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利用石蜡切片技术对百合科植物黄花油点草[Tricyrtis maculata(D.Don)Machride]双受精、胚及胚乳发育进行了研究,以明确其胚胎发育的特征,为百合科植物的系统研究提供生殖生物学资料。结果表明:(1)黄花油点草为珠孔受精;进入胚囊的2枚精子分别与卵细胞和中央细胞进行正常的双受精,其受精作用属有丝分裂前型。(2)受精后的初生胚乳核立即分裂,其发育方式为核型胚乳;早期的游离胚乳核沿胚囊的边缘分布,胚囊中央部位主要为胚乳细胞质,随着游离胚乳核数量的增加,胚乳核慢慢充满整个胚囊;当发育至球形胚早期阶段,在各胚乳核周围产生胚乳细胞壁,形成完整的胚乳细胞。(3)合子有较长的休眠时间,胚的发育方式为茄型;合子第一次有丝分裂为横裂,分裂后形成基细胞和顶细胞;基细胞经过3次横裂,形成一列胚柄细胞;顶细胞经过分裂形成胚体,依次形成球形胚、棒状胚和盾形胚。(4)种子成熟时胚无器官分化;成熟种子由种皮、胚和胚乳三部分组成。  相似文献   

刺五加胚和胚乳发育的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
刺五加Eleutherococcus senticosus(Rupr .et Maxim.)Maxim的胚胎发生类型为茄型。其卵细胞受精后,合子经历15天左右的休眠期才进行第一次分裂。合子分裂通常发生在胚乳细胞化之后,经棒形胚、球形胚、至果实成熟时发育到心形胚。棒形胚后期至心形胚初期,胚柄最为发达。刺五加的胚乳发育类型为核型。其初生胚乳核的休眠期为1天左右。当胚乳游离核数目增加到200至300时,胚乳以自由生长细胞壁的方式细胞化,胚乳细胞以典型的有丝分裂方式进一步增殖,增加细胞数目。球形胚时期,胚乳细胞内开始贮藏营养物质。少数种子的胚乳里存在巨大细胞核的异型胚乳细胞。在胚乳游离核为32至64个时,分化出珠被绒毡层;球形胚时期,珠被绒毡层解体。珠被绒毡层解体后,胚乳表层细胞分化为分泌层。球形胚至心形胚阶段,约有5%的种子里,胚与胚乳组织发生弥散样降解。成熟果实中,含有大量的瘪粒种子和虫咬种子;饱满种子率为40%左右。饱满种子中,胚乳组织占据种子体积的绝大部分,胚所占比率很小。讨论了不同发育时期胚和胚乳的营养供应。  相似文献   

水稻胚和胚乳内源ABA含量的变化及其与发育和萌发的关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
用放射免疫方法测定了种子发育和萌发过程中胚和胚乳的游离态(f-)和结合态(c-)内源 ABA 水平的变化。发育中稻胚 ABA 含量的双峰曲线与胚的两阶段发育模式一致。胚分化期和成熟期各有一个 ABA 含量的高峰。分化期以 f-ABA 为主,可能主要来自母体组织,与同化物迅速输入种胚有关;成熟期以 c-ABA 为主,可能主要是原位合成的,更直接地涉及胚基因表达的调节。胚乳的 ABA 含量占整个种子的90%左右,但 ABA 浓度(按 ABAng/mg鲜重表示)仅为胚的一半左右。除在线性充实期有一个 ABA 浓度的高峰外,整个发育期间胚乳的 ABA 浓度非常稳定。萌发期间胚的 ABA 含量呈“V”字形曲线变化,萌发开始时 ABA含量迅速下降,胚芽伸长生长开始以后再逐渐回升。讨论了内源 ABA 与种胚发育和萌发的可能关系。  相似文献   

柽柳胚和胚乳发育的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用常规石蜡制片技术,对柽柳(Tamarix chinensis Lour.)胚和胚乳的发育过程进行了观察。结果表明,胚发育属茄型,其基细胞先行纵裂。胚柄基部发育迅速,具吸器作用,球形胚期胚柄最为发达,其细胞质丰富,贮藏淀粉类物质,至晚心形胚期胚柄依然存在。助细胞被受精产生多胚现象。胚乳发育属核型,初生胚乳核常常晚于合子分裂,胚乳核的分裂速度慢于胚体细胞的分裂速度。当胚乳游离核为 32个时,以自由生长细胞壁的方式进行胚乳细胞化。胚乳细胞进一步增殖极少。珠心细胞只有两层,细胞核大,胞质丰富,内含贮藏物质,至心形胚期逐渐解体。  相似文献   

利用常规石蜡制片技术对北柴胡胚和胚乳的发育及对其种子萌发的影响进行了观察。结果表明北柴胡胚的发育属于茄型,基细胞进行一次横分裂后不再分裂,因而胚柄不发达,且很早解体。胚乳的发育属于核型,初生胚孔核的分裂远远早于受精卵的分裂。对果实采收时期胚发育状况进行统计发现,在被测采收期果实中有20%的果实的胚处于球形胚阶段,70%处于心形胚,只有10%处于鱼雷胚,说明北柴胡种子采收时胚处于不同的发育阶段,存在形态后熟现象,这是北柴胡种子萌发难、萌发率低且出苗不整齐的主要因素。  相似文献   

谷子胚和胚乳的发育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
合子的第一次分裂为斜的横分裂,胚发育至棒状原胚后,胚顶端一侧的细胞加速分裂形成一团分生组织细胞,由这团分生组织分化盾片、胚芽鞘、胚芽生长点和胚根。胚体的其它部分参与部分盾片和胚根鞘的构成。胚柄不参与胚的组成,胚无外胚叶,胚胎发育属禾本型。核型胚乳。从胚囊壁产生的自由生长壁把胚乳游离核隔开形成一层胚乳细胞。然后这层细胞平周分裂使胚乳细胞变成二层,以后的胚乳细胞增殖以细胞有丝分裂方式进行。胚乳的最外层  相似文献   

紫斑牡丹胚乳营养成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
紫斑牡丹 (Paeoniarockii)属于毛茛科 (Ranun culaceae)芍药属 (Paeonia) ,分布于四川北部、甘肃南部、陕西秦岭中段以西 ,属于国家三级重点保护植物[1 ] 。种子粒大 ,但胚相对较小 ,在种子萌发过程中 ,胚发育所需的营养全部由胚乳提供。为了解牡丹种子发育时物质代谢的变化 ,我们以剥胚培养所剩余的胚乳为材料 ,对胚乳的基本营养成分进行了分析。紫斑牡丹种子于 1 999年 1 1月采自陕西省佛坪县 ,去皮剥胚后 ,剩余胚乳部分烘干、粉碎 ,用于各个项目的测定。还原糖、淀粉、粗纤维含量的测定参照文献 2方法 ;粗脂肪、粗蛋白质含量的测定参照…  相似文献   

北柴胡胚和胚乳的发育及对其种子萌发的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用常规石蜡制片技术对北柴胡胚和胚乳的发育及对其种子萌发的影响进行了观察。结果表明北柴胡胚的发育属于茄型,基细胞进行一次横分裂后不再分裂,因而胚柄不发达,且很早解体。胚乳的发育属于核型,初生胚孔核的分裂远远早于受精卵的分裂。对果实采收时期胚发育状况进行统计发现,在被测采收期果实中有20%的果实的胚处于球形胚阶段,70%处于心形胚,只有10% 处于鱼雷胚,说明北柴胡种子采收时胚处于不同的发育阶段,存在形态后熟现象,这是北柴胡种子萌发难、萌发率低且出苗不整齐的主要因素。  相似文献   

短柄五加胚和胚乳发育的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
短柄五加胚发育属茄型,棒形胚后期胚柄最为发达,球形胚胚柄开始退化,心形胚期胚柄解体。胚乳发育属核型,当胚乳游离核为200 ̄300个时,以自由生长细胞壁的方式进行胚乳细胞化。胚乳细胞进一步增殖以有丝分裂方式进行,球形胚时,胚乳细胞最外层细胞特化为分泌层,胚乳细胞贮藏蛋白质和脂类物质。在胚乳游离核为32 ̄64个时,单珠被的内表皮层分化为珠被绒毡层。合子分裂后,珠被绒毡层发育最为充分;棒形胚后期,珠被绒  相似文献   

“北京早红”番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum)×秘鲁番茄(L.peruvianum)PI,128657中的8号株系杂交后杂种种子不能正常发育的原因观察。结果表明,杂种胚和胚乳发育缓慢。授粉后16天胚乳开始退化。杂种胚的分裂是随机的,没有经历正常的发育阶段。授粉后30天杂种胚开始退化,35天完全解体。授粉后4天有些珠被绒毡层出现增生。  相似文献   

Arabidopsis APETALA2 (AP2) controls seed mass maternally, with ap2 mutants producing larger seeds than wild type. Here, we show that AP2 influences development of the three major seed compartments: embryo, endosperm, and seed coat. AP2 appears to have a significant effect on endosperm development. ap2 mutant seeds undergo an extended period of rapid endosperm growth early in development relative to wild type. This early expanded growth period in ap2 seeds is associated with delayed endosperm cellularization and overgrowth of the endosperm central vacuole. The subsequent period of moderate endosperm growth is also extended in ap2 seeds largely due to persistent cell divisions at the endosperm periphery. The effect of AP2 on endosperm development is mediated by different mechanisms than parent-of-origin effects on seed size observed in interploidy crosses. Seed coat development is affected; integument cells of ap2 mutants are more elongated than wild type. We conclude that endosperm overgrowth and/or integument cell elongation create a larger postfertilization embryo sac into which the ap2 embryo can grow. Morphological development of the embryo is initially delayed in ap2 compared with wild-type seeds, but ap2 embryos become larger than wild type after the bent-cotyledon stage of development. ap2 embryos are able to fill the enlarged postfertilization embryo sac, because they undergo extended periods of cell proliferation and seed filling. We discuss potential mechanisms by which maternally acting AP2 influences development of the zygotic embryo and endosperm to repress seed size.  相似文献   

Seeds of the longcell mutant in maize (Zea mays L) have a defective-kernel phenotype: the embryo aborts at the early coleoptilar stage and the endosperm is reduced in size. Mutant embryos have severe alterations in morphogenesis. They have a suspensor-, an embryo axis- and a scutellum-like structure, but the shoot apical meristem (SAM) is not formed. Scanning electron microscopy showed that most of the cells in longcell embryos are tubular and abnormally enlarged. The level of expression of several genes involved in basic metabolism is not severely affected during early and mid embryogenesis, but storage molecule accumulation is reduced. Genes which in normal conditions are only expressed after germination, are expressed during kernel development in the longcell seeds. Mutant embryos undergo cell death in late embryogenesis. Nuclei in dying embryos are TUNEL positive, and different genes coding for hydrolytic enzymes are up-regulated. The expression of genes related to oxidative stress is also altered in longcell embryos. These results lead us to suggest that the longcell mutant may be cytokinesis-defective.  相似文献   

Summary To investigate the mechanisms of seed failure in intraspecific and interspecific crosses of Solanum two diploid, S. commersonii and Group Phureja, and one tetraploid species, S. acaule, species were crossed and the seeds were analyzed for embryo and endosperm development. Many seeds of certain crosses observed seven days after pollinations were found to contain abnormal embryos and degenerating endosperms. In some cases seeds contained an embryo with no endosperm, or an endosperm with no embryo. Other interspecific crosses which were predicted to fail actually produced seeds with normally developed embryos and endosperms. To further characterize the intra- and interspecific embryos and endosperms the nuclear DNA was measured. There are several ways to explain the ploidy levels of embryos and endosperms among the crosses, the occurrence of unreduced gametes in some cases and genomic instability in other cases. The latter resulted in chromosome loss at meiotic and mitotic divisions. Genomic balance in interspecific seeds is critical to both embryo and endosperm development.Scientific Journal Series Article No. 14636 of the Minnesota Experiment Station  相似文献   

The gibberellin (GA)-biosynthesis mutations, lh i , ls and Ie 5839 have been used to investigate the role(s) of the GAs in seed development of the garden pea (Pisum sativum L.). Seeds homozygous for lh i possess reduced GA levels, are more likely to abort during development, and weigh less at harvest, compared with wild-type seeds due to expression of the lh i mutation in the embryo and/ or endosperm. Compared with wild-type seeds, the lh i mutation reduces endogenous GA1 and gibberellic acid (GA3) levels in the embryo/endosperm a few days after anthesis and fertilizing lh i plants with wild-type pollen dramatically increases GA1 and GA3 levels in the embryo/ endosperm and restores normal seed development. By contrast, the ls and le 5839 mutations do not appear to reduce GA levels in the embryo/endosperm of seeds a few days after anthesis, and do not affect embryo or endosperm development. However, both the ls and lh i mutations substantially reduce endogenous GA levels in embryos at contact point (the first day the liquid endosperm disappears). Levels of GAs in seeds from crosses involving the ls and lh i mutations suggest that GAs are synthesised in both the embryo/endosperm and testa and that the expression of ls depends on the tissue and developmental stage examined. These results suggest that GAs (possibly GA1 and/or GA3) play an important role early in pea seed development by regulating the development of the embryo and/or endosperm. By contrast, the high GA levels found in wild-type seeds at contact point (and beyond) do not appear to have a physiological role in seed development.Abbreviations GAn gibberellin An - DAA days after anthesis - WT wild-type We thank Noel Davies, Katherine McPherson and Peter Bobbi for technical assistance, Professor L. Mander (ANU, Canberra) for dideuterated GA standards, and the Australian Research Council and Frontier Research Program, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN, Japan), for financial support.  相似文献   

Summary A pea vicilin promoter-diphtheria toxin A (DTx-A) chain gene fusion was introduced into Arabidopsis and tobacco. The chimeric Dtx-A gene behaves as a dominant, seed-lethal, Mendelian factor, and the segregation ratios are consistent with the numbers of integrated copies as revealed by Southern blotting. Germination deficiency results from distinct developmental abnormalities, thus allowing genetic dissection of seed development. The endosperm is affected first in both species. In Arabidopsis, full cellularization of the initially syncytial endosperm does not take place, which results in shrinkage and a shriveled appearance of the mature dry seed. The embryo, which appears structurally normal and lacks visible lesions, ceases to develop at the partially recurved cotyledon stage and does not use the remaining endosperm. In tobacco, peripheral degeneration and premature termination of cellular endosperm development occurs at the cotyledon initiation stage. Lesions appear in the cotyledons at the advanced cotyledon stage, but the embryo continues to grow and attains nearly the same size and level of differentiation as mature wild-type embryos before degeneration and intracellular disintegration take place throughout. Accumulation of protein bodies and other cytoplasmic inclusions is very limited and occurs only in few cells. The timing and distribution of lesions follow a pattern typical for accumulation of protein bodies in wild-type seeds. These observations are consistent with expression of the vicilin promoter in the enlargement phase of cell differentiation. A novel tissue interaction arises, when the embryo uses up all the arrested endosperm: the embryo proves to be capable of absorbing the parenchyma layers of the integument, which are normally obliterated by, and incorporated into, the endosperm. The mature seed thus consists of a seed coat of one rigid cell layer, and a degenerated embryo. The genetic ablation technique has thus contributed to the establishment of the sequence of events and elucidation of the role of different cell lineages and tissues in seed development.  相似文献   

The tripeptide antioxidant glutathione (γ-l-glutamyl-l-cysteinyl-glycine; GSH) essentially contributes to thiol-disulphide conversions, which are involved in the control of seed development, germination, and seedling establishment. However, the relative contribution of GSH metabolism in different seed structures is not fully understood. We studied the GSH/glutathione disulphide (GSSG) redox couple and associated low-molecular-weight (LMW) thiols and disulphides related to GSH metabolism in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seeds, focussing on redox changes in the embryo and endosperm during germination. In dry seeds, GSH was the predominant LMW thiol and, 15?h after the onset of imbibition, embryos of non-germinated seeds contained 12 times more LMW thiols than the endosperm. In germinated seeds, the embryo contained 17 and 11 times more LMW thiols than the endosperm after 15 and 48?h, respectively. This resulted in the embryo having significantly more reducing half-cell reduction potentials of GSH/GSSG and cysteine (Cys)/cystine (CySS) redox couples (EGSSG/2GSH and ECySS/2Cys, respectively). Upon seed germination and early seedling growth, Cys and CySS concentrations significantly increased in both embryo and endosperm, progressively contributing to the cellular LMW thiol-disulphide redox environment (Ethiol-disulphide). The changes in ECySS/2Cys could be related to the mobilisation of storage proteins in the endosperm during early seedling growth. We suggest that EGSSG/2GSH and ECySS/2Cys can be used as markers of the physiological and developmental stage of embryo and endosperm. We also present a model of interaction between LMW thiols and disulphides with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in redox regulation of bread wheat germination and early seedling growth.  相似文献   

Apomixis represents an alteration of classical sexual plant reproduction to produce seeds with essentially clonal embryos, stimulating wide interest from biologists and plant breeders for its ability to fix heterosis. Eulaliopsis binata (Poaceae), is identified here as a new apomictic species. Embryological investigation indicates that the developmental pattern of embryo sac formation in E. binata represents gametophytic apospory, the embryo originating from an unreduced cell, without fertilization and the mode of endosperm development was autonomous. Sexual embryo sacs were found with a frequency of 1–4% depending on the biotype. The DNA content of nuclei (C-value) in mature seeds was screened by flow cytometry (FCSS) and demonstrated that the endosperm was derived autonomously without fertilization and the three biotypes of E. binata showed varying degrees of apomixis. The Wide-leaf type showed obligate apomixis whereas the Slender-leaf and the Red-haulm type displayed facultative apomixis. In addition, adventitious embryos were observed on the wall of ovary, integument and nucellus cells, indicating that E. binata produces embryos via a mixture of apospory and adventitious embryony.  相似文献   

A T-DNA-tagged, embryo-defective Arabidopsis thaliana mutant, fist, was identified and shown to exhibit defects in nuclear positioning and cell division orientation beginning at the four-cell stage of the embryo proper. Cell division orientation was randomised, with each embryo exhibiting a different pattern. Periclinal divisions did not occur after the eight-cell embryo proper stage and fist embryos lacked a histologically distinct protoderm layer. Terminal embryos resembled globular-stage embryos, but were a disorganised mass containing 30–100 cells. Some terminal embryos (5%) developed xylem-like elements in outer surface cells, indicating that the fist mutation affects radial pattern. A soybean β-conglycinin seed storage protein gene promoter, active in wild-type embryos from heart stage to maturity, was also active in terminal fist embryos despite their disorganised globular state. This indicated that some pathways of cellular differentiation in fist embryos proceed independently of both organised division plane orientation and normal morphogenesis. Endosperm morphogenesis in seeds containing terminal fist embryos was arrested at one of three distinct developmental stages and appeared unlinked to fist embryo morphogenesis. The β-conglycinin seed storage protein gene promoter, normally active in cellularised wild-type endosperm, was inactive in fist endosperm, indicating abnormal development of fist endosperm at the biochemical level. These data indicate that the fist mutation, either directly or indirectly, results in defects in cell division orientation during the early stages of Arabidopsis embryo development. Other aspects of the fist phenotype, such as defects in endosperm development and radial pattern formation, may be related to abnormal cell division orientation or may occur as pleiotropic effects of the fist mutation. Received: 15 July 1997 / Accepted: 9 September 1997  相似文献   

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