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为加快我国军队卫生系统的信息化建设,本文阐述了国外以及军内外卫生信息化建设的基本情况,系统分析了我军卫生信息化建设面临的一系列新挑战和问题,并提出了有针对性地应对措施,为全军卫生系统的信息化建设的长远规划打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

2009年出台的新医改方案中又将建立实用共享的的医药卫生信息系统作为八大支柱之一。在这样的背景下,新一轮的医药卫生体制改革将给卫生信息化带来怎样的机遇,卫生信息化的发展又将在哪些方面促进新医改目标的实现。探讨新医改背景下我国医药卫生信息化建设状况,描述新医改和卫生信息化建设的相互关系,在此基础上分析我国卫生信息化建设面临的困难以及在新医改背景下的发展前景。  相似文献   

对区域卫生信息化的概念、内容进行了介绍,阐述了建设区域卫生信息化的意义,并对我国区域卫生信息化主要存在的问题进行了分析,提出加快我国区域卫生信息化建设步伐的建议。  相似文献   

通过介绍美国区域卫生信息化发展、有效使用EHR计划、区域卫生信息化组织等,探讨推进区域卫生信息化和电子健康档案应用过程中的问题和挑战,包括公共医学术语和技术标准、电子健康档案及区域卫生信息化潜在经济效益、电子健康档案应用保障机制、区域卫生信息化水平评价及区域卫生信息化组织可持续运营等,以提供借鉴。  相似文献   

随着现代信息技术日新月异的发展,各行各业开始广泛的应用信息化。而信息化是对了实现资源的互通和共享,通过对信息技术的充分运用,以促进经济的发展并推动社会的改革。而随着不断深入的卫生体制改革,目前已经初步实现了职业卫生的信息化,并且成绩裴然。但信息化建设过程中,还存在着诸多问题。本文通过对卫生信息化发展现状的分析,对其发展趋势进行了探讨。  相似文献   

首先总结了美国退伍军人医疗系统取得卓越成绩的几点做法;然后结合中国公立医院当前改革的实际情况,提出了对我国公立医院改革的启示,如明确我国公立医院的使命、加强对公立医院改革的领导和把以公立医院为重点的卫生系统整体信息化建设提高到国家卫生发展战略的高度等。  相似文献   

在卫生信息化日快速发展的背景下, 电子健康档案日益被重视并开始逐步推广,但是其中存在的法律问题也同时显现。在分析我国电子健康档案信息安全的基础上,对电子健康档案的法律地位、患者的隐私权、医师注意义务以及政府的公共行政权利等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

目的:了解本地区医院信息化中医疗数据平台的现实应用情况,为推动信息化建设提供参考。方法:以30家我市卫生系统二级以上公立医院(三级医院6家,二级医院24家)为调查对象,调查表内容包括四个部分,包括医院基本情况、信息化部门设置规划情况、资金投入情况和医院数据平台应用情况。结果:有18家医院有信息化发展规划,4家医院信息化发展无规划。医院信息建设资金主要投入方向在硬件,其中二级医院的硬件投入大大超过软件投入,差异有显著性(P<0.05)。同时医疗数据使用平台的效率也不一样,住院病人出入管理系统,门急诊划价收费系统,门急诊药房管理系统使用率排在前三位,使用率最低的为门急诊导医系统。结论:本市医院医疗数据平台的建设大多数还停留在第一个阶段,也是一项复杂的系统工程,要加强信息化工作的组织领导和制定相应的信息化标准规范,建立信息主管制,加大信息化建设的资金投入,真正做到为患者服务。  相似文献   

本文旨在系统的研究农牧业信息化建设的经验和实践操作,在已有的农牧业信息化建设的经验基础上,研究了目前我国尚且存在的农牧业信息化建设问题,并且从正确的研究方向提出了有关农牧业信息化建设的对策。政府在农牧业信息化建设的过程中应该发挥到主要的指导作用,通过大力扶持让农牧业信息化建设的道路走向完善。  相似文献   

信息技术的飞速发展使各行各业都加速了信息化应用的步伐,也推动了医院的信息化进程,为医院提供了新的发展方向。信息化医院的建设,其必要条件是信息管理的智能化和数据的高度共享化,信息化的管理模式为医院的可持续发展带来了巨大的动力和前所未有的机遇,也为医疗卫生事业的发展提供了源动力。  相似文献   

目的:了解部队男性官兵前列腺炎的发病情况及影响因素调查。方法:采用整群分层,随机抽样,对某高原部队300名男性官兵进行问卷调查,并对官兵的生殖系统、前列腺液等进行相关检查。结果:发现前列腺炎12人,多数为已婚的干部及入伍前有女朋友的战士。约66%官兵了解生殖健康概念及内容,与被调查者的学历、职务、是否来自城市等有关;对性传播疾病的病种及传播途径了解不够的官兵达20%。结论:部队官兵的生殖健康良好,少数有前列腺炎,最好定期进行生殖系统疾病筛查;部队官兵对生殖健康概念及内容了解尚可,但还应加强宣传教育。  相似文献   

Symbiotic bacteria play important roles in the biology of their arthropod hosts. Yet the microbiota of many diverse and influential groups remain understudied, resulting in a paucity of information on the fidelities and histories of these associations. Motivated by prior findings from a smaller scale, 16S rRNA‐based study, we conducted a broad phylogenetic and geographic survey of microbial communities in the ecologically dominant New World army ants (Formicidae: Dorylinae). Amplicon sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene across 28 species spanning the five New World genera showed that the microbial communities of army ants consist of very few common and abundant bacterial species. The two most abundant microbes, referred to as Unclassified Firmicutes and Unclassified Entomoplasmatales, appear to be specialized army ant associates that dominate microbial communities in the gut lumen of three host genera, Eciton, Labidus and Nomamyrmex. Both are present in other army ant genera, including those from the Old World, suggesting that army ant symbioses date back to the Cretaceous. Extensive sequencing of bacterial protein‐coding genes revealed multiple strains of these symbionts coexisting within colonies, but seldom within the same individual ant. Bacterial strains formed multiple host species‐specific lineages on phylogenies, which often grouped strains from distant geographic locations. These patterns deviate from those seen in other social insects and raise intriguing questions about the influence of army ant colony swarm‐founding and within‐colony genetic diversity on strain coexistence, and the effects of hosting a diverse suite of symbiont strains on colony ecology.  相似文献   

Data on army recruits’ height are frequently available and can be used to analyze the economics and welfare of the population in different periods of history. However, such data are not a random sample from the whole population at the time of interest, but instead is skewed since the short men were less likely to be recruited. In statistical terms this means that the data are left-truncated. Although truncation is well-understood in statistics a further complication is that the truncation threshold is not known, may vary from time to time, and auxiliary information on the threshold is not at our disposal.The advantage of the fully Bayesian approach presented here is that both the population height distribution and the truncation are modeled simultaneously. The truncation threshold is allowed to be random and time-specific whilst the height distribution is assumed to change smoothly in time. Thus, in addition to the population height characteristics, we obtain also insight into recruiting criteria over time.Analysis of historical data from Swedish army recruitment in eight time events between 1768 and 1804 has found a declining trend in the mean population height during the inspected time period and also dramatic systematic changes in the recruiting.  相似文献   

李庆虹  王传礼  郭晓东  唐炎  李进 《生物磁学》2012,(28):5577-5579
军队后勤保障服务工作的顺利开展是巩固军事国防的基础,影响着战争的中战略战术的有效实施,关系到战争的成败。科学技术的迅猛发展加速了战争形式的变革,传统的机械式战争时代已经成为过去式,现阶段战争的主要形式是网络信息战,战争形式的变化对军队后勤保障服务工作开始有了新的要求,本文从军队后勤保障服务工作的意义出发,分析现阶段军队后勤保障服务工作的不足之处,从而提出策略以提高服务质量。  相似文献   

The evolution of multiple mating in army ants   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The evolution of mating systems in eusocial Hymenoptera is constrained because females mate only during a brief period early in life, whereas inseminated queens and their stored sperm may live for decades. Considerable research effort during recent years has firmly established that obligate multiple mating has evolved only a few times: in Apis honeybees, Vespula wasps, Pogonomyrmex harvester ants, Atta and Acromyrmex leaf-cutting ants, the ant Cataglyphis cursor, and in at least some army ants. Here we provide estimates of queen-mating frequency for New World Neivamyrmex and Old World Aenictus species, which, compared to other army ants, have relatively small colonies and little size polymorphism among workers. To provide the first overall comparative analysis of the evolution of army ant mating systems, we combine these new results with previous estimates for African Dorylus and New World Eciton army ants, which have very large colonies and considerable worker polymorphism. We show that queens of Neivamyrmex and Aenictus mate with the same high numbers of males (usually ca. 10-20) as do queens of army ant species with very large colony sizes. We infer that multiple queen mating is ancestral in army ants and has evolved over 100 million years ago as part of the army ant adaptive syndrome. A comparison of army ants and honeybees suggests that mating systems in these two distantly related groups may have been convergently shaped by strikingly similar selective pressures.  相似文献   

徐宝凤  马进  代静  王斌  胡文东  冯正直 《生物磁学》2012,(32):6371-6375
目的:探讨并系统追踪研究新入伍战士在两年军营生活期间性格特征以及心理健康发展特点,揭示新兵入伍初期个性发展规律,为进一步筛查精神障碍易感新兵提供理论依据。方法:选取2010年某部冬季应征入伍新兵,采用问卷法对1366名新入伍男性战士在入伍第一年和第二年分别进行卡特尔十六种个性因素测验(16PF)的测试,采用分组测试和配对样本t检验进行统计分析。结果:研究表明,新入伍战士在第一年和第二年之间在稳定性、恃强性、兴奋性、有恒性、敢为性、怀疑性、幻想性、世故性、忧虑性、实验性、独立性、自律性和紧张性13种初级因素存在显著性变化,在适应焦虑型、内向外向型、感性用事与安详机警性、怯懦与果敢型、心理健康因素以及新环境成长能力因素等六项次级因素也有显著性差异,不同的学历和家庭背景也存在显著的变化。结论:本研究结果提示,入伍战士在两年军营生活期间其性格特征和心理健康特点均发生明显变化,而随着战士入伍时间的变化,对于部队生活的逐渐适应,其个性特征以及心理健康特点都出现了一定的变化规律,了解掌握这些心理健康发展的变化规律将有助于更科学地指导部队心理卫生服务工作,保证和提高军队战斗力。  相似文献   

Army ants are among the top arthropod predators and considered keystone species in tropical ecosystems. During daily mass raids with many thousand workers, army ants hunt live prey, likely exerting strong top‐down control on prey species. Many tropical sites exhibit a high army ant species diversity (>20 species), suggesting that sympatric species partition the available prey niches. However, whether and to what extent this is achieved has not been intensively studied yet. We therefore conducted a large‐scale diet survey of a community of surface‐raiding army ants at La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica. We systematically collected 3,262 prey items from eleven army ant species (genera Eciton, Nomamyrmex and Neivamyrmex). Prey items were classified as ant prey or non‐ant prey. The prey nearly exclusively consisted of other ants (98%), and most booty was ant brood (87%). Using morphological characters and DNA barcoding, we identified a total of 1,103 ant prey specimens to the species level. One hundred twenty‐nine ant species were detected among the army ant prey, representing about 30% of the known local ant diversity. Using weighted bipartite network analyses, we show that prey specialization in army ants is unexpectedly high and prey niche overlap very small. Besides food niche differentiation, we uncovered a spatiotemporal niche differentiation in army ant raid activity. We discuss competition‐driven multidimensional niche differentiation and predator–prey arms races as possible mechanisms underlying prey specialization in army ants. By combining systematic prey sampling with species‐level prey identification and network analyses, our integrative approach can guide future research by portraying how predator–prey interactions in complex communities can be reliably studied, even in cases where morphological prey identification is infeasible.  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify what information triggered social media users’ responses regarding infectious diseases. Chinese microblogs in 2012 regarding 42 infectious diseases were obtained through a keyword search in the Weiboscope database. Qualitative content analysis was performed for the posts pertinent to each keyword of the day of the year with the highest daily count. Similar posts were grouped and coded. We identified five categories of information that increased microblog traffic pertaining to infectious diseases: news of an outbreak or a case; health education / information; alternative health information / Traditional Chinese Medicine; commercial advertisement / entertainment; and social issues. News unrelated to the specified infectious diseases also led to elevated microblog traffic. Our study showcases the diverse contexts from which increased social media traffic occur. Our results will facilitate better health communication as causes underlying increased social media traffic are revealed.  相似文献   

The emergence of the Isthmus of Panama is one of the most important events in recent geological history, yet its timing and role in fundamental evolutionary processes remain controversial. While the formation of the isthmus was complete around 3 million years ago (Ma), recent studies have suggested prior intercontinental biotic exchange. In particular, the possibility of early intermittent land bridges facilitating colonization constitutes a potential mechanism for speciation and colonization before full closure of the isthmus. To test this hypothesis, we employed genomic methods to study the biogeography of the army ant genus Eciton, a group of keystone arthropod predators in Neotropical rainforests. Army ant colonies are unable to disperse across water and are therefore ideally suited to study the biogeographic impact of land bridge formation. Using a reduced representation genome sequencing approach, we show that all strictly Central American lineages of Eciton diverged from their respective South American sister lineage between 4 and 7 Ma, significantly prior to the complete closure of the isthmus. Furthermore, three of the lineage pairs form extensive and coincident secondary contact zones in Costa Rica and Nicaragua, with no evidence of gene flow. Such a discrete and repeated biogeographic pattern indicates at least two waves of army ant dispersal into Central America that were separated by significant genetic divergence times. Thus, by integrating phylogenomic, population genomic and geographic evidence, we show that early colonization of Central America across the emerging Isthmus of Panamá drove parallel speciation in Eciton army ants.  相似文献   

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