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灌水时间对冬小麦生长发育及水肥利用效率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究秸秆还田后不同越冬前灌水时间(11月10日、11月25日、12月10日)和春季灌水时间(3月5日,返青期;4月5日,拔节期)对冬小麦生长发育、干物质运转及水肥利用效率的影响.结果表明: 越冬前灌水时间主要影响冬前和拔节期群体大小,而春灌时间对冬小麦成穗数、产量、干物质运转和水肥利用效率的影响较大,而且越冬前灌水时间对冬小麦产量构成的影响与春灌时间密切相关.在春季返青期灌水条件下,越冬前灌水时间越早,成穗数和产量越高;在拔节期灌水条件下,随越冬前灌水时间的推迟,成穗数和产量呈先升高再降低的趋势,而穗粒数逐渐增加,千粒重受影响较小.水分利用效率、养分吸收量和肥料利用率均随越冬前灌水时间的推迟而降低,随春季灌水时间的推迟而升高.因此,在秸秆还田足墒播种条件下,将越冬前灌水时间适当提前,可以塌实土壤,促进冬小麦冬前分蘖,增加群体大小;配合拔节期增量灌水,可以控制早春无效分蘖,提高成穗率,稳定粒重,提高水肥利用效率,实现节水高产高效栽培.  相似文献   

播期对陇中黄土高原半干旱区马铃薯生长发育及产量的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在气候变化的背景下,为了探寻陇中黄土高原半干旱区马铃薯的适宜播种期,2010年在甘肃定西进行了马铃薯分期播种试验,并对不同播期条件下马铃薯生长发育及产量形成进行了分析.结果表明:随着播期的推迟,马铃薯全生育期缩短,株高出现明显变化,单株干物质最大积累速率提前;从不同播期来看,5月27日播种的植株高度、叶面积指数、单株干物质积累量和最大积累速率均最大,马铃薯块茎鲜重的增长过程呈“慢-快-慢”S型曲线;块茎鲜重最大积累速率出现的时间随播期的推迟而提前;产量数据的方差和多重比较分析结果表明,播期是影响产量的主要因素,其中5月27日播期的丰产性最好;对各播期不同生育期的气候条件进行比较表明,5月底或6月初是陇中黄土高原半干旱区马铃薯的适宜播种时间.  相似文献   

研究稻麦两熟制条件下江苏两个生态区不同播种期对粳型优质食味稻米"南粳9108"生长特性、温光利用的影响,为其适宜播期的区划布局提供依据。在苏中里下河稻区兴化(33°05'N)、苏北淮北稻区东海(34°34'N)以迟熟中粳优质软米"南粳9108"为材料,通过设置不同播期,比较研究播期对机插"南粳9108"生长特性及温光利用的影响。结果表明:随播期的推迟,"南粳9108"的拔节期、抽穗期、成熟期相应推迟,全生育期明显缩短,产量降低。总体表现为播种期每推迟1 d,生育期缩短0.5 d,产量降低59.6 kg·hm-2;随纬度的升高,同一播期处理的拔节期、抽穗期、成熟期相应延迟,全生育期延长,积温、总日照时数减少,同一播期东海较之兴化生育期平均延长13.4 d,产量平均降低289.7 kg·hm-2,这主要是由于不同播期处理的各生育期积温和光照时数随播期的推迟显著或极显著减少,其差异主要是拔节后积温与光照时数的减少,尤其以抽穗至成熟期的差异最为明显。生态区和播种期都对"南粳9108"产量、生育期、温光资源均有较大影响。据此,苏中里下河稻区种植"南粳9108",5月21日—6月5日播种利于高产,苏北淮北稻区5月21—26日较适宜,若以油菜、大麦等为前茬作物,适当提早播种期利于高产。  相似文献   

为了探索马铃薯的适宜播种期,从2015年8月16日至2016年1月31日,开展12期的分期播种试验,观测马铃薯各生育期的气象因子及相应产量,分析各生育期气象因子与产量的相关性。结果表明播种期为10月15日的马铃薯产量最高,其次是10月30日,最差播种期是8月16日;结薯至成熟期的地面温度与产量呈极显著负相关,相关系数为-0.856,该时期是马铃薯产量形成的关键期。柳州马铃薯最佳播种是10月中旬,该生育期中,从播种到结薯期,温度适宜有利于马铃薯的生长发育,结薯到成熟期,温度稍偏低不利于马铃薯的膨大,可通过稻草覆盖或者盖膜方式提高后期温度,提高马铃薯产量。  相似文献   

播种期是影响夏玉米产量的重要因素,研究夏玉米最适播种期的时空分布特征对指导夏玉米生产有重要意义.本文应用统计模型和APSIM Maize过程模型分析了河南省夏玉米最适播种期的时空分布特征.结果表明: 河南省夏玉米的最适播种期为5月30日至6月13日,南早北晚,北部地区以6月4日至13日播种为宜,西部山区应在5月30日左右播种,南部地区应尽量保证在6月8日前播种.晚熟品种‘农大108’应比中熟品种‘丹玉13’至少提前播种2 d,气候变暖背景下若收获期可推迟1周,则最适播种期将至少推迟3 d.在生长季降水偏少年型下,夏玉米应较正常年型晚播7 d左右;而在生长季降水偏多年型下,夏玉米应早播7 d左右.1971—2010年,河南省夏玉米最适播种期变化趋势不显著,但是由于温度变化和品种改良对冬小麦成熟期的影响,导致河南省驻马店以南地区、中部的伊川、内乡、南阳,以及北部的林州和西部的三门峡地区夏玉米可播种期提前,可播种范围扩大.统计方法和APSIM模型计算的夏玉米最适播种期在76.7%的研究站点无显著差异.结合两种方法,北部地区应保证需水关键期降水充足和灌浆期温度适宜,做到“见雨即播”.南部地区在满足上述两个指标的条件下,应在播种期降水达到一定有效值时进行播种,对于南部和偏南部地区,该有效值分别为3.9和8.3 mm.  相似文献   

不同播期冬小麦氮素出籽效率与氮素利用及转运的相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨不同播期冬小麦氮素出籽效率与氮素利用及转运的关系,在2014—2016年2个生长季,比较了不同播期(S1:9月24日;S2:10月1日;S3:10月8日;S4:10月15日;S5:10月22日)冬小麦氮素出籽效率、氮素利用和转运的差异及相互间的关系.结果表明: 籽粒产量和单位面积粒数在不同播期处理间未发生显著差异.推迟播期降低了地上部氮素积累量和穗部氮素积累量,从而降低了氮素吸收效率,但明显提高了氮素利用效率和氮素出籽效率.氮素出籽效率与氮素利用效率呈正相关,而与氮素吸收效率呈负相关,与氮素利用率无显著相关关系.氮素营养指数随播期推迟趋于最佳状态,与氮素出籽效率的改善展现出同步性.推迟播期显著降低了花前营养器官氮素转移量和花后氮素积累量,但明显改善了花前营养器官氮素转运效率.氮素出籽效率与氮素转运效率之间存在正相关关系,说明氮素转运效率的改善一定程度上有利于穗部氮素生产籽粒能力的提升.综合来看,适当推迟播期减少了氮素吸收,但提高了氮素利用效率和氮素出籽效率,改善了氮素供应状态.研究结果为本地区冬小麦生产中氮素减施增效的实施提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

为了确定华南双季稻区晚季香稻的适宜播种期,在大田条件下以桂香占和农香18为材料,研究了播种期对香稻香气2-乙酰-1-吡咯啉(2-AP)、脯氨酸代谢酶活性和产量的影响。结果表明:(1)7月20日播种的香稻的2-AP含量最高,2-AP含量较高的播期其游离脯氨酸含量、籽粒脯氨酸氧化酶活性以及脯氨酸脱氢酶活性维持在较高水平。(2)7月15日播种的桂香占和7月20日播种的农香18的产量最高,产量较高的播期具有较高的收获指数、干物质积累量和群体生长率。(3)试验条件下晚季香稻的适宜播种期为7月15日-7月20日。  相似文献   

以‘京科528’(JK528)和‘郑单958’(ZD958)为试验材料,设置早春播(4月10日播种)和春播(5月14日播种)2个播期处理,研究不同播期条件下玉米的籽粒灌浆特性.结果表明: JK528、ZD958在早春播条件下的最终百粒重和产量显著高于春播,增幅分别为6.8%和10.1%、17.8%和9.2%;籽粒最大灌浆速率(Gmax)、平均灌浆速率(Gave)表现为早春播高于春播,而籽粒活跃灌浆期(P)呈相反趋势;JK528百粒重和产量显著高于ZD958,其中JK528百粒重和产量较ZD958高7.4 g和1189.6 kg·hm-2,增幅分别为21.6%和10.8%;P表现为ZD958大于JK528,而WmaxGmaxGaveTmax表现为JK528大于ZD958;同一播期,JK528在灌浆中期的平均灌浆速率高于后期,且高于ZD958.相关分析表明,籽粒干物质积累量与平均气温和积温间呈极显著正相关.可见,充分利用光热资源,提高灌浆速率,有利于获得较高粒重,从而提高玉米产量.JK528在灌浆前中期灌浆速率快的优势弥补了其灌浆活跃期略短的情况,进而在不同播期条件下均可获得较高的粒重.  相似文献   

1.播种期影响了冬小麦在秋播条件下的发育特性。播种期早,春化阶段和光照阶段早结束。在田间春化阶段渡过的天数早播的长而晚播的短;光照阶段则有相反趋势。 2.早播种,冬小麦的生长锥分化进程比晚播的提前。生长锥分化各时期的差异随着植株的生长而逐渐减小。 3.提早播种对冬小麦的发育阶段和生长锥分化产生不同程度的影响,以致光照阶段结束时生长錐分化时期是在二棱后期。 4.本文对小麦生长錐分化和发育阶段的关系,播种期对产量构成因素的影响进行了讨论。  相似文献   

新疆伊犁和塔城冬、春麦田的麦双尾蚜Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko) 有虫株率和百株蚜量,与小麦播种时间密切相关。在小麦正常播种期内,冬小麦晚播可以显著减少麦双尾蚜数量,每晚播种10天,第二年麦双尾蚜有虫株率可以下降40%~70%;春小麦每晚播种10天,麦双尾蚜有虫株率增加30%~88%。  相似文献   

Currently, economic, agronomic and environmental concerns, lead to reduce use of herbicides. This reduction can be help by cultural measures like delay of the sowing date. Four sowing dates of winter wheat from 15th of October to 26th of November were tested. Dynamic of black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.) populations and their reproduction rate were assessed as well as dynamic of winter wheat for each date. Delay of sowing could significantly reduce reproduction rate of black-grass. It was shown that the emergence rate (pl/m2), but also number of ears per plant and number of seeds per ear of black-grass decreased significantly with the sowing date. This reduction of seeds production already is from sixty per cent for a delay of two weeks sowing.  相似文献   

播期对春小麦生长发育及产量的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了给陇中半干旱区春小麦高产栽培提供依据,2010年在甘肃定西进行了春小麦分期播种试验,并对不同播期条件下春小麦生长发育及产量形成进行了分析。结果表明:随着播期的推迟,春小麦播种-抽穗期日数减少、全生育期明显缩短;5月下旬之前,越早播种的春小麦LAI越大,5月下旬之后,播种愈晚春小麦LAI越大。早播春小麦LAI峰值靠前,晚播峰值滞后;6月下旬之前,播期早的春小麦叶绿素含量高于播期晚的,6月下旬之后播期愈早叶绿素含量下降愈快;不同播期春小麦群体生长率和净同化率在孕穗-抽穗期后差异显著,表现为3月18日播期最大,4月7日播期最小。各播期干物质累积在拔节期后表现为快速递增趋势。在拔节期前,早播处理的干物质积累速率较慢。随着播期的推迟,单株干物质最大积累速率出现时间提前,籽粒最大灌浆速率出现时间推迟,千粒重表现为先升后降;灌浆3个阶段各参数受播期影响比较显著;早播春小麦产量最高。  相似文献   

In many species, root system development depends on cultivar and sowing date, with consequences for aerial growth, and seed yield. Most of the peas (Pisum sativum L.) grown in France are sown in spring or in mid-November. We analyzed the effect of two sowing periods (November and February) and three pea cultivars (a spring cultivar, a winter cultivar, a winter recombinant inbred line) on root development in field conditions. For all treatments, rooting depth at various dates seemed to be strongly correlated with cumulative radiation since sowing. Maximum root depth varied from 0.88 to 1.06 m, with the roots penetrating to greater depths for February sowing than for November sowing in very cold winters. The earlier the crop was sown, the sooner maximum root depth was reached. No difference in root dynamics between cultivars was observed. In contrast, the winter recombinant inbred line presented the highest root density in the ploughed layer. These findings are discussed in terms of their possible implications for yield stability and environmental impact.  相似文献   

Subedi  K.D.  Budhathoki  C.B.  Subedi  M.  Gc  Yubak D. 《Plant and Soil》1997,188(2):249-256
Spikelet sterility in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is emerging as a production threat in different parts of Nepal. This study was aimed at determining the effects of sowing date and boron application in controlling spikelet sterility in four different genotypes of spring wheat in a rice-wheat system in the western hills of Nepal. Four genotypes of known different responses to boron were planted on 21 November, 6 December and 21 December, 1994 with or without boron application at 1 kg B ha-1 (i.e. 9 kg borax ha-1) on a soil that was known to be deficient in boron.The effect of sowing date was significant for the phenology, yield components, percentage sterility and grain yield. Sterility was significantly increased in the crop planted on 21 December, which had also the lowest 1000 seed weight and grain yield; there was an almost 50% grain yield reduction compared to the crop planted on 21 November. Terminal moisture stress (i.e. lack of moisture during the later part of the development) was observed in the late sown crop which also amplified the extent of sterility associated with boron deficiency. Genotypes differed in response to sowing dates and boron treatment for all of the phenological events measured, yield components, grain yield and percentage sterility. SW-41 and BL-1022 had significantly higher sterility at all sowing dates. BL-1249 showed a consistently lower% sterility over all sowing dates and boron treatments. The addition of boron significantly increased the number of grains set per spike thereby decreasing the total sterility in boron responsive genotypes SW-41 and BL-1022 while those not susceptible did not respond. The boron concentration in the flag leaf at anthesis was increased in treatments with added B in the soil but genotypes did not differ in boron concentration for any soil treatment.  相似文献   

Effect of sowing date on the optimum plant density of winter wheat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pressure on financial margins in UK wheat production is driving a review of all inputs, and seed represents one of the largest financial inputs in wheat production. The potential savings through exploiting the crop's ability to compensate for reduced population are, therefore, attractive. Field experiments were carried out at ADAS Rosemaund (Herefordshire, UK) in 1996/97, 1997/98 and 1998/99 to investigate the effect of sowing date on dry matter growth and yield responses of winter wheat to reduced plant population. There were three target sowing dates (late‐Septembr, mid‐October and mid‐November), six seed rates (20, 40, 80, 160, 320 and 640 seeds m?2) and four varieties (Cadenza, Haven, Soissons and Spark). Grain yield was significantly affected by plant population with a mean reduction from 9.2 to 5.5 t ha?1 as plant number was reduced from 336 to 13 m?2. In addition, there was a significant interaction between plant density and sowing date. There was, however, no interaction between variety and plant population in terms of yield, except when lodging affected high plant populations of lodging susceptible varieties. The experiments demonstrated scope for reducing plant populations below the current target of 250–300 plants m?2; however, the degree of reduction was dependent on sowing date. Over the three years, the average economic optimum plant density was 62 plants m?2 for late‐September, 93 plants m?2 for mid‐October, and 139 plants m?2 for mid‐November sowings. Compensation for reduced population was due to increased shoot number per plant, increased grain number per ear and to a lesser extent increased grain size. Higher economic optimum plant densities at later sowing dates were due to reduced tiller production and hence ear number per plant. The other compensatory mechanisms were unaffected by sowing date.  相似文献   

The sudden decline following the peak in population abundance of aphids on crops of small grain cereals is attributed to the joint effect of natural enemies and plant senescence. To distinguish between these causes, a four year experiment was established in which the numbers of Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker) infesting spring wheat plots sown from April to June at c. 14 day intervals were determined. Aphid abundance in replicates sown at successive dates peaked within a period of 5-9 days (106-171 day degrees above a base temperature of 0 degrees C) although their sowing dates varied by 62-97 days (727-1106 day degrees). At the time of the aphid population peaks, plants in the different sowings differed in age (11-99 days), developmental stage (stage 15-65 on the Zadoks scale), leaf nitrogen content and shoot mass. Maximum abundance of M. dirhodum decreased with sowing date because the time available for its population increase was shorter on late than early sowings. The abundance of M. dirhodum on spring wheat was similar to its abundance on winter wheat. After reaching peak abundance, aphids declined in numbers within 3-7 days. The effect of host plant ageing on the M. dirhodumdecline thus appeared small. Natural enemies (largely mycoses), and timing of alata production may have contributed to the aphid decline.  相似文献   

叶片出生动态是小麦生长发育进程及其协调状况的重要表现,研究发现,小科叶片出生与播后累积GDD(fgrowing degree days after sowing)的关系遵循两段(阶段Ⅰ快于阶段Ⅱ)线性模式,护颖分化期为两段模式的分界点,这一规律在正常发育的冬性和春性品种的7主茎及分蘖中表现一致,冬性品种播期1(9月30日)、播期3(3月2日)的主茎及冬、春性品种各播期的T3分蘖,因生长发育异常而”  相似文献   

Pea bacterial blight occurred by natural infection in a field trial on peas in 1995. Disease development in the winter cultivars Rafale, Frilene and Froidure was compared with that in the spring cultivars Baccara, Conquest and Bohatyr, each sown on six dates in October, November, December, mid-March, late March and April. Disease incidence had reached 100% plants affected in all treatments by mid-July. Disease severity was greater in winter-sown (October, November or December) than in spring-sown peas of each cultivar at each assessment. Significant (P < 0.05) differences in disease severity occurred between cultivars in the winter-sown plots in May and June and the spring cultivars were affected more severely than the winter cultivars. Comparison of areas under the disease progress curves for both disease incidence and severity also showed that the winter-sown peas were more affected by disease than spring-sown peas and that spring cultivars were more severely affected than winter cultivars. Yield was strongly correlated with disease severity. A linear regression model suggested that, for peas sown in October, November or December, a yield loss of 0.5 tha-1 occurred for each 10% increase in canopy area affected by pea bacterial blight.  相似文献   

This research was conducted to study the effect of three different sowing dates (15th October, 15th November and 15th December) and two vernalization treatments (5 °C and −20 °C) on leaf structure of Betavulgaris L. cv. Univers. The obtained data are summarized as follows:The maximum values of the most studied parameters; lower epidermis + spongy tissue thickness, midrib, mesophyll tissue, vascular bundle, collenchymatous tissue and number of xylem vessels per arm were found as a result of 15th October sowing date treatment compared with the two other sowing dates. Furthermore, effect of the cooling treatments varied according to the recorded character, sowing date and cooling degree. Most of the vernalization treatments at early sowing dates increased the mesophyll tissue, midrib, number of vascular bundles per transverse section, vascular bundle thickness and number of xylem arms per transverse section.The two studied cooling treatments at 15th October sowing date increased both stomatal index and average number of stomata: average number of epidermis cells compared with the control. Furthermore, 15th October under −20 °C treatment led to small epidermal cells and stomata formation, straight epidermal cell walls and closed stomata in comparison to the control.  相似文献   

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