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施加外源烯土元素对土壤中氮形态转化和有效性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过温室土培试验,测定了施加不同剂量农用稀土微肥(常乐)后不同采样时间的土壤有效N-NH^ 4-N,NO^-3,N含量和土壤脲酶活性,结果表明,当外源烯土施入量较大时,土壤有效N和NH^ 4-N含量明显降低,而土壤NO^-3的变化不显著,根据化学品安全性评价方法,实验确定外源稀土对土壤NH^ 4-N和有效N浓度影响的无观察效应浓度(NOEC)应为5mg.kg^-1风干土,实验观察到土壤NH^ 4-N含量的降低与土壤脲酶活性的抑制之间有较好的相关性(R^2=0.87),外源稀土对土壤N形态转化和有效性产生影响的主要原因之一,是外源稀土施放量较高时抑制了土壤脲酶参与下的氨化作用,土壤生态系统可以通过自适应过程进行自我调节,恢复N供给的能力。  相似文献   

城市污泥和土壤中苯并(a)芘的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用GC/MS技术对我国11个城市污泥和4种土壤中的苯并(a)芘进行研究,探讨苯并(a)芘在城市污泥和土壤中的含量和分布特征,结果表明,城市污泥中苯并(a)芘的含量在0.007-0.578mg.kg^-1之间,平均为1.272mg/kg^-1,绝大部分低于1.0mg/kg^-1,但在珠海和北京污泥中超过我国农用污泥的控制标准,褐土,水稻土和石灰性土中苯并(a)芘的含量分别为2.138,0.782和0.664mg.kg^-1,在赤红壤中未检出,城市污泥中苏并(a)芘含量与污水来源,污水处理方式和污泥类型等因素有关,土壤中苯并(a)芘含量与母质,大气污染,污水灌溉,污泥农用等因素有关。  相似文献   

不同镉水平下小麦对镉及矿质养分吸收和积累的品种间差异   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:24  
土壤Cd污染不仅影响作物的生长发育和产量形成,也对食物安全产生了潜在威胁,本试验以苗期生长特性有明显差异的2个小麦品种为供试材料,设置0、0.03、0.1、0.3和1.0mg.kg^-1Cd等5种处理水平,研究不同Cd水平下两品种的生长和Cd及矿质养分吸收,结果表明,低浓度Cd(0.03mg.kg^-1)对两品种的生长和干物质积累有明显的促进作用,而高浓度Cd(>0.3mg.kg^-1)则显著抑制生长,且受抑制程度与品种有关,甘谷534的耐性相对较强;地上部和根系的Cd含量,Cd处理水平与品种之间存在着显著的互作,低Cd水平下(<0.1mg.kg^-1),甘谷534的Cd含量较高,而高Cd水平下,则以鄂81513的Cd含量较高;Cd处理显著影响矿质养分的吸收,鄂81513在0.1mg.kg^-1Cd水平下5种大量元素含量明显低于对照,而甘谷534变化相对较小,这与两品种生长和分蘖对Cd处理的反应表现一致。  相似文献   

温度和湿度对长白山两种林型下土壤氮矿化的影响   总被引:52,自引:7,他引:45  
在实验室条件下,将不同含水量的两种森林类型的土柱分别置于5,15,25,和35℃条件下培养30d,分析培养前后的NH^ 4-N和NO^-3含量,确定土壤的净矿化速率,结果表明,在温度为5-35℃范围内,N的矿化速率与温度呈正相关,在一定的含水量范围内(0.46-0.54kg.kg^-1),净矿化速率随湿度的增加而升高,当含水量超过该范围,净矿化速率则随含量而降低,温度和湿度对土壤的矿化和硝化过程存在较明显的交互作用,建立了二维的方程(T,θ)来描述温度和湿度对土壤N矿化速率的影响,阔叶红松林土壤N矿化的最佳条件是温度35℃,含水量0.51kg.kg^-1,云冷杉林土壤N矿化的最佳条件是35℃,含水量0.52kg.kg^-1.  相似文献   

铜尾矿库区土壤与植物中重金属形态分析   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:21  
对铜陵铜尾矿区土壤和植物中重金属形态进行了研究.结果表明,尾矿库区种植地极端贫瘠,有机质含量仅2.6~.8 g·kg-1,而土壤Cu、Cd、Pb、Zn含量皆高于对照土壤,其中Cu含量达809.30~1 39.4 mg·kg-1,Cd含量达3.2~6.3 mg·kg-1,达到对照土壤30~60倍.结缕草和三叶草体内重金属含量与土壤重金属交换态及有机结合态含量成正相关,与碳酸盐结合态、铁锰氧化物结合态成显著或极显著负相关,与矿物态含量相关性不显著.在两种优势植物中,Cu、Zn、Pb均以活性较低的醋酸提取态、盐酸提取态和残渣态为主;Zn在根系和茎叶中,NaCl提取态占有较大比例,而Cd均以NaCl提取态为主.  相似文献   

N、P、K肥对香根草修复土壤镉、锌污染效率的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过盆栽试验研究在30 mg/kg镉(Cd)污染土壤条件下N[CO(NH2)2:100、200、300 mg/kg土]、P(P2O5:50、100、200 mg/kg土)和K(KCl:100、200、300 mg/kg土)处理对香根草修复土壤Cd和锌(Zn)污染效率的影响。结果表明:3种N处理能促进香根草地上部生长,而且显著提高地上部特别是叶的Cd和Zn含量,导致其修复效率成倍显著增加;200 mg/kg K处理显著提高Zn修复效率,但300 mg/kg K和50、200 mg/kg P处理却显著降低Cd、Zn修复效率。因此,为改善香根草对较贫瘠土壤中Cd、Zn污染的修复效率,应对香根草适施N肥,并控制或者不施P、K肥为佳。  相似文献   

施用污泥对土壤重金属形态分布和生物有效性的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用盆栽技术和BCR连续浸提法研究了污泥的添加对土壤Cd、Pb、Cu和Zn形态分布的影响及重金属在黑麦草-施污泥土壤中迁移转化规律.结果表明:污泥的添加使土壤中生物有效态的Cd和Zn含量显著增加,生物有效态Pb含量显著降低,残渣态Pb的比例较CK增加了33.3%~74.5%,而可交换态和可还原态Cu含量在污泥与土壤添加比为1∶1时,仅占总量的0.7%和0.2%.污泥的添加能促进黑麦草对Cd、Cu和Zn的吸收,抑制对Pb的吸收.多元线性回归分析结果表明,黑麦草体内Cd、Zn和Cu含量分别与土壤中可还原态Cd、Zn和可氧化态Cu含量存在正相关,草体中Pb的含量则受土壤中可交换态和可氧化态Pb含量共同影响.种植黑麦草后根际土中可氧化态Cd和Cu分别向可交换态Cd和残渣态Cu转化,可交换态和可还原态Zn向可氧化态Zn转化,Pb的生物有效性基本未受影响.  相似文献   

为了给笋用竹林土壤合理补充养分提供科学依据,以红哺鸡竹(Phyllostachys iridescens)为对象,开展了长期施用不同肥料(生物有机肥、复合肥、菜籽饼肥和不施肥(对照))竹林2年生立竹叶片C、N、P化学计量学特征的研究。结果表明:叶片C、N、P含量分别为514.26~582.77、18.25~30.20、1.20~1.75mg·g-1,施肥竹林均极显著或显著高于对照竹林,以施菜籽饼肥竹林叶片C含量最高,施生物有机肥竹林叶片N、P含量最高;叶片C:N、C:P分别为18.71~35.02、304.41~458.52,总体上施肥竹林较对照竹林极显著降低,施肥竹林N、P养分利用效率显著降低;叶片N:P为15.28~17.12,相对稳定,施肥竹林与对照竹林无显著差异;叶片N、P含量呈极显著正相关,N含量与N:P相关性不显著,而P含量与N:P呈极显著负相关。  相似文献   

不同施肥措施对黄河上游灌区油葵田土壤N2O排放的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
农田土壤已成为大气氧化亚氮(N2O)最大的人为释放源,为了解长期有机肥与无机肥配施对后茬作物土壤N2O排放的影响,本研究基于宁夏河套地区典型冬小麦-油葵复种农田生态系统,利用静态箱-气相色谱法对后茬作物(油葵)种植期内土壤N2O通量特征进行了测定.结果表明:前茬施肥对后茬油葵土壤N2O排放具有显著的刺激效应,N300-OM(210kg N·hm-2无机肥、90 kg N·hm-2有机肥)、N240-OM1/2(195 kg N·hm-2无机肥、45 kg N·hm-2有机肥)、N300(300 kg N·hm-2无机肥)和N240(240 kg N·hm-2无机肥)处理下土壤N2O生长季平均通量为(34.16!9.72)、(39.69!10.70)、(27.75!9.57)和(26.31!8.52)μg·m-2·h-1,分别是对照样地的4.09、4.75、3.32、3.15倍.施肥处理下油葵生长季内N2O总累积排放量高达1242.5~796.7 g·hm-2,是对照组的4.67~2.99倍;在整个生长季,有机肥与无机肥配施处理N2O排放速率都维持在较高水平,各月累积排放量间无显著差异;而单施化肥处理N2O排放速率逐渐下降,生长季初期为主要排放阶段,7月累积排放量占总排放量的41.3%~41.8%;不同施肥方式下,有机肥与无机肥配施处理N2O总累积排放量显著高于单施化肥,但相同施肥方式下高氮量处理与减氮优化处理(N300-OM与N240-OM1/2,N300与N240)间差异不显著.受干旱影响,土壤水分是控制油葵田土壤N2O排放的主要环境因素.有机肥与无机肥配施处理下N2O排放速率与NH4+-N含量呈显著正相关,而所有处理下N2O排放速率与土壤NO3--N含量均不相关,表明添加有机肥会持续改善土壤NH4+-N供给进而增加N2O排放.  相似文献   

城市土壤磷素特性及其与地下水磷浓度的关系   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
采集了8个南京市的城区土壤剖面及同位置地下水样品,进行了P素特性的研究,结果表明,城市土壤的全P,有效P和可溶性P含量分别为1.26-11.41g.kg^-1,19.48-166.74mg.kg^-1和0.5、-5.41mg.kg^-1,远高于相同地区的农业土壤,土壤有效P与全P呈极显著正相关,土壤可溶性P与全P,有效P的相关性达到极显著水平,而土壤有机C,全N与土壤全P,有效P,可溶性P不相关,城市地下水中溶解态P和总P的浓度分别为0.010-1.759mg/L^-1和0.079-1.876mg.L^-1,它们之间呈极显著相关性,地下水中溶解态P,总P浓度与土壤剖面全P,有效P,可溶性P的加权平均值的相关性达到极显著或显著水平。  相似文献   

构树是我国重要速生经济树种,具有适应性强、生物量大和重金属富集能力强等优点,而污泥中含有大量养分和重金属,在污泥中种植构树有望同时实现污泥生态修复和构树资源生产。本研究通过盆栽试验,分析在对照(赤红壤)、50%污泥(污泥、赤红壤混合基质,重量比各50%)和100%污泥基质中构树生长及不同部位(根、茎、叶)养分和重金属吸收累积特征,并通过主成分分析和隶属度函数对吸收累积能力进行综合评价。结果表明: 构树在50%和100%污泥中均可正常生长且株高、生物量显著高于对照,在100%污泥中长势最好,质量指数(1.02)分别是对照和50%污泥处理的4.3和2.4倍。50%和100%污泥处理构树各部位N含量和茎P含量显著高于对照,100%污泥处理构树茎、叶K含量显著低于对照。构树对Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Ni的吸收部位以根为主,根系重金属含量与污泥比例呈正相关,叶Pb、Cd含量符合《饲料卫生标准》(GB 13078—2017)。构树对Cd的吸收累积效果好于其他重金属元素。与对照相比,50%和100%污泥处理构树根部Zn、Pb、Cd滞留率显著提高(57.8%~85.8%),100%污泥处理构树根部Cu、Ni滞留率显著提高(67.5%和74.8%)。污泥处理全株养分和重金属累积量均显著大于对照,其中100%污泥处理显著大于50%污泥处理。与50%污泥处理相比,100%污泥处理构树各部位及全株养分和重金属累积量大幅提高。不同处理下构树污泥适应性和元素吸收累积的综合评价得分为100%污泥(0.848)>50%污泥(0.344)>对照(0.080)。构树对污泥具有良好的适应性,在纯污泥中能够正常生长并具有较强的吸收累积养分和重金属能力,可在修复污泥的同时进行构树资源生产。  相似文献   

林地利用被认为是污泥资源化利用的重要方式,但施用污泥对林木根系生长的影响报道较少。本研究通过根箱试验,分析表施和混施10%污泥对速生树种团花不同土层根系形态、土壤pH值和电导率动态变化及根系重金属含量的影响,并拟合土壤pH值、电导率和根系重金属含量与根长的关系。结果表明: 与不施污泥(对照)相比,混施污泥显著抑制了团花根长、根表面积和根体积增长,混施污泥120和240 d后,0~20 cm土层总根长分别为不施污泥的76.9%和67.4%;表施污泥对团花根长和根表面积的影响不显著,但显著提高了根体积。混施污泥显著提高了土壤pH值和电导率及根系重金属含量,混施污泥0~20和20~40 cm土层根系镉含量分别是不施污泥的11.5和10.0倍。线性回归拟合分析显示,不同处理0~20 cm土层的电导率与根长均呈显著负相关;表施和混施污泥根系镉含量与根长呈极显著负相关。上述结果表明,混施污泥抑制了团花根系生长,这可能是由于混施污泥提高了土壤电导率和根系镉含量所致,而表施污泥对团花根系生长的作用不明显。  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to assess the suitability of sewage sludge amendment (SSA) in soil for Beta vulgaris var. saccharifera (sugar beet) by evaluating the heavy metal accumulation and physiological responses of plants grown at a 10%, 25%, and 50% sewage sludge amendment rate. The sewage sludge amendment was modified by the physicochemical properties of soil, thus increasing the availability of heavy metals in the soil and consequently increasing accumulation in plant parts. Cd, Pb, Ni, and Cu concentrations in roots were significantly higher in plants grown at 25% as compared to 50% SSA; however, Cr and Zn concentration was higher at 50% than 25% SSA. The concentrations of heavy metal showed a trend of Zn > Ni > Cu > Cr > Pb > Cd in roots and Zn > Cu > Ni > Cr > Pb > Cd in leaves. The only instance in which the chlorophyll content did not increase after the sewage sludge treatments was 50%. There were approximately 1.12-fold differences between the control and 50% sewage sludge application for chlorophyll content. The sewage sludge amendment led to a significant increase in Pb, Cr, Cd, Cu, Zn, and Ni concentrations of the soil. The heavy metal accumulation in the soil after the treatments did not exceed the limits for the land application of sewage sludge recommended by the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). The increased concentration of heavy metals in the soil due to the sewage sludge amendment led to increases in heavy metal uptake and the leaf and root concentrations of Ni, Zn, Cd, Cu, Cr, Pb, and Zn in plants as compared to those grown on unamended soil. More accumulation occurred in roots and leaves than in shoots for most of the heavy metals. The concentrations of Cd, Cr, and Pb were more than the permissible limits of national standards in the edible portion of sugar beet grown on different sewage sludge amendment ratios. The study concludes that the sewage sludge amendment in the soil for growing sugar beet may not be a good option due to risk of contamination of Cr, Pb, and Cd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the data from two years of experiments concerned with the application of aerobically-digested sewage sludge, anaerobic lagoon septic sludge, sewage sludge compost or fertilizer to soils for grass forage and feed corn (Zea mays L.) production at two different sites 45 km from Truro, Nova Scotia. Crop yields, plant tissue and Mehlich-1 extractable soil nutrients were evaluated; 15 elements were analyzed in the plant tissue and nine elements in the soil extracts. This paper describes the results of crop yields, plant N, P and K content and Mehlich-1 extractable P and K. The research demonstrated the fertilizer produced higher yields of grass forage than the sludge and the compost but equivalent to the sludge in corn yields. Forage and corn N, P and K contents, however, varied with treatment, crop and year, while the compost-amended soils were highest in extractable nutrients. Both sludges and the compost, therefore, could be effective sources of N, P and K for crop production. Compared to the conventional fertilizer, the nutrient availability from the organic amendments (especially N and P) was considerably lower than the 50% assumed at the start of the experiment; the sludges however, provided higher nutrient availability than the compost.  相似文献   

Tannery sludge contains valuable nutrients and could be used as a fertilizer to pioneering vegetation in heavily eroded soils of the semi-arid highlands of central Mexico. Soil collected under and outside the canopy of mesquite (Prosopis laeviginata), huizache (Acacia tortuoso) and catclaw (Mimosa biuncifera), and cultivated with maize (Zea mays) and beans (Phaesolus vulgaris) was amended with 1.5 g tannery sludge kg-1 soil or 210 kg dry sludge ha-1 or left unamended. Amended and unamended soils were incubated aerobically for 70 days at 22 +/- 2 degrees C and CO2 production, available P, and inorganic N concentrations were monitored. The CO2 production rate, total C and P, available P, biomass C and P were larger under the canopy of the vegetation than outside of the canopy. The soils were depleted of N as more than 50 mg N kg-1 soil could not be accounted for in the first days of the incubation. Nitrification showed a lag, which lasted 28 days, and concentration of available P remained constant or increased slightly. Application of tannery sludge to soil increased CO2 production with 6.5 mg CO2 kg-1 soil d-1 and inorganic N with 30 mg N kg-1 soil after 70 days, but available P did not increase. Application of tannery sludge increased C and N mineralization and could thus provide valuable nutrients to a pioneer vegetation. Although no inhibitory effects on the biological functioning of the soil were found, further investigation into possible long-term environmental effects are necessary.  相似文献   

Leaching column experiments were conducted to determine the degree of mobility and the distribution of zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb) because of an application of spiked sewage sludge in calcareous soils. A total of 20 leaching columns were set up for four calcareous soils. Each column was leached with one of these inflows: sewage sludge (only for two soils), spiked sewage sludge, or artificial well water (control). The columns were irrigated with spiked sewage sludge containing 8.5 mg Zn l?1, 8.5 mg Cd l?1, and 170 mg Pb l?1 and then allowed to equilibrate for 30 days. At the end of leaching experiments, soil samples from each column were divided into 18 layers, each being 1 cm down to 6 cm and 2 cm below that, and analyzed for total and extractable Zn, Cd and Pb. The fractionation of the heavy metals in the top three layers of the surface soil samples was investigated by the sequential extraction method. Spiked sewage sludge had little effect on metal mobility. In all soils, the surface soil layers (0-1 cm) of the columns receiving spiked sewage sludge had significantly higher concentrations of total Zn, Cd and Pb than control soils. Concentration of the heavy metals declined significantly with depth. The mobility of Zn was usually greater than Cd and Pb. The proportion of exchangeable heavy metals in soils receiving spiked sewage sludge was significantly higher than that found in the control columns. Sequential extraction results showed that in native soils the major proportion of Zn and Pb was associated with residual (RES) and organic matter (OM) fractions and major proportion of Cd was associated with carbonate (CARB) fraction, whereas after leaching with spiked sewage sludge, the major proportion of Zn and Pb was associated with Fe-oxcide (FEO), RES, and CARB fractions and major proportion of Cd was associated with CARB, RES and exchangeable (EXCH) fractions. Based on relative percent, Cd in the EXCH fraction was higher than Zn and Pb in soils leached with spiked sewage sludge.  相似文献   

城市污泥土地利用研究   总被引:159,自引:2,他引:157  
通过培养试验、盆栽试验和田间试验系统地研究了污泥的组分特征、性质及其农地和城市园林绿化地利用对作物或绿化灌木、土壤肥力及其环境的影响,结果表明,污泥富含有机质和氮磷养分,且养分当季有效性介于化肥农家肥之间。施用污泥将明显提高土壤肥力,表现改善土壤物理性质;增加土壤肥机质和氮磷水平,并增加土壤生物活性,因此施用污泥的处理作物产量较高,并有利于后茬作物的稳健生长。但污泥施用也存在重金属、病原物等污染  相似文献   

Industrial areas are characterised by soil degradation processes that are related primarily to the deposition of heavy metals. Areas contaminated with metals are a serious source of risk due to secondary pollutant emissions and metal leaching and migration in the soil profile and into the groundwater. Consequently, the optimal solution for these areas is to apply methods of remediation that create conditions for the restoration of plant cover and ensure the protection of groundwater against pollution. Remediation activities that are applied to large-scale areas contaminated with heavy metals should mainly focus on decreasing the degree of metal mobility in the soil profile and metal bioavailability to levels that are not phytotoxic. Chemophytostabilisation is a process in which soil amendments and plants are used to immobilise metals. The main objective of this research was to investigate the effects of different doses of organic amendments (after aerobic sewage sludge digestion in the food industry) and inorganic amendments (lime, superphosphate, and potassium phosphate) on changes in the metals fractions in soils contaminated with Cd, Pb and Zn during phytostabilisation. In this study, the contaminated soil was amended with sewage sludge and inorganic amendments and seeded with grass (tall fescue) to increase the degree of immobilisation of the studied metals. The contaminated soil was collected from the area surrounding a zinc smelter in the Silesia region of Poland (pH 5.5, Cd 12 mg kg-1, Pb 1100 mg kg-1, Zn 700 mg kg-1). A plant growth experiment was conducted in a growth chamber for 5 months. Before and after plant growth, soil subsamples were subjected to chemical and physical analyses. To determine the fractions of the elements, a sequential extraction method was used according to Zeien and Brümmer. Research confirmed that the most important impacts on the Zn, Cd and Pb fractions included the combined application of sewage sludge from the food industry and the addition of lime and potassium phosphate. Certain doses of inorganic additives decreased the easily exchangeable fraction from 50% to 1%. The addition of sewage sludge caused a decrease in fraction I for Cd and Pb. In combination with the use of inorganic additives, a mobile fraction was not detected and an easily mobilisable fraction was reduced by half. For certain combinations of metals, the concentrations were detected up to a few percent. The application of sewage sludge resulted in a slight decrease in a mobile (water soluble and easily exchangeable metals) fraction of Zn, but when inorganic additives were applied, this fraction was not detected. The highest degree of immobilisation of the tested heavy metals relative to the control was achieved when using both sewage sludge and inorganic additives at an experimentally determined dose. The sequential extraction results confirmed this result. In addition, the results proved that the use of the phytostabilisation process on contaminated soils should be supported.  相似文献   

土壤水分变化对玉米苗期吸收积累镉的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
黄益宗  朱永官  童依平  胡莹  刘云霞 《生态学报》2004,24(12):2832-2836
采用土壤盆栽试验研究不同土壤水分含量对玉米苗期吸收积累 Cd的影响。试验结果表明 ,玉米生物量及其吸收 Cd量在玉米不同的生长时期差异较大。2 2 d收获时 ,玉米地上部和地下部生物量均随着田间持水量 (35 %~ 85 % )的增加而提高 ;而 16 d收获时 ,玉米生物量在田间持水量为 35 %和 85 %时比在其它水分时低许多。 16 d和 2 2 d收获时 ,玉米地上部 Cd含量在田间持水量 5 5 %时分别达到最大值 ,5 5 .4 1mg/ kg和 39.33mg/ kg;而在田间持水量 85 %时分别达最小值 ,2 7.97mg/ kg和 2 3.5 2 m g/kg。在玉米根系的影响下 ,土壤溶液 Cd含量基本上随着玉米的不断生长而降低。田间持水量为 6 5 %时的土壤溶液 Cd含量比田间持水量为 75 %和 85 %时大。玉米总吸 Cd量与水分蒸腾量之间呈极显著的线性正相关关系  相似文献   

印度芥菜-苜蓿间作对镉胁迫的生态响应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用温室盆栽试验,研究了重金属镉(Cd)胁迫对印度芥菜和苜蓿间作下的土壤-植物系统的影响,同时对苜蓿的Cd饲用安全进行了评估.结果表明:在土壤Cd含量为0.37~20.37 mg·kg-1范围内,与单作印度芥菜和苜蓿相比,间作使印度芥菜生物量降低了0.4%~11.8%,而使苜蓿生物量提高了55.3%~70.0%.土壤有效Cd主要受土壤全量Cd和种植植物种类的影响,种植方式对其影响不大.在土壤Cd含量为5.37 mg·kg-1时,间作印度芥菜地上部Cd含量较单作提高了14.5%,而间作苜蓿地上部Cd含量较单作降低了57.1%;此时,单作和间作苜蓿地上部Cd含量分别为0.21和0.09 mg·kg-1,均未超过饲料卫生限定标准(0.5 mg·kg-1).在土壤Cd含量为10.37~20.37 mg·kg-1范围内,虽然单作和间作苜蓿Cd含量均超过饲料卫生限定标准,但间作种植方式仍然使苜蓿地上部Cd含量较单作降低了2.8%~48.3%,印度芥菜地上部Cd含量也较单作降低了1.1%~48.6%.不论单作还是间作印度芥菜的Cd转运系数都远高于苜蓿.  相似文献   

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