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声信号是鸟类交流的重要方式。鸟类的鸣声特征受到生境的塑造和性选择,也受到发声器官的影响,如种间的比较研究发现,体重大的鸟类鸣声频率低,喙短的鸟类鸣声频宽大。在种内是否也存在类似的规律,目前的结论还不一致。2012年6月,在北京小龙门地区(40°00'N,115°26'E)测量了17只灰眉岩鹀(Emberiza godlewskii)的形态参数以及鸣声的频率特征,未发现体重或喙长与鸣声的最高频率、最低频率、峰频或频宽存在显著的相关性。本研究的结果支持在小型雀形目鸟类中,体型对繁殖期鸣唱频率特征的影响不显著。  相似文献   

王爱真  吴君  王稳  魏青 《四川动物》2022,(2):162-167
城镇化提高了环境噪音水平,一般认为高水平的噪音对城市鸟类鸣声的传播会带来不利影响。城市鸟类可以通过提高最低频率、增加鸣唱长度和缩短鸣唱的起始音素长度等不同的响应模式调节其鸣唱特征以实现鸣唱的有效传播。本研究采用Avisoft SASLab Pro比较了西宁市3个不同噪音水平下,金翅雀Chloris sinica的鸣唱特征(最高频率、最低频率、频宽、主峰频率、鸣唱时间和起始音素时间)的差异,以探索鸟类对梯度噪音水平的响应模式。结果表明,随着噪音水平的升高,鸣唱的最低频率和最高频率呈现出高-低-高的变化模式,鸣唱时间和起始音素时间呈现出短-长-短的变化模式;高、低噪音组内不同地点的鸣唱主峰频率差异显著(P<0.05)。结合鸣唱地点的植被特征,推测金翅雀在提高鸣唱频率避免被噪音掩蔽和降低频率以利于在林间传播之间可能存在一个权衡,鸣唱频率和鸣唱长度可能存在一定的关联,而主峰频率对噪音外的其他环境因子更敏感。  相似文献   

麻雀是城市和乡村均有分布的鸟类物种.快速的城市化正在使城市麻雀的栖息地和食物资源大量减少.以北京市为例,研究了麻雀的体质水平沿城市化梯度的变化,以期为我国城市化过程中的鸟类保护提供参考.研究结果表明城市高层楼房居民区、低层楼房居民区以及大学校园中麻雀的体质指数显著低于郊区环境,而城市公园和平房居民区麻雀的体质水平则与郊区环境的差异较小.随采样点城市化水平的增加,麻雀的体质水平呈下降趋势,高度城市化的环境导致麻雀的体质水平下降.在城市化过程中,增加城市公园的数量及居民区的植被覆盖量可为麻雀等鸟类提供必要的生活资源,从而实现城市化过程中的生物多样性保护.  相似文献   

邓梦先  梁丹  罗旭 《动物学杂志》2021,56(2):171-179
鸣声在鸟类通讯、配偶吸引和领域保卫等方面均有重要作用。本研究旨在探讨雀形目火尾绿鹛(Myzornispyrrhoura)繁殖期的鸣声类型及其生物学意义。于2013和2014年的3至7月在云南高黎贡山片马垭口、独龙江垭口录制了成鸟(n=30)、3个家庭的幼鸟(n=6)和1巢雏鸟(n=2)的鸣声。依据鸣声发出时的个体行为特征,将录制的成鸟鸣声分为3种类型,即联络鸣叫、报警鸣叫和雄性鸣唱。其中,雄鸟鸣唱的语图明显比其他鸣叫声更复杂。而样本量较多的多声联络鸣叫和报警鸣叫的声学特征在个体间有显著差异。雏鸟随着日龄的增加,其鸣声的音节数和持续时间均增加,但峰频率随日龄增加而降低,至20日龄雏鸟和幼鸟鸣叫特征十分相似。野外观察发现,火尾绿鹛在繁殖期的鸣唱较少,其原因尚需进一步研究。  相似文献   

许多动物的声通讯行为存在显著的季节变化,鸟类的鸣唱也是如此。雄鸟鸣唱具有宣告领域和吸引配偶的功能,在繁殖季节与非繁殖季节之间应存在一定差异,但差异如何?具体表现在哪些方面?这在很多鸟类中尚未可知。本研究以一种在秋季也有显著鸣唱行为的城市常见小型鸣禽——白头鹎(Pycnonotussinensis)为研究对象,比较其在春季(繁殖季)与秋季(非繁殖季)的鸣唱差异,并分析可能的原因。于2020至2021连续两年的春、秋季分别在武汉地区各采集了27只和30只雄性白头鹎的鸣唱录音,共测量分析春季鸣唱372个,秋季鸣唱435个。对测得的各鸣唱参数数据进行季节间比较,结果显示,白头鹎的鸣唱持续时间和鸣唱音节数存在显著季节差异,春季鸣唱的持续时间较秋季更长,鸣唱音节数更多。鸣唱的频率、能量分布等其他声学参数,以及鸣唱型出现率(反映鸣唱曲目大小)均未表现出显著季节差异。白头鹎鸣唱的时程特征相对其他鸣声特征更具季节可塑性。此外,还发现同一采样点的白头鹎春、秋两季使用相同的鸣唱型。本研究结果表明,春季白头鹎的单位时间鸣唱输出量更大,鸣唱行为更活跃,这与繁殖季节鸟类的领域性更强、为繁殖成功投入更多相一致。白头...  相似文献   

崖沙燕繁殖期雄鸟的鸣叫行为   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2003年3月~2004年4月在南充市郊的嘉陵江边记录了崖沙燕(Riparia riparia)繁殖期雄鸟的呜叫。声谱分析结果表明,崖沙燕繁殖期有8种呜叫(恫吓叫声、屈服叫声、求救叫声、警报叫声以及4种鸣唱声)。通过对其行为的实时观察,确定了每种呜叫的生物学意义。4种叫声是整个繁殖期的主要呜叫,而4种鸣唱声则主要出现在开春以后的集群求偶与筑巢期间。虽其鸣唱声仅有两种类型的短音节,但通过组合可形成含有多达4个或6个音节的鸣唱声。鸣唱声的持续时间分别为3184、1030、1274、1232ms。鸣唱声中的间歇时间分别占持续时间的47%、39%、50%、48%。  相似文献   

冯莹莹  梁丹  李兴权  罗旭 《生态学报》2021,41(21):8673-8684
鸟类鸣唱存在广泛的地理变异,研究鸟类鸣唱变异的模式及其影响因素可帮助解释自然界中广泛而复杂的鸣声变异现象。灰腹地莺(Tesia cyaniventer)是在高黎贡山海拔2000-2800 m分布的小型地栖性森林鸟类。高黎贡山南北走向的山脊海拔通常在3000m以上,这导致灰腹地莺东、西坡种群被山脊所隔离。该种小鸟鸣声洪亮易于鉴别,其鸣声地理变异可揭示山地对鸟类种群产生的隔离效应。在高黎贡山片马垭口和独龙江垭口的东西坡4个地点录制了灰腹地莺的鸣声(n=58),基于声谱分析比较了种群间鸣唱的质量特征,发现种群间鸣唱型的共享程度极低,而音节型在4个种群间均有共享。进一步测量了11个鸣唱的数量特征参数,有6个参数在不同种群间有显著差异:最低频率、中心频率、频率宽度、起始音节频率、首二音节的时间间隔、句子平均音节数。种群间的两两比较表明,鸣声特征差异呈现"隔离-距离"共同作用的格局,但隔离的影响更大。研究表明山地系统中影响鸟类鸣声地理变异的因素较为复杂,山地隔离和空间距离均对灰腹地莺的鸣唱特征产生了影响。  相似文献   

环境噪音对鸟类鸣声的影响及鸟类的适应对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在高噪音环境中生存的动物,发出的声信号会与噪声的频率、振幅和时间等重叠,使动物声信号的传播效率降低.鸟类主要靠鸣声通讯,鸣声传播效率下降会影响鸟类个体间识别、配偶关系、领域防卫、种群密度、群落结构等.本文综述了城市噪音、自然噪音等环境噪声对鸟类鸣声的影响以及鸟类的适应对策,提出在城市化进程中要关注噪音对鸟类的影响,并展望了本领域今后可能的研究热点.  相似文献   

夜栖地是昼行性鸟类夜间重要的栖息场所,鸟类对夜栖地的选择有明显偏好性。随着城市化加剧,城市绿地逐步成为城市鸟类生存的庇护所,如何适应城市环境的干扰并安全夜栖于城市绿地中是鸟类在不同生活史阶段均需面临的问题。为探讨城市绿地中鸟类的夜栖地选择,本研究于2014年3月至2015年2月在广西宜州市区龙江河畔,采用系统调查法对鹊鸲(Copsychus saularis)繁殖期和非繁殖期的夜栖树种、夜栖地特征的17个生态因子进行了比较。结果显示:鹊鸲共选择15种夜栖树,繁殖期和非繁殖期的树种选择差异极显著,2个时期均选择5种夜栖树,其中利用频次较高的是桂花(Osmanthus fragrans)、杧果(Mangifera indica)和佛肚竹(Bambusa ventricosa)。主成分分析发现,繁殖期和非繁殖期夜栖地选择的主要因素均是栖树、栖枝隐蔽性以及周围安全性因素,其他栖枝、水源和食物因素次之,最后为干扰因素;其中,栖树和栖枝高度、乔木、草本和栖枝下方盖度等9个生态因子在2个时期间具有差异性。城市鹊鸲在生活史不同阶段选择最适夜栖地,体现出对强干扰城市生境的适应性。在未来城市绿化配置和建设中需增加具不同栖枝、树高和盖度特征的乔木树种,提高灌木和草本植被多样性,以满足不同鸟类对城市绿地中夜栖地的需求。  相似文献   

繁殖期黄喉Wu的领域鸣唱及其种内个体识别   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在镜泊湖自然保护区收录黄喉wu(Emberiza elegans)的鸣唱声,室内作出鸣唱的语图和声谱图。繁殖期黄喉wu领域鸣唱的频率范围2.4-6KHz,有13-28个音节,2-3泛音,鸣唱持续时间2.2-4.0秒;具有相似的频谱结构,但种内个体间亦存在差异。野外对比实验的结果可说明,黄喉wu有识别邻鸟和陌生鸟领域鸣唱的能力,有对声音的记忆和定位的能力。  相似文献   



The Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 virus has dramatically spread throughout Southeast Asia since its first detection in 1997. Merit Release Birds, such as the Eurasian Tree Sparrow, are believed to increase one''s positive karma when kissed and released during Buddhist rituals. Since these birds are often in close contact with both poultry and humans, we investigated their potential role in the spread of H5N1 virus.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Seven series of experiments were conducted in order to investigate the possible interactions between inoculated and exposed birds, including sparrow/sparrow, sparrow/chicken, duck/sparrow. Daily and post-mortem samples collected were tested for H5N1 virus by real-time RT-PCR and egg inoculation. When directly inoculated, Eurasian Tree Sparrows were highly susceptible to the H5N1 virus, with a fatality rate approaching 100% within 5 days post-inoculation. Although transmission of fatal infection between sparrows did not occur, seroconversion of the exposed birds was observed. Up to 100% chickens exposed to inoculated sparrows died of H5N1 infection, depending on the caging conditions of the birds, while a fatality rate of 50% was observed on sparrows exposed to infected ducks. Large quantities of H5N1 virus were detected in the sparrows, particularly in their feathers, from which infectious particles were recovered.


Our study indicates that under experimental conditions, Eurasian Tree Sparrows are susceptible to H5N1 infection, either by direct inoculation or by contact with infected poultry. Their ability to transmit H5N1 infection to other birds is also demonstrated, suggesting that the sparrows may play a role in the dissemination of the virus. Finally, the presence of significant quantities of H5N1 virus on sparrows'' feathers, including infectious particles, would suggest that Merit Release Birds represent a risk for human contamination in countries where avian influenza virus is circulating and where this religious ritual is practiced.  相似文献   

Urban habitats are noisy and constrain acoustic communication in birds. We analysed the effect of anthropogenic noise on the vocalization characteristics of House Wrens Troglodytes aedon at two sites with different noise levels (rural and urban). We measured in each song and song trill the frequency bandwidth, maximum amplitude, highest and minimum frequency, and trill rate. In noisy urban environments, there was a reduction in bandwidth and an increase in trill rate relative to quieter, rural environments. The whole song of birds from both populations increased in minimum frequency as noise increased, improving song transmission.  相似文献   

Capsule Large buntings prefer cereal grains whilst sparrows also take oily seeds.

Aims To determine seed food preferences of Tree Sparrow Passer montanus and Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra.

Methods Forty seed choice experiments were conducted at two sites over two winters. In each experiment, two seed types were provided and the number of visits made by birds to each type was recorded over a set period. At one site, Tree Sparrows were colour-ringed, allowing choices made by individual birds to be recorded. Data were also collected for House Sparrow Passer domesticus, Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella and Reed Bunting E. schoeniclus.

Results All five species fed intensively on cereal grain, and wheat and oats were consistently preferred to barley. Sparrows and Reed Buntings also took maize, which was avoided by Corn Bunting and Yellowhammer. Tree Sparrow exhibited a broad diet, selecting cereal grain and oily seeds including sunflower and oilseed rape, but rye-grass seed was almost completely avoided.

Conclusion Cereal grain should be a key component of over-winter provision of seed for farmland passerines, especially when targeted at Corn Bunting and Yellowhammer. Oily seeds such as brassicas and sunflower will benefit species with more generalist diets, including Tree Sparrows.  相似文献   

Nestlings of many avian brood parasites are virtuosos at mimicking host nestling vocalizations, which, like egg mimicry, presumably ensures acceptance by host parents. Having been accepted, parasitic nestlings then often exaggerate the aspects of the host's display to increase parental care. Host nestlings may, in turn, exaggerate their vocalizations to keep up with the parasite, though this possibility has not been evaluated. We experimentally parasitized song sparrow (Melospiza melodia) nests with a brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater) chick to evaluate how host nestlings respond. Vocalizations emitted from experimentally parasitized nests were higher in frequency, and louder, than those from unparasitized nests, consistent with the cowbird exaggerating its signalling. In response, host nestlings exaggerated the frequency and amplitude of their vocalizations, such that they resembled the cowbird's while they 'scaled back' on calls per parental provisioning bout. Sparrows in parasitized nests were fed equally often as sparrows in unparasitized nests, suggesting that exaggerating some aspects of vocalization while scaling back on others can help host nestlings confronted with a cowbird. Our results support the recently proposed hypothesis that signalling in parasitized nests involves a dynamic interaction between parasitic and host nestlings, rather than a one-way process of mimicry by the parasite.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of p,p'-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (p,p'-DDT), fasting and flight on thyroid hormones and corticosterone in Gambel's White-crowned Sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelli). Female sparrows were dosed daily with either 5 mg p,p'-DDT per kg body mass or corn oil vehicle over 3 days. On the fifth day the sparrows were divided into 3 groups: (1) unstressed - non-stressed control sparrows; (2) fasted - sparrows fasted for intervals ranging from 20 min to 9 h; or (3) flown - sparrows flown in a wind tunnel for intervals between 20 min and 2.5 h while fasting. Half the sparrows from each group received DDT (DDT-dosed sparrows) and the other half corn oil vehicle only (vehicle sparrows). Trunk blood plasma was analyzed for thyroxine, triiodothyronine and corticosterone using radioimmunoassay. In the flown group, corticosterone was elevated (DDT-dosed 35.52 ng/ml, P < or = 0.05), and thyroxine was depressed (DDT-dosed 4.09 ng/ml, P < or = 0.05; vehicle 4.33 ng/ml, P < or = 0.05). Elevated corticosterone likely decreased thyroid hormone production through a negative feedback mechanism originating at the hypothalamus. Mean triiodothyronine concentrations did not differ among any of the test groups. Relative to time fasted and flown, thyroxine decreased in flown birds dosed with DDT (P < 0.001) and triiodothyronine decreased in fasted birds dosed with DDT (P = 0.004). The increased rate of hormone diminution may be a result of the ability of DDT to induce microsomal enzyme production.  相似文献   

The Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) is a dominant species in urban bird communities. With the development of urbanization, the habitats and sources of food for Tree Sparrows are decreasing. Can the urban Tree Sparrow adapt to changes in the urban environment? To answer this question, we studied the habitat use of Tree Sparrows in eight types of urban areas in Beijing. The results show that the number of both breeding and wintering Tree Sparrows decreased with increasing urbanization. The habitat use of Tree Sparrows, analyzed using stepwise discriminant analysis, was positively correlated with the number of brick bungalows, coniferous and broad-leaved trees and air conditioners. It was negatively correlated with the area of high buildings and hardened roads, pedestrian and automobile flux. This indicates that the Tree Sparrow had not adapted to rapid urbanization even though it is a generally adaptable species. Urban planning should take birds such as the Tree Sparrow into consideration. __________ Translated from Biodiversity Science, 2006, 14(5): 372–381 [译自:生物多样性]  相似文献   

The Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) is a dom-inant species in urban bird communities.With the devel-opment of urbanization,the habitats and sources of food for Tree Sparrows are decreasing.Can the urban Tree Sparrow adapt to changes in the urban environment? To answer this question,we studied the habitat use of Tree Sparrows in eight types of urban areas in Beijing.The results show that the number of both breeding and winter-ing Tree Sparrows decreased with increasing urbanization.The habitat use of Tree Sparrows,analyzed using stepwise discriminant analysis,was positively correlated with the number of brick bungalows,coniferous and broad-leaved trees and air conditioners.It was negatively correlated with the area of high buildings and hardened roads,pedestrian and automobile flux.This indicates that the Tree Sparrow had not adapted to rapid urbanization even though it is a generally adaptable species.Urban planning should take birds such as the Tree Sparrow into consideration.  相似文献   

Low‐frequency traffic noise that leads to acoustic masking of vocalizations may cause birds to alter the frequencies or other components of their vocalizations in order to be heard by conspecifics and others. Altering parts of a vocalization may result in poorer vocal performance or the message contained in the vocalization being received incorrectly. During the winters of 2011–2012 and 2012–2013, we recorded and measured the ‘chick‐a‐dee’ call of Black‐capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) and the ‘po‐ta‐to‐chip’ call of American Goldfinches (Spinus tristis) to determine whether components of the calls produced in areas of high traffic noise and low traffic noise differed in any way. We found that both chickadee and goldfinch calls had higher minimum frequencies in areas with high traffic‐noise than in low traffic‐noise areas. The maximum frequencies showed no differences in either species' calls. This suggests that chickadees and goldfinches alter the part of their calls that are acoustically masked by traffic noise in effort to better transmit the vocalization. These differences suggest that increasing anthropogenic noise may influence avian communication and that noise management should be included in conservation planning.  相似文献   

饥饿驯化对树麻雀消化道长度和重量的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
鸟类消化系统的形态结构与能量摄入密切相关.本文以相同环境中进食量充足的树麻雀(Passer montanus)为对照组,与4种处于相同饥饿环境但不同饥饿天数(1D、3D、5D、7D组)树麻雀的各消化器官的长度及重量进行比较.结果显示,饥饿驯化各组树麻雀的体重和体脂含量均低于对照组;1D组树麻雀的消化器官胃、小肠、直肠长度显著增长,重量显著增加;3D、5D、7D组各消化器官的长度和重量表现出波动的变化趋势,摄食量的限制是胃干重没有发生显著变化的原因.结论是,摄能需求的不同引起树麻雀消化器官长度和重量发生显著变化,这种变化可对摄食量及消化吸收率产生直接的影响,同时这种适应性变化应当是快速、可逆和可重复的,是消化器官形态结构与功能能力及器官自身能耗之间能量预算的结果,也是个体与环境及适合度之间能量预算的结果.  相似文献   

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