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将成果导向教育(outcome-based education,OBE)理念融入生物化学实验教学,对于学生未来的发展以及满足社会需求具有非常重要的意义。本文以学生学习产出为起点和核心,探索OBE理念下生物化学实验课程目标的制定、教学的实施及考核方式的革新。以期通过教学改革,增强学生学习的积极性和主动性,提高教学质量,为培养高素质医学人才打下基础。  相似文献   

文中对照成果导向教育 (Outcome-based education,OBE) 的教学理念,详细阐述笔者教学团队经过5个轮次的教学实践和持续改进,逐步形成的“生物工程项目实践创新课程”教学逻辑与教学方法,重点阐述了课程教学项目的遴选、教学过程的实施方式、课程过程性考核办法以及“监控-评价与反馈-改进”的课程质量保障体系等内容。通过分析3届生物工程专业学生的课程成绩分布与课程目标达成情况,发现笔者教学团队所形成的“生物工程项目实践创新课程”教学逻辑与方法可以大幅提升学生学习的主观能动性及学生成绩,也可以保证学生课程目标的达成。因此,文中所述教学逻辑与教学方法有望为当今工程教育专业认证背景下本科院校工科专业项目实训的教学改革提供基础,为培养适应新时代需求的理论知识扎实、创新思维好、团结协作能力佳和解决复杂工程问题能力强的新型综合人才奠定基础。  相似文献   

线上线下混合式教学是未来高校实验教学模式改革的方向之一。混合式教学具有体系性强、知识点可重复、学生自主学习及师生互动多等特点。浙江大学线上线下混合式教学生物化学实验课程包含大型开放式网络课程(massive open online course, MOOC)、线下综合性系列实验和自主实验设计与实践。该课程的混合式教学建设与实践表明,实验课程的混合式教学有助于扩充实验教学内涵,建设标准化的实验教学预习、过程与考核机制,并推动实验课程的共享应用。  相似文献   

吴顺  关洁 《生物工程学报》2023,39(11):4742-4749
新农科建设是面向新农业、新乡村、新农民和新生态发展而推出的深化高等农林教育改革的新思路和新举措。根据新农科的要求,如何将农林产业发展中的新技术和新方法及时引入实验课程教学,推进专业教育和创新创业教育的融合,是当前本科实验教学改革的必由之路。鉴于此,中南林业科技大学生命科学与技术学院根据分子生物学实验课程的教学要求和特点,结合教师科研成果,从实验项目、教学环节及考核方式等方面进行了探索和实践,极大地提升了学生的综合素质和创新能力,也为其他课程的创新实验教学提供了借鉴作用。  相似文献   

构建生物工程综合实验的“珠链式”教学模式,对课程进行教学改革与实践。从优化实验教学内容,改进实验教学手段和考核方式,增加综合性,设计性实验项目,科研反哺教学和全面开放实验室入手,打破生物工程主干课程界线,形成以实验项目为“珠子”,在实验室中模拟实际的工艺流程进行生物产品的生产与开发。“链”是以产酶的微生物为起点,把基因工程模块、酶工程模块、发酵工程模块的各“珠子”串成一个有序的生物工程上、中、下游的“链式”知识体系。课程改革有助于学生全面掌握课程技能,提高学生应用能力、创新能力、就业竞争力。  相似文献   

针对生物化学课程考核中存在的问题,本文以OBE理念为指导,结合形成性评价原理,建立了由“常规式考核”“进阶式考核”和“高阶式考核”组成的三大考核模块,并应用于线下教学中,形成生物化学课程考核和评价体系。这种多元化的考核评价体系注重过程性评价,关注学生平时的学习效果,旨在激发学生学习的积极性,发挥学生的主观能动性。该考核模式的实施,对学生和教师均产生了积极的影响,不仅使学生有章可循,有利于其知识、能力和素质目标的全面达成,而且使教师有据可依,力争做到公开、公平、公正、合理,有助于生物化学课程的教学质量持续改进和大力提升,同时也为国内其他兄弟院校生物化学及其他课程的考核模式改革提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

随着知识经济和人才需求的不断发展和提高,教育模式显得相对滞后,严重影响了学生创新思维和应用能力的培养。独立学院生物化学实验教学改革,包括优化实验教学体系,完善实验教学内容,改革实验教学方法和实验考核方式等方面,从而达到独立学院培养应用型人才的目的。  相似文献   

加强实验实践教育力度,提高大学生创新创业能力,是一流本科人才培养的重要内容。为有效促进实验教学改革和本科生创新能力培养,本团队紧扣"教-赛-训-赛-改"五个环节,以校内"生物化学与分子生物学实验技能竞赛"来检验实验教学效果。选拔科研素质较高的一批本科生参加为期至少一年的科研训练,优秀的学生团队推荐参加全国性高水平竞赛。在此过程中,发掘一些好的科研训练课题转化为本科教学项目,促进实验教学改革。迄今为止,"生物化学与分子生物学实验技能竞赛"已经开展了十届,在校内营造了浓厚的学习氛围,形成了以赛促教、促学、促建和促改的良性循环。十年来,我校本科教学实验室建设、教学内容有了很大改善,学生在全国大赛上成绩突出。十年的改革实践表明,"教-赛-训-赛-改",头尾相扣、相互促进,为我校生物化学与分子生物学实验教学改革和本科高素质人才培养注入了持续动力。  相似文献   

"发酵工程实验"是生物工程专业的工程类重要主干课之一,是培养学生工程设计、工程实践和创新思维的重要课程。基于构思—设计—实现—运行(conceive—design—implement—operate,CDIO)理念,"发酵工程实验"通过构建模块化课程内容,以构思、设计、实现、运作的项目导向模块开展课程设计,进行目标导向的教学模式改革。以"发酵工程实验"课程为载体,将工程基础知识、发酵工程系统实践能力、团队合作能力、创新能力培养等融为一体。建立基于成果导向教育(outcome-based education,OBE)理念的学生学习效果评价体系,完成"发酵工程实验"课程教学任务。学生对改革后的"发酵工程实验"课程满意度明显提高,教学效果显著。  相似文献   

医学生物化学与分子生物学实验课程作为医学专业的基础课程,有着实验性、抽象性和微观性较强的特点,这导致一些学生在具体的实验教学中难以有效掌握知识和实验的关键点,影响教学成效。文章结合互联网教学的技术与理念,对医学生物化学与分子生物学实验教学的改革进行具体探究,提出教师要把握“互联网+实验教学”的核心观念,构建高效的教学模式体系,以新的教育观念和教育方法重构实验课堂,为实验教学效果和质量的提升提供支持与保障。  相似文献   

Objectives: To investigate the recall of oral health knowledge and confidence by nursing personnel in special housing facilities for the elderly, three years after an education programme. Design: A cross sectional design using a questionnaire. Sample: All nursing personnel, a total of 2,901 subjects, in five municipalities in south‐western Sweden; of whom 950 had attended the programme. The response rate was 67% (1930 subjects). Intervention: An oral health education programme consisting of four one‐hour lessons. Results: The oral health education programme still had an effect on the participants' attitudes towards oral health three years later. When comparing the trained group (OHEP+) which attended the programme with those who did not have training (OHEP‐), the perceived ability, opportunity and the knowledge of oral health were significantly better in the former group, p<0.01 Eurther, within the OHEP‐ group who did not attend the programme there was a significant difference in the perceived ability, opportunity and the knowledge of oral health between those with a higher level of health care education, p<0.01. Conclusions: The effect of an oral health education programme on the participants' attitudes towards oral health persists at least for three years. The data indicate that trainees with a low level of health care education benefit most.  相似文献   

21世纪高等生物教育   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
吴彦 《生物学杂志》2006,23(6):57-58
建立完善的生物教育体系,高等院校在专业设置、科研和教育教学时必须考虑到三个层面:应用型教育、普及型教育和基础型教育.  相似文献   

师范院校微生物学是与中学生物教育联系非常紧密的一门基础课程。在微生物学教学中提出了衔接中学内容、培养师范生技能以及指导择业3个方面新目标。并从教学内容、教学方法与课程考核3个方面对目标的可行性与实现方案进行了分析与实践。  相似文献   

论述了在药学专业课中深化素质教育的必要性和可行性。指出,只有结合素质教育进行药学教学,才能培养出综合素质较高的药学专业学生。  相似文献   

Understanding the basic mechanism of evolution by natural selection together with examples of how it works in nature is crucial for explaining and teaching the workings of biology and ecology to young students. Dobzhansky said it best in his advice to educators of biology: “Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.” This premise is true at all levels of biology but especially so in the elementary years where foundations of science knowledge are laid. Elementary students are capable of learning cohesive and connected stories of biological principles and learning them within a no-holds-barred arena wherein concepts and processes usually reserved for high school years are taught with special care, appropriate exercises, and patient explanations. This story must include solid introductions to the fundamental principles of evolution by natural selection that are threaded within and alongside those of basic biology and ecology. This paper attempts to make the case for the inclusion of connected stories of biology in the earliest years of education and to include within that education the unifying theme of all biology and ecology studies—evolution.  相似文献   

If our students are to become well-informed decision makers then they need to be aware of the practical applications of current developments in biotechnology, and appreciate the social and bioethical implications of this relatively new and controversial science. In this study, Year 10 (14 – 15 year old) science students in two schools were taught biotechnology courses that introduced them to bioethics. At the conclusion of the course, students completed a survey in which they made a decision about three bioethical dilemmas, and gave reasons to support their decision. The students' responses and reasons were compared with those of three experts. Although there was variation amongst students, the results of the survey suggested that the majority of students tended to resolve and justify their decisions in a way that was naive, idealistic, and rights based. Compared to the experts, the students seemed to give undue emphasis to the bioethical principle of autonomy. In addition, the reasons supplied by many of the students to support their decisions suggested that they did not consider long term consequences. These findings have ramifications for teachers who wish to include bioethical dilemmas in their teaching.  相似文献   

What is the link between art and creativity? The purpose of this study was to determine the role of art education in creative thinking. A causal-comparative research design was used. Arts and science high school students (N = 162) participated. Results showed that creative thinking in visual arts students in Grade 10 with high scores differed significantly from that in music and science students; however, this difference was not found among students in Grade 11. A main reason for this result in Grade 10 students might be the non-routine problem-solving process in visual arts education, in which artwork production is an important component in creative thinking development. Considering this result, it was concluded that the effect of different education disciplines—called education department effect—on creative thinking can be significant.  相似文献   

在医学教育模式多元化背景下,通过将"集中强化培训"和"点线式网络化实战训练"等教学方法相结合,本文着重探索基层卫生机构中影像学医务人员继续教育新模式。通过为基层影像学医务人员提供快速扎实继续教育通道和平台,并在其实际工作中建立实用型会诊学习体系,以形成"精良多元、持续有序"的教育模式,解决基层人员"培训难,提高难,会诊难"的问题。新培训模式能够不断提高基层卫生机构影像学医务人员业务水平,为根本提升基层医疗诊断水平奠定基础。  相似文献   

This article examines the relation between official policy on art education in Brazilian basic education and what is actually taught and done in public school teaching in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Making use of interpretative analysis, I directly observed art classes in schools selected in the state of Mato Grosso. I also analyzed the laws, guidelines, parameters, and other official documents related to art education in Brazilian primary and secondary schools and compared them to the observed practices in the selected schools. Specifically in Mato Grosso, there is a gap between the theoretical guidelines of these documents and what is taught and done in public schools. Conceptions of the discipline of art education in official documents are not in line with the practices of this discipline in the researched elementary schools, a discord that may contribute to art being misunderstood as a lesser discipline. Using the results of this research, I intend to seek effective ways to discuss the arts in the curriculum of primary and secondary schools and highlight their importance in school curricula. My objective is not only that these results benefit public schools by encouraging the expansion of concrete and effective public policies for the quality and improvement of primary and secondary school education and the training of arts teachers, but also that these results will assist researchers studying arts education by showing how to extend that study beyond the academic walls.  相似文献   

2020年新冠疫情爆发,传统教学模式被打破,网络教学作为教学手段之一承担了大部分的教学任务。在新冠疫情全球大流行新形势下,为有效保障以实践为重要载体的临床医学教学质量,通过系列教学实践,有效发挥网络教学的优势,同时利用多种手段弥补其不足。在教学实践过程中,通过开展网络教学的成效和教学反馈信息,深入思考总结教学改革中遇到的困境。对在线教学常态化工作的进一步开展;临床实践课程新思路、新模式的应用,加强公共卫生专业课程与临床医学专业课程的整合,倡导学科间发展融合;在医学教育全过程中融入思政元素,突显人文教育作用;尊重医学发展规律,践行国家有关医学教育改革的大政方针,将"大健康"理念融入医学教育全过程中等一系列问题展开深入的思考。通过系列教学实践与思考,推进教学改革进程,着力培养具有全球化视野的,多学科融合背景的,既有卓越临床医学知识技能,又具有公共卫生视野,人文情怀的,卓越医学人才。  相似文献   

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