的最适pH由4.2升高到5.3,pH稳定范围由3.0~7.5缩减为3.0~5.5,但最适温度和热稳定性基本保持不变.结果证实,木聚糖酶Xyn Ⅱ的第37位Asp与最适pH相关,为进一步的结构与功能研究提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

【目的】研究长双歧杆菌(Bifidobacterium longum)JCM1217的N-乙酰氨基己糖1-位激酶(Nacetylhexosamine 1-kinase,Nah K)中对催化活性有影响的位点。【方法】利用点突变试剂盒,获得Nah K的4个位点的共10种单点突变体表达菌株。诱导表达并纯化野生型和突变体酶,用DNS法和NADH偶联的微孔板分光光度法检测野生型及突变体酶的最适p H和最适Mg~(2+)浓度,并测定酶促反应动力学参数。【结果】D208A、D208N、D208E和I24A四种突变体的催化活性几乎丧失。突变体H31A、H31V、F247A和I24V的最适p H由野生型的7.5变为7.0,突变体H31A和F247A的最适Mg~(2+)浓度由野生型的5 mmol/L变为10 mmol/L。反应动力学参数测定结果表明,突变体F247Y对底物Glc NAc/Gal NAc及ATP的催化活性均高于野生型。【结论】通过定点突变,确定了对Nah K催化活性有影响的4个位点,并且获得了一个催化效率提高的突变体(F247Y),为进一步对Nah K进行分子改造奠定了一定基础。  相似文献   

将来源于黑曲霉N25的植酸酶基因phyAm重组于大肠杆菌表达载体pET30b(+),以重组表达载体pET30b-F-phyAm为模板经PCR扩增获得结构延伸突变植酸酶基因phyAe(在植酸酶基因C端增加了来源于pET-30b-F-phyAm载体上13氨基酸残基)。含突变基因的重组表达载体pPIC9k-phyAe在GS115酵母中表达。纯化的突变酶PP-NP-e与野生型酶PP-NP-m8相比:PP-NPAe的最适反应温度上升了3℃,75℃处理10min,热稳定性提高21%,比活力略有提高。最适反应pH为5.6,有效pH范围pH4.6到pH6.6。比未突变酶扩大了0.4单位。  相似文献   

β-丙氨酸是多个药物合成的重要砌块,可以通过天冬氨酸α脱羧酶(Pan D)催化L-天冬氨酸脱羧来合成,但普遍在用的Pan D酶活性不高是制约全细胞催化合成β-丙氨酸的瓶颈。因此,本研究通过酶的挖掘,选择将杰氏棒杆菌来源(Corynebacterium jeikeium)Pan D在Escherichia coli中异源表达。对杰氏棒杆菌来源Pan D进行Alaph Fold2建模和分子对接,采用Rosetta虚拟突变确定突变热点,结合薄层层析初筛和纯化后复筛,最终筛选到突变体L39A,其比酶活为13.45 U/mg,相比野生型酶的比酶活(9.6 U/mg)提升了1.4倍。酶学性质表征数据表明,野生型酶和L39A突变体最适p H均为6.5,且在p H 6.0-7.0之间酶活性稳定;两者最适温度为55℃,但L39A热稳定性较野生型提高;突变体酶的催化效率比野生型提升了1.4倍。对突变体进行结构解析发现,39位取代为侧链基团更小的丙氨酸,亲水性增强,增加了关键催化氨基酸58位酪氨酸与其他氨基酸的相互作用,使活性中心周围的区域稳定性提高,从而提高了催化活性。全细胞催化数据表明,在OD600=4...  相似文献   

嗜热链霉菌变株(Streptomyces diastaticus No.7mutant strain)M1033—9菌的胞外葡萄糖异构酶作用最适温度为80—85℃,最适pH为8—9,pH大于7.8时有较强的热稳定性,Co2+和Mg2+对酶有激活作用,Co2+对酶的热稳定性有保护作用。5000L发酵罐经板框过滤的清发酵液含胞外酶885u/ml,占总酶活94%,可直接作酶源吸附于大孔阴离子交换树脂上制成固定化葡萄糖异构酶(酶活13000u/g(干))工艺简便。年产2000吨42型果葡糖浆规模下每公斤干固定化酶可生产果葡糖浆4 59吨。M1033—9是产胞外葡萄糖异构酶的优良菌种。  相似文献   

Asp residues are significantly under represented in beta-sheet regions of proteins, especially in the middle of beta-strands, as found by a number of studies using statistical, modeling, or experimental methods. To further understand the reasons for this under representation of Asp, we prepared and analyzed mutants of a beta-domain. Two Gln residues of the immunoglobulin light-chain variable domain (V(L)) of protein Len were replaced with Asp, and then the effects of these changes on protein stability and protein structure were studied. The replacement of Q38D, located at the end of a beta-strand, and that of Q89D, located in the middle of a beta-strand, reduced the stability of the parent immunoglobulin V(L) domain by 2.0 kcal/mol and 5.3 kcal/mol, respectively. Because the Q89D mutant of the wild-type V(L)-Len domain was too unstable to be expressed as a soluble protein, we prepared the Q89D mutant in a triple mutant background, V(L)-Len M4L/Y27dD/T94H, which was 4.2 kcal/mol more stable than the wild-type V(L)-Len domain. The structures of mutants V(L)-Len Q38D and V(L)-Len Q89D/M4L/Y27dD/T94H were determined by X-ray diffraction at 1.6 A resolution. We found no major perturbances in the structures of these Q-->D mutant proteins relative to structures of the parent proteins. The observed stability changes have to be accounted for by cumulative effects of the following several factors: (1) by changes in main-chain dihedral angles and in side-chain rotomers, (2) by close contacts between some atoms, and, most significantly, (3) by the unfavorable electrostatic interactions between the Asp side chain and the carbonyls of the main chain. We show that the Asn side chain, which is of similar size but neutral, is less destabilizing. The detrimental effect of Asp within a beta-sheet of an immunoglobulin-type domain can have very serious consequences. A somatic mutation of a beta-strand residue to Asp could prevent the expression of the domain both in vitro and in vivo, or it could contribute to the pathogenic potential of the protein in vivo.  相似文献   

Proton-dependent oligopeptide transporters (POTs) are secondary active symporters that utilize the proton gradient to drive the inward translocation of di- and tripeptides. We have mutated two highly conserved membraneembedded glutamate residues (Glu20 and Glu388) in the E. coli POT YjdL to probe their possible functional roles, in particular if they were involved/implicated in recognition of the substrate N-terminus. The mutants (Glu20Asp, Glu20Gln, Glu388Asp, and Glu388Gln) were tested for substrate uptake, which indicated that both the negative charge and the side chain length were important for function. The IC50 values of dipeptides with lack of or varying N-terminus (Ac-Lys, Gly- Lys, β-Ala-Lys, and 4-GABA-Lys), showed that Gly-Lys and β-Ala-Lys ranged between ~0.1 to ~1.0 mM for wild type and Glu20 mutants. However, for Glu388Gln the IC50 increased to ~2.0 and > 10 mM for Gly-Lys and β-Ala-Lys, respectively, suggesting that Glu388, and not Glu20, is able to sense the position of the N-terminus and important for the interaction. Furthermore, uptake as a function of pH showed that the optimum at around pH 6.5 for wild type YjdL shifted to 7.0-7.5 for the Glu388Asp/Gln mutants while the Glu20Asp retained the wild type optimum. Uptake by the Glu20Gln on the other hand was completely unaffected by the bulk pH in the range tested, which indicated a possible role of Glu20 in proton translocation.  相似文献   

The 1H-NMR spectrum of the snake toxin echistatin has been assigned using homonuclear two-dimensional methods. Consideration of the NOE patterns, coupling constants and putative hydrogen bonds enabled two regular features of secondary structure to be deduced: a beta-sheet/turn between residues 8 and 13 and a small anti-parallel beta-sheet and bulge linking residues 16-20 with residues 30-33. The recognition region of the protein containing the residues RGD lies in a loop joining the two strands of the beta-sheet. The beta-bulge and the loop containing the RGD sequence undergo pH-dependent conformational interconversion, modulated by the side chain of Asp29.  相似文献   

Asp187 and Gln190 were predicted as conserved and closely located at the Na(+) binding site in a topology and homology model structure of Na(+)/proline symporter (PutP) of Escherichia coli. The replacement of Asp187 with Ala or Leu did not affect proline transport activity; whereas, change to Gln abolished the active transport. The binding affinity for Na(+) or proline of these mutants was similar to that of wild-type (WT) PutP. This result indicates Asp187 to be responsible for active transport of proline without affecting the binding. Replacement of Gln190 with Ala, Asn, Asp, Leu and Glu had no effect on transport or binding, suggesting that it may not have a role in the transport. However, in the negative D187Q mutant, a second mutation, of Gln190 to Glu or Leu, restored 46 or 7% of the transport activity of WT, respectively, while mutation to Ala, Asn or Asp had no effect. Thus, side chain at position 190 has a crucial role in suppressing the functional defect of the D187Q mutant. We conclude that Asp187 is responsible for transport activity instead of coupling-ion binding by constituting the translocation pathway of the ion and Gln190 provides a suppressing mutation site to regain PutP functional activity.  相似文献   

A recombinant expression plasmid pYH12, containing the double-mutation glucose isomerase (GIG138PG247D, GI2) coding gene and its natural regulatory sequence, was constructed for site-specific integration in Streptomyces. The resulting plasmid was introduced into Streptomyces lividans TK54 by protoplast transformation and two apramycin-resistance (AmR) transformants, designated GY2 and BY7, respectively, were obtained further based on enzyme assays. These results for polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Dot blot, and recovery of cloned fragments from the transformant chromosome indicated that the GI2 gene was integrated into the S. lividans chromosome by site-specific recombination, and which was further verified by Southern blot. We found that the free form of plasmid pYH12 co-existing with the integrated form was present in S. lividans. SDS-PAGE analysis showed that the GI2 gene was expressed in S. lividans. The intracellular GI2 specific activity was 1.15 U/mg. The stability of integrants demonstrated that the cloned GI2 gene was stably integrated and expressed even in the absence of selective pressure. Received: 28 March 2001 / Accepted: 14 May 2001  相似文献   

Zhang N  Chen X  Li M  Cao C  Wang Y  Wu G  Hu G  Wu H 《Biochemistry》2004,43(39):12469-12476
BmKK4 is a 30 amino acid peptide purified from the venom of the Chinese scorpion Buthus martensi Karsch. It has been classified as the first member of scorpion toxin subfamily alpha-KTx 17. The 3D structure of BmKK4 in solution has been determined by 2D NMR spectroscopy. This toxin adopts a common alpha/beta-motif, but shows a distinctive local conformation. The most novel feature is that the regular arrangements of the side chains of the residues involved in the beta-sheet of BmKK4 are distorted by a classic beta-bulge structure, which involves two residues (Asp18 and Arg19) in the first strand opposite a single residue (Tyr26) in the second strand. The bulge produces two main changes in the structure of the antiparallel beta-sheet: (1) It disrupts the normal alteration of the side chain direction; the side chain of Asp18 turns over to form a salt bridge with that of Arg19. (2) It accentuates the twist of the sheet, and alters the direction of the antiparallel beta-sheet. The unusual structural feature of the toxin is attributed to the shorter peptide segment (Leu15-Arg19) between the third and fourth Cys residues and two unique residues (Asp18 and Arg19) at the position preceding the fourth Cys. In addition, the lower affinity of the peptide for the Kv channel is correlated to the structural features: residue Arg19 instead of a Lys residue at the critical position for binding and the salt bridge formed between residues Arg19 and Asp18.  相似文献   

The mammalian Na(+)/H(+) exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1) resides on the plasma membrane and exchanges one intracellular H(+) for one extracellular Na(+). It maintains intracellular pH and regulates cell volume, and cell functions including growth and cell differentiation. Previous structural and functional studies on TMVI revealed several amino acids that are potentially pore lining. We examined these and other critical residues by site-directed mutagenesis substituting Asn227→Ala, Asp, Arg; Ile233→Ala; Leu243→Ala; Glu247→Asp, Gln; Glu248→Asp, Gln. Mutant NHE1 proteins were characterized in AP-1 cells, which do not express endogenous NHE1. All the TMVI critical amino acids were highly sensitive to substitution and changes often lead to a dysfunctional protein. Mutations of Asn227→Ala, Asp, Arg; Ile233→Ala; Leu243→Ala; Glu247→Asp; Glu248→Gln yielded significant reduction in NHE1 activity. Mutants of Asn227 demonstrated defects in protein expression, targeting and activity. Substituting Asn227→Arg and Ile233→Ala decreased the surface localization and expression of NHE1 respectively. The pore lining amino acids Ile233 and Leu243 were both essential for activity. Glu247 was not essential, but the size of the residue at this location was important while the charge on residue Glu248 was more critical to NHE1 function. Limited trypsin digestion on Leu243→Ala and Glu248→Gln revealed that they had increased susceptibility to proteolytic attack, indicating an alteration in protein conformation. Modeling of TMVI with TMXI suggests that these TM segments form part of the critical fold of NHE1 with Ile233 and Leu465 of TMXI forming a critical part of the extracellular facing ion conductance pathway.  相似文献   

Effects of ionizable amino acids on spectroscopic properties and electron-transfer kinetics in the photosynthetic reaction center (RC) of Rhodobacter sphaeroides are investigated by site-directed mutations designed to alter the electrostatic environment of the bacteriochlorophyll dimer that serves as the photochemical electron donor (P). Arginine residues at homologous positions in the L and M subunits (L135 and M164) are changed independently: Arg L135 is replaced by Lys, Leu, Glu, and Gln and Arg M164 by Leu and Glu. Asp L155 also is mutated to Asn, Tyr L164 to Phe, and Cys L247 to Lys and Asp. The mutations at L155, L164, and M164 have little effect on the absorption spectrum, whereas those at L135 and L247 shift the long-wavelength absorption band of P to higher energies. Fits to the ground-state absorption and hole-burned spectra indicate that the blue shift and increased width of the absorption band in the L135 mutants are due partly to changes in the distribution of energies for the zero-phonon absorption line and partly to stronger electron-phonon coupling. The initial electron-transfer kinetics are not changed significantly in most of the mutants, but the time constant increases from 3.0 +/- 0.2 in wild-type RCs to 4.7 +/- 0.2 in C(L247)D and 7.0 +/- 0.3 ps in C(L247)K. The effects of the mutations on the solvation free energies of the product of the initial electron-transfer reaction (P(+)) and the charge-transfer states that contribute to the absorption spectrum ( and ) were calculated by using a distance-dependent electrostatic screening factor. The results are qualitatively in accord with the view that electrostatic interactions of the bacteriochlorophylls with ionized residues of the protein are strongly screened and make only minor contributions to the energetics and dynamics of charge separation. However, the slowing of electron transfer in the Cys L247 mutants and the blue shift of the spectrum in some of the Arg L135 and Cys L247 mutants cannot be explained consistently by electrostatic interactions of the mutated residues with P and B(L); we ascribe these effects tentatively to structural changes caused by the mutations.  相似文献   

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