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紫茎泽兰的CO2交换特性   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:9  
紫茎泽兰是一种外来入侵有害植物,从CO2交换特性角度研究其入侵特性的报道较少。对其生殖器官(花和果)和营养器官(茎杆和根系和不同生长条件下的叶片)气体交换特性进行了测定,并与8种本地种和已报到的世界主要草本和木本植物的光合速率、呼吸速率进行了对比。在结果中观察到,不同叶片的净光合能力和呼吸速率差异较大,同一茎杆不同叶片、不同年龄株丛和同一株丛不同年龄分株上叶片、不同生境内嫩叶、成叶和老叶、不同长度节间上生长叶片以及基生叶和顶生叶光合能力都受到气孔限制和非气孔限制(羧化能力)的影响,但不同叶片所受的限制程度不同。综合来看,最大叶片净光合速率为17.6μmol·m-2s-1,分布最集中的区域为11~15μmol·m-2s-1,占所有观测值的50%,而叶片暗呼吸速率70%以上的观测结果在1~3μmol·m-2s-1之间,分布最集中的区域在1.5~2.0μmol·m-2s-1,占所有测定值的40%。生殖器官具有较高的代谢机能,其中幼嫩花蕾的呼吸速率高达37μmol·kg-1DWs-1,其呼吸速率平均比茎杆和根系高出4倍。而且,花蕾、成花和幼果都具有较高的光合能力(毛光合速率分别约为40,16μmol·kg-1DWs-1和11μmol·kg-1DWs-1,是对应呼吸速率的110%,68%和74%),对照同一时期(早春:旱季生殖生长季)的叶片光合能力仅为营养生长季节(夏季)的1/3,生殖器官这种光合作用是对叶片光合能力不足的一种补充。茎杆和根系呼吸速率与直径的关系相似,即直径越小,呼吸速率越高。直径小于0.5mm的根系和茎杆的呼吸速率都在11μmol·kg-1DWs-1以上。与其他植物比较,在温度和根系大小相当的情况下,紫茎泽兰与其它根系呼吸比较并没有明显区别。与已报道的草本植物和木本植物光合呼吸范围来看,紫茎泽兰叶片光合速率介于草本植物系统的中等偏下,位于木本植物系统的中等偏上,而其呼吸速率和草本植物相当但明显高于木本植物。与本地其他伴生植物比较,紫茎泽兰光合能力与本地常绿阔叶树种、落叶阔叶树种相当,而明显高于常绿针叶树种,但与同一时期的草本植物光合能力相当甚至偏低。其呼吸速率与本地草本和木本植物相差不明显。因此,不同生境下和不同生长状态的紫茎泽兰的光合和呼吸速率都具有较强的可塑性,这种可塑性可能有利于其定居不同的生境,即在适宜生境保持最高的光合能力和呼吸代谢水平,利于快速入侵,而在胁迫生境下以避免消亡为主,待机爆发。但是,仅通过比较紫茎泽兰与其它植物的叶片光合速率和呼吸速率不容易判断这一植物的强入侵能力。  相似文献   

温度对七叶一枝花光合特性及皂苷含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁娟  杨家胜  叶漪 《广西植物》2016,36(3):323-328
该研究以珍稀濒危药用植物七叶一枝花(Paris polyphylla)为材料,利用人工气候箱设置3个温度条件,即低温(10℃/16℃)、适温(18℃/24℃)、高温(26℃/32℃),采用盆栽法分析了不同温度条件对七叶一枝花光合特性和主要有效成分皂苷含量的影响。结果表明:(1)适温条件下,七叶一枝花叶绿素含量、最大光合速率、光饱和点、表观量子效率均高于低温和高温处理,而光补偿点、暗呼吸速率则低于两者。(2)适温条件下,七叶一枝花根茎体内皂苷含量最大,达到了4.33%,低温和高温处理下皂苷含量分别只有适温的42.26%和33.49%,氨基酸含量同样表现为适温处理下最大。(3)七叶一枝花有效成分含量与叶片叶绿素含量、光合速率呈显著正相关,而与呼吸速率呈显著负相关,说明温度直接影响植株的光合作用、呼吸作用,进而影响有效成分的积累。温度对七叶一枝花光合特性及有效成分的积累影响显著,22℃左右的平均温度(18℃/24℃)是七叶一枝花栽培的适宜温度,此温度有利于其生长及有效成分的积累,该研究结果为七叶一枝花人工栽培中温度的科学管理提供了依据。  相似文献   

气候变化对海藻龙须菜生长与光合作用耐热特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁柳丽  邹定辉  刘露  邓亚运 《生态学报》2015,35(10):3267-3277
为探讨大气CO2升高和温室效应对龙须菜生长及生理生化特性的影响,在4种条件下培养龙须菜:1)对照组(390μL/L CO2+20℃),2)CO2升高组(700μL/L CO2+20℃),3)温度升高组(390μL/L CO2+24℃),4)温室效应组(700μL/L CO2+24℃),测定藻体生长和生化组分以及高温胁迫下的最大光化学量子产量(Fv/Fm)和光能利用效率(α)、光合速率(Pn)和呼吸速率(Rd)。结果表明,CO2升高、温度升高以及温室效应均促进龙须菜的生长,温室效应下的促进作用更明显。温室效应使龙须菜具较高的Pn和Rd以及较低的可溶性蛋白(SP)和可溶性碳水化合物(SC)含量。高浓度CO2对叶绿素(Chl a)和类胡萝卜素(Car)含量没有显著影响,而高温使其上升;藻红蛋白(PE)和藻蓝蛋白(PC)含量不受CO2浓度和温度的影响。龙须菜Fv/Fm、α、Pn和Rd值,在32℃处理3 h后略有上升,在36℃处理3 h后下降,而在40℃处理20 min后降到极低水平。正常温度(20℃)生长的龙须菜最高耐受温度在32—36℃之间,而较高温(24℃)生长的龙须菜在36—40℃之间;生长温度对光合作用和呼吸作用耐热性能的影响比CO2浓度的影响更大;而温室效应生长条件下的龙须菜光合作用表现出更突出的耐热性能。  相似文献   

液体悬浮培养条件下发菜细胞的光合速率与呼吸速率   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用液相氧电极测定离体悬浮生长发菜细胞的光合速率和呼吸速率的结果表明,发菜细胞的光补偿点为15 ̄16μmol·m-2·s-1,光饱和点为90μmol·m-2·s-1,光抑制点为190μmol·m-2·s-1。25℃下发菜细胞光合速率最高,呼吸速率则在10 ̄50℃范围内随温度升高而增强。发菜细胞光合作用的最适pH值为7.0 ̄7.5,呼吸作用最适pH值为9.0。BG110无氮培养基中添加30mmol·L-1NaNO3,发菜细胞的光合速率增加约20%。培养基中Na2HPO4浓度为1.75mmol·L-1时,细胞光合速率和呼吸速率最大,随后保持稳定。钾盐浓度变化对发菜细胞光合速率和呼吸速率的影响不显著。  相似文献   

以野生濒危植物珊瑚菜(Glehnia littoralisFr.Schmidt ex Miq.)幼苗为试材,通过水培试验研究了100、200和300 mmol?L-1NaCl处理对其生长状态、叶绿素含量以及叶绿素荧光动力学参数的影响,以探讨珊瑚菜的耐盐机制和耐盐能力.结果显示,随着NaCl处理浓度和时间的增加,珊瑚菜生长受到抑制程度逐渐加剧;其叶片叶绿素a、叶绿素b、总叶绿素含量均表现不同程度的降低,而Chl a/b值却呈先下降后上升的变化趋势,并以300 mmol?L-1NaCl处理变化最为明显;同时,其PSⅡ的最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)和捕获的激子将电子传递到电子传递链中超过QA的其他电子受体的概率(ETo/TRo)均表现不同程度的降低,而光合机构电子传递的量子产额(ETo/ABS)、最大捕光效率(TRo/ABS)均呈先下降后上升的变化趋势,但单位反应中心以热能形式耗散的能量(DIo/CSo)则先上升后下降.研究表明,珊瑚菜对NaCl胁迫具有一定的适应调节能力,可以耐受200 mmol?L-1NaCl以下的盐胁迫,而300 mmol?L-1NaCl处理就会对其光合系统造成一定的损伤,明显抑制其正常生长.  相似文献   

目的:分析福建省平潭岛长江澳沙滩珊瑚菜群落现状,提出保护与合理开发方案。方法:实地考察,样地调查。结果:(1)长江澳31个2 m×2 m样方中,除木麻黄种苗外,共有物种9科14属15种。(2)样地内频度前三位植物为海边月见草(80.65%)、老鼠艻(77.42%)、珊瑚菜(45.16%);密度前三位植物为老鼠艻(1.73%)、海边月见草(1.65%)、肾叶打碗花(1.20%);多度前三位植物为老鼠艻(22.46%)、海边月见草(21.41%)、肾叶打碗花(15.63%);盖度前三位植物为海边月见草(20.55%)、老鼠艻(15.87%)、牛筋草(3.13%)。(3)珊瑚菜的频度、密度、多度、盖度分别为45.16%、0.98%、12.80%、1.42%。结论:平潭岛长江澳沙滩珊瑚菜资源较丰富,生态适宜,破坏严重,须加大保护力度。  相似文献   

滨海沙滩珊瑚菜种群的空间格局及其对岸垄的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
珊瑚菜(Glehnia littoralis)是国家Ⅱ级重点保护植物,天然分布在中国滨海沙滩潮上带。为认识珊瑚菜种群的更新机制及其对岸垄阻隔的响应,以青岛市胶南沙滩为例,调研沙垄前后珊瑚菜野生种群的分布和结构特征。结果表明:在分布格局上,垄前珊瑚菜在2.5 m的空间范围内呈聚集分布,成株与幼苗没有负关联性,而在更小尺度上表现明显的正关联性;垄后珊瑚菜表现出聚集范围变窄和聚集强度减弱的趋势,成株与幼苗的正关联性减弱,甚至有明显的负关联性;在种群结构上,垄前珊瑚菜的相对密度较高,幼苗较多,结实量较大,更新正常;相反,垄后珊瑚菜的密度、幼苗数量、结实量均降低或减少,更新过程明显受阻。据此推断,岸垄可能通过抑制潮水对种子的传播而阻碍珊瑚菜的天然更新。  相似文献   

桂花光合特性的光温响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对丹桂光合特性光温响应的研究结果表明:1)净光合速率最适温度为24~28℃,在22~42℃之间,净光合速率、胞间CO2浓度、气孔导度和水分利用效率与温度的关系为二次多项式方程,暗呼吸速率和蒸腾速率与温度成线性关系;2)在控制条件下,随着温度的升高,光补偿点升高,光饱和点、表观量子效率、最大净光合速率下降.在自然条件下,丹桂光合日进程出现明显的光合“午休”,“午休”主要由非气孔限制引起,表观量子效率和光化学效率下降表明光抑制是午间非气孔限制形成和发展的深层原因.  相似文献   

以莱茵衣藻(Chlamydomonas reinhardtii)为研究对象,对其在不同NaCl浓度胁迫条件下的光合特性进行了初步研究。结果表明0.04 mol·L-1的NaCl对莱茵衣藻的生长无显著影响,而0.075 mol·L-1的NaCl使莱茵衣藻生长速率下降了50%。在低光照强度下,NaCl胁迫下的衣藻光合速率和呼吸速率在最初7 h内比对照组高;而在较高光照强度下,NaCl胁迫下的衣藻的光合速率和呼吸速率均比对照组低;而且光合速率和呼吸速率升高和下降的幅度与NaCl浓度成正比。  相似文献   

研究夏季生长于自然光和遮阴降低光强至36%和16%下的4种亚热带自然林植物幼苗的光合特性.除荷树外,黧蒴和林下灌木九节与罗伞在自然光下的光合速率比36%光下低,出现光合驯化(下调)现象.高光强下总的光合电子传递速率JF及其向光呼吸传递的比率JO/JF明显增大.JO/JF在自然光下的叶片中高达0.5~0.6,与提高的Rubisco氧化速率、乙醇酸氧化酶活性和光呼吸速率相一致,表明提高光合电子向光呼吸途径的传递比率是高光高温下森林植物的一种保护性调节机制.  相似文献   

The morphology of many hypogeous fungi converges on a homogeneous reduced form, suggesting that disparate lineages are subject to a uniform selection pressure. The primary goal of this study was to evaluate the morphology and infer the phylogeny of the Leucogastrales with Mycolevis siccigleba using a Bayesian methodology. A comprehensive morphological assessment was used for an a priori phylogenetic inference to guide the sequencing effort. All structures except spore ornamentation pointed to the Albatrellaceae as the most likely sister taxon. Polyporoletus sublividus, a close relative of Albatrellus, produces ornamented basidiospores with a similar structure to M. siccigleba basidiospores. The ITS from 30 taxa was used for the molecular phylogenetic analysis. P. sublividus was found sister to Mycolevis. Leucophleps spinispora and L. magnata formed a group sister to the Polyporoletus/Mycolevis group, whereas Leucogaster was polyphyletic with respect to the core of the Leucogastrales and sister to A. caeruleoporus. This relationship was expected as previously undescribed chlamydospores produced by members of Albatrellus had a similar morphology to the basidiospores of L. rubescens.  相似文献   

Results of molecular studies regarding the phylogenetic placement of the order Ostropales and related taxa within Lecanoromycetes were thus far inconclusive. Some analyses placed the order as sister to the rest of Lecanoromycetes, while others inferred a position nested within Lecanoromycetes. We assembled a data set of 101 species including sequences from nuLSU rDNA, mtSSU rDNA, and the nuclear protein-coding RPB1 for each species to examine the cause of incongruencies in previously published phylogenies. MP, minimum evolution, and Bayesian analyses were performed using the combined three-region data set and the single-gene data sets. The position of Ostropales nested in Lecanoromycetes is confirmed in all single-gene and concatenated analyses, and a placement as sister to the rest of Lecanoromycetes is significantly rejected using two independent methods of alternative topology testing. Acarosporales and related taxa (Acarosporaceae group) are basal in Lecanoromycetes. However, if the these basal taxa are excluded from the analyses, Ostropales appear to be sister to the rest of Lecanoromycetes, suggesting different ingroup rooting as the cause for deviating topologies in previously published phylogenies.  相似文献   

We investigated inter- and intraspecific phylogenetic relationships in the ectomycorrhizal fungal genus Leccinum section Scabra. Species of this section are exclusively associated with Betula and occur throughout the Northern Hemisphere. We compared the phylogenetic relationships of arctic, alpine, boreal and temperate accessions of section Scabra based on DNA sequences of the single-copy nuclear gene Gapdh and the multiple-copy nuclear region 5.8S-ITS2. Exclusively arctic lineages were not detected in species that occur both in arctic-alpine or boreal regions, except in L. rotundifoliae that was restricted to cold climates. L. scabrum and L. holopus showed an intercontinental phylogeographic pattern, and L. variicolor showed a pattern unrelated to geographical distribution. Molecular clock estimates indicated that L. rotundifoliae is as old as other species in section Scabra. Individual gene trees suggest that interspecific hybridisation occurred several times in the evolution of section Scabra.  相似文献   

We have cloned fourNeurospora crassagenes by complementation analysis. Cloned genes include thearginine-1(arg-1),methionine-6(met-6),unknown-7(un-7), andribosome production-1(rip-1) loci. Chromosome walks were initiated in ordered cosmid libraries from the cloned loci. A total of about 700 kb of theNeurosporagenome is covered in these walks.  相似文献   

Four new species of the hyphomycete genera Phaeoramularia viz. Ph. caesalpinae, Pseudocercospora viz., Ps. tiliacearum, Stenella, viz. S. argyreiae and S. grewiae occurring on Caesalpinia bonducella Fleming (Caesalpiniaceae), Grewia sp. (Tiliaceae), Argyrea sp. Lour (Convolvulaceae) and Grewia sp. L. (Tiliaceae), respectively are described and illustrated here. All these fungi were collected from Western Ghats of India.  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜详细观察了叉蕨属(Tectaria)下延叉蕨(Tectaria decurrens)和芽胞叉蕨(T.fauriei)的配子体发育过程,记录了配子体各发育阶段的特征。结果表明:(1)下延叉蕨和芽胞叉蕨的孢子均为单裂缝,具周壁,由周壁形成纹饰,孢子极面观椭圆形,赤道面观豆形或肾形。(2)孢子萌发方式为向心型。(3)原叶体发育方式为三叉蕨型。(4)成熟原叶体心脏形,两翼向斜上方扩展。(5)均具单细胞和多细胞毛状体,在丝状体或片状体阶段出现。研究认为,从配子体发育角度看,叉蕨属是较进化的陆生真蕨类;毛状体的类型、位置和出现时间等特征在叉蕨属种间存在差异,可作为该属种间分类的特征。  相似文献   

以质粒pMCB30为模板,扩增GFP基因,连接到载体pCMBIA2300-35S-OCS上,构建过量表达载体p35S:GFP,将其转入农杆菌GV3101.通过农杆菌介导法将p35S:GFP载体分别转入新疆特色植物小拟南芥和拟南芥中.T0代经含有卡那霉素的1/2MS培养基筛选,获得了T1代转基因小拟南芥2株,T1代转基因拟南芥9株.通过激光共聚焦显微镜观察,在转基因小拟南芥和拟南芥的根尖细胞中均可检测到GFP绿色荧光蛋白;对转基因植株进行PCR扩增,均可检测到GFP基因,表明GFP基因已成功转入小拟南芥和拟南芥中.该研究建立了小拟南芥的遗传转化体系,为进一步利用GFP基因和进一步研究小拟南芥的功能基因奠定基础.  相似文献   

Many Cola plant species are endemic to West and Central Africa. Cola acuminata and Cola nitida are used as masticatory when fresh, while the dried nuts are used for beverages and pharmaceutical purposes in Europe and North America. Garcinia kola seeds, that serve as a substitute for the true kola nuts, are used in African traditional medicine for the treatment of various diseases, including colic, headache and liver cirrhosis. Seeds extracts of G. kola are also known for their anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral properties. To gain information on the chemical properties of the kolas, we have isolated and analyzed cell wall polysaccharides, arabinogalactan-proteins and phenolic substances from the seeds of the three kola species. The sugar composition of cell wall material of C. acuminata, C. nitida and G. kola revealed that Gal (up to 30%), Ara, GalA and Glc as the predominant monosaccharides, representing approximately 90% by mol of the total hydrolysable sugar present in this material. In Ammonium oxalate cell wall fraction, GalA was found to be the major sugar present in all kola species. In the alkali-soluble fraction, there were significant differences in the level of Glc and Gal. The level of Glc was high in C. acuminata and C. nitida while the level of Gal and Xyl were high in C. nitida and G. cola. Isolation and quantification of arabinogalactan-proteins demonstrate that G. kola seeds contained four to eight times more of these proteoglycans than the seeds of the other two species. Finally, analysis of soluble phenolic substances shows that caffeine and catechin were largely represented in C. acumina and C. nitida seeds, with caffeine accounting for 50% of all soluble phenolics. These findings indicate that the three Kola seeds are highly enriched in pectins and proteoglycans and that C. acuminata and C. nitida can be used as a possible source of caffeine and catechin.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that similar conidial morphologies in aquatic hyphomycetes are a result of convergent evolution was tested using molecular sequence data. Cladistic analyses were performed on partial sequences of 28S rDNA of seven species of Lemonniera, one species of Margaritispora and one species of Goniopila. Lemonniera has tetraradiate conidia with long arms, whereas Margaritispora and Goniopila have typically globose (isodiametric) conidia, with short conical protuberances in a stellate or quadrangular arrangement. Lemonniera and Margaritispora have phialidic conidiogenesis and both produce dark, minute sclerotia in culture whereas Goniopila has holoblastic conidiogenesis and does not produce sclerotia in culture. Goniopila produces a microconidial phialidic synanamorph in culture. All three genera have schizolytic conidial secession. Molecular analyses demonstrate that Lemonniera species are placed in two distinct clades: one within Leotiomycetes; the other within Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes. Margaritispora is placed with Lemonniera species within Leotiomycetes. Goniopila and Lemonniera pseudofloscula are placed within Dothideomycetes. No morphological character was entirely congruent with the molecular derived phylogeny. This suggests that for the group of species studied, conidial shape is not a reliable indicator of phylogeny but more likely the result of convergent evolution in response to the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

The Pax6 genes eyeless (ey) and twin of eyeless (toy) are upstream regulators in the retinal determination gene network (RDGN), which instructs the formation of the adult eye primordium in Drosophila. Most animals possess a singleton Pax6 ortholog, but the dependence of eye development on Pax6 is widely conserved. A rare exception is given by the larval eyes of Drosophila, which develop independently of ey and toy. To obtain insight into the origin of differential larval and adult eye regulation, we studied the function of toy and ey in the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum. We find that single and combinatorial knockdown of toy and ey affect larval eye development strongly but adult eye development only mildly in this primitive hemimetabolous species. Compound eye-loss, however, was provoked when ey and toy were RNAi-silenced in combination with the early retinal gene dachshund (dac). We propose that these data reflect a role of Pax6 during regional specification in the developing head and that the subsequent maintenance and growth of the adult eye primordium is regulated partly by redundant and partly by specific functions of toy, ey and dac in Tribolium. The results from embryonic knockdown and comparative protein sequence analysis lead us further to conclude that Tribolium represents an ancestral state of redundant control by ey and toy.  相似文献   

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