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拮抗菌通过分泌细胞壁降解酶降解病原菌细胞壁组分是其重要的拮抗方式。本研究以2个拮抗菌(绿色木霉和枯草芽孢杆菌)和7个植物病原菌为研究对象,对碳水化合物酶类CAZymes(Carbohydrate-active enzymes)进行了注释和比较分析,明确了拮抗菌相对于病原菌发生扩增的细胞壁降解酶亚家族;利用ClustalX2.0多序列比对、Mega4.0构建系统发育树和MEME软件预测保守基序的方法,分析了扩增亚家族的序列结构和进化特征。结果表明,拮抗菌中可能参与病原菌细胞壁降解酶类的亚家族CBM50、GH25和GH73发生了显著扩增,并通过序列比较和进化分析初步明确了扩增的亚家族与拮抗菌特异降解病原菌细胞壁组分之间存在关联,为拮抗菌细胞壁降解酶类亚家族CBM50、GH25和GH73参与拮抗的分子机理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

程甜  郝志强  魏强  李广林 《微生物学通报》2015,42(10):1877-1887
【目的】目前对于萜类合成酶(Terpenoid synthase,TPS)的研究主要集中在植物和真菌中,而对细菌TPS的系统研究尚少。建立在大量已经被测序的细菌基因组基础上,利用生物信息学方法,对细菌TPS在全基因组范围内进行识别、分类和功能分析。【方法】利用TPS的隐马尔科夫模型(Pfam编号为PF03936)搜索自建的细菌蛋白质组数据库,预测出细菌TPS。对这些候选TPS的蛋白序列用MAFFT 7.130b进行多序列比对,并利用MEGA 6.0对多序列比对结果进行进化分析。利用MEME和PredictProtein分别进行细菌TPS的基序(Motifs)和点突变分析。【结果】建立在生物信息学分析的基础上,1 423条细菌TPS被识别,它们分布在8个门中,即放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、蓝藻门(Cyanobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)、酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)和衣原体门(Chlamydiae)。进化分析表明细菌TPS可分为4大类,Motifs分析表明除了各类之间保守的基序(Motifs)外,还有特异的Motifs,这暗示着细菌TPS在不同类别之间的功能分化。点突变分析表明,细菌TPS不同位点的氨基酸突变对TPS功能的影响不同。【结论】细菌TPS主要分布于8个门中,其中在2个门中细菌TPS尚未见报道,即厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)与酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)。基于进化分析,可以把细菌TPS分为4类,各类之间的差异可能是由类特异的Motifs决定的,另外细菌TPS不同氨基酸位点的突变分析为今后验证TPS的功能提供了很好的理论基础。  相似文献   

广西的甘蔗糖蜜酒精发酵废液的COD高达100 000 mg/L,同时含有15 000 mg/L的硫酸根离子,属于高盐高浓度有机废水,严重抑制微生物的沼气化过程。为了获得耐受高COD和高硫酸盐的细菌群落的多样性数据,对特异性耐受高浓度糖蜜酒精废液的细菌群落进行分析。提取高浓度糖蜜酒精废液沼气池中淤泥样品的总DNA,应用IIIumina MiSeq高通量测序技术测定各样品中的细菌16S rDNA V3-V4变异区序列,并进行测序数据处理、OTUs聚类及物种注释,分析样品中细菌的复杂度和多样品间细菌组成差异。结果显示:沼气池各样品的优势菌群均是厚壁菌门(Firmicute)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)和变形菌门(Proteobacteria)。在废水消化旺盛区域的微生物种群含有泉古菌门(Crenarchaeota)和热脱硫杆菌门(Thermodesulfobacteria)等与硫酸根降解转化相关的菌株。本研究表明,特异性硫酸根转化菌株的富集揭示了这个细菌群落耐受高硫酸根废液的原因。高通量测序技术为高盐高浓度难降解有机废水沼气池淤泥细菌群落多样性的研究提供了科学有效的数据资源。  相似文献   

细菌利用聚酮合成酶途径合成多不饱和脂肪酸是近年发现的新的脂肪酸合成途径。这种途径与常规的由脂肪酸去饱和酶和脂肪酸延长酶引导的脂肪酸合成途径有着本质上的差别。总结了近些年细菌利用聚酮合成酶合成多不饱和脂肪酸这一新途径的研究状况,重点阐明其分子机制,并对其研究趋势及应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

【目的】以单增李斯特菌(Listeria monocytogenes, LM)硫氧还蛋白Lmo1903为研究对象,研究其在细菌环境适应过程中的抗氧化应激生物学作用。【方法】使用生物信息学方法分析Lmo1903的进化关系和关键活性位点,使用酶切连接的方法构建Lmo1903蛋白表达载体,获得纯化的重组蛋白,以胰岛素为底物分析其氧化还原酶学活性;同时制备鼠源多克隆抗体,分析其在细胞内的定位;采用核苷酸定点突变技术构建CX1X2C基序中的半胱氨酸点突变蛋白,分析关键位点半胱氨酸对Lmo1903酶活的影响;采用同源重组原理构建lmo1903基因缺失株Δlmo1903和回补株CΔlmo1903,研究lmo1903在单增李斯特菌生长、运动和抗氧化应激方面发挥的功能。【结果】生物信息学分析显示,Lmo1903含有CX1X2C基序,与枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillussubtilis)的TrxA的亲缘关系较近,属于硫氧还蛋白家族成员,主要定位在细菌细胞质中,具有较强的还原酶学活性,突变CX1X2C基序中的半胱氨酸残基会显著降低Lmo1903的还原酶活能力。缺失lmo1903不影响单增李斯特菌的生长能力,但显...  相似文献   

冰川作为地球主要的冰冻圈环境之一,蕴藏着丰富的低温微生物资源。1976年,Inoue Komagata从南极分离出一株嗜冷细菌,直到1997年,以这株嗜冷菌为模式物种,建立了冷杆菌属(Cryobacterium),同时该菌株被命名为嗜冷冷杆菌(Cryobacterium psychrophilum)。冷杆菌属物种主要分布于南北极、青藏高原冻土、冰川等低温环境,但与冰川等环境中其他常见类群相比丰度较低,属于稀有类群。目前,该属已有15个有效描述种,其中包含严格的嗜冷菌,但不同种对温度的耐受性有差异,因此是研究低温环境细菌进化和物种形成的良好材料。该属菌株可产生β-类胡萝卜素、低温酶等生物活性物质。本文综述了冷杆菌属的分布、生物学特征;通过对GenBank中冷杆菌属纯培养菌株的全基因组序列进行平均核酸序列一致性(average nucleotide identity,ANI)计算和聚类分析,明确其精确的分类地位,评估了该类群物种多样性;并讨论了冷杆菌在食品加工、医药卫生所需的生物活性物质的应用潜力。  相似文献   

在盐生盐杆菌(Halobacterium halobium)R1中分析了真核同源基因rad25的转录,分析了rad25同源基因启动子片段的序列特征,用β_半乳糖苷酶基因(bgaH)为报告基因,利用启动子探针检测技术验证了rad25同源基因启动子片段在嗜盐古生菌WFD11中的启动功能;缺失分析进一步确认了rad25同源基因启动子具有嗜盐古菌启动子典型特征。从启动子和转录水平上证明盐生盐杆菌R1中真核同源基因rad25存在生物学功能,推测其可能在核苷酸切除修复(NER)起作用。  相似文献   

【目的】利用免培养技术,获得有关西藏高原高盐度、高海拔盐湖的细菌多样性认识。【方法】从西藏扎布耶盐湖沉积样品中提取微生物总DNA,利用细菌引物f530/r1492扩增16S rRNA基因,然后构建16S rRNA基因质粒文库。采用HaeⅢ和HhaⅠ两种内切酶对阳性克隆质粒DNA进行ARDRA分型分析,根据分型结果挑选克隆进行测序。得到它们的16SrRNA基因部分序列,根据获得的序列构建构建系统发育树。【结果】在系统发育树上,部分克隆(占总克隆数的57.14%)与已知细菌属归于同一分支,主要分布在γ-变形菌纲、α-变形菌纲、δ-变形菌纲、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)和疣微菌门(Verrucomicrobia)的23个嗜盐细菌属之中。其余的克隆为未培养序列,与前者差异很大,在进化树上形成了独立的分支。【结论】研究结果显示出扎布耶茶卡湖中的细菌组成具有极其丰富的多样性。  相似文献   

【背景】嗜盐微生物多生活于高盐环境,具有独特的生理代谢特征,是一类重要的极端环境微生物资源。【目的】为更好地认识我国陆相盐矿的嗜盐微生物多样性组成,更好地开发利用嗜盐微生物资源积累丰富的微生物菌种。【方法】对安徽定远盐矿盐芯样品进行嗜盐微生物的纯培养分离,并对所分离菌株进行基于16SrRNA基因的测序和序列相似性分析,并对所分离菌株进行物种多样性分析。在此基础上,对代表菌株进行菌落形态和耐盐度及酶活测定。【结果】通过纯培养共分离获得了嗜盐微生物264株,其中嗜盐古菌150株,占56.8%;嗜盐细菌114株,占43.2%。嗜盐古菌物种分别来自于Halorubrum、 Halopenitus、 Haloterrigena、 Natrinema、 Natronoarchaeum和Natronomonas等6个属;嗜盐细菌物种分别来自于Pseudomonas、Aliifodinibius、Halobacillus、Halomonas和Halospina等5个属。通过代表菌株的酶活平板检测,发现产胞外蛋白酶菌株1株,酯酶1株,淀粉酶2株;能液化明胶菌株2株。在物种多样性组成方面,发现嗜盐古菌的物种多样性指数高于嗜盐细菌。【结论】本研究对我国安徽定远陆相盐矿的可培养嗜盐微生物多样性进行探究,积累了丰富的嗜盐微生物菌株资源。  相似文献   

[目的]通过对天山1号冰川底部沉积层冻土中细菌的分离和产β-半乳糖苷酶低温菌株的筛选,了解天山冻土微生物的物种多样性,并对产β-半乳糖苷酶低温菌株的系统发育和生理多样性进行分析.[方法]以乳糖为主要碳源,X-Gal为显色剂,分离筛选出产低温β-半乳糖苷酶菌株.对细菌常规生理生化实验、最适生长温度、耐盐性、药物敏感性进行测定.根据16S rRNA基因序列初步确定产β-半乳糖苷酶低温菌种的系统进化地位,并采用BOX-PCR指纹图谱技术对16S rRNA基因高度同源性的菌株进一步区分.[结果]分离到90株可培养低温菌中25株可产β-半乳糖苷酶,其中76%为革兰氏阳性菌.依据生长温度,产酶菌株80%为嗜冷菌,20%为耐冷菌.在系统发育上,产酶菌株隶属于4个类群,其中肠球菌属(Enterococcus)占26%,短波单胞菌属(Brevundimonas)占22%,假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)占13%.[结论]天山1号冰川底部沉积层冻土中产β-半乳糖苷酶的低温细菌具有比较丰富的物种和生理多样性.  相似文献   

Suh MC  Schultz DJ  Ohlrogge JB 《Planta》2002,215(4):584-595
Unusual monounsaturated fatty acids are major constituents (greater than 80%) in seeds of Coriandrum sativum L. (coriander) and Thunbergia alata Bojer, as well as in glandular trichomes (greater than 80% derived products) of Pelargonium x hortorum (geranium). These diverged fatty acid structures are produced via distinct plastidial acyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) desaturases. When expressed in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. under strong seed-specific promoters the unusual acyl-ACP desaturases resulted in accumulation of unusual monoene fatty acids at 1-15% of seed fatty acid mass. In this study, we have examined several factors that potentially limit higher production of unusual monoenes in transgenic oilseeds. (i) Immunoblots indicated that the introduced desaturases were expressed at levels equivalent to or higher than the endogenous delta9 18:0-ACP desaturase. However, the level of unusual fatty acid produced in transgenic plants was not correlated with the level of desaturase expression. (ii) The unusual desaturases were expressed in several backgrounds, including antisense 18:0-ACP desaturase plants, in fab1 mutants, and co-expressed with specialized ACP or ferredoxin isoforms. None of these experiments led to high production of expected products. (iii) No evidence was found for degradation of the unusual fatty acids during seed development. (iv) Petroselinic acid added to developing seeds was incorporated into triacylglycerol as readily as oleic acid, suggesting no major barriers to its metabolism by enzymes of glycerolipid assembly. (v) In vitro and in situ assay of acyl-ACP desaturases revealed a large discrepancy of activity when comparing unusual acyl-ACP desaturases with the endogenous delta9 18:0-ACP desaturase. The combined results, coupled with the sensitivity of acyl-ACP desaturase activity to centrifugation and low salt or detergent suggests low production of unusual monoenes in transgenic plants may be due to the lack of, or incorrect assemble of, a necessary multi-component enzyme association.  相似文献   

Acyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) desaturases function to position a single double bond into an acyl-ACP substrate and are best represented by the ubiquitous Delta9 18:0-ACP desaturase. Several variant acyl-ACP desaturases have also been identified from species that produce unusual monoenoic fatty acids. All known acyl-ACP desaturase enzymes use ferredoxin as the electron-donating cofactor, and in almost all previous studies the photosynthetic form of ferredoxin rather than the non-photosynthetic form has been used to assess activity. We have examined the influence of different forms of ferredoxin on acyl-ACP desaturases. Using combinations of in vitro acyl-ACP desaturase assays and [(14)C]malonyl-coenzyme A labeling studies, we have determined that heterotrophic ferredoxin isoforms support up to 20-fold higher unusual acyl-ACP desaturase activity in coriander (Coriandrum sativum), Thunbergia alata, and garden geranium (Pelargonium x hortorum) when compared with photosynthetic ferredoxin isoforms. Heterotrophic ferredoxin also increases activity of the ubiquitous Delta9 18:0-ACP desaturase 1.5- to 3.0-fold in both seed and leaf extracts. These results suggest that ferredoxin isoforms may specifically interact with acyl-ACP desaturases to achieve optimal enzyme activity and that heterotrophic isoforms of ferredoxin may be the in vivo electron donor for this reaction.  相似文献   

在高等植物中,Δ9 脂肪酸去饱和酶引入第一个双键到饱和的脂肪酸链中,导致单不饱和脂肪酸的形成。我们通过RT-PCR、RNA ligase mediated RACE (RLM-RACE) and Overlap-PCR方法从海洋微藻绿色巴夫藻中克隆到一个命名为PvfadA的脂肪酸去饱和酶候选基因。通过将PvfadA基因在大肠杆菌表达系统中成功表达,PvFadA可以特异性地将C18:0脂肪酸转变成C18:1脂肪酸。PvFadA的氨基酸序列中存在一个存在于acyl-ACP去饱和酶的特异性金属离子结合区段(D/E)X2HX-100(D/E)X2H。通过同源模建PvFadA的3D结构显示,其包含了11个α螺旋,其中α3、α4、α6和α7组成了一个4个螺旋桶的核心结构,预测其可能是酶的活性中心。PvFadA的3D结构类似于蓖麻和结核分枝杆菌H37Rv的acyl-ACP去饱和酶。  相似文献   

Purified site-directed mutants of Sinorhizobium meliloti CECT 4114 l-N-carbamoylase (SmLcar) in which Glu132, His230, Asn279 and Arg292 were replaced have been studied by kinetic methods and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). The importance of His230, Asn279 and Arg292 residues in the recognition of N-carbamoyl-l-alpha-amino acids has been proved. The role of Glu132 has been confirmed in substrate hydrolysis. ITC has confirmed two Ni atoms per monomer of wild type enzyme, and two equal and independent substrate binding sites (one per monomer). Homology modelling of SmLcar supports the importance of His87, His194, His386, Glu133 and Asp98 in metal binding. A comprehensive reaction mechanism is proposed on the basis of binding experiments measured by ITC, kinetic assays, and homology of the active centre with beta-alanine synthase from Saccharomyces kluyveri and other enzymes.  相似文献   

The unique beta-hydroxyacyl-ACP dehydratase in Plasmodium falciparum, PfFabZ, is involved in fatty acid biosynthesis and catalyzes the dehydration of beta-hydroxy fatty acids linked to acyl carrier protein. The structure was solved by single anomalous dispersion (SAD) phasing using a quick-soaking experiment with potassium iodide and refined to a resolution of 2.1 A. The crystal structure represents the first structure of a Plasmodium beta-hydroxyacyl-ACP dehydratase with broad substrate specificity. The asymmetric unit contains a hexamer that appears as a trimer of dimers. Each dimer shows the known "hot dog" fold that has been observed in only a few other protein structures. Each of the two independent active sites in the dimer is formed by equal contributions from both subunits. The active site is mainly hydrophobic and looks like an L-shaped tunnel. The catalytically important amino acids His 133 and Glu 147' (from the other subunit), together with His98', form the only hydrophilic site in this tunnel. The inner end of the active site tunnel is closed by the phenyl ring of Phe 169, which is located in a flexible, partly visible loop. In order to explain the acceptance of substrates longer than ~C-7, the phenyl ring must move away to open the tunnel. The present structure supports an enzymatic mechanism consisting of an elimination reaction catalyzed by His 133 and Glu147'. 3-decynoyl-N-acetylcysteamine, an inhibitor known to interact with the E. coli dehydratase/isomerase, turned out to interact covalently with PfFabZ. A first model of PfFabZ with this potent inhibitor is presented.  相似文献   

The multifunctional acyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) desaturase from Hedera helix (English ivy) catalyzes the Delta(4) desaturation of 16:0-ACP and the Delta(9) desaturation of 18:0-ACP and further desaturates Delta(9)-16:1 or Delta(9)-18:1 to the corresponding Delta(4,9) dienes. The crystal structure of the enzyme has been solved to 1.95 A resolution, and both the iron-iron distance of approximately 3.2A and the presence of a mu-oxo bridge reveal this to be the only reported structure of a desaturase in the oxidized FeIII-FeIII form. Significant differences are seen between the oxidized active site and the reduced active site of the Ricinus communis (castor) desaturase; His(227) coordination to Fe2 is lost, and the side chain of Glu(224), which bridges the two iron ions in the reduced structure, does not interact with either iron. Although carboxylate shifts have been observed on oxidation of other diiron proteins, this is the first example of the residue moving beyond the coordination range of both iron ions. Comparison of the ivy and castor structures reveal surface amino acids close to the annulus of the substrate-binding cavity and others lining the lower portion of the cavity that are potential determinants of their distinct substrate specificities. We propose a hypothesis that differences in side chain packing explains the apparent paradox that several residues lining the lower portion of the cavity in the ivy desaturase are bulkier than their equivalents in the castor enzyme despite the necessity for the ivy enzyme to accommodate three more carbons beyond the diiron site.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that the double bond of petroselinic acid (18:1[delta]6cis) in coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) seed results from the activity of a 36-kD desaturase that is structurally related to the [delta]9-stearoyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) desaturase (E.B. Cahoon, J. Shanklin, J.B. Ohlrogge [1992] Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 89: 11184-11188). To further characterize the biosynthetic pathway of this unusual fatty acid, 14C-labeling experiments were conducted using developing endosperm of coriander. Studies were also performed using suspension cultures of transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) that express the coriander 36-kD desaturase, and as a result produce petroselinic acid and [delta]4-hexadecenoic acid. When supplied exogenously to coriander endosperm slices, [1-14C]palmitic acid and stearic acid were incorporated into glycerolipids but were not converted to petroselinic acid. This suggested that petroselinic acid is not formed by the desaturation of a fatty acid bound to a glycerolipid or by reactions involving acyl-coenzyme As (CoA). Instead, evidence was most consistent with an acyl-ACP route of petroselinic acid synthesis. For example, the exogenous feeding of [1-14C]lauric acid and myristic acid to coriander endosperm slices resulted in the incorporation of the radiolabels into long-chain fatty acids, including primarily petroselinic acid, presumably through acyl-ACP-associated reactions. In addition, using an in vitro fatty acid biosynthetic system, homogenates of coriander endosperm incorporated [2-14C]malonyl-CoA into petroselinic acid, of which a portion was detected in a putative acyl-ACP fraction. Furthermore, analysis of transgenic tobacco suspension cultures expressing the coriander 36-kD desaturase revealed significant amounts of petroselinic acid and [delta]4-hexadecenoic acid in the acyl-ACP pool of these cells. Also presented is evidence derived from [U-14C]nonanoic acid labeling of coriander endosperm, which demonstrates that the coriander 36-kD desaturase positions double bonds relative to the carboxyl end of acyl-ACP substrates. The data obtained in these studies are rationalized in terms of a biosynthetic pathway of petroselinic acid involving the [delta]4 desaturation of palmitoyl-ACP by the 36-kD desaturase followed by two-carbon elongation of the resulting [delta]4-hexadecenoyl-ACP.  相似文献   

Cat's claw (Doxantha unguis-cati L.) vine accumulates nearly 80% palmitoleic acid (16:1Δ9) plus cis-vaccenic acid (18:1Δ11) in its seed oil. To characterize the biosynthetic origin of these unusual fatty acids, cDNAs for acyl-acyl carrier protein (acyl-ACP) desaturases were isolated from developing cat's claw seeds. The predominant acyl-ACP desaturase cDNA identified encoded a polypeptide that is closely related to the stearoyl (Δ9–18:0)-ACP desaturase from castor (Ricinis communis L.) and other species. Upon expression in Escherichia coli, the cat's claw polypeptide functioned as a Δ9 acyl-ACP desaturase but displayed a distinct substrate specificity for palmitate (16:0)-ACP rather than stearate (18:0)-ACP. Comparison of the predicted amino acid sequence of the cat's claw enzyme with that of the castor Δ9–18:0-ACP desaturase suggested that a single amino acid substitution (L118W) might account in large part for the differences in substrate specificity between the two desaturases. Consistent with this prediction, conversion of leucine-118 to tryptophan in the mature castor Δ9–18:0-ACP desaturase resulted in an 80-fold increase in the relative specificity of this enzyme for 16:0-ACP. The alteration in substrate specificity observed in the L118W mutant is in agreement with a crystallographic model of the proposed substrate-binding pocket of the castor Δ9–18:0-ACP desaturase.  相似文献   

We have obtained a simulation of the final steps of de novo fatty acid biosynthesis in sunflower control line RHA-274. For this simulation, we have used data from the evolution of fatty acids during seed formation and from the biochemical characterization of beta-keto-acyl-ACP synthetase II (FASII), stearoyl-ACP desaturase (SAD) and acyl-ACP thioesterase activities and the program GEPASI (based on the metabolic control-analysis theory). When physiological data from high- and medium-stearic acid mutants seed development were used with this model the predicted changes in SAD and TE were very similar to those actually found in the biochemical characterization of these mutants. However, the model had to be modified when results from high-palmitic mutants, accumulating unusual fatty acids like palmitoleic, asclepic and palmitolinoleic acids, were used. The emerging model, that fits all of our results, predicts the existence of a dynamic channelling between the FASII complex and SAD, that channelling being responsible for the alternative pathway starting with the desaturation of palmitic acid by the stearoyl-ACP desaturase. This channelling is consistent with our previous results. For instance, the determination of SAD activity on sunflower seed crude extracts only rendered oleic acid when the stearic acid used as a substrate was obtained from a KASII assay, but not when the stearic acid came from in vitro synthesis using acyl-ACP synthetase from Escherichia coli. This theoretical approximation will be very useful in predicting the evolution of the system when introducing new or modified activities; similar approximations in other oil-seed crops could be of great interest.  相似文献   

Fish are an important source of highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) such as eicosapentaenoic acid EPA (20:5 n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid DHA (22:6 n-3) and play a significant role in human nutrition. The fatty acyl delta6-desaturase (Δ6 desaturase) is a rate-limiting enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway of highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) that converts polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) such as linoleic (18:2n-6) and α-linolenic (18:3n-3) acids into HUFA. In this study, fatty acyl Δ6 desaturase was identified from pangasius (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) and further analyzed for sequenced-based characterization and 3D structural conformation. Sequenced-based analysis revealed some important secondary information such as physicochemical property. e.g., isoelectric point, extinction coefficient, aliphatic index, and grand average hydropathy, among others, and also post-translational modification sites were identified. An evolutionary-conserved stretch of amino acid residue and a functionally significant conserved structural ancestor, N-terminal cytochrome b5 and membrane FADS-like superfamily, were identified. Protein association analysis showed a high confidence score with acyl-CoA synthetase, elovl5, elovl2, and phospholipase A2. Herein, we report, for the first time, a 3D native structure of Δ6 desaturase protein by homology modeling approach; molecular docking analysis was performed with linoleic (18:2n-6) and α-linolenic (18:3n-3) acids, which are the two key substrates in the HUFA biosynthetic pathway. This work provides insight into the structural and functional characterization of Δ6 desaturase, which is involved in HUFA biosynthesis as a rate-limiting enzyme.  相似文献   

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