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张翼 《生命科学》2008,20(2):202-206
对非编码RNA功能的认识是后基因组时代的一个研究焦点,本文主要介绍非编码RNA在RNA剪接中的催化和调控功能。在RNA加工过程中,三大类内含子的剪接都是由RNA成员主导。其中Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型内含子能催化自身的切除和外显子连接反应;而核mRNA内含子的剪接则由剪接体里的小核RNA主导。Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型内含子存在于细菌、低等真核细胞和植物的细胞器内;而真核细胞的核编码蛋白质基因内全部是核mRNA内含子,并且其数目随生物体的复杂性而显著升高。一个多内含子前体mRNA通过选择性剪接产生多种,甚至上万种不同的mRNA和蛋白质,对蛋白质组的复杂度和时空表达调控至关重要。选择性剪接调控由剪接调控蛋白特异识别和结合前体mRNA里所富含的顺式RNA调控元件完成的;系统认识这两者之间的对应关系是揭示基因组表达调控网络的一把钥匙。  相似文献   

基因工程技术已经被广泛应用于抗体的生产。但是由于抗体的分子量较大,导致合成抗体较为困难。蛋白质内含子是前体蛋白质中的一段氨基酸序列,能够将自身剪切出来,并将两端的外显子连接形成成熟的蛋白质。将抗体的Fab(antigen binding fragment)和Fc(crystalline fragment)分别与蛋白质内含子(intein) 的N端(IN)和C端(IC)融合表达,利用蛋白质内含子的剪接功能,可形成完整的抗体分子。KSCDKTH是存在于抗体铰链区(hinge region)的一段氨基酸序列,如果在KSCDKTH序列中筛选到高效剪接的蛋白质内含子,即可通过蛋白质剪接,将抗体分子的Fab和Fc剪接形成完整抗体。本文筛选发现,Ssp DnaX的3种断裂蛋白质内含子(S0, S1, S11)具有在KSCDKTH序列中高效剪接的能力,这一研究结果为抗体的剪接合成提供了可行性。  相似文献   

断裂蛋白质内含子的剪接机制、起源和进化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛋白质内含子(intein)是具有自我催化活性的蛋白质. 翻译后,通过蛋白质剪接从蛋白质前体中去掉,并以肽键连接两侧蛋白质外显子(extein)形成成熟蛋白质. 断裂蛋白质内含子(split intein)在蛋白质内含子中部区域特定位点发生断裂,形成N端片段和C端片段,分别由基因组上相距较远的两个基因编码. 现在已知,它仅分布于蓝细菌和古细菌中. 断裂蛋白质内含子的N端片段和C端片段通过非共价键(如静电作用)相互识别,重建催化活性中心,介导蛋白质反式剪接. 断裂蛋白质内含子的发现进一步深化了人们对基因表达和蛋白质翻译后成熟过程复杂性的认识,而且它在蛋白质工程、蛋白质药物开发和蛋白质结构与功能研究等方面有非常广泛的应用. 本文试图综述断裂蛋白质内含子的分布、结构特征和剪接机制,并分析其可能的起源和进化途径.  相似文献   

蛋白质剪接技术为在蛋白质水平上直接对蛋白质进行修饰和加工提供了一种全新的解决方案,因而在蛋白质工程及相关领域具有非常广阔的应用前景。现阶段,大部分天然的蛋白质内含子在异源蛋白质中剪接活性非常低,极大限制了蛋白质内含子的开发和应用。为了开发一个可以同时对蛋白质内含子通用性和剪接活性进行筛选的系统,利用Bsa I限制性内切酶识别位点和切割不重合的特性,将Ter ThyX内含子(不含外显子序列)插入到卡那霉素抗性蛋白基因的多个位点。并且摒弃了以往需要结合天然外显子以实现剪接的方法,可以同时对蛋白质内含子的剪接活性和通用性进行筛选。Western blot结果和卡那霉素平板生长结果表明,通过卡那霉素筛选系统可以精确的将蛋白质内含子剪接反应与卡那霉素抗性结合起来,仅从卡那霉素平板上的菌落生长情况即可完成蛋白质内含子剪接活性阳性突变的筛选,是一个快速,稳定的定向进化筛选系统。  相似文献   

最近在几种生物体中连续发现了蛋白质剪接现象,由于它与通常所说的RNA剪接的区别,人们称这些在蛋白质水平被剪切掉的部分为“蛋白质内含子”.有些蛋白质内含子具有核酸内切酶功能,编码蛋白质内含子的DNA片段是一类新的可移动遗传因子.文中介绍了目前发现的几例蛋白质剪接现象,讨论了蛋白质剪接的可能机理,分析了蛋白质内含子的进化及其生物学意义.  相似文献   

蛋白内含子与蛋白剪接   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛋白内含子和蛋白剪接是蛋白质研究的前沿领域。重点介绍了蛋白内含子的结构和蛋白剪接机理的最新研究成果 ;蛋白内含子如同RNA剪接中的内含子 ,也是一类可移动的遗传元件 ;蛋白内含子目前研究的热点是蛋白内含子的功能研究及其在蛋白质工程和其它生物工程领域的用。  相似文献   

mRNA选择性剪接的分子机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
章国卫  宋怀东  陈竺 《遗传学报》2004,31(1):102-107
真核细胞mRNA前体经过剪接成为成熟的mRNA,而mRNA前体的选择性剪接极大地增加了蛋白质的多样性和基因表达的复杂程度,剪接位点的识别可以以跨越内含子的机制(内含子限定)或跨越外显子的机制(外显子限定)进行。选择性剪接有多种剪接形式:选择不同的剪接位点,选择不同的剪接末端,外显子的不同组合及内含子的剪接与否等。选择性剪接过程受到许多顺式元件和反式因子的调控,并与基本剪接过程紧密联系,剪接体中的一些剪接因子也参与了对选择性剪接的调控。选择性剪接也是1个伴随转录发生的过程,不同的启动子可调控产生不同的剪接产物。mRNA的选择性剪接机制多种多样,已发现RNA编辑和反式剪接也可参与选择性剪接过程。  相似文献   

高剪接活性断裂蛋白质内含子的体内切割   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
蛋白质内含子介导的断裂(切割)反应被用于蛋白质纯化、连接和环化等,但目前仍存在断裂效率低、断裂反应的不可控、产物复杂等问题。蛋白质内含子的定点突变可导致其N端或C端断裂。其末位氨基酸突变则剪接反应第3步天冬酰胺环化无法进行,发生N端断裂;其首位氨基酸发生突变则剪接反应第一步酰基重排及其后续步骤均无法进行,而天冬酰胺环化仍可进行,发生C端断裂。利用已获得的高剪接活性的S1和S11型断裂蛋白质内含子Ssp GyrB,分别将其参与剪接反应的首位半胱氨酸或末位天冬酰胺突变为丙氨酸,构建能够发生一端断裂的断裂蛋白质内含子。研究结果表明,突变后断裂蛋白质内含子的剪接反应几乎不发生,其断裂活性有不同程度的提高,获得了在大肠杆菌体内具有较高效断裂活性的断裂蛋白质内含子。这将为进一步研究其体外可控性剪接、构建高效的蛋白纯化系统和深入研究蛋白质内含子的剪接机制提供基础。  相似文献   

水稻NBS-LRR基因选择性剪接的全基因组检测及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾连峰  郭荣发 《遗传学报》2007,34(3):247-257
选择性剪接是促进基因组复杂性和蛋白质组多样性的一种主要机制,但是对水稻NBS-LRR序列选择性剪接的全基因组分析却未见报道。通过隐马尔柯夫模型搜索,从TIGR数据库里得到了855条编码NBS-LRR基序的序列。利用这些序列在KOME、TIGR基因索引及UniProt三个数据库中进行同源搜索,获得同源的完整cDNA序列、假设一致性序列和蛋白质序列。再利用Spidey和SIM4程序把完整cDNA序列和假设一致性序列联配到相应的BAC序列上来预测选择性剪接。蛋白质序列和基因组序列之间的联配使用tBLASTn。在这875个NBS-LRR基因中,119个基因具有选择性剪接现象,其中包括71内含子保留,20个外显子跳跃,25个选择性起始,16个选择性终止,12个5′端的选择性剪接和16个3′端选择性剪接。大多数选择性剪接都为两个和多个转录本所支持。可以通过访问http://www.bioinfor.org查询这些数据。进而通过生物信息学分析剪接边界发现外显子跳跃和内含子保留的‘GT…AG’的规则不如组成型的保守。这暗示了它们是通过不同的调控机制来指导剪接变构体的形成。通过分析内含子保留对蛋白质的影响,发现选择性剪接的蛋白更倾向于改变其C端氨基酸序列。最后对选择性剪接的组织分布和蛋白质定位进行分析,结果表明选择性剪接的最大类的组织分布是根和愈伤组织。超过1/3剪接变构体的蛋白质定位是质膜和细胞质。这些选择性剪接蛋白可能在抗病信号转导中起到重要作用。  相似文献   

PRP8蛋白质反式剪接系统的建立   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
真菌病原体Cryptococcus neoformansAD血清型剪接体蛋白PRP8蛋白质内含子是目前 发现的第2个存在于真核生物体核基因组中的蛋白质内含子.它的宿主基因prp8编码的PRP 8蛋白作为剪接体的1个组分,是1个高度保守的mRNA剪接蛋白.将组氨酸标签插入克隆自真菌病原体Cryptococcus neoformans AD血清型的PRP8蛋白质内含子中,并将该蛋白质内含子进行人工断裂,获得断裂蛋白质内含子,在大肠杆菌中鉴定其剪接活性.研究结果表明:所获得的改造型蛋白质内含子均表现出高效的剪接活性.利用此Cryptococcus neoformansAD血清型PRP8 断裂蛋白质内含子,成功构建了蛋白质反式剪接系统.这一反式剪接系统可用于其他蛋白质的连接与合成,有望成为蛋白质工程中的一种有用工具.  相似文献   

InBase, the Intein Database   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
InBase, the Intein Database (http://www.neb.com/neb/inteins.html ), is a comprehensive on-line resource that includes the Intein Registry. Inteins are protein splicing elements that mediate a self-catalytic protein splicing reaction. InBase presents general information as well as detailed data for each intein, including tabu-lated comparisons and a comprehensive bibliography.  相似文献   

InBase: the Intein Database   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
Inteins are self-catalytic protein splicing elements. InBase (http://www.neb.com/neb/inteins.html), the Intein Database and Registry, is a curated compilation of published and unpublished information about protein splicing. It presents general information as well as detailed data for each intein, including tabulated comparisons and a comprehensive bibliography. An intein-specific BLAST server is now available to assist in identifying new inteins.  相似文献   

Inteins are the protein analogs of self-splicing RNA introns, as they post-translationally excise themselves from a variety of protein hosts. Intein insertion abolishes, in general, the activity of its host protein, which is subsequently restored upon intein excision. These protein elements therefore have the potential to be used as general molecular "switches" for the control of arbitrary target proteins. Based on rational design, an intein-based protein switch has been constructed whose splicing activity is conditionally triggered in vivo by the presence of thyroid hormone or synthetic analogs. This modified intein was used in Escherichia coli to demonstrate that a number of different proteins can be inactivated by intein insertion and then reactivated by the addition of thyroid hormone via ligand-induced splicing. This conditional activation was also found to occur in a dose-dependent manner. Rational protein engineering was then combined with genetic selection to evolve an additional intein whose activity is controlled by the presence of synthetic estrogen ligands. The ability to regulate protein function post-translationally through the use of ligand-controlled intein splicing will most likely find applications in metabolic engineering, drug discovery and delivery, biosensing, molecular computation, as well as many additional areas of biotechnology.  相似文献   

InBase, the New England Biolabs Intein Database.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Inteins are intervening sequences that splice as proteins, not RNA. InBase, the New England Biolabs Intein Database (http://www.neb. com/neb/inteins.html), is a comprehensive on-line database that includes the Intein Registry, along with detailed information about each intein and its host protein, tabulated comparisons and a comprehensive bibliography including papers in press.  相似文献   

Inteins, valuable genetic elements in molecular biology and biotechnology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Inteins are internal protein elements that self-excise from their host protein and catalyze ligation of the flanking sequences (exteins) with a peptide bond. They are found in organisms in all three domains of life, and in viral proteins. Intein excision is a posttranslational process that does not require auxiliary enzymes or cofactors. This self-excision process is called protein splicing, by analogy to the splicing of RNA introns from pre-mRNA. Protein splicing involves only four intramolecular reactions, and a small number of key catalytic residues in the intein and exteins. Protein-splicing can also occur in trans. In this case, the intein is separated into N- and C-terminal domains, which are synthesized as separate components, each joined to an extein. The intein domains reassemble and link the joined exteins into a single functional protein. Understanding the cis- and trans-protein splicing mechanisms led to the development of intein-mediated protein-engineering applications, such as protein purification, ligation, cyclization, and selenoprotein production. This review summarizes the catalytic activities and structures of inteins, and focuses on the advantages of some recent intein applications in molecular biology and biotechnology.  相似文献   

蛋白质剪切是一种翻译后修饰事件 ,它将插入前体蛋白的中间的蛋白质肽段 (Intein ,internalproteinfrag ment)剪切出来 ,并用正常肽键将两侧蛋白质多肽链 (Extein ,flankingproteinfragments)连接起来。在此过程中不需要辅酶或辅助因子的作用 ,仅需四步分子内反应。Intein及其侧翼序列可以通过突变产生高度特异性的自我切割用于蛋白质纯化、蛋白质连接和蛋白质环化反应 ,在蛋白质工程方面有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

Modular organization of inteins and C-terminal autocatalytic domains.   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
Analysis of the conserved sequence features of inteins (protein "introns") reveals that they are composed of three distinct modular domains. The N-terminal (N) and C-terminal (C) domains are predicted to perform different parts of the autocatalytic protein splicing reaction. An optional endonuclease domain (EN) is shown to correspond to different types of homing endonucleases in different inteins. The N domain contains motifs predicted to catalyze the first steps of protein splicing, leading to the cleavage of the intein N terminus from its protein host. Intein N domain motifs are also found in C-terminal autocatalytic domains (CADs) present in hedgehog and other protein families. Specific residues in the N domain of intein and CADs are proposed to form a charge relay system involved in cleaving their N-termini. The intein C domain is apparently unique to inteins and contains motifs that catalyze the final protein splicing steps: ligation of the intein flanks and cleavage of its C terminus to release the free intein and spliced host protein. All intein EN domains known thus far have dodecapeptide (DOD, LAGLI-DADG) type homing endonuclease motifs. This work identifies an EN domain with an HNH homing-endonuclease motif and two new small inteins with no EN domains. One of these small inteins might be inactive or a "pseudo intein." The results suggest a modular architecture for inteins, clarify their origin and relationship to other protein families, and extend recent experimental findings on the functional roles of intein N, C, and EN motifs.  相似文献   

Inteins are single-turnover catalysts that splice themselves out of a precursor polypeptide chain. For most inteins, the first step of protein splicing is the formation of a thioester through an N-S acyl shift at the upstream splice junction. However, the mechanism by which this reaction is achieved and the impact of mutations in and close to the active site remain unclear on the atomic level. To investigate these questions, we have further explored a split variant of the Ssp DnaB intein by introducing substitutions with unnatural amino acids within the short synthetic N-terminal fragment. A previously reported collapse of the oxythiazolidine anion intermediate into a thiazoline ring was found to be specificially dependent on the methyl side chain of the flanking Ala(-1). The stereoisomer d-Ala and the constitutional isomers β-Ala and sarcosine did not lead to this side reaction but rather supported splicing. Substitution of the catalytic Cys1 with homocysteine strongly inhibited protein splicing; however, thioester formation was not impaired. These results argue against the requirement of a base to deprotonate the catalytic thiol group prior to the N-S acyl shift, because it should be misaligned for optimal proton abstraction. A previously described mutant intein evolved for more general splicing in different sequence contexts could even rather efficiently splice with this homocysteine. Our findings show the large impact of some subtle structural changes on the protein splicing pathway, but also the remarkable tolerance toward other changes. Such insights will also be important for the biotechnological exploitation of inteins.  相似文献   

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