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作者解剖观察了33种,隶于4目、7亚目、15科、19属的中国鳐类脑颅的形态。研究结果认为:锯鳐目和鳐目是原始类群,它们均具吻软骨,其中圆犂头鳐科和团扇鳐科是特化类群。电鳐目亦具吻软骨,它们是特化和退化类群。在较高等的鲼目则无吻软骨。依据鳐类不同的分类阶元,其脑颅亦各具有不同的式型。  相似文献   

大口黑鲈和尖吻鲈骨骼系统的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对大口黑鲈和尖吻鲈的骨骼系统进行了比较研究。结果表明 :从整体看 ,大口黑鲈的脑颅较宽 ,吻短钝 ,眼后头部短 ;尖吻鲈的脑颅狭窄 ,吻部尖长而突出 ,眼后头部较长。各部分的骨骼特征 :大口黑鲈脑颅的中筛骨、侧筛骨、额骨、上枕骨、上耳骨、翼耳骨和围眶骨等与尖吻鲈有明显的区别 ;大口黑鲈咽颅中的前颌骨、齿骨、中翼骨、鳃盖骨骼、角舌骨、尾舌骨、下咽骨等与尖吻鲈又有显著的差异 ;大口黑鲈附属骨骼中的肩带骨、腰带骨、脊椎骨等有很大的不同。这些差异和不同可作为科间或属间分类依据。  相似文献   

论中国软骨鱼类的地理分布和区系特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国的软骨鱼类,就现时所知,共有127种、60属、28科,可归纳为如下14大类:(1)六鳃鲨类,有六鳃鲨1科3属3种;(2)虎鲨类,有虎鲨1科1属2种;(3)鼠鲨类,有锥齿鲨、鼠鲨、姥鲨、长尾鲨、须鲨和鲸鲨6科11属18种;(4)猫鲨类,有猫鲨、皱唇鲨、真鲨和双髻鲨4科19属43种;(5)角鲨类,只有角鲨1科2属4种;(6)锯鲨类,有锯鲨1科1属1种;(7)扁鲨类,有扁鲨1科1属2种;(8)锯鳐类,有锯鳐1科1属2种;(9)犁头鳐类,有犁头鳐和团扇鳐2科4属9种;(10)电鳐类,有电鳐和单鳍电鳐2科3属5种;(11)真鳐类,只真鳐1科1属7种;(12)魟类,有魟和燕魟2科5属17种;(13)鲼类,有鲼、鹞鲼、牛鼻鲼和蝠鲼4科6属12种;(14)银鲛类,只有银鲛1科2属2种。中国软骨鱼类的区系组成的特点以真鲨科、魟科和鲼科最为繁盛,其次是须鲨、猫鲨、长尾鲨和双髻鲨等科,但角鲨科、真鳐科和银鲛科的代表性则均较弱。中国软骨鱼类可分为暖水性种、暖温性种和冷温性种三种类型。暖水性种有74种,占中国软骨鱼类总数的59%;暖温性种有39种,占30%;冷温性种有14种,占11%。  相似文献   

李思忠  王惠民 《动物学报》1989,35(2):213-221
本文研究了中国鲽形目8科、27属和约40种的脑颅骨;指出其脑颅骨的最显著特征是前部左右不对称,并首次发现鳒科无基蝶骨(与Berg,1940,1955及Nelson,1984的记载不同),副蝶骨延及基枕骨腹侧后端或附近(与Amaoka,1969及Ochiai,1963的记载也不同)和冠鲽科无眶间突且左右前额骨互连。还依它们脑颅骨的异同,探讨了其演化程度,并拟有中国鲽形目各亚目及科的检索表。  相似文献   

董氏中华盗龙(Sinraptor dongi) 是产自中国西北部新疆侏罗纪石树沟组上部的一种大型兽脚类。其正型标本包括了保存完好的脑颅,这是在最近的化石修理中额外发现的。脑颅中骨化筛骨的横切面为 U 形。在脑颅的解剖方位,蝶筛骨和眶蝶骨之间有一未骨化空间,表明该恐龙存活时具有软骨质的中隔蝶骨。利用乳胶颅腔模型和 CT 扫描技术对颅腔和含气隐窝的形态进行了研究,发现了一些此前未描述过的特点。其中尤为引人注目的是,发育良好的尾鼓室隐窝[一般认为是虚骨龙类(coelurosaurs) 的典型特征]以及基蝶骨隐窝和相关气腔的内部形态。侧鼓室隐窝和基蝶骨隐窝有纵向通道连接,很可能同时具有气腔和血管功能。模型也表明,颅腔没有髓质隆起,小脑绒球隐窝的开孔为沙漏状。若不包含嗅束和嗅球,颅腔容积为 95 ml,脑容商在其他基干坚尾龙类( tetanurans) 的范围内。虽然这些类群的第Ⅱ-Ⅳ对脑神经相对位置各有差异,但前脑、中脑和后脑之间的角度与鲨齿龙类( carcharodontosaurids) [鲨齿龙(Carcharodontosaurus) 及南方巨兽龙(Giganotosaurus) ]相似。第Ⅸ,Ⅹ和Ⅺ对脑神经穿过一个半月形的孔。在异特龙超科( Allosauroidea) 中,中华盗龙(Sinraptor) 在颅腔形态上与鲨齿龙、南方巨兽龙和异特龙( Allosaurus) 的相似程度比它与高棘龙(Acrocanthosaurus) 的相似程度更高。  相似文献   

中国细须螨属新种记述(蜱螨目:细须螨科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
细须螨属Tenuipalpus Donnadieu隶属于细须螨科Tenuipalpidae。根据Pritchard和Baker(1958)的分类系统,该科共分14个属,细须螨属为该科的第二大属。Mitrofanov(1973)对细须螨科的分类系统作了较大的改变,共分该科为33属,其中细须螨属被提升为细须螨族Tenuipalpini,下设7个属。本文目前采用Pritchard和Baker(1958)的分类系统。 细须螨属的种类体型微小,足体宽阔而末体狭窄,多数种类末体后端具1对鞭状长毛。植食性。分布于全世界。  相似文献   

拟刺鲨属Pseudocentrophorus,新属 属的模式种:同齿拟齿鲨Pseudocentrophorus isodon,新种 本属一般特征与角鲨属(Squalus Linnaeus)相近,但背鳍棘具侧沟,胸鳍内角尖长突出,口后方具颏褶,尾基上方无凹洼,尾鳍后部近尾端处具一缺刻。本属与刺鲨属(Centrophorus Muller et Henle)、田氏鲨属(Deania Jordan et Snyder)相似,但上下颌牙为同型,均外斜具切缘。本属与拟田氏鲨属(Deaniops Whitley)牙虽相似,但鳞无4刺突,口前吻长较短,约等于口至胸鳍起点,胸鳍里角具尖突。与乌鲨属(Etmopterus Rafi-  相似文献   

1 长吻鼩鼹 Uropsilus gracilis 采自怒江以西,紧邻缅甸的察隅县日东乡(东经98.10702.,北纬28.49247.,海拔3450 m)小河边针叶林下灌丛环境. 长吻鼩鼹属于鼩形目(Don E.Wilson and DeeAnn M.Reeder,2005),鼹科. 个体小,吻尖,吻由软骨形成,管状.体背自头前至尾基为淡棕褐色,腹面为深灰色;尾较长,尾上下一色,具鳞状环纹,尾尖具稀疏笔刷状长毛,突出于尾端;四足背淡棕色.  相似文献   

为探究西藏地区藏仔猪粪便中真菌菌群结构,本研究采用ITS1序列分析新生藏仔猪和断奶藏仔猪新鲜粪便中真菌的多样性。结果表明:从5头新生藏仔猪新鲜粪便中,共鉴定出5个门、13个纲、 25个目、33个科和38个属的真菌;从5头断奶藏仔猪新鲜粪便中,共鉴定出5个门、12个纲、20个目、24个科和28个属的真菌。子囊菌门和担子菌门为优势门,占门级分类的86.35%;布勒担菌科、虫草科、丛赤壳科、曲霉科、丝孢酵母菌科、肉杯菌科、酵母菌科和毕赤酵母菌科为优势科,占科级分类的54.38%。随着藏仔猪的生长,其粪便中真菌菌群的数量和优势真菌的相对丰度均发生变化,这说明不同生长发育阶段会影响藏仔猪粪便中真菌的多样性。  相似文献   

回顾了蕨类植物的系统分类简史,介绍了世界上石松类和蕨类植物分类研究的最新成果,即石松类和蕨类是维管植物中的两大类群,其系统发育关系逐渐明确,分类系统已经得到更新。基于新的分类系统,中国石松类有1亚纲、3目、3科;蕨类有4亚纲、11目、37科及12亚科。  相似文献   

In sharks bioluminescence is only known from the family Squalidae. It evolved independently in two out of six squalid subfamilies, Dalatiinae and Etmopterinae. The distribution of photophores was mapped in several species. It is suggested that in the Dalatiinae, which do not school, but migrate vertically, luminescence serves as ventral countershading. The Etmopterinae school and feed close to the bottom. Their luminescence is an aid in schooling. Four different placoid scale patterns are found in luminescent sharks and they allow to accommodation the photophores in the skin.  相似文献   

The classification of the sharks is unclear. This is particularly true for the superorder Squalomorphii. The relationships between the squalomorphs and other superorders of sharks and the relationships between the different orders within the squalomorphs are a matter of debate. Here, we report a molecular phylogeny for a little known member of this superorder, the genus Echinorhinus. Echinorhinus is most commonly classified in either the family Echinorhinidae (Squaliformes) or the family Squalidae (Squaliformes). However, some authors have suggested a closer relationship to the order Hexanchiformes. In an attempt to shed light on this controversy, we have cloned, sequenced, and compared two genes widely used in molecular phylogeny studies, the cytochrome b and the 18S rRNA from the rare prickly shark, Echinorhinus cookei, and two potential relatives, the spiny dogfish Squalus acanthias (Squaliformes), and the sevengill shark, Notorynchus cepedianus (Hexanchiformes). The sequences of these genes for the prickly shark, the dogfish, and the sevengill shark were found to be equally divergent, suggesting that the prickly shark is no closer to the order Squaliformes than to the order Hexanchiformes.  相似文献   

The rostral cartilages of batoid fishes were examined to elucidate their development, morphology and homology. Comparison of a variety of rostral cartilages among elasmobranchs with other groups of vertebrates shows that rostral cartilages originate embryologically from the trabecula and/or lamina orbitonasalis. Because different morphogenetic patterns of the derivatives of the two embryonic cartilages give rise to a wide variety of forms of rostral cartilages even within elasmobranchs, and because morphogenesis involves complex interactions among participating structures in the ethmo-orbital area, we put forward conceptual and empirical discussions to elucidate the homology of the rostral cartilages in batoid fishes. With six assumptions given in this study and based on recent discussions of biological and historical homology, our discussions centre on: (1) recognition of complex interactions of participating biological entities in development and evolution; (2) elucidation of a set of interacting biological and evolutionary factors to define a given morphological structure; (3) assessment of causal explanations for similarities or differences between homologous structures by determining genetic, epigenetic and evolutionary factors. Examples of conceptual approaches are given to make the approaches testable. Although a paucity of knowledge of rostral cartilage formation is the major obstacle to thorough analysis of the conceptual framework, several tentative conclusions are made on the homology of rostral cartilages that will hopefully attract more research on development and evolution in vertebrate morphology. These are: (1) the rostral cartilage in each group of vertebrates examined can be defined by both developmentally associated and adult structural attributes, yet such data do not allow us to assess homology of a variety of forms of rostral cartilages at higher taxonomic categories; (2) the entire rostral cartilage in elasmobranchs is formed by the contribution of the embryonic trabecula and lamina orbitonasalis. The status of the development and homology of the rostral cartilage in holocephalans remains uncertain; (3) there is no simple picture of evolution of rostral cartilages among three putative monophyletic assemblages of elasmobranchs, galeomorphs, squaloids (possibly plus Squatina, Chlamydoselachus and hexanchoids as the orbitostylic group) and batoid fishes. It is highly likely that rostral cartilages in each subgroup or subgroups of these assemblages may be of phylogenetic significance but that it may not serve as a basis to unite these assemblages into much higher assemblages; (4) the tripodal rostral cartilage is unique in form in the group including some carcharhinoid and lamnoid sharks. The status of the analogous tripodal cartilage in some squaloids remains uncertain. The unfused tripodal cartilage of the electric ray Narke is interpreted as developmentally equivalent to, but not homologous with, the unfused or fused ones in the sharks; (5) the rostral cartilage in the electric ray Torpedo is uniquely formed because of its embryonic origin solely from the ventro-medial part of the lamina orbitonasalis, but it is regarded as homologous with the rostral cartilages which are formed by the trabecula and other components of the lamina orbitonasalis in other batoid fishes; (6) the cornu trabecula contributes to the formation of the ventral stem of the rostral cartilage at least in elasmobranchs, especially to a particular set of rostral cartilages, i.e. the tripodal rostral cartilage in the shark Scyliorhinus and dorso-ventrally flattened rostral shaft in the narcinidid electric rays; (7) there is a unique form of a rostral shaft with rostral appendix in skates and probably guitarfishes; (8) there is no rostral cartilage in adult benthic stingrays, pelagic stingrays Dasyatis violacea and Myliobatidae, although it is present in embryonic stages; (9) there is a unique form of the rostral cartilage as a rostral projection from the dorso-lateral part of the lamina orbitonasalis in pelagic stingrays Rhinopteridae and Mobulidae, which together with part of the pectoral fins, forms a pair of cephalic fins; (10) different developmental mechanisms may be responsible for the absence or loss of rostral cartilages in different groups, i.e. absence of the cartilage derived from the medial area of the trabecula in Torpedo vs absence of the rostral cartilage in benthic stingrays; (11) the rostral cartilages in some placental mammals (cetaceans and sirenians) arise only from the medial area of the trabecula because monotreme and placental mammals do not form the trabecula cranii; (12) some actinopterygians and sacropterygians possess a rostral cartilage which originates only from the medial area of the trabecula. One scombroid group, including Sardini and Thunnini, Scomberomorus, Acanthocybium, Istiophoridae and Xiphias, possesses a unique larval beak composed of the rostral cartilage, ethmoid cartilage and premaxillar bone. The development and homology of other rostral cartilages remain to be further elucidated; (13) urodeles possess a medial rostral process whose anlage is probably developmentally equivalent to that in batoid fishes but the occurrence in urodeles is either atavistic or unique (autapomorphic); (14) the upper jaw of tadpoles is unique in possessing the suprarostral cartilage; the anlage of the cartilage is probably developmentally equivalent to the outgrowth of the cornu trabecula in batoid fishes.  相似文献   

Catch composition, landing patterns and biological aspects of sharks caught by commercial fishing fleet operating in the Andaman Sea were recorded from landing sites in Ranong province of Thailand over a period of 1 year. Of the 64 species previously reported in the existing Thailand checklist, only 17 species were recorded in this study. Shark landings from the Andaman Sea appear now to be dominated largely by bamboo sharks Chiloscyllium spp. (Hemiscylliidae), which contribute c. 65% of the total number of sharks recorded. The carcharhinid sharks comprised c. 30·5% to the total catch, while the remaining c. 4·5% of landings comprised sharks from the families Squalidae, Stegostomatidae, Sphyrnidae and Triakidae. The catch composition is remarkably different from the previous landing survey in 2004, in that the current study found noticeable declines in landings of slow‐growing, late‐ maturing and low‐fecundity species (especially sphyrnid and carcharhinid species). The absences of many species and changes in life‐stage composition suggest that the populations of these groups may be close to collapse. The results from this study emphasize the urgency for additional research and monitoring efforts and also the need for management incentives in order to manage shark fisheries effectively in the Andaman Sea.  相似文献   

Sharks are a diverse and ecologically important group, including some of the ocean's largest predatory animals. Sharks are also commercially important, with many species suffering overexploitation and facing extinction. However, despite a long evolutionary history, commercial, and conservation importance, phylogenetic relationships within the sharks are poorly understood. To date, most studies have either focused on smaller clades within sharks, or sampled taxa sparsely across the group. A more detailed species-level phylogeny will offer further insights into shark taxonomy, provide a tool for comparative analyses, as well as facilitating phylogenetic estimates of conservation priorities. We used four mitochondrial and one nuclear gene to investigate the phylogenetic relationships of 229 species (all eight Orders and 31 families) of sharks, more than quadrupling the number of taxon sampled in any prior study. The resulting Bayesian phylogenetic hypothesis agrees with prior studies on the major relationships of the sharks phylogeny; however, on those relationships that have proven more controversial, it differs in several aspects from the most recent molecular studies. The phylogeny supports the division of sharks into two major groups, the Galeomorphii and Squalimorphii, rejecting the hypnosqualean hypothesis that places batoids within sharks. Within the squalimorphs the orders Hexanchiformes, Squatiniformes, Squaliformes, and Pristiophoriformes are broadly monophyletic, with minor exceptions apparently due to missing data. Similarly, within Galeomorphs, the orders Heterodontiformes, Lamniformes, Carcharhiniformes, and Orectolobiformes are broadly monophyletic, with a couple of species 'misplaced'. In contrast, many of the currently recognized shark families are not monophyletic according to our results. Our phylogeny offers some of the first clarification of the relationships among families of the order Squaliformes, a group that has thus far received relatively little phylogenetic attention. Our results suggest that the genus Echinorhinus is not a squaliform, but rather related to the saw sharks, a hypothesis that might be supported by both groups sharing 'spiny' snouts. In sum, our results offer the most detailed species-level phylogeny of sharks to date and a tool for comparative analyses.  相似文献   

The choice of surrogates of biodiversity is an important aspect in conservation biology. The quantification of the coincidence in the spatial patterns of species richness and rarity between different groups and the vulnerability of groups are different approaches frequently considered to accomplish this task. However, a more appropriate approach is to verify the efficiency of priority networks selected using information from one group of organisms to capture the biodiversity of other groups. Using a deconstructive approach, the main purposes of this study were to evaluate the performance of some orders and families of birds in the Cerrado biome (a savanna-like biome) as surrogates of other bird groups, in a pairwise analysis, and to investigate the characteristics of these groups that predict the efficiency in representation of other groups. We used biogeographical data on bird orders or families with more than 10 species that occur in the Brazilian Cerrado. The best surrogate group was the Thamnophilidae. Moreover, this group is not the most specious, favouring further survey efforts that are necessary to verify the conservation value of areas at suitable scales. The majority of the species from this family are dependent on forest habitats, one of the characteristics that most influenced representativeness level, probably due to the spatial distribution of these habitats throughout the Brazilian Cerrado. Beta diversity patterns of the different groups also affected representativeness, and our analyses showed that the networks selected by a surrogate group will be more effective in the representation of other groups of species if their patterns of beta diversity (not richness) are correlated.  相似文献   

Three species of hexanchiform sharks belonging to two families and 12 species of squaliform sharks belonging to three families were recorded in fish landing site surveys in eastern Indonesia. Of these, the Squalidae were the most abundant species landed, with Squalus hemipinnis, Squalus edmundsi and Squalus montalbani contributing 0·4, 0·4 and 0·5% to the total number of sharks recorded in a 5 year survey of Indonesian fish landing sites. In comparison, the hexanchid Hexanchus griseus contributed the largest percentage to the total shark biomass. For many species, the majority of the catch consisted of immature fishes, which had not yet been able to reproduce. The data presented in this article are the first biological data reported on most of these shark species and are thus vital for fisheries managers and conservation assessors.  相似文献   

中国软骨鱼类螺旋瓣的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对隶于2亚纲13目31科(除姥鲨科外)45属的68种软骨鱼类瓣肠内螺旋瓣进行了比较观察,认为可分为3式型,绝大多数种类属螺旋型,并可再依瓣的数目分为4个亚型,少数种类为薄片型或画卷型。亲缘关系近的种类其式型和数目亦近似。螺旋瓣数目颇多的种类可分为凶猛性和食浮游生物温和性两类。有的种类瓣肠内壁及螺旋瓣上具褶襞,以增加吸收面积。  相似文献   

An annotated checklist of the chondrichthyan fishes (sharks, batoids and chimaeras) of the world is presented. As of 7 November 2015, the number of species totals 1188, comprising 16 orders, 61 families and 199 genera. The checklist includes nine orders, 34 families, 105 genera and 509 species of sharks; six orders, 24 families, 88 genera and 630 species of batoids (skates and rays); one order, three families, six genera and 49 species of holocephalans (chimaeras). The most speciose shark orders are the Carcharhiniformes with 284 species, followed by the Squaliformes with 119. The most species‐rich batoid orders are the Rajiformes with 285 species and the Myliobatiformes with 210. This checklist represents the first global checklist of chondrichthyans to include information on maximum size, geographic and depth distributions, as well as comments on taxonomically problematic species and recent and regularly overlooked synonymizations. Furthermore, a detailed analysis of the biogeographical diversity of the species across 10 major areas of occurrence is given, including updated figures for previously published hotspots of chondrichthyan biodiversity, providing the detailed numbers of chondrichthyan species per major area, and revealing centres of distribution for several taxa  相似文献   

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