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中草药提取物中单宁(鞣质)的选择性脱除   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
用牛皮为原料通过甲醛交联反应制备胶原纤维吸附材料,采用外加单宁的方法研究了这种吸附材料对双黄莲口服液、银黄注射液及中草药提取物中单宁的选择性吸附能力。结果表明,胶原纤维对单宁具有明显的竞争吸附能力和吸附选择性,在实验条件下单宁的去除率达到97%以上,而对有效成份吸附率很低。皮胶原纤维吸附材料为中药制剂工艺中单宁的高选择性脱除提供了一种新的、有效的方法。  相似文献   

棉花植株中的单宁测定方法研究   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
通过 3种方法测定棉花组织中单宁含量比较表明,Folin酚还原法测定的 4个品种不同组织和不同生育期顶叶的含量显著高于正丁醇盐酸法 (即花色素反应,专门用于缩合单宁的测定)近 2倍,说明这种方法测定出的是相对总酚含量,用于表达棉花缩合单宁的含量是不合适的,而香草醛法测定结果与正丁醇盐酸法差异不显著,可用于棉花组织单宁含量的测定.在棉花各个组织中,花萼、铃皮和叶片缩合单宁含量较高,陆地棉中一般达 5%~10%;花瓣、花柱子房和铃心中含量较低 (2%左右).顶端嫩叶缩合单宁含量从苗期 (1%以下)起不断增加,至吐絮期达最高 (10%左右),表明缩合单宁含量与植物组织成熟衰老和木质化程度密切相关.  相似文献   

为了筛选分离到能够降解缩合单宁的细菌并探究其降解能力,以牛羊粪土为菌源,用梯度驯化法最终分离筛选得到1株能够以缩合单宁为单一碳源生长的降解菌,经形态特征观察、Biolog生理生化测试及16S rRNA基因序列比对分析鉴定,菌B1为1株革兰氏阴性菌,属于肠杆菌属(Enterobacter sp.),在构建的系统发育树上与Enterobacter xiangfangensis 10-17T聚为一支。综合运用紫外分光光度法和高效液相色谱法检测,测得菌B1培养24 h最大OD600值达2.5左右,以计算出的原花青素、儿茶素变化量为指标分析菌B1对缩合单宁的降解能力,即菌B1对落叶松单宁降解率在72 h达90%以上且有儿茶素生成;进一步探究外加碳氮源对菌B1降解情况的影响,实验结果表明,外加氮源可以略微提升菌B1的降解能力,而外加碳源则会使降解率降低。研究结果对于丰富缩合单宁整体研究、提升缩合单宁的应用价值及进一步探究缩合单宁的微生物降解机制都有一定意义。  相似文献   

王壮  杨万勤  谭波  常晨晖  汪沁  蒋雨芮  曹瑞 《生态学报》2021,41(4):1451-1460
倒木分解是森林生态系统中重要的养分循环过程,倒木中的难分解物质对土壤有机质积累具有积极作用。但关于森林林窗和附生植物对倒木难分解物质含量的影响还不清晰。为了理解林窗更新及附生植物生长对倒木总酚和缩合单宁含量的影响,2013年8月在川西高山原始森林进行样地布置,在进行3年附生植物去除处理后,2016年8月在不同林窗位置(林窗、林缘和林下)下两种处理(附生植物去除和保留)不同腐解等级(I-V)进行岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)倒木不同结构(心材、边材和树皮)样品采集,分析其总酚和缩合单宁含量。结果表明:树皮总酚和缩合单宁含量显著高于心材和边材,树皮总酚和缩合单宁含量随腐解等级变化差异不显著;森林林窗对Ⅲ-V腐解等级心材和边材总酚含量具有显著影响,但对心材和边材缩合单宁影响差异不显著,林窗对倒木树皮总酚和缩合单宁含量影响差异极显著且两者含量特征均表现为林窗 > 林缘 > 林下;附生植物去除处理降低了心材缩合单宁和边材总酚含量,增加了倒木边材缩合单宁含量。附生植物去除处理对树皮影响和林窗位置存在交互作用,林缘和林下的倒木附生植物去除显著降低了树皮总酚和缩合单宁含量。此外,不同林窗位置的温度差异是导致树皮总酚和缩合单宁含量变化的主要原因,附生植物去除对倒木pH的影响也可能是影响倒木总酚和缩合单宁含量的原因之一。由此可见,高山森林林窗更新及附生植物生长会显著影响倒木难分解物质含量变化特征,为进一步了解倒木分解过程在养分循环及对环境的响应提供了新的角度。  相似文献   

采用凋落物分解袋法,研究四川低山丘陵区马尾松与檫木、香椿、香樟3种阔叶树种的混合凋落叶及纯马尾松凋落叶分解过程中总酚和缩合单宁的变化特征.设置马尾松:檫木质量比为6:4、7:3、8:2,马尾松:香椿质量比为6:4、7:3、8:2,马尾松:香樟质量比为6:4、7:3、8:2混合处理.结果表明:经过180 d的分解,纯马尾松凋落叶缩合单宁的降解率为84.4%,混合凋落叶缩合单宁的降解率均高于纯马尾松凋落叶.在所有组合中,马尾松:香樟6:4混合凋落叶的缩合单宁和总酚降解率最高,分别为90.3%和68.6%,凋落叶的混合促进了马尾松凋落叶缩合单宁和总酚的分解.随着分解时间的延长,马尾松与3种阔叶凋落叶所有混合处理缩合单宁的降解率均呈现先上升后趋于稳定的趋势.而纯马尾松凋落叶、马尾松:香樟(7:3)和马尾松与香椿的所有混合处理总酚的降解率呈现在分解前90 d上升此后下降的趋势;马尾松与檫木的所有混合处理及马尾松:香樟6:4和8:2混合处理总酚降解率呈现上升趋势.混合凋落叶分解过程中,单宁和总酚的变化特征还与凋落物基质质量、凋落物分解相关酶(多酚氧化酶、过氧化物酶、亮氨酸氨基肽)的活性有关.  相似文献   

单宁是植物内与抗虫性相关的重要次生代谢物质。为了研究昆虫取食及剪叶诱导对兴安落叶松(Larix gmelinii)针叶内缩合单宁含量的影响,用剪叶法和落叶松毛虫(Dendrolimus superans)幼虫取食处理5年生兴安落叶松苗,以香草醛.盐酸法测定其剩余健康针叶内缩合单宁含量的变化。结果表明:(1)处理后1~10d,剪叶4枝75%,8枝50%、75%,12枝25%、50%、75%及虫伤4枝75%的兴安落叶松健康针叶内的缩合单宁含量均明显高于对照(P〈0.01),15d时,剪叶8枝75%,12枝50%的兴安落叶松针叶内的缩合单宁含量仍高于对照(P〈0.05),说明剪叶与虫伤处理均能诱导缩合单宁含量增加。(2)剪叶4枝75%,8枝50%,12枝25%、75%的处理之间,诱导的缩合单宁含量差异不显著(P〉0.05)。剪叶8枝75%,12枝50%诱导缩合单宁含量增加幅度比其它剪叶处理大,且诱导持续时间长。说明剪叶程度虽能影响缩合单宁含量,但二者并不呈线性关系。(3)剪叶4枝75%在5d时诱导缩合单宁含量最高,虫伤4枝75%在10d时诱导缩合单宁含量最高,说明剪叶诱导的缩合单宁含量高峰早于虫伤处理。但处理后1-10d,剪叶及虫伤4枝75%的落叶松针叶内缩合单宁含量均明显高于对照(P〈0.01或P〈0.05),之后与对照差异不显著(P〉0.05),说明在受到诱导处理后,兴安落叶松产生应激反应,使其针叶内缩合单宁含量在一定时间内先增加,后逐渐恢复到正常水平。由上可见,可以采取适当的损伤处理取得与昆虫取食相似的兴安落叶松抗性反应。  相似文献   

采用分光光度法测定了额济纳绿洲胡杨(Populus euphratica)的披针形叶、卵圆形叶、嫩枝、枝(D《5 mm)、枝(5~10 mm)、主干树皮、根(D《2 mm)、根(2~5 mm)和根(5~10 mm)9类器官中的总酚、黄酮和缩合单宁含量.结果表明,总酚含量较高的器官为皮(27.93 mg/s),叶、根、枝中总酚含量分别为17.64 mg/g(两类叶均值)、16.72mg/g(三类根均值)、12.19 mg/g(三类枝均值);黄酮含量较高的器官为皮(51.30 mg/g),叶、根、枝中黄酮含量分别为28.45 mg/g(两类叶均值)、39.99 mg/g(三类根均值)、23.67 mg/g(三类枝均值);根中缩合单宁含量较高,三类根均值为22.10 mg/g,皮、叶、枝中缩合单宁含量分别为8.41 mg/g、4.03 mg/g(两类叶均值)、4.47 mg/g(三类枝均值).披针形叶和卵圆形叶中酚类物质含量没有显著性差异(P》0.05);随着枝不断成熟,嫩枝、枝(D《5mm)、枝(5~10mm)中酚类物质逐渐减少;随着根直径减少,根中缩合单宁逐渐增加,细根(D《2mm)中的缩合单宁含量最高(25.95 mg/g).分析胡杨各器官中酚类物质含量与土壤水分的关系,结果表明卵圆形叶中酚类物质含量与土壤水分含量成显著负相关关系(P《0.05,总酚:r=-0.949;黄酮:r=-0.923;缩合单宁:r=-0.944).研究揭示了极端干旱地区胡杨各器官中酚类物质的变化规律,及其与环境因子的相互作用关系.  相似文献   

单宁是植物内与抗虫性相关的重要次生代谢物质.为了研究昆虫取食及剪叶诱导对兴安落叶松(Larix gmelinii)针叶内缩合单宁含量的影响,用剪叶法和落叶松毛虫(Dendrolimus superans)幼虫取食处理5年生兴安落叶松苗,以香草醛-盐酸法测定其剩余健康针叶内缩合单宁含量的变化.结果表明:(1)处理后1~10d,剪叶4枝75%,8枝50%、75%,12枝25%、50%、75%及虫伤4枝75%的兴安落叶松健康针叶内的缩合单宁含量均明显高于对照(P<0.01),15d时,剪叶8枝75%,12枝50%的兴安落叶松针叶内的缩合单宁含量仍高于对照(P<0.05),说明剪叶与虫伤处理均能诱导缩合单宁含量增加.(2)剪叶4枝75%,8枝50%,12枝25%、75%的处理之间,诱导的缩合单宁含量差异不显著(P>0.05).剪叶8枝75%,12枝50%诱导缩合单宁含量增加幅度比其它剪叶处理大,且诱导持续时间长.说明剪叶程度虽能影响缩合单宁含量,但二者并不呈线性关系.(3)剪叶4枝75%在5d时诱导缩合单宁含量最高,虫伤4枝75%在10d时诱导缩合单宁含量最高,说明剪叶诱导的缩合单宁含量高峰早于虫伤处理.但处理后1~10d,剪叶及虫伤4枝75%的落叶松针叶内缩合单宁含量均明显高于对照(P<0.01或P<0.05),之后与对照差异不显著(P>0.05),说明在受到诱导处理后,兴安落叶松产生应激反应,使其针叶内缩合单宁含量在一定时间内先增加,后逐渐恢复到正常水平.由上可见,可以采取适当的损伤处理取得与昆虫取食相似的兴安落叶松抗性反应.  相似文献   

为明确苜蓿中被蓟马为害后诱导的次生代谢物质含量的变化,以抗蓟马苜蓿R-1和感蓟马苜蓿I-1为材料,以每枝条0 头为对照,研究牛角花齿蓟马不同虫口密度(每枝条1、3、5、7 头)下苜蓿叶片中酚类物质和木质素含量的变化.结果表明: 蓟马为害7 d时,R-1和I-1叶中总酚、单宁和缩合单宁含量随虫口密度增大均升高,简单酚含量无显著差异;木质素含量显著高于对照.为害14 d时,R-1和I-1叶中总酚、单宁和缩合单宁含量随虫口密度增大均升高,简单酚含量无显著差异;木质素含量升高,且每枝条7 头密度下显著高于对照.为害21 d时,R-1和I-1叶中总酚、单宁和木质素含量随虫口密度增大均升高,在每枝条7 头密度下达到最高;R-1简单酚含量变化不显著,I-1简单酚含量显著升高.R-1和I-1叶中缩合单宁含量与对照无显著差异.抗感苜蓿中酚类物质与木质素含量在蓟马为害后均升高,R-1总酚、单宁和木质素含量的增加率均高于I-1.表明蓟马为害对苜蓿植株的总酚、单宁及木质素含量具有诱导效应,可以作为苜蓿抗蓟马的评价指标.  相似文献   

本文研究了不同生长期对不同品种(系)木薯含粉率、氢氰酸和单宁含量等品质特性的影响.结果表明,随着生长期的延长,木薯含粉率呈现先增加后下降的趋势,氢氰酸和单宁含量的变化趋势因品种(系)而异.品种南植在生长7个月收获时,木薯淀粉含量高,氢氰酸和单宁含量较低,品种D、SC和ZM在生长9个月收获时,木薯淀粉含量高,氢氰酸和单宁含量较低,因此适合食品用淀粉的深加工;品种C和E在生长8个月收获时,淀粉含量高,但氢氰酸和单宁含量也较高.本研究探明了不同生长期和品种对鲜木薯含粉率、单宁和氢氰酸含量的影响,为合理选择生长期和木薯品种提供理论支撑.  相似文献   

In this study we report preliminary data on the consumption of tannin-rich plants by sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi verreauxi) living in the Kirindy forest, western Madagascar. Sifakas spent most of their time feeding on only a few plant species. The tannin intake during the period between the pregnancy and birth season was significantly higher in pregnant females or females with lactating infants than in non-reproductive females and males. These periparturient females secured a larger proportion of condensed tannins by short feeding bouts on plants not included in the group's limited preferred food species. The measured increase in tannin intake is puzzling in light of the fact that tannins are commonly known for their protein-binding properties. Since protein demands are highest in pregnant and lactating females, possible medicinal benefits of tannin ingestion are considered. Tannin consumption is associated with an increase in body weight and stimulation of milk secretion. Veterinarians administer tannins as an astringent, anti-hemorrhagic and anti-abortive. Their high potential as an alternative anthelminthic has also recently been recognized. Thus, when viewed as self-medicating behavior, controlled increase in tannin intake could have multiple prophylactic advantages for females during the periparturient period. The high selectivity in their plant choice, and the presence of unusual feeding habits by a particular group of individuals (females with infants) limited in time (birth season), suggests that an increase in tannin ingestion may be a self-medicating behavior with multiple directly adaptive benefits to female reproduction. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The ability of foliar tannins to increase plant resistance to herbivores is potentially determined by the composition of the tannins; hydrolyzable tannins are much more active as prooxidants in the guts of caterpillars than are condensed tannins. By manipulating the tannin compositions of two contrasting tree species, this work examined: (1) whether increased levels of hydrolyzable tannins increase the resistance of red oak (Quercus rubra L.), a tree with low resistance that produces mainly condensed tannins, and (2) whether increased levels of condensed tannins decrease the resistance of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.), a tree with relatively high resistance that produces high levels of hydrolyzable tannins. As expected, when Lymantria dispar L. caterpillars ingested oak leaves coated with hydrolyzable tannins, levels of hydrolyzable tannin oxidation increased in their midgut contents. However, increased tannin oxidation had no significant impact on oxidative stress in the surrounding midgut tissues. Although growth efficiencies were decreased by hydrolyzable tannins, growth rates remained unchanged, suggesting that additional hydrolyzable tannins are not sufficient to increase the resistance of oak. In larvae on condensed tannin-coated maple, no antioxidant effects were observed in the midgut, and levels of tannin oxidation remained high. Consequently, neither oxidative stress in midgut tissues nor larval performance were significantly affected by high levels of condensed tannins. Post hoc comparisons of physiological mechanisms related to tree resistance revealed that maple produced not only higher levels of oxidative stress in the midgut lumen and midgut tissues of L. dispar, but also decreased protein utilization efficiency compared with oak. Our results suggest that high levels of hydrolyzable tannins are important for producing oxidative stress, but increased tree resistance to caterpillars may require additional factors, such as those that produce nutritional stress.  相似文献   

In a survey of 29 species in the 12 seagrass genera, those in the Potamogetonaceae that characteristically have tannin cells in the leaves (Posidonioideae: Posidonia; Cymodoceoideae: Halodule, Syringodium, Cymodocea, Thalassodendron, Amphibolis) contained compounds with the Rf values and color reactions typical of condensed tannins. Species in the Potamogetonaceae that are not characterized by tannin cells in the leaves (Zosteroideae: Zostera, Phyllospadix, Heterozostera) contained compounds with the Rf values associated with condensed tannins but without the typical staining reactions. Two of the three genera in the Hydrocharitaceae (Enhalus, Thalassia) are characterized by tannin cells in the leaves and contain compounds with the Rf values of condensed tannins but only some of the typical staining reactions. The third genus, Halophila, lacks tannin cells in the leaves and contains compounds with the Rf values of condensed tannins without the typical staining reactions. The role of condensed tannins as feeding deterrents because of their protein-binding properties has been well established for many land plants, but their role in seagrass biology has not been assessed fully.  相似文献   

短枝木麻黄小枝单宁对其幼苗生长及单宁含量的效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以短枝木麻黄(Casuarina equisetifolia)小枝中提取的单宁处理其幼苗,探讨其化感作用及其对幼苗单宁含量的影响.结果表明,单宁对木麻黄幼苗的生长有显著抑制作用,且随着处理浓度的升高,抑制作用逐渐增强,处理15 d后,单宁的化感作用对芽长的抑制程度显著高于根长.单宁处理后,幼苗体内单宁含量也发生显著变化,随着处理浓度的升高而逐渐降低,尤其是总酚和可溶性缩合单宁的含量,单宁溶液的浓度与被处理幼苗体内单宁含量间有显著的线性负相关.因此,短枝木麻黄体内的单宁会对同种的幼苗产生化感作用,这种化感作用不仅影响幼苗的生长和发育,也会通过影响幼苗体内次生代谢物质的形成而影响幼苗对食草动物和其他不利因素的抵抗能力.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Community level oak–tannin–insect patterns have been largely unexplored since Paul Feeny's ground‐breaking research. Two hypotheses were tested for Quercus velutina and Q. alba in the Missouri Ozarks: abundance and richness of leaf‐chewing herbivores are negatively correlated with foliar condensed tannin concentrations and variation in condensed tannin concentrations explains variation in herbivore community structure. 2. In 2001, foliar condensed tannins in the understorey and canopy of these two oak species were quantified simultaneously with censuses of herbivores in May, during leaf expansion, and in June and August, when leaves were fully expanded. Thirty‐eight of the 134 species encountered had densities sufficient to be analysed individually (n = 10). Of those, Acronicta increta (Noctuidae) and Attelabus sp. (Curculionidae), both oak specialists, were negatively correlated with condensed tannins in the canopy of Q. alba. One additional specialist, Chionodes pereyra (Gelechiidae), was marginally negatively correlated with condensed tannins in the understorey of Q. velutina. Understorey species richness of May Q. velutina herbivores was negatively correlated with condensed tannins, as were total canopy insect density and species richness of August herbivores on Q. alba. 3. Principal component analysis (PCA) of insect abundances indicated that understorey and canopy Q. velutina and Q. alba had different communities of leaf‐chewing insects. Furthermore, condensed tannin levels contributed significantly to variation in PCA scores for Q. velutina, explaining 25% of the total variation. 4. Overall, these results indicate that specialists were more likely than generalists both to correlate negatively with condensed tannins and to occur in lower tannin habitats; abundance and richness of both early and late season fauna correlated negatively with tannins; and species were more likely to correlate negatively with condensed tannins when feeding on Q. alba than on Q. velutina and when feeding in the canopy than in the understorey. Future studies of tannin–insect interactions should manipulate leaf quality in combination with manipulations of other factors that likely influence community structure.  相似文献   

The tannins, delphinidin and procyanidin were isolated from flowers of white clover (Trifolium repens) and the leaves of Arnot Bristly Locust (Robina fertilis) respectively, and tested for mutagenic properties in a range of systems. There was no evidence for either compound causing significant levels of frameshift or base-pair mutagenesis in bacterial mutagenicity assays, although both were weakly positive in a bacterial DNA-repair test. Both compounds very slightly increased the frequency of petite mutagenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain D5. In V79 Chinese hamster cells, both were efficient inducers of micronuclei. In each of these test systems, increasing the potential of the compound for metabolic activation by addition of 'S9' mix had little effect on toxicity or mutagenicity of either tannin. It would seem that potential chromosome-breaking activity of condensed tannins could represent a carcinogenic hazard for animals grazing on pastures of white clover in flower. It may also have wider implications for human carcinogenesis by some, if not all, condensed tannins.  相似文献   

Warmer temperatures associated with climate change have the potential to accelerate litter decay and subsequently release large amounts of carbon stored in soils. Condensed tannins are widespread secondary metabolites, which accumulate to high concentrations in many woody plants and play key roles in forest soil nutrient cycles. Future elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations are predicted to reduce nitrogen content and increase tannin concentrations in plant tissues, thus reducing litter quality for microbial communities and slowing decomposition rates. How the distinct condensed tannin fractions (water-soluble, acetone:MeOH-soluble and solvent-insoluble) impact soil processes, has not been investigated. We tested the impact of condensed tannin and nitrogen concentrations on decay rates of poplar and Douglas-fir litter at sites spanning temperature and moisture gradients in coastal rainshadow forests in British Columbia, Canada. The three condensed tannin fractions were quantified using recent improvements on the butanol-HCl assay. Decay was assessed based on carbon remaining, while changes in litter chemistry were primarily observed using two methods for proximate chemical analyses. After 0.6 and 1 year of decay, more carbon remained in poplar litter with high, compared to low, condensed tannin concentrations. By contrast, more carbon remained in Douglas fir litter than poplar litter during this period, despite lower condensed tannin concentrations. Rapid early decay was especially attributed to loss of soluble compounds, including water-soluble condensed tannins. Water-insoluble condensed tannin fractions, which were transformed to acid-unhydrolyzable residues over time, were associated with reduced carbon loss in high condensed tannin litter.  相似文献   

Tannins are plant-derived polyphenols with antimicrobial effects. The mechanism of tannin toxicity towards Escherichia coli was determined by using an extract from Acacia mearnsii (Black wattle) as a source of condensed tannins (proanthocyanidins). E. coli growth was inhibited by tannins only when tannins were exposed to oxygen. Tannins auto-oxidize, and substantial hydrogen peroxide was generated when they were added to aerobic media. The addition of exogenous catalase permitted growth in tannin medium. E. coli mutants that lacked HPI, the major catalase, were especially sensitive to tannins, while oxyR mutants that constitutively overexpress antioxidant enzymes were resistant. A tannin-resistant mutant was isolated in which a promoter-region point mutation increased the level of HPI by 10-fold. Our results indicate that wattle condensed tannins are toxic to E. coli in aerobic medium primarily because they generate H(2)O(2). The oxidative stress response helps E. coli strains to overcome their inhibitory effect.  相似文献   

Summary Estimations of condensed tannin content are generally based on calibration standard curves from Quebracho condensed tannins. We generated calibration standard curves from eight Sonoran Desert species for comparison with estimates of tannin concentrations derived from the Quebracho standard curve. Estimates of leaf tannin concentrations of each of the eight species using each species standard curve differed significantly with the estimates given by the Quebracho standard curve. Standard curves constructed from tannins from different individuals of three of the species varied significantly between, but not within, species. The efficiency of precipitation of protein bovine serum albumin (BSA) by each different tannin varied up to a factor of fifty for tannins of different species. Ordering species from highest to lowest based on tannin concentrations or binding efficiencies gave two different ranks. We argue that concentration or efficiency alone do not describe adequately tannin ecological activity. Instead, we suggest combining tannin concentrations and binding efficiencies to measure the protein precipitating potential of a leaf. Leaf protein precipitating potential is a more ecologically realistic parameter, we feel, for between-species comparisons than tannin content or binding efficiencies alone.Operated for the U.S. Department of Energy by the University of California under Contract No. DE-AC03-76-SF00012. This article was supported by the Director of the Office of Energy Research, Office of Health and Environmental Research  相似文献   

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