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蔡磊  秦燕  陈高 《植物科学学报》2017,35(5):647-652
通过对云南百部(Stemona mairei(H.Lév.)K.Krause)及其形态相似种金沙江百部(S.jinshajiangensis X. D. Cong et G. J. Xu)和变种滇北百部(S.jinshajiangensis var.dianbeiensis X. D. Cong et G. J. Xu)模式标本采集地野外居群植株的实地调查和研究,发现金沙江百部及其变种滇北百部的形态特征变异式样均在云南百部形态特征的正常变异范围内,因此将金沙江百部及其变种处理为云南百部的异名,同时对云南百部的形态特征进行了补充描述。结合对云南百部6个野生居群成熟植株的开花结实特征、种子传播策略分析,对云南百部受威胁状况进行了评估。  相似文献   

百部属一新种   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
臧得奎  彭卫东 《植物研究》1996,16(4):413-414
百部属一新种,即山东百部Semona shandongensis D.K.Zang,与近缘种进立百部S.sesilifolia Miq。区别在茎生,叶倒卵形,茶梗与叶柄及叶片基部贴生,花被片不反曲,宽达0.4-0.6cm,外轮2片较狭。  相似文献   

利用ISSR分子标记,对直立百部4个居群的84个样本进行遗传多样性研究,探讨山东百部种的地位。结果表明:(1)15个引物共检测到184条清晰的谱带,其中多样性条带153条;直立百部的遗传多样性水平较高,其物种水平多样性条带百分率(PPF)为83.15%,有效等位基因数(Ae)为1.425,Shannon多样性指数(I)为0.388,Nei’s多样性指数(Hpop)为0.254。(2)居群平均水平上多样性条带百分率为63.04%,有效等位基因数为1.351,Shannon多样性指数为0.310,Nei’s多样性指数为0.206。(3)AMOVA分析显示直立百部居群间遗传分化水平(ΦST)为0.126 3,POPGENE分析显示居群间的遗传分化系数(GST)为0.191 1,二者均表明居群内变异大于居群间变异;直立百部居群间的基因流(Nm)为2.116 6,说明居群间的基因交流较频繁。(4)聚类及主成分分析显示,直立百部4个居群聚为两支,其中泰山居群与其他居群关系较远,以蔓生百部和大百部为外类群分析的结果支持将山东百部作为直立百部的异名,Mental检测显示居群间遗传距离与地理距离间没有显著相关性。  相似文献   

山东百部种群的空间分布格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用扩散系数的t检验、Poisson分布的x^2拟合检验及Morisita指数的F检验研究了山东百部(Stemona shandongensis)种群的空间分布类型;用负二项参数(K)、Cassie指标(1/K)、Green指数(GI)和Lloyd的平均拥挤度(m^*)与聚块性指标(PAI)研究其聚集强度。同时利用上述指数研究了取样面积、苗龄对山东百部种群分布格局和聚集强度的影响,分析了分布格局形成的原因。结果表明,总体上山东百部种群的分布格局类型为集群分布,种群聚集尺度多为8m^2;当年生植株种群聚集强度高于多年生种群;整个种群分布格局的演化趋向于高聚集强度的集群分布。  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜,对百部科4属30种植物的叶表皮微形态特征进行了观察研究。结果显示,叶表皮细胞形状仅有无规则形和多边形2种,垂周壁式样有深波状、浅波状和平直-弓形3种;表皮角质层纹饰微形态多样化,绝大多数物种的叶片表面不具有毛被,仅少数植物叶片表面具单细胞毛;气孔器主要分布在下表皮,仅Stemona prostrata I.R.H.Telford、S.cochinchinensis Gagnep、S.rupestris Inthachub、S.pierrei Gagnep和S.involuta Inthachub 5个种上下表皮均有气孔器;气孔形状均为椭圆形,而气孔器类型均为无规则型。百部科叶表皮微形态特征在属间有一定差异,但在属内各种间没有明确规律,表明该类群应该是一个自然的单系类群。由于百部科植物采样困难,在缺乏系统进化树数据的情况下,这些微形态特征可为探讨百部科不同种类的分类学、生物地理及其生态适应性提供部分新证据。  相似文献   

该文报道了发现于云南盈江的2个中国植物新分布属——木瓜桐属(Siphonodon Griff.)和羽脉百部属(Stichoneuron Hook. f.),以及对应的2个新记录种木瓜桐(Siphonodon celastrineus Griff.)和羽脉百部(Stichoneuron membranaceum Hook.f.),并结合原始文献及野外调查对其形态特征进行了详细描述。凭证标本存放于中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园标本馆(HITBC)。  相似文献   

从对叶百部(Stemona tuberosa)根的乙醇提取物中分离鉴定1个新的百部生物碱,命名为去氢异滇百部碱(1),以及1个已知化合物:异滇百部碱(2)。它们的化学结构通过现代波谱解析得以鉴定。  相似文献   

直立百部的非生物碱化学成分研究(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从直立百部(Stemona sessilifolia)根中首次分离到十四个非生物碱成分.依据波谱数据,它们鉴定为豆甾醇(1)、4-甲氧基苯甲酸(2)、苯甲酸(3)、3,4-二甲氧基苯酚 (4)、4-甲氧基苯甲酸(5)、4-羟基苯甲酸(6)、4-羟基-3-甲氧基苯甲酸(7)、4-羟基-3,5-二甲氧基苯甲酸(8)、3,3′-bis(3,4-dihydro-4-hydroxy-6-methoxy)-2H-1-benzopyran(9)、4-羟基-3-甲氧基苯甲醛(10)、羽扇豆烷-3-酮 (11)、绿原酸(12)、胡萝卜苷(13),3-feruoyl-chinasueure (14).化合物5~14为首次从百部属植物中分离得到.  相似文献   

“傣百解”是傣医常用的一种解药,其基原植物最早记录是夹竹桃科苦绳(Dregea sinensis),后来被鉴定为夹竹桃科通光散(Marsdenia tenacissima)。为进一步澄清“傣百解”的基原植物,该研究结合形态与分子证据对“傣百解”基原植物及近缘种进行了整合分析。结果表明:(1)利用3个DNA片段(psbD-trnT、trnL-trnF、ITS)重建牛奶菜属(Marsdenia)及其他牛奶菜族物种的系统发育关系,其结果显示“傣百解”样品与通光散样品构成1个独立的单系分支,并与灵药牛奶菜(M.cavaleriei)构成姐妹类群。(2)结合形态性状与模式标本进行对比分析发现,“傣百解”基原植物与通光散模式标本基本一致,而其形态特征与姐妹种灵药牛奶菜存在明显差异。(3)进一步确定了“傣百解”的基原植物是通光散,其叶形态与花部性状差异可作为区分通光散和灵药牛奶菜的重要特征。该研究通过整合形态特征与分子证据完成了对“傣百解”的正本清源,该研究结果可用于市场药材的快速准确鉴定,为“傣百解”今后的开发与利用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

中国重要玉米自交系种质资源子粒性状特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
玉米子粒性状是决定玉米产量的重要因素。为了解析中国重要玉米种质资源子粒性状的遗传变异基础,本研究以具有广泛遗传多样性的627份重要玉米自交系为材料,运用相关分析与逐步回归的方法,探讨了我国玉米自交系种质资源的子粒性状特征。结果表明,百粒体积与百粒重存在极显著正相关。逐步回归分析表明,百粒体积对百粒重表型变异的贡献高达78%。针对不同杂种优势群的子粒性状特征分析表明,粒宽对百粒体积的贡献率在瑞德、旅大红骨、兰卡斯特和P群中均为最大,贡献率在54%~71%之间。而在塘四平头类群中,粒厚和粒长的贡献率分别为45%和22%。该研究旨在为利用不同类型种质资源开展子粒性状遗传解析提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

Diplandrorchis is a very curious new orchid genus, containing only one species D. sinica S. C. Chen, found in Huan-ren County of Liaoning Province in northeastern China. It, as the genus name implies, has two fertile stamens, borne on the upper part of the column near the terminal stigma. One of them is opposite to the dorsal sepal, while the other to the median petal (lip). Thus, they represent two median stamens of both inner and outer whorls. This is quite unique in the whole family, including the diandrous group, in which the two stamens are opposite to the lateral petals and thus represent the lateral ones of the inner whorl. The flower is erect, with its pale greenish or whitish perianth nearly regular. Two lateral sepals are more or less oblique, showing some difference from the dorsal one, but the three petals, which are thinner and narrower, are very similar to each other. Neither rostellum nor any other appendages are found in its column, but a terminal stigma and two erect stamens. The pollinia are naked and granular, which, in almost all flowers examined, have naturally fallen out of their cells on to the stigma. Apparently, it is self-fertilised, as found in Tangtsinia and some other primitive orchids. Besides, this interesting orchid is a dwarf saprophyte, with its habit very similar to that of Neottia, another saprophytic genus assigned to the subtribe Neottiinae. The fact that the saprophytic orchids are largely found in the primitive subtribes, such as the Neottiinae, Limodorinae, Vanillinae and Pogoniinae, is worthy of special attention. Theoretically, the saprophytic plants must have developed from green-leaved plants. In the Orchidaceae, however, what ancestor are the most primitive saprophytes derived from ? This is indeed an interesting question closely related to the origin of the Orchidaceae. From the facts mentioned above, the present genus is a very primitive or relic one and of great phylogenetic interest. It is placed here as the most primitive member in the subtribe Neottiinae, although it is sharply distinct from the remaining generaof this subtribe. It may deserve a separate subtribe, but further study is needed.  相似文献   

A new genus and species in the eucalypt group of the Myrtaceae is described. Stockwellia quadrifida D.J. Carr, S.G.M. Carr & B.Hyland gen. et sp. nov. is a rainforest tree of restricted distribution on the Atherton Tableland, North Queensland, Australia. Molecular data suggest that it is the sister taxon to Eucalyptopsis and this is supported by morphological characters. The prolonged hypanthium and reduced perianth appear to be synapomorphies for these two genera and the circumscissile hypanthium a synapomorphy shared with Allosyncarpia . Stockwellia differs from Eucalyptopsis by the distinct, albeit reduced, perianth and the hypanthium splitting into four segments at anthesis. The relationship of these two genera indicates an historical biogeographical link between New Guinea and the Queensland wet tropics region.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 139 , 415–421.  相似文献   

A perianth of bristles is known in both aerial and basal florets of the amphicarpous sedge Eleocharis minima. For the first time, a perianth is reported within basal florets of Schoenoplectus section Supini. Aerial florets of the same plants show no evidence of a perianth. In S. erectus ssp. raynalii and in S. lateriflorus ssp. lateriflorus , the perianth to the basal amphicarp consisted of two bristles with antrorse barbs. In S. articulatus, S. roylei and S. senegalensis the perianth comprised broader, smooth-margined structures interpreted as scales. In some cases these were three per floret and were set at two levels suggestive of two whorls. Other amphicarpous species of the section showed basal florets without a perianth.  相似文献   

New stemona alkaloids from the roots of Stemona sessilifolia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
From the roots of Stemona sessilifolia, three new stemona-type alkaloids, namely stemosessifoine (1), isooxymaistemonine (2), and isomaistemonine (3), along with eight known alkaloids (bisdehydrostemoninine, isobisdehydrostemoninine, tuberostemonine, bisdehydrotuberostemonine, bisdehydrostemoninine, isobisdehydrostemoninine, stemoninine, and protostemonine), were isolated. Their structures were determined on the basis of extensive 2D-NMR spectroscopic-data analysis and by comparison with reported values in the literature. Compound 1 is a structurally unprecedented alkaloid, and it is depicted to be bioconverted from tuberostemonine as the precursor. Isooxymaistemonine (2) showed a positive effect on the human high-density lipoprotein (HDL) receptor gene CD36 and LIMP II analogous-1 (CLA-1) at the dosage of 10 microg/ml.  相似文献   

The genus Endolepis was first described by Torrey in 1860 with E. suckleyi (E. dioica [Nutt.] Standley) as the only species, noting that it differed from species of Atriplex by the presence of perianth parts in the female flowers. Later, Standley described two additional species: E. covillei and E. monilifera. H. M. Hall and Clements merged Endolepis with Atriplex because they thought that the presence of perianth parts in female flowers was variable in Atriplex phyllostegia. It is now clear that this observation was erroneous; A. phyllostegia never has perianth parts in its female flowers. The plants that they examined that had female flowers with perianth parts were specimens of Endolepis covillei; only those with female flowers devoid of perianth parts were specimens of Atriplex phyllostegia. These two taxa differ by several other major attributes including differences in leaf shape, leaf anatomy, fruiting-bract size and shape, fruiting-bract appendages, and flowering habit, and therefore justify taxonomic separation. Also, because the presence of perianth parts in bracteolate female flowers is a rare attribute in the tribe Atripliceae, consistently absent in Atriplex, but always present in Endolepis, the retention of the genus Endolepis, separate from Atriplex, is deemed warranted. We propose that the genus Endolepis comprise two species, E. dioica and E. covillei. The species named E. monilifera by Standley is based on a specimen of Atriplex serenana Nels.  相似文献   

John J. Pipoly 《Brittonia》1999,51(2):128-133
Herbarium studies leading to a treatment of the Myrsinaceae for the Flora of Central French Guiana resulted in the discovery of two heretofore undescribed species,Cybianthus prevostiae andStylogyne incognita. The species are described and illustrated, and hypotheses regarding phylogenetic relationships with their respective congeners are provided.Cybianthus prevostiae is unusual among members ofCybianthus subgen.Weigeltia owing to its monoaxial habit and ellipsoid pistil, and deeply cupuliform calyx.Stylogyne incognita, a taxon often confused withS. micrantha, is most closely related toS. sordida but is separated from it by the corymbose inflorescence, entire leaves, longer petioles, and membranaceous perianth.  相似文献   

本文报道了中国苋科苋属的一新记录归化植物——广布苋(Amaranthus graecizans L.).该种植株常匍匐,叶片狭长椭圆形至线状披针形,有时线形或菱形卵形,长至少为宽的2.5倍,花被片3枚,近等长,与中国有分布的本属其他物种有所区别.该种原产于欧洲地中海地区、非洲北部至亚洲西部,归化于欧洲其他地区、东亚、澳...  相似文献   

A specimen collected in southern Tibet in 1928, hitherto identified only as "Arenanu sp.", is found to represent a new species of the subgenus Odontostemma . The new species resembles A. littledalei , the species that forms the basis of the monotypic genus Gooringia , characterized by a dwarf habit, a tetramerous perianth and only two or three stamens. Several other species of Arenaria subgenus Odontostemma resemble A. littledalei in habit and one ( A. saginoides ) is tetramerous, but hitherto none has been found with its extremely reduced androecium. The new species has an identical androecium to A. littledalei and its discovery leaves no doubt that Gooringia should not be recognized taxonomically at any rank. The new species is described as A. pharensis McNcill & Majumdar and a table compares its diagnostic features with those of A. littledalei and five other dwarf Arenaria species of sibgrnus Odontostemma from the mountains of Sikkim, Tibet, Yunnan and Tsinghai.  相似文献   

Clematis sect. Tubulosae is revised in this paper. Nine species, two varieties, and three forms are recognized and classified into two subsections. An identification key is provided, and each species is described and illustrated. Brief taxonomic history is given, along with a summary of pollen morphology and geographical distribution. The relationships among the infrasectional groups are also discussed: Subsect. Pinnatae, characterized by its scandent habit, bisexual flowers, white or pinkish, at length spreading, obovate-oblong sepals, and tricolpate pollen, is regarded as the more primitive group, whereas subsect. Tubulosae, characterized by its erect habit, usually polygamous flowers, blue or purple, erect, usually narrowly oblong sepals, and usually pantoporate pollen, is regarded as the more advanced group of the section. Subsect. Pinnatae is believed to have originated from sect. Clematis in Central or East China, and subsect. Tubulosae might be derived from subsect. Pinnatae.  相似文献   

A new species from Java, Hoya amicabilis S.Rahayu & Rodda is described and illustrated. It was first identified as a new species from pictures posted on social media in 2017. Hoya amicabilis is part of a small group of species that have an unusual shrubby habit, but it is the only one in that group with bright yellow campanulate flowers. Furthermore, Hoya amicabilis is a rather unusual species of Hoya since its staminal corona lobes are oblong, erect, while most species of Hoya have well‐developed generally spreading corona lobes, and its style head is umbonate, brightly coloured and extending above the anther appendages, while most species have a conical style head covered by anther appendages.  相似文献   

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