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培养条件及贮藏温度和时间对木麻黄花粉萌发率的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用离体培养的方法研究了不同蔗糖、硼酸浓度,以及不同贮藏温度和贮藏时间对木麻黄(Casuarina)花粉萌发的影响.结果表明:15%的蔗糖是木麻黄花粉萌发的最佳浓度;在15%蔗糖培养基上添加硼酸显著促进木麻黄花粉萌发,250 mg kg-1硼酸是木麻黄花粉萌发的最佳浓度;添加了琼脂的固体培养基更有利于木麻黄花粉萌发;在常温下木麻黄生活力丧失很快,但低温下花粉的萌发力可保持较长时间.  相似文献   

景宁木兰花粉萌发与贮藏特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以景宁木兰的花粉为试材,采用花粉离体培养法,用单因子与正交试验研究不同浓度蔗糖、H3BO3、CaCl2所组成的基本培养基对景宁木兰花粉萌发的影响,同时探讨不同贮藏条件和贮藏时间对花粉活力的影响。结果表明:景宁木兰在30 g·L-1蔗糖+200 mg·L-1H3BO3+200 mg·L-1CaCl2的液体培养基上萌发率最高(74.56%)。低温条件下有利于景宁木兰花粉生活力的保持,在-80℃条件下,花粉生活力下降较慢,并且随着贮藏时间的增加,经过硅胶干燥的花粉的活力明显高于湿润花粉的活力。  相似文献   

甜柿巨大花粉萌发特征及辐射敏感性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以‘禅寺丸’(Diospyros kakiL.f)为试材,对巨大花粉萌发率,花粉管伸长,亲和性及辐射敏感性进行了研究。结果表明:(1)巨大花粉在培养基和柱头上正常萌发,不存在萌发及亲和性障碍;(2)巨大花粉萌发迟缓及低萌发率造成其与普通花粉受精竞争中处于劣势;(3)巨大花粉和普通花粉对^60Coγ-射线辐射敏感性有差异。巨大花粉的敏感性低于普通花粉,1200Gy为刺激巨大花粉萌发的适合剂量,同时可抑制普通花粉萌发,从而可相对提高巨大花粉的受精竞争力;(4)辐射延迟效应造成巨大花粉的萌发率在一定期间内有下降趋势。但自身的修复机制可部分恢复其生活力。  相似文献   

梓树属花粉生活力的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以梓树属楸树组3种楸树花粉为试材,采用固体培养基法进行离体培养,研究不同浓度蔗糖、硼酸对花粉萌发的影响,以确定最适宜培养基条件下最佳的培养时间.结果表明,3个种花粉的最佳离体萌发条件一致.培养基中含有20%的蔗糖、0.005%的硼酸时较适合3种楸树花粉萌发,楸树、灰楸和滇楸萌发率分别为28.34%、12.24%和60.22%;3个种的花粉最佳培养时间均为6 h;不同重复数之间萌发率差异不显著,以3个重复为宜.花粉种内单株之间萌发率差异显著,且滇楸花粉萌发率明显高于楸树和灰楸.  相似文献   

对辣椒感染TMV植株与健康植株花药中的游离琢磨一和花粉萌发力进行了比较研究,结果表明,染病毒植株花药中的游离脯氨酸含量和花粉萌发率均明显降低。  相似文献   

花粉内的多胺和外源多胺对花粉萌发和花粉管生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测定了不同生理状态下的油松花粉内的多胺含量,并研究了腐胺和精胺对十种不同植物花粉的萌发和花粉管生长的影响。三种多胺(腐胺、亚精胺和精胺)总量贮藏花粉中高于新鲜花粉,萌发花粉内相对不变。三种生理状态不同的花粉内,亚精胺含量均高于腐胺和精胺。腐胺对花粉荫发和花粉管生长的作用不明显,精胺一般表现为抑制作用,并随浓度而加强,还与植物品种、花粉成熟度、花粉萌发速度、花粉管生长速度和培养基中硼酸的有无有关。一般,容易萌发、成熟较充分,或正在迅速生长的花粉,以及培养基中有硼时受抑制轻。  相似文献   

为进行紫荆杂交育种和开发利用,以垂丝紫荆花粉为试材,利用离体培养法、3种染色法(醋酸洋红、TTC和碘-碘化钾染色)对花粉生活力进行测定,并分析不同贮藏温度和时间对花粉萌发的影响。结果显示,培养基中添加蔗糖和硼酸对花粉的萌发有促进作用,垂丝紫荆花粉萌发的适宜培养基为120 g/L蔗糖+40 mg/L硼酸,花粉萌发率达86.23%;醋酸洋红染色法适宜快速测定垂丝紫荆花粉生活力;垂丝紫荆花粉最佳的贮藏温度为 -196 ℃,经济的贮藏方法为-20 ℃。  相似文献   

杜鹃红山茶花粉萌发力及贮藏耐性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以2~3年生嫁接的杜鹃红山茶(Camellia azalea)花粉为实验材料,研究了不同培养基、不同培养温度对其萌发的影响,同时探讨了不同贮藏条件和贮藏时间下花粉生活力的差异。结果表明:杜鹃红山茶花粉在不同培养时间下其萌发率呈抛物线型,花粉在15%蔗糖+0.02%硼酸的培养基上萌发率最高,30℃的培养温度比25℃、20℃更适合杜鹃红山茶花粉萌发。-20℃冷冻保存和液氮保存都是适合杜鹃红山茶花粉长期保存的方式。  相似文献   

不同脱水处理对桔梗花粉离体萌发及贮藏性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对桔梗花粉离体萌发条件进行了筛选,并采用花粉离体萌发法测定了不同干燥方式和贮藏时间处理对桔梗花粉生活力的影响;同时采用人工授粉的方法研究了不同处理后桔梗花粉授粉结实能力的变化。结果表明:(1)30℃培养1.5h是桔梗花粉离体萌发和花粉管生长的最佳培养条件。(2)不同干燥方式、不同干燥时间处理后桔梗花粉萌发率和花粉管长度均有所下降,但下降幅度不同,其中以干燥箱45℃烘干处理1.5h~2h下降最少,其花粉耐藏性也有明显提高。(3)不同干燥方式处理桔梗花粉后其授粉结籽率的变化明显不同,阴置2h处理的花粉结籽率最低,而干燥器内放置6h、日晒2h和烘干1.5h处理后花粉结籽率略有变化;干燥处理后随贮藏时间的增加,其授粉结籽率均呈下降趋势,但45℃烘干1.5h处理的花粉结籽率下降速度最慢,其授粉结籽能力可保持5d左右。  相似文献   

基于Box-Behnken设计(Box-Behnken design,BBD)的响应面法,对绒毛白蜡(Fraxinus velutina)、新疆小叶白蜡(F.sogdiana)和美国白蜡(F.americana)3个树种花粉的离体萌发培养基成分进行了研究。以花粉萌发率为响应指标,建立了3种培养基成分(蔗糖、CaCl2和H3BO3)与花粉萌发率间的响应关系模型。在此基础上,通过无约束优化设计得到了3个树种花粉的最佳萌发条件。结果表明,蔗糖是影响花粉萌发的最主要因素,当蔗糖浓度一定时,CaCl2和H3BO3之间交互作用明显。同时还对响应面建模优化后得到的最佳萌发培养基进行了验证,结果表明:上述3种花粉的实际萌发率依次为58.33%、69.71%和59.42%,均与优化得到的理论响应值相吻合,同时也验证了基于BBD响应面模型进行花粉离体萌发条件优化方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Vasil , I. K. (Delhi U., Delhi, India.) Studies on pollen germination of certain Cucurbitaceae. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(4) : 239—247. Illus. 1960.—Pollen grains of 8 members of the family Cucurbitaceae were cultured in artificial nutrient media. Among the sugars, sucrose proved to be the best for germination of pollen. Although growth regulators, vitamins, antibiotics and some other chemical substances also improved germination of pollen and length of pollen tubes, the effect of boric acid (0.005—0.02%) and borax (0.01%) was most outstanding. The role of sugars and boron in the germination of pollen is discussed.  相似文献   

The nucellar beak is a proboscis-like outgrowth of the nucellus at the micropylar end, being the obligatory path for the pollen tube entering the ovule. Among the few angiosperm families with nucellar beak, Cucurbitaceae is remarkable because the pollen tube may develop at least two types of growth within the nucellar beak: tubular and ampulliform. Wondering about the possibility that Cucurbitaceae ovules may express some histological variation that could be related to pollen tube growth within the nucellar beak, we performed a compared anatomical and histochemical study of the nucellar beak and the pollen tube growth of ten species of Cucurbitaceae. Results show that Cucurbitaceae ovules are diverse in size and proportions (of integuments, nucellar body, and nucellar beak), and they have at least four types of nucellar beak histology: pectic-tracked, secretory-like, amylaceous, and mixed. Amylaceous and mixed nucellar beaks are related to the ampulliform growth of the pollen tube, which could have appeared independently in most derived tribes of Cucurbitaceae, although information about nucellar beak structure in the basal tribes is still needed. In addition, the understanding of the relation between amylaceous nucellar beaks and the ampulliform growth of the pollen tube, whose function is still to be discovered, might open the possibility of a unique model of pollen tube-ovule co-evolution in angiosperms.  相似文献   

对紫花含笑(Michelia crassipes)、灰岩含笑(M.calcicola)及其杂种F1代花粉生活力进行了研究,为基于紫花含笑和灰岩含笑杂种F1代的含笑属观赏植物新品种培育与种质创新提供科学数据及研究资料.研究发现,亲本(紫花含笑和灰岩含笑)新鲜花粉萌发率均可达90%以上,杂种F1代花粉萌发率从38%到79%不等,平均为57.7%,低于双亲.亲本及其杂种F1代花粉萌发的最适温度为25℃,温度过高花粉管的伸长受到抑制,并导致花粉管顶端破裂.亲本及多数杂种F1代的新鲜花粉在100 g/L和150 g/L的蔗糖浓度下萌发率都较高;经-20℃贮藏后的花粉对蔗糖浓度的敏感性要高于新鲜花粉.杂种F1代及其亲本的花粉在离体培养中均会出现双萌发管现象.番红染料对液体培养基中的花粉有致死和染色作用,有利于统计杂种F1代及其亲本的花粉萌发率.  相似文献   

The pollens of apple flowers have been treated with simulated acid rain solutions in range of pHs 2.9 to 5.0 in order to determine the threshold proportion values that lead the observed symptoms of detriments of acid rain. Compared to controls (pH 6.5), pollen germination decreased by 41.75% at pH 3.3 and pollen tube elongation decreased by 24.3% at pH 3.4. Acid rain threshold proportion value was around pH 3.3 and 3.4 for apple pollen germination and pollen tube elongation, respectively. Furthermore, pollen tube elongation was determined to be more sensitive to acid rain than pollen germination. The pH values below 3.1 resulted in complete destruction of pollen tubes. Pollen germination entirely stopped at around pH 3.0. Finally, it has been shown that the acid rain has a blocking effect on pollen germination and pollen tube elongation in apple. The conclusion is that not only pH value but also the quantity of acid rain is important factor in germination. The results were found statistically significant through the LSD test at levels of p < 0.05 and p < 0.01.  相似文献   

山玉兰花粉离体萌发和花粉管生长特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山玉兰(Magnolia delavayi)是木兰科木兰属的常绿乔木或大型灌木,是重要的园林造景、庭院绿化素材,也是重要的育种资源。山玉兰花粉的研究对其杂交育种的成败具有重要影响,但目前尚未见其花粉活力的相关报道。该研究以新鲜的山玉兰花粉为对象,采用悬滴培养法分析了温度、光照以及培养液的蔗糖和硼酸浓度对山玉兰花粉萌发的影响。结果表明:(1)山玉兰花粉萌发时,最适宜的温度为27℃。(2)光暗条件下,山玉兰花粉以浓度为5%的蔗糖培养效果最佳,其萌发率在16%以上;而硼酸浓度则以0.001%的培养效果最佳。(3)蔗糖与硼酸共同作用可有效促进花粉萌发和花粉管生长。其中,在光照条件下,以5.0%蔗糖+0.001%硼酸为最适宜的培养液,花粉萌发率达41.27%,花粉管长达281.49μm;而在黑暗条件下,则以5.0%蔗糖+0.01%硼酸为最适宜的培养液,花粉萌发率达45.71%,花粉管长达254.00μm。该研究结果为进一步开展人工辅助授粉、发掘山玉兰的种质资源工作奠定了基础。  相似文献   

钙调素对花粉萌发和花粉管生长的效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛脑和玉米胚CaM能显著促进花粉萌发和花粉管生长(图1),而CaM抑制剂TFP、CPZ及另外两个专一性更强的抑制剂Compound48/80和W7均严重抑制甚至阻止花粉的萌发(图2,3)。用对CaM亲和性较低的W7同系物W5,在与W7同样浓度下,对花粉萌发和花粉管生长无明显影响。此外,W7对花粉萌发和花粉管生长的抑制效应可被外源CaM所消除(图4)。在花粉萌发过程中,其内源CaM含量显著上升,在花粉萌发率接近最大值时,花粉CaM含量达最高水平(图5)。上述结果表明CaM对花粉萌发和花粉管生长的调控起重要作用。  相似文献   

Summary We tested pollen from four tomato cultivars differing in sensitivity to aluminum in the sporophyte to determine if Al sensitivity was also expressed in pollen. Pollen sensitivity to Al was measured by the ability to germinate and grow in a control solution after a short period in a high concentration of Al. The response was ranked and compared to the Al sensitivity ranking of the four cultivars based on top growth in Al toxic soil. In addition, seedlings from the most and least sensitive cultivars, based on pollen germination, were compared for Al sensitivity in nutrient solutions. Treatment with Al significantly reduced pollen germination in the two more sensitive cultivars, but not in the two more resistant cultivars. However, the ranking was not the same as that based on the shoot growth of the sporophyte. Root growth as a criterion of sporophytic Al sensitivity produced results similar to pollen germination. The study suggests that although the correspondence is better for some phenotypic responses of the sporophyte than others, Al tolerance appears to be another character expressed in both pollen and sporophyte.  相似文献   

Flavonol-deficient petunia pollen [conditionally male fertile (CMF) pollen] is unable to germinate but application of nanomolar concentrations of flavonol aglycones completely restores function (Mo et al. 1992). In this study a chemically synthesized radioactive flavonol, [4′-O-14C]kaempferide, was used as a model compound to study the metabolism of flavonols during the first few hours of pollen germination. [4′-O-14C] Kaempferide was as efficient at inducing CMF pollen germination as kaempferol and quercetin, the aglycone form of the endogenous flavonols in petunia pollen. Analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of extracts from both in-vitro-germinated pollen and the germination medium showed that more than 95% of the applied radioactivity was recovered as three kaempferide 3-O-glycosides and unmetabolized kaempferide; no flavonol catabolites were detected. Only HPLC fractions that contained the aglycone, or produced it upon acid hydrolysis, could induce CMF pollen germination in vitro. Structurally diverse flavonols could be classified according to how efficiently the aglycone was internalized and glycosylated during pollen germination. The ability of an individual flavonol to restore germination correlated with the total uptake of flavonols but not with the amount of glycoside formed in the pollen. Thus this study reinforces the conclusion that flavonol aglycones are the active compound for inducing pollen germination. Received: 4 November 1996/Accepted: 4 December 1996  相似文献   

Tomato pollen when treated with 24-epibrassinolide (EBR), it was observed that in vitro pollen germination was more tolerant to high temperature. A significantly higher in vitro pollen germination, enhanced tube growth and low pollen bursting were observed in presence of EBR at 35 degrees C. Since a preconditioning treatment of tomato plant was not required for these effects, it is concluded that EBR treatment increased basic thermotolerance of germinating pollen. This study provided the first evidence for EBR induced thermotolerance in germinating pollen.  相似文献   

María C Tellería 《Grana》2013,52(4):244-248
In order to determine the plants foraged by solitary Ptilothrix relata, the pollen content of food provisions was identified. The main pollen types confirm foraging by these bees on Malvaceae, Asteraceae and Onagraceae. Pollen sources belonging to Cucurbitaceae, Dipsacaceae and Portulacaceae families enrich the harvesting range of P. relata. According to the preliminary results, these bees can be considered more as narrowly polylectic than oligolectic because they collect pollen from a few unrelated species. Among the most abundant pollen collected, two major morphological types were recognized: (1) pollen with long spines (4–25?μm), many single apertures and large size (115–135?μm of diameter); and (2) tricolporate pollen with viscin threads.  相似文献   

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