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二化螟水稻种群与茭白种群光周期反应的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报道了用水稻和茭白分别饲养二化螟水稻种群和茭白种群的光周期反应。光周期反应曲线显示,用水稻饲养茭白种群或用茭白饲养水稻种群,无论是在短光照还是在长光照条件下,绝大多数幼虫被诱导进入滞育,丧失了各自原有的光周期反应特性,表明这两个种群已分化到仅适应其本身寄主的程度。用水稻饲养的茭白种群仅有5%~6%的个体化蛹,且其幼虫期较用茭白饲养的延长了15~18天;而用茭白饲养的水稻种群有30%~40%的个体化蛹,其幼虫期与水稻饲养的仅相差3~8天。茭白种群用水稻饲养时32日龄幼虫体重仅为茭白饲养的53.1%,而水稻种群用水稻饲养时32日龄幼虫体重为茭白饲养的79.5%。这些结果表明,茭白种群不适应取食水稻,而水稻种群对取食茭白则有一定的适应能力。根据这些结果,我们认为:(1)这两个种群已出现种下分化的迹象;(2)茭白种植不会对水稻田二化螟的发生产生大的影响。  相似文献   

以山东泰安棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera Hübner为例,在人工饲养条件下、人工气候箱中,研究了不同光周期和温度条件对棉铃虫幼虫生长发育历期、蛹重及蛹历期的影响.结果表明,光周期对棉铃虫幼虫发育历期、非滞育蛹历期均存在一定的影响,短光照(滞育诱导的光周期)下的发育历期要长于长光照(诱导发育的光周期)的发育历期;温度对棉铃虫幼虫发育历期、非滞育蛹历期的影响十分明显,随着温度上升,发育历期明显缩短;棉铃虫蛹的重量形成受到幼虫期的光周期和温度的联合作用,在较高温度(28℃)下,光照时数与蛹重呈现极显著的负相关关系(R2=0.9257),在短光照(如11h光)下,蛹重与温度呈现正相关性(R2=0.8564),而在长光照下如15h,蛹重与温度呈现一定的负相关性(R2=0.523);此外,同一光温下,雌雄蛹重量差异不显著,而滞育蛹要重于非滞育蛹,幼虫发育历期越长形成的蛹一般越重.  相似文献   

张岚  董勇  杨世璋  林万光  曾艳 《昆虫知识》2011,48(6):1759-1764
在重庆进行了斐豹蛱蝶Argyreus hyperbius(L.)室内饲养和繁殖生物学研究。在自然光照条件下,室内温度22~25℃,相对湿度50%~80%,成虫喂10%的蜂蜜溶液,幼虫食堇菜科的植物,在此条件下,可进行自然交配、产卵;幼虫在盒内能正常生长发育并化蛹、羽化;同时在自然变温条件下,对斐豹蛱蝶蛹的发育起点温度和有效积温进行了研究,结果表明,发育起点温度为(14.10±0.19)℃,有效积温为68.33日·度。  相似文献   

通过在人工气候箱内设定不同光周期和温度梯度单虫饲养观察个体发育史,研究了光周期和温度对虎斑蝶Danaus genutia幼期存活的影响,研究结果可为该高观赏价值蝶种的规模化养殖提供依据。结果表明,在长光照(L∶D=15∶9)条件下,17.5、20.0、22.5、25.0、27.5、30.0℃时虎斑蝶卵的孵化率分别为63.72%、71.67%、65.75%、75.00%、67.12%、59.56%,幼虫的存活率分别为85.67%、85.96%、91.19%、89.20%、80.86%、68.78%,蛹的存活率分别为82.76%、100.00%、96.00%、97.06%、100.00%、100.00%;在短光照(L∶D=9∶15)条件下,17.5、20.0、25.0、30.0℃时虎斑蝶卵的孵化率分别为86.36%、67.06%、75.00%、77.50%,幼虫的存活率分别为85.05%、84.59%、85.74%、80.78%,蛹的存活率分别为93.30%、94.12%、100.00%、100.00%。结果表明,17.5℃和30.0℃均不利于虎斑蝶幼期的存活,20.0~27.5℃是其幼期生长发育适宜的温度范围。长光照利于幼虫的存活,短光照利于卵的孵化和蛹的羽化;在17.5~30.0℃内,较高的温度利于蛹的羽化,而较低的温度利于卵的孵化和幼虫的存活;温度对虎斑蝶卵的孵化、幼虫的存活及蛹的羽化影响大于光周期;在养殖生产上,建议将幼期养殖温度控制在20.0~27.5℃,幼虫期饲养在长光照下为宜,卵和蛹期置于短光照下为宜。  相似文献   

光周期和温度对桃小食心虫滞育的影响   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
桃小食心虫在辽西兴城地区为二化性具有兼性滞育的昆虫。第一代幼虫的一部分及第二代幼虫的全部老熟脱果后,在表土作扁圆形的“冬茧”以滞育状态越冬,整个越冬期长达9—10个月。 在田间,7月下旬脱果的幼虫,就有少数个体进入滞育:随着脱果日期的延迟,进入滞育的个体增多。8月20日以后脱果的幼虫,进入滞育的个体锐增,8月底脱果者,基本全部进入滞育,当年不再发生第二代。 室内控制条件下进行的试验证明,在中位温度下,滞育与否主要决定于幼虫果内发育期间昼夜光照时数:当每天光照为12小时以下时,脱果后的幼虫,基本上全部进入滞育。在每天光照15小时下发育的幼虫,基本上不滞育。但随着光照时间的继续延长,滞育个体又大大增加。 在25℃恒温下,临界光周期约为14小时20分,但此临界光周期并不是一个固定不变的数值,而是随着温度的变化发生有规律的变动;在一定的温度范围内,温度提高,临界光周期缩短;温度降低,临界光周期延长。 幼虫在果内发育时间,对短光照反应均显示出一定程度的敏感性,但是,仍然可以看出,感受光照反应的时期主要是蛀果后取食的前10天。幼虫连续感受短光照的时间愈长,则滞育率愈高。光周期诱发滞育是不可逆的。 关于温度与滞育的关系,试验结果初步表明,高温在一定的程度上抑制短光照对滞育的作用;低温在一定程度上控制长光照对滞育的作用。 解除滞育的试验初步证明,低温是解除滞育必需的条件,滞育幼虫在10℃的温度条件下,经历两个多月,即有60%的个体解除了滞育。完成滞育发育的适宜温度范围可能在5—10℃之间。  相似文献   

粟穗螟滞育的形成和解除与环境条件的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘学贤  程开禄 《昆虫学报》1993,36(4):451-458
粟穗螟Manpava bipunctella Ragonot在川南地区为二化性兼性滞育的昆虫。光周期是诱发滞育的主导因素,在中位温度下,滞育与否主要取决于幼虫发育期间的每日光照时数。在2s℃恒温下,临界光周期为14小时38分。幼虫对光照刺激反应的敏感期为低龄期。 温度和食料效应只发生在每天14小时以上的长光照下,低温有抵销长光照抑制滞育的作用,高温影响不显著;取食玉米的幼虫滞育率比高粱的高,并随寄主生育阶段的发展而增高。该虫滞育解除必需每天14-15小时的长光照;不利于滞育发育和解除,适宜温度为10一25℃。本文最后讨论了该虫滞育形成和解除的特点对发生规律的作用及在测报上的意义。  相似文献   

光周期对大草蛉(Chrysopa pallens)滞育及发育的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
时爱菊 《生态学报》2008,28(8):3854-3859
在22℃条件下,研究大草蛉对光周期的敏感性,结果表明:大草蛉属短日照滞育型,在短光照条件下饲养获得的预蛹进入滞育状态,诱导预蛹滞育的临界光周期为10.5L-13.5D到11L-13D.2龄幼虫期是诱导预蛹滞育的敏感虫期,只有当2龄幼虫期处于短光照条件下时才能进入滞育状态.1龄和3龄幼虫期也在滞育诱导条件下进行滞育诱导,能够提高滞育率.光周期对大草蛉幼虫历期及预蛹重的影响研究结果表明:光周期对幼虫历期有一定的影响,特别对2龄幼虫期的影响比较明显.幼虫期的光周期条件影响预蛹的重量,滞育预蛹的重量显著高于非滞育预蛹.  相似文献   

马尾松毛虫的光周期反应   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
马尾松毛虫Dendrolimus punctatus Walker和油松毛虫 Dendrolimus tabulaeformisTsai et Liu都属于长日照型昆虫。它们的光周期反应却存在着明显的差开。马尾松毛虫初龄幼虫对光照时数虽然敏感,可是只有在整个幼虫期都处在短光照周期条件下才能维持幼虫的滞育。 而且, 幼虫的滞育强度明显较弱,解除滞育所要求的条件也不如油松毛虫严格。在较高温度条件下,幼虫的滞育更不稳定,一般仅表现为生长的短暂停滞和幼虫历期的相对延长。温度和光周期还可影响到幼虫的存活和性比。马尾松毛虫幼虫呈典型的浅滞育现象。正是由于这一特性,在环境条件的影响下,长江沿岸省份不同年份马尾松毛虫二、三代分化的比例才有较大的波动,这直接关系着当地的种群动态,也是当年当地高虫口区二代虫能否成灾的关键。  相似文献   

光周期和温度对枯叶蛱蝶幼虫生长发育的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在人工气候箱中研究不同光周期和温度条件下枯叶蛱蝶Kallima inachus Doubleday幼虫的生长发育情况。结果表明,20℃时,光周期对枯叶蛱蝶幼虫发育历期影响明显,25℃和30℃时无明显影响。20,25和30℃,12.5~14h光照下,幼虫发育历期分别为31.7~36.0,26.3~27.4和21.0~21.5d,最长和最短历期分别相差4.3,1.1和0.5d。随着温度升高,在相同光照下,幼虫发育历期缩短。20,25和30℃12.5~14h光照下幼虫存活率分别为80%~92%、75%~95%和55%~85%,随温度上升,不同光周期下幼虫存活率差异加大。30℃时大部分光周期下存活率较低,已对幼虫生长发育不利,人工养殖时温度不宜超过30℃。  相似文献   

【目的】为了进一步明确光照时间对双尾新小绥螨Neoseiulus bicaudus Wainstein生长发育的影响。【方法】在实验室恒温条件下,采用生命表研究方法,研究在不同光照时间下,双尾新小绥螨捕食土耳其斯坦叶螨的生长发育情况。【结果】双尾新小绥螨在不同光照时间段下均能完成世代周期。在光照时数小于12 h时,从卵发育至成螨的各个发育阶段所需时间均呈缩短趋势,当光照时数大于16 h后各个发育阶段所需的时间又呈增长趋势。产卵期在12L︰12D光照时数下最长为20.74 d,且同其他光照条件均存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。产卵后期、寿命、总产卵量均表现在16L︰8D光照时数下最长,分别为11.93 d、31.05 d和42.4粒。双尾新小绥螨种群的净增值率(R_0)在16L︰8D时达到最大值33.88,在8L︰16D时最低为14.97。【结论】光照时间在12~16 h范围内最适合双尾新小绥螨生长发育。  相似文献   

Transmission trials of apple proliferation (AP) phytoplasma to healthy apple plants were carried out with Cacopsylla melanoneura (Forster). Both field naturally infected and experimentally infected psyllids were evaluated. The capacity of the different life stages of the insect in transmitting AP was tested. Overwintered adults collected in the orchards were able to transmit AP with a variable efficiency, depending on the infectivity rate of source plants. Experimentally infected nymphs and springtime adults succeeded in the transmission of AP, but the lower number of insect tested and the shorter inoculation period, due to difficulties in rearing the whole cycle of the insect in the laboratory, affected the efficiency. Considering the life history of C. melanoneura, the overwintered adults are the most responsible of the diffusion of AP in apple orchards.  相似文献   

谢文华  陶双伦  杨冬梅  梁静  李俊年 《生态学报》2014,34(22):6583-6588
种群密度效应主要表现在影响和调节种群的死亡率、发育速率、繁殖率以及扩散、迁移等反应种群数量动态的重要参数。分析密度对大树蛙蝌蚪生长发育和存活率的影响,有助于探究外界环境因子导致大树蛙种群密度迅速下降的作用机制。设置了15、20、25只/L和30只/L 4个密度组,测量大树蛙蝌蚪的尾长、体长、发育时间和存活率。结果表明,在15—30只/L范围内,密度升高显著降低了大树蛙蝌蚪尾长和体长的生长速率,减小其变态期的尾长和体长大小,其中与15只/L相比,20、25只/L和30只/L 3组蝌蚪的尾长分别降低了11.6%、11.8%和13.9%,体长分别降低了11.1%、9.5%和12.9%;随着密度的升高,大树蛙蝌蚪发育至跗蹠部伸长期和前肢伸出期的所需时间显著延长;大树蛙蝌蚪生长后期的存活率随密度升高显著降低,但密度对蝌蚪生长早期的存活率影响不显著。因此,密度升高可显著减小大树蛙蝌蚪的尾长和体长、延长发育时间和降低其生长后期的存活率,可能影响大树蛙蝌蚪变态后的适合度。  相似文献   

Aim of the study was to determine the effect of initial larval density on growth and survival of the common barbel Barbus barbus (L.) under controlled conditions. The experiment examined fish density from 20 to 200 ind. L?1 during intensive rearing at 25°C. Rearing lasted 21 days whereby the average total fish length, weight and survival were recorded. During the entire period fish were fed live nauplii Artemia sp. The data provided the basis for calculating the specific growth rate (SGR), Fulton’s condition index (K), and analysis of the relationship between biomass and the stocking density. The documentation was also used to determine the level of ontogeny. The study data obtained indicated that initial larval density has no effect on survival (over 98% in each treatment), level of ontogeny, or on the rearing indexes. Fish achieved the juvenile stage during the second week of rearing (<23 mm total length). At the end of the experiment fish reached 26.50–27.78 mm TL. SGR ranged from 22.75 to 23.53 (% day?1). No statistical differences were found among all treatments (P > 0.05). The findings of this study suggest that stocking density in common barbel larvae is not a factor limiting growth or the ontogenetic development rate during initial rearing. This creates considerable potential for improvement in stocking material production under controlled conditions and should have a positive effect on the economic effectiveness of production.  相似文献   

山荆子腊叶标本表型性状变异分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了揭示山荆子表型性状的变异程度和规律,以150份山荆子腊叶标本为材料,选择20个表型性状,统计基本参数并进行聚类分析.结果表明:叶的平均变异系数(CV=32.67%)大于果的平均变异系数(CV=20.7%),果的性状稳定性较高,叶性状中叶柄长变异系数(CV=38%)最大,叶宽位/叶长变异系数(CV=13.29%)最小;果实性状中果径宽位/果柄长(CV=29.37%)变异最大,变异最小的性状是果长/果径(CV=13.10%);选用平均欧氏距离对各地方居群的20个表型性状进行UPGMA聚类,在距离5阈值处,可以划分为5类,在欧氏距离6阈值处,可划分为3大类.  相似文献   

以‘寒富’苹果为试材,利用光学显微镜技术和气体交换等方法,研究了光照条件对盆栽和田间条件下‘寒富’苹果叶片结构和光合特性的影响.结果表明: 同种栽培方式下,与全光照条件相比,遮阴环境下‘寒富’苹果叶片的栅栏组织、海绵组织以及叶片总厚度均降低,其中,栅栏组织分别降低34.5%(盆栽)和25.0%(大田),叶片总厚度分别降低27.1%(盆栽)和18.3%(大田);遮阴环境下大田‘寒富’苹果叶片的光补偿点(LCP)最低,为(30.8±1.3) μmol·m-2·s-1,全光照比遮阴环境下叶片饱和光强分别高22.7%(盆栽)和48.2%(大田);盆栽不同光照环境下叶片对强光的适应能力不同,突然转入强光下,达到最大光合速率15.4 μmol·m-2·s-1(盆栽全光照)和12.7 μmol·m-2·s-1(盆栽遮阴)的光合启动时间不同,分别为23和33 min.表明长期遮阴影响‘寒富’苹果叶片质量及光合能力.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(4):1041-1047
Previous work reveals that newly emerged adult Chinese citrus flies, Bactrocera minax (Enderlein), emerges from the ground in the mosaic-type citrus orchard of the hilly terrain landform dispersed into adjacent forest, and the newly emerged adult flies fed on male inflorescence of the Chinese chestnut, Castanea mollissima Blume (Fagaceae). The potential impact of male inflorescence of C. mollissima on the longevity, and survival of adult females and males, the ovarian development of adult females, and the abdominal index, ovarian index, and egg length of the fourth ovarian grade of living females, as well as the flowering process of the male inflorescence of the Chinese chestnut, were studied with the three methods of rearing (normal rearing, hungry rearing, and bagging rearing). For all three rearing treatments, the longevity of all adults could live up to 38 days, there were similar time dynamics for the average survival of female and male adult flies. Of the total females, 32.1%–100% females with bagging rearing could attain the fourth ovarian grade like those in rearing and hunger rearing. The abdominal index, ovarian index, and egg length of the fourth ovarian grade of 27–39 days’ old living females with bagging rearing (it corresponds to the late flower withering period), were 75.1%, 49.8% and 89.6% of those with normal rearing, and 73.2%, 60.6% and 90.8% of those with hungry rearing, respectively. The male inflorescence of C. mollissima can satisfy the nutritional requirements of adult B. minax, enabling their survival and normal reproduction. This study can provide references for development and application of artificial feed and food attractants of adult B. minax.  相似文献   

More energy-efficient, readily dimmable, long-lasting and more affordable light-emitting diode (LED) lights are increasingly finding applications in poultry production facilities. Despite anecdotal evidence about the benefits of such lighting on bird performance and behavior, concrete research data were lacking. In this study, a commercial poultry-specific LED light (dim-to-blue, controllable correlated color temperature (CCT) from 4500 to 5300 K) and a typical compact fluorescent light (CFL) (soft white, CCT=2700 K) were compared with regards to their effects on growing performance, activity levels, and feather and comb conditions of non-beak-trimmed W-36 pullets during a 14-week rearing period. A total of 1280-day-old pullets in two successive batches, 640 birds each, were used in the study. For each batch, pullets were randomly assigned to four identical litter-floor rooms equipped with perches, two rooms per light regimen, 160 birds per room. Body weight, BW uniformity (BWU), BW gain (BWG) and cumulative mortality rate (CMR) of the pullets were determined every 2 weeks from day-old to 14 weeks of age (WOA). Activity levels of the pullets at 5 to 14 WOA were delineated by movement index. Results revealed that pullets under the LED and CFL lights had comparable BW (1140±5 g v. 1135±5 g, P=0.41), BWU (90.8±1.0% v. 91.9±1.0%, P=0.48) and CMR (1.3±0.6% v. 2.7±0.6%, P=0.18) at 14 WOA despite some varying BWG during the rearing. Circadian activity levels of the pullets were higher under the LED light than under the CFL light, possibly resulting from differences in spectrum and/or perceived light intensity between the two lights. No feather damage or comb wound was apparent in either light regimen at the end of the rearing period. The results contribute to understanding the impact of emerging LED lights on pullets rearing which is a critical component of egg production.  相似文献   

Optimal photoperiod and temperature conditions for rearing of the mosquito Culex pipiens pipiens f. molestus without blood feeding (through autogenous eggs) were experimentally substantiated. This method may be used in order to obtain relatively small quantities of mosquitoes or for preservation of a laboratory colony. Optimal conditions of rearing are the short-day photoperiod (12 h of light per day) at 20 degrees C, when 87 % of the females produce autogenous eggs rafts consisting of 52 eggs on the average. It should be emphasized that larval food must be adequate and abundant, because the quality and quantity of it has a pronounced effect on the autogeny rate.  相似文献   

紫外处理梨小食心虫卵对暗黑赤眼蜂寄生和羽化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】研究暗黑赤眼蜂Trichogramma pintoi Voegele对经紫外线照射处理的梨小食心虫 Grapholita molesta (Busck)卵的寄生效果, 确定处理寄主卵的最佳紫外强度和处理时间, 为利用小卵大量饲养赤眼蜂时寄主卵的处理和保存提供方法。【方法】初羽化12 h内的暗黑赤眼蜂分别寄生经不同强度紫外灯处理不同时间的梨小食心虫卵, 观察其寄生状况, 并统计寄生率和羽化率, 与对未经紫外处理的梨小食心虫卵的寄生率和羽化率作比较。【结果】暗黑赤眼蜂对经紫外照射的梨小食心虫卵的寄生率明显下降, 且随着紫外光强度的增强和紫外处理时间的延长, 影响强度增大。紫外处理梨小食心虫卵后, 暗黑赤眼蜂羽化率变化不大, 用15W紫外灯1-2 h或30W紫外灯照射1 h后, 暗黑赤眼蜂羽化率有所提高, 均在80%以上, 但在紫外照射3 h后, 羽化率明显下降。【结论】处理梨小食心虫卵时的紫外光强度及紫外处理时间对暗黑赤眼蜂寄生梨小食心虫卵的寄生效果均有一定的影响。实验室利用梨小食心虫卵大量繁殖暗黑赤眼蜂时, 宜采用15W 1 h紫外照射, 既能杀死寄主卵的胚胎, 又不会对暗黑赤眼蜂的寄生效果产生明显的不利影响。  相似文献   

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