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侵染白术的蚕豆萎蔫病毒2号的分子检测与序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为鉴定引起山西绛县白术花叶、黄化等症状的病原,利用生物学接种、非序列依赖性PCR扩增(SIA)和RTPCR的研究方法,对白术病样进行了研究,结果表明:接种感病白术病汁液的指示植物昆诺藜表现退绿枯斑,经单斑分离后转接健康白术植株呈现出与病样类似的症状,初步证明白术病害可能为病毒引起的;SIA检测表明感病白术为蚕豆萎蔫病毒2号(Broad bean wilt virus 2,BBWV2)侵染所致;为明确BBWV2白术分离物(BBWV2-Am)的分类地位,进一步克隆了BBWV2-Am RNA2外壳蛋白大亚基基因(LCP)和外壳蛋白小亚基基因(SCP)序列;序列同源性分析表明,LCP基因和SCP基因与已发表的BBWV2其它株系相应基因核苷酸序列的同源性分别为79.3%~87.2%和80.1%~89.2%,氨基酸序列同源性分别为91.2%~95.7%和89.4%~95.5%;系统进化树分析显示,BBWV2-Am与BBWV2地黄分离物(BBWV2-Rg)形成一个独立分支,二者亲缘关系最近。这是BBWV2侵染白术的首次报道。  相似文献   

板蓝根(Isatidis Radix)病毒病害的发生已对其产量和品质造成了严重影响。因此,建立一套灵敏、快速、有效的板蓝根病毒病害检测手段十分重要。本研究利用双链RNA(double-stranded RNA,dsRNA)和非序列依赖PCR扩增(sequence-independent amplification,SIA)等技术对感病板蓝根进行鉴定,确定其被蚕豆萎蔫病毒2号(Broad bean wilt virus 2, BBWV2)所侵染。为明确BBWV2板蓝根分离物(BBWV2-IR)的进化关系,对其全基因组进行序列扩增与分析,获得其RNA1序列全长为5 955 bp,RNA2序列全长为3 602 bp,分别编码由1 870和1 064个氨基酸组成的多聚蛋白质。序列比对发现,BBWV2-IR RNA1与BBWV2-Am分离物的同源性最高,RNA2与BBWV2-SN分离物的同源性最高。全基因组变异情况分析表明,BBWV2-IR RNA1和RNA2分别与其同源性最高的株系存在多个氨基酸变异位点。系统进化分析表明,BBWV2-IR RNA1与BBWV2-Am RNA1聚为一簇,RNA2与BBWV2-SN RNA2聚为一簇,亲缘性最近。本研究获得了BBWV2板蓝根分离株的全基因组序列,并明确其在进化过程中的地位和区域变化情况,为进一步研究BBWV2-IR致病性变异提供一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

选取我国SCMV优势株系A株系的分离物SCMV-CA为材料,经过病毒和病毒RNA的提纯,反转录获得病毒cDNA,并克隆到载体pUC19的SmaI位点上,筛选得到多个重组质粒。选取其中一个克隆SCMV-CA54进行测序,得到一个全长为1296 bp的核苷酸序列。这段序列由一个长为1044 bp的开放阅读框架(ORF)和一个长279 bp的3’末端非编码区序列(3'-UTR)及poly(A)尾巴组成。这个ORF包括病毒完整的外壳蛋白(CP)及部分核内含体蛋白b(NIb)基因序列。将所得序列同已知SCMV亚组中各株系分离物的核苷酸和氨基酸进行同源性比较,结果表明该序列与其它株系分离物CP核苷酸序列的同源性介于63.7%~77.6%之间,氨基酸的同源性介于64%~89%之间。根据马铃薯Y病毒属的序列同源性划分标准,SCMV-CA与其它株系或分离物的同源性关系均介于种与株系划分标准之间。这是我国首次报道SCMVCP基因序列。  相似文献   

大麦黄矮病毒GAV基因组全序列测定及其结构分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测定了在中国分离得到由麦二叉蚜和麦长管蚜传播的大麦黄矮病毒GAV的基因组核苷酸全序列, 该病毒分离物的RNA由5685个核苷酸组成, 内含6个开放阅读框架(ORF)和4个非编码区(UTR), 基因组大小和结构与黄症病毒属(Luteovirus)的大麦黄矮病毒PAV(BYDV-PAV)和MAV(BYDV-MAV)相似. 序列分析表明, 它与BYDV-MAV的PS1分离物基因组序列的同源性最高. 在6个开放阅读框架中, 除ORF6核苷酸序列同源性为72.0%外, 其他ORF的核苷酸序列同源性均大于90%. 两者全基因组的同源性为90.4%. 推导的编码产物氨基酸序列同源性除P6和通读蛋白(RTP)分别为67.4%和87.4%外, 其他均大于90%, 其中外壳蛋白(CP)为95.5%. 根据与BYDV-MAV的相似性, BYDV-GAV应是一种与BYDV-MAV类似的病毒.  相似文献   

对中国分离株慢性蜜蜂麻痹病毒(Chronic bee paralysis virus,CBPV)Ch1编码区全基因序列进行克隆、测序、分析。利用RT-PCR方法和生物信息学软件,对本实验室分离到的Ch1株CBPV编码区的基因序列进行克隆,测序,与GenBank收录的CBPV毒株进行同源性比较,并以RdRp为靶基因构建了遗传进化树。结果显示,CBPV Ch1株的编码区由RNA1(GenBank No.KU950353)和RNA2(GenBank No.KU950354)两部分构成,全长5 979个核苷酸。其中RNA1片段全长3 674个核苷酸,编码3个开放阅读框,RNA2片段全长2 305个核苷酸,编码4个开放阅读框,RNA2片段中ORF2和ORF3,可能编码两个结构蛋白,分别命名为SP1和SP2。RNA1和RNA2核苷酸序列与2005年法国分离株Fr2核苷酸序列同源性最高,分别为96.1%和95.5%,但预测蛋白SP1核苷酸序列同源性与2006年乌拉圭分离株Ur1核苷酸序列同源性最高(96.9%)。基于RdRp为靶基因进行了遗传进化分析表明,Ch1株与Fr2株位于同一分支,且在该区域,Ch1株与Fr2株的核苷酸序列同源性最高(96.5%)。本实验成功分离到一株CBPV(KU950353,KU950354),并命名为Ch1株,完成了Ch1株CBPV的编码区的序列测定以及核苷酸序列与推导的氨基酸序列同源性比较及遗传进化分析,为研究CBPV的致病机制和免疫机制提供重要信息。  相似文献   

选取我国SCMV优势株系A株系的分离物SCMV-CA为材料,经过病毒和病毒RNA的提纯,反转录获得病毒cDNA,并克隆到载体pUC19的SmaⅠ位点上,筛选得到多个重组质粒,选取其中一个克隆SCMV-CA54进行测序,得到一个全长为1296bp的苷酸序列,这段序列由一个长为1044bp的开放阅读框架(ORF)和一个长279bp的3‘末端非编码区序列(3‘-UTR)及poly(A)尾巴组成。这个ORF包括病毒完整的外壳蛋白(CP)及部分核内含体蛋白(b(NIb)基因序列,将所得序列同已知SCMV亚组中各株系分离物的核苷酸和氨基酸进行同源性比较,结果表明该序列与其它株系分离的CP核苷酸序列的同源性介于63.7%-77.6%之间,氨基酸的同源性介于64%-89%之间。根据马玲薯Y病毒属的序列同源性划分标准,SCMV-CA与其它株系或分离物的同源性关系均介于种与株系进分标准之间,这是我国首次报道SCMV CP基因序列。  相似文献   

报道了蚕豆萎蔫病毒2的B935分离物全基因组序列。RNA1和RNA2分别由5956和3601个核苷酸组成[不包括3‘端未知长度的poly(A)尾巴]。RNA1和RNA2均包含单个阅读框,分别编码分子量为210063(210kD)和119002(119kD)的蛋白质。对外壳蛋白N端氨基酸序列测定表明,外壳蛋白大、小亚基(LCP、SCP)为119kD蛋白质在466/467位的Q/C和868/869位的Q/A位点切割形成的中间和C端蛋白,而端蛋白与豇豆花叶病毒58kD/48kD移动蛋白具有一定的同源性,并且包含一个类似病毒移动蛋白特有的rNTP结合域,推断为移动蛋白。通过与豇豆花叶病毒科病毒RNA1编码的多聚蛋白的同源性比较及功能蛋白保守序列的查找,表明210kd蛋白质可切割形成RdRp、蛋白酶、包含NTP结合域蛋白(NTBM)、蛋白酶辅助因子和Vpg等成熟蛋白,并进一步对其切割位 作了分析,根据LCP和SCP氨基酸序列所作的系统关系树充分证明了蚕豆萎蔫病毒(BBWV)两个血清型,确应命名为两个不同的病毒。  相似文献   

程晔  陈炯  陈剑平 《中国科学C辑》2001,31(6):497-504
测定了从浙江省呈现矮花叶病症状的玉米上分离得到的一个马铃薯Y病毒属病毒RNA的核苷酸全序列. 该病毒分离物的RNA基因组由9596个核苷酸组成(不包括polyA尾). 单一的ORF由9192个核苷酸组成, 编码一个分子量为346.1 ku的聚合蛋白. 该蛋白结构特征与高粱花叶病毒(SrMV)中国甘蔗分离物和一个玉米矮花叶病毒(MDMV)保加利亚分离物基因组编码的蛋白非常相似. 序列分析表明, 该病毒分离物与甘蔗花叶病毒(SCMV)各分离物(已报道的仅为基因组3′末端序列)同源性最高, 与SrMV和MDMV同源性次之, 而与约翰逊草花叶病毒(JGMV)同源性最低. 根据马铃薯Y病毒属区分不同病毒和株系的分类标准, 报道的玉米病毒分离物应当鉴定为SCMV的一个株系. 然而, 该分离物在HC-Pro, P3和CI蛋白区域和SrMV中国甘蔗分离物具有极高的氨基酸同源性.  相似文献   

利用非序列依赖性扩增(Sequence-independent amplification,SIA)方法对所采柴胡病样进行分子鉴定。序列测定及分析发现,伴有花叶症状的柴胡受到黄瓜花叶病毒(Cucumber mosaic virus,CMV)和蚕豆萎蔫病毒2号(Broad bean wilt virus 2,BBWV2)的复合侵染。为明确柴胡CMV分离物(CMV-SXCH)和柴胡BBWV2分离物(BBWV2-CH)的分类地位,进一步克隆CMV-SXCH的CP、MP和BBWV2-CH的LCP、SCP;序列比对发现,CMV-SXCH与CMV亚组ⅠB中株系XJ2相似性最高,其核苷酸和氨基酸序列同源性分别为99.1%、99.5%;BBWV2-CH与BBWV2中的K株系相似性最高,核苷酸和氨基酸序列同源性分别为95.4%、99.2%。系统进化树分析表明,CMV-SXCH与大多数CMV中国分离物聚类为一簇,同属于CMV亚组ⅠB;BBWV2-CH与BBWV2韩国K株系聚类为一簇,亲缘关系最近。  相似文献   

侵染人参果的马铃薯M病毒基因组全序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定了侵染人参果的马铃薯M病毒(PVMCh)基因组全序列。线状、单链正义RNA全长8526bp,含6个开读框(ORF),具麝香石竹潜隐病毒属(Genus Carlavirus)典型结构特征。序列比较表明它与其他PVM分离物各基因核苷酸和编码蛋白氨基酸序列同源性分别为62.5%~9702%和60.9%~97.4%,其中CP基因最保守,而TGB3基因变异最大。系统进化树分析表明美国爱达荷州马铃薯分离物(PVMId) (AF023877)为PVM的一个远缘株系,而其他4个PVM分离物的成簇在外壳蛋白(Coat protein, CP)和核酸结合蛋白(Nucleic acid binding protein, NABP)区域略有差异。这是PVM在人参果上侵染的首次报道。  相似文献   

Caliciviruses represent a family of positive strand RNA viruses responsible for a variety of syndromes in man and animals. VP10, a minor structural protein of the calicivirus rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus, is encoded in the small 3'-terminal open reading frame (ORF) 2 and is translated with an efficiency of approximately 20% of the preceding ORF1. The presence of the ORF1 termination codon is crucial for VP10 expression. Translation of VP10 starts at an AUG codon located at positions -5 to -3 of the ORF1 termination codon. However, VP10 was also expressed in the absence of an AUG initiation codon. The majority of ORF1 could be deleted or replaced by different sequences without significant influence on VP10 expression as long as translation terminated at the given position. The RNA sequence of the 3'-terminal 84 nucleotides of ORF1 but not the encoded peptide was found to be crucial for VP10 expression. In contrast, nearly the entire ORF2 could be replaced by a foreign sequence without abrogation of its translation. Accordingly, VP10 is expressed in a translation termination/reinitiation process that is particular because it is independent of an AUG translational start codon and requires the presence of a sequence element upstream of the initiation site.  相似文献   

DNA copies of the potato virus X (PVX) RNA corresponding to 2300 nucleotides at the 3'-end have been cloned. The cloned cDNA copies containing the nucleotides 445-1280 from the 3'-end have been sequenced. The 5'-terminal region of the PVX coat protein gene corresponds to residues 445-786 from the 3'-end. The amino acid sequences of two more open reading frames (ORF) have been deduced from the nucleotide sequence. The potential translation products of these ORF's would correspond to the nonstructural viral proteins. We have located the ORF1 within the region of residues 799-1009 preceding the coat protein cistron. The tentative protein is composed of 70 amino acids and has an aminoterminal segment which is markedly hydrophobic. ORF2 in the PVX sequence ends with UAG at nucleotides 942-944 and extends to the 5'-terminus for additional 340 nucleotides. The distant sequence homology exists between a carboxyterminal portion of PVX ORF2 and that of the nonstructural "30 K-proteins" of the plant tobamoviruses.  相似文献   

The Barley yellow dwarf disease (BYD) was firstly recognized as an aphid transmitted virus disease by Oswald and Houston[1] in 1951. Now, Barley yel-low dwarf viruses (BYDVs) belong to members of the plant virus family Luteoviridae. They are phloem- limited and obligately transmitted in the circula-tive/persistent manner by several species of cereal aphids and can cause significant economic losses worldwide because of damage to barley, wheat, and oats. In China, BYDVs cause mainly yello…  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of genomic RNA of BYDV-GAV was determined. It comprised 5685 nucleotides and contained six open reading frames and four un-translated regions. The size and organization of BYDV-GAV genome were similar to those of BYDV PAV-aus. The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of the six ORFs were aligned and compared with those of other luteoviruses. The results showed that there was a high degree of identity between BYDV-GAV and MAV-PS1 in all ORFs except ORF5 and ORF6, which had only 87.4% and 70.2% identities respectively. The reported genomic nucleotide sequence of MAV was shorter than that of BYDV-GAV, but the comparison of the genomic nucleotide sequences for MAV-PS1 and GAV showed 90.4% sequence identity for the same region of the genome. According to the level of sequence similarities, BYDV-GAV should be closely related to BYDV-MAV.  相似文献   

The mechanism leading to reinitiation of translation after termination of protein synthesis in eukaryotes has not yet been resolved in detail. One open question concerns the way the post-termination ribosome is tethered to the mRNA to allow binding of the necessary initiation factors. In caliciviruses, a family of positive strand RNA viruses, the capsid protein VP2 is translated via a termination/reinitiation process. VP2 of the feline calicivirus is encoded in the 3'-terminal open reading frame 3 (ORF3) that overlaps with the preceding ORF2 by four nucleotides. In transient expression studies, the efficiency of VP2 expression was 20 times lower than that of the ORF2 proteins. The close vicinity of the ORF2 termination signal and the ORF3 AUG codon was crucial, whereas the AUG could be replaced by alternative codons. Deletion mapping revealed that the 3'-terminal 69 nucleotides of ORF2 are crucial for VP2 expression. This sequence contains two essential sequence motifs. The first motif is conserved among caliciviruses and complementary to part of the 18 S rRNA. In conclusion, VP2 is expressed in a translation termination/reinitiation process that is special because it requires a sequence element that could prevent dissociation of post-termination ribosomes via hybridization with 18 S rRNA.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of RNA beta from the type strain of barley stripe mosaic virus (BSMV) has been determined. The sequence is 3289 nucleotides in length and contains four open reading frames (ORFs) which code for proteins of Mr 22,147 (ORF1), Mr 58,098 (ORF2), Mr 17,378 (ORF3), and Mr 14,119 (ORF4). The predicted N-terminal amino acid sequence of the polypeptide encoded by the ORF nearest the 5'-end of the RNA (ORF1) is identical (after the initiator methionine) to the published N-terminal amino acid sequence of BSMV coat protein for 29 of the first 30 amino acids. ORF2 occupies the central portion of the coding region of RNA beta and ORF3 is located at the 3'-end. The ORF4 sequence overlaps the 3'-region of ORF2 and the 5'-region of ORF3 and differs in codon usage from the other three RNA beta ORFs. The coding region of RNA beta is followed by a poly(A) tract and a 238 nucleotide tRNA-like structure which are common to all three BSMV genomic RNAs.  相似文献   

Norwalk virus (NV) is the prototype strain of a group of noncultivable human caliciviruses responsible for epidemic outbreaks of acute gastroenteritis. The capsid protein VP1 is synthesized from a subgenomic RNA that contains two open reading frames (ORFs), ORF2 and ORF3, and the 3' untranslated region (UTR). ORF2 and ORF3 code for the capsid protein (VP1) and a small structural basic protein (VP2), respectively. We discovered that the yields of virus-like particles (VLPs) composed of VP1 are significantly reduced when this protein is expressed from ORF2 alone. To determine how the 3' terminus of the NV subgenomic RNA regulates VP1 expression, we compared VP1 expression levels by using recombinant baculovirus constructs containing different 3' elements. High VP1 levels were detected by using a recombinant baculovirus that contained ORF2, ORF3, and the 3'UTR (ORF2+3+3'UTR). In contrast, expression of VP1 from constructs that lacked the 3'UTR (ORF2+3), ORF3 (ORF2+3'UTR), or both (ORF2 alone) was highly reduced. Elimination of VP2 synthesis from the subgenomic RNA by mutation resulted in VP1 levels similar to those obtained with the ORF2 construct alone, suggesting a cis role for VP2 in upregulation of VP1 expression levels. Comparisons of the kinetics of RNA and capsid protein expression levels by using constructs with or without ORF3 or the 3'UTR revealed that the 3'UTR increased the levels of VP1 RNA, whereas the presence of VP2 resulted in increased levels of VP1. Furthermore, VP2 increased VP1 stability and protected VP1 from disassembly and protease degradation. The increase in VP1 expression levels caused by the presence of VP2 in cis was also observed in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

家蚕浓核病毒DNV-3(中国株)的VD2基因组序列分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
浓核病毒BmDNV-3(中国株)基因组中含有两种不同的单链线形DNA分子(VD1,VD2)。该病毒的VD2被分离、纯化、克隆到pUC119载体上,并完成了VD2全基因组序列的测定。序列分析显示:VD2全基因组长为6022个核苷酸,末端拥有524个核苷酸反向重复序列(ITRs)。VD2基因组正链含有2个大的开放阅读框,负链含有1个小的开放阅读框。计算机分析推测该基因组正链上开放阅读框(ORF1)及负链上开放阅读框(ORF3)主要编码病毒的非结构蛋白,而正链上开放阅读框(ORF2)主要编码病毒的结构蛋白。比较BmDNV-3 VD2和BmDNV-2(Yamanashiisolate)VD2基因组全序列,两者同源性达97.7%,并且有132个碱基的替代1、1个碱基的删除和2个碱基插入。研究结果显示BmDNV-3 VD2和BmDNV-2 VD2有很近的亲缘关系,但也发生一定的变异,这为更好地理解浓核病毒种类的多样性,也为研究家蚕浓核病毒进化提供了有益的线索。  相似文献   

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