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农药是一类用于防治作物病虫草害、保障粮食生产与安全的化学物质。传统农药剂型载药粒子粒径粗大,有效利用率低,用量大,对生态环境造成严重危害。农药纳米剂型可以提高载药系统的分散性、稳定性及生物活性,是克服传统剂型功能缺陷、提高农药有效利用率、减少环境污染的重要科学途径。研究纳米农药粒子在植物体内的吸收与转运行为,对于理解纳米农药与植物的互作方式,揭示其在植物体内的吸收作用机制及生物累积效应,以及明确其生物安全性具有重要意义。该文从纳米农药在植物体内的吸收转运影响因素、机制、分析方法及其生物安全性4个方面进行综述,阐明了无机和有机纳米农药在植物体内的吸收转运模式及研究手段,并展望了其应用前景,以期为纳米农药的设计、构建及合理安全使用提供理论与技术支撑。  相似文献   

植物高亲和钾离子转运蛋白HAK功能研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钾(Potassium,K)是植物生长发育重要的营养元素,素有"抗逆元素"和"品质元素"之称。在低钾环境下植物主要利用高亲和的转运蛋白进行钾离子的吸收和转运,KUP/HAK/KT作为植物体内钾离子高亲和转运蛋白家族中最大,成员最多的家族,在植物高亲和转运钾离子过程中发挥关键作用。系统阐述了植物KUP/HAK/KT家族的基本情况及其分类、高亲和钾离子转运蛋白HAK的系统发育分析、HAK转运蛋白在提高植物钾吸收,影响植物生长发育,增强植物抵抗生物胁迫和非生物胁迫能力等方面的功能研究,最后展望了钾离子转运蛋白HAK后续有待解决的问题。深入了解HAK钾转运蛋白在植物体内的作用机制对于有效提高钾肥的利用效率,提升作物产量与品质,促进农业发展等方面具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

纳米杀虫剂及其在农业害虫防治中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张大侠  潘寿贺  白海秀  杜江  刘峰  侯有明 《昆虫学报》1950,63(10):1276-1286
纳米技术在农业领域的应用受到极大关注,期望该技术可提高农药和肥料的利用率,提升应用效果。近年来,纳米技术在农业害虫防控方面取得了许多进展,为绿色农业、现代化农业、智能农业的发展奠定了基础。本文综述了纳米杀虫剂的应用优势和增效途径的研究现状。纳米杀虫剂的优势源于:纳米载体可能损伤害虫体壁造成失水或扰乱害虫的正常生理功能;功能化的纳米载体可实现靶向递药而提高药物利用率;纳米载体上功能基团的引入及其尺度效应,提高了杀虫剂在植物表面的粘附性及被植物吸收的性能;可运载核酸农药进入植物,进而调控植物或害虫的目标基因的表达。纳米杀虫剂虽表现出诸多优势,但仍有问题亟待研究:(1)植物吸收纳米杀虫剂依赖于颗粒尺度和载体种类,应根据应用场景选择适合的尺度和载体,在提高农药利用率的同时降低农药残留;(2)应结合纳米杀虫剂在自然环境中的降解、转移和富集行为及因载体差异而产生的影响,综合评价纳米杀虫剂的环境风险;(3)目前,大多数纳米杀虫剂的制备工艺过于复杂和精细而不适合工业化生产;(4)应制定纳米杀虫剂制剂的标准及环境风险评价准则,为农药登记提供依据。此外,纳米传感器在农业害虫监测中的应用也值得关注。  相似文献   

磷是植物必需的重要营养元素之一,是生物大分子的重要组成部分,在植物生命过程中发挥着不可或缺的作用。维持体内磷稳态对于植物的生长发育和环境应答至关重要。多种信号分子参与调控植物对磷的吸收和转运。植物维持磷稳态主要包括土壤磷的活化、磷的吸收、转运、存储和再利用等过程,涉及磷胁迫响应、转录因子调节、miRNA调节、菌根共生、细胞器间转移等磷调节机制。未来的磷营养机制研究需要跨学科知识的融合,由模式植物研究转向栽培作物。全面总结了植物细胞磷吸收和转运的核心分子及其作用机制的研究进展,旨在为作物品种改良和遗传育种提供重要借鉴。  相似文献   

超声靶向微泡破坏(ultrasound-targeted microbubble destruction, UTMD)能够安全、高效、简便地递送药物与基因,是当前超声医学领域的研究热点,其机制主要涉及超声辐照微泡引起的空化效应及其二级效应、内吞作用与声辐射力。近年来,随着生物医学材料科学迅猛发展,纳米载药系统取材更加广泛,制备方法愈发精良,载药量日益提高。将纳米载药系统与UTMD进行联合,可以扬长避短,为肿瘤等多种疾病的治疗带来新的思路与希望。本文旨在对UTMD与载药/载基因纳米粒联合应用的生物物理学机制及应用研究进行综述并提出展望。  相似文献   

为制备青藤碱磷脂复合物纳米结构脂质载体,并进行体外和SD大鼠体内评价。实验采用溶剂挥发法制备青藤碱磷脂复合物,乳化超声法制备青藤碱磷脂复合物纳米结构脂质载体。考察其粒径分布、Zeta电位,包封率,载药量及体外释药等基本理化性质。SD大鼠分别灌胃给予青藤碱混悬液和青藤碱磷脂复合物纳米结构脂质载体,比较药动学行为及生物利用度。结果显示,青藤碱磷脂复合物纳米结构脂质载体的平均粒径为201.32±5.05 nm,Zeta电位为-22.2±1.5 mV,包封率为80.31±1.01%,载药量为4.42±0.28%,体外释药具有明显的缓释特征,体外释药模型符合Weibull释药模型,拟合方程为:LnLn(1/1-Mt/M∞)=0.576 6Lnt-1.478 1(r=0.988 8)。体内药动学研究结果表明,磷脂复合物纳米结构脂质载体改变了青藤碱的药动学行为,增强了体内吸收,延长了青藤碱在体内滞留时间,相对生物利用度提高到了1.75倍。因此,青藤碱磷脂复合物纳米结构脂质载体可显著促进青藤碱体内吸收,提高其口服生物利用度。  相似文献   

砷在植物体内的吸收和代谢机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪京超  李楠楠 《植物学报》2015,50(4):516-526
砷污染在全世界尤其是东南亚地区已成为一个严峻的环境问题,严重威胁着农业生产、生态环境及人体健康。植物是砷流入人体最主要的途径之一。揭示植物对砷吸收、转运和储存及阐明植物调控砷超积累和迁移的分子机制,对开发植物修复技术并有效控制砷向食物链迁移意义重大。该文综述了目前植物砷吸收与代谢机制的研究进展,并对植物体内参与砷运输过程的转运蛋白进行了重点阐述。  相似文献   

银纳米粒子具有抗菌、抗癌、抗病毒等多种生物活性。生物法合成银纳米粒子在合成过程中绿色环保,无需二次改性,具有很好的稳定性、安全性、兼容性,在生物医药方面具有显著优势。近年来,人们在银纳米粒子的生物合成方法与机制,以及生物合成的银纳米粒子用于敷料、涂层、载药等方面的技术研发方面取得了长足进展。现对这些最新研究成果进行归纳和总结,以期为后续研究提供参考。  相似文献   

高等植物Na+吸收、转运及细胞内Na+稳态平衡研究进展   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
盐胁迫是影响农业生产的重要环境因素之一。本文对植物Na 吸收的机制和途径、Na 在植物体内的长距离转运以及细胞内Na 稳态平衡的研究进展进行了概述。参与植物Na 吸收与转运的蛋白和通道可能包括HKT、LCT1、AKT和NSCC等。其中,HKT是植物体内普遍存在的一类转运蛋白,能够介导Na 的吸收,其结构中的带电氨基酸残基对于其离子选择性有着非常明显的影响。LCT1是从小麦中发现的一类能够介导低亲和性阳离子吸收的蛋白,然而在典型的土壤Ca2 浓度下LCT1并不能发挥吸收Na 的功能。AKT家族的成员在高盐环境下可能也参与了Na 的吸收。目前虽然还没有克隆到编码NSCC蛋白的基因,但是NSCC作为植物吸收Na 的主要途径的观点已被广泛接受。SOS1和HKT参与了Na 在根部与植株地上部的长距离转运过程,它们在木质部和韧皮部的Na 装载和卸载中发挥重要作用,从而影响植物的抗盐性。另外,由质膜Na /H 逆向转运蛋白SOS1、蛋白激酶SOS2以及Ca2 结合蛋白SOS3组成的SOS复合体对细胞的Na 稳态具有重要的调节作用,单子叶和双子叶植物之间的这种调节机制在结构和功能上具有保守性。SOS复合体与其它位于质膜或液泡膜上的Na /H 逆向转运蛋白以及H 泵一起调节着细胞的Na 稳态。  相似文献   

研究一种新型共聚物负载辅酶Q10形成纳米悬浮剂能够增加CoQ10的水溶性,并且提高其口服生物利用度。本研究以槲皮素—木聚糖(QT-Xylan)共聚物偶联为基础进行合成,采用高剪切均质法进一步包载辅酶Q10,形成了一种新型载药纳米悬浮剂。采用单因素实验设计,并以粒径大小作为单因素实验的考察条件,影响其粒径大小的因素包括高压均质压力、高压均质次数、共聚物浓度、共聚物与CoQ10的质量比4个因素,并进行一系列体外实验评价。当均质压力为60 MPa,均质次数为7次,共聚物浓度为1 mg·mL-1,共聚物与CoQ10的质量比为1∶1,是纳米悬浮剂的最佳制备工艺,此时粒径大小为166.7 nm。在最佳工艺条件下,在体外溶出实验中,包载CoQ10纳米悬浮剂的体外溶出率在人工胃液(SGF)和人工肠液(SIF)中分别是CoQ10原药的1.89和1.48倍。在体内生物利用度实验中,分别对大鼠灌胃CoQ10原药与载药纳米悬浮剂后,检测不同时间点的血药浓度,考察药物在大鼠体内的吸收和代谢情况,负载CoQ10的纳米悬浮剂在大鼠体内的血药浓度明显高于CoQ10原药,生物利用度提高为CoQ10原药的2.64倍。  相似文献   

Potassium is a macronutrient that is crucial for healthy plant growth. Potassium availability, however, is often limited in agricultural fields and thus crop yields and quality are reduced. Therefore, improving the efficiency of potassium uptake and transport, as well as its utilization, in plants is important for agricultural sustainability. This review summarizes the current knowledge on the molecular mechanisms involved in potassium uptake and transport in plants, and the molecular response of plants to different levels of potassium availability. Based on this information, four strategies for improving potassium use efficiency in plants are proposed; 1) increased root volume, 2) increasing efficiency of potassium uptake from the soil and translocation in planta, 3) increasing mobility of potassium in soil, and 4) molecular breeding new varieties with greater potassium efficiency through marker assisted selection which will require identification and utilization of potassium associated quantitative trait loci.  相似文献   

植物响应缺钾胁迫的机制及提高钾利用效率的策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈光 《植物学报》2017,52(1):89-101
钾是植物体内含量最大的阳离子,在植物生长发育过程的诸多生理生化反应中起关键作用。缺钾会抑制植株根系的生长,使根冠比降低;同时阻碍光合产物的合成和向韧皮部转运,导致生物量下降。因此,提高植物钾营养的吸收转运和利用效率对于作物品种改良和增产具有重要的理论和生产实践意义。该文综述了植物响应低钾的生理机制和提高植物钾利用效率的四大策略,并对改善钾营养吸收利用以提高作物产量和品质进行了讨论及展望。  相似文献   

Potassium and phosphorus transport and signaling in plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nitrogen(N), potassium(K), and phosphorus(P) are essential macronutrients for plant growth and development, and their availability affects crop yield. Compared with N, the relatively low availability of K and P in soils limits crop production and thus threatens food security and agricultural sustainability. Improvement of plant nutrient utilization efficiency provides a potential route to overcome the effects of K and P deficiencies. Investigation of the molecular mechanisms underlying how plants sense, absorb, transport, and use K and P is an important prerequisite to improve crop nutrient utilization efficiency. In this review, we summarize current understanding of K and P transport and signaling in plants, mainly taking Arabidopsis thaliana and rice(Oryza sativa) as examples. We also discuss the mechanisms coordinating transport of N and K, as well as P and N.  相似文献   

There is still disagreement about whether crop growth rate orsoil nitrate concentration control nitrogen absorption by cropsunder field conditions. The influence of these factors on thecontrol of N uptake rate was examined in the absence of waterstress, using data on dry matter production, above-ground nitrogenaccumulation and soil nitrate concentration from several N-fertilizerexperiments on winter wheat, winter oilseed rape and maize.The results confirmed that crops can accumulate nitrogen farin excess of the ‘critical dilution curve’, whichdefines the minimum amount of nitrogen needed for maximal growthrate: the N concentration in plants could exceed the criticalN concentration by 70 to 80% for the three species studied.The nitrate uptake rate index (NUI) was calculated as the ratioof actual and critical N uptake rates, at intervals of 1 week.NUI varied with nitrate concentration in the 0–30 cm soillayer according to a Michaelis–Menten equation (with oneor two components). This response was compared with the kineticsof saturation of the nitrate uptake systems: the high affinitytransport system (HATS) and the low affinity transport system(LATS). As a result, it is proposed that there is a criticalN dilution curve delimiting two domains of N use by plants.This is linked to the two nitrate transport systems, with HATSworking at low nitrate concentrations, below the critical dilutioncurve, and LATS at high nitrate concentrations, above the curve.NUI provides another method for calculating the actual nitrateuptake rate, which depends on the maximal crop growth rate (withoutN deficiency) and on the external nitrate concentration. Copyright2000 Annals of Botany Company Nitrate, uptake rate, growth rate, wheat, maize, oilseed rape, soil N availability  相似文献   

Agroecosystems consist on complex trophic relationships among host plants, herbivores and their natural enemies. This article reviews the research of plant volatiles in Brazil, in order to determine multiple resistance mechanisms of economically important crops and to contribute to the understanding of insect-plant interactions. Most pest management programs, including chemical and biological control, do not consider the impact of these chemicals on herbivores and their natural enemies. Alternative control methods are being developed in order to improve our understanding on the endogenous mechanisms of plant induced defenses against phytophagous arthropods. The use of plant volatiles technology as an additional tool in integrated pest management programs would offer a new and environmentally sound approach to crop protection. This technique involves the development of baits that attract beneficial organisms and the manipulation of biochemical processes that induce and regulate plant defenses, key factors in the improvement of control programs against economically important pests. The elucidation of the mechanisms involved in the indirect defenses of plants will result in useful tools for biological control of crop pests.  相似文献   

陆地生态系统植物的氮源及氮素吸收   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
氮是植物生长发育所必需的营养元素,也是其主要的限制因子之一.陆地生态系统植物所需氮的来源及植物对氮素的吸收利用均受控于其种类和生长环境.环境条件的改变,一方面可能改变植物生长区原有氮的形态、浓度、赋存方式等,从而改变氮对植物的供给状况;另一方面可能引起植物生长区土壤质量、水分利用状况、光照等的改变,从而产生耦合现象,直接影响植物的生理生态特性,使植物对氮素的吸收利用发生改变,导致植物生长区的种群类型及物种多样性发生改变,并直接影响到生态系统的功能及演替.本文主要对陆地生态系统中高等植物生长发育所需氮素的来源及植物对氮素吸收利用过程中的影响因素进行了综述和讨论,并结合国内外在该领域的研究现状对其研究前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

植物对盐碱胁迫的响应机制研究进展   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
王佺珍  刘倩  高娅妮  柳旭 《生态学报》2017,37(16):5565-5577
盐碱胁迫是制约植物生长发育的主要非生物胁迫之一,也是制约农作物生产和生态环境建设的严峻问题。研究作物的耐盐碱机理,对开发和有效利用盐碱地有重要的现实意义。许多研究将盐碱胁迫笼统称为盐胁迫,实际上这是两种不同的非生物胁迫,且碱胁迫对植物的伤害要大于盐胁迫。总结性阐述了盐碱胁迫对植物的危害。从生物量、光合作用、离子平衡和膜透性等方面分析了植物对盐碱胁迫的响应机制,并结合最新研究从多角度综述了植物的抗盐碱机理,包括合成渗透调节物质、提高抗氧化酶活性、对离子的选择性吸收及p H平衡和诱导抗盐碱相关基因表达。提出了抗盐碱性的途径,即外源物质的加入、与真菌的协同效应、利用生物技术手段、培育耐盐碱品种和抗性锻炼。最后针对植物适应盐碱逆境方面的研究进行了展望,提出了当前研究需要解决的问题和突破口,旨在为提高植物耐盐碱能力、增加作物产量提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

Improving containment strategies in biopharming   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This review examines the challenges of segregating biopharmed crops expressing pharmaceutical or veterinary agents from mainstream crops, particularly those destined for food or feed use. The strategy of using major food crops as production vehicles for the expression of pharmaceutical or veterinary agents is critically analysed in the light of several recent episodes of contamination of the human food chain by non-approved crop varieties. Commercially viable strategies to limit or avoid biopharming intrusion into the human food chain require the more rigorous segregation of food and non-food varieties of the same crop species via a range of either physical or biological methods. Even more secure segregation is possible by the use of non-food crops, non-crop plants or in vitro plant cultures as production platforms for biopharming. Such platforms already under development range from outdoor-grown Nicotiana spp. to glasshouse-grown Arabidopsis , lotus and moss. Amongst the more effective methods for biocontainment are the plastid expression of transgenes, inducible and transient expression systems, and physical containment of plants or cell cultures. In the current atmosphere of heightened concerns over food safety and biosecurity, the future of biopharming may be largely determined by the extent to which the sector is able to maintain public confidence via a more considered approach to containment and security of its plant production systems.  相似文献   

Summary Transfer of genes from heterologous species provides the means of selectively introducing new traits into crop plants and expanding the gene pool beyond what has been available to traditional breeding systems. With the recent advances in genetic engineering of plants, it is now feasible to introduce into crop plants, genes that have previously been inaccessible to the conventional plant breeder, or which did not exist in the crop of interest. This holds a tremendous potential for the genetic enhancement of important food crops. However, the availability of efficient transformation methods to introduce foreign DNA can be a substantial barrier to the application of recombinant DNA methods in some crop plants. Despite significant advances over the past decades, development of efficient transformation methods can take many years of painstaking research. The major components for the development of transgenic plants include the development of reliable tissue culture regeneration systems, preparation of gene constructs and efficient transformation techniques for the introduction of genes into the crop plants, recovery and multiplication of transgenic plants, molecular and genetic characterization of transgenic plants for stable and efficient gene expression, transfer of genes to elite cultivars by conventional breeding methods if required, and the evaluation of transgenic plants for their effectiveness in alleviating the biotic and abiotic stresses without being an environmental biohazard. Amongst these, protocols for the introduction of genes, including the efficient regeneration of shoots in tissue cultures, and transformation methods can be major bottlenecks to the application of genetic transformation technology. Some of the key constraints in transformation procedures and possible solutions for safe development and deployment of transgenic plants for crop improvement are discussed.  相似文献   

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