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近年来,镜像神经系统成为认知神经科学的研究热点.神经生理学和脑成像的相关研究表明,镜像神经系统以运动为基础,统一了动作观察和动作执行的神经机制,为理解他人动作提供了来自"内部"的支持.镜像神经系统为个体间的自然交流提供了神经基础,具有深远的进化意义.它不仅存在于灵长类,甚至在进化距离较远的物种(如沼雀和斑雀)中也有发现...  相似文献   

镜像神经元研究概况述评   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
袁逖飞  陈巍  丁峻 《生命科学》2007,19(5):547-550
镜像神经元是近来国外认知神经科学研究的热点,通过一系列最新的技术,人们确立了人体内存在镜像神经系统的观点。镜像神经系统在语言进化、动作识别与理解、行为模仿等方面都起着重要的作用。本文就镜像神经系统的研究做一概述。  相似文献   

赵翥  陈巍  汪寅 《兽类学报》2019,39(5):556-564
在灵长类镜像神经元系统的研究中,关于镜像神经元系统的产生主要存在两种观点,基因假说认为镜像神经元系统的出现基于一定的演化压力,服务于动作理解这一社会性功能;而联想学习假说则认为镜像神经元系统是感觉运动学习的产物,并不服务于动作理解。在联想学习的阵营中,联想序列学习主张一种极端的后天论立场,并通过刺激-反应范式提供大量的实证证据。但是,联想序列学习虽然能够解释大部分镜像神经元的研究,却无法否定其发生机制中的基因成分。比较镜像神经元系统在多个物种中的演化历史,探索个体早期发展对社会性信息的偏好均显示出联想序列学习存在局限,而联想序列学习提供的证据也不具有生态学效度。因此,对镜像神经元的基因基础如何影响其产生、发展与演化的探讨仍将是一个极具意义和生命力的主题。  相似文献   

付玲 《生物物理学报》2007,23(4):314-322
大脑功能的成像检测在认知神经科学领域具有极其重要的意义。现代光子学技术的发展为认知脑成像提供了新的研究手段,在神经系统信息处理机制研究中发挥重要作用。文章介绍了在神经元、神经元网络、特定脑皮层功能构筑以及系统与行为等不同层次开展神经系统信息处理机制研究的各种光学成像技术,包括多光子激发荧光显微成像、内源信号光学成像、激光散斑成像和近红外光学成像等,并评述了这些有特色的光学成像技术在多层次获取和分析神经信息中的研究进展。  相似文献   

儿童早期动作的发展可视为个体早期的外显智力,动作的毕生发展与个体认知发展及个性和社会性发展密切相关.认知神经学科和脑科学技术的革命性发展为研究动作领域的毕生发展的神经机制提供了基础和契机.从毕生发展的角度看,动作的产生以及动作技能的获得是婴儿阶段发育的里程碑;到了儿童青少年期,动作技能的有效性、精确性和稳定性均得到提高;成年早期到晚期,运动能力经历了巅峰到明显衰退的转变.目前关于动作的神经机制的研究主要探究了毕生发展过程中动作的产生、发展、衰退背后的大脑结构变化及大脑网络连接的改变.本文从认知科学和认知神经科学角度回顾了个体动作在婴幼儿期、儿童青少年期及成年期等阶段的发展特点及其背后的神经机制,提出了未来该领域认知神经科学方向面临的挑战及亟待解决的问题,并对国内该领域未来的研究和发展进行了分析和预测.  相似文献   

利他性惩罚广泛存在于人类社会中,在群体合作与规范维护方面起着重要的积极作用.个体作为潜在的惩罚者,从知觉到不公平事件到做出惩罚行为,需要经过一系列的认知和情绪过程,包括公平判断、奖赏加工、自我控制以及心理化等过程,并且调用相应的神经生理机制.认知神经科学为理解人类的利他性惩罚行为提供了新的视角和方法.本文基于最新的研究发现,综述了利他性惩罚相关的神经生理基础.  相似文献   

马原野,男。1982年毕业于云南大学生物系动物学专业;同年到中国科学院昆明动物研究所灵长类研究室工作。1987—1988年在美国耶鲁大学神经生物学系做博士后研究;1995—1996年英国牛津大学实验心理系作访问科学家;1996—1999年美国亚利桑那大学心理学系作访问科学家。现任昆明动物研究所中国科学院知识创新工程“认知病理障碍组”学科带头人,研究员,博士生导师。从事灵长类脑认知行为的研究。1999年着手建立灵长类认知神经科学实验室,是一个独具特色的、以大脑认知行为活动为主要研究对象的电生理实验室。主要利用现代生物物理学、神经电生理…  相似文献   

自我觉察是动物个体通过线索觉察到镜像与自己的联系,并利用线索来验证镜像与自身关联的能力。近三十年来,随着各学科的研究范式和方法的发展,关于非人灵长类的自我觉察研究不断深入,并涌现出大量新的研究成果。这方面的相关研究不仅能够为探索更深层、复杂的认知能力提供解释基础,而且能为人类互动行为和认知研究提供参照。目前,国外相关研究较为广泛,而国内却依然十分薄弱。本文重在介绍非人灵长类自我觉察研究的镜子实验这一基本范式,以及根据这一范式所得出的检验自我觉察能力的行为指标、相关推理过程、理论及研究;同时也回顾了自我觉察在猴类方面的研究进展以及其在人类与黑猩猩的物种间发展性比较研究;总结了录像法、脸部识别的认知神经科学范式等较新近的自我觉察研究方法和范式特点和优势、最新进展;最后对于自我觉察研究提出了完善概念界定、整合研究工具与实验范式、结合多学科多物种研究策略的展望,旨在拓展国内的相关研究领域,为其他物种的相关研究提供范例。  相似文献   

作为社会交往中的重要因素,共情是指理解并体验他人的情感和知觉感受的能力。目前的研究认为共情依赖于直接的投射机制而非逻辑推理。即观察到他人的情绪状态会涉及一部分处理自我情感的大脑结构的激活,该过程同时还会受到社会认知因素的调节。由于理解和间接体验他人痛觉的能力是维系社会纽带必不可少的,目前研究者越来越多地通过对痛觉共情的研究来揭示关于共情的普遍的神经机制。此外共情的动物模型、镜像神经元系统与共情的产生以及共情的调节等方向也将是研究的重点。  相似文献   

社会认知神经科学的取向与研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会认知神经科学是社会心理学和认知神经科学相结合的新兴多学科研究领域,其强调在社会、认知与脑神经等三个层面的交互作用上去理解心理现象。前几年主要是对刻板印象、态度与态度改变、他人知觉、自我认知以及情绪与认知交互作用等方面进行了深入研究,其主要范式是应用认知神经科学的方法来验证社会心理学在这些范围内上的各种不同的理论观点,当前的研究主要集中在知觉和再认的社会标记、社会判断和归因、评价调节知觉和经验以及社会交互作用等传统的社会心理学方面,并取得了突破性进展。展望未来的研究,其将在系统准则研究发展的基础上,把当今的社会认知研究与认知神经科学在理论和方法论上整合起来,为揭示人类高级社会心理现象的神经基础,开辟一条崭新的研究道路。  相似文献   

情绪模仿是指观察者对表达者传递出的非言语情绪信号进行模仿,进而表现出一致的表情与行为.以往关于情绪模仿的神经机制着重强调镜像神经系统的作用,然而随着研究成果越来越丰富,研究者们发现仅仅是镜像神经系统不足以解释情绪模仿的发生过程.梳理以往实证研究可以发现,情绪模仿是包括镜像神经系统、情绪系统、运动系统以及与社会认知相关脑区在内的脑网络共同作用的结果,该网络同时受到内分泌系统的调节.本文首先基于过往研究对情绪模仿的神经生理基础进行总结,然后介绍新近的神经网络概念模型,试图解释情绪信息从表达者传递至观察者完成模仿的神经路径,为情绪模仿的神经生理机制提供较为完整的框架,并在此基础上指出未来可能的研究方向.  相似文献   

An important goal of research on the cognitive neuroscience of decision-making is to produce a comprehensive model of behavior that flows from perception to action with all of the intermediate steps defined. To understand the mechanisms of perceptual decision-making for an auditory discrimination experiment, we connected a large-scale, neurobiologically realistic auditory pattern recognition model to a three-layer decision-making model and simulated an auditory delayed match-to-sample (DMS) task. In each trial of our simulated DMS task, pairs of stimuli were compared each stimulus being a sequence of three frequency-modulated tonal-contour segments, and a "match" or "nonmatch" button was pressed. The model's simulated response times and the different patterns of neural responses (transient, sustained, increasing) are consistent with experimental data and the simulated neurophysiological activity provides insights into the neural interactions from perception to action in the auditory DMS task.  相似文献   

社会认知神经科学是近几年国外新兴起的交叉学科,旨在阐述社会性、情绪性的体验与行为的心理和神经基础。它综合了认知神经科学与社会心理学研究的长处,对刻板印象、态度与态度改变、他人知觉、自我认知以及情绪与认知交互作用等方面进行了深入研究。主要范式是应用认知神经科学的方法来验证社会心理学在这些范畴上的各种不同理论观点,并在某些方面取得了突破性进展,但仍存在着广泛的发展空间。随着当前各种脑成像技术的革新,人们对情绪状态下大脑的神经活动的了解在原来认知的层面上有了进一步提升。本文主要阐述社会认知神经科学在情绪的脑机制研究上所取得的进展。  相似文献   

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition exhibiting impairments in behaviour, social and communication skills. These deficits may arise from aberrant functional connections that impact synchronization and effective neural communication. Neurofeedback training (NFT), based on operant conditioning of the electroencephalogram (EEG), has shown promise in addressing abnormalities in functional and structural connectivity. We tested the efficacy of NFT in reducing symptoms in children with ASD by targeting training to the mirror neuron system (MNS) via modulation of EEG mu rhythms. The human MNS has provided a neurobiological substrate for understanding concepts in social cognition relevant to behavioural and cognitive deficits observed in ASD. Furthermore, mu rhythms resemble MNS phenomenology supporting the argument that they are linked to perception and action. Thirty hours of NFT on ASD and typically developing (TD) children were assessed. Both groups completed an eyes-open/-closed EEG session as well as a mu suppression index assessment before and after training. Parents filled out pre- and post-behavioural questionnaires. The results showed improvements in ASD subjects but not in TDs. This suggests that induction of neuroplastic changes via NFT can normalize dysfunctional mirroring networks in children with autism, but the benefits are different for TD brains.  相似文献   

Several recent microarray studies have compared gene-expression patterns n humans, chimpanzees and other non-human primates to identify evolutionary changes that contribute to the distinctive cognitive and behavioural characteristics of humans. These studies support the surprising conclusion that the evolution of the human brain involved an upregulation of gene expression relative to non-human primates, a finding that could be relevant to understanding human cerebral physiology and function. These results show how genetic and genomic methods can shed light on the basis of human neural and cognitive specializations, and have important implications for neuroscience, anthropology and medicine.  相似文献   

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a highly debilitating and rapidly fatal neurodegenerative disease. It has been suggested that social cognition may be affected, such as impairment in theory of mind (ToM) ability. Despite these findings, research in this area is scarce and the investigation of neural mechanisms behind such impairment is absent. Nineteen patients with ALS and eighteen healthy controls participated in this study. Because the mirror neuron system (MNS) is thought to be involved in theory of mind, we first implemented a straightforward action-execution and observation task to assess basic MNS function. Second, we examined the social-cognitive ability to understand actions of others, which is a component of ToM. We used fMRI to assess BOLD activity differences between groups during both experiments. Theory of mind was also measured behaviorally using the Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RME). ALS patients displayed greater BOLD activity during the action-execution and observation task, especially throughout right anterior cortical regions. These areas included the right inferior operculum, premotor and primary motor regions, and left inferior parietal lobe. A conjunction analysis showed significantly more co-activated voxels during both the observation and action-execution conditions in the patient group throughout MNS regions. These results support a compensatory response in the MNS during action processing. In the action understanding experiment, healthy controls performed better behaviorally and subsequently recruited greater regions of activity throughout the prefrontal cortex and middle temporal gyrus. Lastly, action understanding performance was able to cluster patients with ALS into high and lower performing groups, which then differentiated RME performance. Collectively, these data suggest that social cognition, particularly theory of mind, may be affected in a subset of patients with ALS. This impairment may be related to functioning of the MNS and other regions related to action processing and understanding. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Studying human infants will increase our understanding of the nature, origins and function of neural mirroring mechanisms. Human infants are prolific imitators. Infant imitation indicates observation–execution linkages in the brain prior to language and protracted learning. Investigations of neural aspects of these linkages in human infants have focused on the sensorimotor mu rhythm in the electroencephalogram, which occurs in the alpha frequency range over central electrode sites. Recent results show that the infant mu rhythm is desynchronized during action execution as well as action observation. Current work is elucidating properties of the infant mu rhythm and how it may relate to prelinguistic action processing and social understanding. Here, we consider this neuroscience research in relation to developmental psychological theory, particularly the ‘Like-Me’ framework, which holds that one of the chief cognitive tasks of the human infant is to map the similarity between self and other. We elucidate the value of integrating neuroscience findings with behavioural studies of infant imitation, and the reciprocal benefit of examining mirroring mechanisms from an ontogenetic perspective.  相似文献   

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