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目的:探讨深度创面修复的有效方法。方法:30例患者随机分为两组,治疗组采用异体脱细胞真皮基质和自体刃厚皮片移植,对照组单纯采用自体刃厚皮片移植。最后采用温哥华瘢痕量表对患者术后1个月、6个月、12个月进行评分。结果:术后1个月,两组间温哥华评分无统计学差异。术后6个月、12个月,治疗组的温哥华评分低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:异体脱细胞真皮基质和自体刃厚皮移植是深度烧伤创面修复的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨脱细胞异体真皮联合自体刃厚皮移植在治疗烧伤后爪型手畸形中的应用。方法对11例烧伤后爪型手畸形行瘢痕切除,松解粘连后,行脱细胞异体真皮联合自体刃厚皮移植术。结果 11例患者(18只手)均植皮成活(成活率100%),畸形矫正,功能恢复理想。结论烧伤后爪型手瘢痕切除脱细胞异体真皮联合自体刃厚皮移植效果理想。  相似文献   

李正兰 《蛇志》2010,22(4):406-407
复合移植术是治疗大面积深度烧伤的方法之一,而与之褶适应的术后护理也很重要。我科自2006年3月采用脱细胞异体真皮+自体刃厚皮复合移植治疗各种原因引起的烧伤创面和瘢痕切除后继发创面35例,收到满意的效果,现将护理体会报告如下。  相似文献   

目的:探究脱细胞真皮基质治疗对糖尿病足综合征合并下肢动脉硬化闭塞患者神经病变的缓解作用和对足部功能的影响。方法:选择本院2017.5-2020.5收治的80例糖尿病足综合征合并下肢动脉硬化闭塞患者平均分为观察组和对照组2组,其中对照组患者给与常规干预结合下肢动脉腔内治疗,观察组则在对照组的基础上实施脱细胞真皮基质治疗。分析两组患者治疗前后TCSS评分、神经传导速度、足部功能、治疗效果、创面感染发生率、治疗费用以及并发症发生率的差异。结果:治疗后观察组患者TCSS评分和足部功能评分均较对照组低,神经传导速度较对照组快,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组患者治疗总有效率、患者创面感染发生率和并发症发生率分别为100.00%、2.50%和2.50%,对照组患者则分别为80.00%、17.50%和55.00%,且对照组住院费用较观察组高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:脱细胞真皮基质治疗对糖尿病足综合征合并下肢动脉硬化闭塞患者神经病变具有确切的缓解作用,尤其对足部功能效果显著,值得临床广泛推广使用。  相似文献   

刁健  黄敏玲  潘春柳 《蛇志》2006,18(3):245-245
口腔黏膜缺损修复主要采用局部转移黏膜瓣及断层皮片等自体组织修复,尽管易于成活,但存在的缺点是不容忽视的,如对自体的供区和受区的功能与外形的影响,增加病人痛苦和病程等问题。随着组织工程学的发展,一种新型的真皮替代物———脱细胞异体真皮基质已经在烧伤和整形领域中皮肤的移植上成功应用。2005年1~12月,我们应用瑞诺口腔组织补片修复口腔黏膜缺损20例,获得较好的效果。现将相关的护理措施介绍如下。1临床资料1·1一般资料20例中,男12例,女8例,平均年龄35岁。其中腭部肿物切除8例,口腔黏膜外伤5例,下唇肿瘤切除2例,颊部病变切除3例,…  相似文献   

谢慧清  周建大  徐丹 《激光生物学报》2007,16(2):241-242,166
目的:观察超短波对烧伤肉芽创面受皮区皮片成活的影响。方法:32例自身对照邮票皮移植及40例整张刃厚皮移植术后根据是否给予超短波治疗分别分为两组,治疗组术后接受无热量超短波治疗,对照组术后未接受超短波治疗,观察创面完全愈合时间和愈合创面水泡出现情况进行疗效判定。结果:根据两组患者创面愈合时间进行比较,治疗组明显低于对照组(P<0.01);而在创面水泡出现程度比较中,实验组水泡发生率和严重程度均明显低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:超短波治疗能明显促进烧伤肉芽创面植皮片的成活,加速烧伤创面的愈合。  相似文献   

目的:采用负压固定移植皮片方法,观察负压创面治疗技术(negative-pressure wound therapy,NPWT)对游离皮片成活的影响,初步探讨微血管形成与皮肤成活之间的关系。方法:采用回顾性研究的方法,对65例皮肤缺损的患者,根据皮肤移植术后皮片固定方法的不同,分为两组,其中Ⅰ组为NPWT治疗组,有35例患者,刃厚游离皮片移植术后行创面负压吸引治疗;Ⅱ组为常规治疗组。有30例患者,刃厚游离皮片移植术后用打包或加压包扎的方式固定。Balb/c小鼠20只,按皮片移植后不同固定加压方式,分为实验组:负压创面治疗技术使用组(10只),对照组:打包加压组(10只),于皮片移植术后第5天,大体观察移植皮片颜色、有无水疱、有无皮下积液及质地,计算并比较皮片成活率,以免疫组化染色标记毛细血管内皮,检测皮片中微血管情况。结果:临床观察表明:Ⅰ组术后皮片成活时间平均较Ⅱ组缩短,有统计学差异(P〈0.01),Ⅰ组术后住院治疗时间平均较Ⅱ组缩短5天,有统计学差异(P〈0.01),Ⅰ组术后抗生素费用、换药次数及换药费用较Ⅱ组减少,有统计学差异(P〈0.01)。动物实验结果表明:术后第5天,实验组小鼠移植皮片中微血管增生较对照组明显增多(P〈0.05)。结论:与常规打包或加压包扎固定皮片的方式相比,负压创面治疗技术的应用可以缩短皮片成活时间,缩短患者住院治疗时间,减少抗生素的使用及换药次数,促进移植皮片中毛细血管增生,提高皮片成活率。  相似文献   

肖毅频  王冠宇  王强  张剑 《生物磁学》2011,(8):1443-1446
目的:观察小肠黏膜下层(small intestinal submucosa,SIS)和脱细胞心包(pericardium,PC)修复大鼠腹壁缺损的效果,比较两种生物材料相容性。方法:SD大鼠40只,体重200~250g,手术造成3 cm×2 cm全层腹壁缺损,随机分为二组(n=20),分别采用相同面积的小肠黏膜下层(small intestinal submucosa,SIS)和脱细胞真皮基质(acellular dermal matr,ADM)补片进行修补。术后1、2、4和8周分批取出腹壁修复材料,行动物一般情况观察、腹腔内粘连情况评价、力学强度测定及组织学观察。结果:术后动物都成活,两种材料术后8周均无疝瘘发生,缺损得到完整修复。术后各期SIS组的腹腔粘连评分明显低于PC组。术后4、8周,SIS组力学强度强于PC组,有统计学意义;组织学观察两组未见明显免疫排斥反应,SIS组的组织再生和重塑、血管化优于PC组;术后炎症反应两组无明显差异。结论:SIS和PC均能修复大鼠腹壁全层缺损,SIS在生物相容性方面优于PC。  相似文献   

目的:探讨自体髂骨移植用于后路椎弓根钉棒系统矫形内固定术治疗脊柱侧凸的临床效果及对患者预后的影响。方法:选取2014年4月至2017年4月90例在我院及山西医科大学进行手术治疗的退行性脊柱侧凸患者作为研究对象,按照随机法将患者分为两组,各组45例患者。对照组采用后路椎弓根钉棒系统矫形内固定术,观察组采用后路椎弓根钉棒系统矫形内固定结合自体髂骨移植术。比较两组患者围手术期情况,术前、术后7天及术后12个月腰椎后凸角度、Cobb角、JOA评分、ODI评分的变化及术后并发症发生情况。结果:两组患者手术时间、术中出血量、体温恢复时间、WBC恢复正常时间、引流管置管时间比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。两组患者术后腰椎前凸角度、Cobb角较手术前明显改善(P0.05);术后12个月,观察组患者腰椎前凸角度高于对照组,Cobb角显著低于对照组(P0.05)。两组患者术后JOA评分高于手术前,ODI评分低于手术前(P0.05);观察组患者术后12个月JOA评分高于对照组,ODI评分低于对照组(P0.05)。观察组患者并发症发生率显著低于对照组(P0.05)。结论:自体髂骨移植应用于后路椎弓根钉棒系统矫形内固定术治疗退行性脊柱侧弯效果较好,不仅可纠正脊柱侧弯,同时可减轻患者疼痛感及不适感,安全性较高。  相似文献   

目的:研究翼状胬肉切除术联合自体角膜缘干细胞移植治疗翼状胬肉的临床效果。方法:将2010年3月-2015年3月本院收治的105例翼状胬肉患者随机分为观察组和对照组。观察组患者53例,行翼状胬肉切除术联合自体角膜缘干细胞移植;对照组患者50例,行单纯翼状胬肉切除术。比较两组患者手术一般资料、手术前后视力水平、散光程度以及术后3个月和6个月的复发率。结果:术后,观察组角膜上皮修复时间、不适症状持续时间、住院时间均短于对照组;术后视力恢复情况、散光改善程度优于对照组;术后3个月和6个月治愈率显著高于对照组;而观察组术后并发率低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:翼状胬肉切除术联合自体角膜缘干细胞移植疗效显著、术后复发率低。  相似文献   

Severe burn patients lack adequate skin donor sites to resurface their burn wounds. Patients with severe burn injuries to areas such as an entire face are presently reconstructed with skin grafts that are inferior to normal facial skin. This study was designed in part to determine whether human skin allografts would survive, repopulate, and persist on patients with immunosuppression and after discontinuation of immunosuppression. Small split-thickness skin grafts were synchronously transplanted at the time of renal transplantation from six renal transplant donors to recipients. All six patients were immunosuppressed with the usual doses of renal transplant immunosuppressants (methylprednisolone, cyclosporine, prednisone, and azathioprine). The skin allografts were biopsied when rejection was suspected and at various intervals. Special histologic studies were performed on skin biopsy specimens. Class II DNA tissue typing was performed on transplanted and autogenous skin biopsy specimens of four patients. Fluorescent in situ hybridization was performed successfully on skin biopsies of four patients' transplanted skin and on two of these four patients' autogenous skin. All six human skin allografts sustained a 100 percent take and long-term clinical survival. DNA tissue typing performed on skin allograft biopsy specimens from patients taking immunosuppressants all revealed donor and recipient cells. DNA tissue typing performed on autogenous skin biopsies from the same patients all revealed only recipient cells. Fluorescent in situ hybridization performed on allograft and autogenous specimens from patients taking immunosuppressants revealed transplanted donor cells with rare recipient cells in the allograft and only recipient cells in the autogenous skin. This study of six patients proves that it is possible for human skin allografts to survive indefinitely on patients taking the usual dosages of immunosuppressants used for renal transplantation. There was minimal repopulation of skin allografts by autogenous keratinocytes and fibroblast while patients were taking immunosuppressants. Immunosuppression was discontinued in two patients after renal transplant rejection after 6 weeks and 5 years. When immunosuppression was discontinued after 5 years in one patient, the skin allograft cells were destroyed and replaced with autogenous cells, but the skin graft did not reject acutely and persisted clinically. It is hypothesized that the acellular portion of the skin allograft was not rejected acutely because of relatively low antigenicity and because it acted as a lattice for autogenous cells to migrate into and replace rejected allograft skin cells. No chimerism was seen in autogenous skin in the skin-renal transplant patients in this study.  相似文献   

The appropriate method and timing of the management of the myelomeningocele defect have prompted considerable discussion. Use of split-thickness skin grafts acutely has accomplished wound closure with low morbidity and mortality. This study was designed to address the question of long-term suitability of the technique of split-thickness skin grafting of the myelomeningocele patient. The incidence of late and/or severe skin ulceration and the presence of gibbus deformity were correlated with the method of skin closure. Long-term follow-up revealed a higher incidence of chronic skin ulceration in the split-thickness skin graft group as compared with the primary closure group. All skin breakdowns appeared in the presence of a gibbus deformity, and gibbus deformity was more prevalent in the split-thickness skin graft group. The incidence of skin ulceration and gibbus deformity was site-dependent. A thoracic or thoracolumbar myelomeningocele repair with split-thickness skin graft was significantly more likely to be complicated by skin problems than the defect in the lumbar, lumbosacral, or sacral region. This relationship was secondary to the frequency of gibbus deformity in the more cephalad defects than defects caudad. A treatment plan is outlined that is based on the primary variable of the location of the myelomeningocele and secondarily by defect size.  相似文献   

Staged reconstruction after gunshot wounds to the abdomen.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Immediate closure of abdominal incisions after exploration and treatment of gunshot wounds is not always feasible or advisable. Significant bowel edema after massive fluid resuscitation might preclude primary closure, whereas any attempt to close under tension might result in complications ranging from wound dehiscence, infection, and necrosis to the abdominal compartment syndrome with abdominal, cardiopulmonary, and renal complications. For these difficult cases, the open technique has been recommended. The abdomen is left open and is closed when the patient's condition permits. When immediate wound approximation is not possible, temporary coverage can be achieved with a mesh, patch, or a split-thickness skin graft and the definitive reconstruction is deferred for a more optimal time. The purpose of this retrospective study is to report the authors' experience with staged abdominal wall reconstruction after gunshot wounds. From 1989 to 1998, 1933 patients underwent exploratory laparotomy for penetrating wounds to the abdomen. Twenty-nine patients in grave condition and with multiple medical problems were comanaged by the Trauma and Plastic Surgery Services at Cook County Hospital with the following protocol: The abdomen was initially left open and exposed viscera were covered with a variety of methods, including a Gore-Tex patch (W. L. Gore and Associates, Inc., Flagstaff, Ariz.). A split-thickness graft was subsequently placed on the granulation tissue over viscera at an average of 14 days after the last laparotomy. These planned ventral hernias were definitively treated at an average of 7 months after the skin grafting procedure, primarily using the components separation technique. In 24 patients, the fascia was closed primarily without tension, while five patients required the use of synthetic mesh to restore fascial continuity. Nine patients underwent closure of a colostomy or repair of fistulas simultaneously with abdominal wall reconstruction. One patient developed a postoperative hernia, two developed superficial wound dehiscence that healed without further surgery, and one required re-exploration for a failed anastomosis after colostomy closure. All but one patient maintained a stable abdominal wall after the reconstruction. The authors concluded that staged abdominal wall reconstruction should be primarily recommended for patients with complex abdominal wounds and a compromised general condition that precludes primary closure. With this treatment protocol, patients can recover faster from their trauma surgery and the risk of perioperative complications can be reduced. After final reconstruction, the continuity, stability, and strength of the abdominal wall are maintained in the vast majority of cases with the use of autogenous tissue and without the need for alloplastic material. With close cooperation between the trauma team and the plastic surgeon and appropriate timing and planning of each stage, the success rate of the technique is high and the incidence of complications limited.  相似文献   

目的:观察游离植皮联合负压封闭引流(vacuumsealingdrainage,后文简称VSD)对骨科创面的疗效,并与植皮后传统加压包扎相比较,为临床实践提供更好的治疗方法。方法:对广州中医药大学第一附属医院创伤骨科2008年3月至2010年2月收治的65例感染创面病例采取手术清创后予VSD引流,合理应用抗生素,创面感染得到控制后,创面干净,肉芽生成良好,外露的肌腱、骨膜表面有新鲜的肉芽组织覆盖,达到植皮的要求后,随机分成两组,其中30例(实验组)采用游离植皮联合VSD法闭合创面,35例(对照组)采用游离植皮加压包扎植皮区,对两组术后的平均换药次数、创面平均愈合时间、植皮成活率情况、平均住院时间(植皮后)、平均抗生素应用次数(植皮后)进行统计学分析,采用t检验和卡方检验,对此两种方法进行评价。结果:植皮联合VSD组与植皮加压包扎组,在平均换药次数、创面平均愈合时间、植皮成活率、平均住院时间(植皮后)、平均抗生素应用次数(植皮后)的对比,有显著性差异(P〈0.05)。结论:创面达到游离植皮条件后,游离植皮联合VSD负压引流可以促使皮片黏附,保持创面洁净,避免皮下渗液积聚,有利于皮片的存活,与植皮加压包扎组相比,减少了平均换药次数,缩短创面平均愈合时间及平均住院时间(植皮后),减少抗生素平均应用次数,提高了植皮成活率,说明游离植皮联合VSD组优于游离植皮加压包扎组,游离植皮联合VSD法治疗骨科创面有显著疗效。该手术方法操作简单,术后护理方便,是一种较理想的植皮后的固定方法,有利于创面的愈合,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

目的:研究VSD负压引流技术结合游离植皮治疗大面积皮肤缺损临床疗效。方法:选择2012年4月至2013年10月入我院接受治疗的大面积皮肤缺损患者65例,将其随机分为观察组(35例)与对照组(30例)。观察组患者术前先采用VSD治疗,游离植皮术后继续给予VSD治疗;对照组患者采取打压植皮或传统打包加压治疗。观察和比较两组患者的皮片成活时间、皮片成活率、术后住院治疗时间、换药次数、疼痛评分及家属满意度。结果:观察组患者的皮片成活时间短于对照组、皮片成活率高于对照组、住院时间短于对照组,换药次数少于对照组,两组之间的差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。此外,观察组患者的疼痛视觉模拟评分明显低于对照组,患者家属的满意度评分明显高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:相对于传统的打压植皮或传统打包加压的技术而言,VSD负压引流技术结合游离植皮在治疗大面积皮肤缺损的临床疗效更好,值得在临床上推广使用。  相似文献   

Topical negative pressure has been demonstrated to improve graft take in a number of noncomparative studies. This study aimed to assess whether split-thickness skin graft take is improved qualitatively or quantitatively with topical negative pressure therapy compared with standard bolster dressings. A blinded, prospective, randomized trial was conducted of 22 adult inpatients of Liverpool Hospital between July of 2001 and July of 2002 who had wounds requiring skin grafting. After grafting, each wound half was randomized to receive either a standard bolster dressing or a topical negative pressure dressing. Skin graft assessment was performed at 2 weeks by a single observer blinded to the randomization. Two patients were lost to follow-up and were excluded from the study. There were 20 patients (12 men and eightwomen) in the study group. The median patient age was 64 years (range, 27 to 88 years), and the mean wound size was 128 cm2 (range, 35 to 450 cm2). The wound exposed subcutaneous fat in eight patients, muscle in six patients, paratenon in four patients, and deep fascia in two patients. At 2 weeks, wounds that received a topical negative pressure dressing had a greater degree of epithelialization in six cases (30 percent), the same degree of epithelialization in nine cases (45 percent), and less epithelialization in five cases (25 percent) compared with their respective control wounds. Graft quality following topical negative pressure therapy was subjectively determined to be better in 10 cases (50 percent), equivalent in seven cases (35 percent), and worse in three cases (15 percent). Although the quantitative graft take was not significant, the qualitative graft take was found to be significantly better with the use of topical negative pressure therapy (p < 0.05). Topical negative pressure significantly improved the qualitative appearance of split-thickness skin grafts as compared with standard bolster dressings.  相似文献   

Skin defects left after excision of hypertrophic scars were treated with a dermal substitute and split-thickness skin grafts transplanted after vascularisation of the substitute. The used substitute was a synthetic porous scaffold made from the biodegradable copolymer polyethyleneglycol-terephtalate and polybuthylene-terephtalate. The study was designed to assess the rate of granulation tissue formation, graft take, and after 3 and 12 months the quality of life (pain, comfort of treatment, cosmetic or functional nuisance), scar formation and wound contraction. In addition, scaffold biodegradation and scar tissue formation were evaluated histologically. Seven patients with different causes of burn injury were enrolled, of which 5 completed the study. In the first 4 patients the time between scaffold application and split-thickness skin overgrafting was in between 17 and 24 days. The time point of overgrafting was significantly reduced to 10–12 days by meshing of the dermal scaffold as evidenced in the last 3 patients. Histological evaluation at 3 months revealed normal generation of dermal tissue, however, the collagen bundles were parallel organized like in scar tissue. In the deeper layers of the neodermis, fragments of the dermal substitute were present, causing a mild inflammatory response. One year post-treatment, some fragments of the copolymer were still observed. The extent of wound contraction after successful overgrafting ranged from 30% to 57% after 1 year. All 5 patients showed an improvement in the total Vancouver Scar Score compared to the value before scar removal being similar to what can be expected when treated with split-thickness skin grafts alone. No unanticipated adverse effects due to application of the substitute were observed. We conclude that although this synthetic dermal substitute can be safely used in humans, the presence of 3D dermal template in a full-thickness skin defect will not automatically improve the skin tissue regeneration process or inhibit wound contraction. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Skin graft from a scalp flap   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a case of scalp avulsion treated with a transposition scalp flap utilizing a split-thickness skin graft from the flap. Using the flap as a donor site confined the operation to a single anatomic region and saved the patient an additional donor-site scar. The flap healed uneventfully with normal regrowth of hair, the donor site was well concealed, and there was complete take of the split-thickness skin graft.  相似文献   

Cultured epithelial autografts for giant congenital nevi   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Eight pediatric patients with giant congenital nevi confluent over 21 to 51 percent body surface area were treated by excision and grafting. The nevus was excised to the muscle fascia, and the open wound was grafted with cultured epithelial autografts and split-thickness skin grafts. The patients have been followed from 17 to 56 months. Seventeen operations were performed in the eight patients, excising a mean of 6.9 percent body surface area at each procedure. The mean duration of anesthesia was 3.7 hours, and the mean operative blood loss was 12.3 percent estimated blood volume. The mean "take" for the cultured epithelial autografts was 68 percent, and for the split-thickness skin grafts, 84 percent. Epithelialization of open wound areas adjacent to the grafts was somewhat slower for the cultured epithelial autografts than for the split-thickness skin grafts, but it led to a healed wound in all patients except one. Ten of the 17 areas grafted with cultured epithelial autografts resulted in small open wounds that required regrafting. Wound contraction under the cultured epithelial autografts and under split-thickness skin grafts was similar and depended more on the anatomic site grafted than on the type of graft employed. in 16 of 17 operations, the cultured epithelium remained as a permanent, durable skin coverage. The use of cultured epithelial autografts allowed a larger area of excision than would have been possible with split-thickness skin grafts alone and, therefore, a more rapid removal of nevus. Cultured epithelial autograft are an important new technique in the care of patients with giant congenital nevi.  相似文献   

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