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城镇化背景下,河流生态系统退化趋势明显,有效评价河流生境状况是修复和保护河流生态系统健康的重要基础。深圳市作为全国经济发展的窗口城市,河流生境的调查研究十分匮乏。因此,为阐明深圳市不同城镇化程度的流域河流生境的差异与主要影响因素,对深圳市两个代表性流域的河流生境展开了研究。针对深圳市河流的生境特点,于2019年丰水期(8月)和枯水期(11月)对城镇化程度较高的深圳河流域的13个样点和城镇化程度较低的坪山河流域12个样点河段的生境状况进行定量调查与评价。采用综合评价法,从河床、河道和河岸带3个方面选取10个生境指标,构建深圳市河流生境评价指标体系和评价方法。结果表明:深圳河流域河流生境质量总体较差,生境评价等级为"良"、"中"、"差"的样点河段分别占7.7%、38.5%、53.8%;坪山河流域河流生境质量总体较好,生境评价等级为"优"、"良"、"中"、"差"的样点河段分别占8.3%、41.7%、41.7%、8.3%。方差分析结果表明两次调查河流生境状况无显著性差异,短时间跨度内河流生境状况变化较小;两个流域河流生境状况差异显著,城镇化程度较低的坪山河流域河流生境质量显著好于城镇化程度较高的深圳河流域。河流生境评估指标主成分分析结果表明人类活动强度、河岸稳定性、河道变化、底质、河岸土地利用及植被多样性是影响深圳市河流生境变化的主要因子。本文对河床、河道、河岸带3个方面分别提出针对性的修复建议,对深圳市河流的生境修复和保护具有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

太湖流域宜兴片河流生境质量评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
建立包含河道生境、河岸生境和滨岸带生境3方面共10项的河流生境质量评价指标体系,对太湖流域宜兴片42个样点进行生境评价及空间差异比较,分析不同土地利用类型下河流生境各参数的差异性,探讨河流生境质量指数与富营养化综合指数的相关关系。结果表明:河流生境质量指数分值介于29~79,31.0%样点生境质量处于较差和很差等级,57.1%样点为一般等级,表明整体上生境退化明显;南部丘陵山区河流的生境质量状况好于广大的平原河网区;不同土地利用类型下河流生境质量差异显著,林地区域的生境质量明显好于耕地和建设用地;河流生境质量指数与富营养化综合指数显著负相关,说明水质状况对河流生境质量具有较大贡献。  相似文献   

挠力河流域河流的B-IBI评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王建华  田景汉  吕宪国 《生态学报》2009,29(12):6672-6680
挠力河流域是中国东北三江平原地区重要的商品粮基地之一.选择挠力河流域干支流6个河段21个样点,2007年7月进行河流大型无脊椎动物样本的采集和鉴定,并分别采用3分法和比值法进行了河流大型无脊椎动物完整性指数(简称B-IBI)计算与评价.结果显示,使用两种方法得出的评价结果基本一致,且与水质、生境质量评价结果呈显著正相关关系.研究表明,挠力河流域河流生物完整性总体良好,个别样点较差.全流域属于无干扰和轻度干扰的样点占71.4%,中度干扰的样点占23.8%,重度干扰的仅占4.8%.得分较高的样点多处于挠力河支流或干流上游的山区,人类活动较少,河流周围为茂密的森林植被;分值较低的样点主要位于支流下游或干流中游,均临近居民点,水体质量较差,河岸人类活动密集,植被覆盖度低,土地开发利用强烈等特征.这表明,河流B-IBI受到河岸土地覆被和土地利用(LULC)的重要影响.  相似文献   

蒲河流域河流生境质量综合评价及其与水质响应关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
河流生境是河流生物赖以生存的环境,是维持河流生态完整性、维护河流健康的重要因素。本文结合蒲河流域环境特点,运用层次分析法建立了蒲河流域河流生境质量评价体系,对流域内25个河段的生境质量状况进行了综合评价,并进一步分析了河流生境综合评价指数与河流水质的相关关系。结果表明:(1)蒲河流域25个河段的生境质量状况差异显著,其中1个河段的生境质量等级为好,5个河段为较好等级,16个河段为一般等级,3个河段为较差等级。(2)生境综合评价指数与TP、NH4+-N、CODCr呈负相关,生境质量评价体系中其他指标也与水质指标具有相关性,表明生境质量是影响水质的重要因素。  相似文献   

三峡水库河流生境评价指标体系构建及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈淼  苏晓磊  党成强  高婷  黄慧敏  董蓉  陶建平 《生态学报》2017,37(24):8433-8444
三峡水库建成蓄水后,库区支流因水位调度导致河流生境发生了剧烈的变化,消落带的形成使库区河流具有同自然河流截然不同的河流生境,新形势下库区河流生境评价十分必要。国内外现有的评价指标体系及评价方法不能够很好地适应这种特殊生境状况,急需建立或改进并形成新的评价指标体系和评价方法。基于此,分析了大量国内外河流生境评价方法,根据大型水库影响下的库区河流的生态环境特点,构建了包括水文情势、河流形态和河岸带生境3个方面18个指标的库区河流生境评价指标体系,并利用层次分析法(主观赋权法)和熵值法(客观赋权法)结合组合赋权法计算得到了各指标权重。使用新建立的指标体系和方法,以三峡库区支流东溪河、黄金河、汝溪河为例,进行河流生境质量评价发现,52.6%的样点河流生境质量处于优等或良好等级;42.1%为一般等级;5.3%为较差等级;没有最差等级的样点。结果表明,该评价指标体系适合库区支流河流生境状况的特殊性,得到的评价结果能较直观的反应河流生境状况,且操作便捷,数据易获得,具有较强的科学性和可操作性。  相似文献   

三峡库区河流生境质量评价   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6  
三峡水库建成蓄水后,库区流水生境的大幅度减少及垂直落差最高可达30 m的消落带的形成,使库区支流生境发生了剧烈变化,因此对库区河流生境质量评价十分必要。基于水文情势、河流形态和河岸带生境3个方面18个指标的河流生境评价指标体系,对三峡库区36条重要支流254个样点河段进行河流生境质量评价。结果表明,4.72%的样点河流生境质量处于优等,30.31%为良好等级,49.61%为一般等级,15.35%为较差等级,没有最差等级的样点。对于表征河流生境状况的水文情势、河流形态和河岸带生境3个类别,254个河段总体上河岸带生境状况最好,其次为水文情势,河流形态最差。从总体上来看,三峡库区支流生境质量是自然环境和人类活动相互作用的结果,其中河岸带植被状况、消落带宽度、人为干扰、河床底质状况、水文情势自然性等为主要的驱动因子。  相似文献   

王强  袁兴中  刘红  庞旭  王志坚  张耀光 《生态学报》2014,34(6):1548-1558
河流生境是河流生态系统的重要组成部分,是河流生物赖以生存的基础。以位于三峡库区腹心区域的典型山区河流东河为研究对象,采用河流生境调查(RHS)方法调查河流生境,选择河流生境质量评价指数(HQA)、河流生境退化指数(HMS)评估河流生境现状,分析生境质量和人为干扰的空间分布规律。结果表明,51个河段的HQA值介于24—66之间。29.4%河段的HQA为优,29.4%为良,23.5%为中,9.8%为较差,7.8%为差。从HMS看,7.8%的河段保持较自然状态,19.6%受到轻微的破坏,41.2%退化明显,27.5%退化严重,3.9%受到剧烈破坏。HQA与HMS存在显著的负相关关系。东河上、中、下游河段的HQA无明显差异,但HMS差异显著。从干扰来源看,东河上游和中游河流生境主要受引水式小水电、沿河公路、河道采砂影响。东河下游河流生境受高强度的土地开发(农业用地、建设用地),河道采砂,河堤、排污管、桥梁等水工构筑物的修建和三峡水库水位的波动影响。RHS评价结果能较直观地反映河流生境状况,以及导致河流生境质量衰退的原因。  相似文献   

三峡水库建成蓄水后,库区流水生境的大幅度减少及垂直落差最高可达30 m的消落带的形成,使库区支流生境发生了剧烈变化,因此对库区河流生境质量评价十分必要。基于水文情势、河流形态和河岸带生境3个方面18个指标的河流生境评价指标体系,对三峡库区36条重要支流254个样点河段进行河流生境质量评价。结果表明,4.72%的样点河流生境质量处于优等,30.31%为良好等级,49.61%为一般等级,15.35%为较差等级,没有最差等级的样点。对于表征河流生境状况的水文情势、河流形态和河岸带生境3个类别,254个河段总体上河岸带生境状况最好,其次为水文情势,河流形态最差。从总体上来看,三峡库区支流生境质量是自然环境和人类活动相互作用的结果,其中河岸带植被状况、消落带宽度、人为干扰、河床底质状况、水文情势自然性等为主要的驱动因子。  相似文献   

孙然好  程先  陈利顶 《生态学报》2018,38(12):4473-4481
城市群快速发展严重影响着区域水生态系统的完整性,大尺度流域的河流生境功能辨识和分析尚缺乏系统研究。以海河流域为例,根据河段蜿蜒度、河段比降、断流风险、盐度等4个指标,构建了河流生境功能的分类指标体系。通过多源空间数据和人工判读,划分了6254条河段,在此基础上将河流生境类型划分为15类。通过52个监测样点的鱼类调查数据,分析了不同河流生境的水生生物特征差异,揭示了鱼类多样性高的区域多位于河流比降大、断流风险低的区域,而河流蜿蜒度对于鱼类多样性影响较小。根据京津冀13个地级市的河流生境差异,提出京津冀城市群的生态安全构建需要充分考虑河流生境的空间异质性,并制定融合城市发展目标、水资源利用需求和河流生境功能的综合指标体系。  相似文献   

采用主成分分析(PCA)与熵权相结合的方法,对太子河流域生境质量进行评价,并运用相关分析和冗余分析的方法识别社会经济发展和土地利用方式对生境质量的影响。结果表明:太子河流域生境质量等级为好的河段占4.35%,较好和一般的河段占91.30%,差的河段占2.17%;生境质量等级较好的河段主要位于上游地区,中游地区生境质量一般,下游鞍山段的生境质量较差;流域社会经济发展和土地利用方式是影响生境质量的主要因素,相关分析和冗余分析均显示生境质量与人口密度、人均地区生产总值、第一产业、第二产业,以及与耕地、建设用地面积比例呈显著负相关关系,而与林地面积比例呈显著正相关;社会经济状况和土地利用方式能分别解释流域生境质量特征的45.7%和39.5%;合理配置产业结构、优化土地利用方式可有效地逐步改善太子河流域生境质量。  相似文献   

凉水和帽儿山地区低级溪流生境和水质状况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究不同植被景观土地利用下低级溪流的生境状况和水质差异,对凉水国家级自然保护区红松原始林内和帽儿山国家森林公园境内天然次生林植被和农田背景下各3条溪流生境和水质状况进行调查。对溪流生物特性(悬浮藻、附着藻)和理化性质(温度、混浊度、溶解氧(DO)、pH、NH4^+-N、NO3^-N、PO4^3-P、总氮(TN)和总磷(11P))以及细小颗粒有机物质(FPOM)和粗大有机物质(CPOM))进行测定。研究结果表明,凉水地区原始林溪流的生境状况好于帽儿山地区的次生林,帽儿山地区农田溪流生境最差。原始林溪流具有稳定的溪底生物生活基质,稳水区和急流区均匀分布,稳水区尺度变化大,受淀积物沉降干扰小,河道较弯曲,河岸稳定,河岸植被覆盖度高;次生林溪流以急流区为主,稳定基质相对较差,并受到一定程度的淀积物沉降干扰,河岸尚稳定,有一定程度的人为干扰;农田溪流基质不稳定,受到强烈淀积物沉降影响,渠道化严重,河岸带植被严重破坏。3种景观背景下溪流总磷(11P)、溶解氧(DO)、混浊度、温度、氮磷比值(N/P)(P〈0.05)存在显著差异。原始林溪流NH4^+、DO、TP、TN、悬浮藻浓度和pH较高、附着藻数量较多,温度较低、FPOM和CPOM的数量较少;次生林溪流的NO3^--N、N/P和TDIN较高。 浊度较低;农田溪流浊度、温度、PO4^3--P较高,DO和pH较低,附着藻数量较少。景观尺度上的土地利用对溪流生境具有深刻的影响,同时决定溪流的水质状况。  相似文献   

Benbow  M. E.  Burky  A. J.  Way  C. M. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,346(1-3):129-135
Telmatogeton torrenticola Terry is a large endemic chironomid (lastinstar >20 mm) commonly found in high gradient Hawaiian streams on smoothrock surfaces with torrential, shallow flow and in the splash zones ofwaterfalls. We have quantified benthic water flow in larval habitat in a 50m segment of Kinihapai Stream, Maui using a thermistor-based microcurrentmeter. Under base flow conditions at sites suitable for larval attachment,depth was measured and bottom water velocity measurements were made 2 mmabove populations. Larval densities ranged from 386.9–1178m–2, habitat bottom water velocities from 13.4–64.2 cms–1, and water depths from 1.5–50 cm. Bottom velocitiesof sites with zero larvae ranged from 20.8–21.8 cm s–1with depths from 50 to >160 cm. Larval densities were greatest inareas with high bottom water velocities and shallow depths. Stepwisemultiple regression analyses showed that density could be confidentlypredicted best by Froude number (r=0.81; p=0.008). In the absence of Froudenumber as a regression term, the best variable to predict larval density wasbottom velocity ratio: relative depth ratio (r=0.75; p=0.019). In addition,the torrential habitat of the larvae was always characterized by aperiphyton community that appeared to be the primary food resource for thelarvae. These data suggest that torrential flows over appropriate substratesare important factors regulating habitat availability for T. torrenticolaand that reduced discharge (e.g. affected by water diversions) couldsignificantly reduce the amount of available habitat for this organism andother flow sensitive stream fauna.  相似文献   

Landscape Determinants of Nonindigenous Fish Invasions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Much has been written about the influence of exotic or nonindigenous species on natural habitats and communities of organisms, but little is known of the physical or biological conditions that lead to successful invasion of native habitats and communities by exotics. We studied invasivity factors in headwater streams of the Susquehanna River West Branch, which drains portions of the northern Appalachian Plateau. A replicated (two major tributaries) 3 × 3 factorial design was used to determine landscape effects of size (stream order) and quality (land use) on abiotic (physical and chemical) and biotic (fish community structure and function) stream attributes. Seven (21%) of thirty-four fish species (brown trout, common carp, mimic shiner, bluegill, smallmouth bass, fantail darter, and banded darter) collected in the eighteen streams sampled were nonindigenous to the basin. Watershed size (stream orders 1, 3, and 5) significantly affected stream geomorphologic and habitat variables (gradient, width, depth, current velocity, diel water temperature, bank overhang, canopy cover, and woody debris density) but not water-quality variables, while land use in watersheds (conservation, mining, and agriculture) significantly affected measured water-quality variables (alkalinity and concentrations of manganese, calcium, chloride, nitrate, and total dissolved solids) but not stream physical or habitat quality. Both watershed size and land use affected fish-community variables such as presence of particular species, species density, species diversity, tolerance diversity, and mean fish size, but in both cases the effect was transparent to native-origin status of fish species. No relationships were found between occurrence of nonindigenous species in watersheds and trophic structure or functional diversity. Therefore, the hypothesis that reduced species diversity increases vulnerability to nonindigenous species was not supported. However, the spatial variation associated with both water-quality and habitat-quality factors was greater in streams with mixed (those with nonindigenous species) than with exclusively native assemblages. These findings suggest that the mechanism for successful invasion by nonindigenous or exotic species is through change in water or habitat quality associated with human or natural disturbances, such as agriculture and mining activities in watersheds. Biotic factors appear to play no or a lesser role in the invasibility of northern Appalachian lotic systems.  相似文献   

We investigated the site level relationships between fish condition and environmental variables in Sclater's barbel, Barbus sclateri, from semi-arid streams in the south-eastern Iberian Peninsula. These freshwater ecosystems are characterized by strong seasonal fluctuations in flow levels (droughts and floods) as a consequence of their irregular hydrological regime on both an annual and pluriannual scale. We analysed the relationships between 11 ecosystem variables [conductivity, oxygen concentration, water temperature, pH, seasonal water flow, dominant substrate, submerged vegetation, QBR (Riparian Ecosystems Quality Index), BMWP' (Spanish version of the Biological Monitoring Working Party), fish refuge index and fish density] and fish condition by comparing mass–length relationships of nine populations of Sclater's barbel located in five sub-basins with different environmental conditions. Fish condition differed between the populations studied and was mainly dependent on the ecological variables related with water flow and, consequently, the physical structure of the streams, which is directly related to substrate and fish refuge.  相似文献   

Abstract River and stream rehabilitation projects are increasing in number, but the success or failure of these projects has rarely been evaluated, and the extent to which buffers can restore riparian and stream function and species composition is not well understood. In New Zealand the widespread conversion of forest to agricultural land has caused degradation of streams and riparian ecosystems. We assessed nine riparian buffer zone schemes in North Island, New Zealand that had been fenced and planted (age range from 2 to 24 years) and compared them with unbuffered control reaches upstream or nearby. Macroinvertebrate community composition was our prime indicator of water and habitat quality and ecological functioning, but we also assessed a range of physical and water quality variables within the stream and in the riparian zone. Generally, streams within buffer zones showed rapid improvements in visual water clarity and channel stability, but nutrient and fecal contamination responses were variable. Significant changes in macroinvertebrate communities toward “clean water” or native forest communities did not occur at most of the study sites. Improvement in invertebrate communities appeared to be most strongly linked to decreases in water temperature, suggesting that restoration of in‐stream communities would only be achieved after canopy closure, with long buffer lengths, and protection of headwater tributaries. Expectations of riparian restoration efforts should be tempered by (1) time scales and (2) spatial arrangement of planted reaches, either within a catchment or with consideration of their proximity to source areas of recolonists.  相似文献   

Surface water has been extracted from Arusha National Park (ANP) to meet human demand for over 30 years; however, there has been no evaluation of the impact of extraction on surface water quality, budget or ecological integrity. A reduction in water availability and flow is likely to also have impacts on the distribution and space use of large mammals. To assess the surface water quality and budget, 30 water sources were measured for three months over the dry and wet seasons. Nearly 70% of water is extracted, with the complete extraction of surface water common during the dry and early wet seasons. However, extraction did not lead to a decrease in downstream water quality, but wetland plant diversity was highest in areas with no surface water extraction. Extraction also influences large mammal space use: abundance along seven transects was typically higher upstream of extraction sites, especially in the case of large herbivores. Impacts of extraction therefore include the disconnection of streams, changes in space use of large mammals, decreases in plant diversity and changes in species composition of the riparian wetlands. We therefore recommend that monitoring and evaluation of extraction as well as sustainable water use practices be introduced as a matter of urgency.  相似文献   

Seasonal and spatial variation in brown trout Salmo trutta L. abundance, density and biomass were studied in 29 pools of varying size in an afforested catchment together with the physical characteristics of those pools. A movement of 0+ trout towards the pools as the year progresses was detected. Water volume of the pool accounted for a significant amount of the variation in metrics across all seasons. Cover provided by overhanging vegetation also explained a significant amount of variation, especially during the summer. Water velocity, percentage of undercut bank and substrate composition had little explanatory power in the distribution of trout in the pools. In all seasons significant relationships between both fish biomass (g m−2) and fish number and water volume in the pool were found. However, in summer and autumn there was also a significant correlation between both fish density (fish m−2) and biomass and water volume in the pool described by a power function with a coefficient >1. These relationships were consistent across the subset of pools studied over a 2-year period. Thus there was a proportionally greater number of fish in deeper pools than in the shallower ones in summer and autumn, suggesting that trout use the available habitat (i.e. the pool) as a three dimensional space in which an increase in the third dimension (depth) leads to a proportionally greater number of fish per unit area.  相似文献   

栖息地演变与人为干扰对升金湖越冬水鸟的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2002年10月—2003年4月,选择安徽升金湖6个不同干扰程度和栖息地质量的固定监测点,研究人为干扰对升金湖越冬水鸟分布格局的影响;同时结合前期调查数据,研究栖息地演变对升金湖越冬水鸟的影响.结果表明:同一越冬期不同监测点水鸟种类和数量与栖息地质量无显著相关关系,但水鸟数量与栖息地干扰程度显著负相关;不同年份升金湖越冬水鸟种类和数量与栖息地质量显著相关.升金湖越冬水鸟存在的主要威胁包括栖息地丧失、人为活动干扰以及生物杀灭剂的影响.提出了一些保护升金湖越冬水鸟的建议.  相似文献   

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