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贯叶连翘野生转家化前后生物学性状特征观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
野生贯叶连翘 (HypericumperforatumL .)在江苏经过了 3a的引种栽培 ,其生物学特性检测结果表明 ,栽培贯叶连翘的生物量、开花的一致性和生长的适应性等明显优于野生贯叶连翘 ;良好的繁殖方式使贯叶连翘的收获期提前了 1a ;成熟后 3个月采收的种子萌发率较高 ,不同浓度赤霉素处理能明显提高其种子的萌发率 ;贯叶连翘的黑色腺体即分泌细胞球数量与金丝桃素间也基本存在着正相关关系 ,贵州贵阳居群和陕西丹凤居群黑色腺体明显多于其他居群 ,其金丝桃素含量在所有居群中为最高 ,而甘肃武都居群黑色腺体最少 ,其金丝桃素含量在 6个居群中最低。 6个野生居群栽培后生物量相近 ,在 4个不同土壤pH的基地大田中均能良好生长 ,说明江苏地区环境条件完全适合贯叶连翘引种栽培。  相似文献   

张峰  李法曾   《动物学研究》2008,29(1):63-68
为探讨贯叶连翘对慢性应激大鼠生长和脑单胺类神经递质的影响,用15只大鼠设置对照组、应激组和贯叶连翘组3组实验。应激组和贯叶连翘组均进行7天的应激刺激后,贯叶连翘组灌胃贯叶连翘10 d。实验结束后,取3组大鼠的脑组织,用高效液相色谱法测定高香草酸(HVA)、去甲肾上腺素(NE)、多巴胺(DA)和5-羟色胺(5-HT)的含量。结果表明,应激组大鼠日增重明显低于对照组;而贯叶连翘组大鼠的日增重明显高于应激组。应激组大鼠海马、纹状体和前额叶中的HVA、NE、DA和5-HT与对照组间均无显著差异。贯叶连翘组大鼠纹状体中的DA含量明显高于应激组;而前额叶中的DA则明显低于应激组。因此,贯叶连翘对慢性应激引起的大鼠生长受抑有缓解作用,对其脑内单胺类神经递质有部分调节作用。  相似文献   

为探讨贯叶连翘对慢性应激大鼠生长和脑单胺类神经递质的影响,用15只大鼠设置对照组、应激组和贯叶连翘组3组实验。应激组和贯叶连翘组均进行7天的应激刺激后,贯叶连翘组灌胃贯叶连翘10d。实验结束后,取3组大鼠的脑组织,用高效液相色谱法测定高香草酸(HVA)、去甲肾上腺素(NE)、多巴胺(DA)和5-羟色胺(5-HT)的含量。结果表明,应激组大鼠日增重明显低于对照组;而贯叶连翘组大鼠的日增重明显高于应激组。应激组大鼠海马、纹状体和前额叶中的HVA、NE、DA和5-HT与对照组间均无显著差异。贯叶连翘组大鼠纹状体中的DA含量明显高于应激组;而前额叶中的DA则明显低于应激组。因此,贯叶连翘对慢性应激引起的大鼠生长受抑有缓解作用,对其脑内单胺类神经递质有部分调节作用。  相似文献   

正交设计优选贯叶连翘中总黄酮提取工艺   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文采用正交设计实验,对影响贯叶连翘总黄酮提取工艺的因素进行了系统考察。结果发现,以总黄酮得率作为考察指标,影响贯叶连翘总黄酮提取的主次因素为:溶媒种类>提取时间>提取次数>溶剂用量,其中溶媒种类、提取时间、提取次数均对总黄酮的提取有显著性影响;贯叶连翘中总黄酮的最佳提取工艺条件为:用10倍量80%乙醇提取3次,每次1h。建立了以UV法测定贯叶连翘中总黄酮的含量方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨贯叶连翘提取物对小鼠免疫性心肌炎的治疗作用。方法:猪心肌球蛋白免疫BALB/C小鼠,建立免疫性心肌炎模型。结果:贯叶连翘提取物能抑制小鼠脾脏组织,降低外周血T淋巴细胞CD4/CD8比例和血清肌球蛋白自身抗体滴度,减轻心肌内淋巴细胞浸润。结论:贯叶连翘提取物对小鼠免疫性心肌炎有治疗作用。  相似文献   

高压静电场对贯叶连翘种子休眠破除及药用成分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将高压静电场(HVEF)技术应用于贯叶连翘种子休眠破除及组培苗培养,结果显示,贯叶连翘种子在静电场(100 kv/m)中处理1 h,其发芽势(SPO)和发芽率(SPT)是对照组(无静电处理)的5.69倍和2.45倍;贯叶连翘组培苗在静电场(135 kv/m~150 kv/m)中处理1 h,其药用成分总金丝桃素含量和贯叶金丝桃素含量是对照组的1.35~1.53倍;静电场(150 kv/m)处理后,POD活性是其对照的1.30倍.研究表明,一定强度的静电场作用,能有效提高贯叶连翘种子发芽率,促进总金丝桃素和贯叶金丝桃素代谢含量.  相似文献   

贯叶连翘抗抑郁研究新进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
贯叶连翘,又名圣约翰草,是传统中药材之一,圣约翰草在德国用于抗抑郁症已有几百年的历史。贯叶连翘提取物对轻度和中度抑郁症患者和动物模型都有很好疗效,最新药理学研究表明贯叶连翘提取物中抗抑郁的主要成分是贯叶金丝桃素。贯叶金丝桃素是神经递质5-羟色胺(5-HT)、多巴胺(DA)、去甲肾上腺素(NE)的非竞争性重吸收抑制剂,贯叶金丝桃素还可以抑制突触体对γ氨基丁酸(GABA)和L-谷氨酸(L-glu)的重吸收,其作用机理至今还不甚明了,研究表明它的作用很可能是通过提高突触体细胞内钠离子浓度或通过降低突触体内突触小泡的跨膜pH梯度实现的。  相似文献   

贯叶连翘的开花动态与繁育系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
野外观察贯叶连翘的开花进程和花部形态特征,运用花粉萌发、杂交指数、花粉-胚珠比等方法测定其繁育系统。结果显示:贯叶连翘雌雄异熟,柱头先花药成熟,雌雄蕊无明显异位。单花花期4~5d。仅在开花当日有昆虫传粉,蜜蜂为主要传粉者。花粉在花药开裂1h后活力最大,萌发率达40.10%,花粉在柱头萌发3h后接近子房。根据杂交指数(OCI)推测其繁育系统属于异交,部分自交亲和,有时需要传粉者。花粉-胚珠比(P/O)则表明贯叶连翘的繁育系统为兼性异交。贯叶连翘结实率低,可能与花粉活力,花粉管的生长速度及花粉在柱头的竞争有关。  相似文献   

对金丝桃属5组9种植物的种子进行了宏观及微观形态学研究,以探讨岐山金丝桃的系统位置。结果显示,种子形态特征在本实验观察的5个组之间有明显差异。其中金丝桃组种子外形较为细长,种皮纹饰为狭长而规则的矩形网纹;黄海棠组种子稍粗,种皮纹饰为长宽近等的多边形(稀矩形)网纹;元宝草组的元宝草、贯叶连翘组的贯叶连翘以及挺茎遍地金组的云南小连翘种子均较小,元宝草种皮纹饰为负网纹,贯叶连翘种皮纹饰为相邻网纹间有间隙的近圆形网纹,云南小连翘种皮纹饰为复网纹。研究显示,岐山金丝桃的种子形态与黄海棠组最为接近,支持岐山金丝桃归于黄海棠组。  相似文献   

金丝桃素是贯叶连翘的主要药理活性成分。本文概述了金丝桃素的化学与生物合成途径,介绍了金丝桃素在贯叶连翘个体发育过程中的积累以及利用贯叶连翘的细胞和组织培养技术生产与积累金丝桃素的研究进展。最后,指出分子生物学和电子显微镜技术的发展为深入研究金丝桃素的产生和积累提供了有利工具。  相似文献   

Hypericum perforatum extracts are used mainly as oral antidepressants. Depending on source the extracts contain various amounts of phenylpropanes, flavonol derivates, biflavones, proathocyanidines, xanthones, phloroglucinoles, some amino acids, naphtodianthrones (hypericines) and essential oil constituents. The therapeutic use of Hypericum perforatum extracts however is limited by their phototoxic potential. It was the aim of the present study to investigate the phototoxic potential of 3 Hypericum perforatum extracts from different sources as well as some of its main constituents. In order to systematically study the phototoxic potential we established a modified neutral red assay utilizing an immortalized human keratinocyte cell line (HaCaT cells) as substrate and UVA irradiation. This modified neutral red assay was found to be a simple and reliable method for detecting phototoxic effects of reference agents and plant extracts. The validity of this method was demonstrated with known phototoxic compounds like chloropromazine and psoralenes like 5-MOP. Hypericum perforatum extracts demonstrated cytotoxicity and photocytotoxicity in a dose and UVA-dose dependent manner. Hypericine itself also evoked severe phototoxic effects and was thus identified as the main phototoxic constituent. Among the tested flavonoids quercitrin was found to be cytotoxic, while rutin unexpectedly demonstrated phototoxicity whereas quercitrin was effective to control the phototoxic activity of Hypericum perforatum extracts.  相似文献   

The composition of the volatile oils from the aerial parts of Hypericum perforatum L. collected in six localities from southeastern France was analysed by GC-MS. Twenty-nine to 41 compounds have been identified in these volatile oils. The main constituents were sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, and minor variations were pointed out in the oil composition among the six populations. However, the composition of all the analysed oils greatly varied from that of the previous studies, carried out on H. perforatum essential oils from other localities, in which monoterpenoids were the major constituents, particularly, the alpha-pinene.  相似文献   

软枣猕猴桃挥发物质的提取及GC-MS分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用气相色谱—质谱联机的分析方法,从软枣猕猴桃挥发成分中共分离出13个组分,鉴定了12个组分,占全部组分的 99.03%。其主要成分是酯类、醇类物质,其中丁酸乙酯的相对含量高达 86.89%。  相似文献   

窄叶火筒树叶挥发油的化学成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
火筒树属(Leea L.)全世界约有70种,主产亚洲热带地区,中国分布有6种。火筒树属植物除了是很好的园艺和观赏植物外,许多种类可作药用,具有活血散瘀、愈溃生肌、清热解毒等功效,可用于治疗感冒发热、风湿痹痛、疮疡肿毒、咀嚼痛、跌打损伤、乳房肿痛、毒蛇咬伤,黄疸性肝炎等疾病。国内外对火筒树属植物的药理活性,特别是有关化学成分的研究报道很少。  相似文献   

The chemical composition of the essential oils of five natural populations of P. ovalifolia from central and southwest China and their interpopulation variability were first analyzed by using GC-MS. Twenty-two essential oil compounds were obtained, in which eighteen ones were identified and characterized representing 95%-96% of the oil composition. Three main chemotypes, i.e., the methyl-acetyl-hydroquinone-rich, hydroquinone-rich, and acetyl-hydroquinone-rich chemotypes, were then differentiated, corresponding to the three groups obtained from the cluster analysis based on the essential oil composition percentages. Genetic variations among the five populations were also investigated using the Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) markers. Finally, the Mantel test showed that there was a significant correlation between two distance matrices based on the chemical compounds of essential oils and ISSR markers, confirming the congruence of interpopulation relationships in the P. ovalifolia revealed by the chemical and molecular markers  相似文献   

采用色谱—质谱—计算机(GC/MS)联用分析仪对矮依兰油、高依兰油和进口依兰油的主要化学成份进行了鉴定,尽管它们的成份及其含量有较大差异,但其整体香气特征无明显的差异,均可用作调香原料。  相似文献   

The chemical composition of the head space and essential oil of fresh flowers of KU-Shui rose, which were collected by adsorption with Paropark Q (60–80 mesh) and steam distillation-extraction respectively, have been identified both by capillary gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and the Kovats Index of the components. From the head space, 63 compounds have been identified, among which 27 compounds were not present or found only in trace amount in the essential oil. From the essential oil, 79 compounds have been identified, among which 55 compounds have not been found in this flower previously.  相似文献   

Hitherto unknown biological properties and the chemical composition of the essential oil isolated from propolis of Indian origin were established. GC/MS Analysis of the essential oil revealed the presence of 32 constituents, of which ten were major compounds, nine had intermediate contents, and 13 were minor compounds. With the exception of six minor constituents, that could not be identified, their identification was based on the comparison of their mass spectra and Kovats retention indices with those listed in the NIST and Wiley mass spectral libraries. Their structural assignment was confirmed by GC/MS co‐injection of the essential oil with authentic compounds. Quantification of the components was done by GC‐FID analyses. Moreover, the essential oil was shown to possess repellent activity against the honeybee Apis florea. The activity was found to be dose dependent. The average repellency (ΔR) increased with increasing essential‐oil concentration up to 24 μg/ml and remained constant for the formulation with the higher concentration. These findings established the chemical constitution of the essential oil and might be useful to beekeepers for the improvement of the bee management.  相似文献   

The essential oil composition of Calendula arvensis was established for the first time using GC and GC/MS. Eighty-five essential oil components were identified, which accounted for 90.3 g/100 g of essential oil. The oil contained a high concentration of sesquiterpenes, of which δ-cadinene and α-cadinol were the main components. The chemical composition of 25 Corsican C. arvensis oils was analyzed to determine intraspecies variation in essential oil composition. A matrix linking essential oil composition to sample location was composed to identify relationships between concentrations of volatile samples and the geographical origins of samples. Two main groups of compounds were identified according to the amount of sesquiterpenic compounds (hydrocarbons and alcohols) and soil characteristics. Seasonal variation (winter vs. spring) in the concentrations of two major compounds during the flowering period was observed.  相似文献   

The chemical composition and in vitro antimicrobial activities of Dittrichia graveolens (L.) Greuter essential oil was studied. Moreover, using agglomerative hierarchical cluster (AHC) and principal component analyses (PCA), the interrelationships of the D. graveolens essential‐oil profiles characterized so far (including the sample from this study) were investigated. To evaluate the chemical composition of the essential oil, GC‐FID and GC/MS analyses were performed. Altogether, 54 compounds were identified, accounting for 92.9% of the total oil composition. The D. graveolens oil belongs to the monoterpenoid chemotype, with monoterpenoids comprising 87.4% of the totally identified compounds. The major components were borneol (43.6%) and bornyl acetate (38.3%). Multivariate analysis showed that the compounds borneol and bornyl acetate exerted the greatest influence on the spatial differences in the composition of the reported oils. The antimicrobial activity against five bacterial and one fungal strain was determined using a disk‐diffusion assay. The studied essential oil was active only against Gram‐positive bacteria.  相似文献   

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