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分子伴侣蛋白Hsp70氮端核苷酸结合域(NBD, nucleotide-binding domain)的ATP酶活性变化对其行使分子伴侣功能具有重要作用。本文采用分子动力学模拟方法研究酵母分子伴侣Hsp70氮端NBD内残基A17,R23,G32和R167点突变对其ATP酶活性区域构象影响及功能关系。结果表明,突变体A17V,T23H,G32S的ATP结合口袋袋口的loopl(第一个转角,连接p1与p2)结构柔性增强,活性残基T11侧链明显向内移动,从而更加接近ATP的γ-磷酸基团,更容易使ATP水解。这可能蕞终导致ATP酶活性增强,从而引起分子伴侣功能的变化。  相似文献   

研究了极性荧光探针Bis-ANS和磷酸丙糖异构酶的相互作用。我们发现由磷酸丙糖异构酶(TIM)中Trp残基和结合在TIM分子上的Bis-ANS之间的能量传递引起的Trp残基荧光的淬灭呈双相性,表明Bis-ANS在TIM分子上可能有2个不相同的结合位点,其结合的解离平衡常数Kd分别为3.3μM和17.0μM。底物GDP引起已结合的Bis-ANS荧光强度进一步增强和荧光谱的蓝移说明GDP可影响Bis-ANS在TIM分子上结合部位的构象,使其疏水性增强。我们还观察到由于结合在同一TIM分子上的Bis-ANS之间的能量传递引起的退偏振,进一步证明Bis-ANS有2个结合部位在1—2800bar压力范围里,增高压力引起结合在TIM分子上的Bis-ANS荧光进一步增强和光谱蓝移,说明TIM在压力下解离成亚基的过程中发生了Weber提出的"conformationaldrift。  相似文献   

棕色固氮菌固氮酶铁蛋白能与Mg-ATP结合,而钼铁蛋白则不能。每分子铁蛋白结合2个分子Mg-ATP。结合常数K为13.3~15.6μM。铁蛋白与不同浓度ATP结合时符合S型动力学。铁蛋白引起结合Mg-ATP后构型变化。在未变性的铁蛋白的12个半胱氨酸残基中,只有4个可被羧甲基化,加入Mg-ATP或低浓度对氯汞苯甲酸后,只有2个半胱氨酸残基被羧甲基化。对氯汞苯甲酸抑制铁蛋白活性,先加Mg-ATP再加列氯汞苯甲酸,能保持部分活性。  相似文献   

Hsp70蛋白自身磷酸化对其分子伴侣功能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年对分子伴侣蛋白Hsp70作用机制的研究发现,其ATP功能区域X光晶体结构有一个新的钙离子结合区域,这个新的功能区域与Hsp70分子的ADP结合、ATP水解及合成有关.有报道认为Hsp70蛋白的NDP激酶样作用,通过形成酸不稳定性自身磷酸化中间体催化γ 磷酸基团在ATP和ADP间传递,组氨酸H89与这个新的区域有密切关系,有可能与Hsp70蛋白形成自身磷酸化中间体有关.本研究运用基因定位诱导突变技术,将89位组氨酸以丝氨酸替代(H89S),通过比较Hsp70野生型及突变型蛋白的自身磷酸化过程的改变,及其对Hsp70蛋白体外荧光素酶活性影响的不同,初步探讨Hsp70作用机制.结果发现,突变的H89S蛋白自身磷酸化过程及体外变性荧光素酶重折叠受到抑制.野生型蛋白未受到影响,野生型Hsp70可以形成酸不稳定的自身磷酸化中间体,产生CDP依赖性解磷酸反应,而H89S突变型蛋白不能形成这种反应.89位组氨酸点突变能显著降低ATP酶交换反应及体外变性荧光素酶重折叠水平,但它的自身磷酸化可能并非唯一必需的介导位点或只是一个选择性的功能侧链.  相似文献   

通过对7种寄主植物上B型烟粉虱北京种群的内共生菌传毒相关groEL基因进行PCR扩增和测序,结合已有的相关序列,构建了groEL基因及其编码的GroEL蛋白的分子系统树。结果表明:烟粉虱内共生菌产生的groEL基因是一个非常保守的基因,北京不同寄主植物的烟粉虱内共生菌与IsraelB型烟粉虱内共生菌的groEL基因亲源关系非常近,位于同一进化分支,其编码的GroEL蛋白的分子系统树也基本上是一致的。不同物种的groEL基因及其编码的GroEL蛋白分别位于不同的分支,说明groEL基因及其编码的GroEL蛋白的分子系统树可以用于分析物种间的进化关系。氨基酸序列比较表明:烟粉虱内共生菌GroEL具有原核GroEL的保守氨基酸、ATP酶活性位点、多肽结合位点和GroES连接位点,为典型的hsp60。不同来源烟粉虱内共生菌GroEL有少数几个保守氨基酸发生了置换,可能不是GroEL功能的重要位点。说明在容易变异的细菌基因组中,groEL基因为了维持其正常重要的生理功能,会通过保持功能位点的稳定性来应对不同生态因素的影响。  相似文献   

用蔗糖梯度离心的方法,从胰蛋白酶处理叶绿体和对照叶绿体膜分离LHC。比较研究了它们的吸收光谱、荧光光谱、圆二色光谱和荧光偏振度的变化。观测到消化叶绿体LHC的吸收光谱除位于652nm的肩消失外,其它特征性吸收均无明显改变,荧光发射峰位和在670nm的C.D.信号峰位与对照相比发生偏移,叶绿素b和吸收≤670 Nm叶绿素a的荧光偏振度降低。结果说明含叶绿素b的蛋白和短波长叶绿素a的蛋白位于类囊体膜的外侧,胰蛋白酶消化引起LHC的构型改变,从而使色素与色素、色素与蛋白的相互关系及叶绿素分子排列和方向发生改变。讨论了LHC上蛋白构型、叶绿素分子机构和叶绿素分子间能量传递的相互关系。提出了蛋白质在色素能量传递过程中的作用。  相似文献   

分子伴侣热休克蛋白90(Hsp90)对于许多涉及细胞周期调控、信号转导以及细胞生长调控蛋白质的折叠、成熟及稳定是必需的.Hsp90的N端结构高度保守,包含一个ATP结合口袋并具有ATP酶活性,Hsp90的功能依赖于ATP与Hsp90结合后诱导的构象重排及之后的ATP水解.为了深入研究ATP与Hsp90结合后N端的结构及其功能状态,使用悬滴法共结晶了Hsp90的N端与ATP类似物AMPPNP及ATPγS的复合物,并利用分子置换法对其结构进行了解析.两个复合物晶体结构都捕获到了核苷酸的电子密度,尤其是γ-磷酸的电子密度,从而观察到γ-磷酸与蛋白质之间的相互作用.ATPγS中γ-磷酸的捕获证实了之前报道的结构中没有捕获到γ-磷酸是其处于无序状态而非被水解.单体状态下的人源Hsp90N- AMPPNP与处于二聚体化的酵母Hsp90-AMPPNP结构对比可见S1和ATP lid的位置有明显区别,结构分析表明,E18-K100和N40-D127之间形成的氢键相互作用,在一定程度上阻碍了S1和ATP lid的摆动,很可能阻止了二聚体的形成.  相似文献   

刘良式 《遗传》1984,6(2):43-46
dnaB蛋白质是一种依赖于DNA的核昔三磷酸 酶,它的结构复杂多变,用一系列的实验测定,dnaB蛋 白质在ATP和SSB存在下,会和dnaC蛋白质形成 复合物;rmrps可诱导其构型改变,而有利于与单链 DNA相互作用形成复合物;单链DNA或双链DNA 的结合又将dnaB蛋白质上NTPs结合的位点转变为 使N0I'Ps水解的位点,但二者的结合部位不同,因为前 者受rNTPs及其类似物(5'腺普亚胺二磷酸)和Mg2+ 刺激,受ADP, dATP和SSB控制,后者则不受这些 因素影响,因此dnaB蛋白质具有多个结合部位「13、 当用胰蛋白酶进行有控制的水解时,首先失去dnaC蛋 白质结合部位和引发酶结合部位.9 DNA 合成活性消 失,但SSB结合能力和ATP结合能力仍然稳定。序列 分析表明,此时除去dnaB蛋白质的N末端14个氨基 酸残基,分子量从50,000转变为48,000(片段1),这 说明其N末端为前几种功能所必需。进一步将片段I 切断为片段III III (II是片段I的C末端部分,III是N 末端部分),片段II保持依赖于DNA的ATP酶活性, 这说明和dnaC蛋白质结合的部位以及依赖于DNA 的ATP酶活性部位是不同的。  相似文献   

呼吸作用是一个释能的过程,植物体如何储存能量和利用能量,是一个非常重要的问题.呼吸作用放出的能量,一部分以热能的形式散失到环境中,其余部分通过ADP磷酸化形成ATP,而暂时储存在高能磷酸键中.三磷酸腺苷中的高能磷酸键是最重要的能量携带者,呼吸过程中能量的储存和利用都要靠ATP.  相似文献   

嗜酸嗜热古菌腾冲嗜酸热两面菌(Acidianus tengchongensis)来源的Ⅱ型伴侣素ATcpnβ已获得晶体结构解析,其顶端结构域突触下端相应于Ⅰ型伴侣素GroEL的重要底物结合位点处的氨基酸多为极性氨基酸,将其突变为疏水性氨基酸时,突变体对变性底物的捕获能力显著增强.表面等离子共振研究表明,ATcpnβ对于化学变性底物的再折叠中间体的其捕获作用不依赖于Mg2+/ATP.前期对该伴侣素冷冻电镜观察和结构解析表明,ATP的存在并不能驱动ATcpnβ从开放构型向闭合构型转变,但是表面等离子共振研究表明,ATcpnβ对热变性过程中已经聚集的底物的捕获作用依赖于Mg2+/ATP,说明Mg2+/ATP可以介导ATcpnβ顶端结构域一定的构象变化,引起顶端结构域疏水残基的进一步暴露,从而能够与大分子聚集体紧密结合.两个方面的研究均表明,伴侣素蛋白与变性底物的结合仍然以疏水相互作用为主,并且伴侣素蛋白与变性底物的结合受Mg2+/ATP的结合调控,与伴侣素蛋白疏水面的暴露程度相关.  相似文献   

A double-heptamer ring chaperonin GroEL binds denatured substrate protein, ATP, and GroES to the same heptamer ring and encapsulates substrate into the central cavity underneath GroES where productive folding occurs. GroES is a disk-shaped heptamer, and each subunit has a GroEL-binding loop. The residues of the GroEL subunit responsible for GroES binding largely overlap those involved in substrate binding, and the mechanism by which GroES can replace the substrate when GroES binds to GroEL/substrate complex remains to be clarified. To address this question, we generated single polypeptide GroES by fusing seven subunits with various combinations of active and GroEL binding-defective subunits. Functional tests of the fused GroES variants indicated that four active GroES subunits were required for efficient formation of the stable GroEL/GroES complex and five subunits were required for the productive GroEL/substrate/GroES complex. An increase in the number of defective GroES subunits resulted in a slowing of encapsulation and folding. These results indicate the presence of an intermediate GroEL/substrate/GroES complex in which the substrate and GroES bind to GroEL by sharing seven common binding sites.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (HSPs) of the Hsp70 and GroEL families associate with a variety of cell proteins in vivo. However, the formation of such complexes has not been systematically studied. A 31-kDa fusion protein (CRAG), which contains 12 residues of cro repressor, truncated protein A, and 14 residues of beta-galactosidase, when expressed in Escherichia coli, was found in complexes with DnaK, GrpE, protease La, and GroEL. When an E. coli extract not containing CRAG was applied to an affinity column containing CRAG, DnaK, GroEL, and GrpE were selectively bound. These HSPs did not bind to a normal protein A column. DnaK, GrpE, and the fraction of GroEL could be eluted from the CRAG column with ATP but not with a nonhydrolyzable ATP analog. The ATP-dependent release of DnaK and GroEL also required Mg2+, but GrpE dissociated with ATP alone. The binding and release of DnaK and GroEL were independent events, but the binding of GrpE required DnaK. Inactivation of DnaJ, GrpE, and GroES did not affect the association or dissociation of DnaK or GroEL from CRAG. The DnaK and GrpE proteins could be eluted with 10(-6) M ATP, but 10(-4) M was required for GroEL release. This approach allows a one-step purification of these proteins from E. coli and also the isolation of the DnaK and GroEL homologs from yeast mitochondria. Competition experiments with oligopeptide fragments of CRAG showed that DnaK and GroEL interact with different sites on CRAG and that the cro-derived domain of CRAG contains the DnaK-binding site.  相似文献   

The double ring-shaped chaperonin GroEL binds a wide range of non-native polypeptides within its central cavity and, together with its cofactor GroES, assists their folding in an ATP-dependent manner. The conformational cycle of GroEL/ES has been studied extensively but little is known about how the environment in the central cavity affects substrate conformation. Here, we use the von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor protein VHL as a model substrate for studying the action of the GroEL/ES system on a bound polypeptide. Fluorescent labeling of pairs of sites on VHL for fluorescence (Förster) resonant energy transfer (FRET) allows VHL to be used to explore how GroEL binding and GroEL/ES/nucleotide binding affect the substrate conformation. On average, upon binding to GroEL, all pairs of labeling sites experience compaction relative to the unfolded protein while single-molecule FRET distributions show significant heterogeneity. Upon addition of GroES and ATP to close the GroEL cavity, on average further FRET increases occur between the two hydrophobic regions of VHL, accompanied by FRET decreases between the N- and C-termini. This suggests that ATP- and GroES-induced confinement within the GroEL cavity remodels bound polypeptides by causing expansion (or racking) of some regions and compaction of others, most notably, the hydrophobic core. However, single-molecule observations of the specific FRET changes for individual proteins at the moment of ATP/GroES addition reveal that a large fraction of the population shows the opposite behavior; that is, FRET decreases between the hydrophobic regions and FRET increases for the N- and C-termini. Our time-resolved single-molecule analysis reveals the underlying heterogeneity of the action of GroES/EL on a bound polypeptide substrate, which might arise from the random nature of the specific binding to the various identical subunits of GroEL, and might help explain why multiple rounds of binding and hydrolysis are required for some chaperonin substrates.  相似文献   

The chaperonin GroEL binds a variety of polypeptides that share no obvious sequence similarity. The precise structural, chemical and dynamic features that are recognised remain largely unknown. Structural models of the complex between GroEL and its co-chaperonin GroES, and of the isolated apical domain of GroEL (minichaperone; residues 191-376) with a 17 residue N-terminal tag show that a linear sequential sequence (extended beta-strand) can be bound. We have analysed characteristics of the motifs that bind to GroEL by using affinity panning of immobilised GroEL minichaperones for a library of bacteriophages that display the fungal cellulose-binding domain of the enzyme cellobiohydrolase I. This protein has seven non-sequential residues in its binding site that form a linear binding motif with similar dimensions and characteristics to the peptide tag that was bound to the minichaperone GroEL(191-376). The seven residues thus form a constrained scaffold. We find that GroEL does bind suitable mutants of these seven residues. The side-chains recognised do not have to be totally hydrophobic, but polar and positively charged chains can be accommodated. Further, the spatial distribution of the side-chains is also compatible with those in an alpha-helix. This implies that GroEL can bind a wide range of structures, from extended beta-strands and alpha-helices to folded states, with exposed side-chains. The binding site can accommodate substrates of approximately 18 residues when in a helical or seven when in an extended conformation. The data support two activities of GroEL: the ability to act as a temporary parking spot for sticky intermediates by binding many motifs; and an unfolding activity of GroEL by binding an extended sequential conformation of the substrate.  相似文献   

ATP:Cobalamin adenosyltransferases catalyze the transfer a 5′-deoxyadenosyl moiety from ATP to cob(I)alamin in the synthesis of the Co–C bond of coenzyme B12. There are three types of adenosyltransferases, CobA, PduO and EutT. Among these adenosyltransferases, the PduO-type adenosyltransferases is the most widely distributed enzyme. Structural comparisons between apo BcPduO and BcPduO in complex with MgATP revealed that the N-terminal strands of both structures were ordered, which is in contrast with the most previously available PduO-type adenosyltransferase structures. Furthermore, unlike other reported structures, apo BcPduO was bound to additional dioxane molecules causing a side chain conformational change at the Tyr30 residue, which is an important residue that mediates hydrogen bonding with ATP molecules upon binding of cobalamin to the active site. This study provides more structural information into the role of active site residues on substrate binding.  相似文献   

In the crystal structure of the native GroEL.GroES.substrate protein complex from Thermus thermophilus, one GroEL subunit makes contact with two GroES subunits. One contact is through the H-I helices, and the other is through a novel GXXLE region. The side chain of Leu, in the GXXLE region, forms a hydrophobic cluster with residues of the H helix (Shimamura, T., Koike-Takeshita, A., Yokoyama, K., Masui, R., Murai, N., Yoshida, M., Taguchi, H., and Iwata, S. (2004) Structure (Camb.) 12, 1471-1480). Here, we investigated the functional role of Leu in the GXXLE region, using Escherichia coli GroEL. The results are as follows: (i) cross-linking between introduced cysteines confirmed that the GXXLE region in the E. coli GroEL.GroES complex is also in contact with GroES; (ii) when Leu was replaced by Lys (GroEL(L309K)) or other charged residues, chaperone activity was largely lost; (iii) the GroEL(L309K).substrate complex failed to bind GroES to produce a stable GroEL(L309K).GroES.substrate complex, whereas free GroEL(L309K) bound GroES normally; (iv) the GroEL(L309K).GroES.substrate complex was stabilized with BeF(x), but the substrate protein in the complex was readily digested by protease, indicating that it was not properly encapsulated into the internal cavity of the complex. Thus, conformational communication between the two GroES contact sites, the H helix and the GXXLE region (through Leu(309)), appears to play a critical role in encapsulation of the substrate.  相似文献   

TRAP is an 11 subunit RNA binding protein that regulates expression of genes involved in tryptophan biosynthesis and transport in Bacillus subtilis. TRAP is activated to bind RNA by binding up to 11 molecules of l-tryptophan in pockets formed by adjacent subunits. The precise mechanism by which tryptophan binding activates TRAP is not known. Thr30 is in the tryptophan binding pocket. A TRAP mutant in which Thr30 is substituted with Val (T30V) does not bind tryptophan but binds RNA constitutively, suggesting that Thr30 plays a key role in the activation mechanism. We have examined the effects of other substitutions of Thr30. TRAP proteins with small beta-branched aliphatic side chains at residue 30 bind RNA constitutively, whereas those with a small polar side chain show tryptophan-dependent RNA binding. Several mutant proteins exhibited constitutive RNA binding that was enhanced by tryptophan. Although the tryptophan and RNA binding sites on TRAP are distinct and are separated by approximately 7.5 A, several substitutions of residues that interact with the bound RNA restored tryptophan binding to T30V TRAP. These observations support the hypothesis that conformational changes in TRAP relay information between the tryptophan and RNA binding sites of the protein.  相似文献   

We have identified five structural rearrangements in GroEL induced by the ordered binding of ATP and GroES. The first discernable rearrangement (designated T --> R(1)) is a rapid, cooperative transition that appears not to be functionally communicated to the apical domain. In the second (R(1) --> R(2)) step, a state is formed that binds GroES weakly in a rapid, diffusion-limited process. However, a second optical signal, carried by a protein substrate bound to GroEL, responds neither to formation of the R(2) state nor to the binding of GroES. This result strongly implies that the substrate protein remains bound to the inner walls of the initially formed GroEL.GroES cavity, and is not yet displaced from its sites of interaction with GroEL. In the next rearrangement (R(2).GroES --> R(3).GroES) the strength of interaction between GroEL and GroES is greatly enhanced, and there is a large and coincident loss of fluorescence-signal intensity in the labeled protein substrate, indicating that there is either a displacement from its binding sites on GroEL or at least a significant change of environment. These results are consistent with a mechanism in which the shift in orientation of GroEL apical domains between that seen in the apo-protein and stable GroEL.GroES complexes is highly ordered, and transient conformational intermediates permit the association of GroES before the displacement of bound polypeptide. This ensures efficient encapsulation of the polypeptide within the GroEL central cavity underneath GroES.  相似文献   

The chaperonin HSP60 (GroEL) proteins are essential in eubacterial genomes and in eukaryotic organelles. Functional regions inferred from mutation studies and the Escherichia coli GroEL 3D crystal complexes are evaluated in a multiple alignment across 43 diverse HSP60 sequences, centering on ATP/ADP and Mg2+ binding sites, on residues interacting with substrate, on GroES contact positions, on interface regions between monomers and domains, and on residues important in allosteric conformational changes. The most evolutionary conserved residues relate to the ATP/ADP and Mg2+ binding sites. Hydrophobic residues that contribute in substrate binding are also significantly conserved. A large number of charged residues line the central cavity of the GroEL-GroES complex in the substrate-releasing conformation. These span statistically significant intra- and inter-monomer three-dimensional (3D) charge clusters that are highly conserved among sequences and presumably play an important role interacting with the substrate. Unaligned short segments between blocks of alignment are generally exposed at the outside wall of the Anfinsen cage complex. The multiple alignment reveals regions of divergence common to specific evolutionary groups. For example, rickettsial sequences diverge in the ATP/ADP binding domain and gram-positive sequences diverge in the allosteric transition domain. The evolutionary information of the multiple alignment proffers attractive sites for mutational studies.  相似文献   

为了解析胆盐水解酶催化中心中关键氨基酸位点与其底物特异性的关系,以大肠杆菌pET-20b(+)表达系统为分子改造平台,采用理性设计,结合氨基酸定点突变的方法,成功构建了唾液乳杆菌Lactobacillus salivarius胆盐水解酶BSH1的7种突变体。通过对比L.salivarius BSH1及其突变体对6种结合胆盐的底物特异性表明,7种突变体对不同的结合胆盐的水解活性有所改变。结果说明,Cys2和Thr264分别是BSH1催化TCA和GCA的关键残基,且对酶的催化活性的保持具有关键作用。其中,高保守性的氨基酸位点Cys2不是BSH1唯一的活性位点,而其他突变的氨基酸位点可能作为BSH1的结合位点参与了底物的结合,也可能影响了底物进入BSH1活性中心的通道或底物结合口袋的体积与形状,进而影响了BSH1对不同结合胆盐的水解活性。  相似文献   

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