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抗人肝癌单抗片段抗体HAb18F(ab′)2的冻干工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择适合于HAb18 F(ab′)2片段抗体的冻干保护剂及其冻干工艺,是确保该生物制品的质量关键之一,对不同种类和不同浓度的保护剂进行了研究,结果表明10%蔗糖对HAb18 F(ab′)2片段抗体冻干样品的剂型、外观、残水量(<3%)、复溶时间(<10 s)、纯度(>95%)及稳定性没有影响.研究优化与保护剂相结合的适用于HAb18 F(ab′)2片段抗体的最佳冻干工艺,为抗体片段扩大生产提供依据.  相似文献   

抗人肝癌单抗片段抗体HAb18F(ab)2的冻干工艺研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选择适合于HAb18 F(ab′)2片段抗体的冻干保护剂及其冻干工艺,是确保该生物制品的质量关键之一,对不同种类和不同浓度的保护剂进行了研究,结果表明10%蔗糖对HAb18 F(ab′)2片段抗体冻干样品的剂型、外观、残水量(<3%)、复溶时间(<10 s)、纯度(>95%)及稳定性没有影响.研究优化与保护剂相结合的适用于HAb18 F(ab′)2片段抗体的最佳冻干工艺,为抗体片段扩大生产提供依据.  相似文献   

目的考察低pH孵放病毒灭活处理对马破伤风免疫球蛋白F(ab')_2质量的影响。方法取马破伤风免疫球蛋白F(ab')_24份,分别调整pH至3.8、4.1、4.4及6.5,于(25±1)℃条件下放置21 d后取样测定抗体效价、聚合物(二聚体、多聚体)及F(ab')_2含量,评估低pH孵放病毒灭活法对上述质量指标的影响;以1 mL/瓶的规格分装经低pH孵放病毒灭活处理的马破伤风免疫球蛋白F(ab')_2,于(25±1)℃条件下存放6个月,定期取样并进行抗体效价、聚合物(二聚体、多聚体)及F(ab')_2含量检测,评估其稳定性。结果马破伤风免疫球蛋白F(ab')_2经低pH孵放病毒灭活后,其抗体效价、聚合物(二聚体、多聚体)及F(ab')_2含量未发生明显变化;样品于(25±1)℃条件下存放6个月后,抗体效价和F(ab')_2含量均符合《中华人民共和国药典》2015版(三部)的要求。结论低pH孵放病毒灭活法适用于马破伤风免疫球蛋白F(ab')_2病毒的灭活。  相似文献   

【目的】研究并确定耐热保护剂在仔猪副伤寒活疫苗中应用的各参数,为制备细菌耐热保护剂活疫苗提供参考。【方法】将耐热保护剂与制苗菌液等体积混合,分别采用3种常用冻干曲线(1、2、3)进行冻干,抽样检测确定耐热保护剂配套冻干曲线。在确定合适冻干曲线的基础上,进一步研究耐热保护剂与不同菌龄菌液(发酵培养12、15、18和21 h)、不同浓度菌液(菌液终浓度分别为3×1010、5×1010和7×1010 CFU/m L)、不同感作时间(分别作用0、24和48 h)、耐热保护剂的不同保存时间(2-8°C分别保存0、10、20、30和40 d),以及不同分装量(2、3和4 m L)等多种不同参数对疫苗质量的影响。【结果】配套冻干曲线研究表明,曲线2冻干的产品性状、活菌存活率与耐老化指标效果最好;菌龄研究表明,37°C发酵培养18 h(位于对数生长末期或稳定前期),其冻干菌存活率达78%-81%,优于其它时间;配苗试验表明,菌液适宜终浓度为3×1010-5×1010 CFU/m L;最适感作时间为2-8°C感作24 h,冻干菌存活率可达85.3%-90.5%;耐热保护剂保存期试验表明,2-8°C保存40 d与0 d(配制当日)的保护剂冻干效果基本一致;配苗分装量试验表明,7 m L西林瓶中分装3 m L或4 m L,其冻干菌存活率与2 m L基本一致,但耐老化试验中活菌存活率比2 m L略高。【结论】收获发酵培养18 h的菌液、配苗终浓度采用3×1010-5×1010 CFU/m L,使用2-8°C保存40 d内的耐热保护剂,让保护剂与制苗用菌液2-8°C感作24 h,采用3-4 m L进行定量分装,按曲线2冻干为制备仔猪副伤寒耐热保护剂活疫苗的适合参数。  相似文献   

【背景】目前,用以降解园林绿化废弃物中木质素的菌剂多为液体菌剂或固体菌剂,鲜有对粉状菌剂的研究。【目的】研制高活性冻干菌粉,提高其冻干存活率并优化其工艺,以解决液体菌剂或固体菌剂在运输、储藏及使用上存在的问题。【方法】以一株木质素降解菌构巢曲霉(Aspergillus nidulans)为研究对象,利用真空冷冻干燥法制备冻干菌粉。以菌株的冻干存活率为评价指标,通过单因素试验筛选适于菌株冻干过程的保护剂种类及浓度梯度,再通过正交试验优化冻干菌粉复合保护剂配方。获得配方后,进一步探究冻干菌粉的复水条件和储藏条件。【结果】保护效果较优的4种保护剂成分经复配后对冻干存活率的影响顺序为蔗糖>葡萄糖>脱脂乳粉> α-乳糖。经优化后的保护剂配方以蔗糖15%、葡萄糖1%、α-乳糖10%、脱脂乳粉1%为最佳;复水条件以生理盐水为溶剂,复水30 min为最优。在此条件下制备和使用冻干菌粉,菌株的冻干存活率可达83.33%,有效活菌数可达1.2×1010 CFU/g。最佳储藏温度为-20 ℃,在此温度下保存28 d后,菌粉活性无明显下降。【结论】该研究获得的制备和储藏构巢曲霉冻干菌粉条件,具有菌株损失率低、可长时间保存的特点,对推进木质素降解菌在实际生产中应用具有积极作用。  相似文献   

通过逐步降低血清浓度,HPLC氨基酸分析及正交实验筛选研制了HAb18杂交瘤细胞的无血清培养基。对在该无血清培养条件下的细胞进行了计数,对培养上清液进行了葡萄糖、谷氨酰胺、乳酸和氨浓度以及抗体分泌量和抗原结合活性测定,并对动力学参数进行了分析,结果表明HAb18细胞在无血清培养条件下达到的最大细胞密度和抗体分泌量分别为0.91×106个/ml和43.8mg/L;细胞比生长速率较在有血清条件下稍有下降,而抗体合成速率提高(0.0207/h比0.0218/h,0.387pg/cell/h比0.218pg/cell/h,P<0.01)。无血清培养时葡萄糖和谷氨酰胺消耗无明显变化,但乳酸浓度降低,氨浓度升高;此外,分泌抗体的抗原结合活性增加。研究无血清培养条件下的HAb18细胞生长代谢和抗体分泌特征可为建立HAb18无血清悬浮流加培养工艺打下基础。  相似文献   

阪崎肠杆菌标准品制备中冻干工艺的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究对阪崎肠杆菌(Enterobacter sakazakii)冻干工艺进行优化,旨在为E.sakazaki定性标准品和定量标准品的制备提供技术基础,同时为其他肠杆菌科标准品的制备工艺提供理论指导.实验结果表明:最佳冻干保护剂组合为海藻糖3%,脱脂奶粉8%,谷氨酸钠1.5%;最佳预冻温度和预冻时间分别为-20℃,4 ...  相似文献   

构建抗CD20嵌合抗体片段F(ab′)2 突变体 ,研究其在大肠杆菌中的高效表达及其表达产物的生物学活性。采用PCR法构建抗CD20嵌合抗体片段F(ab′)2 突变体 ,并用双脱氧终止法测定DNA序列 ;采用 19L发酵罐高密度发酵抗CD20嵌合抗体片段F(ab′)2 突变体 ,采用亲和色谱和分子筛色谱法纯化表达产物 ,并用SDS-PAGE和薄层激光扫描鉴定纯化产物 ;采用活细胞间接免疫荧光法测定纯化产物与靶细胞的结合活性 ;MTT法测定纯化产物对Raji细胞的生长抑制作用 ,并研究其作用机理。DNA序列测定结果表明 ,抗CD20嵌合抗体片段F(ab′)2 突变体已成功构建 ,表达可溶性产物的产量达 360mg L ,具有与Raji细胞 (CD20+)结合的活性 ,并抑制Raji细胞的生长 ,其作用机理为诱导Raji细胞凋亡。此突变体有望成为治疗非何杰金氏B细胞淋巴瘤的药物。  相似文献   

目的探索提高双歧杆菌菌体存活率的方法。方法分别考察冻干前处理的三种因素(菌泥暴露于空气中的时间、保护剂的温度以及混合时间)对青春双歧杆菌菌体存活率的影响。结果菌泥直接暴露于空气中,对双歧杆菌的存活有较大的影响,生产过程应尽量缩短暴露于空气中的时间;预先冷却到5~10℃的保护剂比常温的保护剂的保护效果更好;适当延长保护剂的混合时间,让保护剂充分渗入菌体内,能显著提高双歧杆菌的冻干存活率。结论冻干前处理对青春双歧杆菌存活有显著影响,缩短菌泥暴露于空气中的时间、保护剂预先冷却、适当延长混合时间可以有效保持菌体的存活率。  相似文献   

目的:开发出新型号水痘疫苗保护剂替代现行含明胶、人血白蛋白疫苗保护剂,提高病毒保护效果及疫苗受种人群使用安全性。方法:(1)选取右旋糖酐、乳糖、甘露醇等辅料按不同配方进行制备疫苗保护剂。(2)使用不同配方制备的疫苗保护剂,应用细胞工厂水痘疫苗制备工艺进行生产水痘疫苗。(3)使用不同配方制备的疫苗保护剂生产的水痘疫苗与现行疫苗保护剂生产的水痘疫苗进行对比。结果:对比试验结果显示,使用右旋糖酐、乳糖、甘露醇等制备的疫苗保护剂,与现行疫苗保护剂比较无差异。结论:使用右旋糖酐、乳糖、甘露醇等制备的疫苗保护剂比较现行使用的疫苗保护剂,由于不含明胶及人血白蛋白,因此使该疫苗冻干保护剂的安全性、可靠性有所提高,并且疫苗冻干保护剂的成本将有所下降。  相似文献   

CD147 molecule is reported to be correlated with the malignancy of some cancers; however, it remains unclear whether it is involved in the progression of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Here, we investigated the function of HAb18G/CD147, a member of CD147 family, and its antibodies, HAb18 and LICARTIN, in HCC invasion and metastasis. We observed that HAb18G/CD147 gene silence in HCC cells significantly decreased the secretion of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) and the invasive potential of HCC cells (P < 0.001). MMP silence in HCC cells also significantly suppressed the invasion of the cells when cocultured with fibroblasts; however, its inhibitory effect was significantly weaker than that of both HAb18G/CD147 silence in HCC cells and that of MMP silence in fibroblasts (P < 0.001). Blocking theHAb18G/CD147 molecule on HCC cells with HAb18 monoclonal antibody resulted in a similar suppressive effect on MMP secretion and cell invasion, but with no significant effects on the cell growth. (131)I-labeled HAb18 F(ab')(2) (LICARTIN), however, significantly inhibited the in vitro growth of HCC cells (P < 0.001). In an orthotopic model of HCC in nude mice, HAb18 and LICARTIN treatment effectively reduced the tumor growth and metastasis as well as the expression of three major factors in the HCC microenviroment (MMPs, vascular endothelial growth factor, and fibroblast surface protein) in the paracancer tissues. Overall, these results suggest that HAb18G/CD147 plays an important role in HCC invasion and metastasis mainly via modulating fibroblasts, as well as HCC cells themselves to disrupt the HCC microenviroment. LICARTIN can be used as a drug targeting to HAb18G/CD147 in antimetastasis and recurrence therapy of HCC.  相似文献   

For antibody therapeutics to succeed when intracellular target molecules are involved, a strategy must be applied to increase the delivery of antibodies into cells to reach their targets. Antibody cationization by chemical conjugation of a polyamine could be one such strategy. Both natural polyamines with increasing net charge valencies (putrescine, PUT; spermidine, SPD; and spermine, SPM) and a synthetic polyamine (hexamethylenediamine, HMD) can be used to cationize antibodies, but no comparison of the respective effects of these polyamines on intracellular delivery of antibodies has been performed yet. This study describes the covalent modification of antitetanus F(ab') 2 with these four polyamines using different reaction conditions, and compares the effects of these modifications on antibody interaction with cultured HL60 cells. The cationized antibodies retained > or =80% of the binding activity of the unmodified F(ab') 2 with regard to tetanus toxin, as measured by an antigen-binding capture enzyme immunoassay. This same method was used to quantify the amount of cell-associated F(ab') 2 following incubation with HL60 cells. Cationization was shown to enhance cell interaction of the F(ab') 2 : the higher the number of coupled polyamine molecules, the greater the amount of antibody associated with the cells. Moreover, coupling the F(ab') 2 to the SPD and SPM polyamines had greater effect on cell interaction than coupling the F(ab') 2 to the PUT and HMD diamines. Internalization of the cationized antibodies by the HL60 cells was demonstrated by confocal microscopy. This technique also showed that SPD and SPM were more effective than PUT and HMD in terms of intracellular delivery of the F(ab') 2 . It follows from all these results that electrostatic interaction involving charge density plays a predominant role in the endocytic transport mechanism of the F(ab') 2 modified with these polyamines. However, coupling the F(ab') 2 to SPM and SPD yielded the same maximum effects in terms of cell interaction, although coupling SPM was expected to increase the antibody net charge valency more than coupling SPD. This finding suggests that the effective global charge for the cell interaction and uptake of polyamine-modified antibodies does not simply correspond to the addition of the ionizable amine functions on the coupled polyamines, and that other factors may come into play.  相似文献   

CD11b/CD18 is a heterodimeric leukocyte surface receptor which functions in both C3bi-ligand binding and homotypic and heterotypic cell adherence. We have examined the effect of several anti-CD11b/18 mAb on phagocytosis of IgG (EIgG) or complement (EC4b) opsonized erythrocytes by polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) and monocytes. F(ab')2 of two mAb (IB4, an anti-beta-chain mAb and Mo-1 an anti-alpha-chain mAb), inhibited both phagocytosis of EIgG and phorbol ester-stimulated phagocytosis of EC4b by PMN and monocytes. These F(ab')2 inhibited the binding of EIgG to monocytes, but they had no effect on binding of EIgG to PMN, or EC4b to either phagocyte. In addition, IB4 inhibited phorbol-ester stimulated phagocytosis of sheep E opsonized with C component 3bi (EC3bi) without inhibiting rosetting of these same targets. These data separate the anti-phagocytic effect of these mAb from effects on phagocyte-target adherence. When PMN were adherent to an anti-CD11b/CD18 F(ab')2-coated surface, EC3bi binding was abolished, but phagocytosis of EIgG or EC4b was unaffected. Subsequent addition of fluid- phase IB4 or Mo-1 F(ab')2 inhibited phagocytosis of EIgG or EC4b by the adherent cells. This suggested that the CD11b/CD18 involved in C3bi rosetting were mobile in the membrane, whereas those involved in phagocytosis of EIgG or EC4b were not. Cytochalasin treatment of PMN during adherence to F(ab')2-coated plates decreased both apical expression of CD11b/18 and subsequent ingestion of EIgG by 70%, suggesting that microfilaments are important in maintaining immobile CD11b/18 on the apical PMN surface. We conclude that there are functionally distinct populations of CD11b/CD18 on monocytes and PMN: one involved in C3bi rosetting and another involved in the process of phagocytosis mediated via several different receptors. CD11b/18 is not required for optimal target binding in all cases, but is always required for ingestion. As with several other integrins, the CD11b/18 molecules involved in phagocytosis have a functional association with the cell cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effect of hepatoma-associated antigen HAb18G (homologous to CD147) expression on the NO/cGMP-regulated Ca2+ mobilization to induce matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) production and attenuate adhesion ability of mouse fibroblast NIH/3T3 cells. HAb18G/CD147 cDNA was transfected into fibroblast 3T3 cells to obtain a cell line stably expressing HAb18G/CD147, t3T3, as demonstrated by immunofluorescence staining and flow cytometry assays. 8-Bromo-cGMP inhibited the thapsigargin-induced Ca2+ entry in 3T3 cells, whereas an inhibitor of protein kinase G, KT5823 (1 microM), led to an increase in Ca2+ entry. Expression of HAb18G/CD147 in t3T3 cells decreased the inhibitory response to cGMP. A similar effect on the Ca2+ entry was observed in 3T3 cells in response to an NO donor, (+/-)-S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP). The inhibitory effect of SNAP on the thapsigargin-induced Ca2+ entry was also reduced in HAb18G/CD147-expressing t3T3 cells, indicating a role for HAb18G/CD 147 in NO/cGMP-regulated Ca2+ entry. Results of gelatin zymography assays showed that addition of extracellular Ca2+ induced MMP (MMP-2, MMP-9) release and activation in a dose-dependent manner, and expression of HAb18G/CD147 enhanced the secretion of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in 3T3 cells. 8-Bromo-cGMP and SNAP reduced the production of MMP in 3T3 cells but not in t3T3 with HAb18G/CD147 expression. RT-PCR experiments substantiated that the expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9 mRNA in HAb18G/CD 147-expressing t3T3 cell was significantly greater than that in 3T3 cells. Experiments investigating adhesion potentials demonstrated that HAb18G/CD147-expressing t3T3 cells pretreated with Ca2+ attached to Matrigel-coated culture plates significantly less efficiently than 3T3 cells. The proportion of attached cells could be increased by treatment with 8-bromo-cGMP and SNAP in 3T3 cells, but not in t3T3. These results suggest that HAb18G/CD147 attenuates adhesion potentials in fibroblasts by enhancing the secretion of MMP through NO/cGMP-sensitive capacitative Ca2+ entry.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effect of hepatoma-associated antigen HAb18G (homologous to CD147) expression on the NO/cGMP-regulated Ca(2+) mobilization and metastatic process of human hepatoma cells. HAb18G/CD147 cDNA was transfected into human 7721 hepatoma cells to obtain a cell line stably expressing HAb18G/CD147, T7721, as demonstrated by Northern blot and immunocytochemical studies. 8-Bromo-cGMP (cGMP) inhibited the thapsigargin-induced Ca(2+) entry in a concentration-dependent manner in 7721 cells. The cGMP-induced inhibition was abolished by an inhibitor of protein kinase G, KT5823 (1 microm). However, expression of HAb18G/CD147 in T7721 cells decreased the inhibitory response to cGMP. A similar concentration-dependent inhibitory effect on the Ca(2+) entry was observed in 7721 cells in response to a NO donor, (+/-)-S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP). The inhibitory effect of SNAP on the thapsigargin-induced Ca(2+) entry was significantly reduced in HAb18G/CD147-expressing T7721 cells, indicating a role for HAb18G/CD147 in NO/cGMP-regulated Ca(2+) entry. Experiments investigating metastatic potentials demonstrated that HAb18G/CD147-expressing T7721 cells attached to the Matrigel-coated culture plates and invaded through Matrigel-coated permeable filters at the rate significantly greater than that observed in 7721 cells. Both the attachment and invasion rates could be suppressed by SNAP, and the inhibitory effect of SNAP could be reversed by NO inhibitor, N(G)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester. The sensitivity of the attachment and invasion rates to cGMP was significantly reduced in T7721 cells as compared with 7721 cells when cells were pretreated with thapsigargin. The difference in the sensitivity between the two cells could be abolished by a Ca(2+) channel blocker, Ni(2+) (3 mm). These results suggest that HAb18G/CD147 enhances metastatic potentials in human hepatoma cells by disrupting the regulation of store-operated Ca(2+) entry by NO/cGMP.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work is to study the sequential adsorption of F(ab')(2) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) molecules adsorbed onto positively and negatively charged polystyrene latexes. Cationic and anionic latexes were prepared by emulsifier-free emulsion polymerization. Adsorptions of F(ab')(2) on both latexes at a low ionic strength and different pHs were performed. The cationic latex showed a higher adsorption of F (ab')(2) molecules over a range of pH, which could be due to the formation of multilayers. Sequential adsorption of anti-CRP F(ab')(2) and monomeric BSA were performed at two different pre-adsorbed F(ab')(2) amounts on both types of latex. Displacement of F(ab')(2) occurred only when the preadsorbed amounts were larger than a certain critical value, which depends on the adsorption pH. A greater displacement of larger preadsorbed amounts might be the result of a weaker contact between the protein molecules and the polystyrene surface. The displacement of F(ab')(2) previously adsorbed onto both latexes occurred due to pH changes, an increase of ionic strength and the presence of BSA molecules. The effect caused by these three factors was studied independently. The main factors in the desorption of F(ab')(2) on the anionic latex are the changes in pH and ionic strength, whereas on the cationic latex the desorption is mainly caused by the increase of the ionic strength and the presence of BSA. The colloidal stability of the immunotatex was improved by BSA adsorption, especially on cationic latex. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

HAb18G/CD147, a new hepatoma-associated antigen cloned and screened from human hepatocellular carcinoma cDNA library, is closely correlated with metastasis process in human hepatoma cells. In the present study we aimed to identify the pivotal molecules of the HAb18G/CD147 signal transduction pathway. The investigation showed that betaig-h3, a secretory extracellular matrix (ECM) protein, was upregulated in HAb18G/CD147-expressing human hepatoma T7721 cells and was downregulated by depressing HAb18G/CD147 expression. The expression of betaig-h3, upregulated in human hepatoma cells, was positively relative to the expression of HAb18G/CD147 in different human hepatoma cell lines. By overexpressing betaig-h3 in human SMMC-7721 hepatoma cells, we discovered that betaig-h3 promoted cell adhesion, invasion, and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) secretion potential. HAb18G/CD147-induced invasion and metastasis potential of human hepatoma cells can be attenuated by antibodies specific for betaig-h3, and no significant differences on inhibitory effects were observed among T7721 cells incubated with antibodies for betaig-h3 or HAb18G/CD147 or both types together. Taken together, our study suggests that betaig-h3, regulated by the expression of HAb18G/CD147, is involved in the HAb18G/CD147 signal transduction pathway and mediates the HAb18G/CD147-induced invasion and metastasis process of human hepatoma cells.  相似文献   

F(ab') fragments obtained from anti-Sendai virus antibodies were chemically coupled to F(ab') fragments obtained from anti-human red blood cell antibodies (anti-hRBC-Ab). This led to the formation of hybrid antibody molecules (anti-SV-anti-hRBC(F(ab')2) each of whose F(ab') fragment possessed different binding specificity. The anti-SV(F(ab'] part of the hybrid molecule interacted specifically with Sendai virus particles, while the anti-hRBC(F(ab'] part interacted with the surface of hRBC. These hybrid antibodies were able to mediate binding and fusion of SV to hRBC, from which the virus receptors were removed by treatment with neuraminidase (desialized hRBC). Neither anti-SV-anti-SV(F(ab')2) nor anti-hRBC-anti-hRBC(F(ab')2) possessed the same ability. Thus, it is shown that soluble, hybrid antibody molecules can effectively mediate functional binding of Sendai virus to virus-receptor-depleted cells.  相似文献   

HAb18G/CD147 is a highly glycosylated transmembrane protein belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily. Our previous studies have demonstrated that overexpressing HAb18G/CD147 enhances the metastatic potentials of human hepatoma cells. In the present study, to investigate the glycosylation characteristic of HAb18G/CD147 in human hepatoma cells, HAb18G/CD147 was first purified from human FHCC-98 hepatoma cells by immunoaffinity chromatography, and then introduced into human fibroblasts culture system for matrix metalloproteinases induction. As a result, the elevated levels of matrix metalloproteinases secreted by fibroblasts were detected by gelatin zymography. The lysates of human hepatoma FHCC-98 cell revealed two major forms of HAb18G/CD147 (43-66 and 35 kDa) by western blot assay. To elucidate whether the variation of molecule size were caused by different glycosylation, two different approaches were employed to accomplish this goal: deglycosylation with N-glycosylation inhibitor tunicamycin or endoglycosidases. A single deglycosylated core protein with molecular weight approximately 27 kDa was obtained from both methods. Furthermore, the results of endoglycosidases treatment also showed that two forms of HAb18G/CD147 contain different types of oligosaccharide chains, thus sensitive to different endoglycosidase. In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that purified native HAb18G/CD147 has the bioactivity of stimulating human fibroblasts to produce elevated levels of matrix metalloproteinases, and that the two different forms of HAb18G/CD147 are derived from the single core protein but differ in their degree and types of glycosylation.  相似文献   

降低mRNA翻译起始区的稳定性原核非融合表达HAb18GEF   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
为在大肠杆菌中非融合表达肝癌相关抗原HAb18G胞外区片段(HAb18GEF),将HAb18GEF基因的cDNA插入原核表达载体pET21a+。通过计算机辅助设计,对重组的HAb18GEF/pET21a+的mRNA翻译起始区(TIR)的二级结构和密码子偏性同时进行预测。结果发现其存在稳定的茎环结构和许多稀有密码子。通过优化二级结构和优化密码子偏性二种策略分别来降低HAb18GEF/pET21a+的mRNA翻译起始区(TIR)的稳定性。在不改变氨基酸序列的前提下,利用密码子的简并性,通过非连续定点突变实现这两种优化。将突变前后的重组子经酶切鉴定和测序验证后,转化感受态JM109DE3宿主菌后,随机挑菌37℃下用IPTG诱导表达。SDSPAGE、间接ELISA、Western blot 和细胞分级分离法分析这些重组子的诱导表达情况。RNA dot blot对比分析优化前后目的基因mRNA的量。结果证明,成功地构建了HAb18GEF/pET21a+及其二种优化突变体。仅优化TIR区二级结构或仅优化TIR区密码子偏性均能实现HAb18GEF蛋白的非融合表达,而未优化的重组子不表达任何HAb18GEF。非融合表达产物在大肠杆菌中主要以包涵体形式存在,高达293%。由于过表达和细胞渗漏,培养基和周质腔中也可检测到少许的HAb18GEF。优化二级结构和优化密码子偏性二种策略的HAb18GEF的非融合表达量基本相同。优化前后HAb18GEF转录的mRNA量没有差别。这些结果表明,降低mRNA翻译起始区的稳定性可实现肝癌相关抗原HAb18G胞外区片段在大肠杆菌中的非融合表达。  相似文献   

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