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草地螟2007年越冬代成虫迁飞行为研究与虫源分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
草地螟 Loxostege sticticalis L.是危害我国北方农牧业的一种重要迁飞性害虫,明确草地螟的虫源地及迁飞路线对其早期预警具有重要意义。本文利用垂直监测昆虫雷达的长期观测,迁飞高峰期雌虫卵巢解剖、大区环流分析、各地虫情信息收集和利用Hysplit_4模型进行轨迹分析,研究了2007年越冬代草地螟的空中迁飞行为和东北地区严重暴发的草地螟虫源。结果表明:6月7–9日,雷达观测点诱虫灯内草地螟具有典型迁飞昆虫生理特征;草地螟主要在夜间迁飞,飞行高度集中在300~500 m,400 m是主要飞行高度,迁飞高峰期夜间迁移可持续9 h。东北地区严重发生的草地螟虫源,一部分来自内蒙古乌盟地区,一部分来自蒙古共和国中东部及中俄边境地区。据此推测我国与国外草地螟存在虫源交流。  相似文献   

粘虫成虫在气流场中飞行行为的观察研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过改进悬吊测飞技术、室内风洞和野外雷达相结合的观测方法,研究了粘虫在气流场中的飞行行为特征及其与气流的关系。直筒风洞自由飞行观测的结果表明,粘虫蛾对气流有明显行为反应,表现为头部迎风起飞和迎风飞行的特性;在3.0~5.5 m/s风速下,有92%~94% 的个体可一次逆风飞行通过2 m长的风洞;当风速≥6.0 m/s时,有71.9%的蛾子沿螺旋状的飞行轨迹逆风通过风洞。环形风洞悬吊飞行测试的结果表明,粘虫可逆风飞行的最大风速为7.2 m/s;在风速≤4 m/s条件下,90%以上个体头部迎风飞行或头部朝向与风向成一定的夹角,侧逆风飞行。 雷达观测发现粘虫在空中迁飞过程中具有成层现象,并有较强的秋季回迁定向行为,其头部总是朝向西南;迁飞的最终位移与风向及风速大小有关,迁飞位移速度是飞行速度与风速的矢量和。  相似文献   

东北粘虫春季空中虫群的迁飞行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】研究春季迁飞粘虫Mythimna separata(Walker)空中虫群的聚集成层和共同定向等飞行行为。【方法】以2年粘虫迁飞盛期的雷达观测数据为基础,结合空间气象要素和罗盘信号分析。【结果】在温度较低的春季进行迁飞的粘虫多在逆温层顶附近聚集成层,空中虫群会主动选择高温。迁飞粘虫具有明显的飞行低温阈值(16℃左右),此温度以下空中虫群密度低、无聚集成层现象。空中虫群位移方向的离散度与风速呈显著负相关。当风速较大(大于5 m/s)且风向与粘虫迁飞方向(东北)相一致时,虫群通常表现为顺风定向;当风速小于3 m/s且风向与粘虫迁飞方向明显不同时,虫群表现为明显的侧风补偿甚至逆风飞行行为。此外,粘虫可能利用罗盘信号进行迁飞定向,例如地磁场。【结论】试验结果可为迁飞性害虫的异地预测研究提供一定的基础理论依据。  相似文献   

华北地区昆虫秋季迁飞的雷达观测   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
吴孔明  程登发  徐广  翟保平  郭予元 《生态学报》2001,21(11):1833-1838
1999年9-10月利用昆虫雷达对华北地区昆虫秋季回迁的观测表明,秋季迁飞主要发生于19:00-05:00时,飞行高度一般在300-2000m。迁飞方向与风向一致,多为从东北向西南方向迁飞。运行速度和飞行高度成正相关,迁飞个体的平均运行速度由392m高度的4.8m/s增加到2000m处的27.8m/s。空中灯光诱捕表明,甜菜夜蛾和棉铃虫为优势迁飞种类。  相似文献   

旋幽夜蛾迁飞的雷达观测和虫源分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
旋幽夜蛾Scotogramma trifolii Rottemberg是我国北方农牧地区局部暴发为害的农业害虫,近年来危害逐渐呈上升趋势,但目前的研究对其大范围发生危害规律及是否具有迁飞性尚缺乏明确的认识。本文利用垂直监测昆虫雷达和相关辅助设备的长期自动观测和基于GIS的地理信息系统分析,研究了2005年吉林省白城地区通榆县和大安市旋幽夜蛾暴发的虫源性质及成虫空中飞行参数。结果表明:白城地区5月中旬20 cm的平均地温并不满足越冬代蛹羽化的最低温度;2005年5月下旬成虫盛发期东北、华北地区空中风场以南风和偏南风居多,为成虫迁入提供了有利的运载气流。6月下旬雷达观测点卵巢解剖显示,雌蛾卵巢发育进度整齐、级别较低,具有典型的迁出昆虫生理特征。雷达观测显示,成虫飞行最高可达距地面1 000 m, 主要选择在距地面300~500 m高度段,在500 m高度可以整夜飞行。初步判定旋幽夜蛾具有迁飞特性,这一发现为进一步认识其发生规律以及提高其预测预报水平提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

【目的】为了明确玉米新发害虫二点委夜蛾Athetis lepigone的迁飞行为,为该虫的区域性监测预警提供依据。【方法】2016年7月在华北南部的新乡市原阳县,利用旋转极化垂直昆虫雷达和高空诱虫灯观测了2代二点委夜蛾成虫在空中的迁飞行为,利用轨迹分析软件HYSPLIT分析该虫的迁飞范围。【结果】2代二点委夜蛾成虫在日落后(19:00左右)开始起飞,2 h后达到最大值,二点委夜蛾成虫最大高峰时间主要出现在前半夜,次日凌晨虫量逐渐降低,至7:00左右迁飞活动停止,整个迁移活动持续12 h。二点委夜蛾成虫在空中成层分布,其最髙飞行高度低于1 200 m,但虫量最大处位于600-700 m。第2代二点委夜蛾成虫每晚的平均最长飞行时间为7.972 h,平均位移速度为9.12 m/s,每晚平均最远距离大约为261.74 km。结合风场和轨迹模拟分析表明,7月份二点委夜蛾以北迁为主,河南中部的漯河及许昌等地区是雷达观测点二点委夜蛾峰值时的直接虫源区,其余来自邻近区域。【结论】本研究明确了华北南部地区2016年2代二点委夜蛾在空中的迁飞参数及迁飞范围。  相似文献   

在2007年7~9月江淮稻区稻纵卷叶螟大发生期间,利用多普勒昆虫监测雷达在南京市浦口区对稻纵卷叶螟成虫的迁飞活动进行了监测,结合大气风温场的数值模拟,研究了稻纵卷叶螟成虫的空中飞行参数和种群迁飞动态。结果表明:稻纵卷叶螟多选择在黄昏18:30以后大规模起飞,空中虫群密度在20:00~22:00时最大,迁飞过程可持续到次日5:00;稻纵卷叶螟主要选择在500m以下高度飞行。空中虫群具有聚集成层的现象,虫层多在100~500m高度之间形成,有时形成两个虫层,成层现象与低空急流关系密切,与温度没有直接关系。迁飞过程分析表明,浦口区的六(4)代稻纵卷叶螟在台风、副热带高压和江淮气旋的影响下,先后出现了多次迁入迁出过程。低压系统外围的下沉气流很可能是稻纵卷叶螟两次集中迁入的主要原因。  相似文献   

2010年牧区2代草地螟成虫迁飞的虫源分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张丽  张云慧  曾娟  姜玉英  程登发 《生态学报》2012,32(8):2371-2380
草地螟(Loxostege sticticalis L.)是危害我国北方农牧区的重要迁飞性害虫,明确其迁飞、扩散规律以及与境外虫源交流情况,对早期预警和有效防治具有重要意义。2010年6月1日至9月17日,利用垂直监测昆虫雷达的观测资料,结合探照灯和地面灯灯诱虫情、迁飞高峰期雌虫卵巢解剖、区域大气环流形势和迁飞轨迹分析,在内蒙古锡林浩特西郊研究了牧区2代草地螟的迁飞过程,结果表明:2010年牧区2代草地螟迁飞高峰期出现在2010年8月8日至8月21日,高峰日为8月11日,高峰日探照灯诱虫量达9167头,卵巢发育级别以1—2级为主,高峰日雷达回波主要集中在300—400 m。轨迹分析显示:迁飞高峰期8月8日、8月10—12日牧区草地螟迁飞虫源主要来自蒙古共和国东南部及中蒙边境地区,由蒙古气旋西南侧的西北气流输送进入我国内蒙古锡林郭勒盟,再随西南气流迁入呼伦贝尔草原。  相似文献   

孙雅杰  陈瑞鹿 《昆虫知识》1997,34(4):201-203
以包覆细铜纱网的乒乓球作为标准检测目标,检测了X-频带,波长3cm的公主岭昆虫雷达观测空中飞行昆虫的有效距离。检测到乒乓球回波的最远距离为5185.6m;计算观测个体粘虫Mythimnaseparata(Walker)的最远有效距离约为2000m,观测个体褐飞虱Nilaparvatalugens(Stal)的最远有效距离的为300m。该雷达适于观测粘虫等体重几十mg的昆虫在空中的飞行动态。  相似文献   

三代粘虫成虫迁飞的雷达观测与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】明确2015年吉林省3代粘虫Mythimna separata(Walker)成虫的迁飞动态,揭示3代粘虫成虫自东北向南迁出的动向及成功迁出的概率,为粘虫的预测预报及综合治理提供科学依据。【方法】基于扫描昆虫雷达观测,采用田间饲育、诱蛾器监测、轨迹模拟及天气背景学分析等研究方法,分析3代粘虫成虫迁飞动态及迁出概率。【结果】(1)3代粘虫蛾可交尾及产卵,卵亦可孵化,但幼虫发育迟缓。(2)3代粘虫蛾数量相比于一代增长了10.3倍,成虫卵巢发育级别集中于1级,大多未交尾,处于从本地迁出的状态。(3)迁出期的风向以南风、西南风、东南风为主,不利于粘虫回迁至南方的越冬区域。(4)共有3 d的调查日观测到了粘虫聚集成层的迁飞现象。轨迹分析显示,极大比率的粘虫种群最终去向集中于观测点公主岭以北的区域或者朝鲜境内。【结论】3代粘虫受制于秋季风场无法成功回迁,成为了Pied-piper效应的牺牲者,无法为2016年春季粘虫的发生提供有效虫源。  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The spring migration of the oriental armyworm moth, Mythimna separata (Walker), and other insects into northeastern China was observed by radar at a site in central Jilin province. Samples of the migrants were obtained in a net flown from a kite, and M.separata populations in the surrounding region were monitored with a trap network. 2. The radar regularly detected echoes which were of the type characteristic of large insects, and three out of four large insects in the aerial samples were noctuid moths, including one M.separata. Catches of armyworm moths in the regional trap network peaked during the period of radar observations. 3. Migration occurred at night. It commenced with a take-off flight at dusk and generally continued until dawn, with numbers often being highest around midnight. Most migration took place at altitudes below 500 m, with strong layer concentrations forming at 200–400 m during the middle part of some nights. 4. Migration was approximately downwind. The net movement was overwhelmingly to the northeast because southwesterly winds occurred most frequently and were relatively strong, and because migration was more intense and prolonged on these winds. Orientation tended to be to the left of the downwind direction, and was most often to the north or northeast. 5. Migration into northeastern China was accomplished in a series of night-time movements of 100–300 km rather than by a single non-stop flight. 6. The net movement of insects towards the northeast was sufficient to produce the observed regional infestation of M.separata moths. Oviposition by immigrant armyworm moths in vulnerable crops would have been at a level where economically significant damage would be expected from the resulting larval population. 7. Analogous springtime migrations of noctuids leading to temporary colonizations of habitats at higher latitudes occur in other continents. Such colonizations may be unproductive if, as appears possibly the case for northeastern China, prevailing winds later in the season are generally unfavourable for a return migration towards overwintering areas at lower latitudes.  相似文献   

The autumn migration of Mythimna separata (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) across the Bohai Sea was observed with a scanning entomological radar and a searchlight trap at Beihuang, an island located in the center of the Bohai Gulf of northern China, in 2003-2006. During the autumn migration, M. separata flew at the altitudes of 50-500 m, with a displacement speed of 4-12 m/s, toward the southwest. Variations of area density of the radar targets and of catches in the searchlight trap through the night indicated that the flight duration of M. separata was approximately 10 h. Based on these observations, M. separata that originated in northeastern China (i.e., Liaoning, Jilin, and Heilongjiang provinces and part of the Inner Mongolia autonomous region) could immigrate into eastcentral China and subsequently to southern China (i.e., Fujian, Guangdong, and Guangxi provinces) within a week for overwintering.  相似文献   

The autumn migration of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) was observed with radar and two types of light-trap at Langfang, Hebei province, China in 2001 and 2002. The sudden increase in the proportion of H. armigera moths in the searchlight trap indicated migration into the area and catches increased 10-fold during the second half of the night due to the landing of migrants before dawn. The moths' migratory flights took place at up to 2000 m above the ground, and moths flew differentially at times, and heights, when favourable (i.e. northerly) winds occurred. This facilitated the maximum displacement of moths towards the south during these 'return' migrations. The moths flew over the radar site at consistently high densities through the night, and the resulting flight durations of c. 10 h, at displacement speeds of 30-33 km h-1, would allow moths emerging in the far northeast of China (i.e. Liaoning and Jilin provinces and the Inner Mongolia autonomous region) to migrate into northern China (Hebei, Shandong and Henan provinces). The association of the seasonal migratory movements of H. armigera with crops in northern China is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The period from March to mid April, when oriental armyworm Mythimna separata (Walker) moths migrate from South China to Central China over several nights, is an important window of time in annual armyworm population increase. The presence of nectar sources along the pathway of the migratory population is a prerequisite for moths to reach target habitats and lay eggs. Using flowering periods and geographic distributions, the major spring nectar plants suitable for M. separata moths were identified from among 102 species/varieties of apicultural nectar plants. The nectar plants proposed as important to M. separata include milk vetch Astragalus sinicus L., rape Brassica napa L. and six other species. Spearman's rank correlation analyses were conducted between the annual population size of M. separata and the acreages of milk vetch and rape in the daily stopover areas for migrating populations of M. separata during 1950-1979. The Spearman's coefficient between milk vetch and M. separata was 0.6259 and the correlation was highly significant (P<0.001). Further regression analysis with data from 1950-1979 and from 1980-1992 also revealed a close relationship between annual acreage of damaged crops/wheat and acreage of milk vetch. These results strongly suggest that the unprecedented enlargement in the geographic distribution of milk vetch from Central China into South China was the key factor in the frequent severe oriental armyworm outbreaks that occurred during 1966-1977. This is thought to be the first report in the world that reveals the key role of nectar sources in long distance, regional scale, migration of moths. The argument for the key role of milk vetch is supported by the simultaneous decline in the level of damage inflicted by M. separata and the acreage of milk vetch after 1980.  相似文献   

风洞内粘虫飞翔行为与气流的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赖凤香  陈伟  姚青  张志涛 《昆虫知识》2000,37(4):193-194
利用自制的昆虫飞翔实验风洞 ,系统观测了在风洞条件下粘虫在不同流速实验气流中的起飞行为与飞翔行为。结果表明 ,微风能刺激粘虫起飞 ,试虫表现明显的偏爱迎风 (或稍偏一点角度 )起飞的习性 ,飞翔时亦多采取迎风 (或稍偏一点角度 )的姿势。试虫在气流中的实际位移是昆虫飞翔位移与气流位移的矢量和。当气流速度小于 2 m/ s时 ,逆风向位移占多数 ;而气流速度为 3~ 4 m/ s时 ,94 .8%的试虫为顺风向位移。  相似文献   

The high-altitude windborne transport of the second-generation moths of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) was observed with radar in July 2001 and 2002 at Langfang, Hebei province, China. Moths of local populations took off at dusk, with area density peaking ca. 0.5 h later. The variation of area density through the night suggested that the maximum flight duration was about 8.5 h. The moths generally ascended to altitudes of up to 1500 m above ground level (AGL) and formed layer concentrations at ca. 300, 500, and 1000 m AGL. Multiple layering was very common and layers were located at zones of maxima in wind speed or in wind shear rather than in temperature inversions. Both the displacement direction and the orientation of the insect were at an acute angle to the downwind direction, rather than being distributed at random, and varied as the wind direction changed. The windborne moths were mainly transported into northeastern China where maize at the silking stage would have provided good hosts for the subsequent (third) generation of H. armigera. These population movements may account for the nondevelopment of resistance to Bt cotton in H. armigera in northern China.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. About 166,000 African armyworm moths, Spodoptera exempta (Walk.), were marked at an emergence site near Nairobi when they fed at night on trees baited with dyed molasses.
2. Six marked moths were captured in pheromone traps, including one at 90 km after flying for only one night, and another at 147 km.
3. Moth flight trajectories deduced from radar and from marking showed that migration was downwind.
4. During migration, moths become dispersed; hence the high densities that lead to outbreaks must be produced by concentration.
5. Some moths were ready to mate on the same night they completed their long-distance flight.  相似文献   

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