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国内外蝗害治理技术现状与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张龙 《昆虫知识》2011,48(4):804-810
本文首先概述了国内外蝗虫发生与为害的态势,总结了现阶段我国蝗虫发生与为害的主要特点:即农田飞蝗暴发频繁而且严重,草原土蝗的发生时常造成严重的经济损失,而且侵入城市干扰市民生活,我国与周边国家之间蝗虫过境迁移频繁,使用化学农药污染环境和农产品;分析了国内外蝗虫防治对策与技术的发展现状,重点介绍了应急防治和可持续治理对策、...  相似文献   

GIS支持下青海湖地区草地蝗虫发生与月均温的相关性   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
为有效地进行草地蝗虫发生的预测预报,必须摸清其生长和繁殖与地理环境特征的关系,在青海湖地区,气温是影响草地蝗虫发生的主要因素,在Arc/Info和ArcView地理信息系统的支持下,选择了环湖地区邻近的16个气象站点,采用综合方法,在小尺度上模拟该区所需月份的月均温,建立了空间分布式气温信息数据库,然后,把野外调查的蝗虫密度在空间数据与相对应的月均温空间数据进行叠加,计算并分析月均温与草地蝗虫发生的关系。结果表明,月均温对草地蝗虫发生的影响是和该区蝗虫优势种的生命史密切相关的,即5、6月(孵化期)和7月(蝗蝻期)的月均温影响当年草地蝗虫发生;8、9月(交尾、产卵期)的月均温则影响次年草地蝗虫的发生,为该区草地蝗虫发生预报模型的建立提供依据。  相似文献   

环青海湖地区草地生境的蝗虫潜在发生可能性评价   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
环青海湖地区是青海省草地蝗虫最集中的区域,主要有10种,它们对草地造成了很大危害,草地蝗虫的发生与由植被、地形、土壤等组成的生境类型存在密切的关系。论述了草地蝗虫生境类型划分的原因,并提出了生境分类方案,在此基础上,提出了各类生境针对草地蝗虫潜在发生可能性的评价原理,方法和评价指标体系,并据其对野外实地调查样点进行了评价,结果表明,草地蝗虫潜在发生可能性指数与草地蝗虫密度间的相关系数高达0.90,研究区受草地蝗虫严重危害或较严重危害的生境类型是芨芨草草原,克氏针茅草原及紫花针草原,高寒草甸属一般危害,高寒灌丛草甸则不发生危害。  相似文献   

祁连山北麓四种天然草地蝗虫物种多样性比较研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
孙涛  龙瑞军  刘志云 《昆虫学报》2010,53(6):702-707
为了研究不同草地类型间草地蝗虫多样性的时空变化特性,于2008和2009年6-10月在祁连山北麓4种天然草地设置采样点,用网捕法调查草地蝗虫物种丰富度和相对多度。共捕获到蝗虫28种(亚种),隶属于7科15属。结果显示:4种不同草地类型平均蝗虫丰富度变化幅度为7~23种,较低的蝗虫丰富度出现在高山灌丛,2008和2009年其丰富度分别为7和8种;而高山草地蝗虫丰富度值最高,两年分别为16和23种;荒漠草地和高山草甸蝗虫丰富度介于以上两者之间,两年间丰富度值分别为15和15及9和12种。结果提示,水热资源状况、草地植被和地貌地势等特性决定的空间异质性对草地蝗虫群落组成、多样性和空间分布产生重要影响,不同生境间草地蝗虫时空分布呈现明显分化。  相似文献   

为了寻求有害蝗虫的防治对策,深入研究蝗虫生物多样性,用多样性指数、相似性分析等方法比较分析了延安北洛河流域不同生境中蝗虫群落组成。结果表明:草地中占有的属种数量均最高,灌草丛和农田中蝗虫的科属种都相对较低。不同生境蝗虫多样性指数的排列顺序为草地>河滩>灌草丛>农田,草地的多样性指数最高,农田的多样性指数最低。丰富度指数的变化趋势与多样性指数一致,而优势度指数却恰好与二者的顺序相反。在相似性分析中,草地和河滩相似性系数最大,说明草地和河滩这两种生境蝗虫种类组成的相似性较大,具有更多的共同种,从而可以推知草地和河滩的生境条件有一定的相似性,而农田和草地是两种完全不同的生境。  相似文献   

蝗虫是最重要的全球农牧业害虫之一,其灾害不仅强烈影响生态系统功能和稳定性,还带来严重的经济损失。因蝗虫食性杂、适应性强、聚集为害等特点使其可持续治理成为一项复杂而长期的艰巨工作。本文从蝗虫灾变发生规律、影响因素(自身因素、非生物和生物因素)以及当前有效防控方法与技术进行综述,并从蝗虫种群动态变化规律以及其有效防控的理论与技术提出今后的研究方向,为将来蝗虫发生的内在机制研究以及对其进行绿色防控技术探索提供基础。  相似文献   

内蒙古农牧交错区草地蝗虫防治对策与技术的研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了2005年和2006年在内蒙古农牧交错区应用生物制剂防治蝗虫的试验,并提出其控制策略。草地试验区应用蝗虫微孢子虫(Nosema locustae)3×1010个孢子.hm-2剂量防治蝗虫,25 d后虫口校正死亡率可达60%-80%,2005年微孢子虫所引起宽须蚁蝗感染率第10天为14.4%,第45天为59.6%;2006年混合种群的感染率最高为16.7%。应用绿僵菌(Metarhizium anisopliaevar.acridum)3×1012个孢子.hm-2剂量防治蝗虫,20 d后虫口校正死亡率为40%-60%;将微孢子虫1.5×1010个孢子.hm-2剂量和绿僵菌3×1012个孢子.hm-2剂量协调应用治蝗,10 d后可使防效达到80%以上。在农田周遍草地应用卡死克150 mL.hm-2剂量作为保护带来防治蝗虫,其校正死亡率在75%以上,以阻止蝗虫侵入农田危害。由此提出在农田周围草地建立化学农药保护带,防止蝗虫入侵农田危害;草地蝗虫密度不高时单独使用蝗虫微孢子虫和绿僵菌,或协调应用二者长期控制虫口密度的防治策略。  相似文献   

蝗虫的发生与防控   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
蝗虫暴发引起的灾害是全球重要的生物灾害,可影响到全世界十分之一的人口。自2019年,东部非洲、西亚、南亚多个国家遭遇严重的沙漠蝗虫灾害,这场蝗灾不但对该区域的粮食安全构成严重威胁,而且还有可能引发严重的人道主义危机。为了制定合理的防治方案,实施有效防控,避免大规模蝗灾的发生,需要掌握蝗虫的生物学、生态学、暴发和为害规律、防治策略和技术特点及其进展等。本文介绍了世界各地包括沙漠蝗、飞蝗、澳大利亚疫蝗在内的11种可以引起灾害的重要种类的主要分布、为害和特性,并对国内外蝗虫防治策略、技术进展进行了重点综述。最后,针对目前蝗虫防治存在的问题提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

孙涛  刘志云  龙瑞军 《生态学报》2014,34(22):6568-6572
蝗灾作为威胁草地生态系统的主要灾害之一,给草地畜牧业发展带来严重影响,如何经济、有效和安全抑制蝗虫数量显得尤为紧迫。通过野外调查就草地牧鸡放牧强度、补饲量以及放牧方式对牧鸡生长性能和蝗虫发生数量的影响进行探讨。结果发现,高山草地利用牧鸡放牧可有效控制蝗虫发生数量,长期连续牧鸡捕食能有效将蝗虫数量控制在经济阈值之下;不同放牧强度(15只/hm2和13只/hm2)和补饲程序对蝗虫种群数量没有显著差异,但对牧鸡生长性能有明显影响;自由放牧和限时放牧均能控制蝗虫数量,但限时放牧牧鸡日增重和最终活重均高于自由放牧。综合防治蝗虫和养育牧鸡来看,每公顷草场初次放牧15只牧鸡,限时放牧和适当增加补饲量可达到控制蝗虫和获得较高禽肉生产之双赢目的。  相似文献   

我国蝗虫暴发成灾的现状及其持续控制对策   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
概述并分析了我国蝗虫暴发成灾的现状及原因 ,认为全球气候变暖和区域性气候异常、人类活动的影响、监测预警技术手段落后、成灾蝗种增多和发生为害类型复杂、蝗虫研究队伍锐减及基础理论与高新技术研究滞后导致了近年来蝗虫的暴发成灾。对此 ,作者从蝗虫灾害的规律性、监测预警高新技术和综合治理技术等方面提出了实现蝗灾可持续控制的对策  相似文献   

传统上估算蝗虫在放牧草场为害损失的方法几乎都是用来测定对牧草秋季产量的影响,而实际上,在估算放牧草场蝗虫为害损失及经济阈值时,牧草的现存量而非秋季产量是更应考虑的因素.本文提出了一种适合测定蝗虫对牧草现存生物量影响的新方法,即野外挂笼饲养与蝗虫种群动态相结合的估算方法,并在此基础上组建了放牧草场蝗虫种群经济阈值模型;α_0 α_1M_1_α_2M_2_ α_3S_1 α_4S_2=C其中,M_1:狭翅雏蝗生物量;M_2:宽须蚁蝗生物量;S_1:狭翅雏蝗平均个体重量,S_2:宽须蚁蝗平均个体重量;α_0-α_4:常数.同时引入蝗虫种群数量和生物量两项参数来表达蝗虫种群的发生程度.  相似文献   

狭翅雏蝗Chorthippus dubius是我国北方草原的重要蝗种之一,在大发生年对牧草的威胁很大。它对牧草的损失至今尚无较准确的定量估算。本文通过测定不同发育阶段狭翅雏蝗的取食率、掉落毁损率,结合野外自然种群数据,对内蒙古草原三种植物群落中狭翅雏蝗造成的牧草损失进行了估测,并对三种草场蝗虫的经济阈值进行了计算。主要研究结果如下: 1.狭翅雏蝗对羊草、冷蒿、大针茅的取食率相似;取食率与虫体体重存在显著的线性相关。 2.狭翅雏蝗每个个体在一生中平均造成牧草损失487.55—784.4mg(干重),每日消耗与浪费的牧草为7.64—11.45mg。 3.狭翅雏蝗种群造成的牧草损失在冷蒿群落、羊草-大针茅-羊草群落、羊草-大针茅群落分别为1.52,1.65,0.76g/m,占地上初级生产量的2.96%、1.18%、0.42%,表现为越退化的草场,狭翅雏蝗对牧草的压力越大。其累积损失量的季节程式可以刚logisuc方程拟合。 4.狭翅雏蝗的经济阈值在羊草、羊草+大针茅+冰草、冷蒿草原分别为每平方米18.5、19.4、11.8头四龄为主个体。  相似文献   

1. Adaptive phenotypic plasticity has been a major subject in evolutionary ecology, but how a species' behaviour may respond to certain environmental change is still not clear. In grasslands worldwide, large herbivores are increasingly used as a tool for grazing management, and occur to interact with grasshoppers that dominate grassland insect communities. Previous studies have been well-documented about grazing effects on diversity and abundance of grasshoppers. Yet, how grazing may alter grasshopper behaviour, and potential effects on their abundance remains elusive. 2. We conducted a field experiment by manipulating grazing using sheep, cattle, and their mix to examine the behavioural responses and abundance of the grasshoppers (Euchorthippus unicolor) to grazing in a Leymus chinensis-dominated grassland. 3. Results showed that the grasshoppers spent less time on feeding and resting on grasses, but more time on switching and resting on forbs under cattle grazing and mixed grazing with cattle and sheep. In contrast, the grasshoppers spent more time on feeding but less time on switching and resting on forbs under sheep grazing. The behavioural changes were also potentially linked to grasshopper abundance in the context of grazing management. 4. The responses of grasshopper behaviour and abundance to grazing may be largely triggered by altered vegetation and microclimates. Such behavioural flexibility of grasshoppers must be considered when large herbivores are recognised as a management tool for influencing grasshopper abundance, and grazer species should be paid more attention both individually and jointly for better grassland conservation.  相似文献   

Jonas JL  Joern A 《Oecologia》2007,153(3):699-711
Because both intrinsic and extrinsic factors influence insect population dynamics, operating at a range of temporal and spatial scales, it is difficult to assess their contributions. Long-term studies are ideal for assessing the relative contributions of multiple factors to abundance and community dynamics. Using data spanning 25 years, we investigate the contributions of weather at annual and decadal scales, fire return interval, and grazing by bison to understand the dynamics of abundance and community composition in grasshopper assemblages from North American continental grassland. Each of these three primary drivers of grassland ecosystem dynamics affects grasshopper population and community dynamics. Negative feedbacks in abundances, as expected for regulated populations, were observed for all feeding guilds of grasshoppers. Abundance of grasshoppers did not vary in response to frequency of prescribed burns at the site. Among watersheds that varied with respect to controlled spring burns and grazing by bison, species composition of grasshopper assemblages responded significantly to both after 25 years. However, after more than 20 years of fire and grazing treatments, the number of years since the last fire was more important than the managed long-term fire frequency per se. Yearly shifts in species composition (1983–2005), examined using non-metric multidimensional scaling and fourth-corner analysis, were best explained by local weather events occurring early in grasshopper life cycles. Large-scale patterns were represented by the Palmer Drought Severity Index and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). The NAO was significantly correlated with annual mean frequencies of grasshoppers, especially for forb- and mixed-feeding species. Primary grassland drivers—fire, grazing and weather—contributing both intrinsic and extrinsic influences modulate long-term fluctuations in grasshopper abundances and community taxonomic composition. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Interesting results may arise by combining studies on the structure and function of ecosystems with that of biodiversity for certain species. Grasshopper biodiversity is the result of the evolution of grassland ecosystems; however, it also impacts on the structure and the function of those ecosystems. We consider there to be a close relationship between the health of grassland ecosystems and grasshopper biodiversity. The main problems involved in this relationship are likely to include: (i) grasshopper biodiversity and its spatial pattern; (ii) the effect of grasshopper biodiversity on the ecological processes of grassland ecosystems; (iii) the biodiversity threshold of grasshopper population explosions; (iv) the relationship between grasshopper biodiversity and the natural and human factors that affect grassland ecosystems; and (v) grasshopper biodiversity and the health of grassland ecosystems. The solutions to these problems may provide sound bases for controlling disasters caused by grasshoppers and managing grassland ecosystems in the west of China. In this paper, we introduced two concepts for grasshopper biodiversity, that is, "spatial pattern" and "biodiversity threshold". It is helpful to understand the action of the spatial pattern of grasshopper biodiversity on the ecological processes of grassland ecosystems and the effect of this spatial pattern on the health of those ecosystems, owing to the fact that, in the west of China, grasslands are vast and grasshoppers are widely distributed. Moreover, we inferred that the change in the level of component richness at each type of grasshopper biodiversity can make an impact on grassland ecosystems, and therefore, there is likely to be a threshold to grasshopper biodiversity for the stability and the sustainability of those ecosystems.  相似文献   

1. Competition between herbivores often plays an important role in population ecology and appears strongest when densities are high or plant production is low. Phytophagous insects are often highly abundant, but relatively few experiments have examined competition between vertebrates and phytophagous insects. 2. In grassland systems worldwide, grasshoppers are often the dominant phytophagous insect, and livestock grazing is a dominant land use. For this study, a novel experiment was conducted examining competition between vertebrates and invertebrates, where both grasshopper densities and sheep grazing were manipulated inside 10‐m2 caged mesocosms during a grasshopper outbreak. We examined how grasshopper densities and the timing of vertebrate herbivory affected grasshopper densities, if the effects of vertebrates on survival and reproduction changed with grasshopper density, and how a naturally occurring grasshopper outbreak affected grasshopper populations in the following year. 3. Densities of grasshoppers at the site peaked at 130 m–2. Food‐limited competition was stronger in treatments with higher grasshopper densities and repeated or late livestock herbivory, leading to reduced survival, femur length, and functional ovarioles, a measure of future reproduction. Strong food‐limited density‐dependent reproduction and survival led to reduced hatching densities in 2001. 4. As competition was typically stronger with high grasshopper densities than with livestock grazing, competition from vertebrates could be relatively less important for phytophagous insect population dynamics during outbreaks. The experiment provides insights into how competition between insect and vertebrate herbivores influences insect population dynamics, and indicates that severe outbreaks can rapidly subside with strong competition from vertebrate and insect herbivores.  相似文献   

Abstract Almost all of the methods traditionally selected to estimate forage damage caused by grasshoppers in grassland are to determine the forage damage in relation to forage yield in fall. But the damage to standing forage, not the forage yields in fall, should be considered in determining forage damage and economic thresholds in grazing pasture. A new method that combines the field hang-cage rearing with natural grasshopper population dynamics to evaluate the damage to standing forage was presented in this paper. The complex grasshoppers economic threshold models in grazing pasture can be described as: a0+ a 1 M 1 + a 2 M 2+a3S1+a4S2= C Where M1: biomass of Myrmeleotettix palpalis (Zub.); M 2 : biomass of Chorthippus dubius (Zub); S 1 : average individual weight of My. palpalis; S 2 : average individual weight of Ch. dubius, a0-a 4 : constants. The level of grasshopper's infestation was described with regard to both grasshopper density and phenology.  相似文献   

Abstract To quantitatively assess the losses of forage, we conducted experiments to determine the average amount of forage destroyed (forage consumed plus forage cut-off and dropped to the ground) per day by the grasshopper, Chorthippus dubius (Zub.), at its different life stages in laboratory and then extrapolated estimates of losses caused by the field grasshopper population from these results and the population densities of this grasshopper. The main results are as follows:
  • 1 Ch. dubius is a late-occurring species of grasshoppers in Inner Mongolian grassland. It occurred from June to October. The duration for each instar and the longevity of the adult under natural conditions ranged from 9. 09–9. 81 fdays) and 17. 65–19. 441days) respectively.
  • 2 Both consumption and forage defoliation rates by Ch. dubius increase with its developemnt. The consumption rates had significantly linear relationships with the grasshopper's body weights.
  • 3 Average losses caused by one grasshopper in its whole lifespan were 487. 55–784. 4 mg (dry weight) and the average amount of forage consumed and wasted per day was 7. 64–11. 45 mg.
  • 4 Total losses caused by Ch. dubius population in 1990 ranged from 0. 762–1. 647 g/m2 in the three types of vegetation, and the largest value was found in restorative type. The seasonal courses of cumulative forage losses would fit logistic equations in the three vegetation types.
  • 5 Population densities (18. 5, 194., 11. 8/m2, 4th instar nymph predominantly) were suggested as the levels at which control should be initiated on the three types of pastures respectively.

本文对主要蝗虫及其食料植物的无机化学成分的特征进行了讨论。所用蝗虫及有关植物均采自中国科学院内蒙古草原生态系统定位站及其邻近地区。这些蝗虫包括:短星翅蝗、宽翅曲背蝗、宽须蚁蝗、毛足棒角蝗、狭翅雏蝗、小翅雏蝗、红翅皱膝蝗、鼓翅皱膝蝗。比较并讨论了其无机化学成分的差异及含量关系的特征(表1、2)。对上述蝗虫及其食料植物间无机化学成分的差异做了图解(图1—8)。  相似文献   

蝗虫空间分布格局是物种长期适应自然的结果,是蝗虫与环境、蝗虫之间关系的反映,有助于理解蝗虫发生学的环境背景。采用地统计学方法,在黑河上游山区天然草地研究了微生境影响下的蝗虫空间格局与异质性。结果表明:该区域5种优势种蝗虫的半变异函数模型均为非线性模型,表现为聚集分布;不同种类蝗虫样点之间空间依赖的范围为2.29—24.59 m;在蝗虫种群总异质性中随机部分引起的空间异质性占15.77%—88.64%。受食性和栖息地选择的影响,蝗虫种群形成了片状和斑块状的分布格局;尺度依赖性使蝗虫分布格局趋于多元化和繁杂化的特点,不同蝗虫种群之间相互交错嵌插,同种蝗虫高低值呈非均匀扩散,整体上形成了均衡性与互补性的斑块镶嵌结构,这种分布格局反映了蝗虫对生境和气候变化的多元适应性结构。  相似文献   

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