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The ventral gill arch skeleton was examined in some representatives of batoid fishes. The homology of the components was elucidated by comparing similarities and differences among the components of the ventral gill arches in chondrichthyans, and attempts were made to justify the homology by giving causal mechanisms of chondrogenesis associated with the ventral gill arch skeleton. The ceratohyal is present in some batoid fishes, and its functional replacement, the pseudohyal, seems incomplete in most groups of batoid fishes, except in stingrays. The medial fusion of the pseudohyal with successive ceratobranchials occurs to varying degrees among stingray groups. The ankylosis between the last two ceratobranchials occurs uniquely in stingrays, and it serves as part of the insertion of the last pair of coracobranchialis muscles. The basihyal is possibly independently lost in electric rays, the stingray genus Urotrygon (except U. daviesi) and pelagic myiiobatoid stingrays. The first hypobranchial is oriented anteriorly or anteromedially, and it varies in shape and size among batoid fishes. It is represented by rami projecting posterolaterally from the basihyal in sawfishes, guitarfishes and skates. It consists of a small piece of cartilage which extends anteromedially from the medial end of the first ccratobranchial in electric rays. It is a large cartilaginous plate in most of stingrays. It is absent in pelagic myliobatoid stingrays. The remaining hypobranchial cartilages also vary in shape and size among batoid fishes. Torpedo and possibly the Jurassic Belemnobalis and Spathobatis possess the generalized or typical chondrichthyan ventral gill arch structure in which the hypobranchials form a Σ-shaped pattern. In the electric ray Hypnos and narkinidid and narcinidid electric rays, the hypobranchial components are oriented longitudinally along the mid-portion of the ventral gill arches. They form a single cartilaginous plate in the narkinidid electric rays, Narcine and Diplobatis. In guitarfishes and skates, the second hypobranchial is unspecialized, and in skates, it does not have a direct contact with the second ceratobranchial. In both groups, the third and fourth hypobranchials are composed of a small cartilage which forms a passage for the afferent branches of the ventral aorta and serve as part of the insertion of the coracobranchialis muscle. In sawfishes and stingrays, the hypobranchials appear to be included in the medial plate. In sawfishes, the second and third components separately chondrify in adults, but the fourth component appears to be fused with the middle medial plate. In stingrays, a large medial plate appears to include the second through to the last hypobranchial and most of the basibranchial copulae. The medial plate probably develops independently in sawfishes and stingrays. Because the last basibranchial copula appears to be a composite of one to two hypobranchials and at least two basibranchial copulae, the medial plate may be formed by several developmental processes of chondrogenesis. More detailed comparative anatomical and developmental studies are needed to unveil morphogenesis and patternings of the ventral gill arch skeleton in batoid fishes.  相似文献   

A series of studies by Edgeworth demonstrated that cranial muscles of gnathostome fishes are embryologically of somitic origin, originating from the mandibular, hyoid, branchial, epibranchial, and hypobranchial muscle plates. Recent experimental studies using quail-chick chimeras support Edgeworth's view on the developmental origin of cranial muscles. One of his findings, the existence of the premyogenic condensation constrictor dorsalis in teleost fishes, has also been confirmed by molecular developmental studies. Therefore, developmental mechanisms for patterning of cranial muscles, as described and implicated by Edgeworth, may serve as structural entities or regulatory phenomena responsible for developmental and evolutionary changes. With Edgeworth's and other studies as background, muscles in the ventral gill arch region of batoid fishes are analyzed and compared with those of other gnathostome fishes. The spiracularis is regarded as homologous at least within batoid fishes, but its status within elasmobranchs remains unclear; developmental modifications of the spiracularis proper are evident in some batoid fishes and in several shark groups. The peculiar ventral extension of the spiracularis in electric rays and some stingrays may represent convergence, probably facilitating ventilation and/or feeding in both groups. The evolutionary origin of the "internus" and "externus" remains uncertain, despite the fact that a variety of forms of the constrictor superficiales ventrales in batoid fishes indicates an actual medio-ventral extension of the "externus." The intermandibularis is probably present only in electric rays. The "X" muscle occurs only in electric rays and is considered to be Edgeworth's intermandibularis profundus. Its association with the adductor mandibular complex in narkinidid and narcinidid electric rays may relate to its functional role in lower jaw movement. Contrary to common belief, in most batoid fishes as well as some sharks, muscles that originate from the branchial muscle plate and extend medially in the ventral gill arches do exist: the medial extension of the interbranchiales in most batoid fishes and some sharks and the "Y" muscle in the pelagic stingrays Myliobatos and Rhinoptera. The latter is another example of the medial extension of the "internus." Whether the interbranchiales and "Y" muscle are homologous within elasmobranchs and whether homologous with the obliques ventrales and/or transversi ventrales of osteichthyan fishes await further research. Four hypobranchial muscles are recognized in batoid fishes: the coracomandibularis, coracohyoideus, coracoarcualis, and coracohyomandibularis. The coracohyoideus is discrete from the coracoarcualis; its complete structural separation from the latter occurs in several groups of batoid fishes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Expansion of the ‘pharynx’ during breathing or capturing prey in fishes generally involves posteroventral retraction of the hyoid arch. However, the hyoid arch structure of batoid fishes (skates, rays, guitarfishes, and sawfishes) is unique, and how they expand the pharyngeal cavity is poorly understood. To investigate the mechanism of pharyngeal expansion during breathing in the yellow-spotted fanray, Platyrhina tangi, we conducted anatomical and kinematic investigations of the pharyngeal region. Our study revealed that the yellow-spotted fanray and sharks have different skeletal linkage systems for pharyngeal expansion. During pharyngeal expansion in the yellow-spotted fanray, the hyoid bar and branchial apparatus rotate ventrally around the hinge joint between the fifth ceratobranchial cartilage and the pectoral girdle. This pharyngeal expansion mechanism appears to be widespread among batoid fishes and is unique among cartilaginous fishes (sharks, batoids, and holocephalans). Batoid fishes possibly developed this pharyngeal expansion mechanism during early batoid evolution.  相似文献   

Batoids differ from other elasmobranch fishes in that they possess dorsoventrally flattened bodies with enlarged muscled pectoral fins. Most batoids also swim using either of two modes of locomotion: undulation or oscillation of the pectoral fins. In other elasmobranchs (e.g., sharks), the main locomotory muscle is located in the axial myotome; in contrast, the main locomotory muscle in batoids is found in the enlarged pectoral fins. The pectoral fin muscles of sharks have a simple structure, confined to the base of the fin; however, little to no data are available on the more complex musculature within the pectoral fins of batoids. Understanding the types of fibers and their arrangement within the pectoral fins may elucidate how batoid fishes are able to utilize such unique swimming modes. In the present study, histochemical methods including succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and immunofluoresence were used to determine the different fiber types comprising these muscles in three batoid species: Atlantic stingray (Dasyatis sabina), ocellate river stingray (Potamotrygon motoro) and cownose ray (Rhinoptera bonasus). All three species had muscles comprised of two muscle fiber types (slow-red and fast-white). The undulatory species, D. sabina and P. motoro, had a larger proportion of fast-white muscle fibers compared to the oscillatory species, R. bonasus. The muscle fiber sizes were similar between each species, though generally smaller compared to the axial musculature in other elasmobranch fishes. These results suggest that batoid locomotion can be distinguished using muscle fiber type proportions. Undulatory species are more benthic with fast-white fibers allowing them to contract their muscles quickly, as a possible means of escape from potential predators. Oscillatory species are pelagic and are known to migrate long distances with muscles using slow-red fibers to aid in sustained swimming.  相似文献   

The ostrich hyobranchial apparatus consists of the centrally positioned paraglossalia and basiurohyale and paired caudo‐lateral elements (horns), each consisting of the ceratobranchiale and epibranchiale. The paraglossalia lie within the tongue parenchyma and consist of paired, flat, caudo‐laterally directed cartilages joined rostrally. The basiurohyale forms a single dorso‐ventrally flattened unit composed of an octagonal‐shaped body from which extend rostral (the rostral process) and caudal (the urohyale) projections. The laryngeal skeleton consists of cricoid, procricoid and paired arytenoid cartilages. The large ring‐shaped cricoid cartilage displays a body and paired wings which articulate with each other and with the procricoid. The blunt, ossified, rostral projection of the cricoid and the scalloped nature of the arytenoid cartilages are unique to the ostrich. The procricoid is a single structure which links the paired arytenoids and wings of the cricoid. The hyobranchial apparatus is firmly attached to the tongue parenchyma and to the larynx and proximal trachea. In contrast to previous reports in this species, the horns of the hyobranchial apparatus are not related to the skull. Ossification of the body of the basihyale, the ceratobranchials and the rostral process and body of the cricoid cartilage of the larynx lends stability to these structures.  相似文献   

Skeletal elements of the gill arches of adult cypriniform fishes vary widely in number, size, and shape and are important characters in morphologically based phylogenetic studies. Understanding the developmental basis for this variation is thus phylogenetically significant but also important in relation to the many developmental genetic and molecularly based studies of the early developing and hence experimentally tractable gill arches in the zebrafish, a cyprinid cypriniform. We describe the sequence of the chondrification and ossification of the pharyngeal arches and associated dermal bones from Catostomus commersonii (Catostomidae, Cypriniformes) and make selected comparisons to other similarly described pharyngeal arches. We noted shared spatial trends in arch development including the formation of ventral cartilages before dorsal and anterior cartilages before posterior. Qualitatively variable gill arch elements in Cypriniformes including pharyngobranchial 1, pharyngobranchial 4, and the sublingual are the last such elements to chondrify in C. commersonii. We show that the sublingual bone in C. commersonii has two cartilaginous precursors that fuse and ossify to form the single bone in adults. This indicates homology of the sublingual in catostomids to the two sublingual bones in the adults of cobitids and balitorids. Intriguing patterns of fusion and segmentation of the cartilages in the pharyngeal arches were discovered. These include the individuation of the basihyal and anterior copula through segmentation of a single cartilage rod, fusion of cartilaginous basibranchials 4 and 5, and fusion of hypobranchial 4 with ceratobranchial 4. Such “fluidity” in cartilage patterning may be widespread in fishes and requires further comparative developmental studies. J. Morphol., 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Studies of the origin of evolutionary novelties (novel traits, feeding modes, behaviours, ecological niches, etc.) have considered a number of taxa experimenting with new body plans, allowing them to occupy new habitats and exploit new trophic resources. In the marine realm, colonization of pelagic environments by marine fishes occurred recurrently through time. Stingrays (Myliobatiformes) are a diverse clade of batoid fishes commonly known to possess venomous tail stings. Current hypotheses suggest that stingrays experimented with a transition from a benthic to a pelagic/benthopelagic habitat coupled with a transition from a non-durophagous diet to extreme durophagy. However, there is no study detailing macroevolutionary patterns to understand how and when habitat shift and feeding specialization arose along their evolutionary history. A new exquisitely preserved fossil stingray from the Eocene Konservat-Lagerstätte of Bolca (Italy) exhibits a unique mosaic of plesiomorphic features of the rajobenthic ecomorph, and derived traits of aquilopelagic taxa, that helps to clarify the evolutionary origin of durophagy and pelagic lifestyle in stingrays. A scenario of early evolution of the aquilopelagic ecomorph is proposed based on new data, and the possible adaptive meaning of the observed evolutionary changes is discussed. The body plan of †Dasyomyliobatis thomyorkei gen. et sp. nov. is intermediate between the rajobenthic and more derived aquilopelagic stingrays, supporting its stem phylogenetic position and the hypothesis that the aquilopelagic body plan arose in association with the evolution of durophagy and pelagic lifestyle from a benthic, soft-prey feeder ancestor.  相似文献   

Sexually dimorphic head shape is common in vertebrates from teleosts to mammals. Herein we document that cephalic sexual dimorphism is also found in the cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichthyes). Male bonnethead sharks develop a prominent bulge along the anterior margin of the cephalofoil at the onset of sexual maturity. This contrasts with the uniformly rounded anterior margin of adult females and juveniles and embryos of both sexes. The anterior cephalic bulge is produced by elongation of the rod-like rostral cartilages, and its appearance corresponds temporally with the elongation of the rod-like cartilages of the male intromittent organs (claspers). We propose that the rostral cartilage elongation is a byproduct of endocrinological changes at the onset of sexual maturity that stimulate growth of the clasper cartilages. The basal location of the chondrichthyan fishes within the vertebrate clade extends the earliest appearance of cephalic sexual dimorphism among the vertebrates.  相似文献   

O Slaby 《Folia morphologica》1990,38(2):212-224
Three stages of morphogenesis of the nasal apparatus of the red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) were studied. Many ancestral traits reminiscent of relationships in other mammals and even in reptiles were found, including a cart, ectochoanalis, paraseptal cartilages, the septum nasi and its ventral trabecular enlargement, a lamina transversalis ant., clear separation of the cart, parietotectalis and cart, paranasalis from each other and a crista semicircularis. A maxilloturbinale, was present, but not a nasoturbinale. The main specific features were a completely rostrally localized, peculiar cartilaginous structure in the preseptal space, for which there is as yet no morphological explanation, and pronounced bulging of the cartilaginous wall of the nasal capsule in a ventrolateral direction, level with the rostral region of the olfactory labyrinth (caudally to the aboral end of the maxilloturbinale). In the early stages of morphogenesis, it was found that the ethmoturbinalia might be formed by fusion of the edges of the anlagen of the paranasal cartilage and the lamina orbitonasalis. The structure of the olfactory labyrinth was reminiscent of its organization in the sheep embryo; the recessus frontalis was completed by a series of frontoturbinal recesses and frontoturbinalia, which are poorly developed in the red deer, however. The floor of the caudal part of the nasal capsule was very little developed and there was no cart, paraseptalis post.  相似文献   

The batoid fishes (electric rays, sawfishes, skates, guitarfishes,and stingrays) are a trophically and morphologically diverseclade in which the observed range of diets is a product of afeeding mechanism with few parts and therefore a limited numberof functional interactions. This system allows an intriguingcomparison to the complex network of associations in the feedingapparatus of bony fishes and an anatomically simple frameworkfor investigations of the mechanisms underlying the evolutionof functional and phenotypic diversity. We quantified morphologyfrom reconstructed CT scans of 40 batoid species, representingmore than half of the extant genera. We used pairwise comparisonsto evaluate the extent of coevolution among components of thefeeding apparatus and among morphologies and diets. These relationshipswere then used to predict diets in poorly studied taxa and ina reconstruction of the batoid ancestor. Although functionallythere are fewer examples of convergence in the batoid feedingmechanism than in bony fishes, our data show multiple evolutionsof similar dietary compositions underlain by a broad morphologicaldiversity. Elements of the feeding apparatus evolved independentlyof one another, suggesting that decoupling components of thehead skeleton created separate but interacting evolutionarymodules that allowed trophic diversification. Our data implythat food habits exhibit strong independent and convergent evolutionand that suites of morphologies are associated with certaindiets; however, lack of behavioral data for this clade, andone example of divergent diets underlain by convergent morphology,caution against the assumption of simplistic relationships betweenform and function. We therefore urge future work to ground truthour study by testing the functional, dietary and evolutionaryhypotheses suggested by our data.  相似文献   

O Slaby 《Folia morphologica》1990,38(2):202-211
The author studied the morphogenesis of the nasal apparatus in a sheep (Ovis aries L.) embryo with a length of 57 mm, at the optimum stage of development of the chondrocranium, as a part of his studies of development of the nasal apparatus in ungulates. The nasal apparatus is in general constructed according to the general scheme for mammals. Attention is drawn to the development of the superior alar cartilage, which is reminiscent of the situation in reptiles, to the strikingly developed atriturbinale auctorum (the author does not agree with this morphological designation, which is reserved for the vestibular turbinale in birds), to the well developed anterior paraseptal complex, to the extremely large maxilloturbinale and to the massive trunk of the ethmoturbinale I, which suppresses the corresponding recesses. The olfactory labyrinth is developed at three levels, the upper (rostral) level corresponding to the frontoturbinalia region, the middle to the ethmoturbinale I and the third (caudal) level to the region of the ethmoturbinalia II, III and IV (the recessus ethmoturbinalis). There is no foramen epiphaniale, no crista semicircularis and no crista Galli. A posterior paraseptal cartilage is present; in the author's opinion it is joined to the lamina orbitonasalis and not to the lamina transversalis post., since the latter is absent.  相似文献   

In classical theory, teeth of vertebrate dentitions evolved from co-option of external skin denticles into the oral cavity. This hypothesis predicts that ordered tooth arrangement and regulated replacement in the oral dentition were also derived from skin denticles. The fossil batoid ray Schizorhiza stromeri (Chondrichthyes; Cretaceous) provides a test of this theory. Schizorhiza preserves an extended cartilaginous rostrum with closely spaced, alternating saw-teeth, different from sawfish and sawsharks today. Multiple replacement teeth reveal unique new data from micro-CT scanning, showing how the ‘cone-in-cone’ series of ordered saw-teeth sets arrange themselves developmentally, to become enclosed by the roots of pre-existing saw-teeth. At the rostrum tip, newly developing saw-teeth are present, as mineralized crown tips within a vascular, cartilaginous furrow; these reorient via two 90° rotations then relocate laterally between previously formed roots. Saw-tooth replacement slows mid-rostrum where fewer saw-teeth are regenerated. These exceptional developmental data reveal regulated order for serial self-renewal, maintaining the saw edge with ever-increasing saw-tooth size. This mimics tooth replacement in chondrichthyans, but differs in the crown reorientation and their enclosure directly between roots of predecessor saw-teeth. Schizorhiza saw-tooth development is decoupled from the jaw teeth and their replacement, dependent on a dental lamina. This highly specialized rostral saw, derived from diversification of skin denticles, is distinct from the dentition and demonstrates the potential developmental plasticity of skin denticles.  相似文献   

Shark and ray (elasmobranch) dentitions are well known for their multiple generations of teeth, with isolated teeth being common in the fossil record. However, how the diverse dentitions characteristic of elasmobranchs form is still poorly understood. Data on the development and maintenance of the dental patterning in this major vertebrate group will allow comparisons to other morphologically diverse taxa, including the bony fishes, in order to identify shared pattern characters for the vertebrate dentition as a whole. Data is especially lacking from the Batoidea (skates and rays), hence our objective is to compile data on embryonic and adult batoid tooth development contributing to ordering of the dentition, from cleared and stained specimens and micro-CT scans, with 3D rendered models. We selected species (adult and embryonic) spanning phylogenetically significant batoid clades, such that our observations may raise questions about relationships within the batoids, particularly with respect to current molecular-based analyses. We include developmental data from embryos of recent model organisms Leucoraja erinacea and Raja clavata to evaluate the earliest establishment of the dentition. Characters of the batoid dentition investigated include alternate addition of teeth as offset successional tooth rows (versus single separate files), presence of a symphyseal initiator region (symphyseal tooth present, or absent, but with two parasymphyseal teeth) and a restriction to tooth addition along each jaw reducing the number of tooth families, relative to addition of successor teeth within each family. Our ultimate aim is to understand the shared characters of the batoids, and whether or not these dental characters are shared more broadly within elasmobranchs, by comparing these to dentitions in shark outgroups. These developmental morphological analyses will provide a solid basis to better understand dental evolution in these important vertebrate groups as well as the general plesiomorphic vertebrate dental condition.  相似文献   

The gross brain morphology, brain proportions, and position of cranial nerves in all four genera (Potamotrygon, Plesiotrygon, Paratrygon, and Heliotrygon) and 11 of the species of the Neotropical stingray family Potamotrygonidae were studied to provide new characters that may have a bearing on internal potamotrygonid systematics. The brain was also studied in four other stingray (Myliobatiformes) genera (Hexatrygon, Taeniura, Dasyatis, and Gymnura) to provide a more inclusive phylogenetic context for the interpretation of features of the brain in potamotrygonids. Our results indicate, based on neuroanatomical characters, that the genera Paratrygon and Heliotrygon are sister groups, as are the genera Potamotrygon and Plesiotrygon, agreeing with previous morphological and molecular phylogenetic studies. Both groups of genera share distinct conditions of the olfactory tracts, telencephalon and its central nuclei, hypophysis and infundibulum, morphology and orientation of the metencephalic corpus cerebelli, orientation of the glossopharyngeal nerve, and overall encephalic proportions. The corpus cerebelli of Paratrygon and Heliotrygon is interpreted as being more similar to the general batoid condition and, given their phylogenetic position highly nested within stingrays, is considered secondarily derived, not plesiomorphically retained. Our observations of the corpus cerebelli of stingrays, including Hexatrygon, corroborate that the general stingray pattern previously advanced by Northcutt is derived among batoids. The morphology of the brain is shown to be a useful source of phylogenetically informative characters at lower hierarchical levels, such as between genera and species, and thus, has significant potential in phylogenetic studies of elasmobranchs. J. Morphol. 277:252–263, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Amphibians that undergo a metamorphosis provide an unparalleled opportunity to investigate how skeletal shape is generated, preserved, and transformed in development. Their pharyngeal arch (PA) cartilages, which support breathing and feeding behaviors, form embryonically from cranial neural crest cells, grow isometrically at larval stages, and abruptly change shape during metamorphosis. Further, the shape changes occur in three different ways: some adult cartilages form de novo, others emerge from within resorbing larval cartilages and some larval cartilages reshape themselves at the cellular level. Isometric growth followed by abrupt shape change is unique to amphibian PA cartilages, which suggests that the origin and evolution of amphibian metamorphosis has been influenced by the tissue properties of cartilage. This essay reviews the functional role of the PA skeleton in frogs and salamanders and presents a mechanistic framework for understanding how its shape is generated, preserved, and transformed at the levels of cell behavior and specification mechanisms.  相似文献   

The trabeculae cranii are at first quite separate from each other, after few days their anterior two fifths are connected by a trabecular plate which is obliterated throughout development. The paired origin of the parachordal plate is not observed. The fused posterior orbital cartilages chondrify in the form of a wide short plate, traversed by the oculomotor and trochlear nerves. The basicranial fenestra and fenestra ovalis are formed by the degeneration of pre-existing cartilage. The cochlear portion is completely fused with the parachordal plate from the very beginning. The elements of the pterygoquadrate are fused together. The quadrate and Meckel's cartilage are in close contact from the very beginning. While the lower part of the interorbital septum is derived from the trabecula communis, its upper part is derived from the anterior orbital cartilages. The lateral parts of the fused posterior orbital cartilages give rise to most of the taeniae and pilae of the orbitotemporal region. There is only one commissure between the auditory capsule and parachordal plate. A cartilaginous connection between the distal portion of the columella auris and ceratohyal persists for some time. The parietotectal and paranasal cartilages are fused together from the very beginning. The processus paroticus originates from the columella auris. In the fully formed stage the notochord is completely embedded in the occipital condyle. The union between the condyle and odontoid process persists. The auditory capsules and occipital arches contribute to the formation of the tectum synoticum plus posterius. The prefacial commissure and facial foramen lie in front of the cochlear portion. The columella auris possesses a processus internus (connected with the quadrate), but the processes a dorsalis has completely disappeared. The orbitotemporal region is quite complete. A medial fenestra is formed in the planum supraseptale. A fenestra is observed in each of the interorbital and nasal septa. The lamina transversalis anterior is fused with the parietotectal cartilage. A complete zona annularis is present. The outer wall of the paranasal cartilage is perforated by a large fenestra lateralis. The parietotectal and paranasal cartilages and the posterior process of the lamina transversalis anterior contribute to the formation of the concha nasalis. There is a contact between the planum antorbitale and nasal septum. The pterygoid process has disappeared. The common characters of the lacertid chondrocranuium are deduced.  相似文献   

The prototypic chondrichthyan immunoglobulin (Ig) light chain type (type I) isolated from Heterodontus francisci (horned shark) has a clustered organization in which variable (V), joining (J), and constant (C) elements are in relatively close linkage (V-J-C). Using a polymerase chain reaction-based approach on a light chain peptide sequence from the holocephalan, Hydrolagus colliei (spotted ratfish), it was possible to isolate members of a second light chain gene family. A probe to this light chain (type II) detects homologs in two orders of elasmobranchs, Heterodontus, a galeomorph and Raja erinacea (little skate), a batoid, suggesting that this light chain type may be present throughout the cartilaginous fishes. In all cases, V, J, and C regions of the type II gene are arranged in closely linked clusters typical of all known Ig genes in cartilaginous fishes. All representatives of this type II gene family are joined in the germline. A third (kappa-like) light chain type from Heterodontus is described. These findings establish that a degree of light chain class complexity comparable to that of the mammals is present in the most phylogenetically distant extant jawed vertebrates and that the phenomenon of germline-joined (pre-rearranged) genes, described originally in the heavy chain genes of cartilaginous fishes, extends to light chain genes.  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses have improved our understanding of food webs and movement patterns of aquatic organisms. These techniques have recently been applied to diet studies of elasmobranch fishes, but isotope turnover rates and isotope diet–tissue discrimination are still poorly understood for this group. We performed a diet switch experiment on captive sandbar sharks (Carcharhinus plumbeus) as a model shark species to determine tissue turnover rates for liver, whole blood, and white muscle. In a second experiment, we subjected captive coastal skates (Leucoraja spp.) to serial salinity reductions to measure possible impacts of tissue urea content on nitrogen stable isotope values. We extracted urea from spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) white muscle to test for effects on nitrogen stable isotopes. Isotope turnover was slow for shark tissues and similar to previously published estimates for stingrays and teleost fishes with low growth rates. Muscle isotope data would likely fail to capture seasonal migrations or diet switches in sharks, while liver and whole blood would more closely reflect shorter term movement or shifts in diet. Nitrogen stable isotope values of skate blood and skate and dogfish white muscle were not affected by tissue urea content, suggesting that available diet–tissue discrimination estimates for teleost fishes with similar physiologies would provide accurate estimates for elasmobranchs.  相似文献   

The Comparative anatomy of the 11 recognized genera within Torpediniformes is described, systematically categorized, and illustrated in a comprehensive photo‐atlas. Data are compiled into a character matrix and cladistically analyzed using parsimony to test hypotheses about the previously recognized subfamilies, while reconstructing the possible evolutionary history of Torpediniformes. Results are consistent with the previous rank‐based classifications, regardless of the parsimony criteria used to generate the phylogenetic hypothesis, with one notable exception: a monophyletic Narcininae was never recovered. Torpedinoidea (=Hypnos + Torpedo) is supported by the presence of long, slender, flexible jaw cartilages, absence of a large rostral fontanelle, presence of suprascapular antimeres that are each shorter than the scapular process of the scapulocoracoid, antorbital cartilages that articulate on the anterior aspect of the nasal capsules and absence of a frontoparietal fontanelle. Subfamilial names Hypninae and Torpedininae are redundant with the genus names Hypnos and Torpedo and are not adopted here. Narcinoidea (=nontorpedinoid torpediniforms) is supported by unambiguous character transformations to the presence of a divided lower lip, labial cartilages, laterolingually compressed palatoquadrates, bifurcated antorbital cartilages, a rostral fontanelle, ventrally projecting nasal capsules, a dorsal rim of the synarcual mouth posterior to occipital condyle, posteriorly positioned lateral stays, and obtuse anterior margins of lateral stays. Narkidae is supported by unambiguous character transformations to the presence of an uncovered eye that protrudes above dorsal surface, a shared rim between the spiracle and the eye, an anterior nasal turret that projects ventrally, a nasal curtain that covers the upper lip and dentition when the mouth is closed, tab‐like prepelvic processes, a mesopterygium that is shorter than propterygium but longer than metapterygium, a slender median rostral cartilage, and a basibranchial cartilage with an anterior margin that is depressed medially and a posterior margin that tapers. J. Morphol. 275:597–612, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Skates, rays and allies (Batoidea) comprise more than half of the species diversity and much of the morphological disparity among chondrichthyan fishes, the sister group to all other jawed vertebrates. While batoids are morphologically well characterized and have an excellent fossil record, there is currently no consensus on the interrelationships of family-level taxa. Here we construct a resolved, robust and time-calibrated batoid phylogeny using mitochondrial genomes, nuclear genes, and fossils, sampling densely across taxa. Data partitioning schemes, biases in the sequence data, and the relative informativeness of each fossil are explored. The molecular phylogeny is largely congruent with morphology crownward in the tree, but the branching orders of major batoid groups are mostly novel. Body plan convergence appears to be widespread in batoids. A depressed, rounded pectoral disk supported to the snout tip by fin radials, common to skates and stingrays, is indicated to have been derived independently by each group, while the long, spiny rostrum of sawfishes similarly appears to be convergent with that of sawsharks, which are not batoids. The major extant batoid lineages are inferred to have arisen relatively rapidly from the Late Triassic into the Jurassic, with long stems followed by subsequent radiations in each group around the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. The fossil record indicates that batoids were affected with disproportionate severity by the end-Cretaceous extinction event.  相似文献   

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