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于淼  张欣欣 《微生物与感染》2007,2(3):192-192,F0003
在现今的分子生物学实验室病毒学领域中,基因分型及耐药检测已成为临床科研的重要组成部分,准确可靠的基因型鉴定结果及耐药相关突变报告可以为临床提供制定和修改治疗方案的参考,另一方面还能够对病毒基因型或亚型与抗病毒药物疗效之间相关性研究提供证据,在我国的慢性乙型肝炎及丙型肝炎的治疗指南中,均提及在治疗过程中需要对病毒进行基因分型和耐药突变分析检测.  相似文献   

袁芳  徐进  季林丹  费丽娟  刘盼盼  张莉娜 《遗传》2012,(11):1500-1506
Melting Temperature shift(Tm-shift)是一种新的基因分型方法,主要通过在两条特异性引物5′端加入不同长度的GC序列,PCR扩增后根据熔解曲线中产物Tm值的差异来完成分型。文章建立了Tm-shift法对2 048份样品的29个SNP进行分型,通过分型成功率、重复检测一致率、测序验证准确度综合评价分型效果。结果显示,29个SNP中有27个可以采用本方法分型,分型成功率为93.1%。测序验证准确性达到100%。3种基因型阳性标准对照重复检测一致率为100%;100个随机样品重复检测,重复性为97%。因此,Tm-shift基因分型法是一种成本低廉、准确灵敏、稳定可靠、通量灵活、操作简便的基因分型方法,可在遗传学研究中推广应用。  相似文献   

目的:评估TaqMan-MGB探针基因分型方法检测已知SNP的可行性,并与传统的PCR-RFLP方法比较。方法:高通量的TaqMan-MGB探针基因分型方法已被用来检测单核苷酸多态性(SNP)。在321倒样本中,同时用TaqMan-MGB探针基因分型方法和PCR—RFLP方法检测GSTP1外显子5SNP。结果:2种方法所得结果完全一致。野生型(AA)226例(70.4%),杂合子(AG)92例(28.7%),纯合突变型3例(O.9%)。结论:TaqMan-MGB探针基因分型方法是一种能快速、高度特异性、高度自动化检测SNP的方法。可用于大规模的基因分型。  相似文献   

淋病奈瑟菌表型分型方法的局限性限制其在该菌分型方面的应用。近年来,一系列该菌基因分型方法的建立弥补了表型分型方法的不足。各种基因分型方法,如Opa分型法、Por分型法、脉冲场凝胶电泳等有着各自不同的基因分型基础、应用范围及优缺点等。本文就近年来新发展的最主要的该基因分型方法作一简要介绍。  相似文献   

双歧杆菌传统的检测和鉴定需要分离、培养,这些方法常可影响其结果的正确性.目前,分子生物学的广泛应用为双歧杆菌的检测和鉴定提供了新方法.本文对其中主要的依赖rRNA基因的序列分析、脉冲场凝胶电泳、核糖体分型和随机扩增多态DNA等技术作一综述.  相似文献   

X连锁脊延髓肌萎缩症(SBMA)或肯尼迪病是一种成年人发病的神经变性疾病,以肌无力与慢性、进行性肌萎缩为特征. 通过PCR片段测序和基因分型法准确检测雄激素受体(AR)基因CAG复制数目,兄弟俩(来自同一个中国家庭)被确诊为隐性遗传性SBMA. 为了得到该中国家庭SMBA家系人员AR基因的CAG复制数目,我们采用了PCR片段测序和基因分型两种方法. 在该SMBA家系中有两个已发病的成年男性、未发病的年轻男性,及女性基因携带者. 两个已发病男性患者AR基因中CAG三核苷酸串重复数目分别是48和45. 以前的研究表明特定三核苷酸串重复数目的扩增可导致人类遗传性神经障碍疾病发病。我们的研究结果完全支持这一观点,SMBA中国家系的三核苷酸CAG拷贝数目检测结果表明,AR基因CAG扩增数目与SMBA发病相关. 关键词雄性激素受体; CAG多重三核苷酸重复; 肯尼迪病; 脊延髓肌萎缩症; X连锁  相似文献   

目的:建立HBV基因分型高通量液相芯片检测技术,并探讨其应用价值.方法:对GenBank中收录的明确分型的HBV基因序列进行分析,选择preS2-S区设计引物和A、B、C和D型特异性探针.与荧光编码微球偶联的特异型探针与一条引物生物素标记的PCR产物直接杂交反应,然后结合亲和素标记的藻红蛋白,用流式检测仪(Bio-Plex 200)检测荧光信号.检测182份阳性乙肝患者血清DNA,其中35份样品检测结果与测序法比较.用B、C型质粒DNA倍比稀释及混合样品检测灵敏度来评估该方法.结果:建立了HBV基因分型的快速高通量液相芯片检测方法.182份患者血清检测结果为:B型占24.2% (44/182),C型占71.4%(130/182),D型为6.6 %(12/182),BC混合型4.4%(8/182).其中35份样本与测序法比较,除3份混合型测序法未检出外,其它32例结果均相同本方法的灵敏度检测下线为1×103 copies/mL.结论:应用悬液芯片技术进行乙肝病毒的基因分型分析,具有较好的特异性和较高的灵敏度,并有简便、灵活和高通量等优势.该检测系统不仅在科研中有广泛的前景,也有望成为临床推广的多重分子诊断和基因分型的新方法.  相似文献   

目的 研究江西地区畲族人群pcsk9基因SNP位点的变异,为开展冠心病风险研究提供可借鉴的资料.方法 通过SNaPshot法对84例畲族人外周血DNA pcsk9基因外显子7个SNP位点进行分型,ABI 3730XL扫描分型结果.结果 7个SNP位点中,仅rs505151A/G位点检测到基因变异,其G基因的频率为0.036.结论 江西地区畲族人群pcsk9基因7个SNP位点的基因型频率和等位基因频率与国内外其他民族间均存在一定差异,提示畲族人群可能具有独特的冠心病风险标记位点及变异特征.本研究为开展畲族人群pcsk9基因的冠心病风险关联性研究提供了参考依据.  相似文献   

为了考察飞行时间质谱基因分型方法 (MALDI-TOF) 的位点分型成功率和分型结果质量的关系,分析了 96 个 SNPs 位点的近 10 000 个基因分型数据 (用 MALDI-TOF “4 重”实验方法检测 ). 结果显示,位点分型成功率和分型结果的质量显著正相关 . 分型成功率低于 82% 的 SNP 位点,其高质量结果占的比例开始逐渐降低 . 提示 82% 的分型成功率可以作为衡量分型结果质量的数据点 . 为了进一步提高通量并降低成本,在 MALDI-TOF “ 4 重”实验方法的基础上,发展了两种“准 8 重”实验方法 . 用新的实验方法检测了 95 个样本的 32 个 SNPs 位点 . 结果显示“混合准 8 重”实验方法与“ 4 重”实验方法相比无显著差异,而“复点准 8 重”的结果差于“ 4 重”分型方法 .  相似文献   

SNP功能活性研究方法进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SNP位点是目前基因多态性研究的主要内容,包括检测分型和功能活性研究两个层次,已经建立了高度自动化和高通量的SNP检测分型技术.本文系统介绍了在性状功能、蛋白质表达、mRNA转录、基因组结构功能等不同层次上进行SNP功能活性研究的方法,并对相关研究结果进行分析,通过对各种研究方法及结果的比较,对SNP位点功能活性研究的前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) can be classified into six major genotypes. The HCV genotypes variability accounts for its geographical distribution, its responses to treatments and the clinical outcomes. The aim of this study was to determine the distribution of HCV genotypes among volunteer blood donors in Thailand. Samples from 135 anti-HCV positive blood donors were analyzed. HCV RNA and genotyping was carried out using nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and genotype-specific primer PCR for a portion of the core region. HCV RNA was detected in 109 samples (80.7%). Genotype analysis demonstrated four different genotypes. The most common was genotype 3a (36.7%), followed by genotype 6 (29.4%), 1a (19.3%), 1b (6.4%) and mixed infection (1.8%). Seven samples were untyped (6.4%) in the present study. In several previous reports, the prevalence found in Thailand was HCV genotypes 3, 1 and 6. The present results show an increasing importance of the genotype 6 in HCV infections. This study has also described for the first time in Thailand mixed infections of HCV genotypes.  相似文献   

孙利 《生物技术通讯》2010,21(6):887-891
丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)可引起急性和慢性病毒性肝炎,可发展成肝纤维化、肝硬化,甚至肝细胞癌。HCV经典的传播途径为经血液或血液制品传播,但1992年后献血员HCV的筛检已使输血后肝炎大为减少。在发达国家,HCV传播途径正在发生改变,儿童非血液制品的丙肝日渐增多。母婴间宫内、分娩时及产后感染已成为当前及今后的重要研究课题。研究证实,HCV可经胎盘引起胎儿感染,宫内感染是HCV传播的一条重要途径。尽管人们对HCV母婴传播中所涉及的风险因素逐渐明确,但到目前为止对具体的传播机制和传播时机仍知之甚少。我们就丙型病毒性肝炎母婴传播的现状、进展及未来做简要综述。  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction and hepatitis C virus diagnosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: In the absence of tissue culture, electron microscopy or assays for viral antigen, the direct detection of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is by necessity dependent upon nucleic acid hybridisation methods. Of the available methods, amplification of HCV cDNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) commends itself by virtue of its extreme sensitivity and its consequent ability to detect the very low levels of HCV-RNA that are present in many clinical samples. In this review the development and evolution of PCR techniques for HCV detection are described and a number of clinical applications are considered in detail. The application include diagnosis of acute infection during the seronegative window period prior to the appearance of HCV antibodies, and diagnosis of HCV infection in the immunosuppressed. PCR also enables identification of chronic viraemic carrier state and it permits accurate monitoring of the antiviral effects of drugs such as interferon. Confirmation of the specificity HCV antibody assays and detection of HCV contamination of blood donations and blood products are other important areas in which PCR techniques have proved invaluable. In addition, PCR-based techniques underlie an increasing number of molecular epidemiological and genotyping studies and they are providing insights into the details of HCV cellular tropism and replication. A number of logistic problems and operational difficulties are also discussed. Despite these limitations it is concluded that PCR will continue to make significant contributions to both clinical practice and to our understanding of the basic biology of HCV infection.  相似文献   

丙型肝炎由丙肝病毒(hepatitis C virus,HCV)引起,流行性很强。HCV主要通过毒品注射、输血或器官移植传播;极少数情况下,HCV通过血透析、母婴垂直传染。少部分感染HCV的患者会产生急性丙型肝炎,而大多数人会转变成慢性肝炎,其中1/3的人群病情逐渐恶化,严重时导致肝癌。除了肝脏病变,HCV感染还会引起其他组织和器官的损害。因此,对于HCV感染机制的研究显得尤为重要。近年来,寻找参与HCV复制的关键性宿主因子已成为研究热点,磷酯酰肌醇-4-磷酸(phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate,PI4P)就是其中之一。该文将着重介绍PI4P及相关蛋白参与HCV生命周期的研究进展,并简要总结相关的鞘脂和胆固醇的生理功能。  相似文献   

Natural history of hepatitis C virus infection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a common transmissible agent responsible for a significant proportion of chronic liver disease, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma worldwide. The natural history of acute HCV infection is characterized by a high rate of progression to persistent infection. The resulting chronic liver disease is dependent upon a delicate balance of host, viral and environmental factors which may significantly influence its clinical outcome.  相似文献   

Abstract: Epidemiology of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in Europe is changing very rapidly since the main source of contamination was blood transfusion and the use of surrogate markers allowed to diminish dramatically the number of patients contaminated through HCV post transfusion hepatitis. The recent descrition of several genotypes with different distributions over Europe and different pathogenicity will allow to explain various evolutive aspects of disease. At present, groups at risk are drug addicts (70%), hemophiliacs (contaminated with blood products before 1985), hemodialysis patients (20%) and patients with cirrhosis with or without hepatocellular carcinoma. The detection of HCV markers prior to blood transfusion allowed to detect asymptomatic carrirers of HCV, some of them with latent chronic hepatitis which can be predictedby the detection of HCV RNA in the serum. Vertical and sexual transmision are rare but possible event observed with certainty in patients co-infected with HIV and controversial in other situations.  相似文献   

应用循环逆转录PCR技术检测丙型肝炎病毒RNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈燃  伍迪  唐榕  汪进  毛裕民 《病毒学报》2000,16(3):266-269
循环逆转录(circulatory reverse transcription,CRT)是线性增长逆转录cDNA产量的一种新技术。为了将该技术用于检测HCV RNA,通过改变CRT的循环次数,结合竞争PCR,作出标准曲线。采用16次CRT加34次循环PCR检测了136例HCV ELISA阳性、54例HCV ELISA阴性和108例临床可疑病人全血标本,并与逆转录PCR(RT-PCR)和巢式PCR(  相似文献   

The genotyping of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) plays an important role in the treatment of HCV because genotype determination has recently been incorporated into the treatment guidelines for HCV infections. Most current genotyping methods are unable to detect mixed genotypes from two or more HCV infections. We therefore developed a multiplex genotyping assay to determine HCV genotypes using a bead array. Synthetic plasmids, genotype panels and standards were used to verify the target‐specific primer (TSP) design in the assay, and the results indicated that discrimination efforts using 10 TSPs in a single reaction were extremely successful. Thirty‐five specimens were then tested to evaluate the assay performance, and the results were highly consistent with those of direct sequencing, supporting the reliability of the assay. Moreover, the results from samples with mixed HCV genotypes revealed that the method is capable of detecting two different genotypes within a sample. Furthermore, the specificity evaluation results suggested that the assay could correctly identify HCV in HCV/human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) co‐infected patients. This genotyping platform enables the simultaneous detection and identification of more than one genotype in a same sample and is able to test 96 samples simultaneously. It could therefore provide a rapid, efficient and reliable method of determining HCV genotypes in the future.  相似文献   

血红素加氧酶-1(hemeoxygenase-1,HO-1)在肝脏和脾脏高表达,可以被包括某些病毒感染在内的多种因素诱导表达,具有抗氧化、抗炎、抗凋亡等保护作用。丙型肝炎病毒(hepatitisCvirus,HCV)感染可以造成慢型肝炎、肝硬化和肝癌等疾病,对人类健康造成很大威胁。研究发现HO-1通过影响HCV的复制发挥其保护作用,同时HCV也可以反向调控HO-1的表达。尽管HO-1与HCV相互作用的分子机制还不明确,但H0—1与HCV感染相关性研究不断取得重大进展,将为HCV感染的治疗提供一种新方法。  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a worldwide health problem and is one of the main causes of chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). However, only limited therapeutic options and no vaccines are currently available against HCV infection. Recent studies of microRNAs (miRNAs), which are able to regulate HCV replication and its related liver diseases by directly interacting with the HCV genome or indirectly controlling virus-associated host pathways, have broadened our understanding of the HCV life cycle. HCV utilizes host cellular miRNAs and modulates expression of miRNAs in infected hepatocytes for its infection and propagation. Moreover, such miRNAs directly or indirectly alter HCV replication efficiency and induce liver diseases including liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, or HCC. Representatively, miR-122 directly modulates the HCV life cycle by increasing HCV translation and genomic RNA stability. Recently, a phase IIa clinical trial with miravirsen, an LNA form of antimiR-122 oligonucleotides, showed significant reduction in serum HCV levels in patients chronically infected with HCV with no detectible evidence of resistance. In addition to miR-122, other miRNAs involved in the regulation of HCV propagation could be targeted in strategies to modulate HCV replication and pathogenesis. In this review, we summarize the features of miRNAs critical for HCV replication and HCV-mediated liver abnormalities and briefly discuss their potential application as therapeutic reagents for the treatment of HCV infection and its related diseases.  相似文献   

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