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转基因插入对水稻花粉活力和杂交结实的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以花粉活力和杂交结实率评价转基因插入对水稻品种异交潜力的影响.选用含bar、crylAb、BADHXa21等4种基因的5份转基因水稻品系研究转基因插入对转基因受体品种花粉离体萌发率的影响.结果表明,不同受体品种花粉离体萌发率差异显著;转基因水稻花粉离体萌发率在0.416~0.584间,与受体品种(0.004~0.574)相近;转基因品种与相应受体品种间花粉离体萌发率差异不显著.对所选配的26个人工杂交组合杂种结实调查表明,bar、crylAb基因的插入对受体品种杂交结实率影响显著,而Xa21基因的插入对受体品种杂交结实率影响较小;转基因水稻品种(花粉供体)与非转基因水稻品种的杂交结实率变幅为0.056~0.13,在受体品种(花粉供体)与非转基因水稻品种的杂交结实率范围(0.052~0.417)之内.本研究花粉离体萌发和杂交结实结果表明转基因的插入对水稻品种异交潜力的影响甚微.  相似文献   

为筛选出优质亲本及杂交组合,确定最佳授粉时期,探究观赏海棠品种间的杂交亲和性,为观赏海棠的新品种培育提供参考,该研究以15个性状互补的海棠品种为供试材料,用离体培养法测定花粉活力、悬液法测定花粉含量并对其雄性育性进行评价;联苯胺-过氧化氢法测定其不同开花时期的柱头可授性;荧光显微观察法观察授粉后花粉管的生长及受精情况;人工控制授粉法研究5个杂交组合的坐果动态变化情况。结果显示,(1)根据花粉活力可将15个海棠品种的雄性育性分为不育型、较低型、中等型、优质型4类,其中‘印第安之夏’、‘冬红’等6个品种为优质父本。(2)海棠从开花前1 d至第6天的柱头可授性呈现“弱—强—弱”的变化规律,开花第3天时的柱头可授性最强。(3)授粉后4~8 h花粉开始萌发,48~96 h完成受精。(4)花粉育性和柱头可授性与杂交坐果率、种子饱满率间均存在显著的正相关性。授粉后2个月内是落果集中期,此后至果实成熟坐果率基本趋于稳定。‘冬红’ב印第安之夏’、‘草莓果冻’ב印第安之夏’为高坐果率杂交组合。研究表明,海棠雌雄蕊存在发育不同步现象,选择育性优质的亲本是杂交取得成功的关键,而受精后障碍是本研究中海棠杂交...  相似文献   

油菜CMS柱头亲和性的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油菜 CMS柱头与花粉亲和性的比较研究表明 :授粉后 2 4 h、30 h和 48h,平均结籽率、结角率和角粒数分别达最大值 ,授粉后 30 h以内为柱头受精能力最强的时期 ;参试的几个 CMS柱头与花粉的亲和性差异显著 ,表现为 A3>A1>A2 ,各杂交组合亲和能力依次为 A3× B2 >A1× B1>A3× B1>A1× B2 >A2 × B1>A2 × B2 ,说明不育系陕 3A的亲和性优于陕 2 A;甘蓝型油菜 CMS开花 2~ 3d内柱头亲和性最强 ,受精结实率最高 ,开花 4~ 5d后受精结实能力急降 ,7d后则几乎失去受精结实能力。  相似文献   

猕猴桃属花粉形态及其系统学意义   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
由于天然种间杂交,猕猴桃属Actinidia Lindl.的分类存在着组间界限不清、近缘种之间很难区分的问题。本文试图通过对该属不同组、系的植物花粉及种间杂交后代花粉的扫描电镜观察,探讨该属物种的系统学关系。在扫描电镜下观察了猕猴桃属植物21种、 6变种和4个不同种间杂交F1代植株的花粉,描述了它们的花粉形态,并根据花粉形态特征建立了相应的检索表。研究结果表明:(1)猕猴桃属的花粉形状主要以长球形至近球形为主,变异较小,而花粉粒大小和外壁纹饰的种间差异较大。(2)多数迁地保护物种的花粉粒以三孔沟为主,不同于以前报道的以三拟孔沟为主,原因可能是花粉样本采集地的环境不一样,以及野外的广泛杂交造成的。(3)种间杂交后代花粉空瘪,无授粉能力,是由于所采用亲本植株染色体的倍性不同,后代不能产生正常花粉所致。(4)人工选育雄株花粉外壁纹饰较野生雄株花粉的精细,这种花粉外壁纹饰变小的特征可能有利于雌雄异株植物的授粉受精。这一现象值得进一步探讨。(5)雄株花粉大小与其雌株果实大小之间有一定相关性,这一现象有助于杂交后代的早期筛选。  相似文献   

以四个品系的三倍体罗汉果雌株为材料,用五种不同的二倍体雄花分别对其授粉,利用傅里叶变换红外光谱法(FTIR)测定了其子代果实的红外光谱,并运用主成分分析和聚类分析研究了授粉雄花对子代果实化学成分的影响。结果表明:不同雄花授粉后,雌株F302、F323和F322各子代果实红外光谱中1 050 cm-1波数附近甜苷物质特征吸收峰的峰高有显著或极显著差异,雌株F311子代无籽果实的差异不显著;同时五种授粉雄花分别对雌株F302、F323、F322和F311子代果实在主成分二维投影图和聚类图中的排序也有明显的影响,但对不同品系雌株子代果实的排序影响不同,从而说明三倍体罗汉果的甜苷物质含量和整体成分含量均有较为明显的花粉直感效应,并且存在品种特异性。  相似文献   

1981—1987年的试验证实,利用杂交优势是子莲新品种选育的重要途径。作者通过杂交选育和引种,筛选培育出13号(白花建莲×红千叶)和2号(百叶莲×红花建莲)杂交子莲,杂交优势明显而稳定,其产鼠比对照品种——红花建莲增加20%以上,经济效益十分显著。为了推广这两种杂交子莲,作者还提出了子莲良种繁育时防杂的技术措施。  相似文献   

用ICP-OES法测定罗汉果中受花粉直感效应影响明显的微量元素含量。结果表明:两种不同授粉处理的罗汉果样品中Zn、Fe、Cr、Al四种微量元素含量差异显著,受花粉直感作用的影响较大,尤其是Zn元素;罗汉果样品铅含量超过罗汉果行标NY/T 694-2003的限量标准,但符合药用植物绿色行标WM/T 2-2004,研究认为,罗汉果行标Pb标准不太严格,有必要进一步研究和探讨;高甜苷Ⅴ授粉组合("青皮3号"×"红毛1号")果实中B元素含量较高,为硼微肥的利用提供科学依据;而低甜苷Ⅴ组合("青皮3号"×"红毛2号")果实中8种微量元素含量偏高,其中锰与提高呼吸速率有关。  相似文献   

猕猴桃种间及种内杂交亲和性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以3个种的9个猕猴桃品种为试材,通过培养法比较它们的花粉活力,用荧光显微镜观察猕猴桃种间与种内杂交亲和性,并统计其亲和指数及坐果率,为猕猴桃的杂交育种以及最佳授粉树的选配提供依据.结果表明:猕猴桃花粉活力在种间表现为美味猕猴桃>中华猕猴桃>狗枣猕猴桃;中华猕猴桃和美味猕猴桃种间和种内杂交组合的柱头识别反应快,花粉在柱头粘附多、生长快且萌发率高、亲和性较强且坐果率较高,而用狗枣猕猴桃与中华猕猴桃和美味猕猴桃种间杂交的花粉在柱头上萌发生长发育缓慢,其亲和性弱,平均坐果率仅为19.81%;30个杂交组合中亲和指数最高的是'金阳'×'金阳'雄株,亲和指数为960.33,坐果率为95.56%,最低的是'狗枣'×'金阳'雄株,亲和指数201.60,坐果率为12.22%.研究发现,猕猴桃的种间亲和性小于种内亲和性,同种内不同品种间的亲和性与坐果率也不同.  相似文献   

从开花物候、花朵数量性状、花粉活力、花粉组织化学、柱头可授性、花粉在柱头上的萌发状况、杂交指数、花粉胚珠比、传粉媒介以及繁育系统等方面,研究了外来入侵植物美洲商陆(Phytolacca americana)的传粉生态学特性,为揭示该物种成功入侵的机理提供依据.结果表明:美洲商陆种群花期可达45~70 d,单花花期为2~3d,可进一步分为杯状花期、花瓣平展期、花瓣下垂期、花瓣反卷期;花冠直径在下垂期最大且不超过1 cm,花药与柱头间距离在1 ~2.5 mm,有利于自交的发生;花瓣平展期与花瓣下垂期花粉活力差异显著(P<0.05),杯状花期与花瓣平展期花粉活力差异不显著(P>0.05),花瓣平展期花粉活力可达85%;雌蕊柱头可授性在花瓣平展期最强;杯状花期合生柱头开裂,花瓣平展期柱头9~ 10裂,接受花粉的表面积增大;花药散粉时间与合生柱头开裂时间相吻合,有助于柱头接受花粉;扫描电镜下观察到花粉在花瓣平展期的柱头上已萌发;每朵花可提供1667~3222粒花粉,胚珠9~10个,花粉胚珠比(P/O)为340.88±34.99,表现为兼性自交;美洲商陆杂交指数(OCI)为3,花粉粒属于含脂型,主要传粉昆虫有蜜蜂、胡蜂、食蚜蝇、细腰蜂.综上所述,美洲商陆自交亲和,花粉活力高、柱头可授性强,且高花粉活力与强柱头可授性出现在相同的时期,增加了花粉落置柱头及在柱头上萌发的几率;虫媒花,访花者行为与花朵相适应,有利于提高坐果率,这样的繁殖机制与传粉特点是美洲商陆成功入侵的主要因素之一.  相似文献   

离子辐照玉米花粉诱发DNA损伤的RAPD分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用 30Kev和 8种剂量的N+ 辐照玉米不同品种的花粉 ,通过RAPD(RandomAmplifiedpolymorphismDNA)技术利用 10 4个 10碱基随机引物分析了花粉基因组DNA的损伤效应 ,结果表明 :经N+ 辐照的花粉DNA在 10 4个引物的扩增下 ,共产生了 4 70条带 ,表明了明显的多态性变化。在供试剂量下共发现 51条多态性带 ,其中 3× 10 15N+ cm2 、6× 10 15N+ cm2 、9× 10 15N+ cm2 、12× 10 15N+ cm2 、15× 10 15N+ cm2 和 18× 10 15N+ cm2 DNA多态性的频率分别为 4 .3%、8.5%、1…  相似文献   

以杜鹃红山茶(Camellia azalea)为母本,‘绿带可娜’、‘红芙蓉’、‘迪朱丽亚’等13个观赏性较强的山茶花品种为父本,采用常规杂交育种方法,共配置13个杂交组合进行杂交试验。以坐果率、结实率、出苗率、单花成苗率作为评价亲和性的指标对杂交父本进行筛选,利用因子分析法对杂交组合亲和力进行综合评价,并采用形态鉴定法比较杂交子代与父母本主要性状差异。结果表明,‘绿带可娜’、‘玛丽费丝’、‘尼丽夫人’、‘花露珍’、‘娃丽娜深’为亲和性高的父本,杜鹃红山茶ב绿带可娜’、杜鹃红山茶ב玛丽费丝’为杂交亲和性较高的组合。杜鹃红山茶种间杂交后代花色、花型表现趋于父本,叶片更接近于母本杜鹃红山茶,杂交后代均遗传母本全年开花的特性。  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that many self-compatible plants control the level of self-fertilization with postpollination processes that give a siring advantage to cross pollen over self pollen through "cryptic self-incompatibility" (CSI). Previous marker-gene experiments with self-compatible, tristylous Decodon verticillatus (Lythraceae) have demonstrated a siring advantage to cross pollen, though the extent to which this advantage results from prezygotic discrimination vs. early acting inbreeding depression is not clear. Here, we provide evidence that prezygotic mechanisms are involved in this siring advantage by comparing pollen tube numbers at various times following cross- and self-pollination conducted in a natural population. In the 24 h following pollination, cross pollen yielded almost twice as many pollen tubes at various positions in the style compared to self pollen. After 36 and 48 h, the difference between pollen types had disappeared, suggesting that the advantage to cross pollen results from differences in the rate of pollen germination and;clor tube growth rather than pollen tube attrition. Comparison of tube numbers after legitimate vs. illegitimate cross-pollination did not reveal any difference, suggesting that D. verticillatus possesses CSI unrelated to heteromorphic self- and intramorph-incompatibility found in other heterostylous members of the Lythraceae. CSI resulting from differential pollen tube growth may minimize geitonogamous selfing when cross pollen is abundant, while maximizing fecundity when cross pollen is scarce due to local clonal spread.  相似文献   

油用玫瑰主栽品种‘苦水’玫瑰的栽培园区总见千花无果现象,为此,本研究对‘苦水’玫瑰的杂交育性进行了遗传学研究。授粉试验发现,自然授粉和人工辅助授粉时‘苦水’玫瑰自交不结实;异交时,‘苦水’玫瑰作为母本与‘丰花’玫瑰、‘四季’玫瑰、‘艳霞’玫瑰、重瓣黄刺玫之间具有亲和性,而作为父本与杂交母本都无法成功授粉结实。在雄蕊花瓣化、P/O值、花粉异型性和花粉萌发率等生殖特征中发现‘苦水’玫瑰的花粉畸形现象严重,萌发率近似为零。进而,显微观察小孢子母细胞减数分裂各时相发现‘苦水’玫瑰中存在染色体分配行为不协调,胞质分裂不均一,四分体中有三分体等异常现象。由此可见‘苦水’玫瑰的异常减数分裂行为致花粉败育妨碍其做父本时的受精结实,故雄性不育而非蔷薇科常见的自交不亲和性,是‘苦水’玫瑰自交不结实的主要原因,也表明作为母本通过杂交育种方法改良‘苦水’玫瑰的种质是可行的。  相似文献   

野菊与菊花杂交中花粉活力和柱头可授性及胚胎发育研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
应用石蜡制片、活体压片、光学显微镜及扫描电子显微镜观察等方法,研究了四倍体河南云台山野菊(Dendranthema indicum)与栽培菊花'钟山金山'(D.grandiflorum 'Zhongshanjinshan')种间杂交中父本花粉活力、花粉在柱头萌发、花粉管生长及胚胎发育情况等.结果发现,父本云台山野菊的花粉活力在授粉时为12%左右.人工授粉后的不同时间,在柱头上都观察到正常萌发的花粉粒,且花粉管都能进入柱头,其中,在授粉后0.5 h时,平均每柱头有5.9粒花粉萌发;12 h时,为59.9粒;而24和48 h时,则分别降为47.1和35.7粒.此外,在授粉后8、10、12和15 d时,分别在49.1%、40.8%、39.7%和38.5%子房内观察到正常发育的胚胎,最终杂交结实率为44.8%,而母本自然开放结实率为52.3%.研究表明,授粉前其多数母本雌蕊发育良好、授粉后多数花粉能在柱头正常萌发和花粉管正常生长,在受精后大部分胚胎发育正常是野菊与栽培菊种间杂交较高结实率的重要保证,而授粉前父本较低的花粉活力对杂交结实率影响不大.  相似文献   

Animal taxa that differ in the intensity of sperm competition often differ in sperm production or swimming speed, arguably due to sexual selection on postcopulatory male traits affecting siring success. In plants, closely related self‐ and cross‐pollinated taxa similarly differ in the opportunity for sexual selection among male gametophytes after pollination, so traits such as the proportion of pollen on the stigma that rapidly enters the style and mean pollen tube growth rate (PTGR) are predicted to diverge between them. To date, no studies have tested this prediction in multiple plant populations under uniform conditions. We tested for differences in pollen performance in greenhouse‐raised populations of two Clarkia sister species: the predominantly outcrossing C. unguiculata and the facultatively self‐pollinating C. exilis. Within populations of each taxon, groups of individuals were reciprocally pollinated (n = 1153 pollinations) and their styles examined four hours later. We tested for the effects of species, population, pollen type (self vs. outcross), the number of competing pollen grains, and temperature on pollen performance. Clarkia unguiculata exhibited higher mean PTGR than C. exilis; pollen type had no effect on performance in either taxon. The difference between these species in PTGR is consistent with predictions of sexual selection theory.  相似文献   

小偃麦花粉苗染色体加倍技术及其影响因素的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
小偃麦花粉苗染色体加倍技术,采用下列四项综合措施,基本能使被处理花粉苗获得纯合十倍中体植株:(1)用0.05%秋水仙碱+2%DMSO溶液浸根、注射生长点各一次,其成活率和加倍率为80.0%和87.5%;(2)对苗少、分蘖少单株将药液就地注射正在生长的植株生长点内,加倍率为50.0%,它是方法(1)的辅助和补充;(3)分蘖期将单株分割成若干分株参入处理,有利提高成活率和成功率;(4)适时偏早加倍,有  相似文献   

覃道凤  李婷  戴璨   《生态学杂志》2015,26(12):3865-3870
以野慈姑为材料,研究补充授粉的处理水平(单花、花序)和花粉质量(自花花粉、异花花粉)对花粉限制评估的影响.结果表明: 补充授粉的处理水平会造成花粉限制的程度不同(P=0.0021),单花水平的授粉会导致花朵之间的资源重新分配,从而影响结实;补充授粉的花粉质量会对结实造成影响,补充异花花粉比自花花粉能产生更多的种子(P=0.0497),且萌芽率更高(P=0.0428),表明该体系的花粉限制不是数量的限制,而是优质花粉的限制.不同的试验水平和花粉质量可能对花粉限制的评估造成影响,相关研究应尽量对整个花序或者植株进行补充授粉,材料允许时还应考虑自异花粉的对比试验,有利于更客观地认识和检测花粉限制.  相似文献   

Ten photoperiod-sensitive genic male sterile rice (PGMSR) lines were studied to observe the development of male organs of their short day (SD) plants. The results were shown as follows: 1 ) The self seed-setting rate and the percentage of fertile pollen of these PGMSR lines were much lower than those of the controls. 2) All the male sterile line plants had variant barriers in anther dehiscing and pollen scattering. In addition, some of their stigmas were devoid of pollen, and some self pollen grains on their stignas germinated weakly. 3) Female fertility of those plants was believed to be normal through observation in their embryo sac development and cross seed-setting rate. The authors deduced that the male sterile gene expression becomes the major factor for low rate of self seed-setting of PGMSR plants under SD condition.  相似文献   

Pollinators make foraging decisions based on numerous floral traits, including nectar and pollen rewards, and associated visual and olfactory cues. For insect‐pollinated crops, identifying and breeding for attractive floral traits may increase yields. In this study, we examined floral trait variation within cultivated sunflowers and its effects on bee foraging behaviours. Over 2 years, we planted different sunflower inbred lines, including male‐fertile and male‐sterile lines, and measured nectar volume, nectar sugar concentration and composition, and corolla length. During bloom, we recorded visits by both managed honey bees and wild bees. We then examined consistency in relative nectar production by comparing field results to those from a greenhouse experiment. Sunflower inbred lines varied significantly in all floral traits, including the amount and composition of nectar sugars, and in corolla length. Both wild bee and honey bee visits significantly increased with nectar sugar amount and decreased with corolla length, but appeared unaffected by nectar sugar composition. While wild bees made more visits to sunflowers providing pollen (male‐fertile), honey bees preferred plants without pollen (male‐sterile). Differences in nectar quantity among greenhouse‐grown sunflower lines were similar to those measured in the field, and bumble bees preferentially visited lines with more nectar in greenhouse observations. Our results show that sunflowers with greater quantities of nectar sugar and shorter corollas receive greater pollination services from both managed and wild bees. Selecting for these traits could thus increase sunflower crop yields and provide greater floral resources for bees.  相似文献   

The citrus fresh market demands the production of seedless citrus fruits, as seedy fruits are not accepted by consumers. The recovery of triploid plants has proven to be the most promising approach to achieve this goal, since triploids have very low fertility, are generally seedless and do not induce seeds in other cultivars by cross pollination. Triploid plants can be recovered by 2x?×?4x sexual hybridization. In this work, we present an effective methodology to recover triploid plants from 2x?×?4x hybridizations based on in vitro embryo rescue, ploidy level analysis by flow cytometry and genetic origin of triploid plants. The pollen viability of diploid and tetraploid citrus genotypes was analyzed by comparing the pollen germination rate in vitro. The pollen viability of tetraploid (doubled-diploid) genotypes is generally reduced but sufficient for successful pollination. Triploid embryos were identified in normal and undeveloped seeds that did not germinate under greenhouse conditions. The influence of parents and environmental conditions on obtaining triploid plants was analyzed and a strong interaction was noted between the parents and environmental conditions. The parental effect on the length of the juvenile phase was also demonstrated through observations of a large number of progeny over the last 15?years. The juvenile phase length of the triploid hybrids obtained with 'Fortune' mandarin as female parent and tetraploid 'Orlando' tangelo as male parent was shorter than the juvenile phase obtained with a clementine as female parent and tetraploids of 'Nova', 'W. Leaf' and 'Pineapple' male parents. Key message Effective methodology to recover citrus triploid plants from 2x?×?4x sexual hybridizations and the parental effect on the length of the juvenile phase.  相似文献   

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