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在人工气候室条件下(26℃±1℃,RH 70%±5%,L∶D=14 h∶10 h),研究了6种水果对双叉犀金龟 Allomyrina dichotoma 成虫寿命以及子代数量的影响。结果显示,各处理雌虫寿命均显著长于雄虫,雌虫寿命46.67~55.08 d,雄虫寿命23.78~33.33 d,各处理间无显著差异;饲喂西瓜 Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. et Nakai子代数量最多,达39.44 头/雌,与香蕉 Musa nana Lour.、苹果 Malus pumila Mill.和商品果冻处理无显著差异,饲喂葡萄 Vitis vinifera L.和香瓜 Cucumis melo L.处理均显著低于这4个处理;选择子代数量最多的西瓜、苹果、香蕉分别制作人工饲料果冻,用商品果冻作为对照,在15 d和35 d分别2次调查每对成虫的子代数,结果显示混合果冻、商品果冻、苹果果冻和西瓜果冻显著高于香蕉果冻,且各果冻处理在0~15 d和16~35 d的子代数量差异不同;综合比较两年水果饲喂和人工饲料果冻饲喂结果,饲喂混合果冻、商品果冻、西瓜果冻和苹果果冻4个处理的子代数量最高,平均达33.73 头/雌,显著高于3种水果和香蕉果冻饲喂处理,人工饲养双叉犀金龟时,建议制作人工饲料果冻饲养。  相似文献   

短时高温对莲草直胸跳甲成虫存活及繁殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用短时高温处理研究了40~47℃高温对莲草直胸跳甲Agasicles hygrophila Selma & Vogt成虫存活以及40~44℃对雌成虫繁殖的影响。结果表明:(1)处理1h后,随着温度的上升,莲草直胸跳甲雌雄成虫的存活率均随着温度的上升而下降,44℃时,雌成虫的存活率开始显著高于雄成虫;处理温度为40℃时,雌雄成虫存活率也随着处理时间的延长而下降,7h时,雌成虫的存活率开始显著高于雄成虫。此外,雌成虫致死90%的温度和时间分别高于雄成虫1.31℃和1.29h,均表明雌成虫的耐热能力比雄成虫强,但差异仅在胁迫强度偏大时表现为显著;(2)40~44℃短时高温影响莲草直胸跳甲成虫的繁殖。与对照处理相比,40、42和44℃高温处理1h后,雌成虫的寿命和产卵量变化不显著,但均引起了其产卵前期的延长和10日龄成虫产卵停滞,44℃时,平均停滞时间达2.62d,子代卵的孵化率则从40℃的88.67%下降到44℃的79.84%,44℃时显著低于对照。  相似文献   

【目的】为了明确柳毒蛾Leucoma salicis(Linnaeus)交配的日节律高峰,温度和不同交配持续时间处理对成虫寿命、产卵量和孵化率等繁殖生物学的影响。【方法】将新羽化的柳毒蛾成虫置于养虫笼中,观察交配的日节律高峰,并统计不同温度和不同交配持续时间处理下的成虫寿命、产卵量和孵化率。【结果】成虫在羽化当晚的后半夜凌晨开始交尾,次日晚上开始产卵。成虫交配集中在羽化翌日凌晨3:00—5:00之间,高峰为4:00。产卵高峰都出现在2日龄成虫,但是,25℃下成虫交配持续时间(9.2 h)显著短于28℃(11.8 h)。交配持续时间为30、60和300 min的处理,雌成虫平均寿命显著长于对照(对照9.2 h),雄虫仅60 min的处理显著长于对照。同时,极短的交配持续时间(30 min)显著降低雌虫的产卵量和孵化率。【结论】试验明确了成虫交配的日节律高峰,在适宜的温度范围内(25~28℃),雌雄成虫的寿命、单雌总产卵量无显著差异,交配持续时间明显影响成虫寿命、产卵量和卵孵化率。  相似文献   

为了解60Co-γ射线辐照对草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda成虫发育与繁殖的影响,本文以草地贪夜蛾6日龄蛹为对象,比较不同辐照剂量下草地贪夜蛾自交种群的羽化率、翅畸形率、寿命、产卵量以及子代卵孵化率的差异。结果表明,草地贪夜蛾成虫羽化率随着辐照剂量的升高而呈现降低的趋势,其中250 Gy、350 Gy、400 Gy以及500 Gy剂量辐照下的羽化率分别降低至72.8%、69.4%、69.4%和50.6%,与对照组(91.7%)相比差异显著;翅畸形率在400 Gy时值最高,为25.6%,但与对照组相比并无显著差异;其雌、雄成虫平均寿命均随辐照剂量的升高而缩短,且辐照后处理组雌、雄成虫寿命均显著低于对照组成虫寿命;雄虫日存活率在100 Gy、200 Gy、300 Gy和500 Gy处理条件下高于雌虫日存活率,而350 Gy和400 Gy处理组,以及对照组雌虫日存活率高于雄虫。草地贪夜蛾种群产卵雌虫数、单雌产卵量、及子代孵化情况与对照组相比差异显著,300~500 Gy的辐照剂量下,亲代没有卵粒产出,而100 Gy至250 Gy的辐照剂量下,产卵量显著降低,且在100 Gy时处理组的卵中有少量孵化。本文对草地贪夜蛾辐照不育剂量进行了初步评价,为今后实现该虫不育技术防治提供科学参考。  相似文献   

研究了不同温度对家蝇(Musca domestica L.)广州种群繁殖力及卵黄蛋白发生的影响,旨在为利用家蝇广州种群大规模高效养殖提供技术支持。选同一天刚羽化的健康雌、雄蝇,分别置于20、24、28、32和36℃环境下单对饲养,重复6次。每天测定成虫日产卵量、卵孵化率及死亡数等,统计家蝇单雌产卵量、卵孵化率、成虫寿命、产卵前期和产卵期;同时自雌蝇羽化第一日起,连续15 d,每天每个温度处理下取雌蝇3头,采用间接酶联免疫(indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbentassay,ID-ELISA)法测定5种温度下雌蝇每日卵黄蛋白合成量及羽化后前15 d卵黄蛋白合成总量。结果表明,温度对家蝇成虫繁殖力影响显著。产卵量以24℃环境下最高(1 921.17粒/雌),24~28℃时产卵量显著下降。28℃时卵孵化率最高(93.48%),高或低于此温度,卵孵化率显著下降,当温度达36℃时,孵化率仅为60.78%。雌蝇在20~28℃范围内产卵期差异不显著,32℃及以上温度下,雌蝇产卵期显著缩短。产卵前期以20℃最长(9.83 d),28℃最短(3.00 d),高于28℃产卵前期又显著延长。雌、雄蝇寿命均随着温度升高而显著缩短。温度对广州种群雌蝇羽化后前15 d的卵黄蛋白合成影响显著,24℃下前15 d合成的总卵黄蛋白最高(1 683.15μg/雌),其次为28℃(1 591.95μg/雌),20℃最低(232.81μg/雌)。家蝇广州种群在24~28℃繁殖效率最高。  相似文献   

短时高温暴露对Q型烟粉虱存活和生殖适应性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱绍光  李照会  万方浩 《昆虫知识》2010,47(6):1141-1144
在室内将Q型烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci Q-biotype成虫在44℃下暴露1 h后观察成虫的存活率、产卵量、雌雄寿命和后代存活能力,以研究短时高温暴露对Q型烟粉虱生物学特性的影响。结果表明,Q型烟粉虱成虫在44℃下暴露1 h后的存活率为43.5%,暴露热激后的单头雌虫的产卵量为77.2粒,低于常温下(26℃)的产卵量(100.1粒);短时高温可显著缩短Q型烟粉虱成虫的寿命,在44℃下暴露1 h后Q型烟粉虱雌雄虫寿命分别为14.5 d和10.2 d,显著低于常温下(26℃)雌虫20.4 d和雄虫18.2 d;短时高温对Q型烟粉虱后代存活率和雌雄性比无显著影响,但其产卵高峰期延迟,产卵持续期缩短。以上结果表明,短时高温热激可影响Q型烟粉虱的生殖情况,造成Q型烟粉虱产卵量降低和寿命缩短,Q型烟粉虱雌虫耐热性强于雄虫。  相似文献   

温湿度对桃小食心虫成虫生殖力的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在实验室内观察研究桃小食心虫Carposina niponensis Walsingham越冬代成虫在一系列温度和湿度下的生殖能力。结果表明,环境温度和相对湿度显著影响食心虫成虫寿命、交尾和产卵。从19℃到29℃,雌成虫寿命随温度升高而缩短。适宜成虫交尾和产卵的温度为23~26℃,相对湿度为80%~100%。  相似文献   

红点唇瓢虫(Chilocoruskuwanae)的产卵雌虫对矢尖蚧(Unaspisyanonensis)的捕食量显著大于雄性成虫。在25℃下,雌成虫日平均捕食矢尖蚧雌成蚧42.7头,而雄成虫的日捕食量仅为22.3头。但48h饥饿处理可消除此差异。要使雌成虫产卵,每天必须至少捕食15头矢尖蚧的雌成蚧。红点唇瓢虫成虫对矢尖蚧各虫态的功能反应均为HollingⅡ型。根据对雌成蚧的功能反应,在16-35℃范围内最大捕食量随温度的升高而升高,在37℃下则急剧下降。温度并不改变功能反应的类型。由红点唇*虫成虫对雌成钛的捕食作用,估算得最低临界攻击温度、最佳攻击温度和最高临界攻击温度分别为10.58℃、31.53℃和3820℃。捕食空间增大或捕食者数量的增加都会使攻击率下降;但是捕食者密度变大时,捕食空间的影响将大大变小。红点唇瓢虫成虫对矢尖蚧的雄蛹表现出最大的猎物选择性。它们对矢尖蚧各虫态的捕食选择性依次为:雄蛹、2龄雄蚧、2龄雌蚧和1龄若虫。  相似文献   

短时高温暴露对莲草直胸跳甲生殖特性的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
赵鑫  傅建炜  万方浩  郭建英  王进军 《昆虫学报》2009,52(10):1110-1114
以莲草直胸跳甲Agasicles hygrophila Selman & Vogt为对象, 测定了在不同高温(37, 39, 41, 43, 45±0.5℃)下暴露1 h后, 莲草直胸跳甲成虫寿命、产卵前期、产卵量及后代存活力等生殖适应性指标的差异。结果表明: (1)莲草直胸跳甲成虫寿命随暴露温度的升高而降低, 25℃恒温条件下, 雌成虫寿命平均为37.4 d, 而45℃高温暴露1 h后, 雌虫寿命仅为20.0 d; (2)莲草直胸跳甲雌虫的产卵前期随暴露温度升高而显著延长, 25℃恒温条件下雌虫产卵前期平均为4.1 d; 39℃高温暴露1 h后产卵前期延长至4.8 d, 45℃高温暴露1 h后延长至7.3 d; (3)短时高温暴露显著降低莲草直胸跳甲的单雌产卵量, 25℃恒温条件下单雌产卵量平均为965.1粒, 39℃暴露1 h后, 其产卵量为638.7粒, 45℃暴露1 h后低于260粒; (4)短时高温暴露对莲草直胸跳甲后代存活能力有显著的影响, 随着温度的升高, F1代卵的孵化率从95.4%降低至89.2%, F1代成虫的羽化率从87.0%下降到71.3%。以上结果表明, 短时高温暴露导致莲草直胸跳甲生殖适应性下降。  相似文献   

【目的】在中国海南省,普通大蓟马Megalurothrips usitatus(Bagrall)是豇豆Vigna unguiculata(L.)Walp.上的重要害虫,化学防治还是重要的控制手段。本研究旨在了解3种杀虫剂亚致死浓度对该虫繁殖的影响。【方法】在(26±1)℃、相对湿度60%±5%、光周期L∶D=14∶10条件下,采用叶盘浸药法测定溴氰虫酰胺、双甲脒和茚虫威48 h内对普通大蓟马1日龄已交配雌虫的毒杀效果。经杀虫剂LC20处理的幼嫩豇豆叶叶盘供已交配雌虫和未交配雌虫取食48h后,改用未浸药叶盘继续饲养。每天观察雌虫所产子代的卵数和成虫数,计算已交配雌虫的子代成虫性比和卵性比。【结果】3种杀虫剂LC20处理均使亲代雌虫的存活时间显著缩短。溴氰虫酰胺和双甲脒LC20处理还能显著降低已交配亲代雌虫在胁迫处理后所产子代的成虫数量。亲代雌虫经溴氰虫酰胺、双甲脒和茚虫威LC20处理后的子代成虫性比分别为0.60、0.47和0.41,与清水对照(0.52)之间的差异均未达显著水平;卵性比在各处理之间都没有显著差异。【结论】溴氰虫酰胺、双甲脒和茚虫威LC20处理对普通大蓟马亲代雌虫的存活时间和子代成虫数量有不同程度的负面影响,但对子代性别分配均没有显著的干扰作用。  相似文献   

心脑血管疾病大额住院消费统计分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对医院2004-2006年心脑血管疾病大额住院消费(消费大于50000元,以下简称大额消费)病例发病率高的前五种疾病的构成情况、药费、材料费消耗情况进行分析,认为加强大额病例中发病率高的病种的重点管理,是降低医疗费用的有效途径。建议制定常见病大额病种预定额付费方案和审查报销制度;采用适宜技术;控制药费,防止过度医疗,有效地遏制医疗费用的过快增长。  相似文献   

Although the architecture of tripartite multiple drug resistance (MDR) efflux pumps of Gram-negative bacteria has been well characterized, the means by which the components recognize each other and assemble into a functional pump remains obscure. In this study we present evidence that the C-terminal domain of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa OprM and the α-helical hairpin domain of Vibrio cholerae VceA play an important role in the recognition/specificity/recruitment step in the assembly of a functional, VceAB-OprM chimeric efflux pump. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence directly linking the C-terminal domain of an outer membrane efflux protein to its recruitment during the assembly of a tripartite efflux pump.  相似文献   

对不同地理分布的猪苓纯培养菌株进行了种性和酯酶同工酶的比较研究,结果表明,鸡爪苓(Z)纯培养菌株和猪屎苓(ZJ)纯培养菌株的种性有很大不同,两个纯培养菌株的酯酶同工酶酶带类型差异较大,亲缘关系较远。  相似文献   

New analogues of the Gly-Pro-Arg and Arg-Gly-Asp fragments of fibrinogen were synthesized: Gly-Pro-Arg-Pro (I), Gly-Pro-Arg-Pro-Met-OMe (II), Gly-Pro-Arg-Pro-Phe (III), Gly-Pro-Arg-Pro-Asp (IV), Gly-Pro-Arg-Pro-Glu (V), and Arg-Asn-Trp-Asp (VI). Their effect on the activity of proteases of various types was studied with the method of lysis of fibrin plates. All the peptides were found to inhibit plasmin activity (by 60–85%) and the γ-subunit of nerve growth factor (by 55–93%). Tetrapeptide (VI) proved to be an effective inhibitor of tissue activator of plasminogen and the γ-subunit of nerve growth factor (by 96 and 93%, respectively). The peptides exerted practically no effect on the activity of urokinase and moderately inhibited the activity of streptokinase [(III), IV), and (VI)], papain [(I), (II), IV), and (VI)], subtilisin [(V) and (VI)], α-chymotrypsin [(III), (V), and VI)], and Bacillus subtilis metalloprotease (VI). They inhibit trypsin [except for (I) and (III)] when applied on fibrin plates at a concentration of 1 × 10?2 M, while, at the concentration of 1 × 10?3 M, (I) and (II) induced an increase in proteolytic activity by 35 and 47%, respectively.  相似文献   

J.Michael Gould  S. Izawa 《BBA》1974,333(3):509-524
1. By using dibromothymoquinone as the electron acceptor, it is possible to isolate functionally that segment of the chloroplast electron transport chain which includes only Photosystem II and only one of the two energy conservation sites coupled to the complete chain (Coupling Site II, observed P/e2 = 0.3–0.4). A light-dependent, reversible proton translocation reaction is associated with the electron transport pathway: H2O → Photosystem II → dibromothymoquinone. We have studied the characteristics of this proton uptake reaction and its relationship to the electron transport and ATP formation associated with Coupling Site II.

2. The initial phase of H+ uptake, analyzed by a flash-yield technique, exhibits linear kinetics (0–3 s) with no sign of transient phenomena such as the very rapid initial uptake (“pH gush”) encountered in the overall Hill reaction with methylviologen. Thus the initial rate of H+ uptake obtained by the flash-yield method is in good agreement with the initial rate estimated from a pH change tracing obtained under continuous illumination.

3. Dibromothymoquinone reduction, observed as O2 evolution by a similar flash-yield technique, is also linear for at least the first 5 s, the rate of O2 evolution agreeing well with the steady-state rate observed under continuous illumination.

4. Such measurements of the initial rates of O2 evolution and H+ uptake yield an H+/e ratio close to 0.5 for the Photosystem II partial reaction regardless of pH from 6 to 8. (Parallel experiments for the methylviologen Hill reaction yield an H+/e ratio of 1.7 at pH 7.6.)

5. When dibromothymoquinone is being reduced, concurrent phosphorylation (or arsenylation) markedly lowers the extent of H+ uptake (by 40–60%). These data, unlike earlier data obtained using the overall Hill reaction, lend themselves to an unequivocal interpretation since phosphorylation does not alter the rate of electron transport in the Photosystem II partial reaction. ADP, Pi and hexokinase, when added individually, have no effect on proton uptake in this system.

6. The involvement of a proton uptake reaction with an H+/e ratio of 0.5 in the Photosystem II partial reaction H2O → Photosystem II → dibromothymoquinone strongly suggests that at least 50% of the protons produced by the oxidation of water are released to the inside of the thylakoid, thereby leading to an internal acidification. It is pointed out that the observed efficiencies for ATP formation (P/e2) and proton uptake (H+/e) associated with Coupling Site II can be most easily explained by the chemiosmotic hypothesis of energy coupling.  相似文献   

林带阻力系数与透风系数关系的理论分析   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
根据冲量定理分析了林带对气流的阻力,首次得到了林带阻力系数的估算模式(Cd=(1.8+0.2α)(1-α)sin2ω,并利用有关文献发表的资料进行了验证.文章还对来流平行林带时林带对气流的阻力进行了讨论,指出来流平行林带时林带对气流的阻力仅为来流垂直林带时林带对气流阻力的0.7—1.1%,可以不予考虑.  相似文献   

Photoinactivation of Photosystem II (PS II), the light-induced loss of ability to evolve oxygen, inevitably occurs under any light environment in nature, counteracted by repair. Under certain conditions, the extent of photoinactivation of PS II depends on the photon exposure (light dosage, x), rather than the irradiance or duration of illumination per se, thus obeying the law of reciprocity of irradiance and duration of illumination, namely, that equal photon exposure produces an equal effect. If the probability of photoinactivation (p) of PS II is directly proportional to an increment in photon exposure (p = kΔx, where k is the probability per unit photon exposure), it can be deduced that the number of active PS II complexes decreases exponentially as a function of photon exposure: N = Noexp(−kx). Further, since a photon exposure is usually achieved by varying the illumination time (t) at constant irradiance (I), N = Noexp(−kI t), i.e., N decreases exponentially with time, with a rate coefficient of photoinactivation kI, where the product kI is obviously directly proportional to I. Given that N = Noexp(−kx), the quantum yield of photoinactivation of PS II can be defined as −dN/dx = kN, which varies with the number of active PS II complexes remaining. Typically, the quantum yield of photoinactivation of PS II is ca. 0.1μmol PS II per mol photons at low photon exposure when repair is inhibited. That is, when about 107 photons have been received by leaf tissue, one PS II complex is inactivated. Some species such as grapevine have a much lower quantum yield of photoinactivation of PS II, even at a chilling temperature. Examination of the longer-term time course of photoinactivation of PS II in capsicum leaves reveals that the decrease in N deviates from a single-exponential decay when the majority of the PS II complexes are inactivated in the absence of repair. This can be attributed to the formation of strong quenchers in severely-photoinactivated PS II complexes, able to dissipate excitation energy efficiently and to protect the remaining active neighbours against damage by light.  相似文献   

The role of Hemipteran saliva and salivary enzymes is central to an understanding of the etiology of damage that these insects cause to plants. The dilute nature of the salivary secretions and the minute quantities in which they are often obtainable have made analysis and detection of salivary components very difficult. Such investigations in this laboratory have led us to formalise the techniques involved and we believe that the compilation of these methods presented herein may be useful to other research workers in this area. Methods are described for acid and alkaline phosphatase, esterase, /S-glucosidase, carbohydrases, invertase, amylase, proteinase, pectinase, cellulase, catalase, peroxidase, catechol oxidase, superoxide dismutase and ascorbic oxidase.  相似文献   

该研究于西藏自治区东南部的东达山高山草甸沿生境干旱化梯度设置10个样地,采用线性回归方法分析优势种高山嵩草(Kobresia pygmaea)和矮生嵩草(K.humilis)叶片数量与其它构件数值(分株数量、茎基直径、根系数量和根系长度)之间的关系,并采用线性回归斜率测度分株功效、叶片萌生能力、根系分生功效和根系伸长功效,以探讨嵩草的分株能力、茎基生长和根系生长对生境干旱化过程的响应机制。结果显示:(1)2种嵩草植物的叶片数量与4种构件数值均为显著线性正相关关系。(2)随着生境干旱化程度增加,高山嵩草分株数量增加,矮生嵩草分株受干旱抑制程度高,分株数量呈下降趋势;2种嵩草分株功效下降,即单株叶片数量因干旱化程度增加而减少。(3)2种嵩草的茎基直径、叶片萌生能力随着生境干旱化程度增加而下降;高山嵩草叶片萌生能力的变化与生境干旱化梯度一致,具有连续性;矮生嵩草叶片萌生能力对生境干旱化的适应性弱,干旱到一定程度发生骤降。(4)随着生境干旱化,高山嵩草的根系数量和长度均增加,矮生嵩草根系长度增加,但数量却无规律变化;2种嵩草的根系分生功效和根系伸长功效均下降。研究表明:嵩草属植物分布的最适宜生境为表面稍有积水的沼生生境。为适应生境干旱化,高山嵩草降低叶片萌生率以减少蒸腾作用,增加分株数量以增强对空间的占有能力,并增加根系数量和长度来提高对土壤水分的吸收能力,因此对干旱有较强适应性且分布范围广;矮生嵩草只通过降低叶片萌生率,增加根系长度响应干旱化生境,其分布范围较窄。  相似文献   

民勤绿洲边缘地下水位变化对植物种群生态位的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在民勤绿洲边缘,利用空间区域不同地下水位(湖区8~12m,泉山区15~17m,坝区20~23m)和时间序列(1984~1992年)民勤沙井子地区地下水位下降(7.45~11.65m)梯度,研究地下水位下降对荒漠植物种群生态位的影响。结果表明:空间区域地下水位下降,植物种群生态位宽度均减小,种群退化;时间序列地下水位下降,白刺种群在扩展,其它植物种群在退化。白刺种群生态位宽度在民勤绿洲边缘荒漠植物群落中最大,是该区的建群种。由于白刺种群在地下水位7.45~11.65m范围内扩展,民勤绿洲生态环境治理中地下水位达到该范围是一个主要目标。  相似文献   

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