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"微课风"来袭,身处一线的教师应该深入了解这种新型的教育方式,结合自己的教学实际大胆探索微课的模式。本文借助高中生物必修二中"DNA是主要的遗传物质"一课来谈谈微课的制作。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展和教育改革的深入,创新型教学改革方案不断推出。借助信息技术,创新式的翻转课堂也越来越受关注。文中围绕翻转课堂这种新型的教学模式,融合信息化手段,为教学发展提供新思路。微课作为创新翻转课堂的一种重要形式,短小精悍、趣味性高,有助于提高学生的学习兴趣和自主学习能力。设计与制作微课将成为高校教师必备的技能。文中基于对全国高校生命科学类微课教学比赛参赛作品的分析,从微课的主要特点、主题导入方式、呈现方式、教学设计等角度进行分析,探讨微课在生命科学类课程教学中的应用,为一线高校教师了解和设计微课提供参考,从而提高大学生的学习兴趣和效率。  相似文献   

2015年,我国将在全国范围内全面启动住院医师规范化培训,针对规范化培训的教学改革引起了学者的广泛关注。随着现代信息技术的不断发展,"微课"这一新的教学模式在现代教学活动中的发挥的作用越来越突出,其短时有效的教学内容能快捷、方便、反复的获取,提高了学生学习效率和学习质量。依托规范化培训基地,将"微课"融入住院医师规范化培训,通过微视频、动漫、3D模型等方式,直观形象向住院医师讲解疾病及诊疗操作相关内容,并让住院医师参与"微课"设计、制作、学习的整个过程,能够提高住院医师规范化培训的效果、缓解医患矛盾、丰富医学大数据。本文就"微课"在住院医师规范化培训中的几点想法与同行共享。  相似文献   

微课是一种为在线学习而生的,以学习者为中心设计的可视化学习资源。微课的应用往往离不开翻转课堂。为了解决"食品微生物学实验"课程中存在的"教"与"学"的问题,本文构建了基于微课视频的翻转课堂实验教学模式,总结出了"一视、二台、三看、四仿、五评"的实验课教学策略。该教学模式实现了"以教为主"向"以学为主"的转变,以及"知识传授为主"向"能力培养为主"的转变,提高了学生的自主学习能力和学习兴趣,对提高教学效果具有明显的促进作用。  相似文献   

以病毒增殖的微课教学设计为例,探讨医学微生物学微课设计的一种理念,即将医学微生物学的课程内容、科学精神和医学生的知识技能深度融合开展微课教学设计。采用语音、文字、图片和视频等多元信息的整合生动表达教学内容。使科研情景、知识结论、知识应用、知识与实践的联系、思考后的小结有序呈现。由此让微课教学在提高医学微生物学教学质量中发挥积极作用。  相似文献   

"微生物学实验"是高校生物学专业的一门基础实验课,由于微生物学实验技术更新快、实验原理知识点琐碎及近年来教学时数缩减,传统的教学方法差强人意。微课作为一种新型教学模式,以短小、精炼、互动性强为特征,顺应碎片化移动阅读的趋势,为实验课程教学改革提供了新的思路。以自主实验项目"红豆杉内生真菌的分离"内容为例,探讨了实验类微课的设计和制作思路,并进行了教学反思,以更好地完善微课教学,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

立足于助学的角度,从选题、微课类型选择、满足个性化学习需求入手,例谈生物学教学中微课的有效设计,包括:选题独立、内容精炼、目标明确、实用性强;重视"情境-任务-探究-拓展"微课类型及其有效互动;重视目标分层,方法策略多元化,满足个性化学习需求等,使微课成为课堂教学的重要补充和拓展资源,真正起到助学的作用。  相似文献   

本文根据现阶段计算机科学技术和"微课"的发展趋势,以及在《医学物理学》展开教学中遇到的情况,并基于"微课"对章节内容"连续性方程"进行设计,探析"微课"在该课程教学中的可行性。  相似文献   

微生物学检验是高职微生物专业和医学检测专业的必修课程,该课程的开展能够让学生认识并观察常见的微生物,明确微生物的特性,掌握基础的微生物鉴定检验技术。但部分高职微生物学检验课程教学现状不容乐观,存在单次教学时间长、单次课程内容多、教学方式单一等问题。微课是一种新型数字教学资源,具有视频时长短、内容针对性强、教学目标明确等特点,可以与微生物学检验课程特点相契合。在当前的社会形势下,高职院校要深入研究微课的特点,深化微课在高职微生物学检验教学中的应用,促使高职微生物学检验教学向高效化、精细化方向发展。  相似文献   

赵红  姚平波  刘玉环  伍媚春 《蛇志》2016,(1):108-109
目的探讨基于微课的翻转课堂教学模式在护理学基础教学中的应用效果。方法便利整群抽取我院2013级护理本科6个班的学生为研究对象,随机分为实验组和对照组各3个班。对照组采用传统教学方法,实验组采用微课方式进行"三位一体"翻转教学法。课程结束后,采用理论、操作考核及问卷调查评价教学效果。结果期末考核实验组学生理论和操作考试成绩优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.01);实验组学生对基于微课的翻转课堂教学模式满意度较高。结论基于微课的翻转课堂教学模式运用于护理学基础教学中切实可行,有助于提高护理学基础教学效果。  相似文献   

Posters make sense. They make sense as a means of communicating the results of scientific investigation quickly and effectively. They also make sense as a teaching-and-leaming exercise. This point is made in a number of studies that have explored the benefits of posters within biology courses. Whilst these studies illustrate the value of poster assignments as educational exercises, it is also evident that the success of those assignments depends, in part, on providing students with clear instruction on poster preparation. Despite the considerable merits of the existing literature on the use of posters in science education, there has been very little published that offers clear and simple guidance to students and teachers on poster production. One of the primary aims of this paper, therefore, is to help rectify this situation. We briefly review the purposes of posters in teaching biology before going on to provide some detailed instruction for students on how to prepare a good, effective poster.  相似文献   

All physicians, at some point in their career, are responsible for the education of their peers and junior colleagues. Although medical students are expected to develop clinical and research skills in preparation for residency, it is becoming clear that a student should also be expected to develop abilities as a teacher. A handful of institutions have student-as-teacher programs to train medical students in education, but most students graduate from medical school without formal training in this area. When such a program does not exist, medical students can gain experience in education through participation in peer teaching, course design, educational committees, and medical education scholarship. In doing so, they attain important skills in the development, implementation, and evaluation of educational programs. These skills will serve them in their capacity as medical educators as they advance in their careers and gain increasing teaching responsibility as residents, fellows, and attending physicians.  相似文献   

为了提高植物病理学中"植物病原菌物"教学单元的教学效果,作者梳理了菌物的涵义和演变历史,以及不同教材中相关内容的编排特点。提出了要针对不同授课对象、教学计划和教学目的选择合适的教材,并针对性地进行课堂教学设计的观点。即,植物保护专业的课程设计可以结合生物系统分类学进展对"真菌"和"菌物"的概念进行梳理,而植物生产类非植物保护专业的植物病理学相关课程则直接讲解植物病原菌物的概念。通过差异化教学设计,提高教学效果,满足不同专业的学生学习需求。  相似文献   

Near-perfect adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) is required to achieve the best possible prevention and treatment outcomes. Yet, there have been particular concerns about the challenges of adherence among patients living in resource-limited settings in sub-Saharan Africa. The primary objective of this study was to explore adherence in a low-resourced, rural community of high HIV prevalence in South Africa and to identify specific individual and structural factors that can either challenge or support adherence in this context. We applied digital stories as a qualitative research tool to gain insights into personal contexts of HIV and ART adherence. Through an inductive thematic analysis of twenty story texts, soundtracks and drawings, we explored experiences, understandings, and contexts of the participants and identified potential barriers and facilitators for those on lifelong treatment. We found that many of the stories reflected a growing confidence in the effectiveness of ART, which should be viewed as a key facilitator to successful adherence since this attitude can promote disclosure and boost access to social support. Nevertheless, stories also highlighted the complexity of the issues that individuals and households face as they deal with HIV and ART in this setting and it is clear that an overburdened local healthcare system has often struggled to meet the demands of a rapidly expanding epidemic and to provide the necessary medical and emotional support. Our analysis suggests several opportunities for further research and the design of novel health interventions to support optimal adherence. Firstly, future health promotion campaigns should encourage individuals to test together, or at least accompany each other for testing, to encourage social support from the outset. Additionally, home-based testing and ART club interventions might be recommended to make it easier for individuals to adhere to their treatment regimens and to provide a sense of support and solidarity.  相似文献   

在高中生物教学中,血糖平衡的调节一直是重要的教学内容。以往的教学设计思路主要是依靠教师讲述,学生被动接受,因此学生在学习上缺乏主动性。且由于内容比较抽象,学生很难真正理解。教师如何依据现代教育理论,通过组织和引导学生模拟血糖的调节机制,建构和不断修正动态的物理模型,再建构抽象的血糖调节的图解式概念模型,从而使学生深入理解血糖调节的机制,更好地理解体内激素对生命活动进行的调节,不仅是突破教学难点有效途径,对学生建立科学思维方式也具有重要的意义。结合课堂教学实际,介绍“建立血糖调节模型”的教学设计和“概念模型”的教学组织策略两个方面研究成果。  相似文献   

分子生物学实验教学内容的新探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尽管我们对分子生物学实验教学进行了多方面改革,但至今大多实验教学内容中仍然存在一个突出的问题:分子生物学理论教学内容和实验教学内容相脱节,实验教学内容未能突出理论教学中重点、难点内容以及相应能力要求。本文着重探讨新的分子生物学实验课程内容,即根据分子生物学理论课教学中的重点、难点内容顺序,安排相应的实验内容,让学生在实验中理解理论知识,掌握相应的实验能力,最终实现理论教学和实践教学的相互促进,从而提高教学质量。  相似文献   

F C Fraser 《Teratology》1976,14(3):267-280
The common congenital malformations have familial distributions that cannot be accounted for by simple Mendelian models, but can be explained in terms of a continuous variable, "liability," with a threshold value beyond which individuals will be affected. Both genetic and environmental factors determine liability, making the system multifactorial. Cleft palate is a useful experimental model, illustrating a number of factors that contribute to palate closure, the nature of a developmental threshold, and how genes and teratogens can alter the components of liability to increase the probability of cleft palate. The nature of the genetic component to liability in human malformations in not clear, and various possibilities, ranging from polygenic in the strict sense to a major gene with reduced penetrance are compatible with the data -- but the important feature is the threshold. Much of the confusion over the concept results from inconsistent use of terminology. The term "multifactorial" should be used for "determined by a combination of genetic and environmental factors," without reference to the nature of the genetic factor(s). "Polygenic" should be reserved for "a large number of genes, each with a small effect, acting additively." When several genes, with more major effects are involved, "multilocal" can be used. When it is not clear which of these is applicable the term "plurilocal" is suggested, in the sense of "genetic variation more complex than a simple Mendelian difference." Since teratological data often represent threshold characters the concept also has important implications for the interpretation of data on dose-response curves, synergisms, and strain differences in response to teratogens.  相似文献   

Kevin Padian 《Evolution》2010,3(2):206-214
If the American public understood what is actually known about the major evolutionary transitions in the history of life and how we know about them, uncertainty about evolution would drop precipitously, creationist arguments would fall on deaf ears, and public education in biology would make much more sense than it now does. Macroevolution must take a much more prominent place in K-12 science teaching. To do so, a curriculum must be redeveloped at both K-12 and college levels, so that preparation in macroevolution is a required part of K-12 biology preparation.  相似文献   

金结合多肽及其在生物传感领域的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金结合多肽是近年来通过生物展示技术或人工设计所获得的一类可以特异性与金结合的多肽,因其良好的生物相容性及易修饰性,针对此类生物大分子的研究和应用成为包括生物传感在内的众多领域的研究热点。金结合多肽多用于生物传感器的敏感膜制备,具有识别分子有序定位、反应步骤少、条件温和、高灵敏度的优点。我们在简要总结金结合多肽的代表性序列及其与金的结合机理的前提下,评述了金结合多肽在生物传感领域的应用,着重论述了利用基因工程技术表达含有金结合多肽的融合蛋白这一敏感膜关键器件的方法途径。  相似文献   

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