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选取大豆品种中黄18为试验材料,利用60对SSR核心引物对经过不同老化时间处理的群体及其繁殖后代群体进行遗传完整性分析。经过老化处理的群体及其繁殖子代群体与未经老化处理的对照群体相比,等位基因频率、有效等位基因数没有显著差异,结果表明经过老化处理种子及其繁殖子代群体的等位基因频率变化不大。未经老化处理、发芽率为98%的对照群体(G_0-1)与其繁殖一代、繁殖二代群体相比,等位变异数、遗传多样性指数、香农指数和稀有等位基因数没有显著差异,且遗传一致度相对较高;而经过老化处理、发芽率低于85%的群体(G_0-3和G_0-4)及其后代繁殖群体与对照群体相比,等位变异数、遗传多样性指数、香农指数和稀有等位基因数显著或极显著降低,且遗传一致度相对较低。因此,种子老化较繁殖世代对大豆种质群体的遗传结构影响更大。  相似文献   

为了解不同数量杜梨实生群体组的遗传多样性,从59株人工培育的实生杜梨群体中随机抽取5、8、10、15、20、30和40株组成不同的群体组,利用29对SSR引物对杜梨不同群体遗传特性进行分析。结果表明:(1)7个不同的群体组的多态位点数120~253个、多态位点百分率47.00%~89.83%、Nei’s遗传多样性指数0.128 8~0.145 4、香农指数0.205 8~0.255 4、平均等位基因数1.470 0~1.988 3和有效等位基因数1.196 1~1.203 4。(2)各群体组与对照群体组的遗传多样性指数的比较结果表明,大于15株的群体组与对照群体组相比,群体大小对群体组内遗传多样性水平没有显著性影响。(3)通过对各群体组内的稀有等位基因数目及其变化(增加/减少)分析表明,群体大小可显著影响杜梨种质实生群体内稀有等位基因的数目变化,主要是减少稀有等位基因的数目。研究认为,杜梨种质保存、更新的适宜群体量为15株以上。  相似文献   

种子老化对玉米种质资源遗传完整性变化的影响   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
对经老化处理得到的不同发芽率水平的玉米地方品种条花糯进行农艺性状观察和SSR分子标记分析.结果表明,种子发芽率水平下降影响出苗植株中芽鞘和叶鞘颜色的比率.当发芽率降到32%时,浅紫色芽鞘植株的比率降至0.当发芽率下降时,浅紫色叶鞘植株的比率升高,而白色叶鞘植株的比率则下降.经SSR分析发现,低发芽率群体的多态性条带百分率、等位基因数、有效等位基因数、基因多样性指数、Shannon指数等遗传参数,与对照群体的遗传参数相比都有所下降,表明老化处理后群体内的遗传多样性低于对照群体的遗传多样性,群体内遗传变异出现下降.本试验结果表明,植株形态标记和SSR分子标记可以作为老化种子遗传完整性变化的检测方法,同时认为对于异质种质资源材料,低的发芽率更新标准不利于种质资源遗传完整性的保持.  相似文献   

繁殖群体量及隔离对蚕豆种质遗传完整性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究繁殖群体量和隔离方式对常异花授粉作物蚕豆种质繁殖更新的影响,以9份蚕豆地方种质为对象,以国家库保存的原种为对照群体,采用AFLP分子标记方法,对比了50株和20株群体量及开放无隔离群体和网棚隔离群体更新后代的遗传完整性差异。结果表明:与对照群体相比,50株和20株群体的多态性位点数、多态位点百分率、每位点有效等位基因数、香农指数、遗传多样性指数均出现不同程度下降,但下降幅度20株大于50株群体;遗传相似性和UPGMA聚类分析表明50株群体与对照群体的遗传相似性高于20株群体;网棚隔离可降低群体间串粉与花粉污染,但其遗传完整性却较开放无隔离群体低。  相似文献   

利用SRAP和SSR分子标记检测分析29份棉花种质遗传完整性   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
利用SRAP和SSR分子标记检测29份棉花种质遗传完整性。结果表明,无论每一份不同更新发芽率水平繁殖后代的种质之间,还是每一份不同繁殖世代数种质之间,其等位基因频率差异不显著,也没有检测到稀有等位基因缺失的情况。本试验表明不同更新发芽率水平和繁殖世代数差异没有对棉花这种常异花授粉作物种质遗传完整性变化产生影响。  相似文献   

凡纳滨对虾繁殖中不同亲本对子代遗传贡献率的差异   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
利用5个含有稀有等位基因的高度多态性微卫星位点比较了凡纳滨对虾繁殖中不同亲本对子代遗传贡献率的差异。通过稀有等位基因的5个微卫星位点能够对亲代和子代的谱系进行明确的鉴别。10个亲代个体中有8个个体对子代群体的基因库有贡献,不同个体之间的贡献率存在差别,最高为54.28%,最低为8.57%。在亲代和子代群体遗传结构的分析中,子代等位基因的数目与亲代相比降低了11.11%。子代的平均期望杂合度(He)、平均观测杂合度(Ho)和平均多态性信息含量(PIC)等指标均低于亲代。实验结果表明:亲本对子代基因库的贡献率的差异也是造成子代群体遗传变异水平降低的原因之一;微卫星标记可作为一种有效的工具用于对虾系谱的确认、人工繁育群体遗传多样性水平的监测等方面  相似文献   

虾夷扇贝(Mizuhopecten yessoensis)于1982年从日本引入中国并展开规模化养殖.由于引入的亲贝数目有限,使虾夷扇贝在人工育苗养殖过程中群体遗传多样性水平下降.本研究使用7对微卫星引物对日本原种贝(♀、♂)自交后的子代群体(RZ)、国内种贝(♀、♂)自交后的子代群体(DZ)、日本原种贝(♂)与国内种贝(♀)的杂交群体(ZJ)和国内自然海区(中国旅顺月亮湾)天然繁殖群体(HC)4个不同的虾夷扇贝群体的遗传多样性进行了研究.实验结果表明,4个群体的平均有效等位基因数为3.2~3.8,平均期望杂合度为0.6718~0.7017,日本野生群体做为种贝繁殖的苗种(KZ)与中国养殖群体相比,遗传多样性水平较高,除了DZ群体外其他群体的遗传多样性并无显著的变化.  相似文献   

草鱼雌核发育后代不同群体的微卫星遗传分析及指纹识别   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以紫外线灭活的团头鲂精子激活草鱼卵子,冷休克抑制第二极体排出的方法诱导出长江水系优良F2代草鱼减数雌核发育子代。在后代中不仅存在雌核发育后代,还存在草鲂杂交后代,雌核发育后代的体型与草鱼一致,而草鲂杂交后代的体型介于草鱼与团头鲂之间。Partec CyFlow倍性分析仪测定结果显示:普通草鱼与雌核发育草鱼的相对DNA含量分别为23.01和22.72,二者的DNA含量接近;而高体型子代的相对DNA含量为25.38,介于草鱼与团头鲂(DNA含量28.21)之间,属于草鲂杂交后代。选取17个微卫星标记对草鱼群体、雌核发育草鱼群体和草鲂杂交后代的遗传多样性进行了检测,共检测出59个等位基因,其中43.18个有效等位基因。草鱼对照群体、草鲂杂交后代和雌核发育草鱼群体的平均等位基因依次为3.57、2.86和2.79,平均有效等位基因依次为2.93、2.37和1.96,平均期望杂合度在依次为0.6502、0.5573和0.3775,多态信息含量(PIC)平均值依次为0.5738、0.4649和0.3791。与草鱼对照群体相比,雌核发育草鱼群体的遗传多样性显著下降,表明通过减数雌核发育方法可获得纯合性较高的草鱼个体。构建了草鱼后代不同群体的DNA指纹模式图,筛选到不同群体的9个特异微卫星标记,为草鱼优良群体的选育提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

按胸径将福建武夷山大安源样地的甜槠(Castanopsis eyrei)群体划分为成体、小树、幼苗3个世代,利用SSR分子标记对不同世代的甜槠遗传多样性及遗传分化进行分析,旨在揭示其不同世代间的遗传变异规律,为甜槠资源的保护与利用提供科学依据。14对SSR引物共检测到92个等位基因,平均每位点的等位基因数A=6.571 4,居群的平均有效等位基因数Ae=3.905 4,平均期望杂合度He=0.722 9,表明甜槠群体具有丰富的遗传变异。SSR分析显示3个世代的Ae、He、Nei指数(h)、Shannon信息指数(I)均以幼苗最高,小树次之,成体最低,幼苗的遗传多样性指数高于成体及小树,且幼苗中出现最多的稀有等位基因数,表明甜槠种群世代间的遗传多样性呈稳定上升趋势。分子方差分析(AMOVA)表明甜槠群体不同世代内、世代间均存在遗传变异,但遗传变异主要存在于世代内。SSR分析显示,甜槠不同世代间的遗传分化系数Fst=0.074 3,基因流Nm=3.115 4。甜槠不同世代间的遗传相似度以成体与幼苗最小,遗传距离以成体与幼苗间最大。基于甜槠群体SSR的研究结果,认为自然保护区的建立对物种遗传多样性的保护具有重要作用,并提出在遗传多样性保护中应注重保护成体和幼苗中稀有的等位变异。  相似文献   

利用微卫星分子标记分析了天津地区于桥水库、大黄堡湿地、七里海湿地、团泊水库和潮白新河5个野生大鳞副泥鳅群体的遗传多样性。5个群体在12个微卫星位点共检测到98个等位基因,平均等位基因数为8.500;有效等位基因数为2.713;平均观测杂合度为0.526;平均期望杂合度为0.544。5个群体间的遗传分化指数介于0.021~0.106之间,平均遗传分化指数为0.059,属中低水平的遗传分化。AMOVA分析结果显示,在总的变异中,94.1%的遗传变异来自群体内,5.90%的遗传变异来自于群体间。根据Nei’s遗传距离所绘制的系统树显示,于桥水库、团泊水库、七里海湿地和大黄堡湿地4个群体的遗传距离相对较小聚为一支,潮白新河群体单独为一支。遗传瓶颈效应分析表明,该5个群体近期未经受遗传瓶颈效应,处于突变-漂移平衡。总体来看,天津地区5个野生大鳞副泥鳅群体的遗传多样性较高,可作为品种选育的基础群体。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigated the genetic structure and distribution of allelic frequencies at the gametophytic self-incompatibility locus in three populations of Prunus avium L. In line with theoretical predictions under balancing selection, genetic structure at the self-incompatibility locus was almost three times lower than at seven unlinked microsatellites. Furthermore, we found that S-allele frequencies in wild cherry populations departed significantly from the expected isoplethic distribution towards which balancing selection is expected to drive allelic frequencies (i.e. identical frequency equal to the inverse of the number of alleles in the population). To assess whether this departure could be caused either by drift alone or by population structure, we used numerical simulations to compare our observations with allelic frequency distributions expected : (1) within a single deme from a subdivided population with various levels of differentiation; and (2) within a finite panmictic population with identical allelic diversity. We also investigated the effects of sample size and degree of population structure on tests of departure from isoplethic equilibrium. Overall, our results showed that the observed allele frequency distributions were consistent with a model of subdivided population with demes linked by moderate migration rate.  相似文献   

目的:探讨在中国汉族人群中强迫症与TNF-a基因-238G/A和-308G/A多态性之间的关联。方法:我们的研究所招募的161例强迫症患者和325名健康对照中,应用PCR-RFLP比较了OCD组和对照组之间的TNF-α基因在-238G/A(rs361525)和-308G/A(rs1800629)位点的基因型和等位基因频率多态性。结果:在中国大陆汉族人群TNF-α基因的OCD组与对照组之间-308 G/A等位基因频率及-238G/A的基因型频率和等位基因频率无显着差异,而-308G/A基因型频率有显著不同。在-308G/A位点,女性强迫症患者和对照组之间的基因型频率关联分析有增高的趋势。结论:我们的研究结果表明,肿瘤坏死因子-α在-308G/A点位多态性可能会影响在中国大陆汉族人群强迫症的发展。  相似文献   

Three common CFTR polymorphisms, 5T, M470V and R75Q, have been shown to be relatively frequent in Serbian patients with monosymptomatic CF disorders. Since there is a variation in distribution of common polymorphisms among different populations, it was important to compare their frequencies in patients with the frequencies in healthy population in order to assess the possible role of these polymorphisms in the monosymptomatic CF disorders. Samples obtained from 100 healthy Serbian individuals were analyzed for the presence of CFTR 5T, M470V and R75Q variants by PSM, RFLP and DGGE methods, respectively. Allele 5T was present in two individuals, giving the allelic frequency of 1% (2/200 alleles). The frequency obtained for allele M470 was 45% (90/200 alleles), while V470 allele was present with the frequency of 55% (110/200 alleles). Polymorphism R75Q was present in two individuals, with allelic frequency of 1% (2/200 alleles). Our study has shown that the frequencies of two common polymorphisms, 5T and M470V, differ significantly in Serbian population in comparison with other South European populations. Since it appears that Serbian population has a specific distribution of studied CFTR gene variants, it would also be interesting to analyze other common variants of this gene in our population. Such data can also be potentially useful as anthropogenetic markers in population studies.  相似文献   

Statistical techniques are presented for the analysis of geographic variation in allelic frequencies. Likelihood ratio test criteria are derived from a multinominal sampling distribution, and are used to answer three questions. (1) Are there geographic differences in allelic frequencies? (2) Are population differences in allelic frequencies associated with environmental differences? (3) Is there any residual "lack of fit" variation among populations, after accounting for that variation associated with environmental differences? The two- and three-allele cases are explicitly treated, and the extension to more alleles is indicated.  相似文献   

Cautions on direct gene flow estimation in plant populations   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Through simulations we have investigated the statistical properties of two of the main approaches for directly estimating pollen gene flow (m) in plant populations: genotypic exclusion and mating models. When the assumptions about accurately known background pollen pool allelic frequencies are met, both methods provide unbiased results with comparable variances across a range of true m values. However, when presumed allelic frequencies differ from actual ones, which is more likely in research practice, both estimators are biased. We demonstrate that the extent and direction of bias largely depend on the difference (measured as genetic distance) between the presumed and actual pollen pools, and on the degree of genetic differentiation between the local population and the actual background pollen sources. However, one feature of the mating model is its ability to estimate pollen gene flow simultaneously with background pollen pool allelic frequencies. We have found that this approach gives nearly unbiased pollen gene flow estimates, and is practical because it eliminates the necessity of providing independent estimates of background pollen pool allelic frequencies. Violations of the mating model assumptions of random mating within local population affect the precision of the estimates only to a limited degree.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the diversity distributions of allelic frequencies of 15 short tandem repeats (STRs) loci in a sample of Chinese Hui ethnic group in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The allelic frequencies of the 15 STR loci (D8S1179, D21S11, D7S820, CSF1PO, D3S1358, TH01, D13S317, D16S539, D2S1338, D19S433, vWA, TPOX, D18S51, D5S818 and FGA) were obtained from 2975 unrelated healthy Hui individuals. The STR genotyping data of all the samples were generated by DNA extraction, multiple amplification, GeneScan and genotype analysis. The genetic distances among different populations were calculated by using Nei's method and a phylogenetic tree was constructed based on the allelic frequencies of the same 15 STR loci using the neighbor-joining method. A total of 185 alleles were observed in the Hui population, with the corresponding allelic frequencies ranging from 0.0002 to 0.5322. Chi-Square tests showed that all STR loci were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The forensic statistical parameters of all the loci showed high values. The population data in this study were compared with the previously published population data from other ethnics or areas. The Hui population showed significant differences from the Minnan Han, Uigur, Ewenki, Yi, Tibetan, Maonan and Malay ethnic minority groups in some loci, and from the South Morocco population and the Moroccan population in all the loci. Our results are valuable for human individual identification and paternity testing in the Chinese Hui population and are expected to enrich the genetic information resources of Chinese populations.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of 434 rice accessions collected from 16 countries, including 345 fragrance rice varieties and 89 non fragrance rice varieties, have been analyzed. A total of 573 alleles were detected by using 77 simple sequence repeats (SSR) primer pairs covering all rice 12 chromosomes. The value of allelic polymorphism information content (PIC) ranged from 0090 to 0845, with an average of 0516 per locus; Gene diversity (GD) varied from 0091 to 0859, with an average of 0573; The mean value of major allele frequencies (MAF) was 0540, covering from 0251 to 0953. In addition, 434 rice accessions are divided into three sub populations by cluster and population structure analysis, and FST between sub populations showed a mean of -0116, ranging from -0623 to 0494; The score of genetic distance calculated by Nei′s method appeared from 0207 to 0355. Major allele frequencies within each sub population distributed from 0408 to 0746, and gene diversity level from 0354 to 0699, while PIC from 0320 to 0658. Sequencing 6 mitochondrion genes in 18 rice varieties exhibited no different in 5 genes, whereas Mit4 contains a 3 SNPs in the gene body, which acts as an important marker to understanding the relationship between Indica/Japonica differentiation and the evolution of fragrant gene. Finally, genetic diversity and mitochondrion gene sequencing would help to know about the origin of fragrant resource and benefit rice breeding.  相似文献   

J. S. F. Barker 《Genetica》1994,92(3):165-175
Sequential electrophoresis, using three different buffer systems on cellulose acetate gels, was used to characterize the allelic variation for esterase-2 in two populations of D. buzzatii in Australia that are separated by 550 km. Twenty-five alleles were detected, of which nine were unique to one population, eight unique to the other, and only eight were common to both populations. Allele frequencies within each population were significantly different between the two major chromosome sequences (standard and j inversion), and for each chromosome sequence allele frequencies were significantly different between populations. Observed allelic frequency distributions were not significantly different from those predicted for selective neutrality using the homozygosity test statistic. However, estimates of the effective sizes of the populations derived from their observed differentiation, together with the history of the species in Australia, provide support for some form of balancing selection affecting at least some of the alleles.  相似文献   

The distribution of a nucleotide polymorphism in the core promoter of the human B2-bradykinin receptor gene was examined in the population of southern Germany. The allelic frequencies were 0.595 for the C allele and 0.405 for the T allele. The allelic frequencies were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. This new marker provides a valuable tool to assess the risk for putative bradykinin-associated disorders with genetic determinism. Received: 20 October 1995 / Revised: 10 December 1995  相似文献   

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