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为加快我国军队卫生系统的信息化建设,本文阐述了国外以及军内外卫生信息化建设的基本情况,系统分析了我军卫生信息化建设面临的一系列新挑战和问题,并提出了有针对性地应对措施,为全军卫生系统的信息化建设的长远规划打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

2009年出台的新医改方案中又将建立实用共享的的医药卫生信息系统作为八大支柱之一。在这样的背景下,新一轮的医药卫生体制改革将给卫生信息化带来怎样的机遇,卫生信息化的发展又将在哪些方面促进新医改目标的实现。探讨新医改背景下我国医药卫生信息化建设状况,描述新医改和卫生信息化建设的相互关系,在此基础上分析我国卫生信息化建设面临的困难以及在新医改背景下的发展前景。  相似文献   

对区域卫生信息化的概念、内容进行了介绍,阐述了建设区域卫生信息化的意义,并对我国区域卫生信息化主要存在的问题进行了分析,提出加快我国区域卫生信息化建设步伐的建议。  相似文献   

通过介绍美国区域卫生信息化发展、有效使用EHR计划、区域卫生信息化组织等,探讨推进区域卫生信息化和电子健康档案应用过程中的问题和挑战,包括公共医学术语和技术标准、电子健康档案及区域卫生信息化潜在经济效益、电子健康档案应用保障机制、区域卫生信息化水平评价及区域卫生信息化组织可持续运营等,以提供借鉴。  相似文献   

随着现代信息技术日新月异的发展,各行各业开始广泛的应用信息化。而信息化是对了实现资源的互通和共享,通过对信息技术的充分运用,以促进经济的发展并推动社会的改革。而随着不断深入的卫生体制改革,目前已经初步实现了职业卫生的信息化,并且成绩裴然。但信息化建设过程中,还存在着诸多问题。本文通过对卫生信息化发展现状的分析,对其发展趋势进行了探讨。  相似文献   

首先总结了美国退伍军人医疗系统取得卓越成绩的几点做法;然后结合中国公立医院当前改革的实际情况,提出了对我国公立医院改革的启示,如明确我国公立医院的使命、加强对公立医院改革的领导和把以公立医院为重点的卫生系统整体信息化建设提高到国家卫生发展战略的高度等。  相似文献   

在卫生信息化日快速发展的背景下, 电子健康档案日益被重视并开始逐步推广,但是其中存在的法律问题也同时显现。在分析我国电子健康档案信息安全的基础上,对电子健康档案的法律地位、患者的隐私权、医师注意义务以及政府的公共行政权利等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

目的:了解本地区医院信息化中医疗数据平台的现实应用情况,为推动信息化建设提供参考。方法:以30家我市卫生系统二级以上公立医院(三级医院6家,二级医院24家)为调查对象,调查表内容包括四个部分,包括医院基本情况、信息化部门设置规划情况、资金投入情况和医院数据平台应用情况。结果:有18家医院有信息化发展规划,4家医院信息化发展无规划。医院信息建设资金主要投入方向在硬件,其中二级医院的硬件投入大大超过软件投入,差异有显著性(P<0.05)。同时医疗数据使用平台的效率也不一样,住院病人出入管理系统,门急诊划价收费系统,门急诊药房管理系统使用率排在前三位,使用率最低的为门急诊导医系统。结论:本市医院医疗数据平台的建设大多数还停留在第一个阶段,也是一项复杂的系统工程,要加强信息化工作的组织领导和制定相应的信息化标准规范,建立信息主管制,加大信息化建设的资金投入,真正做到为患者服务。  相似文献   

本文旨在系统的研究农牧业信息化建设的经验和实践操作,在已有的农牧业信息化建设的经验基础上,研究了目前我国尚且存在的农牧业信息化建设问题,并且从正确的研究方向提出了有关农牧业信息化建设的对策。政府在农牧业信息化建设的过程中应该发挥到主要的指导作用,通过大力扶持让农牧业信息化建设的道路走向完善。  相似文献   

信息技术的飞速发展使各行各业都加速了信息化应用的步伐,也推动了医院的信息化进程,为医院提供了新的发展方向。信息化医院的建设,其必要条件是信息管理的智能化和数据的高度共享化,信息化的管理模式为医院的可持续发展带来了巨大的动力和前所未有的机遇,也为医疗卫生事业的发展提供了源动力。  相似文献   

为了解湖北省二级及以上医院信息技术的应用状况,为制定医院信息化建设“十二五”规划提供参考依据,采用普查的方法对湖北省二、三级医院进行问卷调查。结果表明:湖北省二级及以上医院都不同程度地应用现代信息技术,实现业务流程优化,提高医疗服务质量,但对新技术的应用较少,政府及医院应当重视其应用,加大资金等方面的投入力度,使其更好地为临床和医院管理提供决策支持。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,科学技术的快速更新,信息化进程的加快为教育教学的飞跃提供了平台,更对教师提出了挑战。结合黑龙江东方学院《环境微生物学》教学改革实践,对如何合理利用现有信息平台,提高民办高等院校学生对《环境微生物学》的学习兴趣进行探讨。  相似文献   

医院信息化是医院管理水平的重要标志,而临床管理信息化阶段是整个医院信息化管理中非常重要的环节,分析临床管理信息化阶段医疗收费信息化管理流程现状,对其所存在的问题进行剖析和改进设想,以探索更加适合于临床管理信息化阶段的医疗收费管理流程。  相似文献   

Although the architecture of tripartite multiple drug resistance (MDR) efflux pumps of Gram-negative bacteria has been well characterized, the means by which the components recognize each other and assemble into a functional pump remains obscure. In this study we present evidence that the C-terminal domain of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa OprM and the α-helical hairpin domain of Vibrio cholerae VceA play an important role in the recognition/specificity/recruitment step in the assembly of a functional, VceAB-OprM chimeric efflux pump. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence directly linking the C-terminal domain of an outer membrane efflux protein to its recruitment during the assembly of a tripartite efflux pump.  相似文献   

心脑血管疾病大额住院消费统计分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对医院2004-2006年心脑血管疾病大额住院消费(消费大于50000元,以下简称大额消费)病例发病率高的前五种疾病的构成情况、药费、材料费消耗情况进行分析,认为加强大额病例中发病率高的病种的重点管理,是降低医疗费用的有效途径。建议制定常见病大额病种预定额付费方案和审查报销制度;采用适宜技术;控制药费,防止过度医疗,有效地遏制医疗费用的过快增长。  相似文献   

J.Michael Gould  S. Izawa 《BBA》1974,333(3):509-524
1. By using dibromothymoquinone as the electron acceptor, it is possible to isolate functionally that segment of the chloroplast electron transport chain which includes only Photosystem II and only one of the two energy conservation sites coupled to the complete chain (Coupling Site II, observed P/e2 = 0.3–0.4). A light-dependent, reversible proton translocation reaction is associated with the electron transport pathway: H2O → Photosystem II → dibromothymoquinone. We have studied the characteristics of this proton uptake reaction and its relationship to the electron transport and ATP formation associated with Coupling Site II.

2. The initial phase of H+ uptake, analyzed by a flash-yield technique, exhibits linear kinetics (0–3 s) with no sign of transient phenomena such as the very rapid initial uptake (“pH gush”) encountered in the overall Hill reaction with methylviologen. Thus the initial rate of H+ uptake obtained by the flash-yield method is in good agreement with the initial rate estimated from a pH change tracing obtained under continuous illumination.

3. Dibromothymoquinone reduction, observed as O2 evolution by a similar flash-yield technique, is also linear for at least the first 5 s, the rate of O2 evolution agreeing well with the steady-state rate observed under continuous illumination.

4. Such measurements of the initial rates of O2 evolution and H+ uptake yield an H+/e ratio close to 0.5 for the Photosystem II partial reaction regardless of pH from 6 to 8. (Parallel experiments for the methylviologen Hill reaction yield an H+/e ratio of 1.7 at pH 7.6.)

5. When dibromothymoquinone is being reduced, concurrent phosphorylation (or arsenylation) markedly lowers the extent of H+ uptake (by 40–60%). These data, unlike earlier data obtained using the overall Hill reaction, lend themselves to an unequivocal interpretation since phosphorylation does not alter the rate of electron transport in the Photosystem II partial reaction. ADP, Pi and hexokinase, when added individually, have no effect on proton uptake in this system.

6. The involvement of a proton uptake reaction with an H+/e ratio of 0.5 in the Photosystem II partial reaction H2O → Photosystem II → dibromothymoquinone strongly suggests that at least 50% of the protons produced by the oxidation of water are released to the inside of the thylakoid, thereby leading to an internal acidification. It is pointed out that the observed efficiencies for ATP formation (P/e2) and proton uptake (H+/e) associated with Coupling Site II can be most easily explained by the chemiosmotic hypothesis of energy coupling.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms of change in the thermal stability of proteins modified with low molecular weight reagents are discussed. The choice of stabilization mechanisms to be used as a general strategy for increasing enzyme stability by chemical modification is addressed. Hydrophilization of nonpolar surface areas is the most simple and reliable approach to artificial stabilization of enzymes for use in applied biochemistry and biotechnology.  相似文献   

Gel permeation, preparative isoelectric focusing, and affinity chromatography were used to purify three inhibitors of proteolytic activity from perchloric acid extracts of last instar Galleria mellonella larvae. Electrofocusing experiments revealed three isoinhibitors with different isoelectric points: inhibitor I-1 with p1 of pH 5.6, inhibitor I-2, pH 7.7, and inhibitor I-3 (of small inhibitory activity), pH 8.6. By affinity chromatography on trypsin-Sepharose 4B the I-1 was purified 9.7 ×, but 71.1% of inhibitory activity was lost. Molecular mass of the inhibitory complex was 12,600 Da. I-1 and I-2 are relatively stable to heat at several pHs with minor stability at pH 10. I-1 and I-2 inhibit serine proteases about 2.5 times as much as sulfhydryl proteases. In the same ratio protease P-1 and protease P-2 from Metarhizium anisopliae are inhibited.  相似文献   

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