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利用PCR技术扩增出BmDNV-3 NS1基因,将目的基因与原核表达载体pET-30a进行连接,转化BL21 star菌并在该菌中表达,经Western blot鉴定表达的产物为BmDNV-3 NS1蛋白,纯化NS1蛋白并制备兔多克隆抗体.同时BmDNV-3 NS1基因亚克隆到杆状病毒转移载体pFastBae-HTb-eGFP中,转化BmDH10BAC感受态细胞,提取的重组Bacmid通过脂质体包埋转染家蚕BmN细胞,再以收获的重组病毒感染家蚕幼虫.家蚕BmN细胞和幼虫感染重组病毒2d后均观察到绿色荧光,经SDS-PAGE分析真核表达的产物与预测的NS1-eGFP融合蛋白大小不一致,说明NS1-eGFP融合蛋白被昆虫内源性的蛋白酶降解.降解的产物用NS1蛋白抗体进行Western blot鉴定为BmDNV-3 NS1蛋白.  相似文献   

将人胶质细胞源性神经营养因子(GDNF)基因克隆入酵母分泌型表达载体pPIC9K中,酶切线性化后电穿孔导入酵母细胞进行整合,经G418筛选得到多拷贝转化子,甲醇诱导表达。将人GDNF基因克隆入昆虫病毒转移载体pBacPAK8中,与线性化Bm-BacPAK6修饰病毒基因组DNA共转染家蚕细胞,经体内重组,筛选到重组病毒。用重组病毒感染家蚕幼虫,5d后收集血淋巴。SDS-PAGE和蛋白质印迹杂交结果证实了酵母培养上清液及家蚕幼虫血淋巴中含有GDNF蛋白。活性研究表明,甲醇酵母及家蚕幼虫表达的GDNF蛋白能促进多巴胺能神经元的存活和突起生长。  相似文献   

人表皮生长因子(hEGF), 一种由53个氨基酸残基组成的单链多肽, 具有广阔的应用前景。本文主要探讨家蚕表达人表皮生长因子gp67信号肽融合蛋白的生物活性。采用家蚕杆状病毒表达系统来表达该信号肽融合蛋白。构建了重组质粒pBacPAKS-hEGF, 将该重组质粒与线性化病毒Bm-BacPAK6 DNA共转染家蚕细胞, 筛选获得重组病毒vBacPAK-SEGF, 用vBacPAK-SEGF感染家蚕BmN细胞和五龄蚕, Western blot检测表明在家蚕细胞、五岭幼虫的血淋巴和蛹中均有约12 kD的目的蛋白表达。ELISA检测发现在家蚕细胞中的表达量为23 mg/ 106细胞, 五龄幼虫中的表达量可达到82 mg/mL血淋巴。利用小鼠成纤维细胞Balb/c3T3分析家蚕表达的hEGF信号肽融合蛋白的生物活性, 结果表明表达产物能显著促进Balb/c3T3细胞的增值。另外, 研究还发现hEGF信号肽融合蛋白可使新生ICR小鼠体重增 加, 睁眼和萌齿时间提前。本研究为进一步开发利用家蚕表达的hEGF提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Bms3a基因可能在家蚕Bombyx mori抗病或细胞凋亡中有一定的作用。将融合有绿色荧光蛋白的Bins3a基因克隆到杆状病毒转移载体pFastBac1中获得了pFastBac-IE1-Bms3a-EGFP真核表达载体,利用杆状病毒(Bac-to-Bac)表达系统筛选重组杆状病毒,以重组病毒感染家蚕BmN细胞和五龄幼虫,分别在感染24h和48h检测到有绿色荧光蛋白的表达,Western blot证明表达的融合蛋白在相对分子量约57kD处出现特异条带,与预计的蛋白理论值相符。结果表明BmS3A-EGFP融合蛋白在家蚕细胞BmN及幼虫体中得到高效表达。研究结果为进一步研究BmS3A蛋白的功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

为明确球孢白僵菌毒素对宿主昆虫糖代谢水平的作用,本研究检测了家蚕幼虫感染球孢白僵菌和注射球孢白僵菌毒素之后组织中海藻糖和糖原含量的变化,以及糖代谢相关基因表达水平的变化;分析了注射毒素和添食海藻糖之后对家蚕幼虫存活率的影响、以及添加毒素之后对BmN细胞的损伤作用。结果表明,家蚕幼虫感染球孢白僵菌和注射毒素后海藻糖和糖原含量显著降低;Bombyxin A2和BmIBP2基因显著上调表达,而糖代谢酶系基因则显著下调表达。注射毒素显著降低家蚕5龄幼虫的存活时间,而补充海藻糖能够延长家蚕幼虫的存活时间。添加毒素能够使家蚕BmN细胞发生凝集作用而最终崩解死亡,并诱导Bombyxin A2和BmIBP2基因显著上调表达以及糖代谢酶系基因显著下调表达。以上结果说明,球孢白僵菌可能通过分泌毒素,作用于家蚕类胰岛素信号通路,调节家蚕自身糖类物质的代谢与合成,破坏家蚕能量代谢与储存平衡,引起家蚕组织细胞凋亡并最终导致家蚕死亡。本研究结果对农林害虫的生物防治、家蚕等经济昆虫僵病防治技术的研究以及球孢白僵菌毒素用于新型降糖药物的筛选和中药僵蚕的开发利用均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

构建家蚕Bombyx mori肌动蛋白(BmA3)启动子驱动的家蚕核型多角体病毒(BmNPV)多角体基因(ph)和OpNPV极早期启动子(IE1)驱动的zeocin抗性筛选基因转座供体载体,与鳞翅目辅助转座质粒pie2piggyBac共转染家蚕卵巢细胞BmN,经200μg/ml zeocin抗生素筛选一个月,成功获得持续表达BmNPV多角体蛋白的稳定细胞系BmN-A3ph。多角体缺陷型重组病毒BmBac-GF P感染拯救细胞系BmN- A3ph, 细胞成功装配出病毒包涵体颗粒,其包装效率约为野生型病毒感染正常BmN细胞的8%。用拯救型包涵体病毒颗粒喂食家蚕幼虫进行复感染,结果表明稳定细胞系所包装的包涵体病毒与野生型病毒一样能够通过口服途径感染宿主,却并不在宿主体内形成包涵体,从而保证外源基因高效表达。拯救型包涵体病毒可望解决传统注射感染效率较低问题,通过喂食感染可促进杆状病毒介导的家蚕生物反应器产业化进程。  相似文献   

家蚕作为“生物工厂”生产重组蛋白质具有很多优势 .构建携带编码人血管内皮细胞生长因子 (VEGF) 16 5个氨基酸的cDNA的重组杆状病毒 .将此重组病毒接种 5龄家蚕幼虫进行重组蛋白的表达生产 .时相表达分析表明 ,感染后大约 80h时表达水平达到最高 ,而且重组蛋白主要存在于血淋巴中 .从感染的幼虫收集血淋巴并用Nickle亲和层析纯化重组蛋白产物 .定量分析表明 ,每条家蚕幼虫的表达水平高达 4 2 6 μg左右 .通过细胞培养体外分析 ,发现与对照相比 ,加入纯化的重组VEGF(10ng ml和 10 0ng/ml)能够使人HUVEC细胞体外培养细胞数增加 1 8~ 3 3倍 ,说明家蚕幼虫表达的重组VEGF具有完全的生物活性 ,能够诱导内皮细胞在体外分裂增殖 .  相似文献   

将缺少编码信号肽序列的人白细胞介素 11(hIL 11) 5 46核苷酸cDNA ,重组于质粒pBacPAK8构建重组转移载体pBacIL 11,与经线性化修饰的家蚕核型多角体病毒 (BmBacPAK)DNA共转染家蚕培养细胞株BmN ,获得了插入hIL 11基因的重组病毒。Southern杂交表明重组病毒基因组中含有hIL 11基因片段 ,RNA斑点杂交表明hIL 11基因得到了转录。重组病毒感染BmN细胞株、家蚕幼虫和蛹 ,在细胞培养上清、细胞抽提物、幼虫和蛹的体液样品中 ,SDS PAGE电泳分析都能检测得到表达产物的特异性条带 ;采用IL 11依赖细胞株B9- 1 1 和MTT法测定表达产物的生物活性 ,表明hIL 11基因分别在培养细胞和蚕体内得到了高效表达  相似文献   

将缺少编码信号肽序列的人白细胞介素-11(hIL-11)546核苷酸cDNA,重组于质粒pBacPAK8构建重组转移载体pBacIL-11,与经线性化修饰的家蚕核型多角体病毒(BmBacPAK)DNA共转染家蚕培养细胞株BmN,获得了插入hIL-11基因的重组病毒。Southern杂交表明重组病毒基因组中含有hIL-11基因片段,RNA斑点杂交表明hIL-11基因得到了转录。重组病毒感BmN细胞株、家蚕幼虫和蛹,在细胞培养上清、细胞抽提物、幼虫和蛹的体液样品中,SDS-PAGE电泳分析都能检测得到表达产物的特异性条带;采用IL-11依赖细胞株B9-11和MTT法测定表达产物的生物活性,表明rIL-11基因分别在培养细胞和蚕体内得到了高效表达。  相似文献   

现行的杆状病毒表达外源基因的方法是将外源基因取代病毒中的多角体基因,因而得到的重组杆状病毒感染活体时不能经口感染,只能进行针刺注射,效率低且易引起活体感染其他疾病。将家蚕核型多角体病毒(Bombyx mor inucleopolyhedrovirus,BmNPV)中的多角体基因(polyhedrin,poly)及其启动子片段克隆到转座子载体pigA3GFP中,将其与辅助质粒pHA3PIG利用脂质体介导法导入家蚕细胞中,经过多次筛选获得稳定的转基因家蚕细胞。之后先将BmPAK6(含LacZ)及BmGFP(含GFP)重组病毒分别感染转基因细胞,再将得到的重组病毒经口感染5龄家蚕幼虫。结果显示,重组杆状病毒可以经口感染家蚕幼虫。这些研究表明来自于转基因家蚕细胞的poly基因表达产物可以提高重组杆状病毒经口感染家蚕率,为解决杆状病毒表达系统中重组病毒不能经口感染家蚕幼虫的问题提供新思路。  相似文献   

采用TP-PCR法,将抗人CD28单链抗体的重、轻链可变区基因和人工设计的昆虫杆状病毒多角体蛋白基因(ph)偏好的连接肽序列,拼接成抗人CD28单链抗体(抗CD28-ScFv)基因,并将其插入昆虫杆状病毒转移载体pBacPAK8的ph启动子,构建成重组转移载体pBacPAK8/CD28-ScFv。为便于表达产物的纯化,在CD28-ScFv的C端增加了6×Histag序列。通过脂质体介导法将重组转移载体pBacPAK8/CD28-ScFv和线性化病毒Bm-BacPAK6共转染BmN细胞,经空斑分析和蓝白斑筛选,获得重组杆状病毒Bm-BacPAK6 CD28-ScFv。将重组病毒Bm-BacPAK6 CD28-ScFv感染BmN细胞和5龄家蚕,SDS-PAGE和Western Blotting分析表明,在分子量约为28kD处有一表达带。BmN细胞的表达始于24h,表达峰在72h,96h时表达量开始下降,而5龄家蚕的表达始于48h,表达峰在120h。结果证明,抗人CD28单链抗体基因在BmN细胞和家蚕中得到了特异性表达。上述研究成果为抗人CD28基因工程抗体的研制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The orf8 gene (Bm8) in Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) is one of 17 genes unique to group I NPVs and is expressed as an early gene. We have reported that Bm8 may play an important role during viral infection and that Bm8 protein co-localized with IE1 to specific nuclear foci throughout infection. It was also demonstrated that both IE1 and BmNPV hr facilitate this localization of Bm8. To investigate further, host proteins interacting with Bm8 were screened using a yeast two-hybrid system. We identified 6 host clones as Bm8-interacting partners from three cDNA libraries derived from BmN cells or B. mori larvae. Further assays showed that the N-terminal region of Bm8 is important for the interaction with most host clones and that two of the clones can associate with IE1. Cloning and sequencing of full-length cDNAs revealed that most of the clones potentially encode either membrane-bound proteins or secreted proteins. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis revealed that some of these host genes were slightly induced during the early stage of infection in BmN cells, and that the expression of all genes was markedly reduced during the late stage of infection. Generation of mutant BmNPVs over-expressing these host genes also identified a gene that potentially functions as a negative factor during BmNPV infection. These features of Bm8-interacting host proteins strongly support that Bm8 is a multifunctional protein involved in multiple signaling pathways in host cells.  相似文献   

To explore whether the nonvirus encoded protein could be embedded into Bombyx mori cypovirus (BmCPV) polyhedra. The stable transformants of BmN cells expressing a polyhedrin (Polh) gene of BmCPV were constructed by transfection with a non-transposon derived vector containing a polh gene. The polyhedra were purified from the midguts of BmCPV-infected silkworms and the transformed BmN cells, respectively. The proteins embedded into polyhedra were determined by mass spectrometry analysis. Host derived proteins were detected in the purified polyhedra. Analysis of structure and hydrophilicity of embedded proteins indicated that the hydrophilic proteins, in structure, were similar to the left-handed structure of polyhedrin or the N-terminal domain of BmCPV structural protein VP3, which were easily embedded into the BmCPV polyhedra. The lysate of polyhedra purified from the infected transformation of BmN cells with modified B. mori baculovirus BmPAK6 could infect BmN cells, indicating that B. mori baculovirus could be embedded into BmCPV polyhedra. Both the purified polyhedra and its lysate could be coloured by X-gal, indicating that the β-galactosidase expressed by BmPAK6 could be incorporated into BmCPV polyhedra. These results suggested that some heterologous proteins and baculovirus could be embedded into polyhedra in an unknown manner.  相似文献   

Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) is extensively being studied as an expression vector for heterologous gene expression in silkworm-derived cells as well as in the host larvae or pupae. BmNPV chitinase is necessary for liquefaction of the virus-infected host insect. The influence of chitinase on the efficiency of foreign gene expression was studied to provide a scientific basis for improving the BmNPV expression system. The BmNPV chitinase gene ( chiA ) was deleted and the expression level of the polyhedrin promoter controlling the lac Z gene in BmN cells was determined. Sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS)–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) showed that β-galactosidase accounted for approximately 6.9 and 7.7% of the total protein in BmN cells infected with the chiA deficient Bm lac Z+ chiA at 3 and 4 days post infection, while the total protein was 3.2 and 4.2% in cells infected with Bm lac Z+. The relative β-galactosidase activities in Bm lac Z+ chiA -infected cells improved 2.33- and 1.56-fold compared to those of Bm lac Z+-infected cells at 3 and 4 days post infection. The results of the present study suggest that chitinase deletion could improve the lacZ expression level in the BmNPV-BmN cell expression system.  相似文献   

利用 DNA 同源重组技术使家蚕核型多角体病毒的多角体蛋白基因取代 v-cath 、 ChiA 两基因的部分编码区域和共同的启动子区域,获得了 v-cath 、 ChiA 两基因同时失活的、可形成多角体的、并能表达人粒细胞 - 巨噬细胞集落刺激因子的重组病毒 BmNPVpolh+CP-ChiA-GMCSF+. 研究结果显示: v-cath 、 ChiA 两基因的失活不影响病毒的复制及多角体的形成,但感染细胞的存活时间比野生病毒感染的多 2 天,可明显改善外源基因在培养细胞和家蚕中的表达水平;感染 BmNPV polh+CP-ChiA-GMCSF+的家蚕幼虫体表保持正常,无野生病毒感染后引起的破皮流脓现象 .  相似文献   

Lepidopteran nucleopolyhedroviruses (NPVs) show distinct tissue tropism in host insect larvae. However, the molecular mechanism of this tropism is largely unknown. We quantitatively investigated NPV tissue tropism by measuring mRNA levels of viral genes in 16 tissues from Bombyx mori NPV (BmNPV)-infected B. mori larvae and found clear tissue tropism, i.e., BmNPV replicates poorly in the silk glands, midgut, and Malpighian tubule compared with other larval tissues. We next identified the viral genes determining tissue tropism in NPV infection by investigating the phenotypes of larvae infected with 44 BmNPV mutants in which one gene was functionally disrupted by a LacZ cassette insertion. We found that occlusion body (OB) production was markedly enhanced compared with that of the wild type in the middle silk glands (MSGs) of larvae infected with three mutants in which one of three tandemly arrayed genes (Bm7, Bm8, and Bm9) was disrupted. We generated additional mutants in which one or two genes of this gene cluster were partially deleted and showed that Bm8, also known as BV/ODV-E26, was solely required for the suppression of OB production in the MSGs of BmNPV-infected B. mori larvae. Western blotting showed that a LacZ cassette insertion in Bm7 or Bm9 resulted in aberrant expression of Bm8, presumably leading to abnormal OB production in the MSGs. Larval bioassays also revealed that disruption of Bm8 accelerated the death of B. mori larvae. These results suggest that the group I NPV-specific protein BV/ODV-E26 determines tissue tropism and virulence in host lepidopteran insects.  相似文献   

Effective methods to inactivate or remove budded particles of a nuclear polyhedrosis virus of Bombyx mori (BmNPV) from a cell-cultured media or from host haemolymph that is infected by this virus have been developed. Two types of suspensions containing BmNPV budded virus particles, TC-100 media that cultured BmN4 cells infected by this virus and haemolymph of B. mori larvae infected by this virus, were treated by 6% (w/v) polyethylene glycol (PEG), 0.01% (w/v) chitosan, 0.05% (v/v) linoleic acid (an emulsion), and/or diethylether. Treatment by linoleic acid followed by PEG-precipitation and treatment by diethylether followed by PEG-precipitation were so effective that these treatments suppressed the viral titre of BmNPV-infected larval haemolymph from an original titre (> 109 TCID50 units/ml) to below a detectable limit. These methods are suggested as being potentially useful in an insect factory system; that is, a protein production system utilizing a baculovirus vector and its insect host or cultured cells on a large scale.  相似文献   

传染性法氏囊病病毒多聚蛋白基因在家蚕中的表达   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV)细胞致弱株(JD1株)的基因组A节段基因重组于家蚕杆状病毒转移载体pAcHLT-C中,获得的重组转移载体pAcHLT-C-A与线性化病毒Bm-BacPAK6 DNA共转染家蚕培养细胞,获得重组病毒BacPAK-A。DIG标记的DNA点杂交证实重组病毒基因组中含有A节段基因,重组病毒感染家蚕5龄幼虫进行表达, ELISA和Western blotting等结果表明多聚蛋白基因在蚕体内得到了表达,表达产物具有免疫反应性,表达量在感染后5~6 d达到最高。家蚕生物反应器表达IBDV多聚蛋白具有我国的资源优势,为今后研制低成本、实用化的IBDV基因工程疫苗打下基础。  相似文献   

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