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在清醒家兔中,侧脑室内注射高张盐溶液50μl能引起血压升高、心率减慢、肾神经放电抑制、尿量和游离水清除率降低、尿渗透压和尿渗透压/血浆渗透压比值升高,而尿钠排出量、渗透清除率、肾血流量和肾小球滤过率则无明显改变。在电针刺激相当于“足三里”和“上巨虚”穴的部位时,脑室内注射高张溶液后肾神经放电抑制的程度加深,放电抑制的时间延长,同时尿钠排出量和渗透清除率显著增加;但血压、心率、游离水清除率、尿渗透压和尿渗透压/血浆渗透压比值等指标的改变与不予电针的动物相同。电针本身并不引起尿钠排出增多。在电针的动物中,给予阿片受体拮抗剂纳洛酮或特培诺啡对于脑室内注射高张盐溶液的促尿钠排出效应没有影响;但在切除双侧肾神经后,脑室内注射高张盐溶液不再能引起尿钠排出增多。上述结果提示,电针可能加强脑室内注射高张盐溶液引起的肾神经活动抑制的效应,从而使肾脏排钠增加。  相似文献   

在大鼠牵拉心房和急性扩张血容量所致的肾效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵工  何瑞荣 《生理学报》1987,39(5):471-477
在28只麻醉大鼠,观察了牵拉心房和急性扩容时的肾效应。用5—7g的砝码牵拉大鼠右心房30min(n=6)时,尿量、尿钠和尿钾分别增加98%、127%和59%;牵拉左心房(n=4)所致的肾效应与牵拉右心房的基本相同。切断双侧迷走神经后,牵拉右心房的肾效应无明显改变。在切断迷走神经的大鼠,观察了双线结扎右心耳对急性扩容后肾效应的影响。急性扩容在假手术大鼠引起明显的利尿、钠尿和钾尿效应(P<0.01);而结扎右心耳的大鼠,钠尿效应约为假手术大鼠的一半,但尿量和尿钾排泄量与假手术组无明显异差。上述肾效应不受切断迷走神经的影响,因此不是通过容量感受性反射引起的。根据以上结果,我们推测,牵拉心房或急性扩容引起的尿量、尿铜和尿钾的增多,可能是心房钠尿因子释放增多所致,而结扎右心耳则导致释放入血流的心房钠尿因子减少。  相似文献   

汪亦欣  姚泰 《生理学报》1987,39(1):26-32
在清醒家兔中,侧脑室内注射200μl 高张盐溶液引起血压升高,心率减慢,肾神经放电抑制和尿钠排出明显增多等反应,但肾血流量没有明显改变。切断双侧肾神经后,脑室内注射高张盐溶液引起的升压反应仍存在,但尿钠排出增多的反应不再出现。在肾神经完整的动物中,事先于侧脑室内注射纳洛酮(20μg/kg)对脑室内注射高张盐溶液引起的促尿钠排出作用没有明显影响。另外,电针“足三里”穴或电刺激腓深神经均不能进一步加深侧脑室内注射高张盐溶液引起的肾神经放电抑制,也不能使尿钠排出量进一步增加。以上结果表明,侧脑室内注射高张盐溶液引起的促尿钠排出作用依赖于肾神经的完整,内阿片肽在此反应中可能不起重要作用。  相似文献   

硝普钠造成犬低血压时电针升压作用的机制分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本工作观察到给清醒犬静脉内匀速注射扩血管药硝普钠可造成稳定的急性实验性低血压,电针相当于“足三里”或“内关”穴部位对此实验性低血压具有显著的升压作用,而对心率和呼吸频率无明显影响。在麻醉动物身上,电针对此类实验性低血压仍可产生显著的升压作用。电针产生升压作用时,心输出量增加,肾血流量减少,而肠系膜上动脉及股动脉血流量变化不显著。还观察到电针可使实验性低血压部分的血压-心率曲线右移,斜率增大。实验性低血压时,静脉注射纳洛酮不能阻断电针的升压作用,而注射阿托品或东茛菪碱后给予电针不再出现升压效应。实验结果表明:电针对舒血管药物造成的急性实验性低血压具有明显的升压作用,此升压作用仍可在麻醉动物身上产生,并与电针时中枢内胆碱能系统的激活有关,而心输出量增加和肾血流量减少在电针升压效应中起一定作用。  相似文献   

牵拉猫左心房所致的肾效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙晓露  王志安 《生理学报》1991,43(2):171-177
本实验在50只麻醉猫中研究了牵拉左心房(LAS)对尿量(UV)、尿钠(U_(Na)V)和尿钾(U_KV)排出量的影响。在迷走神经完整的动物,LAS 导致 UV,U_(Na)V 和 U_KV(P<0.001)明显增加。切断迷走神经后 LAS 仍能使 UV,U_(Na)V 有所增加(p<0.01),但增加量明显低于迷走神经完整的动物(P<0.005)。在迷走神经完整的猫滴注肝素(10U/min/mg)后,LAS 也能引起 UV,U_(Na)V 和 U_KV 的增加,但增值明显低于没有滴注肝素的猫。在迷走神经切除后滴入肝素,则 LAS 的肾效应消失(p>0.05)。切断左侧肾神经后,LAS 引起神经完整肾尿量和尿钠排出显著增加(P<0.001)。而去神经肾对 LAS 的效应虽减弱,但其增值仍有显著性。两侧肾效应的差异,在统计学上是显著的(P<0.05)。上述结果说明,LAS 在麻醉猫中能引起尿量,尿钠和尿钾明显增加,这些效应是神经反射和体液机制共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

本实验采用放射免疫方法测定盐负荷兔血浆及肾分层组织内6-酮-前列腺素 F_(1α)(6-kcto-PGF_(1α)、血栓素B_2(TXB_2),探讨前列环素、血栓素A_2在水盐平衡中的作用。结果表明;注射盐水后血浆及肾分层组织内6-keto-PGF_(1α)显著升高,内髓质 TXB_2 尿钠及滤过钠排泄分数均显著升高。血浆及肾组织6-keto-PGF_(1α),与尿钠排出量呈显著正相关。作者推测急性盐负荷能促进肾组织合成前列环素和血栓素 A_2的合成,两者在调节钠平衡中起重要作用。  相似文献   

缓冲神经在电针抑制犬急性实验性高血压中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在切除双侧窦神经与主动脉弓神经的慢性犬,血压很快回复至对照水平,但较易波动。在此种犬静脉匀速注射去甲肾上腺素造成高血压状态时,电针“足三里”不再有明显降压作用。在麻醉犬静脉勻速注射去甲肾上腺素时,肾交感冲动随血压上升而受到明显抑制,然后在16分钟内逐渐回升。血压上升时呼出气 CO_2百分比明显升高,伴随动脉血 CO_2分压升高而 O_2分压降低。在切除缓冲神经后再注射去甲肾上腺素时,肾交感冲动未见明显变化。在清醒犬静脉匀速注射去甲肾上腺素时,动脉血 O_2分压也有明显降低,而注射苯肾上腺素时,血 O_2分压很少改变。电针“足三里’对苯肾上腺素性高血压的降压作用不明显。且心得安可阻断电针对去甲肾上腺素性高血压的降压作用。此外,电针能抑制山梗菜碱所致的化学感受性升压反射,此种抑制作用可为静脉注射纳洛酮所阻断。结果表明,去甲肾上腺素除能收缩血管升高血压,增加压力感受性传入冲动外,还能刺激新陈代谢,改变血液气体成分而引起化学感受性升压反射。电针“足三里”主要因能抑制化学感受性反射而能降压,仅有压力感受性传入冲动的增多并不能使电针具有明显降压效应。  相似文献   

针刺对急性实验性高血压抑制效应的机制分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本工作在清醒犬上进行,介绍了两种间接测量动脉血压的方法。观察到电针“足三里”穴对正常动物的血压、心率、呼吸并无显著影响。当静脉内匀速注射去甲肾上腺素造成急性实验性高血压时,电针具有显著的降压效应,对心率和呼吸则无明显影响。电针产生降压效应时,内脏血管舒张,血流量增加,而心输出量并不减少,且降压效应不被阿托品阻断。在实验性高血压时静脉注射吗啡可产生与电针相类似的降压效果,静脉注射纳洛酮可阻断电针的降压作用。结果表明:电针对实验性高血压的降压效应主要是交感缩血管中枢紧张性受抑制使外周血管舒张而产生的,此种抑制效应与电针时中枢内产生的内源性鸦片样物质有关。  相似文献   

本文分析了大脑皮层体感Ⅰ区(SⅠ)的下行活动是否参与针刺对疼痛的调节过程。在清醒麻痹家猫观察到,电针穴区对丘脑中央中核(CM)多数神经元的伤害性反应有抑制作用。当用2%利多卡因局部阻滞 SⅠ后,多数神经元的伤害性反应不为电针所抑制。而盐水对照组的电针效应仍与单纯电针组相同,是以抑制为主。在一组神经元同体比较两次电针效应可见,SⅠ局部阻滞的结果是使得电针对伤害性反应的抑制明显减弱甚至消失、抑制时程可被缩短。这表明,针刺镇痛效应与 SⅠ机能状态有关;SⅠ的下行活动参与了针刺效应的产生与维持。  相似文献   

电针对猫胃电和迷走神经核细胞放电的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用双极铂电极引导制动条件下的猫胃幽门窦平滑肌电活动,观察到电针“足三里”穴使胃的基本电节律减少,并有后效应,而电针“合阳”穴,则无明显作用。本工作在记录胃电的同时也从迷走神经背运动核和孤束核内侧部分引导细胞自发放电。发现电针“足三里”时多数单位的自发放电发生改变,并以增多为主;这个结果提示:电针“足三里”引起胃电变化,迷走神经细胞活动改变可能是一个原因。  相似文献   

In previous experiments we have demonstrated that the renal nerves play a significant role in all genetic and (or) induced models of hypertension that we have studied. The current experiments extended this research by investigating the contribution of the renal nerves to hypertension in the Dahl NaCl-sensitive rat. This was investigated by assessing the effect of bilateral phenol renal denervation carried out prior to initiation of a high NaCl (8% NaCl) diet. In two separate studies, renal denervation did not affect systolic blood pressure in either Dahl NaCl-sensitive rats or their normotensive counterparts, Dahl NaCl-resistant rats. Further, denervation did not increase absolute urinary sodium excretion, percent urinary sodium excretion, urinary volume output, or food or water intake; nor did it differentially alter creatinine clearance or body weight. Denervation was verified at the termination of each study by a greater than 80% depletion of renal noradrenaline stores. These results indicate that the renal nerves do not provide a major contribution to hypertension in the Dahl NaCl-sensitive rat.  相似文献   

何小瑞  施蕾 《生理学报》1992,44(3):215-221
实验在α氯醛糖和氨基甲酸乙酯混合麻醉的大鼠中进行。脑室内注射高张盐水(icv.HS)后,肾血浆流量、肾小球滤过率、尿量、尿钠排出量、尿钾排出量和渗透物质清除率均增加,游离水清除率下降。去除垂体后,icv.HS不再能引起上述肾脏反应。另外给大鼠静脉注射血管升压素(VP)拮抗剂(V_1和V_2受体拮抗剂),并不能削弱上述icv.HS引起的肾脏反应。脑室内注射高张盐水后,尿中多巴胺(DA)排出量无显著增多;给予多巴脱羧酶抑制剂苄丝肼也不能削弱icv.HS引起的肾脏反应。上述实验结果表明,在本实验条件下刺激脑内渗透压感受器引起的肾脏反应依赖于垂体的完整性,但看来并不依赖于外周的VP和DA,故垂体通过何种机制介导icv.HS引起上述肾脏反应,有待于进一步的研究。  相似文献   

Intracerebroventricular injection of kappa-opioid agonists produces diuresis, antinatriuresis, and a concurrent increase in renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA). The present study examined whether endogenous central kappa-opioid systems contribute to the renal excretory responses produced by the stress of an acute hypotonic saline volume expansion (HSVE). Cardiovascular, renal excretory, and RSNA responses were measured during control, acute HSVE (5% body weight, 0.45 M saline over 30 min), and recovery (70 min) in conscious rats pretreated intracerebroventricularly with vehicle or the kappa-opioid receptor antagonist nor-binaltorphimine (nor-BNI). In vehicle-pretreated rats, HSVE produced a marked increase in urine flow rate but only a low-magnitude and delayed natriuresis. RSNA was not significantly suppressed during the HSVE or recovery periods. In nor-BNI-treated rats, HSVE produced a pattern of diuresis similar to that observed in vehicle-treated rats. However, during the HSVE and recovery periods, RSNA was significantly decreased, and urinary sodium excretion increased in nor-BNI-treated animals. In other studies performed in chronic bilateral renal denervated rats, HSVE produced similar diuretic and blunted natriuretic responses in animals pretreated intracerebroventricularly with vehicle or nor-BNI. Thus removal of the renal nerves prevented nor-BNI from enhancing urinary sodium excretion during HSVE. These findings indicate that in conscious rats, endogenous central kappa-opioid systems are activated during hypotonic saline volume expansion to maximize urinary sodium retention by a renal sympathoexcitatory pathway that requires intact renal nerves.  相似文献   

The effect of acute infusion of the prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors — meclofenamate or indomethacin — was examined in awake rats. Studies were performed in normal rats undergoing either sodium or water diuresis and in salt-replete rats with chronic renal insufficiency. Prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors had no effect on renal plasma flow, glomerular filtration rate or fractional excretion of sodium in any of the groups. Absolute urinary excretion rates for sodium and potassium decreased only in the normal, salt-replete rats. In contrast, prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors consistently decreased urinary flow and osmolar clearance under all experimental conditions studied. In the normal, salt-replete rats the fall in urine flow was preceded by an increase in urinary excretion of cyclic AMP. These results show that inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis enhance the ability of the kidney to reabsorb water. This effect may be secondary to increased cyclic AMP generation and to increased urea recirculation resulting in higher urea accumulation in the renal medulla.  相似文献   

The effect of acute infusion of the prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors - meclofenamate or indomethacin - was examined in awake rats. Studies were performed in normal rats undergoing either sodium or water diuresis and in salt-replete rats with chronic renal insufficiency. Prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors had no effect on renal plasma flow, glomerular filtration rate or fractional excretion of sodium in any of the groups. Absolute urinary excretion rates for sodium and potassium decreased only in the normal, salt-replete rats. In contrast, prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors consistently decreased urinary flow and osmolar clearance under all experimental conditions studied. In the normal, salt-replete rats the fall in urine flow was preceded by an increase in urinary excretion of cyclic AMP. These results show that inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis enhance the ability of the kidney to reabsorb water. This effect may be secondary to increased cyclic AMP generation and to increased urea recirculation resulting in higher urea accumulation in the renal medulla.  相似文献   

A Fujimura  T Shiga  T Sudoh  K Ohashi  A Ebihara 《Life sciences》1992,51(23):1811-1816
Our previous studies have suggested that the adrenergic nervous system is involved in the mechanism responsible for the time-dependent change in the urinary excretion of furosemide in rats. To examine a potential role of renal nerves in this phenomenon, renal denervation or sham operation was performed using unilaterally nephrectomized rats. Furosemide (30 mg/kg) was given orally at 12 am or 12 pm. Urine was collected for 8 hours after furosemide dosing, and urinary excretions of furosemide and sodium were determined. Urinary furosemide excretion and diuretic effects of the agent (urine volume and urinary sodium) were significantly greater at 12 am than at 12 pm in the sham-operated group of rats. However these administration time-dependent changes in urinary furosemide and its diuretic effects disappeared in the renal-denervated group of animals. These results suggest that the renal nerves contribute to the time-dependent changes in the urinary excretion of furosemide and its subsequent diuretic effects.  相似文献   

The role of the renal nerves in the electrolyte excretion of rats fed or fasted overnight was determined in conscious rats and anesthetized (Inactin) and surgically prepared rats. In conscious rats sodium excretion, as measured in a 1-h urine collection period after feeding or fasting overnight, was decreased with fasting with or without renal nerves. Renal nerve activity, as measured by norepinephrine turnover (inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase by alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine), was not different between conscious fed or fasted rats and increased to the same extent in fed and fasted rats when anesthetized and surgically prepared. Anesthetized, surgically prepared rats infused with 5.0% glucose showed a denervation natriuresis if rats were fed overnight, but not if they had been fasted overnight. Potassium excretion in conscious and anesthetized rats was lower in fasted rats than fed rats with or without renal nerves. These data suggest (i) renal nerves are not involved in the renal response to an overnight fast in conscious rats, and (ii) in anesthetized, surgically prepared rat renal sympathetic tone is enhanced and denervation natriuresis occurs if rats are fed but not if fasted. Potassium excretion is a reflection of whether rats are fed or fasted and not whether they have renal nerves.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin E2, when infused into the renal artery of the dog, is a vasodilator and increases both renal interstitial hydrostatic pressure and sodium excretion. Similar studies in the rat, however, have been inconclusive. The present study examined the effect of prostaglandin E2 infusion into the renal interstitium, by means of a chronically implanted matrix, on renal blood flow, renal interstitial hydrostatic pressure and sodium excretion in the rat. Prostaglandin E2 was continuously infused directly into the kidney interstitium to mimic endogenous prostaglandin E2 production by renal cells. The maximum change in each of these parameters occurred when 10(-5) M PGE2 was infused. Renal blood flow increased from 4.70 +/- 0.91 to 5.45 +/- 0.35 ml/min (p less than 0.05) while renal interstitial hydrostatic pressure decreased from 3.9 +/- 0.4 to 2.6 +/- 0.5 mmHg (p less than 0.05) and fractional excretion of sodium decreased from 1.02 +/- 0.20 to 0.61 +/- 0.12% (p less than 0.05). Thus, the present study demonstrates that renal interstitial infusion of prostaglandin E2 increases total renal blood flow but decreases both renal interstitial hydrostatic pressure and urinary sodium excretion in the rat.  相似文献   

Cardiopulmonary stretch receptors have been implicated as part of a reflex mechanism linking changes in blood volume to changes in renal excretion. Experiments were performed to determine whether total denervation of these receptors by combined cervical vagotomy and thoracic sympathectomy affects the renal responses of the monkey to head-out water immersion, a maneuver that translocates blood to the thorax and elicits an increase in renal salt and water excretion. Macaca fascicularis monkeys first underwent chronic bilateral thoracic sympathectomy or sham denervation performed in two stages a week apart. One to two weeks later, they were anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium, and the sympathectomized animals underwent bilateral cervical vagotomy. Control renal function did not differ between the two groups. Immersion of 90-min duration increased central venous and mean arterial pressures by similar amounts in both groups, but heart rate increased only in the sham-denervated animals. Denervation did not affect the magnitudes or delay the times of onset of the increases in urine flow, absolute and fractional sodium excretion, and osmolar and free water clearances occurring with immersion. These results demonstrate that in the anesthetized monkey cardiopulmonary receptors are not necessary for eliciting the renal responses to immersion.  相似文献   

The effects of the three prostaglandins A1, E2, and F on renal blood flow, glomerular filtration rate (GFR), fluid excretion, and urinary output of Na, K, Ca, Cl, and solutes were evaluated at a dose range of 0.01 – 10 μg/min. The prostaglandins were infused into the renal artery of dogs. GFR was not significantly altered by the PGs. PGA1 increased renal blood flow by approximately of the control at 0.01 μg/min without dose dependence at higher infusion rates. It had only little effects which were not dose dependent on fluid and electrolyte output. The effects of PGE2 on renal blood flow, fluid, sodium, and chloride excretion were dose dependent with a steep slope of the dose response curve between 0.1 and 1.0 μg/min. Blood flow was increased maximally by 80 %, urine volume by more than 400 %. PGF had no effect on renal blood flow, whereas urinary output was increased to approximately the same maximal level as by E2 although ten times higher doses were needed. Potassium excretion was less influenced than the excretion of Na and Cl and osmolar clearance was less increased than urine volume by all three prostaglandins.It is concluded that if a PG is involved in the regulation of the renal fluid or electrolyte excretion it is likely to be of the PGE-type. A PGA could only be involved in regulation of renal hemodynamics, whereas PGF although effective in the kidney exerts its effects at doses too high to have physiological significance.  相似文献   

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