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记述了采自中国云南、越南和老挝的爪步甲属1新种:垂角爪步甲Onycholabis pendulangulus sp.nov.。新种前胸背板前角垂直向下方弯曲,呈刺状,从而和同属其它种类明显不同。新种模式标本分别保存在中国科学院动物研究所、中国科学院昆明动物所标本馆、美国加州科学院标本馆(旧金山)、日本自然科学博物馆(东京)和英国自然历史博物馆(伦敦)。  相似文献   
本文报道了中国捕食粘虫的步甲38种,其中10种为过去未曾报道过,分别为:麻步甲Carabus brandti Faldermann,侧步甲C.latreillei Fischer,黄斑青步甲Chlaenius micans Fabricius,后斑青步甲Ch.posticalis Motschulsky,彩角青步甲Ch.touzalini Andrewes,小短背步甲Curtonotus fodinae(Mannerheim),巨短背步甲C.giganetus(Motschulsky),毛婪步甲Harpalus griseus(Panzer),单齿婪步甲H.simplicidens Schauberger和黑足婪步甲H.roninus Bates.文中给出38种步甲的分类检索表及每个种的地理分布.  相似文献   
麦双尾蚜(同翅目,蚜科)在中国新疆塔城以全周期生活型存在,产生的雌性蚜和雄性蚜交配产卵越冬.在室内光照14 h/d,温度不低于15℃的条件下连续培养,不产生雄性蚜,以连续的孤雌生殖方式生活.连续培养繁殖的麦双尾蚜,秋季在野外麦双尾蚜大量产生性蚜阶段的验证结果表明,随着室内培养代数的增加,雌、雄性蚜发生的比例下降,孤雌蚜和若蚜发生的比例增加;蚜室内连续培养49代,恢复自然条件后,不产生雄性蚜,少量产生雌性蚜;81代以后,不产生雄性蚜,偶尔产生雌性蚜,不再以卵越冬,而以孤雌蚜和若蚜越冬.提出麦双尾蚜生活周期型演变成灾假说,即麦双尾蚜在长期的扩散过程中,其生活型发生改变,由全周期生活型演变为不全周期生活型;不全周期生活型适应环境能力更强,分布更广泛,对作物危害更加严重.  相似文献   
双尾蚜属Diuraphis Aizenberg全世界记录13种,主要分布在古北界和新北界。根据种类丰富度和特有种成分,欧亚大陆的欧洲和中亚为该属蚜虫的现代第一分布中心,北美为第二分布中心。本文提供了该属所有13个种的分种检索表。双尾蚜属蚜虫在中国共有7种,主要分布在蒙新区。它们是:麦双尾蚜Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), 害冰麦双尾蚜D. nociva Zhang et Liang,冰草麦蚜D. (Holcaphis) agropyronophaga Zhang, 披碱草蚜D. (Holcaphis) elymophila Zhang, 西方麦蚜D. (Holcaphis) frequens (Walker), 雀麦蚜D. (Holcaphis) bromicola Hille Ris Lambers和绒毛草蚜D. (Holcaphis) holci (Hille Ris Lambers)。对中国种类进行了简要描述。  相似文献   
The Russian wheat aphid (RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), was a worldwide cereal pest. The control measures to this pest were reviewed, emphasizing on natural enemies and plant resistance. First, spring wheat with earlier planting dates had higher yield and could resist RWA infestation to a more extent, while winter wheat with later planting dates could escape infestation of Russian wheat aphid with very few exceptions. So, manipulation of wheat planting dates was suggested in worldwide scale for the aphid control. Second, the natural enemies were considered as the most important factor to reduced the pest status. Introduced and native natural enemies were evaluated for their potential as biological agents in South Africa, United States, and Australia. In South Africa, an introduced parasitoid and a predator were selected for releasing. In the United States, the project on exploring and releasing the natural enemies was unprecedented in biological control history. The endeavor in USA has been proved primarily successful today and will be afterward. The RWA control in Chile was considered most successful, partly because of their introduction of natural enemies before the aphid arrival. The native enemies together with other factors in central Asia and Europe apparently suppressed the aphids to a low level. The screen for resistant wheat was another important research project in fighting with RWA. In South Africa and USA, resistant wheat and barley were bred, and some of them had been put in commercial use for RWA control. The overwhelming mechanisms in resistant wheat varieties were antibiosis, tolerance or their combination. Though chemical insecticide spraying was proved as an effective method for aphid control, more and more research has switched from this method to non chemical control measures as required by IPM. Future research should put more emphasis on augmentation of the natural enemies, revealing the relationship between RWA and agricultural ecosystem and integration of all effective measures.  相似文献   
中国双尾蚜属种类记述(同翅目:蚜科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1992-1997年,对双尾蚜属Diuraphis Aizenberg种类进行调查,共发现7种,其中1新种,害冰麦双尾蚜D.nociva Zahgn et Liang,sp.nov.新种的鉴别特征是:具上尾片,其长度仅仅为尾片的01.8。中国3新纪录种:雀麦蚜D.(Holcaphis)bromicola Hille Ris Lambers,西方麦蚜D.(Holcaphis)freqyuens(Wa  相似文献   
彩步甲属Mastax Fischer von Waldheim在中国分布8种,分别为:布氏彩步甲M.brittoni Quentin,1952、台湾彩步甲M.formosana Dupuis,1912、盖氏彩步甲M.gestroi Bates,1892、宽斑侧步甲M.latefaciata Liebke,1931、饰彩步甲M.ornata Schmidt-Gobel,1846、杂彩步甲M.poecila Schaum,1863、美彩步甲M.pulchella Dejean,1831和大彩步甲M.thermarum(Steven,1806),其中饰彩步甲和大彩步甲为中国新纪录种.依据成虫形态特征编制了中国彩步甲属的分种检索表.  相似文献   
一种野外采集和毒杀鞘翅目昆虫的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁宏斌 《昆虫知识》2004,41(1):88-89
介绍了一种野外采集毒杀鞘翅目昆虫的方法。在塑料瓶或玻璃瓶内放少许卫生纸 ,滴入乙酸乙酯使瓶内的卫生纸浸湿 ,采集到的甲虫放入瓶内毒死 ,再转移至 75 %的酒精内保存。用此方法处理的甲虫能长时间保持肢体柔软、干净 ,雄性个体的外生殖器很容易拉出 ,从而优于氰化钾毒瓶和酒精直接浸泡的毒杀方法。  相似文献   
农田边界是农田间的过渡带 ,包含了树篱、防护林、草皮 (带 )、墙、篱笆、沟渠、道路、作物边界带等景观要素[3] 。许多研究表明 ,农田边界在保护生物多样性方面有着重要的作用。Dennis等[7] 的研究表明 ,通过为节肢动物提供多样、稳定的栖息地和越冬场所 ,增加农田中节肢动物的多样性。Holland等[12 ] 的研究也表明 ,林地边界在农业生态系统中能起到保护生物多样性的作用 ,这种作用不仅使林地中有较高的多样性 ,而且还使相邻农田生物多样性增加。同时 ,多样化的农田生态系统比纯作系统具有更为丰富和多样的害虫天敌[6 ] 。国…  相似文献   
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