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高原地区动物面临一系列严峻的生存考验,随着海拔的变化,动物栖息地的食物资源等差异大,温度、氧分压等环境因子都将发生变化.环境差异可能会影响动物种群的生活史对策.在生理功能适应中,动物的能量代谢适应扮演着重要的角色.为探究高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)在不同海拔地区的能量代谢适应与热中性区范围,分别选取...  相似文献   

个性特征是指动物个体间稳定、可遗传的行为差异,与相关基因多态性有关,反映了动物对环境的适应模式,探究个性相关基因变异,将有助于更好地理解动物对环境的适应与进化机制。本文以高原鼠兔 (Ochotona curzoniae) 为对象,研究了5个不同海拔地区高原鼠兔的个性 (探究性、勇敢性和温顺性) 差异特征,并检测了个性相关基因5-羟色胺转运体 (SERT) 的单核苷酸多态性 (SNP) 和mRNA表达。结果发现,高海拔地区高原鼠兔的探究性和勇敢性显著高于低海拔地区,而高海拔地区高原鼠兔SERT基因mRNA表达量显著低于低海拔地区,提示不同海拔高原鼠兔个性特征差异可能与SERT基因mRNA表达有所关联。进一步检测不同海拔地区高原鼠兔SERT基因多态性及其分布差异情况,发现该基因存在6个SNP (其中5个位于外显子3,1个位于外显子5 );不同海拔地区鼠兔基因分布差异分析显示外显子5的c.A1063C 同义突变与海拔之间存在显著相关,高海拔地区该位点CC基因型分布频率显著高于低海拔地区;c.A1063C的基因型虽然与探究性、勇敢性无显著相关,但与温顺性显著相关。综上所述,随着海拔升高,高原鼠兔探究性和勇敢性增加,这有利于动物获取更多的食物资源,进而增加其生存机会。与此同时,SERT基因多态性显示与不同海拔地区的生存环境相适应的特征,且与温顺性有关,暗示不同海拔高原鼠兔个性差异可能与SERT基因SNP的差异有关。本研究从基因表达与突变的角度尝试阐述高原鼠兔适应不同海拔环境的行为差异,显示了不同海拔地区高原鼠兔行为生存策略潜在的分子机制。  相似文献   

不同种群密度下高原鼠兔的行为模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在2003年高原鼠兔(Ochotonacurzoniae)的繁殖初期、繁殖盛期、繁殖中期和繁殖末期,采用目标动物取样法对其不同种群密度条件下的行为模式进行研究,探讨高原鼠兔的行为变化和种群密度的相互关系。结果表明:在繁殖盛期和繁殖中期,低密度种群内雌性高原鼠兔的观望时间均显著高于高密度种群内,而在其它两个时期内无明显不同;雄性高原鼠兔的观望时间在不同密度间比较均无显著差异;同一密度条件下,雄性高原鼠兔的观望行为持续时间和发生频次均表现显著的季节性变化,而雌性高原鼠兔无明显差异。高原鼠兔的地面活动时间在不同种群密度间比较无显著差异。低密度种群内,雄性高原鼠兔的地面移动距离和频次均呈显著的季节性差异,而雌性高原鼠兔的差异不显著;高密度种群内,雌、雄个体的地面移动距离和频次都具有显著的季节性差异。在高原鼠兔的社会行为中,亲昵行为和攻击行为强度在不同种群密度间比较均无显著差异;在同一密度条件下,亲昵行为和攻击行为强度也没有表现出明显的季节性变化。以上结果说明高原鼠兔的行为变化与其繁殖期和性别有明显的关系,而在密度间无明显的差异,其主要原因是在不同的繁殖期,动物的繁殖投入不同,导致行为模式产生差异  相似文献   

高原鼠兔繁殖期攻击行为的动态格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨高原鼠兔繁殖期攻击行为强度的变化、检验进化博弈理论有关预测,本研究于2009 年5 ~8 月采用标志重捕和中立竞技场法测定了高原鼠兔自然种群斗殴及进攻等行为的发生频率及持续时间。结果表明:5 月下旬及6 月上旬高原鼠兔雄性斗殴行为发生频率及持续时间显著高于7 月下旬和8 月中旬;而雌性差异不显著。5月下旬和6 月上旬,高原鼠兔雄性个体间的斗殴行为发生频率及持续时间显著高于雌性,其余时期两性间无显著差异。进攻发起者通常是该次殴斗的获胜者;自繁殖高峰期至末期,种群中雄性高原鼠兔鹰对策者比例逐渐下降,与进化博弈论的预测一致。  相似文献   

个性特征是指动物稳定且可遗传的综合行为特征,反映出其对特定环境的适应。限制性假说认为个性特征主要受遗传因素制约,个体间行为的表达差异不以环境条件而发生随意性改变;然而,适应性假说则认为个性特征主要由环境因素决定,生活于相同环境中的物种,其个性特征将产生趋同现象。本研究通过比较2个高原鼠兔地理种群的个性特征,检验适应性假说和限制性假说的相关预测。结果表明,刚察县高原鼠兔野外种群个体的行为特征聚为3类,玛沁县则为2类。实验室内驯化2-3个月后,两个地理种群个体行为特征聚为1类。两地理种群个体的观察、攀爬行为及边缘区域活动、移动累计时间均无显著差异,但静止累计时间存在明显地理差异。个体的中心区域活动累计时间在野外和驯化后均存在明显差异,且与地理空间的交互作用不显著。两地理种群之间个体的温顺性无明显差异;心率亦无显著差异。高原鼠兔个性特征中主要行为参数无显著的地理差异,主要由遗传因素决定,验证了限制性假说的相关预测。  相似文献   

为探讨横断山区大绒鼠适应食物匮乏的适应对策,将成年雄性大绒鼠随机分为自由取食组和饲喂正常摄食量的80% 限食组。测定了自由取食组和限食组雄性大绒鼠的体重、静止代谢率、非颤抖性产热以及体脂含量、血清瘦素含量、肝脏鲜重、褐色脂肪组织重量和消化道形态。结果显示:限食使雄性大绒鼠的体重、体脂含量、静止代谢率、非颤抖性产热、褐色脂肪组织重量和大肠、小肠长度显著降低,使盲肠内容物重量显著增加。血清瘦素含量与体重、体脂含量呈极显著正相关。在限食条件下,大绒鼠主要通过降低体重、基础代谢和产热的能量支出以及动用体内脂肪以应对食物资源短缺的环境条件,瘦素可能参与了能量代谢和体重的适应性调节。  相似文献   

食物及洞道密度对高原鼠兔冬季死亡率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究在野外围栏条件下采用2×2 析因实验设计,通过最小存活数法分别统计冬季前后种群数量,测定附加食物及洞道密度对高原鼠兔冬季死亡率的影响,旨在检验栖息地质量对降低高原鼠兔冬季死亡率的效应。4种野外实验处理2 个重复的研究结果表明,夏季无附加食物与低密度洞道处理组高原鼠兔冬季死亡率为71% ;而附加食物和高密度洞道处理冬季死亡率仅为47% ;添加食物和低密度洞道及无附加食物和高密度洞道处理组种群死亡率分别为60% 和53% 。每一处理组雌性死亡率均显著低于雄性。夏季添加食物和增加洞道密度均能明显地降低高原鼠兔种群冬季死亡率,但无显著的交互作用。  相似文献   

动物出生前后阶段是发育可塑性的关键时期,众多生理或环境因素可长期改变个体的生长发育和代谢表型。双亲效应是造成后代表型差异的重要原因。为研究双亲体重对后代断乳后的生长发育及成年期体重和能量代谢的影响,选取了体重差异显著的布氏田鼠,分别雌雄配对,形成高体重双亲组后代(雌性,51.5 g±1.6 g;雄性,60.4 g±2.5 g;Parental high body mass,HBM)和低体重双亲组后代(雌性,35.5 g±1.2 g;雄性,49.6 g±2.8 g;Parental low body mass,LBM)。检测了后代(胎仔数为6-8)4-13周龄的体重、能量摄入(摄入能、消化能和消化率);12周龄时静止代谢率、非颤抖性产热、葡萄糖耐受;13周龄的血清瘦素水平及身体组织器官重等。发现:(1)低体重双亲组后代发育过程中的摄入能和消化能均显著高于高体重双亲组,雄性后代睾丸湿重和干重显著降低。(2)在雄性后代,双亲低体重导致静止代谢率显著升高,但雌性后代组间差异不显著。(3)成年(12周龄后)时的体重、非颤抖性产热、血清瘦素和葡萄糖耐受在高、低体重双亲组间无显著差异。结果表明:双亲低体重导致后代发育过程中将更多的能量用于生长,雄性后代繁殖器官的发育明显受到抑制,表现出生长和繁殖间的权衡。  相似文献   

高原鼠兔 (Ochotona curzoniae) 作为青藏高原高寒草地生态系统中的关键物种,其种群数量随着过度放牧导致的草地退化而暴发式增长。阐明此过程中高原鼠兔天然免疫能力及肝脏和肾脏器官指数的变化,对深入揭示青藏高原草地退化引起的高原鼠兔种群暴发机理具有重要意义。本研究在青海海北高寒草地生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站地区,调查了轻度、中度、重度退化草地中高原鼠兔洞口数量,并测定了成体高原鼠兔血清总IgG含量、肠道寄生物感染状况及肝脏和肾脏指数。结果发现:随着草地退化,高原鼠兔洞口数量和血清总IgG水平显著增加;绦虫和线虫的感染率和感染强度以及肝脏和肾脏指数均显著降低。雄性对绦虫的感染率和肝脏指数显著低于雌性;雌性在重度退化草地中对绦虫和线虫的感染率及感染强度显著低于轻度退化草地。以上结果表明,过度放牧介导的草地退化增强了高原鼠兔的天然免疫功能,缓解了毒素对肝脏和肾脏的损伤,进而可能促进其种群暴发式增长。  相似文献   

高原鼠兔家群结构的季节变异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用标志重捕法测定高原鼠兔家群年龄结构和性比,探讨其家群结构的季节变异及原因.结果显示,繁殖早期,家群由越冬成体和第1胎幼体构成;繁殖后期,家群主要由第1胎幼体构成.高原鼠兔家群年龄结构依季节存在显著的差异.5月,成体和雌性第1胎幼体个体数显著多于其他月份;5月和6月雄性第1胎幼体个体数显著多于7月和8月;6月第2胎幼体个体数显著多于7月和8月;7月雄性第2胎幼体个体数显著多于8月.7月和8月,第1胎幼体个体数显著多于第2胎幼体.高原鼠兔家群内5月成体性比显著高于7月和8月.结果表明,高原鼠兔在冬季漫长、食物匮乏以及繁殖季节极短等条件下,调整家群结构,提高繁殖成功率,使其种群在严酷的高寒环境中得以延续.  相似文献   

本研究通过分析肺表面活性物质(pulmonary surfactant,PS)组成和含量探讨高原鼢鼠(Myospalax baileyi)和高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)的低氧适应机制。高原鼢鼠和高原鼠兔各36只,捕捉于海拔3600 m左右的青海省海南州贵德县拉脊山地区,36只Sprague-Dawley(SD)大鼠购自海拔1500 m左右的兰州大学实验动物中心。所有动物麻醉后通过肺循环进行肺灌洗,充分洗净肺组织中的血液,取出完整的肺组织灌洗得到肺泡灌洗液。应用高效液相色谱法分析三种动物PS中磷脂的组成和含量;应用G-250考马斯亮蓝法、聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)和质谱测序分析PS蛋白质的含量和种类;应用溶氧电极测定了PS溶液中的溶氧量。结果表明:高原鼢鼠、高原鼠兔和SD大鼠PS中,总磷脂含量依次显著增加(P<0.05),总蛋白含量依次显著减少(P<0.05);三种动物PS中均含有亚油酰棕榈酰胆碱(linoleic palmitoylphosphatidylcholine,LPPC)、二棕榈酰磷脂酰胆碱(dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine,DPPC)、磷脂酰甘油(phosphatidylglycerol,PG)、磷脂酰肌醇(phosphatidylinositol,PI)和磷脂酰丝氨酸(phosphatidylserine,PSe)等5种磷脂成分,但其相对含量明显不同;在高原鼢鼠、高原鼠兔和SD大鼠中,LPPC所占比例依次显著增加(P<0.01);高原鼢鼠PS磷脂中,DPPC、PG和PI所占比例极显著高于高原鼠兔(P<0.01),高原鼠兔与SD大鼠之间没有显著差异(P>0.05);高原鼢鼠与高原鼠兔PS磷脂中,PSe所占比例没有显著差异(P>0.05),但均极显著高于SD大鼠(P<0.01)。三种动物PS中均含有血清白蛋白(serum albumin,SA),高原鼢鼠和高原鼠兔PS中含有血红蛋白β亚基构成的含血红素的同源四聚体蛋白,高原鼢鼠和SD大鼠PS中含有免疫球蛋白(immunoglobulin,Ig)重链残基,高原鼢鼠Ig重链残基含量极显著高于SD大鼠(P<0.01),含血红素蛋白含量显著高于高原鼠兔(P<0.05)。高原鼢鼠、高原鼠兔和SD大鼠PS溶液中溶氧量依次显著减小(P<0.01),但均显著高于生理盐水(P<0.01)。以上结果提示,高原鼢鼠和高原鼠兔PS中总蛋白含量显著增加,总磷脂含量显著减少,蛋白成分中含有高含量的含血红素同源四聚体蛋白,且高原鼢鼠主要磷脂成分DPPC的相对含量显著增加,这种PS成分和含量的变化增强了这两种高原动物对低氧环境的适应性。  相似文献   

The relationship between plants and the environment is a core area of research in ecology. Owing to differences in plant sensitivity to the environment at different life history stages, the adaptive strategies of plants are a cumulative result of both their life history and environment. Previous research on plant adaptation strategies has focused on adult plants, neglecting saplings or seedlings, which are more sensitive to the environment and largely affect the growth strategy of subsequent life stages. We compared leaf N and P stoichiometric traits of the seedlings, saplings, and adult trees of Acer mono Maxim and different altitudes and found significant linear trends for both life history stages and altitude. Leaf N and P content by unit mass were greatly affected by environmental change, and the leaf N and P content by unit area varied greatly by life history stage. Acer mono leaf N‐P utilization showed a significant allometric growth trend in all life history stages and at low altitudes. The adult stage had higher N‐use efficiency than the seedling stage and exhibited an isometric growth trend at high altitudes. The N‐P utilization strategies of A. mono leaves are affected by changing environmental conditions, but their response is further dependent upon the life history stage of the plant. Thus, this study provides novel insights into the nutrient use strategies of A. mono and how they respond to the environmental temperature, soil moisture content along altitude and how these changes differ among different life history stages, which further provide the scientific basis for the study of plant nutrient utilization strategy on regional scale.  相似文献   

高原鼢鼠和高原鼠兔红细胞低氧适应特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨高原鼢鼠对低氧高二氧化碳洞道生境及高原鼠兔对高海拔低氧生境的适应机制,用Sysmex SF-3000血细胞分析仪及聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳对两种高原动物的血常规及血红蛋白类型进行分析,后者采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法。结果表明,高原鼢鼠和高原鼠兔的红细胞数(RBC)、红细胞压积(HCT)及平均红细胞容积(MCV)组间无显著差异(P>0.05),但高原鼢鼠和高原鼠兔的红细胞数显著高于SD大鼠,红细胞压积及平均红细胞容积均显著低于SD大鼠(P<0.05);高原鼢鼠的血红蛋白浓度(HBC)与SD大鼠无显著差异(P>0.05),但显著高于高原鼠兔的HBC(P<0.05)。高原鼢鼠血红蛋白主要有2种类型,高原鼠兔血红蛋白主要有3种类型,而SD大鼠血红蛋白主要有5种类型。从血红蛋白电泳迁移来看,2种高原动物血红蛋白类型有明显的趋同特征并与SD大鼠具有明显的差异。上述结果提示,长期适应高海拔低氧环境的高原动物的红细胞和血红蛋白表现出趋同进化,同时因生境和习性的差异又表现出各自的特异性。  相似文献   

Dispersal, which is a crucial process in animal population and evolutionary ecology, is considered personality dependent. The fitness consequences of dispersal are important. However, they are difficult and rarely measured in wild populations. In this study, we investigated the behaviour and reproductive fitness in a plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) population for two continuous years through mark–recapture experiment, behavioural tests and microsatellite analysis of parentage. Our results determined that around 53.8% males and 16.7% females dispersed to 40.3 and 28.2 m away from their natal family, respectively. The aggression (attack frequency and duration) of philopatric individuals was significantly higher than that of dispersed ones, although significant differences in boldness did not exist between them. For both males and females, the offspring number of philopatric pikas was significantly higher than that of dispersed ones. This result indicated that inbreeding may occur in plateau pikas. Our findings highlighted the importance of integrating behavioural, ecological and genetic analyses to explore the mechanism of dispersal. The findings also suggested that personality may play an important role in life history.  相似文献   

In geographically widespread ectotherms, variation in life history phenotypes may be caused by differences in maintenance metabolism of individuals. I estimated daily and annual maintenance metabolism of eastern fence lizards, Sceloporus undulatus, from two populations with markedly different life histories; lizards in South Carolina grow faster, mature earlier, and have greater annual reproductive output than lizards in New Jersey. I measured diel cycles of resting metabolic rate (RMR) at four temperatures (20 degrees, 30 degrees, 33 degrees, and 36 degrees C) during spring, summer, and fall. In all seasons, RMR increased significantly from 20 degrees to 33 degrees C but did not differ significantly between 33 degrees and 36 degrees C. Adults from New Jersey had a higher RMR than adults from South Carolina in summer and fall but not in spring. Juveniles from South Carolina had a higher RMR than juveniles from New Jersey in summer but not in spring or fall. Annual maintenance metabolism of New Jersey lizards (53.7 kJ) was greater than that of South Carolina lizards (45.8 kJ), despite the shorter duration of activity in New Jersey. I conclude that the difference in maintenance metabolism between populations contributes to the greater production by S. undulatus in South Carolina.  相似文献   

The effects of hypoxia on the levels of essential macroelements and trace elements (K, Na, Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn) in the heart muscles of Wistar rats and plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae) were studied by atomic absorption spectrometry. Unlike the rat, the plateau pika is tolerant to hypoxia. The levels of K, Na, and the trace element Mn were not significantly changed in rat or pika hearts after exposure to hypoxia for 1, 10, or 25 d at simulated altitudes of 5000 and 7000 m. Other minerals (Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, and Fe) were significantly affected by hypoxia and the levels followed different time-courses under different hypoxic regimes in these two animals. There were marked differences between the rat and pika in myocardial accumulation of essential elements such as Ca, which was increased to high levels in the rat but not affected in the pika. The results suggest that hypoxia affects animal physiological mechanisms by regulating the levels of essential elements.  相似文献   

Yang J  Wang ZL  Zhao XQ  Wang de P  Qi de L  Xu BH  Ren YH  Tian HF 《PloS one》2008,3(1):e1472


Environmental stress can accelerate the evolutionary rate of specific stress-response proteins and create new functions specialized for different environments, enhancing an organism''s fitness to stressful environments. Pikas (order Lagomorpha), endemic, non-hibernating mammals in the modern Holarctic Region, live in cold regions at either high altitudes or high latitudes and have a maximum distribution of species diversification confined to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Variations in energy metabolism are remarkable for them living in cold environments. Leptin, an adipocyte-derived hormone, plays important roles in energy homeostasis.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To examine the extent of leptin variations within the Ochotona family, we cloned the entire coding sequence of pika leptin from 6 species in two regions (Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Inner Mongolia steppe in China) and the leptin sequences of plateau pikas (O. curzonia) from different altitudes on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. We carried out both DNA and amino acid sequence analyses in molecular evolution and compared modeled spatial structures. Our results show that positive selection (PS) acts on pika leptin, while nine PS sites located within the functionally significant segment 85-119 of leptin and one unique motif appeared only in pika lineages-the ATP synthase α and β subunit signature site. To reveal the environmental factors affecting sequence evolution of pika leptin, relative rate test was performed in pikas from different altitudes. Stepwise multiple regression shows that temperature is significantly and negatively correlated with the rates of non-synonymous substitution (Ka) and amino acid substitution (Aa), whereas altitude does not significantly affect synonymous substitution (Ks), Ka and Aa.


Our findings support the viewpoint that adaptive evolution may occur in pika leptin, which may play important roles in pikas'' ecological adaptation to extreme environmental stress. We speculate that cold, and probably not hypoxia, may be the primary environmental factor for driving adaptive evolution of pika leptin.  相似文献   

It has been reported that the lawn ground cricket, Polionemobius mikado (Orthoptera: Trigonidiidae), shows variations in voltinism and life‐history traits along latitude in Japan, but whether it shows variations along altitude has not been examined. The present study aims to determine whether there is variation in voltinism, body size and the incidence of embryonic diapause among populations of P. mikado at different altitudes in Kyoto, Japan. Six populations collected from 70 to 800 m a.s.l. showed a positive relationship between the adult head width and the altitude of sampling locality. This body size cline is attributed to the increasing proportion of larger univoltine individuals from low to high altitude. The incidence of diapause of the strain from altitude 800 m was approximately 100% when reared under natural photoperiods and temperatures from spring to summer at an altitude of 70 m, and was significantly higher than that of the strain from 70 m. These differences in life‐history traits suggest that the population of P. mikado at a higher altitude has adapted to a shorter length of the season available for growth.  相似文献   

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