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菠菜性别相关 EST-SSR 标记的开发及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确菠菜EST序列中SSR的总体特点,开发菠菜EST-SSR引物;为利用EST-SSR引物进行菠菜性别相关特异序列的克隆奠定基础,本文从NCBI上获得1093条EST,利用在线软件SSRIT检测所含SSR序列,并进行分析。共检索出68条SSR序列,分布于64条EST中,检出率为6.22%,包括22种重复基元。其中二核苷酸重复基元的EST-SSR占主导地位,占总SSR数目的32.3%。利用在线引物设计软件Primer3.0设计了7对EST-SSR引物,在适合的PCR反应体系下,分别以雌、雄菠菜DNA基因组为模板,对设计的EST-SSR引物进行筛选,结果显示以EST序列HS097148设计的一对引物从菠菜雌雄基因组中扩增出一条雄性特异的条带,表明通过菠菜EST-SSR引物获得菠菜性别相关特异序列是可行的。  相似文献   

以84份越橘种质为材料,从NCBI公共数据库下载22 402条越橘属(Vaccinium)EST序列,通过CAP3组装软件将EST序列拼接成11 541条unigene序列,其中2 076条unigene序列含有2 679个SSR位点。二核苷酸和三核苷酸重复是主要的SSR类型,约占SSR总数的96.01%。利用Primer Premier 5.0软件设计81对引物,其中55对引物在供试越橘种质中扩增出理想的PCR产物,55对引物均有多态性。聚类分析结果显示,在遗传相似系数为0.70时,可以将供试越橘种质分成两大类。越橘EST-SSR标记可以用于种质鉴定与遗传多样性分析。  相似文献   

利用NCBI数据库进行漆树EST-SSR引物开发,从NCBI数据库中共下载漆树EST序列87 856条。利用MISA软件进行序列处理、拼接及聚类后,从87 856条漆树EST序列中拼接组装成3 979条非冗余序列,含SSR位点的EST序列出现频率占EST序列总数的4.5%,从3 979条非冗余序列中检测到487个SSRs微卫星位点,出现频率为12.2%。这些SSR位点中,三核苷酸和二核苷酸重复基元所占比例较高。采用Primer5.0软件,共成功设计50对EST-SSR引物,50对EST-SSR引物在25个漆树个体上均能扩增出清晰的电泳条带,其中18对引物检测出了多态性条带,扩增率达36%。  相似文献   

梅EST-SSR标记的开发及利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用MISA软件对10 123条梅EST序列进行SSR位点查找,得到含SSR位点的序列935条,SSR位点1233个,平均每100条EST序列中含有12.18个SSR位点.2核苷酸、3核苷酸重复是最主要的重复类型,分别占35.52%和41.36%.设计了40对EST-SSR引物并进行扩增,有24对引物能扩增出理想的PCR 产物,其中17对引物具有较好的扩增多态性.测序后发现13对引物中有73.08%的片段具有相应的SSR位点,对杏DNA指纹中部分谱带的测序结果也证明了是梅扩增出的相应的SSR位点.根据本研究含有SSR位点的测序结果推算,从梅EST中开发真实SSR位点的数目为901.随机选择13对引物对杏和梅进行DNA指纹构建与遗传多样性分析,结果发现,来源于梅的EST-SSR引物在杏中有很高的通用性,这些引物把梅和杏分成了两大群体,说明他们是遗传差异明显的两种植物.  相似文献   

随着生物科技的进步,ESTs(表达序列标签)已经成为开发SSR(简单重复序列)标记的重要资源。本文利用NCBI公共数据库下载蔷薇科EST序列22 458条,使用SSRHunter1.3软件进行了SSR搜索,从中获得22 527条SSR,应用Primer5.0软件设计并经由Oligo7.0软件检测,共得到61对EST-SSR引物。利用这些引物对8个华仁杏品种进行了PCR扩增及检测,得到10对能产生清晰多态性条带的EST-SSR标记,标明了10对引物的序列,为进一步开展华仁杏SSR分子标记辅助育种研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

三种人参属植物的EST-SSR信息分析及其在三七中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解人参属植物EST中SSR分布特点及其在三七SSR标记中的应用,利用生物信息学方法,用primer 3软件对dbEST数据库中人参属植物人参、西洋参和三七的EST序列进行搜索,发现人参属植物EST-SSR出现频率为11.54%,平均每4.39 kb出现1个SSR.人参属植物单核苷酸重复基元占主导地位,其次为三核苷酸重复基元和二核苷酸重复基元,分别占总SSR的54.48%、17.31%和16.36%.人参属EST-SSR的优势类型为A/T和AT/TA,分别占54.73%和8.21%.根据人参属植物EST中的SSR设计48对引物,在合适的PCR扩增体系下,用5个三七样品的DNA为模板进行PCR扩增,引物有效扩增率85.42%,其中多态性引物占可扩增引物的70.73%.结果表明,利用人参属EST序列开发三七EST-SSR标记是可行的.  相似文献   

高丹草EST-SSR标记的开发及其遗传多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
温莹  逯晓萍  任锐  米福贵  韩平安  薛春雷 《遗传》2013,35(2):225-232
对NCBI数据库中210 878条高粱EST序列进行处理, 得到57 498条无冗余EST序列, 经SSR搜索, 发现3 338个SSR分布于3 116条EST序列中, 分布频率为1/11.28 kb, 包括215种基元重复类型。其中三核苷酸重复最高, 占68.33%, 二核苷酸重复占17.97%。3 338条SSR序列中有1 694条序列能够设计出引物, 所占比例为50.75%。选取14对引物进行合成, 对50份高丹草、7份高粱和3份苏丹草材料进行了EST-SSR扩增, 共检测到72个等位变异, 平均每对引物检测出5.14个基因位点。每对引物多态性指数范围为0.54~0.93, 遗传距离的变化范围0.1646~0.6398。结果显示:供试材料具有较丰富的遗传多样性, 根据EST-SSR数据的聚类分析, 将供试材料按亲缘关系远近分为5大类, 来源相同的品种大致聚在一类, 呈现出一定的地域性分布规律。同时发现4个特异分子标记, 其中引物D1763只对314A和白壳苏丹草杂交后代GB-4-2高丹草审定品种产生特异性, 此标记已作为该材料的特异性标记用于种质资源的鉴定中, 同时表明, EST-SSR标记是高丹草遗传多样性及特异性研究的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

为了加快茄子(Solanumm elongena L.)分子遗传学研究和分子标记辅助育种,对其开展转录组测序,采用软件MISA(MicroSAtellite)对茄子转录组中的SSR位点进行搜索,共检测出5 562个SSR位点,分布于3 438条Unigene中,出现频率为13.23%,平均分布距离为9.73 Kb。三核苷酸和二核苷酸重复出现频率占优势,分别有3 546个和1 270个,分别占总SSR的63.75%和22.83%。利用Primer 3.0设计引物,随机选择其中20 bp以上SSR序列的100对引物进行合成,92对引物实现有效扩增,占100对SSR引物的92%,从有效扩增引物随机选取30对引物对29份茄子材料进行扩增及多态性评价,30对均有多态性差异。通过UPGMA作图,供试的29份不同的茄子材料被划分为2类。基于茄子转录组测序开发的EST-SSR标记具有较高的可用性,为茄子种质鉴定、亲缘关系分析及遗传图谱构建等提供更丰富的标记来源。  相似文献   

目的:对光果甘草黄酮代谢途径中的关键酶查尔酮异构酶(CHI)进行基因克隆和序列分析。方法:取新鲜光果甘草主根,立即投入液氮,作为提取RNA的植物材料;用植物RNA提取试剂盒提取光果甘草总RNA,用逆转录试剂盒对其逆转录得cDNA;根据文献报道的乌拉尔甘草CHI序列设计特异性引物,扩增光果甘草CHI基因并测序;用生物信息学软件对所得序列进行分析。结果:扩增得到22条光果甘草CHI基因cDNA序列,其编码区全长为690bp,编码229个氨基酸残基。DNAMAN比对表明22条光果甘草cDNA序列间存在16个变异位点,一致性为99.67%,可分为7种单倍型,其中单倍型1为主流单倍型,所占比重为45.5%;氨基酸序列间存在10个变异位点,一致性为99.38%。生物信息学分析表明光果甘草CHI基因编码蛋白为稳定性亲水蛋白,相对分子质量为24 000,等电点为5.56~6.76,不含信号肽,无跨膜区,保守结构域包含一个查尔酮超家族结构域,二级结构以α螺旋和无规卷曲为主。MEGA 5.0同源性分析显示光果甘草7种CHI单倍型间亲缘关系良好且与同属植物乌拉尔甘草的进化关系最近,与蕨类植物香鳞毛蕨的进化关系最远。结论:克隆了光果甘草CHI基因并对其进行了序列分析,为进一步探究CHI基因对甘草苷生物合成的分子调控机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

亚麻EST-SSR信息分析与标记开发   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
与基因组SSR相比,以EST为基础的EST-SSR分子标记具有自身的优点。本研究从11240条亚麻(Linum sitatissmum L.)EST序列中检索出877条含有SSR的序列,其出现频率为7.8%。其中以三核苷酸重复出现的频率最高,占总SSR序列的60.1%;其次是二核苷酸重复,占21.9%;四、五和六核苷酸重复占18%。根据这些含SSR的EST序列共设计了73对SSR引物,在8份亚麻材料间通过PCR扩增检测,有63对引物扩增出清晰条带,引物可用率86.3%;有17对引物在8份亚麻材料间显现出多态性,占可扩增引物的26.3%。  相似文献   

Glycyrrhiza plants are important resources for sweeteners and medicines, because underground parts of them contain glycyrrhizic acid (GL), which has sweet taste and various pharmacological activities (ex. anti-inflammatory, antiallergy, antiviral activity, etc.). Although such importance of them, their supply still depends principally on the collection of wild plants. Therefore, it is an important issue to develop stable and efficient production system of Glycyrrhiza plants. To overcome this problem, we established the hydroponic cultivation system of Glycyrrhiza uralensis and selected superior G. uralensis clones with high-GL contents in the containment greenhouse. In this study, we aimed to develop a method of selecting these superior G. uralensis clones by DNA sequence polymorphisms in biosynthetic genes. Among the DNA sequences of GL biosynthetic key enzyme gene (CYP88D6), we found Glycyrrhiza species and clone-specific polymorphisms in intronic regions. By using these polymorphisms, discrimination among Glycyrrhiza species and G. uralensis clones became possible. Furthermore, the appearance frequency of superior clone-specific alleles in cloned CYP88D6 sequences was correlated with GL contents in crude drugs collected from the Japanese market. We also observed the tendency that G. uralensis seedlings having superior clone-specific alleles of CYP88D6 gene showed higher secondary metabolite productivity than those without the alleles. These results indicated that superior clone-specific alleles of CYP88D6 gene could be applied as DNA markers for selecting G. uralensis clones accumulating high secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) in the NCBI dbEST database were surveyed to identify potential SSR markers for Quercus mongolica. In total, 2,691 gene sequences, mainly from expressed sequence tags (ESTs) for Q. robur and Q. petraea had been registered. Twenty-two PCR primers were designed for SSRs in these sequences and screened for polymorphisms in 16 Q. mongolica trees. Ten loci were easily genotyped and showed polymorphism, with numbers of alleles and expected heterozygosity ranging from 3 to 15 and 0.28 to 0.94, respectively. These EST-SSR markers should be useful for studying the genetic diversity of Quercus species.  相似文献   

枫香是广西重要的乡土树种之一,具有较高的用材、观赏及药用价值。为验证枫香SSR引物的实际应用效果,该研究基于转录组测序技术,检测枫香SSR位点并设计引物,通过PCR扩增和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳筛选出具有较高多态性的枫香EST-SSR引物,并对1个枫香天然群体进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明:(1)共发掘到23 777个SSR位点,单核苷酸重复类型SSR位点占总位点比例最高(46.54%),在重复次数上5~12次之间的SSR位点占比最高(72.36%)。(2)共开发出262对SSR引物,有效扩增率为53.1%,最终筛选出扩增稳定、条带清晰的引物18对。(3)多态性检测结果显示所有位点均具有多态性,天然群体遗传多样性结果显示该天然群体中等位基因数量(Na)、有效等位基因数量(Ne)、Shannon多样性指数(I)、观测杂合度(Ho)变化范围分别为2~4、1.112 8~2.609 6、0.208 9~1.112 7和0.275 9~1.000 0,平均值分别为2.333 3、1.957 4、0.708 5和0.722 6。综上认为,枫香中占优势的SSR位点重复类型和重复基序与其他物种基本相同,所开...  相似文献   

Gossypium species represent a vast resource of genetic multiplicity for the improvement of cultivated cotton. To determine genetic diversity and relationships within a diverse collection of Gossypium, we employed 120 SSR primers on 20 diploid species representing seven basic genome groups of the genus Gossypium, five AD allotetraploid cotton accessions while T. populnea served as an outgroup species. Out of 120 SSR primers, 49 pairs are polymorphic, which produced a total of 99 distinct alleles with an average of 2.0 alleles per primer pair. A total of 1139 major SSR bands were observed. Genetic similarities among all the diploid species ranged from 0.582 (between G. herbaceum and G. trilobum) up to 0.969 (between G. arboreum and G. herbaceum). Phylogenetic trees based on genetic similarities were consistent with known taxonomic relationships. The results also indicated that G. raimondii is the closest living relative of the ancestral D-genome donor of tetraploid species and the A-genome donor is much similar to the present-day G. herbaceum and G. arboreum. Ancient tetraploid cotton species were formed by hybridizing and chromosome doubling between them, then different tetraploid cotton species appeared by further geographical and genetic isolation and separating differentiation. The results showed that SSRs could be an ideal means for the identification of the genetic diversity and relationship of cotton resources at the genomic level.  相似文献   

安钰  安慧 《西北植物学报》2015,35(2):373-378
于2011年植物生长旺季(8月)在围封禁牧(NG)、轻度放牧(LG)、中度放牧(MG)和重度放牧(HG)区分别随机选取荒漠草原优势植物甘草(Glycyrrhiza uralensis)和牛心朴子(Cynanchum komarovii)各15株为研究对象,对比分析其生长特征、各植物构件生物量及生物量资源分配差异对不同放牧强度的响应机制,为退化草原的恢复演替提供依据。结果表明:(1)甘草株高和地径、牛心朴子株高均随放牧强度的增加呈先升高后下降的趋势,而且均在轻度放牧条件下最高,重度放牧时则显著降低。(2)甘草和牛心朴子的总生物量、茎生物量和叶生物量随着放牧强度的增加呈先升高后降低的趋势,且不同放牧强度间差异显著;甘草和牛心朴子根系生物量随放牧强度的加强变化趋势不同。(3)甘草和牛心朴子生物量分配的总体格局为:根叶茎;随着放牧强度的增加,甘草根生物量比呈先升高后降低趋势,茎生物量比呈下降的趋势,叶生物量比呈上升趋势,而牛心朴子根生物量比呈先下降后升高的趋势,茎生物量和叶生物量呈先增加后下降的趋势。研究认为,不同放牧强度下两种植物形态可塑性和生物量分配格局的差异反映出植物生态适应策略的不同。  相似文献   

Glycyrrhiza glabra, commonly known as licorice, is a popular herbal supplement used for the treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions and possesses anticancer and antiviral activities. This species contains a plethora of phytochemicals including terpenoids, saponins, flavonoids, polyamines and polysaccharides. The full complement of bioactive compounds has yet to be elucidated, a step necessary in order to explain its medicinal use. There are over 30 species in the Glycyrrhiza genus world-wide, most of which have been little characterized in terms of phytochemical or pharmacological properties. Here, large scale multi-targeted metabolic profiling and fingerprinting techniques were utilized to help gain a broader insight into Glycyrrhiza species chemical composition. UV, MS and NMR spectra of extracted components were connected with NMR, MS, and multivariate analyses data from Glycyrrhiza glabra, Glycyrrhiza uralensis, Glycyrrhiza inflata and Glycyrrhiza echinata. Major peaks in 1H NMR and MS spectra contributing to the discrimination among species were assigned as those of glycyrrhizin, 4-hydroxyphenyl acetic acid, and glycosidic conjugates of liquiritigenin/isoliquiritigenin. Primary metabolites profiling using GC–MS revealed the presence of cadaverine, an amino acid, exclusively found in G. inflata roots. Both LC–MS and NMR were found effective techniques in sample classification based on genetic and or geographical origin as revealed from derived PCA analysis.  相似文献   

The increased cancer risk associated with hormone therapies has encouraged many women to seek non-hormonal alternatives including botanical supplements such as hops (Humulus lupulus) and licorice (Glycyrrhiza spec.) to manage menopausal symptoms. Previous studies have shown estrogenic properties for hops, likely due to the presence of 8-prenylnarigenin, and chemopreventive effects mainly attributed to xanthohumol. Similarly, a combination of estrogenic and chemopreventive properties has been reported for various Glycyrrhiza species. The major goal of the current study was to evaluate the potential estrogenic effects of three licorice species (Glycyrrhiza glabra, G. uralensis, and G. inflata) in comparison with hops. Extracts of Glycyrrhiza species and spent hops induced estrogen responsive alkaline phosphatase activity in endometrial cancer cells, estrogen responsive element (ERE)-luciferase in MCF-7 cells, and Tff1 mRNA in T47D cells. The estrogenic activity decreased in the order H. lupulus > G. uralensis > G. inflata > G. glabra. Liquiritigenin was found to be the principle phytoestrogen of the licorice extracts; however, it exhibited lower estrogenic effects compared to 8-prenylnaringenin in functional assays. Isoliquiritigenin, the precursor chalcone of liquiritigenin, demonstrated significant estrogenic activities while xanthohumol, a metabolic precursor of 8-prenylnaringenin, was not estrogenic. Liquiritigenin showed ERβ selectivity in competitive binding assay and isoliquiritigenin was equipotent for ER subtypes. The estrogenic activity of isoliquiritigenin could be the result of its cyclization to liquiritigenin under physiological conditions. 8-Prenylnaringenin had nanomolar estrogenic potency without ER selectivity while xanthohumol did not bind ERs. These data demonstrated that Glycyrrhiza species with different contents of liquiritigenin have various levels of estrogenic activities, suggesting the importance of precise labeling of botanical supplements. Although hops shows strong estrogenic properties via ERα, licorice might have different estrogenic activities due to its ERβ selectivity, partial estrogen agonist activity, and non-enzymatic conversion of isoliquiritigenin to liquiritigenin.  相似文献   

The objectives of this research were to assess (1) the degree of Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) DNA length polymorphism in melon (Cucumis melo L.) and other species within the Cucurbitaceae family and (2) the possibility of utilizing SSRs flanking primers from single species to other genera or species of Cucurbitaceae. Five melon (CT/GA) n SSRs were isolated from a genomic library. Two cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) SSRs were detected through a search of DNA sequence databases, one contained a (CT)8 repeat, the other a (AT)13 repeat. The seven SSRs were used to test a diverse sample of Cucurbitaceae, including 8 melon, 11 cucumber, 5 squash, 1 pumpkin, and 3 watermelon genotypes. Five of the seven SSRs detected length polymorphism among the 8 melon genotypes. PCR amplification revealed between three and five length variants (alleles) for each SSR locus, with gene diversity values ranging from 0.53 to 0.75. Codominant segregation of the alleles among F2 progeny was demonstrated for each of the five SSR loci. Four of the seven SSRs detected polymorphism among the 11 cucumber genotypes, with gene diversity values ranging between 0.18 and 0.64. Primers specific to SSRs of C. melo and C. sativus also amplified DNA extracted from genotypes belonging to other genera of the Cucurbitaceae family.  相似文献   

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