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郭鹏  陈跃英 《四川动物》2000,19(2):79-80
温泉蛇Thermophisbaileyi (Wall)隶属游蛇科Colubridae,是我国垂直分布最高的 ( 43 50m)唯一蛇种 ,为我国西藏高原独有。该种由Wall于 1 90 7年根据西藏标本描述为Tropidonofusbaileyi ( =Natrixbaileyi) ,之后Malnate ( 1 953 )根据骨骼等形态特征将其从Natrix属中分出 ,另立温泉蛇属Thermophis,该属仅有温泉蛇一种。温泉蛇分布局限 ,生境独特 ,种群和个体数量较少 ,标本不易获得 ,因而自新种发表后有关该种的研究报道不多。现将中科院成都生…  相似文献   

正温泉蛇属(Thermophis)辖3个物种,西藏温泉蛇(T.baileyi)、四川温泉蛇(T.zhaoermii)和香格里拉温泉蛇(T.shangrila)。它们都是青藏高原特有种,是研究高原适应的理想材料,具有重要科研价值。目前对3种温泉蛇的生活习性知之甚少,尚无繁殖方式的正式报道。  相似文献   

1998年在西藏墨脱县海拔 10 0 0m左右地方采到成年雌性环蛇 1号 ,系我国新纪录。该蛇全长 /尾长 (mm) 10 95 /112 (尾尖断 )。通身背面黑褐色 ,后 3/4有由背鳞白色点斑缀成的窄横纹约 4 0个 ;腹面浅黑色 ,每隔 3或 4枚腹鳞有不规则的黄白色横斑。尾背有少数不完整的白色纹 ,但尾腹面有 7条很明显的横斑。头部斑纹与M .Smith (194 3:4 10 )描述一致 ,可能由于蛇龄较老而不清晰。背鳞通身 15行 ,脊鳞略扩大 ;腹鳞2 33,尾下鳞 35 (略低于文献记载的 4 4~ 5 1,可能与尾尖断有关 ) ,除前端第三、四两枚成单外 ,其余均成对。没有颊鳞 ;眶前鳞 1,眶后鳞 2 ;颞鳞 1 2 ;上唇鳞 7(2 2 3式 ) ;下唇鳞 7,第一对在颏鳞后彼此相接 ,前 4对接前颔片 ;前颔片大于后颔片 ,后者后半介一小鳞。检查一侧 ,除前沟牙及其预备牙外 ,没有发现其他上颌齿。该次考察还在西藏聂拉木县樟木海拔 2 4 0 0m左右地方采到 4号雌性西藏竹叶青蛇。该蛇是黄正一教授根据西藏聂拉木县却克苏木雌雄各 1号标本命名的种 ,虽然在邻国尼泊尔多处发现 ,但我国尚无更多标本报道。作者采到的 4雌全长 /尾长 (mm)按编号顺序依次为 :6 18/88,6 92 /10 2 ,6 2 3/95和 6 4 3/10 2。 3号的腹鳞都是15 0 ,1号为 15 2 ,均较原始描述略少 ,可能与计数方法有  相似文献   

云开脊蛇(Achalinus yunkaiensis)之前仅在广东和广西有分布报道。本文基于形态比较及线粒体COI基因序列分子系统关系分析结果,确定采集于湖南省新宁县的1号雌性脊蛇标本(CIB 119041)为云开脊蛇,为湖南省新记录种。该标本鼻间鳞沟约等于前额鳞沟,上颔齿24枚;背鳞通身23行,腹鳞150枚,尾下鳞55枚;尾长与体长之比为0.203。至此共有4种脊蛇分布于湖南省。此外,本文还报道了棕脊蛇(A. rufescens)1号雄性地模标本(CIB 119042),该标本鼻间鳞沟长于前额鳞沟;背鳞通身23行,腹鳞153枚,尾下鳞62枚;尾长与体长之比0.201。分子系统发育结果显示,棕脊蛇种组各支系的系统地位还需进一步研究厘定。  相似文献   

饶定齐  赵尔宓 《四川动物》2004,23(3):213-214,i005
1998年在西藏墨脱县海拔1000m左右地方采到成年雌性环蛇1号,系我国新纪录。该蛇全长/尾长(mm)1095/112(尾尖断)。通身背面黑褐色,后3/4有由背鳞白色点斑缀成的窄横纹约40个;腹面浅黑色,每隔3或4枚腹鳞有不规则的黄白色横斑。尾背有少数不完整的白色纹,但尾腹面有7条很明显的横斑。头部斑纹与M.Smith(1943:410)描述一致,可能由于蛇龄较老而不清晰。背鳞通身15行,脊鳞略扩大;腹鳞233,尾下鳞35(略低于文献记载的44~51,可能与尾尖断有关),除前端第三、四两枚成单外,其余均成对。没有颊鳞;眶前鳞1,眶后鳞2;颞鳞1 2;上唇鳞7(2-2—3式);下唇鳞7,第一对在颏鳞后彼此相接,前4对接前颔片;前颔片大于后颔片,后者后半介一小鳞。检查一侧,除前沟牙及其预备牙外,没有发现其他上颌齿。该次考察还在西藏聂拉木县樟木海拔2400m左右地方采到4号雌性西藏竹叶青蛇。该蛇是黄正一教授根据西藏聂拉木县却克苏木雌雄各1号标本命名的种,虽然在邻国尼泊尔多处发现,但我国尚无更多标本报道。作者采到的4雌全长/尾长(mm)按编号顺序依次为:618/88,692/102,623/95和643/102。3号的腹鳞都是150,1号为152,均较原始描述略少,可能与计数方法有关,本文作者对腹鳞计数按赵尔宓与鹰岩(1993)84页图C所示的方法。尾下鳞2号为42对,2号为44对。  相似文献   

青藏高原大林姬鼠一新亚种   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
最近,查看了青海、西藏及四川西部的大林姬鼠Apodemus peninsulae(Thomas)标本40余号,同时对比了国内其他地区的同种姬鼠约100多号,认为青藏高原(包括处在高原东缘的四川西部)的大林姬鼠应系一新亚种,描记于下。大林姬鼠青海亚种Apodemus peninsulae qinghaiensis新亚种 正模标本,标本号16674,成体,1959年5月19日采于青海乐都县(存中国科学院  相似文献   

美姑脊蛇幼蛇的形态特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘绍龙  戴波  郑志荣 《四川动物》2002,21(3):189-189
20 0 2年 5月在四川屏山县老君山采到一条幼蛇标本 ,经鉴定为美姑脊蛇 (AchalinusmeiguensisHuandZhao ,1 966)。美姑脊蛇是胡淑琴先生和赵尔宓先生于1 966年发表的新种 ,中国的特产蛇类 ,目前仅分布于四川西部的美姑、安县、洪雅、峨嵋、宝兴、汶川、卧龙、屏山等地。其幼蛇的形态特征与成年蛇差异较大 ,尚未见报道。现简述如下。幼蛇体全长 (1 2 9+3 5 )mm ,颈躯区分不明显。头背面吻部至额部蓝褐色 ,有金属光泽 ;顶部与颞部略浅 ,呈棕褐色 ;枕部有宽约 2mm的玉白色弧形横斑 ,每侧向前延伸至第 6枚上唇鳞…  相似文献   

中国小头蛇属(蛇亚目,游蛇科)的分类修订   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于40号标本的形态研究,对中国小头蛇属Oligodon进行分类修订。四线小头蛇Oligodon taeniatus(Güther,1861)在中国没有分布,当初发表该纪录所依据的3号标本为紫棕小头蛇指名亚种Oligodon cinereus cinereus(Güther,1864);中国记录的管状小头蛇Oligodon cyclurus(Cantor,1839)应订正为束纹小头蛇Oligodon fascioatus(Güther,1864)。根据色斑、鳞被和半阴茎等综合特征,提出中国记录的喜山小头蛇Oligodon albocinctus包括2个物种,其中云南省陇川县标本为喜山小头蛇Oligodon albcinctus(Cantor,1839),而西藏墨脱县标本是尚未明确的小头蛇属未定种Oligodonsp.,其分类地位有待进一步研究。最后,提供中国分布的小头蛇属物种检索表。  相似文献   

作者有幸在上海自然历史博物馆收藏中发现采于海南岛的山烙铁头蛇属(Ovophis Burgerin Hogeand Romano Hoge,1981)标本1号.该属广泛分布于中国、东亚和东南亚大部地区,但在海南岛尚无报道.本文对该标本详加描记.根据其鳞被特征,特别是尾下鳞成单,将其鉴定为过去仅知分布于越南山区的越南山烙铁头蛇Ovophis  相似文献   

论中国钝头蛇是台湾钝头蛇的次定同物异名   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
江耀明 《四川动物》2004,23(3):209-210
台湾钝头蛇 (以下简称Pf)是JohnVanDen burgh (190 9)依据我国台湾省台南县关子岭 1号标本 (CASno 180 0 6 )命名的新种。中国钝头蛇(以下简称Pc)是ThomasBarbour (1912 )依据W R Zappey在四川西部Luluping (=峨边县 ) 1号标本 (MCZno 732 6 )命名的新种。比较二者的原始描述  相似文献   

This paper deals with some plant fossils collected from the Late Eocene Relu Formation of Litang County, Western Sichuan Plateau, by the Scientific Expedition of Academia Sinica in 1982. The fossil-bearinp bed is mainly composed of sandstones, conglomerates and siltstones. From the Relu Formation Eucalyptus reluensis sp. nov., Hemiptelea paradavidii sp. nov., Pistacia sp., Banksia puryearensis Berry, Palibinia pinnatifida (Reid et Chandler) Tao, Myrica sp., Comptonia sp., Albizzia sp., Alstonia? sp., Viburnum sp., and Phyllites spp. were obtained. This indicates that during the Late Eocene the flora of Litang of Western Sichuan, were subtropical in nature mainly composed of Eucalyptus and some evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved trees. The climate was hot and dry. Judging from specimens the fossil locality Litang has uplifted about 2500–3000 m in elevation since Late Eocene. At present Eucalyptus is widespread in Australia. So far no remains of Eucalyptus early than Oligocene have been discovered from southern hemisphere the appearance of this genus from Eocene of Xizang and western Sichuan indicates that Eucalyptus might have originated from northern hemisphere and then migrated via Malaysia to Australia to form a new distribution centre in Australia.  相似文献   

郭鹏  刘少英  冯今朝  何苗 《四川动物》2008,27(3):321-321
From 2004 to 2006, several field trips in western Sichuan, China were carried out. A number of Thermophis snakes were collected in Litang County. After detailed morphological studies, we found that these Thermophis specimens were much different from those from Xizang (Tibet). We believed that Litang snakes should be a new species and describe it as below.  相似文献   

横断山脉地区蒲公英属植物资料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对我国横断山脉地区的蒲公英属植物进行了总结,收载了该地区产的18种蒲公英属植物。  相似文献   

The steppe vegetation of the Xizang (Tibet) Plateau is somewhat similar to the temperate steppe of our country, but it possesses its own characteristics: 1. The elements of the Qinghai-Xizang floral region or plant species taking the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau as their chief distribution center play a dominant part in tile constitution of the steppe communities. In these communities, the plants are usually sparse and dwarf, their growth period is shorter and the biological productivity is lower than the steppe in the temperate zone. They possess synusia consisting of herbaceous plants fit for cold climate, synusia consisting of kobresia and synusia consisting of cushion plants. 2. There are 4 types of steppe vegetation in the Xizang Plateau. And the tussock-grass steppe is the most typical. According to their different ecological characteristics, they may be divided into 3 types. Of these, the most widely distributed type is the cold temperate-weak semiarid steppe. And there are many characteristical steppe communities. 3. Distributionally, the steppe in the Xizang Plateau belongs to a special type of vertical distribution in the subtropical latitude zone, it is different from the gene- rally known montane vertical belt, and possesses a vertical-horizontal distributive nature, i.e. "zonation of plateau". Within the Plateau steppe region, steppe eommunities with different ecological characteristics have clearly marked areal differentiaton, and which has determined the nature of the vertical belts in these areas. According to different basal belts of the vertical belt spectrum, such belts may be divided into 3 types. There are no forests in the montane vertical belt spectra in the Plateau steppe region, and the upper distributional limit of the steppe vegetation reaches an altitude of about 5200 (5400) m., which is the highest distributional limit of steppe on the earth.  相似文献   

The geoecological conditions of Xizang (Tibet) are very complicated. An approach on the floristic phytogeographical differentiation of Xizang has been made in the present paper with a quantitative floristic method. According to areal types of the species the flora of Xizang may be classified under five major geoelements: the north temperate zone geo-element (N), the Central Asiatic geoelemcnt (C), the Qinghai-Xizang Tibetan Plateau geo-element (T), the Sino-Himalayan geo-element (SH) and the tropical geo-element (Tr). Different diagrams of spectra of floristic elements of Xizang are presented. Four cross-sections were chosen for illustrating the regional differentiation of spectra of floristic elements of Xizang. It is obvious that the SH-geo-element prevails in the Eastern and Southeastern Xizang and the Trgeo-element is confined at lower elevation of the southern flanks of the Himalayas. On the contrary, on the Plateau proper the Tgeoelement dominates and the C-geo-element plays a significant role in the northwestern part of Xizang. It corresponds to the following horizontal zones of vegetation from southeast to northwest: montane forest-alpine meadow-alpine steppe-alpine desert. An example at the southern slopes of the Eastern Himalayas has been taken to investigate the vertical variation of the spectra of floristic elements, the boundary between the both subbelts of the montane evergreen broad-leaved forest belt at an elevation of 1,800 m has been proposed as the upper limit dominated by the tropical geo-element. On the basis of dominance spectra of the fioristic elements in the grid-square system floristic boundaries are defined, which separate different floristic regions from one another, thereafter a floristic division of Xizang has been discussed. There are the sub-region of the "Himalayan flanks belonging to the Indo-Malaysian sub-kingdom of the Palaeotropical kingdom, the Sino-Himalayan sub-kingdom and the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau sub-kingdom of the Holarctic kingdom.  相似文献   

By late Carboniferous the flora of northern Xizang differs from that of the northern India. During late Permian, the northern Xizang was inhabited by the Gigantopteris flora, while in the southern Xizang was widespread the Glossopteris flora. The upper Triassic flora of the northern Xizang is closely related to that of southwestern China and quite different from that of India. The Jurassic flora found in Tsaidam of Chinghai and the early Cretaceous flora found in Lhasa of the northern Xizang are closely related to these of the northern hemisphere, and show no relationship with these of the southern hemisphere. The late Cretaceous flora of Rikaze and the early Eocene flora of Ali region are also of northern hemisphere in affinity and show no relationship with the Daccan Intertrappean and the Eocene floras of India. Hence, the northern and the southern Xizang should have belonged to two different continents, Eurasia and Gondwanaland. Between them, a very wide sea, the Tethys, was situated. This strongly supports the view of continental drift that the India block drifted in late Jurassic-Cretaceous from the south-eastern corner of Africa and later on in Eocene joined up with Asia to become its subcontinent. The suture line between Eurasia and the India block perhaps lies in the belt of basic to ultrabasic rocks along the Yalu-Tsangpo valleys. Judging from the nature of the floras ranging from the late Carboniferous to the early Eocene, the northern Xizang most probably was of lowland in topography throughout these periods. The Miocene floras of the central and the northern Xizang were mainly composed of deciduous broad-leaved trees, though some evergreen trees existed somewhere else. It reflects the land of the central and the northern Xizang had already uplifted to some extant before Miocene. During the time of Pliocene, the evergreen broadleaved trees were gradually declining in their development in the northern Xizang. The vegetation of the Chaidamu (=Tsaidam) Basin further changed into deciduous broad-leaved to coniferous forests and then turned into grasslands and semi-deserts or deserts. It shows by that time the land of Xizang and Chinghai further upheaved. Up to the late Pliocene, the vegetation of the northern Xizang and Chinghai further changed. But the vegetation of the Himalayan region was still dominated by evergreen oaks and Cedrus forests. Most probably by that time the Himalayas was not so high as present. There was no barrier to prevent the monsoon winds of the Indian Ocean passing over the Himalayas. The most active period of the uplift of the mountain ranges in Xizang and the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau is the Quaternary. By that time no evergreen broad-leaved trees could live in the northern Xizang. During the late Quaternary, the vegetation of most parts of Xizang gradually changed into cold alpine desert. At last the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau turned into the present state.  相似文献   

We conducted phylogenetic analyses to identify the closest related living relatives of the Xizang and Sichuan hot-spring snakes (T. baileyi and T. zhaoermii) endemic to the Tibetan Plateau, using mitochondrial DNA sequences (cyt b, ND4) from eight specimens, together with sequences from 95 additional caenophidian and five henophidian genera that were downloaded from GenBank. Phylogenetic trees were obtained using Bayesian Inference and Maximum likelihood methods. Results suggest that hot-spring snakes, which are adapted to high and cold environments, were clustered in the monophyletic Xenodontinae. Xenodontinae is one of the largest subfamilies of colubrid snakes, with about 90 genera and more than 500 species known, and are primarily tropical snakes previously thought to be restricted to the New World. Our data failed to provide any evidence that the New World xenodontines diverged from Thermophis and dispersed into the New World, also failed to suggest a colonization of Asia by New World xenodontines by dispersal from the New World. An alternative plausible scenario may be that Thermophis and the New World xenodontines evolved independently in Asia and America, respectively, after the divergence of their common ancestor. The divergence of the two species in Thermophis was caused by the barrier of the Hengduan Mountains, and the speciation had almost occurred when Tibetan Plateau attained present elevation.  相似文献   

弓莉  罗建  林玲 《西北植物学报》2019,39(4):740-744
通过对西藏兰科鸢尾兰属植物进行的系统调查、标本采集、查阅、整理和鉴定,发现了西藏鸢尾兰属植物5个新记录种,分别为:长苞鸢尾兰(Oberonia longibracteata Lindl.)、短耳鸢尾兰(O. falconeri Hook. f.)、裂唇鸢尾兰(O. pyrulifera Lindl.)、条裂鸢尾兰(O. jenkinsiana Griff. ex Lindl.)和长裂鸢尾兰(O. anthropophora Lindl.),并附有这些新记录种的特征照片。凭证标本保存于西藏高原生态研究所标本室(XZE)。目前西藏鸢尾兰属植物共有14种,编写出西藏鸢尾兰属植物的分种检索表,以期达到对该区鸢尾兰属植物资源鉴定识别和有效保护的目的。  相似文献   

西藏日喀则沿雅鲁藏布江分布的大竹卡组为一套杂色的砂砾岩沉积.与新生代印度-劳亚板块的碰撞和青藏高原的隆升具有密切的联系.迄今为止,其中尚未有可靠的化石发现用于指示时代.当前研究根据从大竹卡组中的一些粉、细砂岩中获得的较丰富的孢粉化石,首次探讨其沉积时期的古植物区系和陆地生态环境特征.孢粉组合以榆科和胡桃科具孔类和壳斗科三(拟孔)沟类被子植物花粉占优势,也见有较多的蕨类植物孢子和裸子植物两气囊花粉,其时代可能是渐新世-早中新世.孢粉组合反映大竹卡组沉积期间恰布林一带的气候比较温暖、湿润,揭示印度、劳亚大陆碰撞早期的热带-南亚热带低山丘陵环境.植物区系横向对比表明,恰布林自始新世末以来向北位移了大约500km.  相似文献   

在西藏八宿县然乌镇安久拉山垭口进行植物多样性调查时,发现一种寄生植物,经过查阅文献、核对模式标本,最终鉴定为列当科(Orobanchaceae)豆列当属(Mannagettaea)植物矮生豆列当(Mannagettaea hummelii H. Smith)。该种分布在中国及俄罗斯(萨彦岭地区),国内记载仅分布在甘肃、青海、四川;西藏为新记录属。该发现丰富了西藏的植物区系,同时将矮生豆列当分布海拔提升至4 459 m。凭证标本现存于中国科学院昆明植物研究所标本馆(KUN)。  相似文献   

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