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东北粘虫春季空中虫群的迁飞行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】研究春季迁飞粘虫Mythimna separata(Walker)空中虫群的聚集成层和共同定向等飞行行为。【方法】以2年粘虫迁飞盛期的雷达观测数据为基础,结合空间气象要素和罗盘信号分析。【结果】在温度较低的春季进行迁飞的粘虫多在逆温层顶附近聚集成层,空中虫群会主动选择高温。迁飞粘虫具有明显的飞行低温阈值(16℃左右),此温度以下空中虫群密度低、无聚集成层现象。空中虫群位移方向的离散度与风速呈显著负相关。当风速较大(大于5 m/s)且风向与粘虫迁飞方向(东北)相一致时,虫群通常表现为顺风定向;当风速小于3 m/s且风向与粘虫迁飞方向明显不同时,虫群表现为明显的侧风补偿甚至逆风飞行行为。此外,粘虫可能利用罗盘信号进行迁飞定向,例如地磁场。【结论】试验结果可为迁飞性害虫的异地预测研究提供一定的基础理论依据。  相似文献   

风洞内粘虫飞翔行为与气流的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赖凤香  陈伟  姚青  张志涛 《昆虫知识》2000,37(4):193-194
利用自制的昆虫飞翔实验风洞 ,系统观测了在风洞条件下粘虫在不同流速实验气流中的起飞行为与飞翔行为。结果表明 ,微风能刺激粘虫起飞 ,试虫表现明显的偏爱迎风 (或稍偏一点角度 )起飞的习性 ,飞翔时亦多采取迎风 (或稍偏一点角度 )的姿势。试虫在气流中的实际位移是昆虫飞翔位移与气流位移的矢量和。当气流速度小于 2 m/ s时 ,逆风向位移占多数 ;而气流速度为 3~ 4 m/ s时 ,94 .8%的试虫为顺风向位移。  相似文献   

张云慧  张智  李超  姜玉英  曾娟  程登发 《昆虫学报》2013,56(12):1418-1429
粘虫Mythimna separata是我国农业生产上的重要害虫, 为了明确其季节性迁飞行为参数, 本研究采用垂直监测昆虫雷达(vertical-looking radar, VLR)及相关辅助设备的长期自动观测, 结合基于GIS的大区环流和轨迹模拟, 调查分析了2005年东北地区粘虫季节性迁飞行为。结果表明: 粘虫在不同季节和夜间不同时间空中飞行高度具有明显差异, 空中飞行行为受气象条件尤其是空中风场影响较大; 春季和秋季主要借助气流运载进行大规模长距离迁飞, 夜间持续飞行时间可达9 h, 多数个体能完成整夜飞行, 春季迁飞高度主要在300~600 m, 秋季飞行高度相对较低主要在300 m以下和400~500 m。夏季雷达回波有明显的成层现象, 最高可达1 000 m, 主要集中在500 m和700 m两个高度层。轨迹分析显示: 5月29日由山东潍坊、 临沂等虫源地起飞的黏虫, 顺西南气流越海迁飞, 6月1日在气旋天气影响下, 在吉林省白城等地降落; 7月中旬主要为当地黏虫受对流天气影响进行短距离迁飞扩散; 9月11日虫源来自内蒙古呼伦贝尔, 顺西北气流向吉林省东南方向迁飞。研究结果为东北地区粘虫的有效防控提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

华北地区昆虫秋季迁飞的雷达观测   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
吴孔明  程登发  徐广  翟保平  郭予元 《生态学报》2001,21(11):1833-1838
1999年9-10月利用昆虫雷达对华北地区昆虫秋季回迁的观测表明,秋季迁飞主要发生于19:00-05:00时,飞行高度一般在300-2000m。迁飞方向与风向一致,多为从东北向西南方向迁飞。运行速度和飞行高度成正相关,迁飞个体的平均运行速度由392m高度的4.8m/s增加到2000m处的27.8m/s。空中灯光诱捕表明,甜菜夜蛾和棉铃虫为优势迁飞种类。  相似文献   

设施塑料大棚风洞试验及风压分布规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨再强  张波  薛晓萍  黄川容  朱凯 《生态学报》2012,32(24):7730-7737
风洞试验是研究建筑结构表面风压分布规律的最重要且有效的技术手段.利用NH-2型风洞研究设施塑料大棚表面风压分布规律,风洞为串置双试验段闭口回流风洞,风速连续可调,最高风速为90 m/s.试验模型的几何缩尺比为1:6,模型表面共布置192个测点,其中端面布置3排测压点,共63个测点,模型固定在风洞转盘上,试验风向角从0°到180°,间隔15°,共13个风向角.测量和分析不同风向角下设施大棚表面的风压系数和分布规律,并推导出了设施大棚各区域发生风灾的临界风速.结果表明:设施大棚迎风面以风压力为主,迎风边缘等值线密集,风力梯度大;背风面则受风吸力影响,风力变化平缓.在不同风向角下,设施大棚各迎风区域风压系数均由正压向负压过渡,在此过程中出现了零压区;而一直背风的区域风压系数均为负值.在45°风向角下,大棚顶端迎风边缘最高点处的负压达到最大.根据公式推导出各区域的临界风速,设施大棚顶部两侧区域受风吸力影响最大,最小临界风速为14.5 m/s,研究为设施大棚的风灾防御提供科学依据.  相似文献   

孙雅杰  陈瑞鹿 《昆虫知识》1997,34(4):201-203
以包覆细铜纱网的乒乓球作为标准检测目标,检测了X-频带,波长3cm的公主岭昆虫雷达观测空中飞行昆虫的有效距离。检测到乒乓球回波的最远距离为5185.6m;计算观测个体粘虫Mythimnaseparata(Walker)的最远有效距离约为2000m,观测个体褐飞虱Nilaparvatalugens(Stal)的最远有效距离的为300m。该雷达适于观测粘虫等体重几十mg的昆虫在空中的飞行动态。  相似文献   

昆虫迁飞行为的参数化Ⅰ.行为分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
通过对雷达昆虫学研究和其他方法得到的研究成果的综合分析,提出一套昆虫迁飞行为参数化方案。即:起飞时间以日出日没及晨昏朦影时刻为基准,降落时间依目标昆虫的迁飞特性具体取值;运行高度取边界层顶与目标昆虫飞行低温阈限所在高度之间的气流层,运行方向取风向值并以目标昆虫的定向加以修饰,运行速度为风速与目标昆虫自身飞行速度的矢量和。这套方案可作为昆虫迁飞轨迹数值模拟的基础,为迁飞性害虫异地预测提供一种有效的工具  相似文献   

昆虫迁飞行为的参数化Ⅱ.模式与检验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
翟保平  张孝羲 《生态学报》1997,17(2):190-199
对通过昆虫迁飞行为分析得到的迁飞时间参数、高度参数、速度和方向参数等分别以一定的数学形式加以表达。其中,起飞时间以日出日没及晨昏朦影时刻为基准,用天文公式求出;边界层顶与飞行低温阈限所在高度及运行高度上的风速、风向由一维湍能(TKE)模式以E-ε闭合做数值模拟:对飞行力较弱的小型或微小昆虫做随风运行处理,而对大型昆虫则根据其自身的飞行速度和定向方位与其飞行高度上的风向风速做矢量运算,求得位移方向和速度。通过我国小地老虎和草地螟标放回收试验结果的检验,表明本文提出的迁飞行为参数化方案是合理可行的。以此为基础组建数值模型进行昆虫迁飞轨迹分析,可望进一步提高迁飞性害虫异地预测的水平  相似文献   

粘虫迁飞模拟试验   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
胡伯海  林昌善 《生态学报》1983,3(4):367-375
粘虫是我国禾谷类作物的主要迁飞性害虫之一。近十多年来,我国昆虫学者在迁飞问题上作了大量研究工作。迄今已基本摸清了我国东部粘虫的远距离迁飞、迁飞方向及路线(林昌善等,1963;林昌善、张宗炳,1963),分析了粘虫迁飞的生理生态机制(马世骏,1963)和迁飞与气流场的关系(林昌善,19632 赵圣菊等,1981),开展了一些粘虫飞行的观察和  相似文献   

根据东北地区的粘虫极大可能不在本地越冬而是每年春季随南、西南风大量迁飞的假设, 利用气象资料分析了东北早春粘虫成虫的发生与风向风速的关系。无论由始现期或突增期来看, 与地面上或高空850mb的南、西南风均有较高的符合率; 在粘虫出现时期的南、西南风多为每秒5-6米到每秒9-10米的大风。由分析中也看出了, 东北地区在许多地点经常同时发生粘虫的出现与突增, 而该时期在天气图上东北全区或大部分地区均有南、西南风, 由以上的风向风速, 估计由假定的南方粘虫发生地只需一天左右的时间即可到达东北。由上述结果讨论了粘虫春季迁飞的可能性, 东北地区粘虫的虫源问题以及粘虫成虫是否还具有夏秋季回迁的可能。  相似文献   

Body miniaturization in insects is predicted to result in decreased flight speed and therefore limited ability of these insects to fly upwind. Therefore, tiny insects are often regarded as relying on passive dispersal by winds. We tested this assumption in a wind tunnel by measuring the burst speed of Eretmocerus mundus (Mercet), a beneficial parasitoid wasp with body length <1 mm. Insects were filmed flying upwind towards a UV light source in a range of wind speed 0–0.5 m/s. The Insects flew towards the UV light in the absence and presence of wind but increased their flight speed in the presence of wind. They also changed flight direction to be directly upwind and maintained this body orientation even while drifted backwards relative to the ground by stronger winds. Field measurements showed that the average flight speed observed in the wind tunnel (0.3 m/s) is sufficient to allow flying between plants even when the wind speed above the vegetation was 3–5 folds higher. A simulation of the ability of the insects to control their flight trajectory towards a visual target (sticky traps) in winds show that the insects can manipulate their progress relative to the ground even when the wind speed exceeds their flight speed. The main factors determining the ability of the insects to reach the trap were trap diameter and the difference between insect flight speed and wind speed. The simulation also predicts the direction of arrival to the sticky target showing that many of the insects reach the target from the leeward side (i.e. by flight upwind). In light of these results, the notion that miniature insects passively disperse by winds is misleading because it disregards the ability of the insects to control their drift relative to the ground in winds that are faster than their flight speed.  相似文献   

Previous studies with Oriental Fruit Moth (OFM, Grapholita molesta) and Heliothis virescens males flying upwind along a pheromone plume showed that they increased their upwind flight speed as they flew higher above striped floor patterns and, for OFM, to a similar degree over dotted floor patterns. This response pattern has been demonstrated in another moth species, Epiphyas postvittana and in a beetle, Prostephanus truncatus. In all cases the role played by the change in angular size of the wind tunnel’s ventral floor pattern was not assessed. In the present study we specifically addressed this question with a systematic examination of moths’ flight control over different sizes of transverse stripes and dot patterns ranging down by halves from 5 to 0.625 cm and a blank white floor as a control, and showed that OFM males fly faster upwind and along their flight paths over floor patterns of decreasing size. Increased speeds over striped patterns were evident as stripe width decreased below 2.5 cm, whereas moths did not increase their flight speed over dot patterns until dot size had decreased to less than 1.25 cm. Another flight component that the moths can actively control, their course angles, was unchanged above both patterns, except for moths flying over 5 cm stripes. Turning frequency and interturn distances were mostly unchanged or offset each other, negating any effects on upwind progress. As in an earlier study examining flight speeds at three heights above floor patterns of three densities, the moths’ changes in speed appear to be exclusively affected by changes in their orthokinetic response to the size of the floor pattern objects.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The flight of male Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) (Noctuidae) towards a pheromone source was recorded during the early part of the night using a cine camera and an image intensifier. The cine films were analysed frame by frame to produce flight tracks from which it was possible to calculate the mean advance rate of moths towards the pheromone source and their projected ground speed, for a series of positions downwind of the source. As wind speed was measured the moth's air speed was also estimated. The moths compensated for changes in wind speed by varying their air speed, hence maintaining a ground speed independent of wind speed. The ground speed itself was found to decrease as moths flew closer to the pheromone source.  相似文献   

Directed aerial displacement requires that a volant organism'sairspeed exceeds ambient wind speed. For biologically relevantaltitudes, wind speed increases exponentially with increasedheight above the ground. Thus, dispersal of most insects isinfluenced by atmospheric conditions. However, insects thatfly close to the Earth's surface displace within the flightboundary layer where insect airspeeds are relatively high. Overthe past 17 years, we have studied boundary-layer insects byfollowing individuals as they migrate across the Caribbean Seaand the Panama Canal. Although most migrants evade either droughtor cold, nymphalid and pierid butterflies migrate across Panamanear the onset of the rainy season. Dragonflies of the genusPantala migrate in October concurrently with frontal weathersystems. Migrating the furthest and thereby being the most difficultto study, the diurnal moth Urania fulgens migrates between Centraland South America. Migratory butterflies and dragonflies arecapable of directed movement towards a preferred compass directionin variable winds, whereas the moths drift with winds over water.Butterflies orient using both global and local cues. Consistentwith optimal migration theory, butterflies and dragonflies adjusttheir flight speeds in ways that maximize migratory distancetraveled per unit fuel, whereas the moths do not. Moreover,only butterflies adjust their flight speed in relation to endogenousfat reserves. It is likely that these insects use optic flowto gauge their speed and drift, and thus must migrate wheresufficient detail in the Earth's surface is visible to them.The abilities of butterflies and dragonflies to adjust theirairspeed over water indicate sophisticated control and guidancesystems pertaining to migration.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. In a low-speed wind tunnel, male as well as female moths of Hadena bicruris responded to floral odours with positive anemotaxis. Hitherto, such orientation has only been demonstrated for male moths in response to pheromones.
2. H.bicruris had a maximum flight speed of 4.5–5.4ms-1 and stopped its flower visiting at a wind speed of 2.5–2.8 m s-1.
3. Deilephila elpenor had a similar maximum flight speed (4.5— 5.1 ms-1), but it continued visiting flowers up to wind speeds of 3.0–5.0 ms-1.
4. Apart from mechanical resistance during flight and flower visits, wind might have adverse effects on the energy budget and on evaporative water loss.  相似文献   

提取和鉴定了杂草田旋花Convolvulus arvensis的天敌旋花蛾Tyta luctuosa的性信息素主要成分,并应用风洞实验对雄蛾进行了测试。结果表明,腺体提取物和雌蛾求偶时所释放的主要性信息素成分均为2种化合物:顺-9-十四碳烯醛(Z9-14∶Ald)和顺-11-十六碳烯醛(Z11-16∶Ald)。腺体提取物中2种化合物的总量在个体间差异很大(22~167 ng),但二者的比率相对稳定(Z9-14∶Ald/Z11-16∶Ald=0.3±0.15)。雌蛾所释放的性信息素量及比率在个体间也存在差异。每只雌蛾求偶时平均每小时释放94 ng Z9-14∶Ald和45 ng Z11-16∶Ald,平均比率为2.2。风洞实验结果显示,48%的雄蛾可被合成的性信息素混合物(0.4 μg Z9-14∶Ald, 2 μg Z11-16∶Ald)引诱完成逆风飞行并最终触及刺激源,而2种对照组(以求偶期雌蛾或性信息素腺体提取物为刺激源)的引诱率则分别为62%和44%。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A simple method of recording stereoscopically the behaviour of moths in nocturnal, low-altitude flight in the field is described. Sample results, showing the flight of Heliothis armigera (Hiibner) and other noctuids at 2–11 m above a crop of pigeon-pea in India are presented. Flight trajectories, reconstructed in three dimensions, demonstrated that most of the moths flew close to the horizontal, in straight lines, and that their average air (flight) speed was 5.0 ± 1.9 m s-1. There was no evidence of mass climbing flight away from the crop.  相似文献   

Male Cadra cautella (Walker) moths are videotaped in three dimensions in a 3‐m long wind tunnel as they fly within a 65‐cm wide plume of pheromone. Moths are presented two floor patterns, either ‘aligned’, a 25‐cm wide ‘trail’ of solid red circles along the tunnel's midline, or ‘offset’, in which the trail veers 25 cm to the left at the tunnel's midpoint. These visual patterns are presented either in a continuous airflow or airflow that is stopped before moths reach the tunnel's halfway point. Moths fly relatively straight paths over the aligned pattern in still air after the wind is stopped. With the offset pattern in wind and when the wind is stopped, moths swerve towards the offset pattern before again progressing along the plume. Prominent visual cues appear to ‘collimate’ (i.e. align with a directional cue) the moth's course as long as the moth remains in contact with pheromone. In wind, these moths appear to favour trajectories that enhance visual feedback, even if the path taken is not directly upwind. During wind lulls, this manoeuvre may enable moths to continue progress towards calling females along a visually set course. The centring of trajectory over prominent visual cues suggests that these moths favour a route that enhances visual feedback.  相似文献   

The upwind zigzag flights of male gypsy moths (Lymantria dispar L.; Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) along narrow, ribbon‐like and wide, turbulent plumes of pheromone were examined in a wind tunnel at light levels of 450 and 4 lux. Under all conditions tested males flew upwind zigzag paths. In 450 lux, males flying along turbulent plumes had the highest ground speeds and the widest crosswind excursions between counterturns, compared to slow flight and a narrow zigzag of males along a ribbon plume. In a turbulent plume, males flew more slowly and had narrower zigzags in 4 than in 450 lux. Across most treatments of plume structure and light level, the rate of transverse image flow and the frequency of counterturning remained relatively constant. The effects of light levels on orientation are not readily reconcilable with a model in which moths in low light levels would head more towards crosswind, thereby enhancing the rate of transverse image flow and the perception of wind‐induced drift.  相似文献   

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